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Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1568770


La evaluación de la marcha en cinta caminadora puede resultar relevante para la toma de decisiones clínicas. No obstante, factores demográficos como la edad y el IMC pueden alterar la interpretación de los resultados. Nuestro objetivo fue obtener variables espacio- temporales, energéticas y costo de transporte durante la velocidad autoseleccionada en cinta caminadora para una muestra representativa de adultos uruguayos (n=28) y evaluar si diferentes rangos de edades e IMC pueden ser factores a tener en cuenta en pruebas clínicas donde se consideren dichas variables. Participaron 17 hombres y 11 mujeres (39,3 ± 14,8 años, 75,9 ± 12,5 kg, 1,74 ± 0,09 m, IMC 25,2 ± 4,06). Se realizó una reconstrucción 3D del movimiento en forma sincronizada con el consumo energético. Se obtuvieron valores de referencia y luego de agrupar los participantes según su IMC y rango de edad se compararon los datos mediante test de t (p≤0.05). Los resultados revelaron discrepancias significativas en las medidas espacio-temporales y energéticas de los adultos uruguayos al caminar en cinta con respecto a la literatura. La marcha difiere entre adultos jóvenes y de mediana edad en su velocidad autoseleccionada (p=0,03), longitud de zancada (p=0,01), trabajo mecánico externo (<0,001) y recuperación de energía mecánica (0,009), destacando la importancia de considerar la edad en evaluaciones clínicas. El IMC no influyó significativamente en estas variables. Estos hallazgos subrayan la necesidad de ajustar las interpretaciones de las pruebas clínicas de la marcha sobre cinta caminadora en adultos uruguayos de mediana edad (45 a 65 años).

Treadmill gait assessment can be relevant for clinical decision-making. However, demographic factors such as age and BMI may alter result interpretation. Our aim was to obtain spatiotemporal, energetic, and cost of transport variables during self-selected treadmill walking speed for a representative sample of Uruguayan adults (n=28) and to assess if different age ranges and BMI could be factors to consider in clinical tests involving these variables. Seventeen men and eleven women participated (39.3 ± 14.8 years, 75.9 ± 12.5 kg, 1.74 ± 0.09 m, BMI 25.2 ± 4.06). A synchronized 3D motion reconstruction was performed with energy consumption. Reference values were obtained and data were compared using t-tests (p≤0.05), after grouping participants by BMI and age range. Results revealed significant discrepancies in spatiotemporal and energetic measures of Uruguayan adults walking on the treadmill, compared to the literature. Gait differed between young and middle-aged adults in their self-selected speed (p=0.03), stride length (p=0.01), external mechanical work (p<0.001), and mechanical energy recovery (0.009), emphasizing the importance of considering age in clinical evaluations. BMI did not significantly influence these variables. These findings underscore the need to adjust interpretations of treadmill gait clinical tests in middle-aged Uruguayan adults (45 to 65 years).

A avaliação da marcha na esteira pode ser relevante para a tomada de decisões clínicas. No entanto, fatores demográficos como idade e IMC podem alterar a interpretação dos resultados. Nosso objetivo foi obter variáveis espaço-temporais, energéticas e custo de transporte durante a velocidade de caminhada autoselecionada na esteira para uma amostra representativa de adultos uruguaios (n = 28) e avaliar se diferentes faixas etárias e IMC podem ser fatores a serem considerados em testes clínicos que envolvam essas variáveis. Dezessete homens e onze mulheres participaram (39,3 ± 14,8 anos, 75,9 ± 12,5 kg, 1,74 ± 0,09 m, IMC 25,2 ± 4,06). Foi realizada uma reconstrução tridimensional do movimento sincronizada com o consumo de energia. Foram obtidos valores de referência e os dados foram comparados usando testes t (p≤0,05), após agrupar os participantes por IMC e faixa etária. Os resultados revelaram discrepâncias significativas nas medidas espaço-temporais e energéticas dos adultos uruguaios ao caminhar na esteira, em comparação com a literatura. A marcha diferiu entre adultos jovens e de meia-idade em sua velocidade autoselecionada (p=0,03), comprimento da passada (p=0,01), trabalho mecânico externo (<0,001) e recuperação de energia mecânica (0,009), destacando a importância de considerar a idade em avaliações clínicas. O IMC não influenciou significativamente essas variáveis. Esses achados destacam a necessidade de ajustar as interpretações dos testes clínicos de marcha na esteira em adultos uruguaios de meia- idade (45 a 65 anos).

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Body Composition/physiology , Walking/physiology , Exercise Test/statistics & numerical data , Body Mass Index , Age Distribution
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 157-165, set-dez.2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567957


A escolha da plataforma protética em implantodontia é fundamental para garantir o sucesso a longo prazo dos procedimentos. Todos os tipos de conexão protética apresentam vantagens e desvantagens, cabendo ao cirurgião-dentista optar pelo o que melhor se adepta ao seu caso. Uma revisão de literatura foi realizada, abrangendo estudos relevantes que compararam essas duas plataformas protéticas em termos de biomecânica e estética. Foram analisadas revisões de literatura e estudos in vitro, sob as palavras-chave "cone morse", "biomechanics", "abuptment". As pesquisas foram feitas nas bases de dados Scielo e PubMed, e os artigos escolhidos deveriam abordar a estabilidade das conexões, a preservação óssea e a estética peri-implantar. Os resultados da revisão demonstram que a plataforma Cone Morse oferece uma interface mais estável, reduz o afrouxamento de parafusos e minimiza a infiltração bacteriana. Com isso, o Cone Morse contribui para a preservação das estruturas ósseas e gengivais ao redor do implante, tornando-se uma escolha valiosa, especialmente em procedimentos de reabilitação estética.

