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Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 18: eRC5439, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142874


ABSTRACT Angiosarcoma of the breast accounts for less than 1% of breast tumors. This tumor may be primary or secondary to previous radiation therapy and it is also named "radiogenic angiosarcoma of the breast", which is still a rare entity with a poor prognosis. So far, there are only 307 cases reported about these tumors in the literature. We present a case of a 73-year-old woman with a prior history of breast-conserving treatment of right breast cancer, exhibiting mild pinkish skin changes in the ipsilateral breast. Her mammography was consistent with benign alterations (BI-RADS 2). On incisional biopsy specimens, hematoxylin-eosin showed atypical vascular lesion and suggested immunohistochemisty for diagnostic elucidation. Resection of the lesions was performed and histology showed radiogenic angiosarcoma. The patient underwent simple mastectomy. Immunohistochemistry was positive for antigens related to CD31 and CD34, and C-MYC oncogene amplification, confirming the diagnosis of angiosarcoma induced by breast irradiation. A delayed diagnosis is an important concern. Initial skin changes in radiogenic angiosarcoma are subtle, therefore, these alterations may be confused with other benign skin conditions such as telangiectasia. We highlight this case clinical aspects with the intention of alerting to the possibility of angiosarcoma of the breast in patients with a previous history of adjuvant radiation therapy for breast cancer treatment. Sixteen months after the surgery the patient remains asymptomatic.

RESUMO Os angiossarcomas de mama representam menos de 1% dos tumores da mama e podem ser primários ou secundários à radioterapia prévia. Tais tumores são chamados de "angiossarcomas radiogênicos da mama" e representam uma entidade mais rara ainda e de prognóstico ruim. Atualmente, na literatura, são encontrados apenas 307 casos desses tumores. Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 73 anos, com história prévia de tratamento conservador de câncer de mama direita, apresentando alteração rósea discreta em pele da mama homolateral. A mamografia demostrou resultado compatível com alterações benignas (BI-RADS 2). No material de biópsia incisional, a hematoxilina-eosina demonstrou lesão vascular atípica e sugeriu imuno-histoquímica para elucidação diagnóstica. A paciente foi submetida à ressecção de lesões, e a histologia demonstrou angiossarcoma radiogênico. Em seguida, mastectomia simples foi realizada. A imuno-histoquímica demonstrou positividade para os antígenos relacionados a CD31 e CD34, e a amplificação do oncogene C-MYC confirmou o diagnóstico de angiossarcoma induzido por radiação mamária. O atraso no diagnóstico constitui questão importante. Considerando que as alterações iniciais da pele do angiossarcoma radiogênico são sutis e podem ser confundidas com outras condições benignas da pele, como telangiectasias, neste relato destacamos os aspectos clínicos, no intuito de alertar sobre a possibilidade de angiossarcoma de mama em pacientes com história prévia de radioterapia adjuvante para tratamento de câncer de mama. A paciente permaneceu assintomática 16 meses após a cirurgia.

Humans , Female , Aged , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Hemangiosarcoma/surgery , Hemangiosarcoma/etiology , Hemangiosarcoma/diagnostic imaging , Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced/etiology , Breast , Mastectomy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-745285


