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Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(4): e20230544, abr.2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557038


Resumo Fundamento: O software ablation index (AI) permitiu melhorar os resultados da ablação de fibrilação atrial (FA), mas as taxas de recorrência permanecem significativas. Biomarcadores séricos específicos têm sido associados a essa recorrência. Objetivos: Avaliar se certos biomarcadores podem ser utilizados (individualmente ou combinados) para predizer a recorrência de FA pós ablação guiada pelo AI. Métodos: Estudo multicêntrico, observacional, prospectivo de pacientes consecutivos, encaminhados para ablação de FA de janeiro de 2018 a março de 2021. Hemoglobina, peptídeo natriurético cerebral (BNP), proteína C reativa, troponina I ultrassensível, clearance de creatinina, Hormônio Tireoestimulante (TSH), e Tiroxina livre (T4) foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de prever a recorrência de arritmias durante o acompanhamento. Valores de p <0,05 foram aceitos como estatisticamente significativos. Resultados: Um total de 593 pacientes foram incluídos - 412 com FA paroxística e 181 com FA persistente. Durante o seguimento médio de 24±6 meses, 76,4% não apresentaram recidiva após ablação. Individualmente, os biomarcadores demonstraram um valor preditivo baixo ou nulo para recorrência. No entanto, TSH >1,8 μUI/mL [HR=1,82 (IC95%, 1,89-2,80), p=0,006] foi um preditor independente de recorrência. Avaliando-se a combinação de TSH, FT4 e BNP, a adição de cada valor "anormal" foi associada a uma menor sobrevida livre de recorrência (87,1% se nenhum vs. 83,5% se um vs. 75,1% se dois vs. 43,3% se três biomarcadores, p<0,001). Doentes com três biomarcadores "anormais" apresentaram três vezes maior probabilidade de recorrência de FA, comparativamente aos que não apresentaram nenhum biomarcador "anormal" (HR=2,88 [IC95%, 1,39-5,17], p=0,003). Conclusões: Quando combinados, valores anormais de TSH, FT4 e BNP podem ser uma ferramenta útil para prever a recorrência de FA pós ablação guiada pelo AI.

Abstract Background: Ablation Index (AI) software has allowed better atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation results, but recurrence rates remain significant. Specific serum biomarkers have been associated with this recurrence. Objectives: To evaluate whether certain biomarkers could be used (either individually or combined) to predict arrhythmia recurrence after AI-guided AF ablation. Methods: Prospective multicenter observational study of consecutive patients referred for AF ablation from January 2018 to March 2021. Hemoglobin, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), C-reactive protein, high sensitivity cardiac troponin I, creatinine clearance, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) were assessed for their ability to predict arrhythmia recurrence during follow-up. Statistical significance was accepted for p values of<0.05. Results: A total of 593 patients were included - 412 patients with paroxysmal AF and 181 with persistent AF. After a mean follow-up of 24±6 months, overall single-procedure freedom from atrial arrhythmia was 76.4%. Individually, all biomarkers had no or only modest predictive power for recurrence. However, a TSH value >1.8 μUI/mL (HR=1.82 [95% CI, 1.89-2.80], p=0.006) was an independent predictor of arrhythmia recurrence. When assessing TSH, FT4 and BNP values in combination, each additional "abnormal" biomarker value was associated with a lower freedom from arrhythmia recurrence (87.1 % for no biomarker vs. 83.5% for one vs. 75.1% for two vs. 43.3% for three biomarkers, p<0.001). Patients with three "abnormal" biomarkers had a threefold higher risk of AF recurrence compared with no "abnormal" biomarker (HR=2.88 [95% CI, 1.39-5.17], p=0.003). Conclusions: When used in combination, abnormal TSH, FT4 and BNP values can be a useful tool for predicting arrhythmia recurrence after AI-guided AF ablation.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(1): e20230214, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533720


