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Ann Card Anaesth ; 2024 Oct; 27(4): 352-356
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240938


Bronchoscopy is a widely used technique for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Though it requires anesthesia, many options are available, depending on the patient’s health status, the purpose of the procedure, and the type of bronchoscope used. One such health status is heart failure, a leading cause of death, and a common challenge of anesthesiology. We report a 60?year?old male patient who is a known case of heart failure with an ejection fraction of 15%, and an implanted cardioverter defibrillator, along with concurrent ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension, who presented complaining of dysphagia. This highly morbid patient was able to successfully undergo a bronchoscopic biopsy with nerve block anesthesia considering his inadequacy for conventional methods. This report aims to shed light on these challenging cases and alert anesthesiologists on how to manage such situations in patients with cardiac morbidities.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237202


Non-resolving or slowly resolving pneumonia presents a significant diagnostic challenge, characterized by persistent radiographic abnormalities despite appropriate antibiotic therapy. This study explores the pivotal role of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (FOB) in diagnosing and managing non-resolving pneumonia. Through detailed case presentations, the study illustrates how FOB facilitates precise sampling and identification of underlying causes such as malignancies, infections, and other pulmonary conditions. FOB's ability to provide cytological, microbiological, and pathological insights proves essential in guiding targeted treatment strategies, ultimately improving patient outcomes. The cases discussed underscore the importance of FOB in resolving diagnostic uncertainties, particularly in complex clinical scenarios where standard treatments fail.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 85(3): 324-328, jul.-set. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581620


RESUMEN La criobiopsia transbronquial se ha descrito como un nuevo método para obtener tejido pulmonar, demostrando buena correlación con las biopsias quirúrgicas, menos complicaciones, costos y estancia hospitalaria. Describimos la primera experiencia con éxito en un hospital nacional de Perú. Paciente mujer de 53 años, con tiempo de enfermedad de cinco años, caracterizado por disnea progresiva. La tomografía mostró patrón no usual de neumonía intersticial (UIP). Estudio reumatológico: anticuerpos antinucleares (ANA) positivo mixto, nuclear moteado 1/2560 y nucleolar 1/5120. El anti - anticuerpos nucleares extraíbles (ENA) fue positivo y los anticuerpos frente al citoplasma de los neutrófilos (ANCA) negativo. La espirometría con capacidad vital forzada (CVF) 1,83 (69%) y prueba de difusión 10,39 (67%). Tras la evaluación del comité multidisciplinario se solicitó biopsia pulmonar. Previa evaluación clínica y funcional, se realizó la criobiopsia con el uso de anestesia general, bloqueador endobronquial profiláctico, guía fluoroscópica y criosonda.

ABSTRACT Transbronchial cryobiopsy has been described as a new method to obtain lung tissue, demonstrating good correlation with surgical lung biopsies, fewer complications, costs and hospital stay. We describe our first experience carried out successfully in a national hospital. This is a 53-year-old female patient, with a disease duration of five years, characterized by progressive dyspnea. Non-UIP standard tomography. Rheumatological study: mixed positive ANA, speckled nuclear 1/2560 and nucleolar 1/5120. Anti-ENA positive, ANCA negative. Spirometry with FVC 1.83 (69%) and diffusion test 10.39 (67%). After the evaluation of the multidisciplinary committee, a lung biopsy was indicated. After clinical and functional evaluation, cryobiopsy was performed with the use of general anesthesia, prophylactic endobronchial blocker, fluoroscopic guidance and cryoprobe.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242294


Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is considered to be a consequential health concern in the childhood and adolescent phase associated with a considerable rate of morbidity and rarely mortality. Commonly two types of foreign bodies inhaled are organic and inorganic. A 20-year-old female student was referred to the Pulmonary Department for a chronic cough. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) chest showed localized bronchiectasis and mucus impaction in the right lower lobe. A bronchoscopy was planned and the patient continued the bronchodilator treatment. The patient expectorated one plastic tip of a pen with a bout of cough after one month of the treatment.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237183


Endobronchial tuberculosis (EBTB) is a rare manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis characterized by bronchial inflammation, often presenting with tumor-like masses in the airways. Misdiagnosis, particularly as lung cancer or bronchial asthma, is common due to its atypical presentation. We present a case of a 38-year-old female with persistent cough, wheezing, and constitutional symptoms, initially misdiagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia. Despite broad-spectrum antibiotics, there was no improvement. Imaging revealed right upper lobe collapse and a suspicious lesion, prompting a PET-CT scan that indicated a neoplastic or infectious etiology. Bronchoscopy confirmed a friable growth in the right main bronchus, with subsequent biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage revealing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Prompt initiation of anti-tuberculosis therapy led to symptom resolution. This case underscores the importance of considering tuberculosis in patients with persistent respiratory symptoms, even without prior TB history.

