Resumen Introducción: una de las barreras al acceso a la vacunación contra las enfermedades infecciosas es la reticencia a la vacunación, la cual suele medirse o asociarse a una poca disposición para vacunarse, actitudes antivacunas o la probabilidad reportada de obtener una vacuna. Sin embargo, no existe un consenso en la forma en la cual este constructo es medido. Objetivo: el propósito de este artículo es identificar las propiedades psicométricas y la estructura factorial de la nueva Escala Dispvac en una muestra colombiana. Método: se realizó un diseño psicométrico para identificar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala con una muestra de 1131 participantes (masculino: 37.30%, femenino 61.90%, otro: 0.79%; media edad: 25.84, SD edad: 10.19), a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio, un análisis factorial confirmatorio, un análisis de fiabilidad y la validez convergente. Resultados: se sugieren dos factores: actitudes cognitivas hacia la vacunación y legitimidad percibida de las autoridades al requerir la vacunación que comprende la prueba. La prueba Dispvac se correlaciona de manera negativa con la Escala VAX. Conclusiones: los dos factores que comprenden la Escala Dispvac sugieren que la intención a vacunarse implica también creencias sobre la autoridad/instituciones en vacunación.
Abstract Introduction: One of the main barriers to access to vaccination against infectious diseases is vaccine hesitancy, which is usually measured or associated to a low disposition to receive vaccination, anti-vaccine attitudes or the reported probability to receive a vaccine. However, there is no consensus in the way this construct is measured. Objective: The objective of this study it to identify the psychometric properties and the factorial structure of the Scale Dispvac in a Colombian sample. Method: To this goal, a psychometric design was made to identify the psychometric properties of the new scale making use of 1131 participants (male: 37.30%, female: 61.90%, other: 0.79%; age mean: 25.84, age SD: 10.19), through a convenience sampling. We conducted an exploratory factorial analysis, a confirmatory factorial analysis, a reliability analysis, and the convergent validity. Results: Two factors are suggested: Cognitive attitudes towards vaccination and perceived legitimacy of authorities to require vaccination. The Dispvac Scale is negatively correlated with the VAX Scale. Conclusions: The mentioned factors suggest that intention to vaccinate also implies beliefs on the authority in vaccination.
Resumen El modelo de cinco factores de la Escala de Actitud hacia la Estadística (EAE-25) propuesta por Auzmendi (1992), para medir la predisposición de los alumnos hacia los contenidos estadísticos, ha sido cuestionada en distintas investigaciones. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la EAE-25 en una muestra de 291 estudiantes mexicanos de la licenciatura en Psicología. La validez y confiabilidad de la escala fueron examinadas mediante Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) y el alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados del AFC muestran indicios parciales de estabilidad, cinco ítems fueron eliminados, pero permanecen los cinco factores originales. La escala así configurada muestra una consistencia interna aceptable, los ítems se relacionan positivamente entre sí en cada factor y cada ítem distingue a los universitarios de acuerdo con su actitud favorable y desfavorable hacia la estadística, así como a los de rendimiento alto de los de rendimiento bajo. Por tal motivo, la escala EAE-20 se presenta como un instrumento válido y confiable, de fácil acceso, implementación e interpretación para evaluar las actitudes hacia la estadística en estudiantes universitarios por parte de profesores e investigadores interesados en el tema.
Abstract The five-factor model of the Attitude Scale towards Statistics (EAE-25) proposed by Auzmendi (1992) to measure the predisposition of students towards statistical content has been questioned in different researches. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the EAE-25 in a sample of 291 Mexican undergraduate students in Psychology. The validity and reliability of the scale were examine using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Cronbach's alpha. The results of the AFC show partial signs of stability, five items were eliminated, but the five original factors remain. The scale configured in this way shows an acceptable internal consistency, the items are positively related to each other in each factor and each item distinguishes between university students according to their favorable and unfavorable attitude towards statistics, as well as those with high performance from those with low performance. For this reason, the EAE-20 is presented as a valid and reliable instrument, easily accessible, implementation and interpretation to assess the attitudes towards statistics in university students by professors and researchers interested in this topic.
Introducción. En la adolescencia, se comienzan a tomar decisiones autónomas sobre la salud. En la vacunación intervienen dimensiones contextuales, grupales y relativas a cada vacuna. Se busca conocer el proceso de información, confianza y decisión de vacunarse contra COVID-19 en adolescentes usuarios de un centro de salud en Buenos Aires. Objetivos. Identificar ámbitos y canales a través de los cuales los adolescentes accedieron a información sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19 en un centro de salud de Buenos Aires. Describir sus opiniones respecto a los distintos discursos sobre vacunación. Describir su participación en la vacunación contra COVID-19. Identificar barreras y facilitadores respecto del acceso a la vacunación contra COVID-19 en esta población. Población y métodos. Investigación cualitativa. Se hicieron entrevistas semiestructuradas a adolescentes usuarios del efector. La muestra fue heterogénea; su tamaño se definió por saturación teórica. Se realizó un análisis temático de los datos. Resultados. Se realizaron 14 entrevistas. Los entrevistados recibieron información sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19 de sus familias, la televisión y las redes sociales. Todos recibieron tanto publicidad oficial como discursos reticentes a la vacunación. Analizaron la información recibida y formaron opinión autónoma. Su decisión sobre vacunarse no siempre fue respetada. La desconfianza, la baja percepción del riesgo, el temor a las inyecciones, las barreras administrativas y geográficas fueron motivos de no vacunación. Conclusiones. Se requieren estrategias de comunicación destinadas a adolescentes que promuevan su participación en el acceso a la vacunación.