Objective To quantify the setup errors measured with kV cone-beam CT (CBCT) using breast board with or without a thermoplastic head mask in breast cancer patients who received whole breast and supraclavicular nodal region irradiation.Clinical target volume (CTV) to planning target volume (PTV) in 3 directions were also calculated.Methods The study included thirty patient receiving both whole breast and supraclavicular nodal region irradiation on Elekta Versa HD linear accelerators (Elekta Oncology Systems,Crawley,UK) between June 2016 and January 2018.The setup error data were retrospectively analyzed.All the patients were immobilized in the supine position on a breast board system (Carbon fibre breast board,Civco,Iowa,USA) with both arms raised.Twenty of the patients added an extra thermoplastic head mask to immobilize the neck.A CBCT scan was taken before treatment at the first 3 to 5 fractions and then once every week.Registration with the planning CT was performed and adjusted to match the target volume of the supraclavicular nodal region and the cervical vertebra by experienced medical staff,the position of the arms and the breast were also considered.For all patients the couch shifts in left-right (x),superior-inferior (y),anterior-posterior (z) were recorded.Statistical analysis included two-tails significance tests (t-Student and Manne-Whitney test for means,x2 test for variances).Population of the two groups was compared in terms of distribution of the mean shift (systematic error) and their standard deviations (random error).Van Herk's setup margin defined as MPTV =2.5Σ + 0.7δ was calculated in patients with or without mask immobilization.Results Altogether,56 images and 109 images were acquired in breast board only group and head mask group,respectively.Shifts of the breast board only group and the head mask group in x,y,z were 0.212±0.174 cm vs.0.272±0.242 cm (P=0.070);0.364±0.246 cm vs.0.242±0.171 cm (P=0.001);0.423±0.302 cm vs.0.364±0.269 cm (P=0.204).Proportion of the shift less than 5 mm in the breast board only group and the head mask group were 91.07% vs.85.32% (P=0.294);67.86% vs.89.91% (P=0.001);67.86% vs.74.31% (P=0.381).The CTV to PTV margin in x,y,z were 0.645 cm,0.981 cm,1.317 cm in breast board only group and 0.873 cm,0.709 cm,0.961 cm in head mask group,respectively.Setup error in the x direction was significantly correlated with BMI (P=0.001).Conclusions For the alignment and immobilization of patients who received whole breast and supraclavicular nodal region irradiation,using a breast board in combination of a thermoplastic head mask may significantly help to reduce the shift variance in superior-inferior direction compared to using breast board only.The anterior-posterior error is relatively large,other immobilization device or patient alignment methods are needed to be further explored to improve the accuracy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-734337


Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and prognostic factors of breast cancer patients with ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph node metastasis (ISLNM) receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy,surgery combined with radiotherapy at diagnosis.Methods Therapeutic outcomes of 65 breast cancer patients with ISLNM treated in our hospital between 1999 and 2013 were retrospectively analyzed.All patients were pathologically diagnosed with breast cancer.They were complicated with ISLNM,without distant metastasis confirmed by pathological or imaging examinations.All patients received multi-modality therapy consisting of neoadjuvant chemotherapy,surgery and postoperative radiotherapy.KaplanMeier method was adopted to calculate the overall survival (OS),progression-free survival (PFS) and supraclavicular lymph node recurrence (SCFR).The differences between two groups were statistically analyzed by the log-rank test.Results The median follow-up time was 66 months (range:6-137 months).Five patients had SCFR after corresponding treatment.The overall 5-year SCFR,OS and PFS rates were 9.2%,71.5% and 49.5%,respectively.Following preoperative chemotherapy,the complete response (CR) of supraclavicular lymph node was a prognostic factor affecting OS.The 5-year OS rates in patients with and without CR were 81.4% and 53.9% (P=O.035).The size of supraclavicular lymph node (≤ 1 cm vs.> 1 cm at diagnosis was a risk factor of the SCFR (0% vs.21.0%,P=0.037) and OS rates (≤1 cm vs.>1 cm:86.1% vs.55.6%,P =0.001).Conclusions Breast cancer patients with ISLM at diagnosis can obtain high OS rate and excellent tumor control after undergoing multi-modality therapy consisting of preoperative chemotherapy,surgery and postoperative radiotherapy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-708083


Objective To evaluate the incidental irradiation to the axillary levels Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲduring the whole breast radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery(BCS)without axillary lymph node dissection(ALND)in breast cancer(BC)patients.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the consecutive 42 cases of T1-2N0M0stage BC patients with sentinel lymphnode biopsy(SLNB)and BCS but without ALND.The axillary lymph nodes of Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ were delineated according to RTOG atlas guideline.Three radiotherapy plans including conventional tangential field(CTF),three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy(3D-CRT)and forward-planned intensity-modulated radiotherapy(IMRT)for whole breast irradiation were devised for each case.The Prescription dose was 50 Gy per 25 fractions.Doses to axillary levels(Ⅰ-Ⅲ)were evaluated.Results The mean doses delivered to axillary by the three techniques(CTF,3D-CRT and IMRT)were(40.1 ±6.8),(35.4 ±8.3),(32.9 ±7.0)Gy for level Ⅰ(F=10.269,P<0.05),(33.2 ±7.1),(30.6 ±6.7),(30.4 ±7.0)Gy for level Ⅱ(P>0.05)and(9.6 ±6.8),(6.4 ±4.5),(5.2 ±3.7)Gy for level Ⅲ(F =8.377,P <0.05),respectively.V50(volume receiving 50 Gy)for the three techniques were 21.3%,27.6%,9.6%for level Ⅰ(F=13.161,P<0.05),12.9%,15.9%,8.3%for level Ⅱ(F=2.750,P<0.05)and 0.4%,0.1%and 0%for level Ⅲ(P>0.05),respectively.Conclusions The doses coverage to axillary levelsⅠ-Ⅲwere all limited in the three techniques.Therefore,it is necessary to assess the risk of axillary lymph node metastasis adequately to develop individualized radiotherapy plans.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-708165