A choice of the prosthetic platform in implant dentistry is fundamental to ensure long-term success of procedures. All types of prosthetic connections have their advantages and disadvantages, and it's up to the dentist to choose what best suits their case. A literature review was conducted, encompassing relevant studies comparing these two prosthetic platforms in terms of biomechanics and aesthetics. Literature reviews and in vitro studies were analyzed using keywords such as "Cone Morse," "biomechanics," and "abutment." The research was conducted on Scielo and PubMed databases, and the selected articles should address connection stability, bone preservation, and peri-implant aesthetics. The review results demonstrate that the Cone Morse platform offers a more stable interface, reduces screw loosening, and minimizes bacterial infiltration. As a result, Cone Morse contributes to the preservation of bone and gingival structures around the implant, making it a valuable choice, especially in aesthetic rehabilitation procedures.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(4)ago. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569245


SUMMARY: Underage drinking has become a major public concern having a negative impact on the growth and development of the skeleton. Peak bone mass is attained during adolescence hence the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of acute binge alcohol consumption on trabecular morphometry and tensile strength of the adolescent mandible in the Sprague Dawley (SD) rat. The study comprised of 24 SD rats, aged 7 weeks, placed into either the alcohol-exposed [n=12 (6 males and 6 female)] or pair-fed control group [n=12 (6 male and 6 female)]. The treatment of the groups was as follows; the alcohol exposed group and the pair-fed control were administered a single daily dose of 3 g/kg of 20 % alcohol 3 days a week (alternate days) for 7 days and a caloric equivalent dose of maltose dextrin via oral gavage, respectively. The animals were terminated on day 7 via pentobarbital injection. The mandibles were harvested and scanned using a Nikon XTH 255L 3D-microCT scanner (Nikon Metrology, Leuven, Belgium), and biomechanical tests were done using a Shimadzu universal tensile strength testing machine (China). Following scanning and reconstruction, the trabecular morphometry was assessed using Volume Graphics Studio® software. A 3-point bending test was used to evaluate the tensile strength of the bone. Findings from our study showed changes in some trabecular parameters in the female alcohol-exposed group, while the male groups remained unaffected. No changes in tensile strength were seen when comparing male pair-fed control and alcohol-exposed groups and when comparing female pair-fed control and alcohol-exposed groups. Trabecular and tensile strength differences were observed between the sexes when comparing male pair-fed control and alcohol-exposed groups to female pair-fed control and alcohol-exposed groups. These findings do suggest that acute binge alcohol consumption has detrimental effects on the bone micro-architecture in female alcohol-exposed rats and that differences are seen between the sexes.

El consumo de alcohol entre menores de edad se ha convertido en una importante preocupación pública que tiene un impacto negativo en el crecimiento y desarrollo del esqueleto. La masa ósea máxima se alcanza durante la adolescencia, por lo que el objetivo del estudio fue investigar el efecto del consumo excesivo de alcohol en forma aguda sobre la morfometría trabecular y la resistencia a la tracción de la mandíbula en ratas adolescente Sprague Dawley (SD). El estudio estuvo compuesto por 24 ratas, de 7 semanas de edad, colocadas en el grupo control expuesto al alcohol [n=12 (6 machos y 6 hembras)] y alimentado en parejas [n=12 (6 machos y 6 hembras)]. El tratamiento de los grupos fue el siguiente; al grupo expuesto al alcohol y al control alimentado en parejas se les administró una dosis única diaria de 3 g/kg de alcohol al 20 % 3 días a la semana (días alternos) durante 7 días y una dosis equivalente calórica de maltosa dextrina mediante sonda oral, respectivamente. Los animales fueron sacrificados el día 7 mediante inyección de pentobarbital. Las mandíbulas se recolectaron y se escanearon utilizando un escáner 3D-microCT Nikon XTH 255L (Nikon Metrology, Lovaina, Bélgica), y las pruebas biomecánicas se realizaron utilizando una máquina de prueba de resistencia a la tracción universal Shimadzu (China). Después del escaneo y la reconstrucción, la morfometría trabecular se evaluó utilizando el software Volume Graphics Studio®. Se utilizó una prueba de flexión de 3 puntos para evaluar la resistencia a la tracción del hueso. Los hallazgos de nuestro estudio mostraron cambios en algunos parámetros trabeculares en el grupo de hembras expuestas al alcohol, mientras que los grupos de machos no se vieron afectados. No se observaron cambios en la resistencia a la tracción al comparar los grupos control de machos alimentados en parejas y los grupos expuestos al alcohol y al comparar los grupos control de las hembras alimentadas en parejas y los grupos expuestos al alcohol. Se observaron diferencias trabeculares y de resistencia a la tracción entre los sexos al comparar los grupos control de los machos alimentados en parejas y expuestos al alcohol con los grupos de control de hembras alimentadas en parejas y expuestas al alcohol. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el consumo excesivo de alcohol tiene efectos perjudiciales sobre la microarquitectura ósea en ratas hembras expuestas al alcohol y que se observan diferencias entre los sexos.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(3): 435-442, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569764


Abstract Objective To compare the spatial-temporal parameters and walking kinematics of toddlers wearing biomimetic shoes, regular shoes (daily use owned shoes), and barefoot. Methods Spatial-temporal parameters (speed, step length, and stride width), the mean vertical displacement of the center of mass (COM), knee flexion peak, and maximal foot height were analyzed. Results Children were not different in biomimetic shoes and barefoot conditions on speed, step length, and COM vertical displacement. There was no difference among conditions on stride width and foot height. The knee flexion peak was greater in shod conditions than barefoot. The regular shoes showed greater COM vertical displacement than biomimetic shoes and barefoot. Conclusion The findings showed that shoes affected the walking pattern in young children, but a shoe with a biomimetic design had a lesser effect on the walking pattern.