Resumo Fundamento A fibrilação atrial (FA) e a insuficiência cardíaca (IC) coexistem frequentemente, resultando em desfechos adversos. No entanto, permanecem controvérsias quanto à eficácia da ablação por cateter (AC) em pacientes com FA com disfunção ventricular esquerda grave. Objetivos O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma metanálise de ensaios prospectivos randomizados e controlados para avaliar a eficácia da AC versus terapia médica (TM) em pacientes com FA com fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) ≤45%. Métodos Procuramos na literatura estudos que comparassem AC com TM em pacientes com FA com FEVE ≤45%. Foi realizada uma metanálise de 7 ensaios clínicos, incluindo 1.163 pacientes com FA e IC. A análise de subgrupo foi realizada com base na FEVE basal. Todos os testes foram bilaterais; apenas o valor p <0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. Resultados Descobrimos que a AC estava associada a menor mortalidade por todas as causas (taxa de risco: 0,52, IC 95%: 0,37 a 0,72; p<0,01) e maiores melhorias na FEVE (diferença média: 4,80%, IC 95%: 2,29% a 7,31%; p<0,01) em comparação com TM. Os pacientes do grupo AC apresentaram menor risco de hospitalização por IC e recorrência de FA e qualidade de vida significativamente melhor do que aqueles do grupo TM. Os resultados da análise de subgrupo indicaram que pacientes com disfunção ventricular esquerda mais leve melhoraram a FEVE após a ablação de FA (diferença média: 6,53%, IC 95%: 6,18% a 6,88%; p<0,01) em comparação com pacientes com doença mais grave (diferença média : 2,02%, IC 95%: 0,87% a 3,16%; p<0,01). Conclusões Nossa metanálise demonstrou que a AC foi associada a melhorias significativas nos resultados de pacientes com FA com FEVE ≤45%. Além disso, pacientes com FA com disfunção ventricular esquerda mais leve poderiam se beneficiar mais com a AC.

Abstract Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart failure (HF) frequently coexist, resulting in adverse outcomes. However, controversies remain regarding the efficacy of catheter ablation (CA) in AF patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction. Objectives The purpose of this study was to perform a meta-analysis of prospective randomized controlled trials to evaluate the efficacy of CA versus medical therapy (MT) in AF patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤45%. Methods We searched the literature for studies that compared CA to MT in AF patients with LVEF ≤45%. A meta-analysis of 7 clinical trials was performed, including 1163 patients with AF and HF. Subgroup analysis was performed based on baseline LVEF. All tests were 2-sided; only the p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results We found that CA was associated with lower all-cause mortality (risk ratio: 0.52, 95% CI: 0.37 to 0.72; p<0.01) and greater improvements in LVEF (mean difference: 4.80%, 95% CI: 2.29% to 7.31%; p<0.01) compared to MT. Patients in the CA group had a lower risk of HF hospitalization and AF recurrence and a significantly better quality of life than those in the MT group. The results of subgroup analysis indicated that patients with milder left ventricular dysfunction improved LVEF after AF ablation (mean difference: 6.53%, 95% CI: 6.18% to 6.88%; p<0.01) compared to patients with more severe disease (mean difference: 2.02%, 95% CI: 0.87% to 3.16%; p<0.01). Conclusions Our meta-analysis demonstrated that CA was associated with significant improvements in outcomes of AF patients with LVEF ≤45%. Additionally, AF patients with milder left ventricular dysfunction could benefit more from CA.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(1): e20220727, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533723


Resumo Fundamento As últimas décadas têm assistido ao rápido desenvolvimento do tratamento invasivo de arritmias por procedimentos de ablação por cateter. Apesar da sua segurança e eficácia bem estabelecida em adultos, até o momento, há poucos dados nos cenários pediátricos. Uma das principais preocupações é a possível expansão da cicatriz do procedimento de ablação nessa população e suas consequências ao longo dos anos. Objetivos Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o risco da progressão da lesão miocárdica após ablação por cateter de radiofrequência em pacientes pediátricos. Métodos Este é um estudo retrospectivo de 20 pacientes pediátricos com tratamento prévio de arritmia supraventricular com ablação, submetidos à ressonância magnética cardíaca e angiografia coronária para avaliação de fibrose miocárdica e da integridade das artérias coronárias durante o acompanhamento. Resultados A idade mediana no procedimento de ablação foi 15,1 anos (Q1 12,9, Q3 16,6) e 21 anos (Q1 20, Q3 23) quando a ressonância magnética cardíaca foi realizada. Quatorze dos pacientes eram mulheres. Taquicardia por reentrada nodal e síndrome de Wolf-Parkinson-White foram os principais diagnósticos (19 pacientes), com um paciente com taquicardia atrial. Três pacientes apresentaram fibrose miocárdica ventricular, mas com um volume inferior a 0,6 cm 3 . Nenhum deles desenvolveu disfunção ventricular e nenhum paciente apresentou lesões coronarianos na angiografia. Conclusão A ablação por cateter de radiofrequência não mostrou aumentar o risco de progressão de lesão miocárdica ou de lesões na artéria coronária.

