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Natal; s.n; 23 maio 2024. 47 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566324


Introdução: A cárie dentária ainda se constitui um problema de saúde pública. Áreas adjacentes a restaurações são frequentemente acometidas por cárie. Por mais que as resinas compostas estejam sendo estudadas e melhoradas, ainda não apresentam atividade antimicrobiana. As cascas da romã (Punica Granatum) são um recurso potencial para compostos bioativos como fenólicos, proantocianidinas e flavonoides, além de apresentarem atividade antioxidante e efeito inibitório contra bactérias Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas. Objetivo: modificar a resina composta Opus Bulk Fill Flow (FGM®) com o extrato acetônico da casca da romã em diferentes concentrações e avaliar a rugosidade da superfície e mudança de cor. Metodologia: foi realizada a extração de 5g de casca da romã utilizando 100mL de solvente acetona 70%. Após rotaevaporação, filtragem e liofilização do extrato, este foi macerado, peneirado e pesado em concentrações diferentes a partir da concentração inibitória mínima capaz de inibir o crescimento de Streptococcus mutans ATCC 700610. A resina composta Opus Bulk Fill Flow foi modificada com esse extrato em diferentes concentrações de forma a gerar 5 grupos: Controle 0 µg (n=10), G930 µg (n=10), G1860 µg (n=10), G3730 µg (n=10) e G7460 µg (n=10). Rugosidade (Ra), diferença de cor (ΔE00) e índice de brancura (WID) foram submetidos aos testes de normalidade. Os dados não-paramétricos de Ra foram submetidos ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis com pós-teste de Dunn e os dados paramétricos do ΔE00 e WID foram submetidos ao teste ANOVA 1 Fator com pósteste de Tukey por meio do software GraphPad Prism 8 e Microsoft Excel 2019. Resultados: Verificou-se que a média do índice de brancura (WID) diminuiu conforme o aumento da concentração do extrato na resina modificada (p<0,05), assim como, as resinas modificadas se tornaram, visivelmente a olho nu, um pouco mais amareladas. Após 1 mês, as amostras dos grupos experimentais sofreram a mesma variação de cor (ΔE00) que o grupo controle, uma vez que os valores das médias foram semelhantes. Portanto, todos os grupos apresentaram estabilidade de cor. A rugosidade superficial (Ra) não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p>0,05). Todos os grupos apresentaram médias com valores similares a 0,06µm. Conclusão: A alteração de cor na resina, com a inserção do extrato, ainda na maior concentração, se manteve na classificação do matiz A. O que não afeta as propriedades organolépticas e pode ser considerada uma cor similar à cor dos dentes naturais. A adição do extrato na resina manteve a rugosidade superficial de todos os grupos dentro do valor ideal, prevenindo a adesão de biofilmes e microrganismos e proporcionando conforto ao toque da língua (AU).

Introduction: Dental caries still constitutes a public health problem. Areas adjacent to restorations are often affected by caries. Even though resin composites are being studied and improved, they still do not have antimicrobial activity. Pomegranate peels (Punica Granatum) are a potential resource for bioactive compounds such as phenolics, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, in addition to presenting antioxidant activity and inhibitory effects against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Objective: to modify the Opus Bulk Fill Flow (FGM™) resin composite with the acetone extract of pomegranate peel in different concentrations and evaluate the surface roughness, and color change. Methodology: 5g of pomegranate peel was extracted using 100mL of 70% acetone solvent. After rotary evaporation, filtering and lyophilization of the extract, it was macerated, sieved and weighed at different concentrations based on the minimum inhibitory concentration capable of inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 700610. The Opus Bulk Fill Flow resin composite was modified with this extract in different concentrations to generate 5 groups: Control 0 µg (n=10), G930 µg (n=10), G1860 µg (n=10), G3730 µg (n=10) e G7460 µg (n=10). Roughness (Ra) and color difference (ΔE00) were subjected to normality tests and non-parametric data were subjected to the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn's post-test using GraphPad Prism 8 and Microsoft Excel 2019 software. Results: It was found that the average whiteness index (WID) decreased as the concentration of the extract in the modified resin increased (p<0.05), as well as the modified resins became, visibly to the naked eye, a little more yellowish. After 1 month, samples from the experimental groups suffered the same color variation (ΔE00) as the control group, since the average values were similar. Therefore, all groups showed color stability. Surface roughness (Ra) did not show a statistically significant difference (p>0.05). All groups presented average values similar to 0.06µm. Conclusion: The color change in the resin, with the insertion of the extract, even at the highest concentration, remained in the classification of hue A. This does not affect the organoleptic properties and can be considered a color similar to the color of natural teeth. The addition of the extract to the resin composite maintained the surface roughness of all groups within the ideal value, preventing the adhesion of biofilms and microorganisms and providing comfort to the touch of the tongue (AU).

