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Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 19(3): 74-77, sept. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572064


Las experiencias adversas en la infancia (EAI) tienen un impacto considerable en la salud física y mental de los niños y adolescentes. Esta revisión bibliográfica se centra en la asociación entre estas experiencias y la incidencia de síntomas asmáticos, así como en las alteraciones inmunológicas en la población pediátrica. Los estudios revisados muestran una correlación significativa entre la exposición a EAI y el asma, destacando la importancia de un enfoque biopsicosocial para su manejo. Además, se discuten las implicancias clínicas y las precauciones necesarias al interpretar estos hallazgos.

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have a significant impact on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. This literature review focuses on the association between these experiences and the incidence of asthma symptoms, as well as immunological alterations in the pediatric population. The reviewed studies show a significant correlation between ACE exposure and asthma, highlighting the importance of a biopsychosocial approach for its management. Additionally, the clinical implications and necessary precautions when interpreting these findings are discussed.

Humans , Child , Asthma/psychology , Psychology, Child , Adverse Childhood Experiences
Rev. argent. cir ; 116(3): 229-232, ago. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575959


RESUMEN La hiperostosis cortical infantil (HIC) o enfermedad de Caffey es un trastorno óseo autolimitado que se caracteriza por fiebre, irritabilidad, inflamación de los tejidos blandos y engrosamiento cortical de uno o más huesos. Es más común en el primer semestre de vida. Se informa el caso de un lactante de 3 meses con las características clínico-radiográficas propias de la enfermedad y los hallazgos de laboratorio más comunes que permitieron un acertado diagnóstico y seguir una conducta adecuada. El cuadro agudo se mantuvo durante pocos días y se observó resolución total del edema en cuatro semanas. El reconocimiento de esta rara infección evitará adoptar métodos diagnósticos y terapéuticos invasivos para el paciente.

ABSTRACT Infantile cortical hyperostosis (ICH) or Caffey disease is a self-limiting bone disorder characterized by fever, irritability, soft tissue swelling and cortical bone thickening. It is more common in infants < 6 months of age. We report the case of a 3-month-old infant with the clinical and radiographic characteristics of the disease and the most common laboratory findings which enabled an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. The acute episode persisted for several days, followed by a complete resolution of the edema within four weeks. Identifying this rare infection will help avoid invasive diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(4): 360-366, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564754


Abstract Objective: To estimate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and severe deficiency in children and adolescents, in a large Brazilian sample. Methodology: Results of 413,988 25(OH)D measurements in children and adolescents aged 0 to 18 years collected between 01/2014 and 10/2018 were obtained from the database of a Clinical Laboratory. In this population, 25 hydroxyvitamin D concentrations below 20 ng/mL are considered deficient, and below 12 ng/mL as severe deficiency. All measurements were performed by immunoassay and the results were distributed by gender, age group, seasonality, and latitude. Results: The mean of 25(OH)D levels was 29.2 ng/mL with a standard deviation of 9.2 ng/mL. Of the total samples, 0.8% had a concentration < 12 ng/mL, and 12.5% of the samples had a concentration < 20 ng/mL, with a higher prevalence in females. Children under 2 years of age had the lowest prevalence. The effects of latitude and seasonality were quite evident. In samples of female adolescents from the southern region in winter, 36% of vitamin D deficiency and 5% of severe deficiency were found. Conclusion: In this large number of measurements of 25(OH)D in children and adolescents, 12.5% had a deficiency and 0.8% had severe deficiency. A greater deficiency was observed among adolescents, especially females, which raises questions about the need for supplementation during this period of life.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234236