Abstract Background The past decades have seen the rapid development of the invasive treatment of arrhythmias by catheter ablation procedures. Despite its safety and efficacy being well-established in adults, to date there has been little data in pediatric scenarios. One of the main concerns is the possible expansion of the ablation procedure scar in this population and its consequences over the years. Objectives This study aimed to analyze the risk of myocardial injury progression after radiofrequency catheter ablation in pediatric patients. Methods This is a retrospective study of 20 pediatric patients with previous ablation for treatment of supraventricular arrhythmia that underwent cardiac magnetic resonance and coronary angiography for evaluation of myocardial fibrosis and the integrity of the coronary arteries during follow-up. Results The median age at ablation procedure was 15.1 years (Q1 12.9, Q3 16.6) and 21 years (Q1 20, Q3 23) when the cardiac magnetic resonance was performed. Fourteen of them were women. Nodal reentry tachycardia and Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome were the main diagnosis (19 patients), with one patient with atrial tachycardia. Three patients had ventricular myocardial fibrosis, but with a volume < 0.6 cm 3 . None of them developed ventricular dysfunction and no patient had coronary lesions on angiography. Conclusion Radiofrequency catheter ablation did not show to increase the risk of myocardial injury progression or coronary artery lesions.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558558


Las extrasístoles ventriculares (EEVV) son frecuentemente asintomáticas y no requieren de tratamiento antiarrítmico. Las EEVV de los tractos de salida son las EEVV idiopáticas más frecuentes en la práctica clínica. La anamnésis, el examen físico y el electrocardiograma son fundamentales en el diagnóstico. Aunque las EEVV de los tractos de salidas ventriculares son consideradas benignas, pueden producir diversos síntomas y desencadenar una cardiomiopatía inducida por las extrasístoles, que lleva a un deterioro de la función sistólica ventricular izquierda y en última instancia, insuficiencia cardiaca. Cuando el tratamiento farmacológico de las EEVV fracasa, nos queda la ablación de arritmias por catéter de radiofrecuencia como única alternativa eficaz. Este es el caso de la paciente de sexo femenino de 62 años, hipertensa, dislipidémica y tabaquista, que demuestra la seguridad de la ablación por catéter de radiofrecuencia, la eficacia terapéutica, y el restablecimiento integro de la función ventricular del corazón.

Premature ventricular complexes (PVC) are frequently asymptomatic and do not require antiarrhythmic treatment. Outflow tract PVC are the most common idiopathic PVC in clinical practice. The anamnesis, physical examination and electrocardiogram are essential in the diagnosis of these patients. Although PVC of the ventricular outflow tracts are considered benign, they can produce various symptoms such as dyspnea on exertion, asthenia, palpitations, dizziness, presyncope or syncope, and in those patients with very high arrhythmic burden (>24% on a 24-hour Holter monitoring), can trigger extrasystole-induced cardiomyopathy, leading to deterioration of left ventricular systolic function and ultimately heart failure. When pharmacological treatment of PVC fails, ablation of arrhythmias by radiofrequency catheter is the only effective alternative. This is the case of the 62-year-old female patient, hypertensive, dyslipidemic and a smoker, which demonstrates the safety of radiofrequency catheter ablation, the therapeutic efficacy, and the complete restoration of the ventricular function of the heart.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(6): e20230684, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568780