Colorimetry/methods , Composite Resins , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Pomegranate , Surface Properties , In Vitro Techniques , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 217-225, abr. 4, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556371


Aim: Determination of the most common shade of anterior teeth in Malaysian students of different ethnicities. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 subjects, 40 each from different ethnicities (Malay, Chinese, and Indian) aged 18-22 years were evaluated for tooth shade using the VITA Classical shade guide. The subject was asked to sit in an up-right position with teeth at the clinician's eye level and the subject was instructed to remove makeup or tinted eyewear which may affect the result. The procedure was done in natural daylight. The shade tabs were positioned adjacent to the maxillary central incisor and the middle 1/3rd of the facial surface was assessed by experts to determine the correct tooth shade. The data was statistically analysed. Results: The differences in tooth shade were seen among the subjects of different ethnicities. The Malay ethnicity has B1 (37%) as the most common tooth shade whereas Chinese has C1 (27%) and Indian C1 (40%). Conclusions: Under the limitation of the study, it was found that there is a relationship between tooth color and ethnic background. Malay students tend to have brighter teeth as compared to Chinese and Indian students.

Objetivo: Determinar el tono más común de los dientes anteriores en estudiantes malasios de diferentes etnias. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó el color de los dientes de un total de 120 sujetos, 40 de diferentes etnias (malayos, chinos e indios) de edades comprendidas entre 18 y 22 años, utilizando la guía de colores VITA Classical. Se pidió al sujeto que se sentara en posición vertical con los dientes al nivel de los ojos del médico y se le indicó que se quitara el maquillaje o las gafas teñidas, lo que podría afectar el resultado. El procedimiento se realizó con luz natural. Las pestañas de color se colocaron adyacentes al incisivo central superior y expertos evaluaron el tercio medio de la superficie facial para determinar el tono correcto del diente. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias en el color de los dientes entre los sujetos de diferentes etnias. La etnia malaya tiene el B1 (37%) como el color de dientes más común, mientras que los chinos tienen el C1 (27%) y los indios C1 (40%). Conclusión: Bajo las limitaciones del estudio, se encontró que existe una relación entre el color de los dientes y el origen étnico. Los estudiantes malayos tienden a tener dientes más brillantes en comparación con los estudiantes chinos e indios.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Ethnicity , Colorimetry , Incisor/anatomy & histology , Malaysia/ethnology
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216778


Aim: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of the Equia Forte Coat on the color stability of Equia Forte Fil. Materials and Methods: Sixty discs of Equia Forte Fil were randomly divided into two groups. One group of 30 samples was treated with Equia Forte Coat according to the manufacturer's directions. The other 30 discs were not coated. All discs were continuously soaked in cola for 7 consecutive days. The color changes in the Equia Forte Fil samples were determined using a colorimeter. The color difference (?E) was calculated using the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L*a*b* coordinates. Results: There was a significant difference in ?E between the two groups (P < 0.0001). The group with Equia Forte Coat had significantly less color change than the group without the Equia Forte Coat. Conclusion: The application of the Equia Forte Coat significantly improved the color stability of Equia Forte Fil.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37064, Jan.-Dec. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359149