Introduction. During adolescence, individuals start to make autonomous decisions about their health. Vaccination involves contextual, group, and vaccine-specific dimensions. We sought to know the information, trust, and decision to receive the COVID-19 vaccine among adolescents who attended a healthcare center in Buenos Aires. Objectives. To identify settings and channels through which adolescents accessed information about the COVID-19 vaccine at a healthcare center in Buenos Aires. To describe their opinions about the different statements on vaccination. To describe their participation in COVID-19 vaccination. To identify barriers and facilitators to COVID-19 vaccination in this population. Population and methods. Qualitative study. Semi-structured interviews with adolescents who attended this healthcare facility. The sample was heterogeneous; the sample size was estimated by theoretical saturation. A thematic analysis of data was done. Results. A total of 14 interviews were conducted. Interviewees obtained information about the COVID-19 vaccine from their families, TV, and social media. All received information from both official campaigns and anti-vaccine communications. They analyzed the information they received and formed their own opinion. Their decision about the vaccine was not always respected. Hesitancy, a low perception of risk, fear of needles, administrative and geographic barriers were reasons for not receiving the vaccine. Conclusions. Communication strategies targeted at adolescents are required that encourage their involvement in access to vaccination.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Trust , Qualitative Research , COVID-19 Vaccines/administration & dosage , Argentina , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Interviews as Topic , Vaccination/psychology , Vaccination/statistics & numerical data , Decision Making , COVID-19/prevention & control , Vaccination Hesitancy/psychology , Vaccination Hesitancy/statistics & numerical data , Health Facilities , Health Services AccessibilityABSTRACT
Objetivo: Validar el contenido de un cuestionario de auto-reporte en español para explorar actitudes, prácticas y barreras de odontólogos no especialistas en periodoncia frente al diagnóstico y tratamiento de problemas periodontales y criterios para derivar. Materiales y métodos: Seis especialistas en periodoncia de cinco países latinoamericanos construyeron versión#1 de un cuestionario. 21 expertos de tres áreas disciplinares de 6 países valoraron de 1 a 5 (1: totalmente en desacuerdo, 5: totalmente de acuerdo) cada ítem en su pertinencia, relevancia, claridad y coherencia. Según grado de acuerdo se reformuló cada ítem y se construyó versión#2 que fue piloteada en 60 odontólogos no especialistas en periodoncia, 3 de ellos fueron entrevistados para evaluar la comprensión y semántica. Luego del análisis se elaboró la versión final (versión#3). Resultados: Los ítems formulados de versión#1 tuvieron una valoración promedio de 4,6 (rango 3.7-5). Fueron reformulados evitando palabras confusas y que tuvieran aceptación transversal en países participantes, se eliminó ítem con menor puntuación de acuerdo de expertos. La aplicación de versión#2 tuvo un tiempo de respuesta de 12 minutos, se reformularon opciones y agregaron 4 ítems para obtener la versión final con 44 preguntas. Conclusiones: Se construyó un cuestionario de auto-reporte con validez de contenido para evaluar actitudes y prácticas en salud-enfermedad periodontal en odontólogos generales o no especialistas en periodoncia de habla hispana.
Aim: T o validate the content of a self-report questionnaire in Spanish to explore attitudes, practices and barriers of dentists non-specialized in periodontics when facing the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal problems and criteria for referral. Materials and methods: Six specialists in periodontics from five Latin American countries constructed version#1 of a questionnaire. Twenty-one experts from 3 disciplinary areas from 6 countries rated each item from 1 to 5 (1: totally disagree, 5: totally agree) regarding its appropriateness, relevance, clarity, and coherence. According to the degree of agreement, the item was reformulated, and version #2 was built, which was tested on 60 dentists non-specialized in periodontics. Then, 3 of them were interviewed to assess comprehension and semantics. After analysis, the final version was prepared (version#3). Results: The items formulated in version#1 had an average score of 4.6 (range 3.7-5). Questions and options were reformulated, avoiding confusing words and having transversal acceptance in the participating countries. The items with the lowest degree of expert agreement were eliminated. The application of version#2 had a response time of 12 minutes, options were reformulated, and 4 items were added to obtain the final version with 44 questions. Conclusions: A self-report questionnaire with content validity was constructed to assess attitudes and practices in periodontal health and disease in Spanish-speaking general dentists or non-specialists in periodontics.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Periodontics , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Surveys and Questionnaires , Validation Study , DentistsABSTRACT
Introducción: La salud bucal en niños es esencial para su desarrollo, habla, nutrición y autoestima. Además, previene problemas odontológicos graves en la edad adulta y evita costosos tratamientos futuros. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento, actitud y práctica sobre salud oral en niños de 6 a 12 años de una escuela del área metropolitana de Asunción. Resultado: Participaron 202 niños, donde el 51,0% correspondió al sexo masculino, con edad media de 9 ± 4,24 años. El 55% de los niños presentó gingivitis. El 35,6% posee caries en dientes primarios mientras que el 48,9% presenta caries en dientes permanentes. El 98,02% de los participantes respondió correctamente la pregunta sobre alimentos perjudiciales para los dientes. Sobre la práctica de higiene bucal, en la mayoría de los niños la enseñanza de la técnica de cepillado estuvo a cargo de los padres, sin embargo, reportan que estos no siempre los controlan. Conclusión: Los niños tuvieron buen conocimiento, actitud positiva y prácticas adecuadas de higiene bucal, sin embargo, la mitad de ellos presentaba caries en dientes permanentes. Se sugiere que la falta de supervisión diaria por parte de los padres en la técnica de cepillado podría ser un factor contribuyente.