Objective To evaluate the clinical application of Catalyst system in patient positioning during breast cancer radiotherapy,and to analyze its correlation with age and body mass index (BMI).Methods Twenty-four patients with breast cancer who were admitted to our hospital from May to August,2016 were enrolled as subjects.For all patients,auxiliary positioning was made by the optical surface imaging system (CRad Catalyst) before each treatment.The kV-kV imaging was executed weekly to verify positioning.Age,BMI,and setup errors of the two systems in the anterior-posterior (AP),superior-inferior (SI),and left-fight (LR) directions were recorded and analyzed by independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation analysis.Results The C-Rad Catalyst system had a significantly larger setup error in the AP direction than the kV-kV imaging (0.22±0.17 vs.0.18±0.13 cm,P<0.05).There were no significant differences in setup errors in the SI or LR direction between the two systems (0.23±0.18 vs.0.19±0.15 cm,P>0.05;0.28±0.28 vs.0.20±0.15 cm,P> 0.05).Age and BMI of patients had significant impacts on the C-Rad Catalyst system but the kV-kV imaging (P>0.05):there were significant differences in setup errors in the AP and SI directions between patients ≤44 years of age and those 45-59 years of age (all P<0.05);there were significant differences in setup errors in the AP and LR directions between patients ≤44 years of age and those ≥60 years of age (all P<0.05);there was a significant difference in setup error in the LR direction between patients 45-59 years of age and those ≥ 60 years of age (P<0.05);there was a significant difference in setup error in the SI direction between patients with BMIs of< 25 and ≥ 25 kg/m2 (P< 0.05).For patients ≥ 60 years of age,setup error of the C-Rad Catalyst system in the SI direction was correlated with age (r=-0.496,P<0.05).For patients with BMI of<25 kg/m2,setup error of the C-Rad Catalyst system in the AP direction was correlated with BMI (r=-0.445,P< 0.05).For patients with a BMI of ≥ 25 kg/m2,setup error of the C-Rad Catalyst system in the SI direction was correlated with BMI (r=-0.252,P<0.05).Conclusions There is significant difference in setup error in the AP direction between the C-Rad Catalyst system and the kV-kV imaging.Age and BMI have impacts on patient positioning by the C-Rad Catalyst system.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-708182


Objective To study the effect of deep inspiration breath-hold(DIBH)technique on the heart dose in whole breast irradiation(WBI)for left breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery, and to investigate the anatomical factors for heart dose. Methods Fifteen patients with left breast cancer who received WBI after breast-conserving surgery and met breathing control requirements were prospectively enrolled as subjects. Simulated CT scans were performed during free breathing(FB)and DIBH. The WBI plans were optimized based on DIBH images.The position,volume,and radiation doses to the heart and lung were compared between the status of FB and DIBH. Correlation of heart dose with various anatomical factors was analyzed in FB status. Between-group comparison of categorical data was made by nonparametric Wilcoxon rank test.A two-variable correlation analysis was made by the Pearson method.Results There was no significant difference in heart volume between the status of FB and DIBH(P=0.773).The volume of both lungs was significantly larger in DIBH status than in FB status(P=0.001). The mean and maximum doses and V5-V40for the heart,left anterior descending coronary artery,left ventricle,right ventricle,and left lung were significantly lower in DIBH status than in FB status(all P<0.05). The greater DIBH increased the lung volume,the greater the mean heart dose decreased. In FB status,the left breast volume,heart-to-lung volume ratio,distance between the inferior margins of breast and heart,and maximum heart margin distance showed a linear correlation with heart dose. Particularly, the heart-to-lung volume ratio and maximum heart margin distance were independently correlated with heart dose. Conclusions DIBH technique in WBI for left breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery significantly reduces heart and lung doses compared with FB. Changes in lung volume are the basis for improving the relative anatomical location of the heart. The heart-to-lung volume ratio and maximum heart margin distance may provide a reference for DIBH technique.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613008