Despite the importance of passion fruit for the Brazilian fruit market, there are still many agronomic and fruit quality problems to be solved, in order to increase this crop performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of twelve genotypes of wild, sweet and yellow passion fruit, aiming to identify promising materials considering fruit quality, in Federal District, Brazil. An experiment was carried out at the Água Limpa Farm of the Universidade de Brasília (UnB) from 2016 to 2018, in a randomized block design, with 12 treatments, 4 replicates and 6 plants/plot. At the harvesting time, six fruits per plot were randomly collected for the following physicochemical analysis: fruit mass, pulp mass with and without seeds, length/longitudinal diameter, width/transverse diameter, length/width ratio, husk thickness, predominant color of the pulp (L*, C*, h*), number of seeds, seed size, total soluble solids content, total titratable acidity, total soluble solids/total titratable acidity ratio and pH. High heritability values ​​and relation of genetic/environment variation coefficients ratio were observed for most of the characteristics evaluated. The genotypes of yellow passion fruit MAR20#21 P2 x FB 200 P1 R2 and MAR20#19 ROXO R4 x ECRAM P3 R3 showed the best characteristics of fruit mass and pulp mass with seed. All the genotypes studied showed values ​​of total soluble solids above 11ºBrix. Positive and significant correlation was observed between fruit mass and length/width ratio, indicating that oblong fruits have higher fruit mass.

Colorimetry , Passiflora , Chemical Phenomena , Plant Breeding
Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 225-230, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015479


Objective To investigate the protective effect of nuclear factor E2-related factor 2(Nrf2)on hydrogen peroxide (H

Vive (El Alto) ; 3(9): 227-246, dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252340


INTRODUCCIÓN: las infecciones fúngicas ocasionadas por levaduras del género Cándida son extremadamente comunes en mujeres de edad reproductiva, y constituyen un motivo de atención medica de salud. OBJETIVO: evaluar la susceptibilidad de Cándidas spp, mediante el método colorimétrico (Integral Yeast System Plus). MÉTODO: fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal; se recopiló información mediante observación directa en campo y el análisis documental para obtener información bibliográfica de tipo secundaria. RESULTADOS: de los 72 casos encontrados de Cándida Albicans revela que son susceptibles a la anfotericina B (2ug/ml); de los 5 casos encontrados de Cándida Krusei revela que son sensibles a la Anfotericina B (2ug/ml); De 1 caso encontrado de Cándida Parapsilosis revela sensibilidad en la Nistatina (1.25ug/ml). En este estudio la prevalencia de la infección por Cándida fue del (44.98%). CONCLUSIONES: Cándida Albicans fue la especie más común aislada en las mujeres embarazadas representando un 72%, En la evaluación de la susceptibilidad a través del kit Integral System Yeast Plus se obtuvo que Cándida Albicans es susceptible a Anfotericina B, Flucitosina entre otros, en Cándida Glabrata se obtuvo que es sensible a la Nistatina, Anfotericina B, susceptible entre otros, en Cándida Krusei se obtuvo que es sensible a la Anfotericina B, Clotrimazol, Miconazol, susceptibles a la Nistatina, Voriconazol y resistente a la Flucitosina, Ketoconazol, Itraconazol y Fluconazol.

INTRODUCTION: fungal infections caused by yeast of the genus Candida are extremely common in women of reproductive age, and constitute a reason for medical health care. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the susceptibility of Candida spp, using the colorimetric method (Integral Yeast System Plus). METHOD: it was descriptive, transversal; Information was collected through direct observation in the field and documentary analysis to obtain secondary bibliographic information. RESULTS: of the 72 cases found, Candida Albicans reveals that they are susceptible to amphotericin B (2ug / ml); of the 5 cases found, Candida Krusei reveals that they are sensitive to Amphotericin B (2ug / ml); Of 1 case found of Candida Parapsilosis reveals sensitivity in Nystatin (1.25ug / ml). In this study, the prevalence of Candida infection was (44.98%). CONCLUSIONS: Candida Albicans was the most common species isolated in pregnant women, representing 72%. In the evaluation of susceptibility through the Integral System Yeast Plus kit it was obtained that Candida Albicans is susceptible to Amphotericin B, Flucytosine among others, in Candida Glabrata was obtained that it is sensitive to Nystatin, Amphotericin B, susceptible among others, in Candida Krusei it was obtained that it is sensitive to Amphotericin B, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, susceptible to Nystatin, Voriconazole and resistant to Flucytosin, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole and Fluconazole.