Introduction: Oral health is crucial for children's development, speech, nutrition, and self-esteem. Maintaining good oral health during childhood prevents serious dental issues in adulthood and reduces the need for costly treatments later on. Objective: To assess the knowledge level, attitudes, and practices regarding oral health among children aged 6 to 12 years at a school located in the metropolitan area of Asunción. Results: A total of 202 children participated in the study, of whom 51.0% were male, with a mean age of 9 years (SD = 4.24 years). Approximately 55% of the children had gingivitis. Primary teeth cavities were present in 35.6% of the participants, while 48.9% had cavities in their permanent teeth. Regarding dietary knowledge, 98.02% of the participants correctly identified foods harmful to dental health. Most children learned brushing techniques from their parents; however, consistent parental supervision was reportedly lacking. Conclusion: Despite demonstrating good knowledge and generally adequate oral hygiene practices, nearly half of the children had cavities in their permanent teeth. The data suggest that the lack of regular parental supervision of brushing techniques could be a significant contributing factor to dental caries.
Background: Infectious disease pandemic of COVID-19 continues to be a global & public health challenge. The knowledge, attitudes and practices of the people towards COVID-19 is critical to the understanding the epidemiological dynamics of the disease. This study sought to assess the awareness of Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards COVID-19. Methods: A cross-sectional quantitative survey was conducted in Mombasa between September-October, 2020. A validated questionnaire was used to collect data. Data collected were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Pearson’s correlation and multivariate linear regression tests. A total of 422 participants completed the survey questionnaire. A p<0.05 was statistically significant. Results: The mean age was 29.55?years (SD: 10.7), 252 (59.72%) were female, and 170 (40.28%) were male. Majority 255 (60.4%) were aged between 18-29 years while 200 (47.38%) and 162 (38.39%) were educated up to secondary and university level respectively. Knowledge scores significantly differed across genders, age-groups, categories of marital status, education levels (p<0.05). The mean COVID-19 knowledge score was 7.45 (SD: 1.51), suggesting an overall 62% (7.45/12×100) correct rate on this knowledge test. The majority of the respondents agreed that COVID-19 will finally be successfully controlled (66.35%) and this was significant (p<0.05). The vast majority of the participants had not visited any crowded place (88.35%) and wore masks when going out (74.31%) in recent days. Conclusions: The knowledge about COVID-19 in the Mombasa County population during the outbreak was acceptable, attitudes have been mostly favourable and the practices are mostly adequate.
El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la influencia del autoconcepto físico en relación con la motivación de logro y las actitudes de estudiantes de enseñanza media en la asignatura de Educación Física y Salud. Además, se buscó explorar las disparidades en las percepciones entre hombres y mujeres, así como entre aquellos que participan en actividades físico-deportivas. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo con un alcance descriptivo-correlacional, utilizando un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra de 279 estudiantes de la región del Biobío, Chile. Este instrumento evaluó diversas dimensiones del autoconcepto físico, la motivación de logro y las actitudes hacia la asignatura. Los principales resultados indican que la actividad física constante se vincula con una mejor evaluación en estas dimensiones. Los hombres muestran una percepción corporal más positiva y mayor disposición para la participación activa, mientras que las mujeres experimentan niveles elevados de ansiedad y percepción de dificultad. La actividad física constante se asocia con percepciones más favorables en diversas dimensiones. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de considerar género y nivel de actividad física al diseñar estrategias educativas en Educación Física y Salud en la enseñanza media.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of physical self-concept in relation to achievement motivation and attitudes of high school students in the subject of Physical Education and Health. In addition, we sought to explore the disparities in perceptions between men and women, as well as between those who participate in physical-sports activities. To carry out the research, a quantitative approach with a descriptive-correlational scope was used, using a questionnaire applied to a sample of 279 students from the Biobío region, Chile. This instrument evaluated various dimensions of physical self-concept, achievement motivation, and attitudes toward the subject. The main results indicate that constant physical activity is linked to a better evaluation in these dimensions. Men show a more positive body perception and greater willingness to actively participate, while women experience high levels of anxiety and perceived difficulty. Constant physical activity is associated with more favorable perceptions in various dimensions. These results highlight the importance of considering gender and level of physical activity when designing educational strategies in Physical Education and Health in secondary education.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência do autoconceito físico em relação à motivação e atitudes de realização de estudantes do ensino médio na disciplina de Educação Física e Saúde. Além disso, procuramos explorar as disparidades de percepções entre homens e mulheres, bem como entre aqueles que participam de atividades físico-esportivas. Para a realização da pesquisa foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa com escopo descritivo-correlacional, por meio de um questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 279 estudantes da região Biobío, Chile. Este instrumento avaliou diversas dimensões do autoconceito físico, motivação para realização e atitudes em relação ao sujeito. Os principais resultados indicam que a atividade física constante está ligada a uma melhor avaliação nestas dimensões. Os homens demonstram uma percepção corporal mais positiva e maior disposição para participar ativamente, enquanto as mulheres apresentam altos níveis de ansiedade e dificuldade percebida. A atividade física constante está associada a percepções mais favoráveis em diversas dimensões. Estes resultados destacam a importância de considerar o género e o nível de atividade física na concepção de estratégias educativas em Educação Física e Saúde no ensino secundário.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Physical Education and Training , Self Concept , Students/psychology , Body Image , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Education, Primary and Secondary , Respect , MotivationABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: la preocupación por las finanzas es una de las principales causas de estrés financiero, especialmente en grupos poblacionales con ingresos y trabajos inestables. El objetivo de este artículo fue determinar si las actitudes austera y hedonista hacia el endeudamiento se relacionan directamente con el estrés financiero e indirectamente a través de las actitudes de compra planificada e impulsiva en adultos emergentes. Método: el diseño fue transversal, con un alcance correlacional-explicativo. Se aplicaron escalas de autorreporte en formato en línea a una muestra conformada por 624 adultos emergentes (63.1 % mujeres). El promedio de edad fue 20.44 (DE = 3.35). Resultados: el análisis de ecuaciones estructurales reveló que las actitudes austeras se vinculan directamente con el estrés financiero, y también indirectamente a través de la compra planificada. En cuanto a las actitudes hedonistas, se encontró una asociación directa con la compra impulsiva, pero no con el estrés financiero. Conclusiones: el estrés financiero aumenta cuando los adultos emergentes tienen actitudes de compra más austeras y planificadas. Por lo tanto, tales actitudes pueden presionarlos a hacer un uso más eficiente del dinero. Sería interesante en futuros estudios tener muestras de otros rangos etarios que permitan comparar la evidencia encontrada para contribuir al desarrollo de estrategias de educación financiera basadas en la evidencia científica.
