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Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e82186, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556466


Objetivo: identificar quais os instrumentos disponíveis para avaliação multidimensional da fragilidade em idosos com doença cardiovascular, potencialmente aplicáveis durante a realização do Processo de Enfermagem. Método: revisão sistemática conduzida em oito bases de dados/portais, para identificação de estudos que apresentassem instrumentos multidimensionais de avaliação de fragilidade em idosos com doença cardiovascular e que fossem aplicáveis ao processo de enfermagem. Resultados: foram incluídos 19 instrumentos multidimensionais. O Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease foi desenvolvido para uso no cuidado cardiovascular de idosos. O Frailty Index for Adults e o Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients foram desenvolvidos para uso no Processo de Enfermagem. Conclusão: apesar de apenas um instrumento ter sido desenvolvido para o idosos com doença cardiovascular e apenas dois serem aplicáveis ao processo de enfermagem, a maioria deles tem potencial de adaptação e validação para uso nesta população durante a avaliação de enfermagem.

Objective: to identify which tools are available for multidimensional frailty assessment of older adult with cardiovascular disease and which are potentially applicable during the Nursing Process. Method: a systematic review conducted in eight databases/portals to identify studies that presented multidimensional frailty assessment tools for older adult with cardiovascular disease and that were applicable to the nursing process. Results: a total of 19 multidimensional tools were included. The Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease was developed for use in the cardiovascular care of older adult. The Frailty Index for Adults and the Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients were developed for use in the Nursing Process. Conclusion: although only one tool was developed for older adults with cardiovascular disease and only two are applicable to the nursing process, most of them have the potential to be adapted and validated for use in this population during nursing assessment.

Objetivo: identificar qué instrumentos están disponibles para la evaluación multidimensional de la fragilidad en personas mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular, que se puedan aplicar en el Proceso de Enfermería. Método: revisión sistemática realizada en ocho bases de datos/portales, para identificar estudios que presentaran instrumentos multidimensionales para la evaluación de la fragilidad en adultos mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular y que fueran aplicables al proceso de enfermería. Resultados: se incluyeron 19 instrumentos multidimensionales. El Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease se desarrolló para usarlo en el cuidado cardiovascular de las personas mayores. El Frailty Index for Adults y la Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients se elaboraron para ser usados en el Proceso de Enfermería. Conclusión: aunque sólo se elaboró un instrumento para adultos mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular y sólo dos son aplicables al proceso de enfermería, la mayoría de ellos tienen el potencial para ser adaptados y validados para ser usados en esa población en la evaluación de enfermería.

Rev. med. Risaralda ; 30(1): 107-118, jul.-dic. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576522


Resumen Los trabajadores agrícolas se exponen frecuentemente a los pesticidas, los cuales pueden afectar el sistema cardiovascular. El objetivo de la investigación fue revisar la asociación entre la exposición ocupacional a pesticidas, el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y los biomarcadores utilizados en la vigilancia de la salud de los trabajadores. Para ello se realizó una revisión no sistemática de la literatura en tres bases de datos: Pubmed, Embase y Scopus, con ecuaciones de búsqueda elaboradas con los términos "agrochemicals", "myocardial infarction", "occupational exposure" y "farmers", y se incluyeron artículos publicados entre 2007 y 2022. Se encontró que los pesticidas causan elevación de las cifras de presión arterial en trabajadores expuestos y en mujeres embarazadas se relaciona con hipertensión gestacional y preeclampsia. Respecto al infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM), el contacto con los pesticidas clorpirifós, coumafós, carbofurano, pendimetalina, trifluralina y acilalanina aumentan el riesgo de IAM en mujeres, y entre los trabajadores masculinos la exposición a dibromuro de etileno, maneb/mancozeb y dimetil-ditiocarbamato de zinc se asoció con mayor mortalidad. La vigilancia epidemiológica se realiza principalmente con la medición de la actividad de la acetilcolinesterasa eritrocitaria (AChE). Se puede concluir que la exposición a pesticidas puede desencadenar enfermedades cardiovasculares agudas y crónicas, como elevación de las cifras de presión arterial, IAM fatal y no fatal. Los pesticidas dimetil ditiocarbamato de zinc, clorpirifós, coumafós, carbofurano, paratión y malatión son las sustancias que tienen mayor relación con el desarrollo de enfermedad cardiovascular.

Abstract Farmworkers are frequently exposed to pesticides, which can affect the cardiovascular system. The objective of the research was to review the association between occupational exposure to pesticides and the development of cardiovascular diseases, and the biomarkers used in monitoring the health of workers. For this, a non-systematic review of the literature was carried out in three databases: Pubmed, Embase and Scopus, with search equations prepared with the terms "agrochemicals", "myocardial infarction", "occupational exposure" and "farmers". Articles published between 2007 and 2022 were included. Pesticides were found to cause elevated blood pressure levels in exposed workers, and in pregnant women it is related to gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. Regarding acute myocardial infarction (AMI), contact the pesticides chlorpyrifos, coumaphos, carbofuran, pendimethalin, trifluralin, and acylalanine increased the risk of AMI in women, and among male workers exposure to ethylene dibromide, maneb/mancozeb, and zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate was associated with increased mortality. Epidemiological surveillance is mainly carried out by measuring erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. It can be concluded that exposure to pesticides can trigger acute and chronic cardiovascular diseases, such as elevated blood pressure, fatal and non-fatal AMI. Zinc dimethyl dithiocarbamate, chlorpyrifos, coumafos, carbofuran, parathion and malathion pesticides are the substances most closely related to the development of cardiovascular disease.