Ann Card Anaesth ; 2024 Apr; 27(2): 165-168
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240908


Mediastinal masses pose one of the great challenges for any anesthesiologist during airway maintenance, underlining the need to devise a well?formulated plan to avoid perioperative complications. As a general rule, such patients are managed with spontaneous ventilation without the use of muscle relaxants and awake intubation. We report a case of a 66?year?old male with severe dyspnea, having a very large invasive anterior mediastinal mass, causing left lung collapse for urgent debulking surgery. The tracheobronchial compromise was ruled out using three?dimensional reconstruction on computed tomography imaging (virtual bronchoscopy) and that helped in using general anesthesia with muscle relaxation for subsequent endotracheal intubation and surgery.

Medwave ; 24(3): e2792, 30-04-2024. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553781


INTRODUCCIÓN: La traqueobroncopatía osteocondroplástica es una rara enfermedad crónica benigna de etiología desconocida. La broncoscopía sigue siendo el estándar de oro para el reconocimiento de traqueopatía osteocondroplástica. Sus hallazgos típicos se describen como un empedrado, un jardín de rocas, una apariencia de paisaje montañoso o de una cueva con estalactitas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar las principales características clínicas de una patología poco conocida. CASOS CLÍNICOS: Se analizaron los datos clínicos de cuatro pacientes de mediana edad, tres fueron hombres y una mujer. Los principales síntomas clínicos fueron tos crónica, disnea, disfonía. Los pacientes tuvieron un diagnóstico preliminar mediante tomografía axial computarizada de tórax, confirmado por examen video broncoscópico e histopatológico. El tratamiento incluyó medicamentos para los síntomas y en un solo caso criocirugía y coagulación con argón plasma. DISCUSIÓN: El diagnóstico de traqueobroncopatía osteocondroplástica no fue sencillo por ser una entidad rara, cuyos síntomas son inespecíficos y muy frecuentes en otras patologías. En Perú no se han publicado artículos de serie de casos sobre esta patología. Por lo tanto, tomamos como referencia artículos originales publicados en otros países para compararlos con nuestros hallazgos. CONCLUSIÓN: La traqueopatía osteocondroplástica es una enfermedad benigna que predispone a los adultos, los hombres tienen más probabilidades de verse afectados. Sus manifestaciones clínicas son inespecíficas; frecuentemente de origen faríngeo y la causa no está aún definida. La tomografía axial computarizada de tórax combinada con video broncoscopía son los principales procedimientos para el diagnóstico. No existe un estándar de tratamiento con efectos terapéuticos consistentes.

INTRODUCTION: Osteochondroplastic tracheobronchopathy is a rare benign chronic disease of unknown etiology. Bronchoscopy remains the gold standard for diagnosing osteochondroplastic tracheobronchopathy. Its typical findings are described as a cobblestone, rock garden, mountainscape, or stalactite cave appearance. The present work aims to show the main clinical features of this rare pathology. CLINICAL CASES: The clinical data of four middle-aged patients, three men and one woman, were analyzed. The main clinical symptoms were chronic cough, dyspnea, and dysphonia. The patient's preliminary diagnosis was made by computed axial tomography of the chest, confirmed by bronchoscopy and histopathological examination. Treatment included medication for symptoms and, in one case, cryosurgery and argon plasma coagulation. DISCUSSION: Diagnosing osteochondroplastic tracheobronchopathy was not easy, given its uncommon nature and non-specific symptoms often found in other pathologies. No case series articles on this pathology have been published in Peru. Therefore, we used the original articles published in other countries to reference our findings. CONCLUSION: Osteochondroplastic tracheopathy is a benign disease that typically affects adults. Men are more likely to be affected. Its clinical manifestations are non-specific and frequently of pharyngeal origin, and the cause is not yet defined. Chest computed axial tomography combined with bronchoscopy are the main diagnostic procedures. There is no standard treatment with consistent therapeutic effects.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Osteochondrodysplasias/diagnosis , Osteochondrodysplasias/pathology , Tracheal Diseases/diagnosis , Tracheal Diseases/pathology , Tracheal Diseases/therapy , Bronchial Diseases/diagnosis , Bronchial Diseases/pathology , Bronchoscopy , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242312