Abstract Introduction: Worry about finances is one of the main causes of financial stress, especially in population groups with unstable income and jobs. This article aimed to determine whether austere and hedonistic debt attitudes are directly related to financial stress and indirectly through planned and impulsive buying attitudes in emerging adults. Method: The design was cross-sectional, with a correlational-explanatory scope. Self-report scales were answered online by a sample of 624 emerging adults (63.1 % women) with an average age of 20.44 (SD = 3.35). Results: Structural equation modeling analysis revealed that austere attitudes are directly linked to financial stress, and indirectly through planned purchases. Regarding hedonistic attitudes, a direct association with impulsive buying was found, but no relationship with financial stress was observed. Conclusion: Financial stress increases when emerging adults have more austere and planned purchasing attitudes, therefore, they may feel pressure to make more efficient use of money. It would be interesting in future studies to have samples from other age ranges that allow comparing the evidence found to contribute to the development of Financial Education strategies based on scientific evidence.
Background: Telemedicine, an evolving technology in India's healthcare sector, offers promising avenues for improving healthcare accessibility and delivery. Its successful implementation relies on several factors, including the comprehension of its concepts, skill acquisition, attitude toward technology, and conducive work environments among healthcare professionals. Despite the pressing need for enhanced healthcare in developing countries like India, telemedicine remains more advanced in developed nations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and perceived barriers to telemedicine among medical professionals at government medical college Trivandrum and KIMS health Trivandrum. Methods: A cross-sectional survey involving 150 medical professionals across various departments was conducted using a structured questionnaire via the Kobo toolbox, an online survey tool. The collected data were analyzed to assess the understanding of telemedicine, attitudes toward its adoption, and barriers encountered by respondents. Results: The analysis revealed that while a commendable 35.3% of respondents exhibited a good understanding of telemedicine, the majority 64.7% lacked sufficient knowledge in this domain. However, there was a positive disposition towards telemedicine adoption, with 64.7% displaying strong positive attitudes, 24.7% expressing moderate attitudes, and 10.7% indicating lower inclinations. Notably, human resource availability emerged as the most prevalent barrier, while sustainable practices were cited least frequently. Conclusions: While many medical professionals showed support for telemedicine, their knowledge was limited, and the study identified multiple barriers to its adoption. Urgent action is needed to narrow the disparity between telemedicine's potential and its actual use in India's healthcare system.
Objetivo: Analisar as práticas de cuidado desenvolvidas para atender às necessidades de saúde de homens em atenção domiciliar. Métodos: Pesquisa observacional e qualitativa, realizada com 34 cuidadores e 24 homens assistidos pelo serviço de atenção domiciliar do município de João Pessoa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um roteiro com variáveis sociodemográficas e perguntas abertas. A Análise Crítica do Discurso foi utilizada como método de análise, com destaque para os significados representacional e identificacional dos discursos. Resultados: As práticas de cuidado e necessidades de saúde foram apontadas com base na relação hegemônica entre os atores do cuidado, associação do cuidado ao processo de trabalho informal, atuação da família, da atividade corresponsabilizada, e prática da autonomia e autocuidado. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se um cuidado multifacetado e executado por diversos atores com suporte de equipes multiprofissionais de atenção domiciliar. (AU)
Objective: To analyze the care practices developed to meet the health needs of men in home care. Methods: Observational and qualitative research, carried out with 34 caregivers and 24 men assisted by the home care service in the city of João Pessoa. Data collection was performed through a script with sociodemographic variables and open questions. Critical Discourse Analysis was used as a method of analysis, with emphasis on the representational and identificational meanings of the discourses. The research was approved according to the opinion number 1.829.326. Results: Care practices and health needs were identified based on the hegemonic relationship between the care actors, association of care with the informal work process, family activities and co-responsibility activities, and the practice of autonomy and self-care. Conclusion: There was evidence of a multifaceted care performed by different subjects with the support of multidisciplinary home care teams. (AU)
Objetivo: Analizar las prácticas asistenciales desarrolladas para satisfacer las necesidades de salud de los hombres en la atención domiciliaria. Métodos: Investigación observacional y cualitativa, realizada con 34 cuidadores y 24 hombres asistidos por el servicio de atención domiciliaria en la ciudad de João Pessoa. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante un guión con variables sociodemográficas y preguntas abiertas. Se utilizó el Análisis Crítico del Discurso como método de análisis, con énfasis en los significados representativos e identificativos de los discursos. La investigación fue aprobada de acuerdo al dictamen número 1.829.326. Resultados: Se identificaron prácticas de cuidado y necesidades de salud a partir de la relación hegemónica entre los actores del cuidado, la asociación del cuidado con el proceso de trabajo informal, las actividades familiares y de corresponsabilidad, y la práctica de la autonomía y el autocuidado. Conclusión: Se evidenció una atención multifacética realizada por diferentes sujetos con el apoyo de equipos multidisciplinares de atención domiciliaria. (AU)
