Introducción: La hiponatremia se encuentra asociada aproximadamente con el 10% de los pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico, su baja frecuencia y la intuición clínica de esta relación la hace importante en el presente informe de caso. Objetivo: Describir la asociación de la hiponatremia con el traumatismo craneoen-cefálico con la finalidad de mejorar la comprensión de esta relación en el personal de salud y promover la implementación de estrategias de diagnóstico y manejo más efectivas basadas en predicciones bioquímicas y anatómicas actualizadas. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino, adulto joven, con antecedentes de dos traumatismos craneoencefálicos, con hiponatremia sérica severa y síntomas persistentes de mareo y cefalea, tratado con diuréticos de asa y cloruro de sodio vía oral, con mejoría posterior al vigésimo día de hospitalización. Discusión: Ciertas alteraciones neurológicas con manifestación clínica evidente, se presentan por bajos niveles de sodio sérico, o por causas anatómicas y fisioló-gicas diferentes. Se ha demostrado una relación causal con mecanismo fisiopato-lógico no bien descrito sobre la hiponatremia y el traumatismo craneoencefálico. Conclusión: Es crucial tener una vigilancia meticulosa en pacientes con hipona-tremia severa, aunque presenten pocos síntomas clínicos (considerando antece-dentes como el traumatismo craneoencefálico en la anamnesis inicial y de segui-miento) como en este caso. Además, se destaca la necesidad de investigar las vías metabólicas que podrían verse afectadas por traumatismos craneoencefálicos, y que podrían tener un impacto directo en los niveles de sodio en sangre.
Introduction: Hyponatremia is found to be associated with approximately 10% of patients with traumatic brain injury. Despite its low frequency, the clinical intuition regarding this relationship underscores its significance in this case report. Objective: Describe the association between hyponatremia and traumatic brain in-jury, aiming to enhance healthcare professionals' understanding of this correlation and to advocate for the implementation of more effective diagnostic and manage-ment strategies based on updated biochemical and anatomical predictions. Case Presentation: A young adult male patient with a history of two traumatic brain injuries, severe serum hyponatremia, and persistent symptoms of dizziness and headache, treated with loop diuretics and oral sodium chloride, exhibited improvement after twenty days of hospitalization. Discussion: Certain neurological alterations with evident clinical manifestation are characterized by low levels of serum sodium, possibly stemming from distinct ana-tomical and physiological causes. A causal relationship with a poorly described pathophysiological mechanism between hyponatremia and traumatic brain injury has been suggested. Conclusion: Meticulous monitoring is imperative for patients with severe hypona-tremia, even when clinical symptoms are minimal, as observed in this case. Fur-thermore, emphasis is placed on the need to investigate metabolic pathways that may be affected by traumatic brain injuries, potentially exerting a direct impact on blood sodium levels.
Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Hyponatremia/etiologyABSTRACT
Introduction: In Brazil, traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents about two thirds of all causes of death and are often associated with traffic accidents, causing overload of medium and high complexity services. Objectives:To describe the occurrence and clinical-epidemiological profile of TBIs associated with traffic accidents in a regional hospital in the southeast of the state of Pará. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional analytical study. It was based on data from the medical and statistical archives service of a regional hospital, through the analysis of electronic medical records of patients treated with TBI resulting from traffic accidents in the period from 2016 to 2020. Results: Of the 20,077 overall hospitalizations recorded, 4.0% were associated with the occurrence of TBI, of which, 75.3% were directly caused by traffic accidents involving motorcycles. The cases were concentrated in individuals of mixed race, male, aged between 18 and 29 years, with percentages of 92.5%, 86% and 39%, respectively. Conclusions: The occurrence of TBIs associated with automobile accidents is a problem that requires attention in the region. Moreover, there were several gaps in the completion of the medical records, which made it difficult to determine the association of the outcome, alcohol consumption and the use of PPE. However, considering all the information presented, assertive local public policies aimed at prevention can be implemented. And this can be the starting point for promoting changes aimed at mitigating traffic accidents and bed occupations due to preventable causes, impacting the quality of health care and economic factors (AU).
Introdução: No Brasil, os traumatismos cranioencefálicos (TCEs) representam cerca dois terços de todas as causas de óbitos e são frequentemente associados a acidentes de trânsito, causando sobrecarga dos serviços de média e alta complexidade. Objetivos: Descrever a ocorrência e o perfil clínico-epidemiológico de TCEs associados a acidentes de trânsito em um hospital regional no Sudeste do Estado do Pará. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo analítico de corte transversal. Baseou-se em dados provenientes do serviço de arquivos médicos e estatísticos de um hospital regional, através da análise de prontuários eletrônicos de pacientes diagnosticados com TCE decorrentes de acidentes de trânsito no período de 2016 a 2020. Resultados: Das 20.077 internações gerais re-gistradas, 4,0% foram associadas à ocorrência de TCE, das quais 75,3% foram diretamente causados por acidentes de trânsito envolvendo motocicletas. Os casos se concentraram em indivíduos pardos, do sexo masculino, com faixa etária entre 18 e 29 anos, com percentuais de 92,5%, 86% e 39%, respectivamente. Conclusões: A ocorrência de TCEs associados a acidentes automobilísticos é um problema que requer atenção na região. Além disso, verificou-se várias lacunas no preenchimento dos prontuários, o que dificultou a determinação da associação do desfecho, o consumo de álcool e a utilização dos EPIs. No entanto, considerando todas as informações apresentadas, políticas públicas assertivas locais que visem a prevenção podem ser implementadas. E esse pode ser o ponto de partida para promover mudanças que visem mitigação dos acidentes de trânsito e ocupações de leitos por causas evitáveis, impactando na qualidade da assistência em saúde e fatores econômicos (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Accidents, Traffic , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Brain Injuries, TraumaticABSTRACT
RESUMEN El traumatismo craneoencefálico es un evento ocasionado por la fuerza sobre el continente que guarda al contenido cerebral, que hace que la inercia ocasione lesiones por aceleración y desaceleración produciendo hemorragias y/o fracturas Estas pueden generar una serie de complicaciones como el absceso epidural que al estar muy cerca al cerebro constituye una emergencia, siendo complejo su manejo y seguimiento. En esta oportunidad mostramos el caso de un paciente con absceso epidural ocasionado por traumatismo craneoencefálico y manejo neuroquirúrgico, con buena evolución clínica.