Aim: To report unusual clinical and radiological presentation of adenocarcinoma in a healthy female. Background: Adenocarcinoma is the most common subtype in nonsmokers. The radiological presentation may range from solitary nodules to large masses and multilobar consolidations. In the present case, radiological presentation mimicked miliary tuberculosis but it turned out to be lepidic adenocarcinoma on further evaluation. Lepidic adenocarcinoma is characterized by the proliferation of tumor cells along the lines of alveolar walls with or without evidence of stromal, vascular, and pleural invasion. Case description: A 60-year-old female patient with no known comorbidities presented to the outpatient department with nonspecific complaints of mild chest and abdominal discomfort and uneasiness. Chest X-ray showed diffuse multiple numerous randomly distributed sharply marginated nodules in bilateral lung parenchyma suggesting the possibility of miliary nodules, and small air space consolidation in both upper lobes. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial lung biopsy was performed. Investigations for Tuberculosis, Fungal, and Bacterial infections were negative. Transbronchial lung biopsy histopathology and immunohistochemistry (IHC) [Napsin A and cytokeratin 7 (CK-7)] revealed features suggestive of primary minimally invasive adenocarcinoma lung – lepidic type. The patient was referred to the medical oncology department. Conclusion: Adenocarcinoma lung is the most common subtype of non-small lung cancer. Clinical and radiological presentation can mimic other infective or nonmalignant diseases. A high index of suspicion and further evaluation is required in concerned patients to identify it at the earliest.

Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi ; Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi;(12): 37-41, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009890


OBJECTIVES@#To optimize the oxygen therapy regimens for infants with pulmonary diseases during bronchoscopy.@*METHODS@#A prospective randomized, controlled, and single-center clinical trial was conducted on 42 infants who underwent electronic bronchoscopy from July 2019 to July 2021. These infants were divided into a nasal cannula (NC) group and a modified T-piece resuscitator (TPR) group using a random number table. The lowest intraoperative blood oxygen saturation was recorded as the primary outcome, and intraoperative heart rate and respiratory results were recorded as the secondary outcomes.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the NC group, the modified TPR group had a significantly higher level of minimum oxygen saturation during surgery and a significantly lower incidence rate of hypoxemia (P<0.05). In the modified TPR group, there were 6 infants with mild hypoxemia, 2 with moderate hypoxemia, and 1 with severe hypoxemia, while in the NC group, there were 3 infants with mild hypoxemia, 5 with moderate hypoxemia, and 9 with severe hypoxemia (P<0.05). The modified TPR group had a significantly lower incidence rate of intraoperative respiratory rhythm abnormalities than the NC group (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in the incidence rate of arrhythmias between the two groups (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Modified TPR can significantly reduce the risk of hypoxemia in infants with pulmonary diseases during electronic bronchoscopy, and TPR significantly decreases the severity of hypoxemia and the incidence of respiratory rhythm abnormalities compared with traditional NC.

Infant , Humans , Oxygen , Bronchoscopy/adverse effects , Cannula , Prospective Studies , Electronics , Hypoxia/prevention & control , Lung Diseases
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020696


With the popularity of low-dose computed tomography(LDCT)in physical examination and the widespread concern of people about lung diseases after COVID-19 outbreak,the detection rate of pulmonary nodules in the population has increased year by year.The clinical cases of early lung cancer and multiple primary lung cancer are increasing,and the necessity of personalized treatment tailored to the diverse detection of pulmonary nodules is highlighted in the diagnosis and treatment process of pulmonary nodules.However,chest CT and traditional bron-choscopy not only have insufficient accuracy in preoperative localization of pulmonary nodules and the diagnosis of benign and malignant pulmonary nodules,but also have significant limitations in the diagnosis and treatment of patients who cannot undergo surgery.The emergence of electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy(ENB)has greatly solved this problem and further improves the diagnosis and treatment process of pulmonary nodules.ENB is a new technology that relies on electromagnetic positioning technology to locate,biopsy,and minimally invasive treatment of pulmonary nodules through bronchoscopy.In this review,we mainly summarize the application and latest progress of ENB in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary nodules.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024227