Internal mammary lymph node irradiation (IMLNI) could reduce local recurrence and distant recurrence and improve survival.The NCCN Guidelines have updated the recommends in IMLNI.However, the relative toxicities of IMLNI to the heart and lungs should be carefully considered by clinicians, so individualized indications for IMLNI are needed.Internal mammary sentinel lymph node biopsy (IM-SLNB) could be an accurate technique to guide IMLNI with minimally invasive staging, and provide more survival benefits to patients.This article reviews the benefits of IMLNI, controls of the side effect, and discussion of IMLNI guided by IM-SLNB.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-617763


Objective To evaluate the value of postmastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) in locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (neoCT) and modified radical mastectomy, and to investigate the possibility of individualized radiotherapy according to the response to neoCT.Methods We analyzed 523 patients with stage ⅢA and ⅢB breast cancer who received neoCT and modified radical mastectomy in our hospital from 1999 to 2013.Of all patients, 404 received PMRT, and 119 did not.The locoregional recurrence (LRR), disease-free survival (DFS), and overall survival (OS) rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method, survival difference analysis and univariate prognostic analysis were performed using the log-rank test, and multivariate prognostic analysis was performed using the Cox regression model.Results Compared with those not treated with PMRT, the patients treated with PMRT had a significantly lower 5-year LRR rate (13.9% vs.24.8%, P=0.013), a significantly higher DFS rate (64.1% vs.53.9%, P=0.048), and an insignificantly higher OS rate (83.2% vs.78.2%, P=0.389).In the patients with ypT3-T4, ypN2-N3, or pathologic stage Ⅲ disease, those treated with PMRT had a significantly reduced 5-year LRR rate (P<0.05) and a significantly increased 5-year OS rate (P<0.05), as compared with those not treated with PMRT.Among the 158 patients with ypN0 disease, the 5-year LRR rate was significantly lower in those treated with PMRT than in those not treated with PMRT (P=0.004).Of 41 patients who achieved a pathologic complete response, 2 patients, who did not receive PMRT, developed LRR.The multivariate prognostic analysis indicated that PMRT was an independent prognostic factor associated with reduced LRR in all patients and ypN0 patients.Conclusions In patients with stage ⅢA and ⅢB breast cancer treated with neoCT and modified radical mastectomy, PMRT can significantly reduce LRR for all patients and can reduce both recurrence and mortality for those with ypT3-T4, ypN2-N3, or pathologic stage Ⅲ disease.There is no sufficient evidence that PMRT can be omitted safely for ypN0 or pCR patients according to their response to neoCT.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-658865


Objective To compare the differences in setup error ( SE) assessment and correction between three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography ( 3DCBCT ) and four-dimensional CBCT ( 4 DCBCT ) in breast irradiation patients during free breathing after breast-conserving surgery . Methods Twenty patients with breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery were recruited for external beam breast irradiation and 4DCBCT and 3DCBCT simulation. The target volumes were delineated. Volumetric modulated arc therapy plans were designed using the MONACO v510 treatment planning system. 3DCBCT and 4DCBCT images were collected alternately five times each before breast irradiation. The CT images were matched, and the interfraction SEs were acquired. After online setup correction, the residual errors were calculated, and the SEs, systematic errors, and random errors were compared. The paired t test was used for comparison between groups. Results The SEs acquired by 4DCBCT were significantly larger than those acquired by 3DCBCT in three directions ( P=0035, 0018, 0040 ) . After online setup correction, the random errors based on 3DCBCT were significantly smaller than those based on 4DCBCT in left-right and anterior-posterior ( AP ) directions ( 0.5± 039 mm vs. 0.7± 030 mm, P=0005;0.9± 109 mm vs. 1.2± 048 mm, P=0000) , and the residual errors based on 3DCBCT were also significantly smaller than those based on 4DCBCT in AP direction (0.2±033 mm vs. 0.6±063 mm, P=0000). The setup margins based on 4DCBCT was significantly larger than those based on 3DCBCT in AP direction both before and after online setup correction (P=0002). Conclusions Compared with 3DCBCT, 4DCBCT has more advantages in monitoring the SEs in three directions. Both 3DCBCT and 4DCBCT have similar efficacy in random error correction. The satisfying position repeatability and minimized target volume margins will be achieved by online setup correction.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-661784