ABSTRACT Cranioencephalic trauma is an event caused by force on the container that holds the brain content, which causes inertia to cause acceleration and deceleration injuries, producing hemorrhages and/or fractures; These can generate a series of complications such as epidural abscess which, being very close to the brain, constitutes an emergency for its management and follow-up15. On this occasion we show the case of a patient with epidural abscess caused by cranioencephalic trauma and neurosurgical management.
Abstract Background The most frequent cause of death in neurosurgical patients is due to the increase in intracranial pressure (ICP); consequently, adequate monitoring of this parameter is extremely important. Objectives In this study, we aimed to analyze the accuracy of noninvasive measurement methods for intracranial hypertension (IH) in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods The data were obtained from the PubMed database, using the following terms: intracranial pressure, noninvasive, monitoring, assessment, and measurement. The selected articles date from 1980 to 2021, all of which were observational studies or clinical trials, in English and specifying ICP measurement in TBI. At the end of the selection, 21 articles were included in this review. Results The optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD), pupillometry, transcranial doppler (TCD), multimodal combination, brain compliance using ICP waveform (ICPW), HeadSense, and Visual flash evoked pressure (FVEP) were analyzed. Pupillometry was not found to correlate with ICP, while HeadSense monitor and the FVEP method appear to have good correlation, but sensitivity and specificity data are not available. The ONSD and TCD methods showed good-to-moderate accuracy on invasive ICP values and potential to detect IH in most studies. Furthermore, multimodal combination may reduce the error possibility related to each technique. Finally, ICPW showed good accuracy to ICP values, but this analysis included TBI and non-TBI patients in the same sample. Conclusions Noninvasive ICP monitoring methods may be used in the near future to guide TBI patients' management.
Resumo Antecedentes A causa mais frequente de morte em pacientes neurocirúrgicos é devido ao aumento da pressão intracraniana (PIC); consequentemente, o monitoramento adequado desse parâmetro é de extrema importância. Objetivos Avaliar na literatura científica os principais métodos não invasivos de medida da PIC em pacientes com traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE). Métodos Os dados foram obtidos na base de dados PubMed, utilizando os seguintes termos: pressão intracraniana, não invasivo, monitoramento, avaliação e medida, resultando em 147 artigos. Os artigos selecionados datam de 1980 a 2021, sendo todos estudos observacionais ou ensaios clínicos, em inglês e especificando a medida da pressão intracraniana em traumatismo cranioencefálico. Ao final da seleção, 21 artigos foram incluídos nesta revisão. Resultados Foram analisados os seguintes métodos: diâmetro da bainha do nervo óptico (ONSD), pupilometria, doppler transcraniano (TCD), combinação multimodal, complacência cerebral por meio da análise de ondas intracerebrais (ICPW), HeadSense e visual evocado por flashes de luz (FVEP). A pupilometria não se correlacionou com os valores de PIC, enquanto que o monitor HeadSense e o método FVEP parecem ter uma boa correlação, mas os dados de sensibilidade e especificidade desses métodos não estão disponíveis. Os métodos ONSD e TCD mostraram acurácia de boa a moderada quanto aos valores de IPCi, além de bom potencial para detectar hipertensão intracraniana. Ademais, a combinação multimodal pode reduzir a possibilidade de erro relacionado a cada técnica. Por fim, o ICPW apresentou boa acurácia quanto aos valores de ICPi, mas, no estudo analisado, foram incluídos pacientes com e sem TCE em uma mesma amostra. Conclusões Métodos não invasivos de medição da PIC podem atuar no futuro no manejo de pacientes com TCE como uma potencial ferramenta de triagem para TCE grave e para a detecção de hipertensão intracraniana.
Abstract Background Professional soccer athletes are exposed to repetitive head impacts and are at risk of developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Objective To evaluate regional brain glucose metabolism (rBGM) and gray matter (GM) volume in retired soccer players (RSPs). Methods Male RSPs and age and sex-matched controls prospectively enrolled between 2017 and 2019 underwent neurological and neuropsychological evaluations, brain MRI and [18F]FDG-PET in a 3.0-Tesla PET/MRI scanner. Visual analysis was performed by a blinded neuroradiologist and a blinded nuclear physician. Regional brain glucose metabolism and GM volume were assessed using SPM8 software. Groups were compared using appropriate statistical tests available at SPM8 and R. Results Nineteen RSPs (median [IQR]: 62 [50-64.5] years old) and 20 controls (60 [48-73] years old) were included. Retired soccer players performed worse on mini-mental state examination, digit span, clock drawing, phonemic and semantic verbal fluency tests, and had reduced rBGM in the left temporal pole (pFDR = 0.008) and the anterior left middle temporal gyrus (pFDR = 0.043). Semantic verbal fluency correlated with rBGM in the right hippocampus, left temporal pole, and posterior left middle temporal gyrus (p ≤ 0.042). Cray matter volume reduction was observed in similar anatomic regions but was less extensive and did not survive correction for multiple comparisons (pFDR ≥ 0.085). Individual [18F]FDG-PET visual analysis revealed seven RSPs with overt hypometabolism in the medial and lateral temporal lobes, frontal lobes, and temporoparietal regions. Retired soccer players had a higher prevalence of septum pellucidum abnormalities on MRI. Conclusion Retired soccer players had reduced rBCM and CM volume in the temporal lobes and septum pellucidum abnormalities, findings possibly related to repetitive head impacts.