Objective:To evaluate the clinical efficacy of ultrasound-guided superior laryngeal nerve block combined with cricothyroid membrane puncture for awake tracheal intubation in difficult airways.Methods:A total of 80 patients scheduled for general anesthesia surgery owing to difficult airways at Marine Police Corps Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force from August 2019 to February 2023 were included in this prospective study. These patients were randomly divided into a control group and an observation group ( n = 40 per group). Both groups of patients underwent fiberoptic bronchoscope-guided awake tracheal intubation through the nasal route. Before intubation, the control group received surface anesthesia combined with cricothyroid membrane puncture anesthesia, while the observation group received superior laryngeal nerve block combined with cricothyroid membrane puncture anesthesia. During the intubation process, hemodynamic indicators of the patients were monitored, the duration of the intubation operation was recorded, and the degree of sedation and cough response was evaluated. Before and after intubation, the levels of serum stress response factors were determined, and the satisfaction level of patients with the intubation operation was investigated. Results:At the time points T1 (immediately after the tracheal tube enters the glottis) and T2 (after the tracheal tube enters the trachea), the heart rate in the observation group was (84.08 ± 8.25) times/minute and (82.64 ± 7.81) times/minute, respectively, and the mean arterial pressure in the observation group was (92.57 ± 8.32) mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa) and (103.27 ± 9.16) mmHg, respectively, which were significantly lower compared with those in the control group ( t = 5.92-12.56, all P < 0.001). At T1 and T2, there was no significant difference in blood oxygen saturation (SpO 2) between the observation and control groups ( t = 0.34-0.43, P = 0.652-0.726). The duration of the intubation operation in the observation group was (8.96 ± 1.15) minutes, which was significantly shorter than (11.47 ± 1.39) minutes in the control group ( t = 6.84, P < 0.001). The Ramsay sedation score during intubation in the observation group was 3 (2,3) points, which was significantly higher than 2 (1,3) points in the control group ( Z = 9.26, P < 0.001). The cough response score in the observation group was 1 (0,1) point, which was significantly lower than 1 (0, 2) points in the control group ( Z = 4.37, P < 0.001). The serum levels of stress response factors norepinephrine and adrenaline in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group ( t = 14.58-25.94, both P < 0.05). The overall patient satisfaction in the observation group was 97.50%, which was significantly higher than that in the control group ( χ2 = 4.51, P = 0.034). Conclusion:Superior laryngeal nerve block combined with cricothyroid membrane puncture can be used for anesthetic management of awake nasal tracheal intubation in difficult airways. This combined approach can improve patient hemodynamic stability and sedation, shorten the duration of intubation, reduce stress responses during intubation, and enhance patient satisfaction.

China Journal of Endoscopy ; (12): 56-62, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024817


Objective To explore the effect of remimazolam combined with remifentanil on painless bronchoscopy in elderly patients and observe its impact on hemodynamics.Methods Collect 80 elderly patients underwent bronchoscopy examination from October 2021 to October 2022 as research subjects,and divide them into remifentanil group and combination group according to anesthesia methods.Remifentanil group was given remifentanil assisted painless bronchoscopy,and the combined group was given remimazolam assisted painless bronchoscopy based on remifentanil group.The hemodynamics and operation conditions of the two groups at different time points[before anesthesia induction(T1),at the time of transglottis(T2),1 min after transglottis(T3),5 min after transglottis(T4),at the end of the inspection(T5)]were compared,and the changes of intraoperative and postoperative adverse reactions of patients with different anesthesia methods were observed,and satisfaction analysis was conducted.Results Compared with remifentanil group,the heart rate(HR)in the combined group at T2,T3,and T4 was slower,percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation(SpO2)was lower at T3,T4,diastolic blood pressure(DBP)and systolic blood pressure(SBP)were higher in T2,T3,T4,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The onset time of drugs was shorter,the recovery time of patients was long,the incidence of hypoxemia,hypotension and HR slowdown was lower,the incidence of HR increased was higher,and the postoperative satisfaction was higher,with statistical significance(P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of postoperative nausea,vomiting,dizziness,headache,and drowsiness between the two groups of patients(P>0.05).Conclusion Remimazolam combined with remifentanil for painless bronchoscopy in elderly patients may have a good application effect,which can maintain hemodynamic stability,rapid onset,long duration of efficacy,reduce the rate of intraoperative adverse reactions,have a good safety,and can improve patient satisfaction.

