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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-576905


Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect on ulcerative colitis by methods of reinforcing qi,strengthing spleen and clearing heat antitoxicant. Methods 99 patients were divided into two groups randomly:the treatment group for oral and enteroclyste use with TCM following in the principle mentioned above,the control group for oral and enteroclyste use with western medicine following in the common practice. Comparative studies on the total therapeutic effect and the improvement of TCM syndromes between the two groups were made. Meanwhile,the Pearson correlation analysis were made to explore the relationship between the clinical effectiveness and impact factors in two groups. Results There were significant differences in the total curative effect and the improvement of TCM syndromes between two groups (P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-570060


ive] To observe the therapeutic effects of Xiaoji Decoction (XD) in treating intermed iate and late stages of lung cancer. [ Methods] One hundred and twelve patients with lung cancer in stage ? -? were randomly allocated to Group A, Group B and Group C. Group A ( n = 49) was treated with XD alone, Group B ( n = 33 ) was treated with various chemotherapeutic regimens according to the histo-logical types of lung cancer: CAP regimen for lung squamous carcinoma, EP regimen for lung adenocarci-noma and CE regimen for small cell carcinoma of lung, In Group C, 30 patients were treated with chemo therapy combined with XD. Symptomatic relief, life quality, tumor size, distant metastasis, sub-types of T lymphocytes, survival period and side effects in the three groups were evaluated after one course of treatment. [Results] The effects of XD on tumor size were evaluated by the effective rate and stabilized rate. They were 4.08%and 53.06%, 21.21% and 48.48%, and 46.67%and 76.67%in Group A, Group B and Group C respectively. The differences between Group A and Group B were significant ( P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-570674


To observe the analgesic effect of Jiedu Tuoyin Decoction (JTD) and its influence on reproduction of morphine dependence rats. JTD is composed of Rhizoma Coptidis, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Aconiti, Radix Astragali, Radix Codonopsis, Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis, etc..Sixty rats were randomly allocated to six groups: normal saline group (Group A), morphine and normal saline group (Group B), morphine and clonidine group(Group C),morphine and low dosage of JTD group (Group D), morphine and moderate dosage of JTD group (Group E) and morphine and high dosage of JTD group (Group F).Content of ? endophin(? EP) in hypothalamus and plasma, substance P (SP) content in ganglion nodosum(GN) and nucleus tractus solitarii(NTS) and serum levels of sexual hormones were examined.(1) ? EP content in hypothalamus of morphine dependence rats was lower and SP content in ganglion nodosum and nucleus tractus solitarii was higher than that of normal rats (P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-570967


[ Objective] To observe the therapeutic effect of fetus - soothing and liver - clearing therapy for pregnancy associated with chronic hepatitis B. [Methods] Fifty cases of pregnancy associated with chronic hepatitis B were treated with fetus - soothing and liver - clearing Decoction, which is mainly composed of Semen Cuscutae, Radix Astragali, Radix Scutellariae, Herba Phyllanthus and Herba Taraxaci. After treatment, general state of gravida, indexes of hepatic function, hepatitis B virus (HBV) marker and hepatic fibrosis were detected. [Results] No miscarriage was found in the cases. Serum levels of glutamic - pyruvic transaminase, bilirubin and hyaluronic acid ( HA) were decreased obviously , the difference being significant as compared with those before treatment ( P