Acute necrotising encephalopathy of childhood (ANEC) is an encephalopathy that presents with viral prodrome accompanied by episodes of seizures and rapid alteration of consciousness. Many patients had a previous history of febrile illness before neurological worsening. Though there is no definite genetic cause, few genes are involved in familial forms of the disease. Geographically this disease is seen in East Asian countries involving infantile and childhood age. Radiological evaluation classically shows lesions involving thalami, cerebellum, brainstem, and white matter. We hereby report 4 cases hospitalized at a tertiary health care hospital with classical presentation, hallmark radiographic, and hematological picture. All four patients presented with varied neurological involvement including altered consciousness, status dystonicus, trismus, and status epilepticus following an acute febrile illness. Radiological involvement is classical in all with damage to the thalami, cerebellum, brainstem, and white matter, though the neurological presentation, duration, and outcome of all varied. All these 4 patients were thoroughly investigated and out of them 3 were managed with IVIG and MPS, the rest one with an immunosuppressive state managed symptomatically in a conservative manner, and all four were discharged with varied neurological morbidities. All of them offered symptomatic medical management, and physiotherapy from experts. ANEC is an acute deteriorating neurological disorder with a prior history of febrile illness. Neurological illness has hallmark clinical presentation with classical symmetrical brain involvement including thalami, cerebellum, brainstem, and white matter. Though having a varied clinical spectrum, it has responded well to immunotherapy by anti-inflammatory agents including IVIG and MPS.

Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 24(2): 136-146, jul - dic 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1566774


El giro gradual que la Terapia Ocupacional ha tenido, desde posiciones teórico-metodológicas radicadas en las ciencias naturales hacia otras situadas en las ciencias sociales, ha propiciado diversos debates en la disciplina. Uno de los aspectos que se pone en cuestión, se refiere a las formas de comprender al otro, lo que a su vez deriva en métodos específicos de relación para generar conocimiento. Esto ha llevado a reconfigurar un marco epistémico, entendido como un conjunto interconectado de principios que subyacen a la investigación científica y a la propia práctica profesional. Tomando como inspiración una investigación etnográfica que tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, con cuatro clubes infantiles de fútbol, este texto presenta una reflexión acerca de las potencialidades de lo que aquí se denomina Terapia Ocupacional híbrida, como síntesis productiva entre su especificidad disciplinar y profesional y los aportes teóricos y metodológicos de la Antropología Social. Este ejercicio se torna en un llamado al encuentro de saberes que trascienda las fronteras académicas y disciplinares, produzca o alimente nuevos campos de actuación profesional o fortalezca los existentes.

The gradual shift in Occupational Therapy from theoretical-methodological positions rooted in the natural sciences to those situated in the social sciences has sparked various debates within the field. One of the aspects that is questioned refers to the ways of understanding others, which in turn leads to specific methods of relationship to generate knowledge. This has resulted in the reconfiguration of an epistemic framework, understood as an interconnected set of principles underlying scientific research and professional practice itself. Inspired by an ethnographic study conducted in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, with four junior football teams, this text presents a reflection on the potentialities of what is here referred to as hybrid Occupational Therapy, a productive synthesis between its disciplinary and professional specificity and the theoretical and methodological contributions of Social Anthropology. This exercise becomes a call for the convergence of knowledge that transcends academic and disciplinary boundaries, produces or nurtures new fields of professional action, or strengthens existing ones

A virada gradual na Terapia Ocupacional, das posições teórico-metodológicas radicadas nas ciências naturais para outras situadas nas ciências sociais, tem promovido diversos debates na disciplina. Um dos aspectos que é questionado refere-se às formas de compreender o outro, o que por sua vez resulta em métodos específicos de relação para produzir conhecimento. Isso levou a uma reconfiguração de um quadro epistêmico, entendido como um conjunto interconectado de princípios que fundamentam a pesquisa científica e a própria prática profissional. Inspirado por uma pesquisa etnográfica realizada na cidade de Mar del Plata, Argentina, com quatro clubes de futebol infantil, este texto apresenta uma reflexão sobre as potencialidades do que aqui se denomina Terapia Ocupacional híbrida, como síntese produtiva entre sua especificidade disciplinar e profissional, além das contribuições teóricas e metodológicas da Antropologia Social. Este exercício torna-se um chamado para a convergência de saberes que transcenda as fronteiras acadêmicas e disciplinares, produza ou alimente novos campos de atuação profissional ou fortaleça os já existentes

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;74(2): 97-106, jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1561533