Men's Health , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Caregivers , Knowledge , Home Care Services , Home NursingABSTRACT
Objetivo: Identificar as estratégias de prevenção às Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/HIV/Aids conhecidas por mulheres que fazem sexo com mulheres. Métodos: Pesquisa de campo com abordagem qualitativa exploratória. Para a coleta de dados, optou-se pela técnica de amostragem não probabilística bola de neve, realizada por meio de entrevistas online, conduzidas no período de novembro de 2022 a abril de 2023. Todos os momentos foram registrados e, em seguida, transcritos integralmente para análise. A perspectiva da interseccionalidade e vulnerabilidade guiaram a análise, focalizando as estratégias de prevenção e a atuação dos profissionais de saúde no atendimento às MSM. Resultados: Participaram da pesquisa 22 mulheres, jovens, em sua maioria naturais da Bahia, brancas, sem religião, com ensino superior e renda familiar entre 2 e 4 salários-mínimos. Os achados demonstraram que as estratégias de prevenção das IST/ HIV/Aids são conhecidas pelas mulheres, no entanto são pouco usuais, considerando que o aprendizado sobre elas se deu a partir das escolas, família e amigos e eles discorrem sobre as práticas heterossexuais, não sendo pertinente as adaptações para o sexo entre mulheres com vulvas. Conclusão: As estratégias de prevenção às IST/HIV/Aids são então caracterizadas como adaptações, sobretudo pela escassez de estudos que asseguram a sua efetividade. (AU)
Objective: To identify prevention strategies for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)/HIV/AIDS known to women who have sexy with women (WSW). Methods: A qualitative exploratory field study was conducted. Data collection utilized a snowball non-probabilistic sampling technique, with online interviews conducted from November 2022 to April 2023. All interactions were recorded and subsequently transcribed verbatim for analysis. The perspectives of intersectionality and vulnerability guided the analysis, focusing on prevention strategies and the role of healthcare professionals in serving WSW. Results: The study included 22 participants, predominantly young women from Bahia, of white ethnicity, without religious affiliation, with a college education, and a family income ranging from 2 to 4 minimum wages. Findings indicated that while women were aware of prevention strategies for STI/HIV/AIDS, they were infrequently utilized. Knowledge about these strategies primarily came from schools, family, and friends, which predominantly discussed heterosexual practices, with little relevance to adaptations for vulva-to-vulva sexual activity. Conclusion: Prevention strategies for STI/HIV/AIDS among WSW are thus characterized as adaptations, particularly due to the scarcity of studies ensuring their effectiveness. (AU)
Objetivo: Identificar las estrategias de prevención de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS)/VIH/SIDA conocidas por las mujeres que tienen relaciones sexuales con mujeres (MSM). Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de campo con enfoque cualitativo exploratorio. Para la recolección de datos, se optó por la técnica de muestreo no probabilístico de bola de nieve, llevada a cabo a través de entrevistas en línea, realizadas desde noviembre de 2022 hasta abril de 2023. Todos los momentos fueron registrados y posteriormente transcritos íntegramente para su análisis. Las perspectivas de interseccionalidad y vulnerabilidad guiaron el análisis, centrándose en las estrategias de prevención y la actuación de los profesionales de la salud en la atención a las MSM. Resultados: Participaron en la investigación 22 mujeres, en su mayoría jóvenes, nativas de Bahía, blancas, sin afiliación religiosa, con educación superior y un ingreso familiar entre 2 y 4 salarios mínimos. Los hallazgos demostraron que las estrategias de prevención de ITS/VIH/SIDA son conocidas por las mujeres, sin embargo, son poco comunes, considerando que el aprendizaje sobre ellas proviene de la escuela, la familia y los amigos, quienes hablan sobre prácticas heterosexuales, sin que sean pertinentes las adaptaciones para el sexo entre mujeres con vulvas. Conclusion: Las estrategias de prevención de ITS/VIH/SIDA se caracterizan así como adaptaciones, principalmente debido a la escasez de estudios que garanticen su efectividad. (AU)
Homosexuality, Female , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Nursing , Knowledge , Sexual HealthABSTRACT
Objetivo: Se presenta un análisis sobre la identidad organizacional y el rol ocupacional de los y las gendarmes pertenecientes al Centro de Detención Preventiva Santiago Sur desde el concepto de "trabajo sucio" y una perspectiva de género. Metodología: Se realizaron diez entrevistas semiestructuradas a gendarmes cinco gendarmes hombres y cinco gendarmes mujeres en cuanto a su rol e identidad organizacional, ocupacional, profesional y personal. Resultados: Se verificaron diferencias de género en cuanto a la configuración de sus identidades personales y ocupacionales, situación que no es replicada en el plano de sus identidades organizacionales y profesionales, que tienden a compartir. Conclusiones: Existen diferencias significativas en la forma en la que los y las gendarmes desarrollan su identidad personal, y que radican principalmente en la relevancia que atribuyen a los roles e identidades asociadas con la vida familiar. En cuanto a las restantes dimensiones identitarias, se identificaron importantes similitudes en cuanto a valores y creencias que los sujetos expresan y vivencian; estas parecen vincularse a prácticas y a una cultura tradicional y conservadora institucional en materia de género. Alcance: La investigación es de carácter exploratorio y busca aportar antecedentes empíricos sobre los cuales basar futuras investigaciones en este campo.