Resumo Fundamento Não existem estudos randomizados comparando a manutenção do ritmo sinusal após ablação por cateter (AC) em relação ao tratamento com fármacos antiarrítmicos (AA) em pacientes idosos portadores fibrilação atrial (FA) paroxística. Objetivos Comparar os resultados clínicos do isolamento das veias pulmonares (VPs) com o cateter PVAC Gold de segunda geração com o uso de AA em idosos com FA paroxística sintomática, recorrente, apesar do uso de fármacos AA. Métodos Sessenta pacientes com FA paroxística ≥ 65 anos e sem cardiopatias estruturais foram randomizados para duas formas de tratamento: grupo 1: AC e grupo 2: AA. O desfecho primário foi a taxa livre de recorrência de FA após pelo menos um ano de seguimento. Os desfechos secundários foram: progressão para formas persistentes de FA, impacto na qualidade de vida (QVFA) e complicações. O nível de significância adotado na análise estatística foi de 5% (p<0,05). Resultados A taxa livre de recorrência de FA foi de 80% (10% com amiodarona) no grupo AC, após 1,3 procedimentos por paciente e de 65% no grupo AA (60% com amiodarona), (p = 0,119) num seguimento médio de 719 dias (Q1: 566; Q3: 730). A taxa livre de FA persistente foi de 83,4% no grupo AC e de 67,7% no grupo AA (p = 0,073). Ambas as estratégias apresentaram melhora no escore de QVFA durante o seguimento (p < 0,001), sem diferença entre os grupos. Embora sem repercussão clínica ou impacto no teste de avaliação intelectual, 25% dos pacientes do grupo PVAC apresentou sinais de embolização cerebral na RNM cerebral. Conclusões Ambas as estratégias para manutenção do ritmo sinusal promoveram melhora na qualidade de vida de pacientes idosos com FA sintomática, sem diferença estatística nos desfechos clínicos preconizados. Estudos adicionais usando tecnologias com melhor perfil de segurança são necessários para avaliar os benefícios da AC em pacientes idosos com FA.

Abstract Background There are no randomized studies comparing the maintenance of sinus rhythm after catheter ablation (CA) concerning treatment with antiarrhythmic drugs (AA) in elderly patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). Objectives To compare the clinical results of pulmonary vein (PV) isolation with the second-generation PVAC Gold catheter against AA treatment in elderly people with recurrent symptomatic paroxysmal AF, refractory to at least one AA, and without structural heart disease. Methods Sixty patients with paroxysmal AF ≥ 65 years old were randomized to two forms of treatment: group 1: CA and group 2: AA drugs. The primary outcome was the AF recurrence-free rate after at least one year of follow-up. Secondary outcomes were: progression to persistent forms of AF, impact on quality of life (QOLF), and complications. The significance level adopted in the statistical analysis was 5% (p<0.05). Results The AF recurrence-free rate was 80% (10% with amiodarone) in the CA group, after 1.3 procedures per patient and 65% in the AA group (60% with amiodarone), (p = 0.119) in an average follow-up of 719 days (Q1: 566; Q3: 730). The persistent AF free rate was 83.4% in the AC group and 67.7% in the AA group (p = 0.073) Both strategies showed an improvement in the AFQoL score during follow-up (p < 0.001), with no difference between the groups. Although without clinical repercussions or impact on the intellectual assessment test, 25% of patients in the CA group showed signs of cerebral embolization on brain MRI. Conclusions Both strategies for maintaining sinus rhythm promoted an improvement in the quality of life of elderly patients with symptomatic AF, with no statistical difference in the clinical outcomes. Additional studies using technologies with a better safety profile are needed to evaluate the benefits of CA in elderly patients with AF.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028120


Objective To explore the therapeutic value of metoprolol combined with Wenxin Keli(a Chinese patent drug)on atrial tachycardia(AT)after catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation(AF).Methods A total of 290 patients who were diagnosed with AF and underwent catheter ablation successfully in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital from May 2018 to January 2022 were enrolled,and were randomly divided into Wenxin Granule group(Group W),metoprolol group(Group M),combined group(Group MW)and blank control group(Group C).The times of AT,heart beats during the longest AT episode,average heart rate and adverse reactions were compared among the 4 groups.Results The mean heart rate,episodes of AT,heart beats during the longest AT episode,and numbers of premature atrial contractions(PAC)of class Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ in Group C in 1 year after operation were all sig-nificantly higher than the baseline levels(P<0.01),so were in the Group W,Group M and Group MW(P<0.01).Group MW had obviously lower mean heart rate,episodes of AT,heart beats dur-ing the longest AT episode,and numbers of PAC of class Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ when compared with Group W and Group M(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the total incidence of ad-verse reactions in Group W,Group M and Group MW(7.1%vs 13.9%vs 8.9%,P=0.301).Con-clusion Metoprolol combined with Wenxin Keli can be used to treat AT after AF catheter abla-tion.The combination can effectively reduce the average heart rate,episodes of AT,numbers of PAC and heart beats during the longest AT episode,and thus decrease the recurrence of postopera-tive AF with high safety.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028125