Objective To compare the differences in setup error ( SE) assessment and correction between three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography ( 3DCBCT ) and four-dimensional CBCT ( 4 DCBCT ) in breast irradiation patients during free breathing after breast-conserving surgery . Methods Twenty patients with breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery were recruited for external beam breast irradiation and 4DCBCT and 3DCBCT simulation. The target volumes were delineated. Volumetric modulated arc therapy plans were designed using the MONACO v510 treatment planning system. 3DCBCT and 4DCBCT images were collected alternately five times each before breast irradiation. The CT images were matched, and the interfraction SEs were acquired. After online setup correction, the residual errors were calculated, and the SEs, systematic errors, and random errors were compared. The paired t test was used for comparison between groups. Results The SEs acquired by 4DCBCT were significantly larger than those acquired by 3DCBCT in three directions ( P=0035, 0018, 0040 ) . After online setup correction, the random errors based on 3DCBCT were significantly smaller than those based on 4DCBCT in left-right and anterior-posterior ( AP ) directions ( 0.5± 039 mm vs. 0.7± 030 mm, P=0005;0.9± 109 mm vs. 1.2± 048 mm, P=0000) , and the residual errors based on 3DCBCT were also significantly smaller than those based on 4DCBCT in AP direction (0.2±033 mm vs. 0.6±063 mm, P=0000). The setup margins based on 4DCBCT was significantly larger than those based on 3DCBCT in AP direction both before and after online setup correction (P=0002). Conclusions Compared with 3DCBCT, 4DCBCT has more advantages in monitoring the SEs in three directions. Both 3DCBCT and 4DCBCT have similar efficacy in random error correction. The satisfying position repeatability and minimized target volume margins will be achieved by online setup correction.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-488219


Sentinel lymph node biopsy has been the standard axillary intervention for breast cancer patients with clinical negative axillary lymph nodes.Complete axillary dissection could be omitted for patients with negative sentinel lymph nodes.While, the optimal axillary intervention for patients with 1-2 positive sentinel lymph nodes remained controversial.This review introduced the latest research results of the axillary management for early stage breast cancer patients with 1-2 positive sentinel lymph nodes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-501787


As a milestone in the development of personalized comprehensive treatment for breast cancer, molecular subtype classification quantitatively characterizes breast cancer as heterogeneous diseases rather than a single disease in terms of onset risk, natural course, and treatment response. The significance of molecular subtype classification has been widely confirmed in prediction of the efficacy of systemic treatment and prognosis of systemic metastases and risk of death. However, the association between molecular subtype and local?regional recurrence ( LRR) risk as well as the impact of molecular subtype classification on radiotherapy strategy still needs more attention. This review discusses the association between molecular subtype and LRR risk as well as the significance of molecular subtype classification in guiding radiotherapy strategy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-501875


Objective To retrospectively investigate the impact of postoperative radiotherapy ( RT) on the relationship between molecular subtype and survival in patients with breast cancer ( BC ) . Methods A total of 716 women who were admitted to our hospital in 2008 and newly received unilateral mastectomy were divided into Luminal A ( LA ) , Luminal B?HER?2?negative ( LB1 ) , Luminal B?HER?2?positive ( LB2) , HER?2 overexpression ( HER?2+) , triple?negative ( TN) , and unassigned subtypes according to the 2011 St. Gallen Consensus. The Cox model was used to analyze the differences in overall survival ( OS) and disease?free survival ( DFS ) rates between subtypes in all patients, RT group, or non?RT group. The Kaplan?Meier method was used to calculate OS and DFS rates. The Cox model was used to perform the factor analysis. Results In all patients, the median follow?up time was 71?4 months;the overall mortality rate was 10?5%;the incidence of treatment failure ( death+relapse+metastasis) was 14?9%;217 patients ( 30?3%) received RT. The multivariate analysis showed that there was no significant difference in OS between subtypes in any group ( all P>0?05 ) . In all patients, patients with LB1 subtype or unassigned subtype had significantly poorer DFS rates than those with LA subtype ( HR= 1?881, P= 0?035;HR= 1?907, P=0?049) . In the non?RT group, patients with LB1 subtype had significantly poorer DFS rates than those with LA subtype (HR=3?324, P=0?01). In the RT group, there was no significant difference in DFS rate between subtypes ( all P>0?05) . The two?dimensional cross analyses of RT and subtype demonstrated that patients with LB1 subtype in the non?RT group had lower OS and DFS rates than patients with LA subtype in the RT group ( P=0?09,0?06) . Conclusions Patients with LB1 subtype have lower OS and DFS rates than patients with LA subtype, especially in the non?RT patients. RT has no impact on the relationship between subtype and prognosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-490840