Objective: An analysis is presented on the organisational identity and occupational role of the gendarmes belonging to the Santiago Sur Preventive Detention Centre from the concept of "dirty work" and a gender perspective. Methodology: Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with gendarmes -five male gendarmes and five female gendarmes- regarding their organisational, occupational, professional and personal roles and identities. Results: Gender differences were found in the configuration of their personal and occupational identities, a situation that is not replicated in their organisational and professional identities, which tend to be shared by both gendarmes and gendarmes. Conclusions: There are significant differences in the way in which gendarmes develop their personal identities, which lie mainly in the relevance they attribute to the roles and identities associated with family life. As for the remaining identity dimensions, important similarities were identified in terms of the values and beliefs that the subjects express and experience; these seem to be linked to traditional and conservative institutional gender practices and culture. Scope: The research is exploratory in nature and seeks to provide empirical background on which to base future research in this field.
Objetivo: Apresenta-se uma análise da identidade organizacional e do papel ocupacional dos gendarmes pertencentes ao Centro de Detenção Preventiva Santiago Sur a partir do conceito de "trabalho sujo" e de uma perspectiva de gênero. Metodologia: Foram realizadas dez entrevistas semiestruturadas com policiais - cinco homens e cinco mulheres - sobre seus papéis e identidades organizacionais, ocupacionais, profissionais e pessoais. Resultados: Foram verificadas diferenças de gênero em termos da configuração de suas identidades pessoais e ocupacionais, uma situação que não se repete no nível de suas identidades organizacionais e profissionais, que elas tendem a compartilhar. Conclusões: Existem diferenças significativas na forma como os gendarmes desenvolvem suas identidades pessoais, que residem principalmente na relevância que atribuem aos papéis e identidades associados à vida familiar. Quanto às demais dimensões da identidade, foram identificadas semelhanças importantes em termos dos valores e crenças que os sujeitos expressam e vivenciam, que parecem estar ligados às práticas e à cultura de gênero institucionais tradicionais e conservadoras. Escopo: A pesquisa é de natureza exploratória e busca fornecer antecedentes empíricos que sirvam de base para futuras pesquisas nesse campo
Abstract People with cognitive disabilities face multiple challenges concerning oral health and frequently show oral tissue decay because of the barriers society imposes upon them, and due to financial issues, professional and family lack of knowledge, limitations regarding access to services, lack of empowering-driven actions, among others. Positive knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding oral health, developed during the course of a lifetime, help in preserving good health. The aim of the current study is to describe oral health knowledge, attitudes and practices in people with cognitive disabilities participating in the Institutional Program for the Inclusion of People with Cognitive Disabilities in Higher Education at the University of Costa Rica (PROIN, in Spanish), during 2021. A descriptive study with mixed focus was performed; a representative sample comprised of 86 students enrolled in PROIN was used for the quantitative approach, while the qualitative approach used a criteria sample along with an opinion sample, limiting size due to information overload. The survey, along with its corresponding questionnaire and the semi-structured interview, were used as data gathering techniques. It was evidenced that certain issues need to be readdressed, such as bleeding gums, the importance of preserving dental pieces, as well, the practice of flossing, which many students expressed difficulties doing. Good attitudes were found, such as dentist visits; however, access barriers for this population must be overthrown. This article showed the importance of training professionals in disabilities as well as developing oral health promotion programs aimed at people with cognitive disabilities.
Resumen La población con discapacidad cognitiva enfrenta múltiples retos en cuanto a la salud oral, presentado comúnmente un deterioro de los tejidos orales; esto como consecuencia a las barreras impuestas por la sociedad, factores económicos, desconocimiento de los profesionales y familiares, limitaciones en el acceso a la atención, falta de acciones para fomentar su autonomía, entre otras. Los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas favorables en salud oral ayudan a conservar una buena salud, los cuales se desarrollan a lo largo de la vida. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de salud oral en las personas con discapacidad cognitiva que participaron en el Programa Institucional de Inclusión de Personas con Discapacidad Cognitiva a la Educación Superior de la Universidad de Costa Rica (PROIN) durante el año 2021. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con un enfoque mixto, para el enfoque cuantitativo se utilizó una muestra representativa de 86 estudiantes matriculados en PROIN y para la parte cualitativa se utilizó una muestra por criterio con un muestreo opinático, estableciendo el tamaño por saturación de la información. Se utilizaron como técnicas de recolección de datos la encuesta con su respectivo cuestionario y la entrevista semiestructurada. Se evidenció que existen temas que se deben reforzar, como lo es el sangrado de encías, la importancia de conservar las piezas dentales, así como la práctica de uso de hilo dental, donde la mayoría de los estudiantes expresaron tener dificultades para su utilización. Además, se encontró buenas actitudes con respecto a la visita al odontólogo, sin embargo, se debe derribar barreras de acceso que se presentan para esta población. Este estudio demostró la necesidad de capacitar a los profesionales en el tema de discapacidad y desarrollar programas de promoción de la salud oral específicos para personas con discapacidad cognitiva.
Humans , Oral Health , Dental Care , Cognitive Dysfunction , Dental Health Surveys , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Abstract People's knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to health are built throughout life, particularly during childhood and adolescence, and they reflect the practices of their family and social circle. The aim of this study was to identify the levels of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to oral health of first-year university students at the Paraíso Campus of the University of Costa Rica. This was done through a questionnaire of closed questions that would allow oral health educational strategies to be established in the future for this population group. For this purpose, a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, where 70 first-year students of the Paraíso Campus participated in the first semester of the year 2019. For data collection, a survey of 22 closed questions on knowledge, attitudes, and practices about oral health was applied, and a score on oral health knowledge was subsequently performed, based on the answers to the questions. According to the results, the level of knowledge shown about oral health is low, since the average knowledge score (7.02 points) was less than half of the maximum score (17 points). The greatest deficiency in knowledge was evidenced in topics, such as, dental biofilm, gingivitis, use of fluorides, and the role of saliva. In addition, several practices that affect the condition of the oral cavity were identified, such as harmful habits, inadequate nutrition, and poor oral hygiene habits. In this study, a general lack of knowledge was identified regarding basic concepts of oral health in young university students, who are not clear about the role of some protective or risk factors related to the main oral diseases.