Int J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 2024 Jul; 16(7): 21-27
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231197


Incidences of Cardio Vascular Diseases (CVDs) are increasing in an alarming proportion in India. Conventional oral dosage forms cannot be retained in the stomach for long owing to gastric emptying. Moreover, drugs which are commonly employed in management of chronic CVDs either have reduced solubility at alkaline pH, undergo colonic degradation, exhibit site-specific absorption or varying bioavailability with combination therapy. Gastro-retentive drug delivery systems (GRDDS) are designed to overcome these challenges. Since 2006, Food and Drug Administration has approved only few GRDDS for treating CVDs. The aim of the present review is to summarize the outcomes of research carried on GRRDS with drugs for CVDs since last 15 y and comprehensive analysis of limitations of such studies due to which no product has been approved or commercialized in over last 18 y. Literature survey includes single unit, multi-particulate, monolayer and bilayer dosage forms with or without effervescence-inducing agents and made of natural and/or synthetic polymers like hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, natural gums etc. Efforts have been made to compile in vitro buoyancy data such as floating lag time, total floating time, swelling index, release profile and release kinetics. Among various studies reported on monolayer and bilayer Gastro-Retentive Effervescent Floating Tablets, only 3 involved bioavailability studies in human volunteers. Toxicity studies in animals or stability studies are totally lacking. Observation with floating-type multi-particulate GRDDS is more disappointing. lack of safety, efficacy data, stability data, in vivo imaging studies and in vitro-in vivo correlation data might be actually responsible for lack of commercialization of any GRDDS for drugs acting on CVDs in 21st century.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234119


Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) is a common sleep-related breathing disorder of multi-risk factorial pathogenesis and is characterized by recurrent, partial or complete upper airway obstruction resulting in intermittent hypoxia during sleep. It has been implicated in both cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Objective of the study was to determine the association of Plasma Fibrinogen levels with the severity of OSA patients in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study with group comparison was conducted among all the patients attending in the Department of Respiratory Medicine, BSMMU with suspicion of OSA within one year after the clearance of institutional review board (IRB) using STOP-BANG questionnaire and Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) and confirmed by polysomnography. Plasma fibrinogen was measured in all OSA and non-OSA patients. Data were analyzed with the help of statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 26. Results: Sociodemographic analysis found no significant differences in age, gender, area, occupation, or smoking between OSA and non-OSA groups (p>0.05). However, witnessed apnoea (p=0.002), breathlessness (p=0.005), higher ESS (p<0.001), and STOP-Bang scores (p<0.001) were associated with OSA. Plasma fibrinogen levels were significantly higher in OSA (319.2±63.7 mg/dl versus 242.5±20.33 mg/dl, p<0.001), positively correlating with AHI (r=+0.876, p=0.001). Positive correlations were also found between fibrinogen levels and daytime sleepiness (r= +0.393, p=0.002), waist circumference (r =+0.346, p=0.007), and BMI (r =+0.297, p=0.021) in OSA patients. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study establishes a notable connection between plasma fibrinogen levels and the severity of OSA. Elevated fibrinogen levels correlate with increased OSA severity, indicating a link between OSA, inflammation and coagulation.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234011


Cardiovascular disease acts as a predominant cause for death in India. Digital technology has shown great potential in delivering cardiac rehabilitation remotely to patients with minimal cost implications. The main aim of this study was to analyze the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of digital cardiac rehabilitation intervention for cardiovascular patients on the Indian Cardiology Continuum. A comprehensive literature search was performed in Pubmed, Springer-link, Elsevier, Embase and Google Scholar. The selected tenure for this review was 10 years (16 January 2014 to 16 January 2024). Authors separately conducted the assessment of the selected studies by using the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies. Microsoft excel 2020 was used for statistical analysis and graphical designs. A total of 3 articles were included in the review. The median sample size of the included studies is 153 (30-304), mean study timeline is 7.67 months (3-17), and median follow-up period is 6 months (3-12). Digital therapeutics showed significant reduction in Systolic Blood Pressure (34.67 mmHg) and Diastolic Blood Pressure (21.97 mmHg) in stage III hypertensive patients. Medication adherence of patients using digital therapeutics was 90%, while 10% patients remained non-adherent/dropped out of the trial. Digital therapeutics builds a lucrative bridge to help cardiovascular patients cross over into improved QoL, in place of traditional face-to-face CR regimes. Further research is required to improve comprehensiveness and clinical effectiveness of the digital cardiac rehab programs on a long-term basis in India.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e2024PO02, Apr.-June 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550492


ABSTRACT The desperate attempt to improve mortality, morbidity, quality of life and patient-reported outcomes in patients on hemodialysis has led to multiple attempts to improve the different modes, frequencies, and durations of dialysis sessions in the last few decades. Nothing has been more appealing than the combination of diffusion and convection in the form of hemodiafiltration. Despite the concrete evidence of better clearance of middle weight molecules and better hemodynamic stability, tangible evidence to support the universal adoption is still at a distance. Survival benefits seen in selected groups who are likely to tolerate hemodiafiltration with better vascular access and with lower comorbid burden, need to be extended to real life dialysis patients who are older than the population studied and have significantly higher comorbid burden. Technical demands of initiation hemodiafiltration, the associated costs, and the incremental benefits targeted, along with patient-reported outcomes, need to be explored further before recommending hemodiafiltration as the mode of choice.