Resumo Objetivo O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar os parâmetros espaço temporais e cinemáticos da marcha de crianças típicas em três condições: descalças, usando calçados biomiméticos e, calçados de uso diário (não biomiméticos - próprios das crianças). Métodos Foram analisadas variáveis espaço temporais (velocidade, comprimento e largura da passada), deslocamento vertical do centro de massa (CM), pico de flexão do joelho e altura máxima do pé, coletados via avaliação tridimensional do movimento. Resultados Comparado com a condição descalça, o uso do calçado biomimético não foi estatisticamente diferente em relação a velocidade da marcha, comprimento da passada e altura do pé. A largura da passada e a altura do pé não foi diferente estatisticamente entre as condições estudadas. O pico de flexão do joelho foi maior nas condições com calçados comparado a condição descalça. Os calçados de uso diário apresentaram maior deslocamento vertical do COM do que nas condições com o calçado biomimético e descalço. Conclusão Os achados deste trabalho reafirmam que o uso do calçado influencia a marcha de crianças, especificamente na fase de desenvolvimento da marcha mas, que calçados com um design biomimético tem menores impactos no padrão de marcha das crianças.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017256


Oral diseases concern almost every individual and are a serious health risk to the popula-tion.The restorative treatment of tooth and jaw defects is an important means to achieve oral function and support the appearance of the contour.Based on the principle of"learning from the nature",Deng Xu-liang's group of Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology has proposed a new concept of"microstructural biomimetic design and tissue adaptation of tooth/jaw materials"to address the worldwide problems of difficulty in treating dentine hypersensitivity,poor prognosis of restoration of tooth defects,and vertical bone augmentation of alveolar bone after tooth loss.The group has broken through the bottle-neck of multi-stage biomimetic technology from the design of microscopic features to the enhancement of macroscopic effects,and invented key technologies such as crystalline/amorphous multi-level assembly,ion-transportation blocking,and multi-physical properties of the micro-environment reconstruction,etc.The group also pioneered the cationic-hydrogel desensitizer,digital stump and core integrated restora-tions,and developed new crown and bridge restorative materials,gradient functionalisation guided tissue regeneration membrane,and electrically responsive alveolar bone augmentation restorative membranes,etc.These products have established new clinical strategies for tooth/jaw defect repair and achieved inno-vative results.In conclusion,the research results of our group have strongly supported the theoretical im-provement of stomatology,developed the technical system of oral hard tissue restoration,innovated the clinical treatment strategy,and led the progress of the stomatology industry.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021223


BACKGROUND:Lingual movable wing is a new type of lingual orthodontic technique and the different stretching lengths of the wring affect the torque control effect of anterior teeth.However,there is yet no related biomechanical research. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the displacement trend of dentition during adduction of mandibular anterior teeth and the effect of different wing stretching lengths on the biomechanical effect of mandibular anterior teeth. METHODS:The data of the mandible and lower dentition were collected by cone-beam CT and reconstructed using Mimics software to establish a three-dimensional finite element model of mandibular anterior teeth adducted by the lingual movable wing.The ANSYS software was used to analyze the initial displacement of the mandibular anterior teeth under the following conditions:A,2 mm stretching length;B,2.5 mm stretching length;C,3 mm stretching length;and D,3.5 mm stretching length. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The trend of initial displacement of lower dentition:The central incisors moved lingually with depression,the lateral incisors and canines moved mildly lingually with mesial lingual torsion,the second premolar was tilted distally with a marked lingual inclination and the first molar showed an overall mesial inclination with mesial crown eversion.Therefore,in the adduction cases of mandibular tooth extraction,attention should be paid to the lingual movement of the second premolar,which could be offset by corresponding techniques in clinic.The trend of anterior tooth displacement in all directions:from condition A to condition D,in the sagittal direction,the difference value in crown-root displacement of central incisors changed from-11.891 μm to-5.757 4 μm,indicating that the central incisor changes from oblique movement to overall movement.The difference value in crown-root displacement of lateral incisors changed from-11.828 1 μm to-6.711 45 μm,and that of canines changed from-7.572 3 μm to-4.695 5 μm,indicating that the oblique movement of the lateral incisors and canines is also changing to an overall movement.In the vertical direction,from condition A to condition D,the reduction of incisors was gradually increased,while that of canines was gradually decreased.These findings indicate that the stretching length of the wing can affect the oblique movement trend of the anterior teeth.As the wing continues to stretch,the torque control of the lower anterior teeth will become better.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021294


BACKGROUND:For dislocation of acromioclavicular joint induced by coracoclavicular ligament fracture,single EndoButton Plate reconstruction and double EndoButton Plates reconstruction are common repair methods.Further study on the stress distribution and fracture risk of the two repair methods is of great significance. OBJECTIVE:To study the biomechanical properties of the coracoclavicular ligament,and compare the fixation effect,stress distribution and failure mode of single and double EndoButton Plates reconstruction. METHODS:(1)Finite element simulation analysis:Mimics,Wrap and SolidWorks were used to establish normal coracoclavicular ligament,single EndoButton Plate reconstruction and double EndoButton Plates reconstruction.Ansys software was used to analyze the stress and deformation of the scapula and clavicle of each model under vertical load.(2)Sample experiment:Fifteen intact scapular-clavicle specimens were randomly grouped into five groups,with three specimens in each group.In group A,the acromioclavicular ligament was severed and the coracoclavicular ligament remained intact.In group B,acromioclavicular ligaments and trapeoid ligaments were severed,leaving intact conical ligaments.In group C,acromioclavicular ligaments and conical ligaments were cut off,and the intact traprex ligaments were retained.In group D,acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments were severed,and coracoclavicular ligaments were repaired by single EndoButton Plate reconstruction.In group E,acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments were severed,and the coracoclavicular ligaments were repaired by double EndoButton Plates reconstruction.The mechanical experiment was carried out by a mechanical testing machine to analyze the biomechanical status,stress distribution and failure patterns of the scapular-clavicle and clavicle. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Finite element simulation analysis:The average stress of coracoclavicular ligament attached specimens was the lowest,and the risk of coracoclavicular fracture was less than that of single and double EndoButton Plates reconstruction.The mean stress of the coracoid process was similar in single and double EndoButton Plates reconstruction,and the fracture risk was similar.(2)Sample experiment:In groups A,B,C,D and E,the stiffness of specimens was(26.4±3.5),(19.8±2.8),(21.3±3.2),(57.7±4.1),and(46.2±2.8)N/mm,respectively;the ultimate loads were(545.5±53.7),(360.1±42.1),(250.9±44.4),(643.5±39.1),and(511.9±31.7)N,respectively;global stiffness in groups D and E was higher than that in group A(P=0.000 06,0.000 3);ultimate load in group D was higher than that in group A(P<0.05);the ultimate load was not significantly different between the group E and group A(P>0.05).Ligament fracture was observed in groups A,B and C and coracoid process fracture was found in groups D and E.(3)These results suggest that from the biomechanical analysis,Single EndoButton Plate reconstruction and double EndoButton Plates reconstruction are effective treatment techniques for coracoclavicular ligament fracture in acromioclavicular joint dislocation,but increase the risk of fracture.The double EndoButton Plates reconstruction dispersed the stress of the steel plate and reduced the contact force between the steel plate and bone,but slightly reduced the ultimate bearing capacity.Single and double EndoButton Plates reconstruction should be selected according to the actual clinical situation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021312