Resumo Antecedentes Jogadores profissionais de futebol estão expostos a impactos cranianos repetitivos e ao risco de desenvolver encefalopatia traumática crônica. Objetivo Avaliar o metabolismo glicolítico cerebral regional (MCCr) e o volume de substância cinzenta (vSC) em jogadores de futebol aposentados (JFAs). Métodos Jogadores de futebol aposentados masculinos e controles pareados por idade e sexo foram incluídos prospectivamente entre 2017 e 2019. Foram realizadas avaliações neurológica e neuropsicológica, ressonância magnética (RM) e [18F]FDG-PET cerebrais (3.0-Tesla PET/RM). As imagens foram analisadas visualmente por um neurorradiologista e um médico nuclear cegos ao grupo de cada participante. O metabolismo glicolítico cerebral regional e o vSC foram avaliados através do programa SPM8. Os grupos foram comparados através de testes estatísticos apropriados disponíveis em SPM8 e R, de acordo com a distribuição e o tipo dos dados. Resultados Dezenove JFAs (mediana [IIQ]: 62 [50-64.5] anos) e 20 controles (60 [48-73] anos) foram incluídos. Os JFAs tiveram pior desempenho no mini-exame do estado mental e nos testes de dígitos, desenho do relógio, fluência verbal e fluência semântica e apresentaram MCCr significativamente reduzido no polo temporal e no giro temporal médio anterior esquerdos. Fluência semântica (animais) apresentou correlação positiva com MCCr no hipocampo direito, no polo temporal esquerdo e no aspecto posterior do giro temporal médio esquerdo. Menor vSC foi observado nas mesmas regiões, porém este achado não sobreviveu à correção para comparações múltiplas. Análise individual do [18F]FDG-PET cerebral revelou sete JFAs com claro hipometabolismo nas faces medial e lateral dos lobos temporais, nos lobos frontais e nas regiões temporoparietais. Os JFAs apresentaram ainda maior prevalência de anormalidades do septo pelúcido. Conclusão Os JFAs apresentam MCCr e vSC reduzidos nos lobos temporais, além de anormalidades do septo pelúcido, achados possivelmente relacionados a impactos cranianos repetitivos.
Abstract Background Pupil reactivity and the Glasgow Coma Scale (CCS) score are the most clinically relevant information to predict the survival of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. Objective We evaluated the accuracy of the CCS-Pupil score (CCS-P) as a prognostic index to predict hospital mortality in Brazilian patients with severe TBI and compare it with a model combining CCS and pupil response with additional clinical and radiological prognostic factors. Methods Data from 1,066 patients with severe TBI from 5 prospective studies were analyzed. We determined the association between hospital mortality and the combination of CCS, pupil reactivity, age, glucose levels, cranial computed tomography (CT), or the CCS-P score by multivariate binary logistic regression. Results Eighty-five percent (n = 908) of patients were men. The mean age was 35 years old, and the overall hospital mortality was 32.8%. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) was 0.73 (0.70-0.77) for the model using the CCS-P score and 0.80 (0.77-0.83) for the model including clinical and radiological variables. The CCS-P score showed similar accuracy in predicting the mortality reported for the patients with severe TBI derived from the International Mission for Prognosis and Clinical Trials in TBI (IMPACT) and the Corticosteroid Randomization After Significant Head Injury (CRASH) studies. Conclusion Our results support the external validation of the CCS-P to predict hospital mortality following a severe TBI. The predictive value of the CCS-P for long-term mortality, functional, and neuropsychiatric outcomes in Brazilian patients with mild, moderate, and severe TBI deserves further investigation.
Resumo Antecedentes A reatividade pupilar e o escore da Escala de Coma de Glasgow (ECC) representam as informações clínicas mais relevantes para predizer a sobrevivência de pacientes com traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE). Objetivo Avaliar a acurácia da ECC com resposta pupilar (ECC-P) como índice prognóstico para predizer mortalidade hospitalar em pacientes brasileiros acometidos por TCE grave e compará-lo com um modelo combinando ECC e resposta pupilar com fatores prognósticos radiológicos. Métodos Foram analisados dados de 1.066 pacientes com TCE grave de 5 estudos prospectivos. Foi determinada a associação entre mortalidade hospitalar e a combinação de ECC, reatividade pupilar, idade, níveis glicêmicos, tomografia computadorizada (TC) de crânio ou o escore ECC-P por regressão logística binária multivariada. Resultados Oitenta e cinco por cento (n = 908) dos pacientes eram homens. A média de idade foi de 35 anos e a mortalidade hospitalar geral foi de 32,8%. A AUROC (em português, Curva Característica de Operação do Receptor) foi de 0,73 (0,70-0,77) para o modelo utilizando o escore ECC-P e de 0,80 (0,77-0,83) para o modelo incluindo variáveis clínicas e radiológicas. O escore ECC-P mostrou acurácia semelhante na previsão da mortalidade relatada para pacientes com TCE grave derivados dos estudos International Mission for Prognosis and Clinical Trials in TBI (IMPACT, na sigla em inglês) e Corticosteroid Randomization After Significant Head Injury (CRASH, na sigla em inglês). Conclusão Nossos resultados apoiam a validação externa da ECC-P para prever a mortalidade hospitalar após um TCE grave. O valor preditivo da ECC-P para mortalidade a longo prazo, resultados funcionais e neuropsiquiátricos em pacientes brasileiros com TCE leve, moderado e grave precisam ser investigados.