Objective To compare the difference in radiotherapy dose caused by different ways of adding bolus.Methods A total of 20 patients who needed to receive postmastectomy chest wall irradiation from October to December on 2014 were selected.Each patient underwent two CT scans;CT-1 was to perform CT scan directly without bolus, and CT-2 was to perform CT scan after adding bolus to the body surface.An equivalent bolus was added for CT-1 in the radiotherapy planning system, and Plan-1, which met the clinical requirements, was performed.Then Plan-1 was put on CT-2 through image fusion and plan verification to develop Plan-2, which was to develop plans with equivalent boluses at other times and perform radiotherapy with a bolus added to the surface of the body.At last, CT-2 was used to perform radiotherapy Plan-3, which met the clinical requirements.The paired t-test was used for comparison of clinical data between any two plans with SPSS 19.0.Results The V20 of the whole lung, V20 of the diseased lung, V30 of the heart, and Dmax of the healthy breast showed no significant differences across the three plans (P=0.074-0.871).The V50 , V55 , conformity index, and homogeneity index of the planning target showed significant differences across the three plans, and the total number of monitor units showed a significant difference between Plan-1 and Plan-2(P=0.002-0.049).The dose distribution in the target volume and the number of monitor units in each radiation field also showed significant differences.Conclusions When the equivalent bolus is added to the body surface before CT scan, such a plan can accurately reflect the dose distribution of the planning target and the dose to organs at risk.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-497973


Objective To investigate the differences in dosimetry between conformal radiotherapy (CRT),field-in-field intensity-modulated radiotherapy (FIF-IMRT),and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) after breast-conserving surgery for left-sided breast cancer.Methods A total of 31 patients who underwent breast-conserving surgery for left-sided breast cancer were randomly selected,and the plans for CRT,FIF-IMRT,and IMRT were developed.The dose-volume histogram (DVH) was used for self-control study,and the non-parametric test was used to compare the differences in target volume and doses to organs at risk (OARs).Results All the three methods met the requirements of the prescribed doses.The CRT group had a higher V105 of the target volume and higher heart V30 and Dmax (P=0.000,0.000,0.000).The IMRT group had higher V5 and Dmean (P=0.000,0.000),as well as a higher lung V5 and a lower lung V40 (P=0.000,0.000).The FIF-IMRT group had the lowest Dmean (P=0.000),and the IMRT group had significantly higher Dmean and Dmax of the right lung and the spinal cord than the other two groups (P=0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000).The FIF-IMRT group had a significantly lower single hop count than the other two groups (P=0.000).Conclusions CRT has a good dose distribution in the target volume,but greatly injures the surrounding tissues.FIF-IMRT can well protect OARs and cause less damage to the device.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-503743