BACKGROUND:Due to the treatment of cervical spondylosis,the Zero-P system of the anterior cervical interbody fusion system will have problems such as screw loosening and fracture after operation,so a novel Low-P system has been developed. OBJECTIVE:To compare the effects of the novel Low-P and Zero-P anterior cervical intervertebral fusion systems on the biomechanical properties of adjacent segments of the cervical spine and to perform stress analysis on the internal fixation system,so as to provide a theoretical reference for clinical treatment. METHODS:A complete model of the C1-C7 segment of the cervical spine was established.Based on the effectiveness of the model,a finite element model of Low-P(type Z Low-P and type H Low-P)and Zero-P system implanted in C4-C5 segments was established.The stress distribution of implanted devices and adjacent vertebral nucleus pulposus,fibrous rings and end plates was analyzed under the conditions of forward flexion,posterior extension,lateral bending and rotation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)After implantation of Low-P and Zero-P internal fixation devices,the range of motion of the type H Low-P system was large;the maximum stress value of type Z Low-P system was small;the maximum stress of Zero-P on the nucleus pulposus of adjacent segments was large;the maximum stress of end plate was small.(2)The influence of three internal fixation systems on adjacent segment fiber rings was close.(3)The screw stress of the Zero-P internal fixation system was much greater than that of the Low-P system.(4)It is indicated that compared with Zero-P type internal fixation system,the novel Low-P system reduces the stress value of steel plate and screw,which can reduce screw loosening and internal fixation system failure.The Low-P system has less stress on the nucleus pulposus of adjacent discs and reduces disc degeneration in adjacent segments.This paper provides a theoretical basis for the clinical study of a Low-P type internal fixation system.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021313


BACKGROUND:Among the pathogenic factors of cervical spondylosis,herniation of the intervertebral disc,dislocation of the facet joint and the stenosis of the intervertebral foramen are important factors leading to symptoms in patients.Moreover,inappropriate manipulation may aggravate the possibility of cervical disc rupture,leading to exacerbation of symptoms in patients. OBJECTIVE:To compare the effect between sagittal cervical manipulation and traditional cervical rotation manipulation on the area of the intervertebral disc,facet joint and intervertebral foramen at the operative segment by the finite element analysis. METHODS:The neck CT data of a male volunteer with a normal neck were selected and imported into Mimics 17.0 three-dimensional reconstruction software.Geo-magic Studio 12.0,Solidworks 2017 and Ansys Workbench 17.0 software were used for the construction of the finite element model of cervical vertebrae(C3-6)including intervertebral disc and articular cartilage.The lower end plate of the C5 vertebral body was fixed.A uniformly distributed vertical downward 50 N load was applied on the upper surface of the upper vertebral body(C3).The stress,deformation and deformation direction of the C4-5 intervertebral disc,joint capsule stress,the displacement of facet joints and the area of bilateral intervertebral foramen were compared between sagittal cervical manipulation and traditional rotation reduction. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)When using the rotation technique,the maximum normal equivalent stress(von Mises stress)of the C4-5 disc was 8.06 MPa;the total deformation was 1.05 mm,and the fiber ring expanded to the left and outside.When using the sagittal tip lifting technique,the maximum normal equivalent stress(von Mises stress)of the C4-5 disc was 2.60 MPa;the total deformation was 0.90 mm,and the fiber ring expanded to the left and back.Compared with the rotation technique,the pressure of the cervical manipulation technique on the disc was less(about 32.3%of the rotation technique),and the deformation degree of the disc was also light(about 85.7%of the rotation technique).(2)When the rotation technique was used,the maximum stresses of the left and right articular capsule ligaments were 0.37 MPa and 1.69 MPa,respectively.The overall displacement of the facet joint was 2.21 mm.The area of the right intervertebral foramen decreased by about 3.8%and the area of the left intervertebral foramen increased by about 0.9%.When the sagittal end lifting manipulation was performed,the maximum stresses of the left and right articular capsule ligaments were 0.27 MPa and 1.70 MPa,respectively;the overall displacement of the facet joint was 1.63 mm;the area of the right intervertebral foramen increased by about 2.6%,and the area of the left intervertebral foramen decreased by about 0.9%.Compared with rotation manipulation,sagittal end lifting manipulation had fewer changes in the displacement of facet joint,joint capsule stress and intervertebral foramen area,so it was safer to operate.(3)In conclusion,compared with cervical rotation manipulation,sagittal end lifting manipulation has fewer changes in facet joint displacement,intervertebral disc stress/deformation degree,joint capsule stress,and foraminal area.In clinical practice,more appropriate manipulation should be selected based on biomechanical results after an accurate assessment of patients'conditions.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021314