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at investigating whether there is a relationship between 7- or 30-day mortality and mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width, platelet count-to-total lymphocyte count ratio, or red cell distribution width in patients with traumatic brain injury. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed intensive care unit patients with traumatic brain injury. We recorded patients' ages; genders; diagnoses; Glasgow Coma Scale scores; length of intensive care unit stay (in days); mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width, platelet count-to-total lymphocyte count ratio, and red cell distribution width values upon hospital admission; and health on the 7th and 30th days of their stays. RESULTS: We analyzed data from 110 patients. Of these, 84 (76.4%) were male and 26 (23.6%) were female. On the 7- and 30-day mortality evaluations, compared to the living patients, the deceased patients had a significantly higher median age and a significantly lower median Glasgow Coma Scale. Thus, increased age and lower Glasgow Coma Scale scores were associated with increased 7- and 30-day mortality rates. mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width values were similar in living and deceased patients. platelet count-to-total lymphocyte count ratio values were lower in deceased patients, but this difference was not statistically significant. Within 30 days after traumatic brain injury, deceased patients' red cell distribution width values were significantly elevated in deceased patients compared to those of living patients. CONCLUSION: Mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width, and platelet count-to-total lymphocyte count ratio values were not associated with 7- and 30-day mortality, whereas only elevated red cell distribution width was associated with 30-day mortality.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the most common mental illness after patients suffer physically or emotionally from traumatic events, can cause persistently strong, painful and terrible avoidance symptoms, emotional and cognitive changes, causing psychologically strong stimulation and heavy burden to patients and even leading to some extreme behavioral reactions. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important factor in the occurrence of PTSD, both of which shares many similar pathological overlaps, and may coexist and interact with each other. The hippocampus and amygdala play a central role in the pathogenesis of PTSD, but the specific cellular and molecular and neural circuit mechanisms are still unclear. About two-thirds of the patients still meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD after psychotherapy. However, the current treatment methods are complicated and not unified, and patients treated with medications may have adverse drug reactions, poor treatment outcomes and recurrence. Therefore, it is of great significance to further clarify the occurrence and development of PTSD in TBI patients. The authors reviewed the research progress of the pathogenesis and treatment of PTSD in TBI patients, so as to provide reference for the related research and treatment of PTSD in TBI patients.
Objective:To investigate the risk factors and their early warning effectiveness for the occurrence of early neurological deterioration (END) in patients with moderate traumatic brain injury (modTBI).Methods:A retrospective cohort study was conducted to analyze the clinical data of 265 patients with modTBI admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fuyang Normal University from January 2018 to April 2023. There were 165 males and 100 females, with age range of 20-91 years [(59.5±14.4)years]. The patients were divided into END group ( n=46) (17.4%) and non-END group ( n=219) (82.6%) according to whether the Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) decreased by 2 points or more within 72 hours after injury. Data of the two groups were recorded, including gender, age, basic diseases (hypertension and diabetes), cause of injury (traffic injuries, falls, etc), vomiting before admission, admission GCS, first CT scan time, epilepsy, brain contusion, subarachnoid hemorrhage, types of intracranial hematoma (epidural, subdural, and intracerebral hematoma), types of fracture (skull base fracture and skull fracture), laboratory indicators [platelet count (PLT), blood potassium level, serum total calcium concentration, thrombin time (TT), prothrombin time (PT), international normalized ratio (INR), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), level of fibrinogen (FIB), and level of D-dimer. Correlations between above-mentioned indicators and occurrence of END among modTBI patients were assessed and the independent risk factors were revealed by univariate and multivariate binary Logistic regression analysis. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and area under curve (AUC) were used to evaluate the early-warning effectiveness of each risk factor for END. Results:Univariate analysis showed that admission GCS, first CT scan time, epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, intracerebral hematoma, serum potassium level, FIB and D-dimer were statistically correlated with occurrence of END among modTBI patients ( P<0.05 or 0.01). Multivariate binary Logistic regression analysis showed that admission GCS≤10 points ( OR=0.53, 95% CI 0.34, 0.84, P<0.01), first CT scan time≤2.0 hours ( OR=0.58, 95% CI 0.37, 0.92, P<0.05), epidural hematoma ( OR=0.26, 95% CI 0.10, 0.69, P<0.05), intracerebral hematoma ( OR=0.14, 95% CI 0.04, 0.44, P<0.01), level of FIB≤2.3 g/L ( OR=0.34, 95% CI 0.18, 0.64, P<0.01), level of D-dimer>10.4 mg/L ( OR=1.04, 95% CI 1.02, 1.07, P<0.01) were independent risk factors for END among modTBI patients. ROC curve analysis showed that the first CT scan time had relatively higher early warning value (AUC=0.79, 95% CI 0.74, 0.84), level of D-dimer (AUC=0.75, 95% CI 0.70, 0.80) and level of FIB (AUC=0.70, 95% CI 0.65, 0.76) had moderate early warning value, which was higher than that of admission GCS (AUC=0.62, 95% CI 0.56, 0.68), intracerebral hematoma (AUC=0.62, 95% CI 0.56, 0.68) and epidural hematoma (AUC=0.60, 95% CI 0.54, 0.66). The combination of the risk factors revealed superior early warning efficiency for END (AUC=0.90, 95% CI 0.85, 0.93). Conclusions:Admission GCS≤10 points, first CT scan time≤2.0 hours, epidural hematoma, intracerebral hematoma, level of FIB≤2.3 g/L and level of D-dimer>10.4 mg/L are independent risk factors for END among modTBI patients. The early warning value of the first CT scan is the highest, followed by D-dimer and FIB, and the early warning effectiveness of admission GCS, intracerebral hematoma and epidural hematoma is ordinary.The combination of the above risk factors has better early warning efficiency for occurrence of END among modTBI patients.