RESUMO A tentativa desesperada de melhorar a mortalidade, morbidade, qualidade de vida e desfechos relatados pelos pacientes em indivíduos em hemodiálise levou a diversas tentativas de aprimorar os diferentes modos, frequências e durações das sessões de diálise nas últimas décadas. Nada foi mais atrativo do que a combinação de difusão e convecção na forma de hemodiafiltração. Apesar das evidências concretas de melhor depuração de moléculas de peso médio e melhor estabilidade hemodinâmica, evidências tangíveis para apoiar a adoção universal ainda estão distantes. Os benefícios de sobrevida observados em grupos selecionados que provavelmente toleram a hemodiafiltração com melhor acesso vascular e com menor carga de comorbidades precisam ser estendidos aos pacientes reais em diálise, que são mais velhos do que a população estudada e apresentam uma carga de comorbidades significativamente maior. As exigências técnicas do início da hemodiafiltração, os custos associados e os benefícios incrementais almejados, juntamente com os desfechos relatados pelos pacientes, precisam ser melhor explorados antes de se recomendar a hemodiafiltração como o modo de escolha.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(7): e20230705, jun.2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568793


Resumo Fundamento Alcançar as metas nutricionais estabelecidas pelas sociedades científicas é um desafio constante e nem sempre alcançado. Objetivo Investigar a adequação alimentar de indivíduos com doença cardiovascular (DCV), participantes do Programa Alimentar Brasileiro Cardioprotetor residentes da região Nordeste do Brasil, segundo as recomendações da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC). Métodos Análise transversal com dados do estudo de implementação da Dieta Cardioprotetora Brasileira (DICA BR) que avaliou indivíduos com DCV, atendidos em centros especializados em saúde cardiovascular em oito estados do Nordeste. O consumo alimentar foi obtido por recordatório alimentar de 24 horas e a adequação da dieta seguiu as recomendações da SBC. Foram considerados significantes valores de p < 0,05. Resultados Foram estudados 647 pacientes, com média (desvio padrão) de idade de 63,1 (9,4) anos, sendo 50,2% do sexo feminino. Na avaliação da ingestão alimentar, observou-se baixa adequação de carboidratos (52,3%), proteínas (70,9%), lipídios (38,8%) e fibras (22,4%). Observou-se que a maioria das mulheres consumia dieta hipoproteica (59,2%) e idosos tinham maior inadequação no consumo de carboidratos (52,6%). Em relação a ingestão de sódio, os homens apresentaram maior ingestão (72,9%), enquanto os idosos apresentaram redução de 13%. Além disso, foi demonstrado que os homens ingeriam mais fibras (28,1%) e indivíduos com maior escolaridade tinham um consumo elevado de ácidos graxos saturados (70,5%). Conclusões A maioria dos indivíduos não alcançou as metas dietoterápicas preconizadas para prevenção cardiovascular secundária. Os achados do presente estudo reforçam a necessidade de implementação de estratégias estruturadas, a fim de estimular hábitos alimentares saudáveis nesses indivíduos.

Abstract Background Achieving nutritional goals established by scientific societies is a constant challenge and not always achieved. Objective To investigate the dietary adequacy of individuals with cardiovascular disease (CVD), participants in the Cardioprotective Brazilian Food Program residing in the Northeast region of Brazil, according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC). Methods Cross-sectional analysis with data from the study implementing the Brazilian Cardioprotective Diet (DICA BR), which evaluated individuals with CVD treated in specialized cardiovascular health centers in eight states in the Northeast region. Food consumption was obtained by 24-hour dietary records and dietary adequacy followed SBC recommendations. Values of p < 0.05 were considered significant. Results 647 patients were studied, with a mean (standard deviation) age of 63.1 (9.4) years, 50.2% of whom were female. When evaluating food intake, a low adequacy of carbohydrates (52.3%), proteins (70.9%), lipids (38.8%), and fiber (22.4%) was observed. It was observed that the majority of women consumed a low-protein diet (59.2%) and the elderly had a greater inadequacy in carbohydrate consumption (52.6%). Regarding sodium intake, men had a higher intake (72.9%), while the elderly showed a 13% reduction. Furthermore, it was shown that men ate more fiber (28.1%) and individuals with higher education had a high consumption of saturated fatty acids (70.5%). Conclusions Most individuals did not achieve the recommended dietary therapy goals for secondary cardiovascular prevention. The findings of the present study reinforce the need to implement structured strategies to encourage healthy eating habits in these individuals.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(7): e20230752, jun.2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568799


Resumo As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morte em todo o mundo, o que gera um fardo económico significativo de bilhões por ano no sistema de saúde. A inflamação crônica é conhecida por sua importância na patogênese da aterosclerose e das DCV. Atualmente, os índices hematológicos inflamatórios, obtidos através dos resultados do hemograma completo (HC), têm sido caracterizados como potenciais fatores prognósticos para mortalidade nas DCV. Esses índices são calculados a partir da contagem de neutrófilos, linfócitos, plaquetas e monócitos, são de fácil acesso, possuem cálculos simples e têm baixo custo, o que facilita sua aplicação na prática. O objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar uma síntese de estudos que investigaram a relação dos índices hematológicos com o risco cardiovascular e mortalidade. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Foram selecionados estudos que investigaram a associação entre índices hematológicos inflamatórios com risco cardiovascular e mortalidade. Foram obtidos 1.470 estudos na busca, sendo apenas 23 elegíveis. Descobrimos que o índice hematológico mais associado à mortalidade geral, eventos cardiovasculares e mortalidade cardiovascular foi o índice de inflamação imunológica sistêmica (SII), seguido pelo índice de resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SIRI). Os índices inflamatórios hematológicos mostraram-se vantajosos para triagem e identificação de pacientes com alto risco cardiovascular e risco de mortalidade, podendo ser úteis no direcionamento do tratamento desses pacientes, na obtenção de informações sobre prognóstico e na melhoria da estratificação de risco.