BACKGROUND:Endoscopic treatment of lumbar disc herniation has obvious advantages over traditional open surgery.Endoscopic surgery involves the implantation of a working cannula,which requires only partial bone removal,and there are no studies on the effects of two types of intraoperative foraminoplasty and laminoplasty on the mechanical properties of the local structure of the lumbar spine. OBJECTIVE:To compare the effect of foraminoplasty and laminoplasty on the biomechanical properties of disc and isthmus of the responsible segment. METHODS:The lumbosacral CT images of a healthy male volunteer were taken,and a finite element model M0 of the L3 to sacral vertebrae was established,on which the primary and secondary foraminoplasty models M1 and M2 of the L5/S1 and the laminoplasty model M3 were built.The same load was applied to compare the intervertebral motion range,disc Von Mises stress and equivalent stress characteristics of L5 vertebral isthmus with each model. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Compared with M0,M1 and M2 motion range in L5/S1 segment did not change significantly in all directions;M2 overall motion range increased by 8.60%in flexion;M3 increased by 8.23%and 8.26%in L5/S1 right bending and right torsion,and 5.39%and 5.67%in overall motion range in flexion and right bending,with no significant changes in motion range in the rest of working conditions.(2)Compared with M0,M1 showed no significant change in the extremes of Von Mises stress at L5/S1 disc;M2 increased 11.06%,12.50%,18.32%,and 15.48%in flexion,extension,left torsion,and right torsion;M3 increased 12.22%,19.54%,10.05%,and 9.97%in flexion,extension,left torsion,and right torsion,and the rest working conditions and L4/5 disc maximum Von Mises stress did not change significantly.(3)Compared to M0,the maximum Von Mises stress in the left isthmus of L5 of M1 increased by 12.43%in left bending,18.38%,13.29%,13.62%,and 40.00%in the right isthmus in extension,right bending,left torsion,and right torsion.The maximum Von Mises stress in the left isthmus of L5 of M2 increased by 38.87%,42.63%,16.95%,and 19.35%,and that in the right isthmus increased by 12.58%,33.70%,12.92%,and 17.42%in flexion,extension,left bending,and left torsion.The maximum Von Mises stress in the left isthmus of L5 of M3 increased 67.07%,78.14%,32.33%,62.94%,and 89.99%in flexion,extension,left and right bending,and right torsion.(4)The results suggest that foraminoplasty and laminoplasty have a small effect on spinal motion range;there is a mild increase in the extreme values of disc Von Mises stress in the segments operated by interbody laminoplasty and secondary foraminoplasty;there is no significant change in the extreme values of disc Von Mises stress in adjacent segments,and there is a significant increase in the Von Mises stress in the ipsilateral isthmus operated by the interbody laminoplasty model.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021316


BACKGROUND:The incidence of high lumbar disc herniation in elderly patients with osteoporosis is increasing.The changes in lumbar overall mechanical strength and biomechanical properties of adjacent vertebrae after conventional posterior approach decompression and interbody fusion have not been clarified.Finite element analysis has great value in the field of biomechanics because of its advantages of non-invasiveness,high repeatability and accuracy. OBJECTIVE:To explore the establishment of a finite element model of senile osteoporotic L3/4 lamina decompression using finite element analysis and intervertebral fusion spine,and to evaluate the biomechanical status of the internal fixation complex of bones under bending motion in elderly patients with osteoporosis. METHODS:Mimics 21.0 was used to extract the DICOM data of the spine CT to establish the 3D bony structure of the lumbar spine(T12-L5),which was imported into Geomagic wrap 2017.The L3/4 full lamina decompression model was established after redrawing the mesh,deleting the nails,cutting the model,filling the cavity,detecting and editing the contour line,constructing curved surfaces and grids,fitting curved surfaces and other operations.Solidworks 2017 was used to construct pedicle screws,connecting rods,and intervertebral fusion cages,which were assembled into the L3/4 full lamina decompression model.Intervertebral discs and articular process cartilage and other structures were established through operations such as stretching,isometric surfaces,moving and copying entities.ANSYS Workbench 17.0 was utilized for material assignment,simulating spinal ligaments,meshing,applying force and limiting boundary conditions.A complete osteoporotic L3/4 laminar decompression and intervertebral fusion spine finite element model was established.The stress,strain and displacement cloud diagram of the L3/4 lamina decompression and intervertebral fusion full lumbar spine finite element model were observed under simulated bending conditions. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)In terms of the stress cloud diagram:The T12-L1 vertebra had the highest average stress value;L2 dropped by 24%;L3 dropped by 55%,and L4-5 dropped by about 80%.The stress concentration in the L4/5 articular process area was the highest,followed by L2/3,and lighter in L1/2 and T12/L1.The stress concentration at the junction of the screw and the connecting rod was obvious,followed by the screw at the entrance and exit of the pedicle.(2)In terms of strain and displacement cloud map:The strain degree of L4/5 and L2/3 articular process was the highest;the strain degree of T12/L1 and L1/2 was the second,and the L3/4 segmental fusion cage,pedicle screw and connecting rod had no any visible deformation.The intervertebral discs of all segments showed great deformation.(3)It is concluded that the cooperative operation of multiple software can successfully construct a finite element model of the spine with L3/4 lamina decompression and intervertebral fusion in elderly patients with osteoporosis.Elderly patients after lumbar spine surgery can tolerate forward flexion,confirming that L3/4 laminar decompression and intervertebral fusion can maintain the shape of the spine and ensure the stability of the spine,but it is necessary to be alert to the occurrence of thoracolumbar stress fractures and adjacent spondylopathy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021319


BACKGROUND:After the internal fixation of cannulated screws in femoral neck fractures,because the affected limb is often unable to bear weight in the short term and the implants with high stiffness have a stress shielding effect on the fracture end,it is easy to cause osteoporosis of the affected limb and changes in the biomechanical distribution of the proximal femur,the incidence of osteonecrosis of the femoral head is high after surgery.At present,few studies have been conducted on the biomechanical effects of osteoporosis at the proximal end of the femur occurring after femoral neck fracture surgery on femoral neck fracture treated with cannulated screws. OBJECTIVE:Using finite element analysis,to investigate the biomechanical effects of osteoporosis occurring after femoral neck fracture surgery on femoral neck fracture treated with cannulated screws and explore the role of biomechanical factors in osteonecrosis of the femoral head. METHODS:Based on the obtained CT scan data of the femur in a patient with a femoral neck fracture,a proximal femoral model for internal fixation for femoral neck fracture was established by Mimics 19.0,3-Matic,UG 11.0,Hypermesh 14.0,and Abaqus software.One finite element model of the proximal femur without osteoporosis and three finite element models of the proximal femur with osteoporosis were analyzed using Abaqus software.The stress,contact pressure,displacement peak and cloud map under different components of the four models were measured and analyzed,and the internal stress changes and distribution of the femoral head were compared and analyzed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The stresses and contact pressures of the femoral head and lower anterior cannulated screws varied more with the degree of osteoporosis.The peak displacement of the four models increased slowly with the degree of osteoporosis.By one-way analysis of variance,there was no significant effect of the degree of osteoporosis on the peak stress,contact pressure,and displacement of the different components.The internal stress distribution of the femoral head changed with the degree of osteoporosis.Changes in the biomechanical environment of the proximal femur have an important impact on osteonecrosis of the femoral head.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021320