Objective:To investigate the effects of high-energy shock and vibration on cortex injury and peripheral blood immune cells in goats.Methods:Seventeen Boer goats without gender preference were selected. By using random number tables, the goats were divided into normal control group ( n=5) and shock and vibration injury group ( n=12). The goats in the normal control group were anatomized routinely and their brain was collected after being sacrificed without any other treatment. The goats in the high-energy shock and vibration model group were placed on a loading table (part of the BY10-100 instant shock and vibration simulation platform) in a restrained state, and made into a high-energy shock and vibration injury model induced by a vertical impact waveform generator. The intravenous blood samples were taken from the goats in the shock and vibration injury group before and at 0, 3, 6 and 24 hours after injury.Then, the goats were sacrificed and the following procedures were the same as the normal control group. At 24 hours after injury, the brain injury and the histopathological changes of the cerebral cortex in the normal control group and shock and vibration injury group were observed by gross pathological and anatomical examination and HE staining. The mRNA expression of zonula occludens 1 (ZO-1), tight junction protein 5 (Claudin-5), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 (IBA-1), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and cluster of differentiation antigen 177 (CD177) of the cerebral cortex in the normal control group and shock and vibration injury group were measured through fluorogenic quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The expression of ZO-1 and Claudin-5 proteins of the cerebral cortex in the normal control group and shock and vibration injury group were detected by Western blotting. Hematology analyzer and coagulation analyzer were used to detect white blood cell count, neutrocyte, lymphocyte, monocyte, prothrombin time 1 (PT-1), prothrombin time international normalized ratio (PT-INR), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), thrombin time (TT), prothrombin activity (PTA) and fibrinogen (FIB) levels in goats of the shock and vibration injury group before and at 0, 3, 6 and 24 hours after injury, respectively. Results:At 24 hours after injury, no visible contusion or necrosis was found in goat brain tissue in the shock and vibration injury group; the cerebral micro-vessels presented with a local dilation, hyperemia, edema, aggregation of inflammatory cells, disruption of vessel walls and leakage of red blood cells. These changes were not observed in the normal control group. In the shock and vibration injury group, ZO-1 and Claudin-5 mRNA expressions in the cerebral cortex were 0.25±0.10 and 0.09(0.04, 0.44) respectively, which were significantly lower than those of the normal control group [1.00±0.15 and 0.99(0.80, 1.20)]; GFAP, IBA-1, IL-1β, IL-6 and CD177 mRNA expression levels were 4.40(3.88, 6.75), 2.60±1.07, 3.04±0.51, 2.71±0.45 and 2.93±0.62 respectively, which were significantly higher than those of the normal control group [1.00(0.78, 1.22), 1.00±0.37, 1.00±0.27, 1.00±0.57 and 1.00±0.35]; ZO-1 and Claudin-5 protein expression levels were 0.41±0.06 and 0.42±0.11 respectively, which were significantly lower than those of the normal control group (1.08±0.12 and 0.91±0.23) (all P<0.01). In the shock and vibration injury group, the levels of white blood count, neutrocyte, and lymphocyte in peripheral blood were (13.7±3.3)×10 9/L, (35.3±14.8)% and (57.2±15.1)% respectively before injury, (19.4±3.1)×10 9/L, (60.5±12.5)% and (33.6±14.2)% respectively at 3 hours after injury, and (20.6±3.6)×10 9/L, (63.6±13.0)% and (30.9±15.0)% respectively at 6 hours after injury. By contrast, the levels of white blood count and neutrocyte were significantly increased but the level of lymphocyte was significantly decreased at 3 and 6 hours after injury ( P<0.05 or 0.01); the levels of the above indicators showed no significant changes at 0 and 24 hours after injury (all P>0.05); the level of monocyte did not change significantly at all time points before and after injury (all P>0.05). The levels of PT-1, PT-INR, APTT, TT, PTA and FIB in the shock and vibration injury group did not change significantly at each time point before and after injury (all P>0.05). Conclusion:Cerebral cortex microvascular injury and disruption of blood-brain barrier can be initiated in the early stage of high-energy shock and vibration injury in goats, accompanied by the presence of central and peripheral inflammatory response.
Objective To explore the predictive value of baseline serum electrolyte levels for adverse prognosis in patients with severe traumatic brain injury(sTBI)in Lanzhou Plateau Area.Methods A total of 210 sTBI patients admitted to our hospital were enrolled,and then divided into good progno-sis group(91 cases)and poor prognosis group(119 cases)according to clinical outcome.The clinical data and serum electrolyte levels were compared between the two groups.Multivariate logistic regres-sion analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors of poor prognosis,and ROC curve was plot-ted to analyze the predictive value of the influencing factors.Results There were significant differ-ences in diabetes,GCS score,serum calcium and magnesium levels between the two groups(P<0.05,P<0.01).Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that diabetes(OR=3.483,95%CI:1.452-8.357),GCS score(OR=0.464,95%CI:0.3 6 3-0.594),hypocalcemia(OR=6.243,95%CI:3.353-11.626)and hypermagnesemia(OR=9.985,95%CI:1.251-19.701)were the influencing factors for poor prognosis of sTBI patients.ROC curve analysis showed that the AUC val-ue was 0.702(95%CI:0.635-0.763)in hypocalcemia and 0.565(95%CI:0.495-0.633)in hy-permagnesemia for the prediction.Conclusion Diabetes,low GCS score,hypocalcemia and hypermag-nesemia are risk factors for poor prognosis of sTBI patients at high altitude.Hypocalcemia has good predictive value in the prediction and can be used as an independent predictor.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been recognized as a risk factor for developing dementia. Currently, around 69 million people worldwide suffer from TBI each year, while the overall incidence of TBI among Chinese residents is on a rapid rise. Such a large population of TBI patients may lead to a future surge in the number of dementia patients, bringing heavy burdens on families and societies. However, it seems to be suggested by numerous studies that not all TBI patients are associated with an increased risk of dementia. Dementia can result in disability as well as interfere with caregivers ′ normal lives. Therefore, it will be significant to clarify the relationship between TBI and dementia as well as explain the process of onset and development of post-TBI dementia. In this study, the authors summarize post-TBI dementia from aspects of influencing factors and pathogenic mechanisms, so as to provide relevant references for related studies, therapy, and prophylaxis of post-TBI dementia.