China Journal of Endoscopy ; (12): 59-65, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024830


Objective To compare the anesthetic effect and safety of Ciprofol and Propofol combined with Fentanyl in painless bronchoscopy for conscious patients in intensive care unit(ICU).Methods 60 conscious patients who underwent painless bronchoscopy from October 2022 to January 2023 were selected.According to the random number table method,30 cases were divided into the control group(Propofol 1.5 mg/kg + Fentanyl 1 μg/kg)and 30 cases were divided into the experimental group(Ciprofol 0.4 mg/kg + Fentanyl 1 μg/kg).Systolic blood pressure,diastolic blood pressure,heart rate,respiratory frequency,and percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation(SpO2)were recorded before anesthesia(T1),during the examination(T2),and at the completion of the examination(T3)in the two groups,and the success rate of induction of general anesthesia,the time of induction of anesthesia,the time of bronchoscopy,the time of eye-opening,the total dosage of medications used,the incidence of injection pain,and the incidence of intraoperative adverse reactions(hypotension,respiratory depression,bradycardia,and bucking)in the two groups were compared.Results Analysis of the data revealed significant group,time,and interaction effects for systolic blood pressure,diastolic blood pressure,heart rate,and respiratory frequency at different time points(P<0.05).The experimental group had a shorter induction time of anesthesia[1.40(1.10,1.62)min]in comparison to the control group[1.60(1.30,2.10)min](P<0.05),and the experimental group required a less amount of drug to achieve the desired outcome[(21.40±1.82)mg]compared to the control group[(78.75±6.71)mg](P<0.05).Furthermore,the incidence of injection pain(3.33%)and respiratory depression(6.67%)was significantly reduced in the experimental group compared to the control group(36.67%)and(30.00%)(P<0.05).Conclusion The use of Ciprofol in combination with Fentanyl has been found to provide effective anesthesia during bronchoscopy,while also increasing safety and decreasing the incidence of adverse events.It is worthy of clinical application.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 78-82, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038142


Objective To investigate the effect of remimazolam on anesthetic effect and postoperative cognitive function during painless bronchoscopy in elderly patients.Methods A total of 90 patients with painless bronchoscopy admitted to Wenzhou People's Hospital were selected.And randomly dividing into 45 patients in control group,45 patients in observation group.The control group was given propofol,and the observation group was given remimazolam.Mean arterial pressure(MAP),heart rate(HR),and blood oxygen saturation(SpO2)were monitored.Effective time after induction,recovery time after withdrawal and discharge time were compared.Patient's cognitive function was assessed using the mini-mental state examination(MMSE),auditory word learning test(AVLT),shape connection test(STT),and animal language fluency test(AFT).Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)was used to determine substance P(SP),C-reactive protein(CRP),noradrenaline(NE),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)in serum,interleukin(IL)-6 and prostaglandin E2(PGE2)concentrations.Results Compared with the control group,the MAP of the observation group patients at time points T2 and T3 showed statistically significant differences(P<0.05);HR was especially significant at T2,T3 and T6 periods(P<0.05).SpO2 at T2 and T3(P<0.05).The awakening time,discharge time of the observation were shorter than control(P<0.05).At 1 day after surgery,the MMSE score,STT score,AFT score were significantly higher(P<0.05);The serum levels of SP,PGE2 and NE and IL-6,TNF-α and CRP were decreased in the control(P<0.05).The incidence of adverse reactions was 17.78%in control group and 8.89%in observation group(χ2=7.654,P=0.031).Conclusion Remazolam is used in painless bronchoscopy in elderly patients,intraoperative hemodynamics is stable,having little impact on postoperative cognitive function,and inhibits the release of inflammatory factors and the secretion of pain mediators,which is worthy of clinical use.