Resumen Los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas relacionados a la salud en las personas se construyen a través de la vida, particularmente durante la infancia y la adolescencia y reflejan las prácticas de su círculo familiar y social. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los niveles de conocimiento, las actitudes y las prácticas relacionadas a la salud bucodental en estudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso en el Recinto de Paraíso de la Universidad de Costa Rica, mediante un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas que permitirá a futuro establecer estrategias educativas en salud bucal para este grupo de población. Se trató de un estudio descriptivo transversal de tipo observacional en 70 estudiantes de primer ingreso del Recinto de Paraíso en el I semestre del año 2019. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó una encuesta de 22 preguntas cerradas sobre los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas sobre la salud oral. A partir de las preguntas sobre conocimiento en salud bucal se creó un puntaje de conocimiento. Se pudo evidenciar que el nivel de conocimiento sobre la salud bucal es bajo, ya que el promedio del puntaje de conocimiento (7,02 puntos) es menos de la mitad del puntaje máximo (17 puntos). La mayor deficiencia en el conocimiento se evidenció en temas como el biofilm dental, gingivitis, uso de fluoruros y el rol de la saliva. Además, se identificaron varias prácticas que afectan la condición de la cavidad bucal, como los hábitos nocivos, una alimentación inadecuada y hábitos de higiene oral deficiente. En este estudio se identificó en general una falta de conocimiento respecto a conceptos básicos de salud bucal en personas jóvenes universitarias, quienes no tienen claro la función de algunos factores protectores o de riesgo relacionados con las principales enfermedades bucales.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students , Dental Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Oral Health , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Resumen (analítico) Analizamos las maneras en que jóvenes estudiantes de la Universidad Austral de Chile interpretan la inequidad y violencia de género, y qué posicionamientos adoptan al respecto. Desde una metodología cualitativa, estudiamos testimonios orales y escritos de 12 estudiantes de pre y posgrado de la Universidad Austral de Chile, siguiendo la teoría fundamentada constructivista. Los resultados evidencian que algunas interpretaciones y posicionamientos reciben la influencia de experiencias directas e indirectas de violencia y del acceso a diversas fuentes de conocimiento. En consecuencia, los individuos jóvenes manifiestan distintos estadios de comprensión, conciencia y reflexión crítica sobre el fenómeno, así como posicionamientos predominantemente críticos/activos o acríticos/pasivos. Finalmente, proponen estrategias para erradicar la violencia de género, como la creación de espacios coeducativos, la flexibilización de heteronormas y la integración de disidencias.
Abstract (analytical) The ways in which young people who are students at the Austral University of Chile interpret inequality and gender violence and the positions they adopt towards these phenomena. A qualitative met-hodology was used to analyze oral and written testimonies from 12 pre and postgraduate students at the university in accordance with constructivist grounded theory. The results show that the students' interpretations and positions are influenced by their direct and indirect experiences of violence, as well as their access to different sources of knowledge. As a result, young people demonstrate different stages of understanding, awareness and critical reflection of this phenomenon, as well as expressing either critical/active or uncritical/passive positions. Finally, the university students proposed strategies to eradicate gender violence, including the creation of coeducational spaces, making heteronormative practices more flexible and integrating dissenting opinions.
Resumo (analítico) Se analisa as maneiras em que os jovens estudantes da Universidad Austral de Chile interpretam a desigualdade e violência de gênero e qué posicionamientos adotam a respeito. A partir de uma metodologia qualitativa, analisamos depoimentos orais e escritos de 12 estudantes de pré e pós-graduação da Universidade Austral do Chile, seguindo a teoria fundamental construtivista. Os resultados evidenciam que interpretações e posicionamentos são influenciados por experiências diretas e indiretas de violência e pelo acesso a diversas fontes de conhecimento. Em consequência, os/as jovens manifestam diferentes estádios de compreensão, consciência e reflexão crítica sobre o fenômeno, assim como posicionamientos predominantemente críticos/ativos ou acríticos/passivos. Finalmente, propõe estratégias para erradicar a violência de gênero, como a criação de espaços coeducativos, a flexibilização de heteronormas e a integração de dissidências.
Background@#There are various attitudes regarding their child's screen usage. However, there are no existing Filipino-translated and culturally appropriate questionnaires or assessment tools that can measure a child's media exposure, screen use, and parental attitude. The Media Exposure Survey is an assessment tool that measures a child’s media exposure, screen use, and parental attitudes regarding their child’s screen usage.@*Objectives@#The study aims to contextualize and translate the questionnaire into Filipino, determine its content validity and internal consistency, and check the translated questionnaire's compatibility and applicability.@*Methods@#The study involves four steps: 1) content validity testing, 2) forward and backward translation and equivalence, 3) pilot testing of the pre-final version, and 4) reliability resting. Data analysis was done to evaluate the content validity and internal consistency of the questionnaire. Thirty-six parents of children aged 0-5 in Metro Manila pilot tested the tool.@*Results@#A cross-culturally adapted version of the Media Exposure Survey has been produced with good content validity. The S-CVI of the questionnaire is 95%, which is excellent. The parental attitude towards childhood media use subscale has an acceptable internal consistency with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.77.@*Conclusion@#The translated and adapted Media Exposure Survey has good content validity and acceptable internal consistency and can be used to assess Filipino children’s media exposure, screen use, and parental attitudes toward media use.