The condition of patients with severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) complicated by corona virus 2019 disease (COVID-19) is complex. sTBI can significantly increase the probability of COVID-19 developing into severe or critical stage, while COVID-19 can also increase the surgical risk of sTBI and the severity of postoperative lung lesions. There are many contradictions in the treatment process, which brings difficulties to the clinical treatment of such patients. Up to now, there are few clinical studies and therapeutic norms relevant to sTBI complicated by COVID-19. In order to standardize the clinical treatment of such patients, Critical Care Medicine Branch of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Healthcare and Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Trauma organized relevant experts to formulate the Chinese expert consensus on clinical treatment of adult patients with severe traumatic brain injury complicated by corona virus infection 2019 ( version 2023) based on the joint prevention and control mechanism scheme of the State Council and domestic and foreign literatures on sTBI and COVID-19 in the past 3 years of the international epidemic. Fifteen recommendations focused on emergency treatment, emergency surgery and comprehensive management were put forward to provide a guidance for the diagnosis and treatment of sTBI complicated by COVID-19.
Objective:To analyze risk factors for prognosis of adult patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), construct the prognostic model of TBI and evaluate its predictive value.Methods:A case-control study was used to analyze the clinical data of 522 patients with TBI admitted to Xijing Hospital of Air Force Medical University from March 2011 to September 2019, including 438 males and 84 females; aged 18-75 years [(44.9±15.0)years]. According to the Glasgow outcome score (GOS) at discharge, the patients were divided into good prognosis group (GOS 4-5 points, n=165) and poor prognosis group (GOS 1-3 points, n=357). The two groups were compared with regards to qualitative data such as sex, underlying diseases, causes of injury, multiple injuries, open injuries, intracranial foreign bodies, cerebral herniation, consciousness status on admission and at discharge, surgery, lung infection on admission, tracheostomy, ventilator-assisted ventilation, hospital-acquired pneumonia/pathogenic bacteria and intracranial infection, and quantitative data such as Glasgow coma score (GCS) on admission and at discharge, age, measurements on admission [systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, temperature, heart rate, creatinine, urea nitrogen, blood sodium, blood potassium, blood glucose, prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), platelets, international normalized ratio (INR), pupil size of both eyes] and length of hospital stay. Univariate analysis and Lasso regression analysis were used to screen the risk factors affecting the prognosis of TBI patients, and the selected influencing factors were included in multivariate Logistic regression analysis to identify independent risk factors and construct regression equations. R was used to draw a visual nomogram based on regression equation for predicting the prognosis of TBI patients. The prognostic predictive value of the nomogram was evaluated by using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and the area under the curve (AUC), Youden index, sensitivity, specificity and consistency index (C index) were calculated. Results:Univariate analysis showed that there were significant differences between the two groups in underlying diseases, open injuries, cerebral herniation, consciousness status on admission and at discharge, lung infection on admission, tracheostomy, ventilator-assisted ventilation, hospital-acquired pneumonia/pathogenic bacteria, GCS on admission and at discharge, age, and measurements on admission (systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, body temperature, heart rate, creatinine, urea nitrogen, blood potassium, blood glucose, PT, INR, pupil size of right eye) (all P<0.05 or 0.01). There were no significant differences between the two groups in gender, causes of injury, multiple injuries, intracranial foreign bodies, surgery, intracranial infection, measurements on admission (diastolic blood pressure, blood sodium, APTT, platelets, pupil size of left eye) and length of hospital stay (all P>0.05). After screening by Lasso regression model, the results of multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that GCS on admission ( OR=0.67, 95% CI 0.62, 0.73, P<0.01), age ( OR=1.03, 95% CI 1.01, 1.04, P<0.01), blood glucose on admission ( OR=1.17, 95% CI 1.06, 1.30, P<0.01) and INR on admission ( OR=17.08, 95% CI 2.12, 137.89, P<0.01) could be used as the main risk factors to construct the prediction model, and the regression equation was constructed: Logit [ P/(1- P)]=-0.398× "GCS on admission"+0.024× "age"+0.158×"blood glucose on admission"+2.838×"INR on admission"-1.693. The AUC for the prognosis prediction in adult patients with TBI using R based on a visual nomogram model was 0.87 (95% CI 0.83, 0.89, P<0.01). The Youden index for the predicted probability was 0.60 (sensitivity of 85.2% and specificity of 75.2%), with the C index of 0.87. Conclusion:Age, GCS on admission, blood glucose on admission and INR on admission are the main risk factors affecting the prognosis of TBI in adults, and the nomogram drawn by these parameters can better predict their clinical outcome.
Objective:To investigate the factors affecting postoperative short-term improvement of consciousness level in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness after severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI).Methods:A case-control study was conducted to analyze the clinical data of 55 patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness after sTBI admitted to Beijing Tiantan Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University and Seventh Medical Center of PLA General Hospital from September 2021 to September 2022. There were 33 males and 22 females, with the age range of 13-68 years [(43.0±15.5)years]. All patients were assessed for the consciousness level using the coma recovery scale-revision (CRS-R) preoperatively and within 48 hours postoperatively. A total of 33 patients were observed in vegetative state and 22 in minimally conscious state preoperatively. The consciousness level was found to be improved in 26 patients (consciousness- improved group), but not improved in the remaining 29 patients (consciousness-unimproved group). Indicators were documented including gender, age, cause of injury, Glasgow coma score (GCS) on admission, course of injury, preoperative consciousness level, operation mode, operation time, intraoperative fluid replenishment, intraoperative urine volume, intraoperative bleeding volume, American Society of Anesthesiologists grade, analgesic regimen and sedation maintenance drugs. A univariate analysis was conducted first to assess those indicators′ correlation with postoperative short-term improvement of consciousness level in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness after sTBI. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was then used to determine the independent risk factors for their postoperative short-term improvement of consciousness level.Results:Univariate analysis showed that GCS on admission, course of injury, preoperative consciousness level and analgesic regimen were correlated with short-term improvement of postoperative consciousness level in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness after sTBI (all P<0.05), whereas gender, age, cause of injury, operation mode, operation time, intraoperative fluid replenishment, intraoperative urine volume, intraoperative bleeding volume, American Society of Anesthesiologists grade and sedation maintenance drugs showed no relation to the improvement of postoperative consciousness level (all P>0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the GCS ≥7 points on admission ( OR=0.06, 95% CI 0.01, 0.36, P<0.01), preoperative minimally conscious state ( OR=0.09, 95% CI 0.02, 0.40, P<0.01) and intraoperative use of Sufentanil combined with Remifentanil ( OR=0.07, 95% CI 0.01, 0.43, P<0.01) were significantly correlated with postoperative improvement of consciousness level. Conclusion:The GCS on admission (≥7 points), preoperative minimally conscious state and intraoperative use of Sufentanil combined with Remifentanil are independent risk factors affecting short-term postoperative improvement of consciousness level in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness after sTBI.
Severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) is characterized by critical condition, high lethality and poor prognosis. Its development and progression will lead to the damage and death of a large number of nerve cells, eventually causing a series of serious complications. The current treatments of sTBI and its complications are not optimistic due to problems such as unclear mechanism of action, challenges in treatment, and lack of effective prevention strategies. In recent years, more research evidences have shown that oxidative stress plays an important role in the development and progression of sTBI and its related complications. Therefore, it is of great significance to clarify the relationship of oxidative stress with sTBI and its complications and to understand the way of oxidative stress participating in the development and progression of sTBI. However, relevant researches are scattered and there lacks comprehensive and systematic summaries of oxidative stress participating in sTBI and its related complications. To this end, the authors reviewed the progress of the mechanism by which oxidative stress involves in sTBI and its complications, hoping to provide references for the research, treatment and prevention of sTBI.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major reason for temporary or permanent dyskinesia and cognitive impairment of the organism. Generally, TBI induces subsequent neuroinflammation to assist cell debris removal and tissue repair and regeneration after injury. However, overactivation or long-term activation of immune cells will exacerbate nerve damage or death, cause cognitive dysfunction, and ultimately lead to neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, secondary damage caused by persistent inflammation is a key component of TBI pathological process. As the main metabolite of anaerobic glycolysis, lactate is increased after TBI and participates in brain inflammation as an important immune regulatory molecule rather than a metabolic waste. Importantly, histone lysine lactylation as a novel type of histone post-translational modifications (HPTM) derived from lactate allows lactate to participate in the regulation of complex immunopathophysiological processes of the central nervous system after TBI. Further study on the process of histone lactylation and its immune regulation mechanism during TBI may provide new insights for early intervention and improvement of TBI prognosis. Thus, the authors reviewed the role of histone lactylation in the immune regulation of TBI, so as to further elucidate the mechanism of TBI and the explore new warning and prevention measures from the perspective of HPTM.
PURPOSE@#Despite advances in modern medicine, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are still a major medical problem. Early diagnosis of TBI is crucial for clinical decision-making and prognosis. This study aims to compare the predictive value of Helsinki, Rotterdam, and Stockholm CT scores in predicting the 6-month outcomes in blunt TBI patients.@*METHODS@#This cohort study was conducted on blunt TBI patients of 15 years or older. All of them were admitted to the surgical emergency department of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan, Iran from 2020 to 2021 and had abnormal trauma-related findings on brain CT images. The patients' demographic data such as age, gender, history of comorbid conditions, mechanism of trauma, Glasgow coma scale, CT images, length of hospital stay, and surgical procedures were recorded. The Helsinki, Rotterdam, and Stockholm CT scores were simultaneously determined according to the existing guidelines. The included patients' 6-month outcome was determined using the Glasgow outcome scale extended. M Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 16.0. Sensitivity, specificity, negative/positive predictive value and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve were calculated for each test. The Kappa agreement coefficient and Kuder Richardson-20 were used to compare the scoring systems.@*RESULTS@#Altogether 171 TBI patients met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, with the mean age of (44.9 ± 20.2) years. Most patients were male (80.7%), had traffic related injuries (83.1%) and mild TBIs (64.3%). Patients with lower Glasgow coma scale had higher Helsinki, Rotterdam, and Stockholm CT scores and lower Glasgow outcome scale extended scores. Among all the scoring systems, the Helsinki and Stockholm scores showed the highest agreement in predicting patients' outcomes (kappa = 0.657, p < 0.001). The Rotterdam scoring system had the highest sensitivity (90.1%) in predicting death of TBI patients, whereas the Helsinki scoring system had the highest sensitivity (89.8%) in predicting the 6-month outcome in TBI patients.@*CONCLUSION@#The Rotterdam scoring system was superior in predicting death in TBI patients, whereas the Helsinki scoring system was more sensitive in predicting the 6-month outcome.