Abstract Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide, which generates a significant economic burden of billions per year on the healthcare system. Chronic inflammation is known for its importance in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and CVDs. Currently, inflammatory hematologic indices, obtained through the results of the complete blood count (CBC), have been characterized as potential prognostic factors for mortality in CVD. These indexes are calculated from neutrophil, lymphocyte, platelet, and monocyte counts, are easily accessible, have simple calculations, and have low cost, which facilitates their application in practice. The aim of this paper was prepare a synthesis of studies that investigated the relationship of inflammatory hematologic indices with cardiovascular risk and mortality. The search was been conducted in PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases. Studies that investigated the association between inflammatory hematologic indices with cardiovascular risk and mortality were been selected. 1,470 studies were obtained in the search, with only 23 being eligible. We found that the hematological index most associated with overall mortality, cardiovascular events, and cardiovascular mortality was the systemic immune-inflammation index (SII) followed by the systemic inflammatory response index (SIRI). The hematological inflammatory indices proved advantageous for screening and identifying patients who have high cardiovascular risk and mortality risk, and may be useful in directing the treatment of these patients, obtaining information about prognosis, and improving risk stratification.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(7): e20230785, jun.2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568807


Resumo Fundamento A doença cardiovascular (DCV) é uma série de doenças que afetam o coração ou os vasos sanguíneos. Objetivos Avaliar a relação entre os níveis de pressão arterial (PA) definidos pelo American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) de 2017 diretriz e risco de DCV/doença cardiovascular aterosclerótica (DCVA) para pessoas de meia-idade e idosos na China. Métodos Um total de 6.644 pessoas de meia-idade e idosas do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde e Aposentadoria da China CHARLS (China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study) foram finalmente incluídas. De acordo com a diretriz ACC/AHA de 2017, todos os indivíduos foram divididos em quatro grupos: PA normal, PA elevada, hipertensão estágio 1 e hipertensão estágio 2. O desfecho deste estudo foi considerado o risco de DCV e DCVA. Modelos de regressão COX univariados e multivariados foram adotados para examinar a relação da classificação de PA ACC/AHA de 2017 com o risco de DCV. Modelos de regressão logística univariada e multivariada foram utilizados para investigar a associação entre os níveis de PA e o risco de DCVA. Foram realizadas análises de subgrupos baseadas em idade, sexo e uso de medicamentos anti-hipertensivos. P<0,05 foi aceito como estatisticamente significativo. Resultados Após ajustar todas as covariáveis, em comparação com pacientes de meia-idade e idosos com PA normal, descobrimos que pacientes com hipertensão estágio 1/2 estavam associados a um maior risco de DCV, separadamente. Simultaneamente, também observamos uma associação positiva entre indivíduos com PA elevada, hipertensão estágio 1, hipertensão estágio 2 e maior risco de DCVA no modelo totalmente ajustado. O resultado das análises de subgrupos indicou que a relação entre hipertensão estágio 1/2 e DCV/DCVA alta foi robusta em diferentes idades e sexos, e participantes sem uso de medicamentos anti-hipertensivos. Conclusão A classificação da PA de acordo com as diretrizes de PA da ACC/AHA de 2017 pode ser aplicada à população chinesa.

Abstract Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a series of diseases affecting the heart or blood vessels. Objectives To assess the relationship between blood pressure (BP) levels defined by the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guideline and CVD/atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk for middle-aged and elderly people in China. Methods A total of 6,644 middle-aged and elderly people from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) were finally included. According to the 2017 ACC/AHA guideline, all subjects were divided into four groups: normal BP, elevated BP, stage 1 hypertension, and stage 2 hypertension. The outcome of this study was considered as the risk of CVD and ASCVD. Univariate and multivariate COX regression models were adopted to examine the relationship of the 2017 ACC/AHA BP classification with the risk of CVD. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to investigate the association between BP levels and ASCVD risk. Subgroup analyses based on age, gender, and use of antihypertensive drugs were performed. P<0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. Results After adjusting all covariates, compared to middle-aged and elderly patients with normal BP, we found that patients with stage 1/2 hypertension were associated with a higher risk of CVD, separately. Simultaneously, we also observed a positive association between individuals with elevated BP, stage 1 hypertension, stage 2 hypertension, and higher ASCVD risk in the fully adjusted model. The result of subgroup analyses implied that the relationship between stage 1/2 hypertension and CVD/ high ASCVD was robust in different ages and genders, and participants without using antihypertensive drugs. Conclusion BP classification under the 2017 ACC/AHA BP guidelines may apply to the Chinese population.

Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(2): 1-9, abr.-jun. 2024. ilus.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1577166