INTRODUÇÃO: as infecções fúngicas causadas por leveduras do gênero Candida são extremamente comuns em mulheres em idade reprodutiva e constituem motivo de cuidados médicos. OBJETIVO: avaliar a suscetibilidade de Candida spp, por meio do método colorimétrico (Integral Yeast System Plus). MÉTODO: foi descritivo, transversal; as informações foram coletadas por meio de observação direta em campo e análise documental para obtenção de informações bibliográficas secundárias. RESULTADOS: Dos 72 casos encontrados, Cândida Albicans revelou ser suscetíveis à anfotericina B (2ug /ml); dos 5 casos encontrados, Candida Krusei revela que são sensíveis à Anfotericina B (2ug / ml); de 1 caso encontrado de Candida Parapsilosis revela sensibilidade na Nistatina (1,25ug / ml). Neste estudo, a prevalência de infecção por Candida foi (44,98%). CONCLUSÕES: Cândida Albicans foi a espécie mais comum isolada em gestantes, representando 72%. Na avaliação da susceptibilidade através do kit Integral System Yeast Plus foi obtido que Candida Albicans é suscetível à Anfotericina B, Flucitosina entre outras, em Cândida Glabrata foi obtido que é sensível a Nistatina, Anfotericina B, suscetível entre outras, em Candida Krusei foi obtido que é sensível a Anfotericina B, Clotrimazol, Miconazol, suscetível a Nistatina, Voriconazol e resistente a Flucitosina, Cetoconazol, Itraconazol e Fluconazol.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Candida , Candida albicans , Amphotericin B , Colorimetry , Candida glabrata , Pregnant Women , Fluconazole , Prevalence , Clotrimazole , Itraconazole , Voriconazole , Flucytosine , Candida parapsilosis , Infections , Miconazole
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184833


Background: Hemoglobin (Hb) estimation is one of the most frequently ordered investigations. Estimation of exact levels is important to stratify the grade of anemia and subsequently direct the necessary treatment. Conventionally, Hb has been estimated using colorimetric method, which is time tested and recommended by the WHO. Now-a-days, the automated method is also becoming a popular method in many hospitals. However, there are not many studies assessing the accuracy of the automated method over the gold standard. Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed hemoglobin values in 180 adult patient-samples (18 per batch in 10 batches). Hemolyzed samples were excluded from the study. Blood samples were drawn in vials having K3 EDTA anticoagulants. After a proper mixing, hemoglobin was estimated by automated Sysmex XS-800i. Parallel estimation for Hb content was done manually by spectrophotometer 4010. Results: Patients ranged from ages 20 to 40 years (M:F=102:78). The lowest value recorded by Sysmex XS-800i was 5.8 while the highest value recorded was 18.6 gm%. The mean hemoglobin concentration on Sysmex XS-800i was 12.89. The lowest, highest and mean values recorded by the cyanmethemoglobin method on photometer were 5, 18 and 13.49 gm% respectively. This showed a mean difference of 0.597 and with significant p-value of <0.001. Conclusion: The lowest values of Hb were similar in both the methods but the mean as well as the highest values differed significantly. Our study found an accuracy of 95.57% with the 5 part analyzer when compared to the gold standard colorimetric method.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-802434