Humans , Male , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Female , Cohort Studies , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Brain Injuries, Traumatic/diagnosis , Brain Injuries , Prognosis , Glasgow Coma Scale , Wounds, Nonpenetrating/diagnostic imaging , BrainABSTRACT
O nervo mandibular V3 é a terceira divisão do nervo trigêmeo, apresenta fibras motoras e sensitivas, sendo a ramificação mista deste nervo. Seus ramos eferentes são responsáveis pela motricidade dos músculos mastigatórios, inerva os músculos milo-hióideo, ventre anterior do digástrico, tensor do véu palatino e tensor do tímpano. Suas fibras aferentes são responsáveis pela sensibilidade da região inferior da face e cavidade oral, dentes inferiores, parte da língua e propriocepção da cápsula da articulação temporomandibular ATM. O objetivo deste estudo é explanar as possíveis lesões no nervo mandibular, suas ramificações e estruturas adjacentes no caso de fraturas na mandíbula, colaborando com informações detalhadas para posterior estudo de acadêmicos e cirurgiões dentistas. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo, exploratória e descritiva, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa, para descrição e análise do trajeto do V3 até a sua chegada no osso mandibular, assim como de estruturas que compõem a topografia adjacente a mesma utilizando uma hemiface intacta de um cadáver do sexo masculino no Laboratório de Anatomia Humana das Faculdades Nova Esperança, na cidade de João Pessoa. Devido à proximidade do nervo mandibular com o processo coronoide, fraturas nesta parte do osso mandíbula, podem ocasionar lesões no V3, além de traumas no osso temporal, e consequentemente de todo o gânglio trigeminal. Além destas, estruturas adjacentes como a glândula parótida, artérias maxilar e facial, ATM, e os nervos alveolar inferior, mentual e lingual, podem ser lesionadas em uma fratura mandibular. As lesões nestes nervos, podem resultar em redução grave da qualidade de vida e dor crônica, gerando desconfortos para o paciente. Diante do exposto fica evidente a importância de conhecer a anatomia topográfica da mandíbula e suas estruturas vasculonervosas, seu trajeto e a localização. Houve dificuldade na discussão devido à escassez da literatura em relação à temática proposta. Dessa forma, é necessário motivar novos estudos sobre a temática a fim de ampliar o conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde e estimular novas técnicas para diagnóstico precoce e melhorar os resultados terapêuticos, impactando positivamente na sobrevida de pacientes com fraturas de mandibulares(AU)
The mandibular nerve V3 is the third division of the trigeminal nerve, has motor and sensory fibers, being the mixed branch of this nerve. Its efferent branches are responsible for the motricity of the masticatory muscles, innervating the mylohyoid muscles, anterior belly of the digastric, soft palate tensor and tympanic tensor. Its afferent fibers are responsible for the sensitivity of the lower face and oral cavity, lower teeth, part of the tongue and proprioception of the capsule of the temporomandibular joint TMJ. The aim of this study is to explain the possible injuries to the mandibular nerve, its ramifications and adjacent structures in the case of mandible fractures, collaborating with detailed information for further study by academics and dentists. A field research, exploratory and descriptive, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, was carried out to describe and analyze the path of the V3 until its arrival in the mandibular bone, as well as structures that make up the topography adjacent to it using na intact hemiface of a male cadaver at the Human Anatomy Laboratory of Faculdades Nova Esperança, in João Pessoa city. Due to the proximity of the mandibular nerve with the coronoid process, fractures in this part of the mandible bone can cause injuries to the V3, in addition to trauma to the temporal bone, and consequently to the entire trigeminal ganglion. In addition to these, adjacent structures such as the parotid gland, maxillary and facial arteries, TMJ, and the inferior alveolar, mental and lingual nerves can be injured in a mandibular fracture. Damage to these nerves can result in severely reduced quality of life and chronic pain, causing discomfort for the patient. Given the above, the importance of knowing the topographic anatomy of the mandible and its vascular-nervous structures, its path and location is evident. There was difficulty in the discussion due to the scarcity of literature regarding the proposed theme. Thus, it is necessary to motivate further studies on the subject in order to expand the knowledge of health professionals and encourage new techniques for early diagnosis and improve therapeutic results, positively impacting the survival of patients with mandibular fractures(AU)
Humans , Male , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries , Mandibular Nerve Injuries , Mandibular Fractures , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Mandibular Nerve , Mandibular Nerve/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Several studies have shown that early mobilization is safe and beneficial for patients admitted to the intensive care units (ICUs), especially for those with mechanical ventilation (MV). OBJECTIVE: To investigate the benefits of early mobilization physiotherapeutic techniques applied to patients who suffered craniocerebral trauma (CCT). METHODS: This is an experimental study that evaluated clinical data from 27 patients. In sedated patients, mobilization and passive stretching were performed on the upper and lower limbs; in those without sedation, active-assisted, free and resisted exercises were included. RESULTS: The experimental group was composed of 51.8% of the participants and the control group by 48.2%, the majority being male (81.5%) with a median age of 43 years. The patients in the experimental group had an average of 9.5 days (2.2-14.7) of mechanical ventilation (MV), and those belonging to the control group, of 17 days (7-21.7) with MV (p=0.154). The patients in the experimental group had an average of 13.5 days in the ICU, against an average of 17 days in the control group (p=0.331), and an average of 20.5 days in hospital against 24 days in the control group (p=0.356). CONCLUSION: Early mobilization should be applied to critically ill patients as it can decrease the length of stay in the ICU and the hospital.
INTRODUÇÃO: Diversos estudos têm mostrado que a mobilização precoce é segura e benéfica para pacientes internados em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTIs), especialmente para aqueles com ventilação mecânica (VM). OBJETIVO: Investigar os benefícios das técnicas fisioterapêuticas de mobilização precoce aplicada aos pacientes que sofreram traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE). MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo quasi-randomizado, que incluiu 27 com TCE divididos em dois grupos: controle (n=13) e experimental (n=14) pacientes. No grupo experimental, os pacientes sedados foram submetidos à mobilização e alongamentos passivos nos membros superiores e inferiores; naqueles sem sedação, foram incluídos exercícios ativo-assistidos, livres e resistidos. RESULTADOS: O grupo experimental foi composto por 51,8% dos participantes da pesquisa e o grupo controle por 48,2%, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino (81,5%) com mediana de idade de 43 anos. Os pacientes do grupo experimental apresentaram média de 9,5 dias (2,2-14,7) de ventilação mecânica, e os pertencentes ao grupo controle, de 17 dias (7-21,7) com de VM (p=0,154). Os pacientes do grupo experimental apresentaram média de 13,5 dias de internação em UTI, contra média de 17 dias do grupo controle (p=0,331), e média de 20,5 dias de internação hospitalar contra 24 dias do grupo controle (p=0,356). CONCLUSÃO: A mobilização precoce é uma técnica que deve ser aplicada em pacientes críticos dentro das UTIs, pois pode diminuir o tempo de internação na UTI e hospitalar.