Objective To determine the incidence of breast cancer?related lymphedema ( BCRL) in China and to analyze the associated risk factors. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the clinical data and the incidence of BCRL in 281 patients who were newly diagnosed with breast cancer and received surgery. The incidence of BCRL was evaluated using arm circumference measurement and Norman questionnaire. The risk factors for lymphedema were analyzed using chi?square test and logistic regression model. Results In all patients,the incidence rates of BCRL determined by arm circumference measurement and Norman questionnaire were 31?7% and 27?0%, respectively. The multivariate analysis showed that postoperative radiotherapy,a preoperative body mass index no less than 24 kg/m2 ,a large axillary lymph node dissection area,and a large number of positive axillary lymph nodes significantly increased the risk of BCRL (HR=2?87,P=0?042;HR=2?54,P=0?011;HR=1?97,P=0?037;HR=1?06,P=0?023). Moreover, patients with breast cancer and hypertension had 1?74?fold higher risk of BCRL than those with normal blood pressure. Conclusions The incidence of BCRL is still very high. However,most of patients only have mild edema. Postoperative radiotherapy, a large axillary lymph node dissection area, a large number of positive axillary lymph nodes,a high preoperative body mass index,and hypertension are risk factors for BCRL.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-481634


Objective To evaluate the risk of locoregional recurrence ( LRR ) and role of radiotherapy for patients with estrogen receptor?negative and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2?overexpressed ( Rec?/HER?2+) locally advanced breast cancer ( LABC ) . Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the clinical data of 294 patients with Rec?/HER?2+LABC from 1999 to 2011. All patients were treated with modified radical mastectomy ( MRM ) . Of them, 239 patients received postmastectomy radiotherapy and 55 patients did not. Locoregional recurrence?free survival ( LRRFS) and overall survival ( OS) , as well as LRR, were compared between the two groups. The Kaplan?Meier method was used to estimate survival and recurrence rates, and the log?rank test was used for survival difference analysis and univariate prognostic analysis. Multivariate prognostic analysis was performed using the Cox regression model. Results The 5?year sample size was 162. Fifty?six patients developed LRR. The 5?year LRRFS and OS rates were 79. 7% and 70. 0%, respectively. Postmastectomy radiotherapy significantly increased the 5?year LRRFS rate ( 85. 1% vs. 56. 0%, P=0. 000) , but did not significantly increase the 5?year OS rate ( 71. 3% vs. 64. 2%, P= 0. 441 ) . Multivariate analysis indicated that postmastectomy radiotherapy was the only independent prognostic factor associated with increased LRRFS ( RR=0. 303, 95% CI:0. 166?0. 554, P=0. 000). Conclusions Patients with Rec?/HER?2+ LABC treated with MRM alone appear to be at a significantly increased risk of LRR compared with those treated with MRM followed by radiotherapy.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 23(1)jan.-mar. 2013.
Article in Portuguese, English | LILACS | ID: lil-702868


No Brasil, a expectativa de vida para as mulheres é de 75 anos e a população acima de 70 anos, atualmente, ultrapassa os 4,5 milhões de mulheres com previsão de crescimento para os próximos anos. Ao contrário do que se imaginava, a evolução clínica do câncer de mama parece ser semelhante em mulheres idosas quando comparadas àsmais jovens. Estudos prospectivos randomizados com nível I de evidência envolvendo pacientes com mais de 70 anos portadoras de câncer de mama são escassos. O diagnóstico precoce, por meio da mamografia, proporciona tratamentos menos agressivos. Portanto, a mamografia não deve ser negligenciada em idosas. O tratamento cirúrgico é de baixa morbidade e mortalidade mesmo em idosas. Por outro lado, comorbidades,estado geral comprometido e limitada expectativa de vida são fatores que limitam o tratamento sistêmico e radioterápico nessas mulheres. Diante disso, as idosas estão mais sujeitas ao subtratamento com prejuízo para a sobrevida global e sobrevida livre de doença. Sempre que possível, a abordagem do câncer de mama nas mulheres acima de 70 de idade deve respeitar os protocolos previamente estabelecidos para as mais jovens. Comorbidades, performance status e expectativa de vida devem ser consideradas para a definição do tratamento individualizado.

In Brazil, life expectancy among women is 75 years. The current population aged over 70 years exceeds 4.5 million, and is expected to grow even more in the coming years. Contrary to expectations, the clinical outcome of breast cancer appears to be similar in both younger and older women. Level I evidence randomized prospective studies involving patients older than 70 years with breast cancer are scarce. Early diagnosis using mammography enables less aggressive treatments. Therefore, the need for mammographies should not be overlooked in elderly women. Surgical treatment carries low morbidity and mortality even among elderly women. Nonetheless, comorbidities, impaired general health status and limited life expectancy are factors that limit systemic treatment and radiotherapy in these women. Thus, the elderly are more prone toundertreatment leading to reduced overall survival and disease-free survival. Whenever possible, the approach to breast cancer in women over age 70 should comply with protocols previously established for younger women. Comorbidities, performance status and life expectancy should be factored in planning for individualized treatment.