BACKGROUND:Intramedullary nail has achieved a good clinical result in the treatment of femoral shaft fractures,but some patients still have aseptic nonunion due to mechanical instability.The femur is the longest and largest bone in the human body,but there are few studies on whether the fracture of the femur has different biomechanical results in different areas and the influence of different inserting methods on the stability of fracture fragments in different areas. OBJECTIVE:To analyze the biomechanical characteristics of anterograde and retrograde intramedullary nails in the treatment of different areas of femoral shaft fractures,and to evaluate the best way of insertion to reduce the incidence of nonunion. METHODS:CT data of a healthy volunteer were selected to import into the software of Mimics 19.0 and Geomagic studio 2017 to extract and optimize the three-dimensional model of the right femur.The anterograde and retrograde intramedullary nail models were built with Solidworks 2017 software and assembled with femoral shaft fracture models at different fracture areas according to standard surgical techniques.The models were imported into Abaqus 2017 software in STEP format to set material attribute parameters,boundary conditions,load and submit calculation,and the results were viewed in the visualization module.Among them,the antegrade and retrograde intramedullary nails of the upper femoral shaft fracture were A1 and A2 models,B1 and B2 models in the middle segment,and C1 and C2 models in the lower segment. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)In models A1,B1 and C2,the overall stress distribution of the femur was more uniform,and the placement,the displacement and angle of the fracture site,and inversion angle of the proximal femoral bone fragment were smaller.(2)For the upper and middle femoral shaft fractures,the anterograde intramedullary nail has a better biomechanical effect.For lower femoral shaft fractures,a retrograde intramedullary nail is preferable.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021322


BACKGROUND:The treatment of distal tibial fractures with soft tissue injury has always been challenging,and the new retrograde tibial nailing is a new choice.Up to now,there were few reports on the biomechanical properties between the new retrograde tibial nailing,anterograde intramedullary nailing and supercutaneous locking plate. OBJECTIVE:To explore the biomechanical stability of new retrograde tibial nailing,antegrade intramedullary nailing and supercutaneous locking plate in the treatment of distal tibial fractures with soft tissue injury using finite element analysis so as to offer a scientific foundation for clinical application. METHODS:The finite element model of transverse distal tibia fracture was established by relevant software utilizing the CT data of the tibia from a 42-year-old healthy male.Retrograde tibial nailing,antegrade intramedullary nailing and supercutaneous locking plate finite element models were assembled under the principle of fracture fixation.Finally,meshing,applying loads,and data processing were accomplished with the ANSYS 2019 software.Moreover,the stress distribution and displacement of the tibia and internal fixation of each model were compared. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The displacement of fracture end in the three groups increased with the increase of load.In all mode loads,the average displacement of the fracture end was the least in the retrograde tibial nailing group,followed by the supercutaneous locking plate group,and the highest in the antegrade intramedullary nailing group.At 800 N vertical load,the displacement difference of the fracture end was statistically significant(P<0.05).There was no statistical significance in other load modes.(2)Under different loads,the tibial stress in the three groups was the highest in the middle of the tibia,and gradually decreased to the proximal and distal ends.The stress distribution of the tibial shaft was the highest in the retrograde tibial nailing group,followed by the supercutaneous locking plate group,and the least in the antegrade intramedullary nailing group.(3)Under different loads,the stress of the tibial stress raiser in the three groups was significantly higher in the supercutaneous locking plate group than in the other two groups,with statistical significance(P<0.05).(4)Under different loads,the stress of the fixators in the three groups was the largest in the supercutaneous locking plate group,followed by the retrograde tibial nailing group,and the minimum in the antegrade intramedullary nailing group.There were significant differences in the stress of fixator stress raiser among the three groups under different loading modes(P<0.05).(5)It is indicated that all three fixation methods have the good anti-rotation ability and axial stability.Retrograde tibial nail shows better biomechanical stability.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021323


BACKGROUND:At present,wrist protection products designed in and outside China have not solved the contradiction between protecting the wrist joint from injury and maintaining the flexible movement of the wrist joint. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the biomechanical mechanism of dorsiflexion injury of the wrist joint in elderly people after falls,and to provide a biomechanical basis for the prevention and treatment of wrist injury in elderly people after falls. METHODS:A 65-year-old man was selected to obtain the original data by uninterrupted CT scan of the middle and lower 2/3 of his left forearm up to the end of the finger.A finite element model of wrist dorsiflexion was established using ANSYS 12.0 finite element software.The palm surface of the model was constrained,and the model at a velocity load of 2 m/s in the direction of vertical downward was given to simulate the injury state of the palm when the elderly fall.The stress distribution of the soft tissues and bones of the wrist joint and the change of the stress with time were observed after the load was applied. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)A realistic and effective finite element model of the dorsal extension position of the wrist joint of the elderly was established.The soft tissue stresses were mainly concentrated in the small fissure of the palm and the dorsal side of the wrist after loading.The skeletal stresses were mainly concentrated in the lower end of the ulnar radius dorsally.The stresses in the lower end of the radius were the greatest.The palmar stresses were mainly concentrated in the middle and lower 1/3 of the radius and the hook bone.The stress distribution of the ulnar radius was asymmetric,and the stresses in the radius were more concentrated.(2)The results of the study are consistent with the clinical situation of a fallen wrist injury in elderly people,and can be used to explain the mechanism of wrist dorsiflexion injury,which can provide the biomechanical basis for the design of wrist protection devices that can be used to prevent wrist injury induced by falling and the treatment of wrist injury in elderly people.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021324