Background and Objectives: It is not clear whether the increase in nutrition students' knowledge is associated with healthier eating behavior and fewer micronutrient deficiencies that can cause DNA damage. Deficiency in some vitamins can be a risk factor for increased homocysteine (Hcy) levels, a marker of cardiovascular risk. Therefore, this study aimed to verify whether dietary and serum folate and vitamin B12 are associated with Hcy levels and DNA damage in female university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with female university students from southern Brazil. Folate, vitamin B12, and Hcy levels were determined in their diet or serum. DNA damage levels were assessed by the alkaline comet assay (index and frequency) and the buccal micronucleus assay (micronuclei frequency and binucleated cells frequency). Results: Correlation analyses did not show an association between Hcy levels and dietary or serum folate and vitamin B12 consumption. Dietary folate and vitamin B12 were associated with the index and frequency of damages; however, only serum folate was negatively associated with the index and frequency of damages. Additionally, the frequency of binucleated cells was negatively associated with dietary vitamin B12 and positively associated with serum levels. Serum folate was negatively associated with the frequency of micronuclei. Hcy levels were associated with the index and frequency of damages. Conclusion: These findings strengthen the role of healthier dietary patterns with adequate micronutrients as a preventive strategy to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This approach should play a pivotal role in shaping health policies and advocating for appropriate food choices.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: Não está claro se o aumento do conhecimento dos estudantes de nutrição está associado a um comportamento alimentar mais saudável, com menores deficiências de micronutrientes que podem induzir danos no DNA. A deficiência de algumas vitaminas pode ser um fator de risco para o aumento dos níveis de homocisteína (Hcy), um marcador de risco cardiovascular. Portanto, este estudo verificou se folato e vitamina B12 dietético e sérico estão associados aos níveis de Hcy e danos no DNA em estudantes universitárias. Métodos: Estudo transversal com universitárias do sul do Brasil. Determinou-se folato, vitamina B12 e Hcy dietético e séricos. Os níveis de danos no DNA foram avaliados pelo ensaio do cometa alcalino (índice e frequência) e pelo ensaio de micronúcleos bucais (frequência de micronúcleos e células binucleadas). Resultados: Análises de correlação não mostraram associação entre os níveis de Hcy com o consumo de folato e vitamina B12 dietético ou sérico. Folato e vitamina B12 dietéticos associou-se ao índice e frequência de danos, entretanto, somente folato sérico associou-se negativamente ao índice e frequência de danos. Ainda, a frequência de células binucleadas estava negativamente associada à vitamina B12 da dieta e positivamente associada aos níveis séricos. Folato sérico associou-se negativamente à frequência de micronúcleos. Os níveis de Hcy associou-se ao índice e frequência de danos. Conclusão: Esses achados fortalecem o papel de padrões alimentares mais saudáveis com micronutrientes adequados como estratégia preventiva visando a redução do risco de doenças cardiovasculares. Esta abordagem deve desempenhar um papel fundamental na formulação de políticas de saúde e na defesa de escolhas alimentares apropriadas.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivos: No está claro si el aumento del conocimiento de estudiantes de nutrición está asociado con un comportamiento alimentario más saludable, con menores deficiencias de micronutrientes que puedan inducir daños en ADN. La deficiencia de algunas vitaminas puede ser un factor de riesgo para el aumento de los niveles de homocisteína (Hcy), marcador de riesgo cardiovascular. Consiguiente, este estudio verificó si folato y vitamina B12 dietéticos y séricos están asociados con niveles de Hcy y daños en el ADN en estudiantes universitarias. Métodos: Estudio transversal con universitarias del sur de Brasil. Se determinaron folato, vitamina B12 y Hcy dietéticos y séricos. Los niveles de daño en el ADN se evaluaron por ensayo del cometa alcalino (índice y frecuencia) y el ensayo de micronúcleos bucales (frecuencia de micronúcleos y células binucleadas). Resultados: Los análisis de correlación no mostraron asociación entre los niveles de Hcy con folato y vitamina B12 dietéticos y séricos. Folato y vitamina B12 dietéticos se asociaron con índice y frecuencia de daños, pero, solo folato sérico se asoció negativamente con índice y frecuencia de daños. Además, la frecuencia de células binucleadas estaba negativamente asociada con la vitamina B12 de la dieta y positivamente asociada con los niveles séricos. Folato sérico se asoció negativamente con la frecuencia de micronúcleos. Los niveles de Hcy se asociaron con índice y frecuencia de daños. Conclusión: Estos hallazgos refuerzan el papel de patrones alimentarios más saludables con micronutrientes adecuados como estrategia preventiva para reducir el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Este enfoque debería desempeñar un papel fundamental en la elaboración de políticas de salud y en la promoción de elecciones alimenticias apropiadas.(AU)

Humans , Female , Vitamin B 12 , DNA Damage , DNA , Cardiovascular Diseases , Genomic Instability , Folic Acid , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Homocysteine , Comet Assay
Rev. Finlay ; 14(2)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565176


Fundamento: la hipertensión se ha convertido en una de las condiciones de mayor prevalencia entre los adultos cubanos y en el principal factor de riesgo de morbilidad y de mortalidad por causas cardiovasculares. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto de la implementación del Programa de Hipertensión Arterial basado en la Iniciativa HEARTS en el Policlínico Comunitario Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja en el municipio Cienfuegos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal en sistemas y servicios de salud desde el 2018 hasta el 2022. El universo fue la población mayor de 18 años y la muestra de 4 346 hipertensos. Se estudiaron las variables: sexo, control de hipertensión arterial, estructura tecnológica, índice de desempeño, índice de madurez y comportamiento de la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares. Resultados: el índice de desempeño de los Equipos Básicos de Salud fue excelente y el índice de madurez tuvo la categoría de avanzado. Se alcanzó el 85,5 % de cobertura diagnóstica y de registro, el 94,7 % de control entre tratados, un 39,5 % de control de los pacientes con alto riesgo cardiovascular y el 60,1 % de control poblacional. La mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares para todas las edades en específico la mortalidad prematura disminuyó, con predominio del sexo masculino. Conclusiones: la implementación del programa de hipertensión arterial consolidó un sistema de trabajo para el perfeccionamiento de actuación en la Atención Primaria de Salud ante el paciente hipertenso. El uso de la política terapéutica estandarizada ha tenido impacto en el control de la presión arterial.

Foundation: hypertension has become one of the most prevalent conditions among Cuban adults and the main risk factor for morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular causes. Objective: to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the Arterial Hypertension Program Based on the HEARTS Initiative in the Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja Community Polyclinic in the Cienfuegos municipality. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in health systems and services from 2018 to 2022. The universe was the population over 18 years of age and the sample of 4,346 hypertensive patients. The variables were studied: sex, control of high blood pressure, technological structure, performance index, maturity index and mortality behavior due to cardiovascular diseases. Results: the performance index of the Basic Health Teams was excellent and the maturity index was in the advanced category. 85.5 % diagnostic and registration coverage were achieved, 94.7 % control among treated patients, 39.5 % control of patients with high cardiovascular risk and 60.1 % population control. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases for all ages, specifically premature mortality, decreased, with a predominance of the male sex. Conclusions: the implementation of the arterial hypertension program consolidated a work system for the improvement of action in Primary Health Care for hypertensive patients. The use of standardized therapeutic policy has had an impact on blood pressure control.