Objective To analyze the outcomes of catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation(AF)and the independent risk factors for its recurrence in the elderly.Methods A total of 194 patients with persistent AF who underwent catheter ablation at our department from January 2019 to December 2021 were enrolled in this study.They were divided into elderly group(≥60 years old,99 cases)and non-elderly group(<60 years old,95 cases).Their surgical characteris-tics,postoperative complications and recurrence were compared between the two groups,and the independent risk factors for postoperative recurrence were analyzed in the elderly group.Results Advanced age,higher B-type natriuretic peptide,larger proportions of hypertension and coronary heart disease,and increased CHA2DS2-VASc and HAS-BLED scores,while lower male ratio and estimated glomerular filtration rate were observed in the elderly group than the non-elderly group(P<0.05,P<0.01).The elderly group had a higher proportion of left atrial fibrosis than the non-elderly group(30.3%vs 8.4%,P=0.001).Postoperative complications in the elderly group in-cluded 1 case of pericardial effusion and 2 cases of hematoma at the puncture site,and all of these were improved after treatment.There were no significant differences in the 1-year success rate(71.7%vs 69.5%,P=0.763)or recurrence rate during blanking period(21.2%vs 21.1%,P=0.981)between the elderly and non-elderly groups.AF duration(HR=1.020,95%CI:1.007-1.032,P=0.002)and recurrence during blanking period(HR=6.781,95%CI:3.078-14.935,P=0.001)were independent risk factors for postoperative recurrence in the elderly group.Conclu-sion Catheter ablation is safe and effective in the treatment of persistent AF in the elderly.The elderly patients with long duration of AF and recurrences during blanking period are more likely to experience recurrences within 1 year after ablation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029110


Objective:To investigate the risk factors of atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with typical atrial flutter after radiofrequency ablation.Methods:This study was a case-control study. The clinical data of 120 patients with typical atrial flutter who underwent radiofrequency ablation in Xingtai People′s Hospital from January 2017 to January 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were followed up every 3-6 months for a period of 2 years, and AF occurred in 30 patients (25.0%). The risk factors of AF were analyzed with univariate and multivariate logistic regressions.Results:The mean age of patients was (62.0±6.5) years and 64(53.3%) were males. No patients in the two groups had complications such as cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism and cerebral infarction after radiofrequency ablation. Compared with non-AF patients, patients in AF group had older age and higher CHA 2DS 2-VASC score ( P<0.001). Multivariate regression analysis showed that age ( HR=1.09, 95% CI:1.01-1.17) and CHA 2DS 2-VASC score ( HR=3.84, 95% CI:1.87-7.89) were independent risk factors for the occurrence of atrial fibrillation after radiofrequency ablation in patients with atrial flutter. Conclusion:After radiofrequency ablation of typical atrial flutter, nearly 25% of patients will relapse into AF, old age and higher CHA 2DS 2-VASC score increase the risk of AF recurrent.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030615


@#Objective To analyze the current status and hotspots of surgical transmural ablation of atrial fibrillation using CiteSpace and VOSviewer. Methods The Web of Science Core Collection database was used as the data source. The CiteSpace 5.8.R3 and VOSviewer software were used to analyze the related studies on surgical transmural ablation of atrial fibrillation about the authors, countries/institutions, literature co-citation and keywords. Results A total of 109 articles were enrolled. Damiano RJ was the most prolific researcher, while Cox JL was the author with the highest number of citations. The United States was the leading country in this research field. The University of Washington was an important institution in the study of atrial fibrillation transmural ablation. The main hotpots were the effectiveness of surgical ablation, especially Cox-maze procedure, selection of the energy source of surgical ablation, combination of surgical and catheter ablations, and pulmonary vein isolation. Conclusion This study visualizes the current research status of surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation. How to improve the effectiveness and transmurality of surgical ablation is a hot research topic in the surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation. The combination of electrophysiology mapping and surgical ablation may be the development direction in the surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019601