BACKGROUND:Three-point mechanics is an effective method for ankle foot orthosis correction and prevention of various foot diseases.At present,the clinical application research on 3D printing ankle foot orthosis has been widespread;however,there are relatively few reports on numerical simulation and finite element analysis involving three-point mechanical correction.There is a lack of relevant biomechanical experimental verification. OBJECTIVE:Three-point force was loaded to analyze the composite model of ankle foot orthosis and foot by finite element method,observing the effect of foot correction with ankle foot orthosis under three-point force intervention,verifying the effectiveness of three-point force and the reliability of ankle foot orthosis. METHODS:A three-dimensional foot and ankle model of a healthy volunteer was constructed based on the medical image processing software Mimics.Rodin 4D and Geomagic reverse engineering software were used to optimize the models and design personalized ankle foot orthosis models.Solidworks software was utilized to turn the ankle model inside for 10° to simulate the foot varus disease.Static loading was carried out on the foot force application area by ANSYS software combined with the three-point mechanics principle.The deformation and stress changes of the foot and ankle tissues were analyzed when the human foot pain threshold was met.The display dynamics was used to further verify the effectiveness of the three-point force applied by the ankle foot orthosis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The personalized ankle foot orthosis designed in this paper had the effect of preventing and fixing foot and ankle varus.The ankle varus was 1.81 mm after being loaded with 1 N·m of varus when not wearing ankle foot orthosis,while it was only 0.44 mm after wearing ankle foot orthosis,the deformation rate was reduced by 75.7%,and the effect of preventing varus was significantly enhanced.(2)When only coronal correction was performed,the low calcaneal force would aggravate the varus angle of the front foot.After adjusting the correction force on the inside of the heel and above the medial malleolus,the varus angle of the front foot and the calcaneus position were improved;however,the medial phalangeal region of the foot still had different degrees of adduction and displacement,which would aggravate the adduction deformity of the patient's front foot.(3)The correction effect of the coronal plane and horizontal plane was better than that of the single coronal plane.There was no adduction and displacement of the medial phalanges of the front foot and the varus angle of the front foot decreased under the force(25,10,10,20 N)of the medial heel,the medial shaft of the first metatarsal,below the lateral malleolus and above the medial malleolus,and the valgus along the X-axis was corrected by 1.395 mm,the calcaneus valgus was corrected by 1.227 mm.The calcaneus varus angle was corrected from 10.21° to 7.25°,and the varus angle was improved by 28.9%.(4)The lateral plantar metatarsal load decreased,the medial plantar metatarsal load increased under the action of a two-plane three-point force,and the plantar bone stress was significantly improved after correction.Thus,the reliability of the three-point force principle was further verified.This study provides an important theoretical support for the implementation of ankle foot orthosis in the treatment of varus in clinical practice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021325


BACKGROUND:The landing test can effectively observe the biomechanical indexes of the lower limbs of patients with chronic ankle instability,analyze the balance adjustment strategies that affect the stability of chronic ankle instability posture,and provide a valuable reference for chronic ankle instability patients to avoid re-injury and clinical rehabilitation after injury. OBJECTIVE:To analyze the effects of vision on the balance of chronic ankle instability and the changes in balance adjustment strategies by observing the kinematics and kinetics of chronic ankle instability patients during landing with and without vision. METHODS:Totally 31 patients with chronic ankle instability landed on a single leg from a 40 cm platform with their eyes open and closed.The dynamic and kinematic data during the landing process were collected using a three-dimensional motion capture system.The difference in landing between the healthy and the ill side legs under the two conditions was compared by paired t-test. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Dynamic indexes:The relative value of the peak ground reaction force in the front,rear and vertical directions of the affected ankle joint when eyes were closed was greater than that when eyes were open,and the peak ground reaction force in the vertical direction appeared later than that when eyes were open(P<0.05).(2)Kinematics indexes:The flexion angle of the knee of the healthy and affected sides when touching the ground was greater under the condition of closed eyes than under the condition of open eyes(P<0.05).The maximum flexion angle and feedforward angle of the affected knee and ankle were greater than those of the affected side with eyes open(P<0.05).The time of landing stability was longer than that of eye opening(P<0.05).(3)It is indicated that under the condition of removing visual input,the peak of ground reaction force increases,the contact angle joint increases,and the time to stabilization of chronic ankle instability is prolonged during landing in patients with chronic ankle instability,which increases the probability of landing injury.Visual maintenance of the balance of chronic ankle instability patients cannot compensate for the vestibular sense and proprioception.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021390


BACKGROUND:Anterior subtotal corpectomy,decompression and fusion is a conventional method to treat cervical degenerative diseases.A titanium cage is an important implant to maintain the stability of the cervical spine after subtotal corpectomy.In recent years,many patients have complications such as titanium cage sinking,which are highly controversial. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the internal biomechanical relationship between the tilt angle of the titanium cage and postoperative titanium cage subsidence after anterior subtotal cervical corpectomy,decompression and fusion. METHODS:A three-dimensional finite element model of the C4-C6 segment was established by CT images of a normal human cervical spine,in which the anterior subtotal resection,decompression and fusion of the C5 vertebral body were simulated,and titanium cages with different tilt angles(-6° to-1° negative angle,that is,the front edge of titanium cage is shorter than the rear edge of titanium cage;1° to 6° positive angle,that is,the front edge of titanium cage is longer than the rear edge of titanium cage)were placed.After setting the boundary conditions,preloads of 50,100 and 150 N were applied respectively on the C4 vertebral body.The stress value of each contact point between the titanium cage and C4 lower-end plate and C6 lower-end plate(seven stress contact points on the contact surface of titanium mesh)was recorded and statistical analysis was conducted. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The tilt angles of the titanium cage of the positive angle group and negative angle group under 50,100 and 150 N stress respectively were found by Mann Whitn test,with P<0.05,which was statistically significant.The dispersion coefficients of the positive angle group were smaller than those of the negative angle group under 50,100 and 150 N stress conditions.(2)Under 50,100 and 150 N stress conditions,the Wilcoxon sign rank test in the positive angle group of titanium cage tilt angle found that when the angle was set to 1° to 5°,the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).However,when the tilt angle of the titanium cage was set to 6°,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).(3)Under 50,100 and 150 N stress conditions,the Wilcoxon sign rank test in the negative angle group of titanium cage tilt angle found that when the tilt angle was set to-1° to-6°,the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).(4)It is concluded that in the sagittal position,the titanium cage with a positive tilt angle is more stable than with a negative tilt angle,which is more suitable for clinical use.The tilt angle of the titanium cage is relatively stable in the range of 1° to 5°.When the tilt angle is 6°,the stability starts to decline,which is easy to cause complications of titanium cage sinking after surgery.It is more suitable to select the titanium cage with a tilt angle of 1° to 5° according to the clinical situation during surgery to improve the efficacy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021392