Objective: To establish a method for determining the content of total polysaccharides in decoction pieces of Polyporus,analyze the content of total polysaccharides in samples with different sources and grades. Method: The relative molecular weight and the polydispersity index of polysaccharides in decoction pieces of Polyporus were measured by a high performance gel chromatography coupled with a multi-angle laser light scattering and refractive index system.Dextran with similar molecular weight as polysaccharides was selected as the reference substance.Orthogonal experiment and single factor tests were used to optimize the pretreatment conditions for the determination of total polysaccharides in Polyporus.Polysaccharides in Polyporus with different areas and grades were determined by anthrone-sulfuric acid colorimetric method at 630 nm. Result: The linearity,stability,precision,repeatability and recovery rate of the established method all reached the standards,respectively.The content of total polysaccharides in samples from different areas ranged from 0.87% to 1.39%.The content of total polysaccharides in samples with different grades was 1.40% for first-grade pieces,1.21% for second-grade pieces, and 1.03% for third-grade pieces. Conclusion: The established method is simple,accurate and reproducible,and it can be used for the determination of polysaccharides in decoction pieces of Polyporus.The content of polysaccharides in samples from different origins varies greatly.The content of polysaccharides in samples with different grades shows a certain regularity.The content of polysaccharides is the highest in the first-grade pieces,followed by the content in the second-grade,and the lowest in the third-grade.The results can provide a reference for formulating limits for the content of total polysaccharides and the grade standard of decoction pieces of Polyporus.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1965-1969, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-817215


OBJECTIVE: To establish a method for content determination of total polyphenols from Gastrodia elata, and to optimize the purification technology of macroporous resin. METHODS: The content of total polyphenols from G. elata was determined by Folin-ciocaileu colorimetry. Using the absorption and desorption performance as index, 4 kinds of macroporous adsorption resins were selected by static adsorption and desorption tests. The flow rate and mass concentration of the sampling solution, volume fraction of eluent, eluent flow rate and eluent volume were investigated by dynamic adsorption and desorption tests. The purification technology of macroporous resin was optimized. RESULTS: The linear range of gallic acid was 4-32 μg/mL (r=0.999 9). RSDs of precision, stability and repeatability tests were all less than 2%. The recovery rate of the sample was 95.51%-102.94%(RSD=2.54%,n=6). D301 macroporous resin had strong static adsorption and desorption ability from G. elata polyphenols. The optimal purification technology included that the sample solution flow rate 2 BV/h; the sample solution mass concentration 4 mg/mL; the elution solvent 70% ethanol; the elution flow rate was 3 BV/h, and the eluent volume 5 BV. The content of total polyphenols from G. elata optimized by the optimal purification technology was 0.381 mg/g. CONCLUSIONS: Established method is sensitive and stable. The optimized purification technology is stable and feasible.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-851013


Objective: To investigate the adsorption performance and purification effect of macroporous adsorption resin on total polyphenols in Acanthopanan trifoliates leaves, and to determine the technological conditions for the purification of total polyphenols from A. trifoliates leaves. Methods: The Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method was used to quantify the adsorption and desorption effects of five macroporous adsorption resins on the total polyphenols in the A. trifoliates leaves. The resin suitable for separation and purification of total polyphenols in A. trifoliates leaves was screened, and the adsorption and desorption conditions were investigated and optimized. The final optimized parameters were determined by single factor experiments. Results: The best purification parameters of total polyphenols were determined as follows: the concentration of sample solution was 1.0 mg/mL (crude drug) with pH 3.0, sample flow rate was at 2 mL/min, and the sample loading was controlled to 30 mL, the elution was 50% ethanol at a flow rate of 2.0 mL/min with pH 6.0, and the elution amount was 40 mL. The polyphenol sample of the A. trifoliates leaves was purified by HPD100 resin, and the purity increased from 11.7% to 49.7%, and the purification effect was 4.25 times than before. After 30 times enlargement experiment, the purity of the A. trifoliates leaves polyphenol sample increased from 12.5% before purification to 54.5%, and the purification effect was 4.4 times than before. The amount of macroporous resin did not affect the purification efficiency, which provided reference for HPD100 macroporous resin for industrial production of total polyphenols purification of A. trifoliates leaves. Conclusion: HPD100 is the best resin for purifying total polyphenols from A. trifoliates leaves, and the process technology result in this experiment can be applied to industrial production.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752100