Rev. am. med. respir ; 24(2): 99-102, 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569608


RESUMEN El linfoma no Hodgkin compromete en un 50 % de los casos estructuras intratoráci cas; la afectación bronquial es infrecuente. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con sospecha de enfermedad linfoproliferativa e infiltrados pulmonares. En la broncoscopia se observaron imágenes nodulares difusas prominentes de todo el árbol bronquial. La anatomía patológica de la biopsia bronquial fue compatible con linfoma no Hodgkin marginal y la evolución con quimioterapia fue favorable.

ABSTRACT Thoracic involvement occurs in 50 % of cases of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Bronchial involvement is rare. We describe a case presenting with probable lymphoproliferative disease and pulmonary infiltrates. Bronchoscopy revealed prominent diffuse nodular images throughout the bronchial tree. Bronchial biopsy yielded a diagnosis of marginal Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The patient had a good response to chemotherapy.

Medisan ; 27(6)dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1534920


Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es un problema de salud pública a escala mundial y Cuba no está exenta de este. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer de pulmón según variables clínicas, epidemiológicas y morfológicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal, descriptivo y retrospectivo de los 145 adultos diagnosticados con cáncer de pulmón en el Servicio de Neumología del Hospital General Docente Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero del 2018 hasta diciembre del 2019. A tal efecto, en el procesamiento estadístico se emplearon como medidas de resumen el porcentaje y la media para variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, respectivamente; asimismo, se aplicaron el coeficiente kappa para establecer el grado de concordancia entre datos y la prueba de independencia de la Χ2 para identificar asociación significativa entre los criterios de interés seleccionados (con p<0,05). Resultados: Se obtuvo un predominio del sexo masculino (62,1 %) y el grupo etario de 65-75 años (37,9 %). Respecto a la variedad histológica, resultó más frecuente el carcinoma epidermoide (42,7 %). El pulmón derecho fue el más afectado, específicamente su lóbulo superior (33,8 %); del mismo modo, existieron alteraciones morfológicas, como la infiltración bronquial (100,0 %), la irregularidad y el edema de la mucosa (con 98,5 % en cada caso) y la inflamación con engrosamiento de la pared bronquial (90,3 %). Conclusiones: La determinación de las características clínicas, epidemiológicas y morfológicas relacionadas con el cáncer de pulmón permite efectuar el correcto seguimiento de los pacientes y aplicar un adecuado protocolo terapéutico.

Introduction: Lung cancer is a public health problem worldwide and Cuba is not exempt from it. Objective: Characterize patients diagnosed with lung cancer according to clinical, epidemiological and morphological variables. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study was carried out on 145 adults diagnosed with lung cancer in the Pneumology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January, 2018 to December, 2019. For this purpose, in the statistical processing, the percentage and mean were used as summary measures for qualitative and quantitative variables, respectively; Likewise, there were applied the kappa coefficient to establish the degree of agreement between data and the Χ2 independence test to identify a significant association between the selected criteria of interest (with p<0.05). Results: There was a predominance of the male sex (62.1%) and the age group of 65-75 years (37.9%). Regarding the histological type, squamous cell carcinoma was more common (42.7%). The right lung was the most affected, specifically its upper lobe (33.8%); also, there were morphological alterations, such as bronchial infiltration (100.0%), mucosal irregularity and edema (with 98.5% in each case), and inflammation with bronchial wall thickening (90.3%). Conclusions: The determination of the clinical, epidemiological and morphological characteristics related to lung cancer makes it possible to carry out the correct follow-up of the patients and apply an appropriate therapeutic protocol.

Rev. am. med. respir ; 23(3): 173-182, dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1559205


Introducción: El carcinoma adenoide quístico de la vía aérea es un tumor poco común, que se origina de las glándulas submucosas del árbol traqueobronquial. Por el usual retraso entre los síntomas y el diagnóstico, y por la propensión de este tumor para expandirse a través de los haces perineurales y submucosa, el tratamiento recomen dado es la resección quirúrgica con radioterapia posoperatoria. La supervivencia está determinada por la presencia de metástasis a distancia. Caso clínico: Paciente de sexo femenino de 70 años de edad con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, EPOC (extabaquista 34 paquetes/año) que acude a servicio de urgencias con episodios de hemoptisis y disnea mMRC 3-4 previa. Discusión: Las neoplasias malignas de la tráquea son muy raras y los datos relacionados con ellos son limitados. Los más importantes factores pronósticos en las enfermedades primarias malignas de la tráquea constituyen el diagnóstico temprano, estadiaje del tumor, histología y opciones de tratamiento. Conclusiones: La detección temprana puede estar asociada con el incremento de las tasas de resecabilidad e, incluso, supervivencia prolongada.