Objective To construct a measurement tool for atrial fibrillation(AF)patients'experience of catheter ablation,in order to provide quantifiable basis for improving the patients'perioperative experience.Methods From Jun 2022 to Apr 2023,literature analysis,qualitative research,Delphi expert consultation,and analytic hierarchy process were used to determine the content and weight of various indicators of the measurement tool.Results The enthusiasm of experts in 3 rounds was 100%.The authority coefficient of experts was 0.946,0.961 and 0.976.The Kendal harmony coefficients of the 2 and 3 rounds of expert consultation was 0.130 and 0.370(P<0.001).The final measurement tool included 46 items and 5 dimensions,including operational and technical quality experience,comfort management experience,information and communication experience,emotional support experience,service process and response experience.Conclusion The preliminary construction of measurement tool for AF patients'experience of catheter ablation,which were based on the features of specialty,could not only evaluate the patients'experience accurately,but also provide a basis for targeted improvement of medical and nursing service quality.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 80-83, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020974


The treatment of mediastinal tumor has always been a clinical difficulty due to its complex anatomical location and many important organs.Compared with traditional local treatment,endobronchial ultrasound guided laser multi-point ablation of mediastinal tumors has many advantages,including real-time monitoring of ablation range and effect,avoidance of damage to normal tissue and organs,few side effects and good tolerance.This article describes the standard operating procedure for endobronchial ultrasound guided laser multi-point ablation of mediastinal tumors.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;93(4): 429-434, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527720


Resumen Introducción y objetivos: Comparar las características clínicas y los resultados de cohortes contemporáneas de pacientes menores y mayores de 70 años que han sido sometidos a ablación de fibrilación auricular (FA) mediante catéter. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de cohortes retrospectivo en pacientes sometidos a ablación con catéter debido a la presencia de FA refractaria. Se realizó un seguimiento mínimo de 12 meses por paciente. Resultados: En el estudio se incluyeron un total de 239 pacientes sometidos a ablación de FA, de los cuales 171 (71,5%) pertenecían al grupo de edad < 70 años y 68 (28,5%) al grupo de edad > 70 años. La edad promedio de la población estudiada fue de 62,4 años (desviación estándar [DE] = 10,87). El grupo < 70 años presentó una edad promedio de 58,03 años (DE = 9,71), mientras que el grupo > 70 años tuvo una edad promedio de 73,4 años (DE = 3,05). Además, se observó una mayor prevalencia de FA paroxística en el grupo de pacientes menores de 70 años, mientras que en el grupo de pacientes mayores de 70 años se encontró una mayor prevalencia de FA persistente. Estas diferencias fueron estadísticamente significativas en ambos casos. Las tasas de recurrencia después del primer procedimiento de ablación fueron similares entre los dos grupos (21,43% en el grupo menor de 70 años frente a 23,53% en el grupo mayor de 70 años, p = 0,79). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a complicaciones. El grupo menor de 70 años experimentó 18 complicaciones, mientras que el grupo mayor de 70 años tuvo 5 complicaciones, con un valor de p de 0,472. Conclusión: Los pacientes mayores de 70 años sometidos al primer procedimiento de ablación de FA por catéter presentan resultados clínicos similares a los pacientes menores de 70 años.

Abstract Introduction and objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the clinical characteristics and outcomes of contemporary cohorts of patients undergoing catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF), stratified by age (< 70 years and ≥ 70 years). Methods: This retrospective cohort study included patients who underwent catheter ablation for refractory AF. The minimum follow-up duration per patient was 12 months. Results: A total of 239 patients were included in the study, with 171 (71.5%) in the < 70 years group and 68 (28.5%) in the ≥ 70 years group. The mean age of the study population was 62.4 years (SD 10.87). The < 70 years group had a mean age of 58.03 years (SD 9.71), while the ≥ 70 years group had a mean age of 73.4 years (SD 3.05). Furthermore, a higher proportion of paroxysmal AF was observed in patients < 70 years, whereas a higher proportion of persistent AF was found in patients ≥ 70 years. These differences were statistically significant. The recurrence rates after the initial ablation procedure were similar between the two groups (21.43% in the < 70 years group vs. 23.53% in the ≥ 70 years group, p = 0.79). Additionally, there were no significant differences in terms of complications. The < 70 years group experienced 18 complications, while the ≥ 70 years group had 5 complications (p = 0.472). Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that patients aged 70 years and older who undergo their first catheter ablation procedure for AF demonstrate similar clinical outcomes compared to patients younger than 70 years.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 30(6): 353-360, nov.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576212