BACKGROUND:Interspinous distraction fusion device BacFuse was used for the management of lumbar degenerative disease and obtained good clinical efficacy in recent years.However,the related biomechanical study was lacking. OBJECTIVE:To explore the related biomechanical characteristics of BacFuse,a novel interspinous distraction fusion device,which was used in lumbar degenerative disease. METHODS:After constructing the goat spinal models(L1-L6),they were grouped into four groups based on different simulated surgeries:the control group,the BacFuse group(L3/4),the screw-rod fixation group(L3/4)and the Topping-off group(L3/4 screw-rod fixation + L2/3 BacFuse fixation).The goat lumbar spine surgical model was assembled into a biomechanical testing system.A biomechanical machine was used for mechanical loading,simulating lumbar spine movement of flexion,extension,lateral flexion and rotation with a 4 Nm moment.A visual tracking system was used for positioning and capturing.Finally,mechanical and optical calibration was completed to calculate the range of motion of the L2/3,L3/4 and L4/5 segments. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Compared with the control group,the range of motion of the L3/4 segment in the BacFuse group decreased 27.27%,70%,38.1%and 23.08%in the flexion,extension,lateral bending and rotation directions,respectively(P<0.05).The range of motion of L3/4 segment in the screw-rod fixation group decreased 72.73%,80%,71.43%and 73.08%in the flexion,extension,lateral bending and rotation directions,respectively(P<0.05).(2)Compared with the control group,the range of motion of the adjacent segment L2/3 increased by 33.33%,25%and 23.81%in the extension,lateral bending and rotation directions,respectively in the BacFuse group(P<0.05),with no significant change in flexion.In the screw-rod fixation group,there was a 50%,44.44%,50%and 58.96%increase in the adjacent segment L2/3 in the flexion,extension,lateral calibration and rotation directions,respectively(P<0.05).(3)Compared with the control group,the BacFuse group showed an increase in range of motion in proximal segment L4/5 in the extension and rotation directions by 27.3%and 17.39%(P<0.05)respectively,with no significant change in flexion or lateral bending.In the screw-rob fixation group,the proximal segment L4/5 demonstrated 38.89%,22.73%and 26.09%(P<0.05)increases in range of motion in the flexion,extension and rotation directions,respectively,with no significant change in lateral bending.(4)In the Topping-off group,the range of motion of L2/3 was reduced by 37.04%,73.08%,56.67%and 38.46%in flexion,extension,lateral flexion and rotation,respectively,compared to the screw-rob fixation group(P<0.05).Compared with the screw-rob fixation group,the Topping-off group showed a 20%reduction in the range of motion of the L4/5 in the flexion direction(P<0.05),with no significant differences seen in extension,lateral bending and rotation.(5)It is concluded that the interspinous distraction fusion device BacFuse significantly reduces the range of motion of the implanted segment and provides some stability.It still retains more mobility and reduces the impact on the adjacent segment compared to screw-rob fixation,while the Topping-off tip,which can be used for intervertebral fusion fixation,significantly reduces the range of motion of the adjacent segment and reduces the risk of adjacent segment degeneration.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021394


BACKGROUND:The stability of the pelvis is mainly determined by the posterior pelvic ring and the sacroiliac joint.The posterior pelvic ring injury and the dislocation of the sacroiliac joint caused by high energy impacts such as car accidents increase year by year.Surgical treatment is the best method,and there are many kinds of endophytorepair methods in clinical practice,but which treatment method has the best biomechanical properties is still controversial. OBJECTIVE:To compare the biomechanical properties of three kinds of internal implants:anterior double plates,posterior bridging plate and tension nail in the repair of unilateral unstable pelvic posterior ring injury,to provide a reference for the clinical treatment and development of a new pelvic tension screw. METHODS:(1)Finite element simulation:Mimics,Wrap and SolidWorks were used to establish normal pelvic model,unilateral injured pelvis model,and three kinds of internal implant repaired models(anterior double plates,posterior bridging plate and tension nail).Ansys was used to analyze the stress and deformation of the models.(2)Biomechanical test:A total of 15 intact pelvic specimens were randomly grouped into five groups,normal pelvic model,unilateral injured pelvis model,anterior double plates,posterior bridging plate and tension nail groups.The mechanical test was performed using an Instron E10000 testing machine. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Simulation:In the normal pelvic model,the average displacement of the sacrum was 0.174 mm,and the maximum stress of the sacral iliac bone was 10.51 MPa,and the stress distribution was uniform.The mean sacral displacement of the unilateral injured pelvis model was 0.267 mm,and the stress concentration of the model was obvious.The mean displacement of the sacrum in the three repaired models was close to that in the normal pelvic model,and the stress distribution of the sacral iliac bone in the tension nail repaired model was uniform.(2)Mechanical test:The stiffness of the normal pelvic model was(226.38±4.18)N/mm,and that of the unilateral unstable pelvic model was the smallest(130.02±2.19)N/mm.The deviation of the normal pelvic model stiffness and the three repaired models'stiffness were all within(±10%),and the repair effect was obvious.(3)The simulation results were in agreement with the experimental results.(4)The biomechanics of the tension nail repaired model was the most similar to that of the normal pelvis,and this method was the best.The repairing stiffness of the anterior double plate was too large,and the stress shielding effect was more significant.The posterior bridging plate repair could not solve the compensatory effect of the normal side soft tissue and had defects.This study provides an optimal basis for clinical surgery.(5)The new type of pelvic tension nail should be improved from the point of view of the tension nail to retain the good biomechanical properties of the tension nail,while adding other advantages,such as being used for the osteoporotic pelvis.