The spectrophotometric method was established for the determination of total tannin content in gardenia medicinal materials and tannins, and HPLC method was applied to simultaneously determine gallic acid, punical glucoside A, methyl gallate, punny glucoside B, corilagin, pentagalloyl glucose and the content of ellagic acid. Taking gallic acid as a reference substance, a phosphomolybdate tungstic acid colorimetric method (Pharmacopoeia method) was used to determine the total tannin content. With the chromatographic column Agilent ZORBAX SB-Aq-C18 (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 microns), mobile phase for phosphoric acid (0.1%), methanol, water flow rate of 1 ml/min, column temperature 30℃, detection wavelength of 270 nm, gradient elution, 7 kinds of component contents in myrobalan medicinal materials were measured at the same time. The result showed that the average content of total tannins of Radix Scutellariae was 30.31%, RSD was 0.55%; the average recovery rate was 99.70%, and the RSD was 21.97% (n = 6) . In the scorpion medicinal materials, gallic acid, punical glucoside A, punny glucoside B, methyl gallate, punny glucoside B, creatin, pentagalloglucose and ellagic acid have a good linear relationship in their respective ranges. The recovery rate of the sample is between100.10% and 102.77%. The establishment of the determination method of total tannin, gallic acid, punical glucoside, methyl gallate, corridain, pentagalloglucose and ellagic acid in the scorpion medicinal materials is simple and accurate, which has strong specificity and can be used for quality control of Terminalia chebular.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-702473


Objective To study the cytotoxicity of cervical collar in rehabilitation technical aids and to investigate the cytotoxicity of domestic marketed products. Methods According to the experimental principle of GB/T 16886.5-2003 and GB/T 16175-2008,microscopic observa-tion and Thiazole Blue Colorimetric methods were used to observe the toxicity of extract from four different cer-vical collars on the cells(L929). Results When the concentration of the extract was 0.1 g/ml,the cytotoxicity was grade three and grade two in the cervi-cal collars D and A,respectively;and it was grade one both in cervical collars B and C.When the concentration of the extract was 0.2 g/ml,the cytotoxicity was grade four in cervical collars A and D,and was grade two in cer-vical collars B and C. Conclusion The cervical collars varied in the cytotoxicity,especially in cervical collars A and D.

Mycobiology ; : 269-277, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729771


The production of water-soluble pigments by fungal strains indigenous to South Korea was investigated to find those that are highly productive in submerged culture. Among 113 candidates, 34 strains that colored the inoculated potato dextrose agar medium were selected. They were cultured in potato dextrose broth and extracted with ethanol. The productivity, functionality (radical-scavenging activities), and color information (CIELAB values) of the pigment extracts were measured. Five species produced intense yellowish pigments, and two produced intense reddish pigments that ranked the highest in terms of absorbance units produced per day. The pigment extracts of Penicillium miczynskii, Sanghuangporus baumii, Trichoderma sp. 1, and Trichoderma afroharzianum exhibited high radical-scavenging activity. However, the S. baumii extract showed moderate toxicity in the acute toxicity test, which limits the industrial application of this pigment. In conclusion, P. miczynskii KUC1721, Trichoderma sp. 1 KUC1716, and T. afroharzianum KUC21213 were the best fungal candidates to be industrial producers of safe, functional water-soluble pigments.

Agar , Colorimetry , Efficiency , Ethanol , Fungi , Glucose , Korea , Penicillium , Solanum tuberosum , Toxicity Tests, Acute , Trichoderma
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-851691


Objective To determine the technological conditions for the purification of the total alkaloid from the Corydalis Rhizoma (CR) by macroporous adsorption resin. Methods Total alkaloids of CR were determined by acid dye colorimetry, palmatine hydrochloride, dehydrocorydaline, tetrahydropalmatine, and corydaline were determined by HPLC. Six macroporous adsorption resins were investigated with the absorption rates, elution rates, and the content of the total alkaloid and four alkaloids of CR by static and dynamic adsorbing experiments. The purification process conditions of the total alkaloid of CR were optimized by the loading amount and volume flow of sample, the type and volume of the impurity removal of solvent and elution solvent and so on. The stability of the purification process was investigated by 5, 10 times enlargement. Results D141 type macroporous adsorption resin was the best choice for the purification of the total alkaloid from CR, the optimized parameters were as follows: Drug concentration was 0.6 g/mL of medicinal material and was added to the D141 macroporous resin column that the ratio of diameter to height range from 1:5 to 1:9 at a flow rate of 2 BV/h to 2 BV, 1.3 BV of purified water was used to remove impurities, and then 6 BV 95% ethanol was used as eluent at a flow rate of 2 BV/h. The purity of the total alkaloid of CR was up to 68.19% after purification, and the content of palmatine hydrochloride, dehydrocorydaline, tetrahydropalmatine, and corydaline was 1.95%, 11.74%, 4.93%, and 6.36%, respectively. The purity of the total alkaloid of the CR can reach more than 65% by 5 times and 10 times enlargement. Conclusion The purity of the total alkaloids can reach more than 65% after verification test, and the transfer rate of total alkaloids and four alkaloid monomers of CR can reach more than 85%, indicating that D141 macroporous adsorption resin can effectively purify total alkaloids from CR, and can be applied to industrial production.