Medwave ; 24(3): e2758, 30-04-2024. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553769


INTRODUCCIÓN: La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia y está asociada a mayor morbimortalidad. Debido al bajo porcentaje de compensación, se han buscado nuevas estrategias de tratamiento farmacológico, como los inhibidores del cotransportador sodio-glucosa tipo 2. OBJETIVO: Describir la evolución de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 insulino-requirentes tratados con empagliflozina en el Hospital Peñaflor, ubicado en el sector poniente de la Región Metropolitana, Chile. El objetivo primario fue evaluar la eficacia del medicamento respecto a hemoglobina glicosilada A1c. Los objetivos secundarios fueron registrar el logro de hemoglobina glicosilada A1c igual o menor a 7,5% según análisis de supervivencia. Luego, consignar el cambio en la velocidad de filtración glomerular y en la excreción urinaria de albúmina post tratamiento. MÉTODOS: Revisión de ficha clínica de todos los pacientes tratados con empagliflozina desde noviembre de 2019 a junio de 2023. Media de seguimiento de 19 (de 16,3 a 40) meses. Para comparación entre valores de hemoglobina glicosilada A1c según rangos de seguimiento, se utilizó prueba T de Student de términos pareados o prueba de Wilcoxon. RESULTADOS: Se estudió a 58 pacientes, 15 hombres y 43 mujeres (74,1%). Edad 58,5 ± 9,2 años, rango de 35 a 75 años. Hemoglobina glicosilada A1c basal de 10,3 ± 1,6% y 8,98% ± 2,2 en un rango de seguimiento de 18 a 24 meses post tratamiento, resultando en un descenso de 1,27% (p = 0,002; intervalo de confianza 95%: 0,5 a 2,03). El efecto adverso más frecuente fue infección del tracto urinario. CONCLUSIONES: Los pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 insulino-requirentes tratados con empagliflozina en el Hospital Peñaflor lograron un mejor control glicémico con pocos efectos adversos.

BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a highly prevalent disease and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Due to the low percentage of adequate glycemic control, new strategies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus have been sought, including sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitorss. OBJECTIVE: To describe the evolution of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with insulin requirements treated with empagliflozin at the Peñaflor Hospital. The primary objective was to evaluate the efficacy of the medication regarding glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). The secondary objectives were: 1) achievement of HbA1c equal to or less than 7.5% according to survival analysis. 2) Change in glomerular filtration rate and urinary albumin excretion post treatment. METHODS: Review of clinical records of all patients treated with empagliflozin from November 2019 to June 2023. Average follow-up of 19 (16.3 to 40) months. To compare HbA1c values according to follow-up ranges, the paired T test or Wilcoxon test was used. RESULTS: We included 58 patients, 15 men and 43 women (74.1%), with an average age of 58.5 ± 9.2 years, ranging from 35 to 75 years. Baseline HbA1c of 10.3 ± 1.6% and 8.98% ± 2.2 in a follow-up of 18 to 24 months post-treatment, resulted in a decrease of 1.27% (p = 0.002; confidence interval 95%: 0.5 to 2.03). The most common adverse effect was urinary tract infection. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with insulin requirements treated with empagliflozin at the Peñaflor Hospital achieved better glycemic control with few adverse effects.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Insulins/therapeutic use , Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors/adverse effects , Glucosides , Benzhydryl Compounds/adverse effects , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Glycated Hemoglobin , Treatment Outcome , Hypoglycemic Agents/adverse effects
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233923


Background: Globally, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) cause 17.9 million deaths yearly. In nations like Nigeria, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, coupled with modifiable behaviors such as physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol use, are rising. This study focused on assessing the evolving prevalence and distribution of CVD risk factors among adults in southern Nigeria. Methods: This cross-sectional study, conducted in Port Harcourt, Rivers state, was part of world heart day celebrations over three years (September 2019-September 2023). 309 adults participated, undergoing screening for blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, lipid profile, and body mass index calculated from weight and height measurements. Results: Over three years, 309 subjects (mean age 46.63�.03) were studied, with 53.40% females and 46.28% males. Most cardiovascular risk factors occurred in the 41-50 age group. Hypertension rose from 65.63% (2019) to 75.29% (2023), dipping to 64.79% (2022). Obesity decreased from 29.69% (2019) to 24.71% (2023), rising to 30.99% (2022). Diabetes increased from 23.44% (2019) to 27.59% (2023), decreasing to 19.71% (2022). Total cholesterol rose from 1.56% (2019) to 2.9% (2023). High LDL increased from 3.12% (2019) to 12.7% (2023). Low HDL and high TRIG decreased from 2019 to 2023. Conclusions: From 2019 to 2023, cardiovascular risk factors like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and dyslipidemia increased, with a slight fluctuation in 2022. Heightened awareness and preventive measures against adult CVD risk factors are imperative. National education on risk factors is vital for individuals to monitor their blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(1): 29-38, Mar. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534776


Abstract Introduction: Glomerulonephritis are the third cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) requiring dialysis in Brazil. Mineral and bone disorder (MBD) is one of the complications of CKD and is already present in the early stages. Assessment of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and flow-mediated vasodilatation (FMV) are non-invasive ways of assessing cardiovascular risk. Hypothesis: Patients with primary glomerulonephritis (PG) have high prevalence of atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction, not fully explained by traditional risk factors, but probably influenced by the early onset of MBD. Objective: To evaluate the main markers of atherosclerosis in patients with PG. Method: Clinical, observational, cross-sectional and controlled study. Patients with PG were included and those under 18 years of age, pregnants, those with less than three months of follow-up and those with secondary glomerulonephritis were excluded. Those who, at the time of exams collection, had proteinuria higher than 6 grams/24 hours and using prednisone at doses higher than 0.2 mg/kg/day were also excluded. Results: 95 patients were included, 88 collected the exams, 1 was excluded and 23 did not undergo the ultrasound scan. Patients with PG had a higher mean CIMT compared to controls (0.66 versus 0.60), p = 0.003. After multivariate analysis, age and values for systolic blood pressure (SBP), FMV and GFR (p = 0.02); and FMV and serum uric acid (p = 0.048) remained statistically relevant. Discussion and conclusion: The higher cardiovascular risk in patients with PG was not explained by early MBD. Randomized and multicentric clinical studies are necessary to better assess this hypothesis.