Introduction: Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the airway is a strange tumor that arises from the submucosal glands of the tracheobronchial tree. For the usual delay between symptoms and diagnosis, and for the propensity of this tumor to expand through the perineural fibers and submucosa, the recommended treatment is surgical resection with postoperative radiation therapy. Survival is determined by the presence of distance metastases. Clinical case: 70 year-old female patient with a history of hypertension, COPD (former smoker 34 pack/year) who came to the emergency room with episodes of hemoptysis and previous dyspnea mMRC 3-4. Discussion: Malignant neoplasms of the trachea are very strange and data related to them is limited. The most important prognostic factors in primary malignant diseases of the trachea are early diagnosis, tumor stating, histology, and treatment options. Conclusions: Early detection may be associated with increased resectability rates and even prolonged survival.

Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 34(3): 86-93, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1535524


Introducción: los pacientes con granulomatosis con poliangitis (GPA) pueden presentar compromiso de la vía aérea superior (VAS) o inferior (VAI). Objetivos: describimos las manifestaciones endoscópicas de las vías respiratorias, los hallazgos histológicos y los anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA) en un grupo de pacientes con GPA. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo de historias clínicas de pacientes con GPA sometidos a broncoscopia entre 2012 y 2019. Se analizaron hallazgos de la vía aérea, biopsias y ANCA. Resultados: se incluyeron 40 pacientes, con una edad media de 46,92±17,61 años, predominantemente del sexo femenino (67,5%). Se observó afectación de la vía aérea en el 90% (n=36). El C-ANCA fue reactivo en el 63,9%, P-ANCA en el 25%, ANCA doblemente reactivo en el 8,33% y no reactivo en el 20%. Los hallazgos comunes en la vía aérea superior (VS) fueron sinusitis crónica (41,7%), destrucción del tabique nasal (16,7%); y en la vía aérea inferior (AI): estenosis traqueobronquial (38,9%), traqueobronquitis (25%). Los hallazgos más frecuentes de las biopsias broncoscópicas fueron proceso inflamatorio polimorfonuclear (61,9%) y necrosis geográfica (47,6%). Conclusión: la vía aérea está comprometida hasta en un 90% de los pacientes con GPA. ANCA no reactivos no descartan esta posibilidad. La sinusitis crónica y los procesos fibroestenóticos traqueobronquiales fueron los hallazgos endoscópicos más comunes. La vasculitis en biopsias se encontró en una minoría de casos.

Introduction: patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) may present upper airway (UA) and lower airway (LA) involvement. Objectives: we describe the endoscopic manifestations of the airways, histological findings from biopsied tissue and antineutrophilic cytoplasm antibody (ANCA) in a group of patients with GPA. Methods: retrospective study of medical records of patients with GPA undergoing bronchoscopy between 2012 and 2019. Airway findings, results of biopsies performed and ANCA results were analyzed. Results: 40 patients were included, with a mean age of 46.92±17.61 years and predominantly female (67.5%). Airway involvement was observed in 90% (n=36). The C-ANCA was reactive in 63.9%, P-ANCA in 25%, doubly reactive ANCA in 8.33% and non-reactive in 20%. The findings in upper airway (UA) were: chronic sinusitis (41.7%), destruction of the nasal septum (16.7%); and in lower airway (LA) were: tracheobronchial stenosis (38.9%) and tracheobronchitis (25%). The pathological findings most common of bronchoscopic biopsies were: polymorphonuclear inflammatory process (61.9%) and geographic necrosis (47.6%). Conclusion: the airway is involved in up to 90% of patients with GPA. Non-reactive ANCA does not rule out this possibility. Chronic sinusitis and tracheobronchial fibrostenotic processes were the most common endoscopic findings. Vasculitis in biopsies was found in a minority of cases.