Drug Evaluation Research ; (6): 324-328, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515026


Objective The visual inspection method were not appropriate to perform a hemolysis evaluation for colored injection like doxorubicin hydrochloride,this article adopted three methods to evaluate the hemolysis test of doxorubicin hydrochloride in vitro and provide reference for clinical drug safety.Methods Using rabbit erythrocytes as experimental object,the durg concentration 4.0 and 2.0 mg/mL was chosen which range of clinical concentration and preclinical safety evaluation concentration,to evaluate the hemolysis test of doxorubicin hydrochloride injection with blood analyzer test,direct colorimetric assay,and indirect colorimetric assay.Results The evaluation results of three different methods were very consistent.The tube's hemolysis rate of 4.0 mg/mL dose was far greater than 5%,which means serious hemolysis;Only 0.1 mL tube of 2.0 mg/mL dose (according to the drug concentration equal to 0.5 mL tube of 0.4 mg/mL drug concentration) without hemolysis occurring,the other tubes' hemolysis rates were far greater than 5%,which means serious hemolysis.Conclusion The hemolysis phenomenon may occur when 2.0 mg/mL dose of doxorubicin hydrochloride solution for iv injection is used in clinic and dilution (final concentration not more than 0.4 mg/mL) is recommended.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-615029


A colorimetric self-indicating probe for glucose was constructed by self-assembly of MnO2 nanosheets (MnO2 NSs) and glucose oxidase(GOD) in this paper.Under the weak acidic medium,glucose oxidase specifically catalyzes glucose into gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide.The by-product of hydrogen peroxide could efficiently dissolve the MnO2 nanosheets,resulting into a significant decrease of the characteristic absorbance at 374 nm assigned to MnO2 NSs.Furthermore,the absorbance difference was linearly proportional to the concentration of glucose ranging from 1 to 20 μmol/L The fitted curve could be used for quantification of glucose with a correlation coefficient of 0.990 1.And the detection limit as low as 0.1 μmol/L could be reached based on the definition of three times of the deviation of the blank signal (3σ) and there was negligible interference with other co-existing amino acids,anions,cations and protein,which indicated high sensitivity and selectivity of the hybrid probe.The construction strategy of designated probe is readily generalized in principle for detection of numerous analytes in view of reactive property of MnO2 and the diversity of enzymes.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 2122-2126, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-663929


Objective:To optimize the ultrasonic extraction process of total alkaloids from Oxytropis falcata bunge. Methods:The independent variables were solvents ratio, extracting time and ethanol concentration, and the dependent variable was content of total al-kaloids. Based on single factor tests, central composite design and response surface methodology was adopted to optimize the extraction technology. Results:The optimal extraction conditions were as follows: extracted twice with 36-fold amount of 72% ethanol ( contai-ning 1% acetic acid) at 60 ℃, and extracted 77 minutes each time. Under the above conditions, the content of total alkaloids was 2. 793 mg·g-1 with the bias ratio less than 2% when compared with the model predictions. Conclusion:Ultrasonic extraction process of total alkaloids from Oxytropis falcata Bunge optimized by central composite design and response surface method is simple, highly pre-cise, reliable and predictable.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 4177-4180, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-665976