Resumo Introdução: Glomerulopatias são a terceira causa de doença renal crônica (DRC) com necessidade de diálise no Brasil. Distúrbio mineral e ósseo (DMO) é uma das complicações da DRC e está presente já nos estágios iniciais. A avaliação da espessura médio-intimal de carótidas (EMIC) e da vasodilatação fluxo-mediada (VFM) são maneiras não invasivas de avaliação do risco cardiovascular. Hipótese: Pacientes com glomerulopatias primárias (GP) apresentam alta prevalência de aterosclerose e disfunção endotelial, não explicada totalmente pelos fatores de risco tradicionais, mas provavelmente influenciada pela instalação precoce do DMO. Objetivo: Avaliar os principais marcadores de aterosclerose em pacientes com GP. Método: Estudo clínico, observacional, transversal e controlado. Foram incluídos portadores de GP e excluídos menores de 18 anos, gestantes, menos de três meses de seguimento e os com glomerulopatia secundária. Também foram excluídos aqueles que, no momento da coleta, apresentavam proteinúria maior que 6 gramas/24 horas e uso de prednisona em doses superiores a 0,2 mg/kg/dia. Resultados: 95 pacientes foram incluídos, 88 colheram os exames, 1 foi excluído e 23 não realizaram a ultrassonografia. Os pacientes com GP apresentaram maior EMIC média em relação ao controle (0,66 versus 0,60), p = 0,003. Após análise multivariada, mantiveram relevância estatística a idade e os valores de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), VFM e TFG (p = 0,02) e VFM e ácido úrico sérico (p = 0,048). Discussão e conclusão: Pacientes com GP apresentaram maior risco cardiovascular, entretanto esse risco não foi explicitado pelo DMO precoce. Estudos clínicos randomizados e multicêntricos são necessários para melhor determinação dessa hipótese.

Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 43-53, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562889


OBJETIVO: A relação entre exposição ambiental e risco à saúde é amplamente reconhecida e a avaliamos em cinco países da América Latina com condições culturais distintas, mas com Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano semelhantes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 3.016 indivíduos (18 a 75 anos) oriundos de: Argentina (n = 878), Brasil (n = 1.030), México (n = 272), Paraguai (n = 508) e Peru (n = 328). A seleção foi aleatória e todos responderam questionário padronizado (fatores sociodemográficos, fatores ambientais e hábitos de vida) derivado do Clinical Screening Tool for Air Pollution Risk. Segundo o estado atual de saúde, foram categorizados em: saúde regular/má/péssima ou excelente/boa. Tendo-a como desfecho, realizou-se análise multivariada.Os dados foram apresentados como razão de verossimilhança (RV) e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC 95%), tendo-se 5% o nível de significância. RESULTADOS: Foram significantemente associados a pior percepção de situação de saúde: morar em qualquer um dos países, ter umidade na residência (OR = 1,68; IC 95%: 1,33-2,12), dirigir automóvel com janelas abertas (OR = 1,31; IC 95%: 1,03-1,65), ter baixa renda familiar (OR = 1,59; IC 95%: 1,26-2,01), nível educacional incompleto (OR = 1,54; IC 95%: 1,22-1,94), histórico pessoal/familiar de hipertensão arterial (OR = 2,25; IC 95%: 01,64-3,09), doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica/asma (OR = 1,74; IC 95%: 1,28-2,36), diabete melito (OR = 3,74; IC 95%: 2,23-6,29), obesidade (OR = 1,84; IC 95%: 1,84-3,19) ou comorbidades oftalmológicas (OR = 1,89; IC 95%: 1,55-2,30); realizar exercícios ao ar livre (OR = 1,60; IC 95%: 1,31-1,96). CONCLUSÕES: Apesar das diferentes exposições a que foram submetidos, alguns fatores permanecem muito significativos, e ter baixa renda familiar, expor-se à poluição e ter antecedentes de doenças crônicas foram associados à percepção de condição ruim de saúde.

OBJECTIVE: The relationship between environmental exposure and health outcomes is well known.We investigated this relationship in five Latin American countries with different cultural backgrounds but similar Human Development Indexes. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 3,016 individuals (18 to 75 years old) from Argentina (n=878), Brazil (n=1030), Mexico (n=272), Paraguay (n=508), and Peru (n=328). Participants were randomly selected and responded to a standardized questionnaire (including sociodemographic and environmental factors and lifestyle habits) derived from a clinical screening tool for air pollution risk. Based on their current health status, participants were categorized as having regular/bad/very bad or excellent/good health. Multivariate analysis was conducted, and data were presented as likelihood ratios and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI).The significance level was set at 5%. RESULTS: Living in any of the study countries; indoor humidity (OR=1.68; 95%CI: 1.33-2.12); driving with the windows open (OR=1.31; 95%CI: 1.03-1.65); low family income (OR=1.59; 95%CI: 1.26-2.01); incomplete education (OR=1.54; 95%CI: 1.22-1.94); personal/family history of hypertension (OR=2.25; 95%CI: 01.643.09), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/asthma (OR=1.74; 95%:CI: 1.28-2.36), diabetes (OR=3.74; 95%CI:2.23-6.29), obesity (OR=1.84; 95%CI: 1.84-3.19), or ocular comorbidities (OR=1.89; 95%CI: 1.55-2.30); and exercising outdoors (OR=1.60; 95%CI: 1.31-1.96) were significantly associated with a worse perceived health status. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the different exposures to which participants were subjected, some factors remain very significant. Low family income, exposure to pollution, and a history of chronic diseases were associated with the perception of a poor health condition.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Latin America
Rev. Finlay ; 14(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565157