Constriction, Pathologic
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(5): 481-490, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521875


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las opacidades pulmonares en receptores de trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos (TPH) representan un desafío diagnóstico y son una causa de morbimortalidad. Existen grandes discrepancias con respecto a la sensibilidad diagnóstica del lavado broncoalveolar (LBA), sus complicaciones, y los factores asociados a la identificación microbiológica. OBJETIVO: Conocer la utilidad del estudio microbiológico del LBA en el diagnóstico, modificación de la conducta médica y estimar las complicaciones y mortalidad asociada al procedimiento, en receptores de TPH con opacidades pulmonares. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, en adultos receptores de TPH a los que se les realizó una broncoscopía con LBA por presentar opacidades pulmonares, en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires entre el 01/01/2011 y el 31/12/2020. RESULTADOS: De los 189 procedimientos analizados, en 79 se logró un hallazgo microbiológico (41,8%) y 122 permitieron modificar la conducta médica (64,6%). En 11 casos se observaron complicaciones graves dentro de las 12 horas (5,8%) de efectuado el LBA. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue de 16,8% (N = 21/125). El valor de neutrófilos en sangre previo al LBA (p = 0,037) y la presencia de nódulos pulmonares como lesión tomográfica predominante (p = 0,029) se asociaron independientemente al hallazgo microbiològico global. CONCLUSIONES: Nuestra investigación apoya la realización del LBA como herramienta diagnóstica en pacientes que reciben un TPH y presentan opacidades pulmonares.

BACKGROUND: Lung opacities are a cause of morbimortality in bone marrow transplant patients, and represent a diagnostic challenge. There are large discrepancies regarding the diagnostic sensitivity of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), its complications, and the factors associated with microbiological detection. AIM: To know the usefulness of the microbiological study of BAL in the diagnosis, in the modification in medical behavior and to estimate the complications and associated mortality of this diagnostic procedure in patients transplanted with hematopoietic progenitor cells with pulmonary opacities. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study in bone marrow transplant adult patients who underwent bronchoscopy with BAL due to lung opacities at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires between 01/01/2011 and 12/31/2020. RESULTS: Of the 189 BAL analyzed, 79 presented a microbiological detection (41.8%) and 122 allowed to modify the medical behavior (64.6%). Severe complications were observed within 12 hours after the procedure in11 cases (5.8%). In-hospital mortality was 16,8% (N = 21/125). The value of blood neutrophils prior to bronchoalveolar lavage (p = 0.037) and the presence of pulmonary nodules as the predominant tomographic lesion (p = 0.029) were independently associated with global microbiological detection. CONCLUSION: Our research supports the performance of BAL as a diagnostic tool in bone marrow transplant patients with lung opacities.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Bronchoscopy/methods , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid/microbiology , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/adverse effects , Bronchoalveolar Lavage/methods , Hematologic Neoplasms/therapy , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Viruses/isolation & purification , Multivariate Analysis , Cohort Studies , Immunocompromised Host , Transplant Recipients , Fungi/isolation & purification , Lung/microbiology
Indian J Pediatr ; 2023 Jul; 90(7): 718–722
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223762


Respiratory illnesses are common causes of morbidity and mortality in children. Postgraduates in Pediatrics spent significant time in learning to manage respiratory disorders. Improved survival of preterm neonates, improved diagnosis and survival of chronic respiratory problems, and advances in diagnosis and therapeutics have increased the need for specialists trained in managing these patients. Training programs in Pediatric Pulmonology are evolving over the past few decades. In India, super-specialty training in Pediatric Pulmonology has grown over the past few years. There is a need to modify the training structure used in industrialized countries due to differences in patient population, priorities, and limited available resources and expertise. Formal training courses have been started in a limited number of institutions. There is a large gap between the need for a trained workforce and the available specialists in the limited number of institutions. The Indian Academy of Pediatrics National Respiratory Chapter (IAPNRC) has initiated a fellowship program to bridge the gap. Comprehensive training involving academic and hands-on training may go a long way to improve the care of children with acute and chronic respiratory problems. For sustainable development of the super specialty, there is a need to work towards creating Pediatric Pulmonology service departments in various institutions that may be responsible for comprehensive training and research activities to answer common research questions.