Resumen El manejo perioperatorio de pacientes que requieren procedimientos en electrofisiología es desafiante, pues muchos de ellos tienen alto riesgo embólico de base y, a menudo, están en terapia anticoagulante oral. La decisión de continuar, interrumpir la anticoagulación oral o indicar terapia puente es controversial. Este artículo se propone generar recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia sobre el manejo perioperatorio de la anticoagulación de pacientes, quienes, por su riesgo embólico, requieren anticoagulación oral y serán llevados a implante de dispositivos de estimulación cardíaca o ablación de arritmias. Se ha efectuado una revisión sistemática siguiendo los criterios del protocolo PRISMA. La búsqueda se realizó en la base de datos MEDLINE-PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar, NICE, Epistemonikos y LILACS. Esta revisión sistemática incluyó guías de práctica clínica, revisiones sistemáticas de literatura y metáanalisis. Se actualizó la evidencia desde el 1.o de enero del 2014 hasta el 28 de febrero del 2022. Se tomaron como cuerpo de evidencia 3 guías de práctica clínica y 4 revisiones sistemáticas de literatura las cuales se calificaron con los instrumentos AGREE II y AMSTAR II, respectivamente. Se generan recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia usando la metodología GRADE, en las que se destaca que la anticoagulación oral con antagonistas de la vitamina K debe indicarse de forma ininterrumpida tanto para ablación de FA, como para implante de dispositivos y ablación de arritmias; no obstante, no hay mayor evidencia de la anticoagulación oral directa en el implante de dispositivos.

Abstract Perioperative management of patients undergoing electrophysiology procedures is challenging, as many of these patients have a high background embolic risk and are often on oral anticoagulant therapy. The decision to continue, discontinue oral anticoagulation, or indicate bridging therapy is controversial. This article aims to generate evidence-based recommendations on the perioperative management of anticoagulation in patients who, due to their embolic risk, require oral anticoagulation with and will undergo cardiac pacing device implantation or arrhythmia ablation. A systematic review has been carried out following the criteria of the PRISMA protocol. The search was performed in the MEDLINE-PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar, NICE, Epistemonikos and LILACS databases. This systematic review included clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews of the literature, and meta-analyses. The evidence was updated from January 1, 2014 to February 28, 2022. 3 CPG and 4 RSL were taken as a body of evidence, which were qualified with the AGREE II and AMSTAR II instruments, respectively. Evidence-based recommendations, using the GRADE methodology, are generated which highlight that oral anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists should be ordered continuously for both atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation and device implantation, and continuously for DOAC in arrhythmia ablation; however, there is not much evidence on direct oral anticoagulation in device implantation.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);69(9): e20230489, set. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514735


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Catheter ablation procedure may cause retinal complications associated with the risk of thromboembolism. We aimed to evaluate retina and optic disc microvascularity with optical coherence tomography angiography before and after the catheter ablation process in patients with ventricular arrhythmia. METHODS: A total of 40 eyes of 21 ventricular arrhythmia patients were included in this cross-sectional study. Demographic characteristics and ophthalmic examination findings of patients were recorded. optical coherence tomography angiography measurements were evaluated before (group 1) and after (group 2) catheter ablation. Optical coherence tomography angiography was applied to all eyes with 6×6 mm sections for the macula and 4.5×4.5 mm sections for the optic nerve head. Foveal retinal thickness, peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, vessel density in different parts of the retina, and optic disc were analyzed. RESULTS: The mean age of ventricular arrhythmia patients was 53.48±13.02 years. In all, 13 (61.9%) of the patients were males and 8 (38.1%) were females. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of average, inferior, superior, and temporal retinal nerve fiber layer thicknesses, foveal avascular area, flow areas, superficial and deep vessel densities, and optic disc capillary densities of the optic disc. However, when compared with group 1, significantly lower values in foveal retinal thickness and higher values in nasal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness were observed in group 2 (248.42±20.50 vs. 247.20±20.44, p<0.001 and 94.22±18.43 vs. 96.12±20.18, p=0.044, respectively). CONCLUSION: Although foveal retinal thickness and nasal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness are affected in patients undergoing catheter ablation for ventricular arrhythmia, the stable retinal and optic disc vessel densities can be explained by the administration of effective anticoagulants during the procedure.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;120(5): e20220306, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439333