Surveys and Questionnaires , Screen Time , PsychometricsABSTRACT
Objective@#To explore the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) awareness, willingness, uptake patterns, barriers and needs among Chinese student men who have sex with men (MSM), so as to provide relevant evidence for targeted interventions with PrEP.@*Methods@#A proportional sampling method was used to conduct a cross sectional survey of MSM aged 16 years and older residing in 21 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions in mainland China between October 20 and December 20, 2021, to collect information on demographic and sexual behavioral characteristics, and 923 students of them were selected as the subjects of this study. The chi-square test and Fisher s test were used for univariate analysis, followed by multivariate Logistic regression to analyze the influencing factors of PrEP awareness and uptake.@*Results@#According to the cascade analysis method, the awareness, willingness, uptake and adherence rates of PrEP among the student MSM were obtained as 88.95%, 67.36%, 13.20% and 45.21 %, respectively. HIV testing more than once in the last 3 months, and all of them were aware of the HIV test results of their sexual partners, and those with high frequency of condom use had a higher rate of awareness ( OR =2.32, 1.79, 1.69, P <0.05). Willingness rates were higher for those from the pilot city, using substances, and HIV testing more than once in the last 3 months ( OR =2.13, 1.65, 1.69, P <0.05). Higher rates of uptake were found among those from high risk and pilot areas, presence of commercial sex, substance use, and high literacy ( OR =5.60, 3.54,2.81, 1.92, 4.54, P <0.05). Adherence rates were higher among those who used one pill per day or both ( OR =12.77, 13.26, P <0.05). The barriers and needs faced by student MSM were primarily personal concerns about medication side effects, preventative effects, and confidence in sexual behavioral styles, and the high cost of medication and related service costs.@*Conclusions@#The student MSM population in China is characterized by high awareness, low willingness, low uptake, and low adherence to PrEP. Targeted interventions should be considered and tailored by the departments to facilitate PrEP promotion among student MSM.
Objective@#To understand the current status of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) knowledge, attitudes, and practices of college students in Tianjin City and to further investigate the associated factors of high risk sexual behaviors, so as to provide a scientific and theoretical basis for accurate prevention and treatment of AIDS.@*Methods@#A stratified cluster random sample of 64 697 students in 56 colleges and universities in Tianjin City in November to December 2022 was investigated about the current status of AIDS knowledge, attitudes and practices. Information was collected using online survey via Questionnaire Star. Descriptive analysis was used for the current status of AIDS knowledge, attitudes and practices among college students. Chi square test and multiple Logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the influencing factors of high risk sexual behavior among college students.@*Results@#The AIDS awareness rate of college students in Tianjin City reached 87.33%. The sexual openness rate was 70.73 %. Among the 3 463 students who had sex during the past year, 42.13% of students reported high risk sexual behavior. Multivariate Logistic regression showed that female, having a romantic partner, having received sex education and prevention and treatment knowledge of AIDS were negatively associated with high risk sexual behavior ( OR =0.66, 0.59, 0.81, 0.59, P <0.05). Being in sophomore year, non heterosexuality (homosexuality, bisexuality, not knowing), prejudice against AIDS, and misunderstanding the testing methods for AIDS showed positive correlations with highrisk sexual behavior ( OR =1.22, 2.49, 2.30, 3.17, 1.43, 1.22 , P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#The awareness rate of AIDS in college students in Tianjin is high, but high risk sexual behaviors are still at a high level. Further targeted knowledge education and behavioral interventions are needed to scientifically prevent the spread of AIDS.
Objective To investigate the current status of nurses'knowledge,attitude and practice regarding sleep management of critically ill children in pediatric ICU,and to analyze its impact factors.Methods A self-designed questionnaire on general information and a questionnaire on knowledge and practical behaviors of pediatric ICU nurses on child's sleep management were used.In March 2023,902 pediatric ICU nurses from 24 hospitals in China were surveyed using a convenient sampling method,and the impact factors were analyzed using multiple stepwise linear regression.Results 893 valid questionnaires were collected and the recovery rate of valid questionnaires was 99.00%.Nurses in pediatric ICU scored(33.71±7.76)in knowledge dimension,(37.38±4.86)in attitude dimension and(80.60±16.78)in practice dimension,with a total score of(151.78±24.27).The scores of knowledge and attitude,knowledge and practice,attitude and practice are all positively correlated(r=0.393,P<0.001;r=0.495,P<0.001;r=0.320,P<0.001).The results of multiple stepwise linear regression analysis showed that gender,region,whether they had received sleep management training were the influencing factors of pediatric ICU nurses'total score of knowledge,attitude and practice towards children's sleep management(P<0.05).Conclusion Nurses in pediatric ICU are positive about sleep management for critically ill children,but their knowledge and practice levels need to improve.Nursing managers should strengthen the theoretical knowledge and practical behavioral training of pediatric ICU nurses on child sleep management,develop scientific sleep management plans,and guide nurses to make reasonable evaluation and interventions to improve children's sleep quality.
Background: The AO entrance examination for the Medical Course at Kochi Medical School aims to select candidates who are not only knowledgeable but also exhibit strong interpersonal and presentation skills. This study sought to determine the impact of the AO exam’s group work and presentation components on students’ success post-graduation.Methods: Clinical training supervisors’ evaluations of interpersonal and presentation abilities were compared between AO entrance exam candidates and other selected candidates.Results: AO entrants showed superior performance in establishing patient-physician relationships, participating in team medicine, and delivering case presentations compared to their counterparts.Discussion: The AO entrance examination at Kochi Medical School proves to be an effective tool for assessing candidates’ interpersonal and presentation skills, which are essential for medical practitioners.