Fundamento: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la principal causa de muerte y discapacidad en el mundo. Su incidencia y prevalencia ha aumentado durante la última década y representa un tercio de todas las muertes. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación de LDL-C y grados de riesgo cardiovascular en adultos mayores de 40 años en la Unidad de Medicina Familiar # 43 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Método: Se realizó una investigación con un diseño de casos y controles durante el 2023, mediante la fórmula de relación caso-control 1:1, (230 sujetos) que reunieron los criterios de selección. La recolección de la información se realizó por medio de una base de datos en Excel, el contraste de variables se realizó con la fórmula de X2. Mediante el programa de SPSS versión 25 de Windows. Resultados: El género femenino fue el de mayor frecuencia, la media de edad fue de 62 años, el colesterol total elevado presentó 109 (94,8) pacientes con alto riesgo cardiovascular, se calculó una RM: 43.279, IC: 95 %, (17.347-107.980), el colesterol LDL presentó un 68 % (59,1) con riesgo cardiovascular y una RM: 1.28, IC: 95% (0.760-2.158), la evaluación de los triglicéridos con cifras elevadas presentó un 50,4 % (58), RM: 0.037, IC 95 % (0.013-0.106). Conclusiones: La edad media de los sujetos fue, 62 años, predominó el sexo femenino, con mayor proporción de casados, el nivel de escolaridad que prevaleció fue la preparatoria, la religión católica tuvo mayor frecuencia y los sujetos de la zona urbana. Las variables de lípidos como el colesterol total y LDL-C presentaron significancia estadística en relación a riesgo cardiovascular.

Foundation: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death and disability in the world. Its incidence and prevalence has increased over the last decade and accounts for a third of all deaths. Objective: Determine the association of LDL-C and degrees of cardiovascular risk in adults over 40 years of age in the Family Medicine Unit # 43 of the Mexican Social Security Institute. Method: An investigation was carried out with a case-control design during 2023, using the 1:1 case-control ratio formula, (230 subjects) who met the selection criteria. Information collection was carried out through an Excel database, the contrast of variables was carried out with the X2 formula. Using the SPSS version 25 Windows program. Results: The female gender was the most frequent, the average age was 62 years, elevated total cholesterol presented 109 (94.8) patients with high cardiovascular risk, an MRI was calculated: 43,279, CI: 95 %, (17,347-107,980), LDL cholesterol presented 68 % (59.1) with cardiovascular risk and an MRI: 1.28, CI: 95 % (0.760-2.158), the evaluation of triglycerides with high figures presented 50.4 % (58), OR: 0.037, 95 % CI (0.013-0.106). Conclusions: The average age of the subjects was 62 years, the female sex predominated, with a greater proportion of married people, the level of schooling that predominated was high school, the catholic religion was more frequent and the subjects were from the urban area. Lipid variables such as total cholesterol and LDL-C presented statistical significance in relation to cardiovascular risk.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(3): e20230521, Mar.2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557017


Resumo Fundamento: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) têm ônus sanitário e econômico significativos. Na América do Sul (AS), a perda de produtividade relacionada a estas enfermidades ainda não foi bem explorada. Objetivo: Estimar os anos de vida produtiva perdidos (AVPP) e a perda de produtividade relacionados a mortalidade prematura associada as DCV na AS, em 2019. Métodos: Empregou-se dados de mortalidade disponíveis no Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 na estimativa da carga de doença atribuível a DCV. Para os cálculos monetários da perda da produtividade usou-se uma proxy da abordagem de capital humano. Estratificou-se por sexo, nas faixas etárias de trabalho. Resultados: O número total de mortes por DCV na AS no ano de 2019 foi de 754.324 e os AVPP foram 2.040.973. A perda permanente de produtividade total foi de aproximadamente US$ 3,7 bilhões e US$ 7,8 bilhões em paridade do poder de compra, equivalente a 0,11% do produto interno bruto. O custo por morte foi de US$ 22.904, e a razão desse custo por óbito, entre homens e mulheres foi 1,45. A variação dos cenários aponta robustez nas estimativas, mesmo com diferenças importantes entre os países. Conclusões: As DCV impõem um ônus econômico significativo a este bloco de países. A caracterização deste fardo pode amparar os governos na alocação de recursos destinados ao planejamento e execução de políticas e intervenções sanitárias, sejam de promoção, prevenção ou recuperação.

Abstract Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have significant health and economic burdens. In South America, the loss of productivity related to these diseases has not yet been well explored. Objective: Estimate the potentially productive years of life lost (PPYLL) and loss of productivity related to premature mortality associated with CVD in South America, in 2019. Methods: Mortality data available from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study were used to estimate the burden of disease attributable to CVD. For monetary calculations of productivity loss, a proxy of the human capital approach was used. Data were stratified by sex, in working age groups. Results: The total number of deaths due to CVD in South America in 2019 was 754,324, and the total number of PPYLL was 2,040,973. The total permanent loss of productivity was approximately US$ 3.7 billion and US$ 7.8 billion in purchasing power parity, equivalent to 0.11% of the gross domestic product. The cost per death was US$ 22,904, and the ratio between men and women for the cost per death was 1.45. The variation in scenarios indicates that the estimates are robust, even with important differences between countries. Conclusions: CVD impose a significant economic burden on countries in South America. The characterization of this burden can support governments in the allocation of resources for the planning and execution of health policies and interventions in promotion, prevention, and recovery.