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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032319


ObjectiveTo investigate the infestation and disposal of bedbugs in Shanghai, and provide scientific evidence for comprehensive prevention and control of bedbugs. MethodsA questionnaire survey was conducted in the pest control operations (PCOs) of Shanghai Association for Health Promotion to investigate the infestation and disposal of bedbugs. The questionnaire included basic information of the unit, bedbug disposal experience, type of environment of bedbug infestation, main disposal site, main treatment method, main drug and formulation, and evaluation of the disposal. Chi-square test was used for comparison between groups. ResultsOf the 116 PCOs, 78 (67.24%) had conducted bedbug disposal, and 29.49% had conducted the disposal no less than 5 times in the past three years. The main types of environment of bedbug infestation were dormitories (46.96%), hotels (18.78%), and households (20.44%). Additionally, bedbug infestation was found in nursing homes, prisons and detention centers, and transport vehicles. Bed frame/bed board/mattress (32.42%) was the main site of bedbug infestation, followed by mat (19.63%). Chemical spraying was the most common method for bedbug disposal (98.72%), followed by high-temperature steam (11.54%). The main drug used in chemical spraying were pyrethroids (69.23%), nicotinoids (60.26%) and organophosphorus (42.31%), for which the main formulation were suspended insecticides (55.13%), followed by wettable powders (43.59%) and emulsifiers (43.59%). Furthermore, 89.74% of the PCOs performed the assessment after disposal, in which the control effect was generally satisfactory. ConclusionBedbug infestation is relatively common in Shanghai. Dormitories, hotels and households are places where bedbug infestation is more likely to occur. Bed frame, bed board and mattress are the most vulnerable sites to bedbug infestation. Combination of physical and chemical methods should be used for disposal of bedbug infestation.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-196192


No abstract available.

São Paulo; s.n; 2010. [206] p. ilus, graf, tab, mapas.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-575219


Os percevejos de cama são insetos hematófagos pertencentes à família Cimicidae e à ordem Hemiptera. Algumas das espécies desse grupo despertam interesse em Saúde Pública por apresentarem comportamento antropofílico. Atualmente verifica-se uma reemergência das infestações de percevejos de cama em diversas localidades do mundo, principalmente em grandes cidades, já que estas constituem ambientes propícios para sua instalação e proliferação, pois recebem ou abrigam grande número de indivíduos que atuam como fontes de alimentação. Objetivos: Descrever a atual situação das infestações por insetos da família Cimicidae na região Metropolitana de São Paulo, no período de 2004 a 2009. Métodos: estudo descritivo baseado em registros de ocorrência de cimicídeos fornecidos por empresas privadas de controle de pragas e por órgãos públicos de vigilância, pesquisa e controle sediados na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Identificação de espécies de cimicídeos recebidas no Laboratório de Entomologia em Saúde Pública da Faculdade de Saúde Pública, em decorrência de coletas realizadas na região estudada. Resultados: Foram recebidos 369 registros de ocorrência de cimicídeos, sendo 325 provenientes do município de São Paulo e o restante dos municípios vizinhos à capital. As residências somaram 181 registros ou 68,04 por cento dos casos, enquanto as infestações ocorridas em estabelecimentos comerciais e/ou de serviço foram responsáveis por 85 registros (31,95 por cento). Cimex lectularius foi a espécie predominante, sendo responsável por 262 registros (92,25 por cento), enquanto Cimex hemipterus foi apontado em apenas um registro (0,35 por cento). Os registros do município de São Paulo mostraram uma correlação positiva significativa entre padrões socioeconômicos mais elevados e alto número de ocorrências registradas. Um total de 354 espécimes coletados na região metropolitana de São Paulo foi recebido pelo laboratório entre abril de 2008 e dezembro de 2009...

The bed bugs are hematophagous insects belonging to the family Cimicidae and to the order Hemiptera. Some of the species of this group draw attention in Public Health because they have anthropophilic behavior. We observe the resurgence of bed bug infestations in many different places all over the world, especially in big cities, once they are very propense environment for its installation and proliferation due to the fact that there are many individuals living there. Aims: The aim of this research is to describe the real situation of infestations by Cimicidae insects in the metropolitan region of São Paulo from 2004 to 2009. Methodology: this is a descriptive study based on the registries of occurrences provided by private companies specialized in pest control and public departments of control and research in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Identification of the Cimicidae insects received, resulting from collections in the region. Results: Were received 369 registries of bed bug occurrences in the period, 325 of those belonging to the city of São Paulo. Registries of infestations in houses were 181, corresponding to 68,04per cent of the cases. Registries of infestations in business organizations were 85, corresponding to 31,95per cent. Cimex lectularius was the predominant species with 262 registries, corresponding to 92,25per cent. Cimex hemipterus was mencioned only once (0,35per cent). Registries in São Paulo show a very positive correlation between high social and economical standards and a high number of registries of occurrences. LESP received 354 samples collected in RMSP from April 2008 to December 2009, all of them identified as C. lectularius. Conclusion: It was evident that there are very regular bed bug infestations in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Registries are concentrated in the high social and economical standards regions of the city of São Paulo. Social and behavior patterns influence the notifications...

Bedbugs , Pest Control/statistics & numerical data , Pest Control, Biological
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-163947


A healthy 30-yr-old woman carrying an insect that had been caught in her living room visited the International Clinic at Severance Hospital, Seoul, in December 2007. The insect she brought was identified to be a nymph of a bedbug, Cimex lectularius, and her skin rashes looked typical bedbug's bites. Her apartment was investigated, and a dead body of a bedbug, cast skins, and hatched eggs were found in her rooms and neighbors' rooms in the same building. She was living in that apartment in Seoul for 9 months since she had moved from New Jersey, USA. We assume that the bedbugs were introduced from abroad, since there had been no report on bedbugs in Seoul for more than 2 decades at least. This is a report of a reemergence of the common bedbug, C. lectularius in Seoul, Korea.

Adult , Animals , Female , Humans , Bedbugs/anatomy & histology , Dermatitis/pathology , Insect Bites and Stings/pathology , Insecticides , Korea/epidemiology