Resumo Fundamento O ecocardiograma intracardíaco (EIC) permite visualizar estruturas cardíacas e reconhecer complicações durante a ablação da fibrilação atrial (AFA). Comparado ao ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE), o EIC é menos sensível para detecção de trombo no apêndice atrial, porém requer mínima sedação e menos operadores, tornando-o atrativo num cenário de recursos restritos. Objetivo Comparar 13 casos de AFA utilizando EIC (grupo AFA-EIC) com 36 casos de AFA utilizando ETE (grupo AFA-ETE). Método Trata-se de corte prospectiva realizada em um único centro. O desfecho principal foi o tempo de procedimento. Desfechos secundários tempo de fluoroscopia, dose de radiação (mGy/cm2), complicações maiores e tempo de internação hospitalar em horas. O perfil clínico foi comparado pelo escore CHA2DS2-VASc. Um valor de p <0,05 foi considerado uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. Resultados A mediana do escore de CHA2DS2-VASc score foi 1 (0-3) no grupo AFA-EIC e 1 (0-4) no grupo AFA-ETE. O tempo total de procedimento foi de 129 ± 27 min grupo AFA-EIC e 189 ± 41 no AFA-ETE (p<0,001); o grupo AFA-EIC recebeu uma dose menor de radiação (mGy/cm2, 51296 ± 24790 vs. 75874 ± 24293; p=0,002), no entanto, o tempo de fluoroscopia em minutos mostrou-se semelhante (27,48 ± 9,79 vs. 26,4 ± 9,32; p=0,671). As medianas do tempo de hospitalização não se mostraram diferentes, 48 (36-72) horas (AFA-EIC) e 48 (48-66) horas (AFA-ETE) (p=0,27). Conclusão Nesta coorte, AFA-EIC foi relacionado a menores tempos de procedimento e menor exposição à radiação, sem aumentar o risco de complicações ou o tempo de internação hospitalar.

Abstract Background Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) allows visualization of cardiac structures and recognition of complications during atrial fibrillation ablation (AFA). Compared to transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), ICE is less sensitive to detecting thrombus in the atrial appendage but requires minimal sedation and fewer operators, making it attractive in a resource-constrained setting. Objective To compare 13 cases of AFA using ICE (AFA-ICE group) with 36 cases of AFA using TEE (AFA-TEE group). Methods This is a single-center prospective cohort study. The main outcome was procedure time. Secondary outcomes: fluoroscopy time, radiation dose (mGy/cm2), major complications, and length of hospital stay in hours. The clinical profile was compared using the CHA2DS2-VASc score. A p-value <0.05 was considered a statistically significant difference between groups. Results The median CHA2DS2-VASc score was 1 (0-3) in the AFA-ICE group and 1 (0-4) in the AFA-TEE group. The total procedure time was 129 ± 27 min in the AFA-ICE group and 189 ± 41 min in the AFA-TEE group (p<0.001); the AFA-ICE group received a lower dose of radiation (mGy/cm2, 51296 ± 24790 vs. 75874 ± 24293; p=0.002), despite the similar fluoroscopy time (27.48 ± 9. 79 vs. 26.4 ± 9.32; p=0.671). The median length of hospital stay did not differ; 48 (36-72) hours (AFA-ICE) and 48 (48-66) hours (AFA-TEE) (p=0.27). Conclusions In this cohort, AFA-ICE was related to shorter procedure times and less exposure to radiation without increasing the risk of complications or the length of hospital stay.