Objective To investigate the observation effect of Fuji intelligent chromoendoscopy (FICE) in central type lung cancer,to select the optimal wavelength combination and to explore its diagnostic value for central type bronchogenic lung carcinoma. Methods One hundred and forty-six cases of definite histopathological diagnosis by bronchoscopy examination with preserved intact data in the Chongqing Municipal Tumor Hospital from January 2016 to October 2016 were included into this study. The white light bronchoscopy(WLB) and FICE were used to conduct the observation respectively. The capillary morphology was respectively scored by using the 10 wave combinations in FICE. The best wave combination was selected for conducting the forceps biopsy. Finally the pathological results served as the gold standard for conducting the comparative study. Results The difference of lesion observation effect among 10 sets of FICE wave combination had statistical significance (P<0.01), the wave combination 8 [R= 540 (2), G= 505 (4), B= 420 (5), wavelegnth(nm gain value)] was superior to that of other wave combinations in observing lesion vascular texture (Rank% = 9.74). The coincidence rate of FICE for judging the lesion property was 88.4 %. The detection rate of FICE combined with WLB for central type lung cancer was 96.6 %, compared with that of single WLB, the detection rate had statistically significant difference (P<0.01). Conclusion FICE wave combination 8 [R= 540 (2) ,G=505 (4),B=420 (5) ,wavelength(nm, gain value)] is most ideal for observing superficial mucosal capillary vascular morphology of central type lung cancer lesion tissue.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667211


Objective To investigate the application effect of the Beckman Coulter PK 7300 automatic blood group analyzer and the microplate method in ABO blood group screening .Methods A total of 12000 EDTA anticoagulation whole blood samples from January to May 2015 were collected from voluntary blood donors .The Beckman Coulter Pk7300 automatic blood group analyzer and STAR sampling microplate manual colorimetric method were to conduct the detection analysis .Results The accuracy for detecting ABO blood group had no statistically significant difference between the two methods (P>0 .05) .In the ABO blood group screening , the detection rates of ABO subtype and antibody weakening in the Beckman Coulter Pk 7300 automatic blood group analyzer were higher than those in the micro plate method .3 cases of ABO blood group typing and reverse typing were consistent in the detection by the Beckman Coulter Pk7300 automatic blood group analyzer ,but was inconsistent in the detection by the microplate method .4 cases of ABO blood group typing and reverse typing were inconsistent in the the detection by the Beckman Coulter Pk 7300 automat-ic blood group analyzer ,but was consistent in the detection by the microplate method .Conclusion The Beckman Coulter Pk7300 automatic blood group analyzer can safely and effectively conduct the ABO blood group screening in blood donors .The samples of suspicious detection results still need to conduct the manual interpretation by combining with the test tube method .

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-124967


OBJECTIVES: Chitosan has been widely investigated and used. However, the literature does not refer to the shelf life of this solution. This study evaluated, through the colorimetric titration technique and an analysis of dentin micro-hardness, the shelf life of 0.2% chitosan solution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty human canines were sectioned, and specimens were obtained from the second and third slices, from cemento-enamel junction to the apex. A 0.2% chitosan solution was prepared and distributed in 3 identical glass bottles (v1, v2, and v3) and 3 plastic bottles (p1, p2, and p3). At 0, 7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days, the specimens were immersed in each solution for 5 minutes (n = 3 each). The chelating effect of the solution was assessed by micro-hardness and colorimetric analysis of the dentin specimens. 17% EDTA and distilled water were used as controls. Data were analyzed statistically by two-way and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison (α = 0.05). RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference among the solutions with respect to the study time (p = 0.113) and micro-hardness/time interaction (p = 0.329). Chitosan solutions and EDTA reduced the micro-hardness in a similar manner and differed significantly from the control group (p < 0.001). Chitosan solutions chelated calcium ions throughout the entire experiment. CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of the storage form, chitosan demonstrates a chelating property for a minimum period of 6 months.

Humans , Calcium , Chelating Agents , Chitosan , Colorimetry , Dentin , Edetic Acid , Glass , Ions , Plastics , Product Packaging , Water