Humans , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Breast Neoplasms/therapy , Mammography
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-432186


Objective To investigate the relationship between molecular subtypes of breast cancer and postoperative loco-regional recurrence (LR) in early breast cancer patients with 1-3 positive axillary lymph nodes (pN1) and to improve the individualized indications for post-mastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT)in these patients.Methods A total of 547 patients with pT1-2 N1M0 breast cancer,who received mastectomy between December 1998 and December 2009 in Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center,were retrospectively analyzed.None of them received adjuvant radiotherapy after mastectomy.The patients were divided into luminal A group,luminal B group,HER-2-overexpressing group,and triple-negative group according to the molecular subtypes of breast cancer determined by immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization.The patients in different groups were compared in terms of LR rate (LRR) and LR-free survival (LRFS),and the risk factors for LR were analyzed in combination with clinical and pathological features.The Kaplan-Meier method was adopted to calculate LRR and LRFS;the Logrank test was used for survival difference analysis and univariate prognostic analysis.The Cox proportional hazards model was used for multivariate prognostic analysis.Results The luminal A group,luminal B group,HER-2-overexpressing group,and triple-negative group accounted for 30.0%,48.6%,9.3%,and 12.1%,respectively,of all the patients.The follow-up rate was 97.1% ;334 patients were followed up for at least 5 years,and 127 were followed up for at least 10 years.Univariate analysis showed that,compared with the luminal A group,the HER-2-overexpressing group and triple-negative group had significantly higher 5-year LRRs (19.0% vs 5.3%,x2 =4.28,P =0.026; 14.9% vs 5.3%,x2 =5.02,P =0.015) and significantly lower LRFSs (73.5% vs 91.1%,x2=7.27,P=0.005;80.6% vs 91.1%,x2=4.77,P=0.021).Multivariate analysis revealed that HER-2 overexpression,triple-negative phenotype,age of ≤ 35 years,and stage pT2 were poor prognostic factors for survival (LRR and LRFS) (x2 =2.29,2.08,18.22,and 6.86,P =0.020,0.016,0.001,and 0.005;x2 =1.90,1.41,8.58,and 3.94,P=0.006,0.025,0.002,and 0.039).The 10-year LRRs of patients with 0,1,and ≥2 of the above risk factors were 4.3%,14.1%,and 31.9%,respectively (x2 =28.03,P =0.000).Conclusions Molecular subtyping is helpful for individualized evaluation of LR risk in early breast cancer patients with 1-3 positive axillary lymph nodes (pN1).PMRT should be recommended for the patients with 2 or more risk factors for LR.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-428087


ObjectiveTo explore the feasibility,efficacy and cosmetic effect of three-dimensional conformal external beam partial breast irradiation (EB-PBI) after breast-conserving surgery for the selected Chinese early stage breast cancer patients.MethodsFrom June 2003 to December 2010,Forty-four early stage breast cancer patients underwent EB-PBI after breast-conserving surgery.Twenty patients had CT simulation scan in moderate deep inspiration breathing hold,and twenty-four patients in free breathing.EB-PBI was planned and delivered by three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT)with four noncoplanar beams.The prescribed dose was 3.40 Gy per fraction in thirty-nine patients and 3.85 Gy per fraction in five patients,twice per day at an interval of at least six hours,in five consecutive days.Results The number of patients with follow up time of 2,3 and 5 years were 39,31 and 16.Grade 1 acute radiationinduced dermatitis was observed in 17 patients (39%) at three months.Cosmesis was good or excellent in all cases at six months after radiotherapy and in 95% cases at two years after radiotherapy.The 2-,3-and 5-year local control rates were 100%,99% and 94%,respectively.The 2-,3-,and 5-year survival rates were all 100% and no metastases occurred.Conclusions EB-PBI delivered by 3DCRT is feasible for selected Chinese early stage breast cancer patients after breast-conserving surgery.The cosmetic effect,local control rate and long-term survival rate are satisfactory,and acute radiation toxicity is very low.