Introducción: La malnutrición por exceso causa sobrepeso y obesidad, siendo un problema de salud pública, que se ha presentado en los primeros años de vida. Investigaciones realizadas han informado la existencia de insatisfacción corporal relacionada con el peso, debido a los estándares de belleza establecidos en la sociedad. Objetivo: asociar el índice de masa corporal con la insatisfacción corporal y percepción de la imagen corporal de los escolares. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal con 610 escolares. El estado nutricional se clasificó según el puntaje z del IMC. Para determinar la insatisfacción corporal y la percepción de la imagen corporal, se aplicó una escala de imagen corporal infantil de siete fotografías, con un valor del 1 al 7 de acuerdo con el tamaño creciente, y el rango final del IMC. Se calculó la diferencia entre la figura que los participantes consideraron ideal y la forma corporal percibida. Resultados: el 47,3% presentaron sobrepeso y obesidad. La insatisfacción corporal fue mayor en las niñas con sobrepeso y obesidad (p = 0,013). El IMC correlacionó con la insatisfacción corporal (rho(608) = 0,480; p < 0,001) y la percepción de la imagen corporal (rho(608) = 0,433; p < 0,001). Conclusiones: El IMC se relacionó positivamente con la insatisfacción corporal y la percepción de la imagen corporal; esto podría elevar el riesgo de presentar trastornos alimentarios, contribuir al mantenimiento del exceso de peso corporal, al no percibirse con exceso de peso, es menos probable que realicen acciones para controlarlo(AU)

Introduction: Excessive malnutrition causes overweight and obesity, being a public health problem, which has occurred in the first years of life. Research has reported the existence of body dissatisfaction related to weight, due to beauty standards established in society. Objective: to associate the BMI with body dissatisfaction and body image perception of schoolchildren. Materials and methods: cross-sectional study of 610 schoolchildren. Nutritional status was classified according to the BMI z score. To determine body dissatisfaction and body image perception, a child body image scale of seven photographs was applied, with a value of 1 to 7 according to the increasing size, and the final range of the BMI. The difference between the figure that participants considered ideal, and the perceived body shape was calculated. Results: 47.3% were overweight and obese. Body dissatisfaction was higher in overweight and obese girls (p = 0.013). BMI correlated with body dissatisfaction (rho(608) = 0.480; p < 0.001) and body image perception (rho(608) = 0.433; p < 0.001). Conclusions: BMI was positively related to body dissatisfaction and body image perception; this could increase the risk of developing eating disorders, contribute to the maintenance of excess body weight, as it is not perceived with excess weight, are less likely to take actions to control it(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Body Mass Index , Overweight , Pediatric Obesity
Investig. desar ; 32(1): 96-120, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575107


RESUMEN Este estudio tuvo como propósito establecer la forma en que la inteligencia emocional y los valores pueden ser aprovechados en la solución de conflictos y la construcción de escenarios de paz de niños y docentes del área rural, para lo cual se abordó el caso del municipio colombiano de Chitagá (Norte de Santander), en el que se presenta escaza atención institucional infantil y baja solución de conflictos en el ámbito escolar. Para ello se utilizó enfoque cualitativo basado en un diseño etnográfico, con un muestreo aleatorio de participantes para la aplicación de instrumentos. El procesamiento y análisis de la información se realizó con ayuda de una matriz de antecedentes y otra matriz de categorización axial. Como resultado se obtuvo el diseño de una propuesta pedagógica dirigida a la educación de la primera infancia en actitudes y valores para la construcción de paz en entidades educativas y de salud.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish how emotional intelligence and values can be used in conflict resolution and the construction of peace scenarios for children and teachers in rural áreas, for which the caseof the Colombian municipality of Chitagá (Norte de Santande)r, in which there is little institutional care for children and low resolution of conflicts in the school setting, was addressed. To this end, a qualitative approach based on an ethnographic design was used, with a random sampling of participants for the application of instruments. The information was processed and analysed using a background matrix and an axial categorization matrix. As a result, the design of a pedagogical proposal aimed at the education of early childhood in attitudes and values for peace-building in educational and health entities was obtained.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(3): 311-317, May-June 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558332


Abstract Objective: To assess the prevalence of chronic neutropenia (CN) and the clinical profile of patients with CN aged up to 18 years, followed in the pediatric hematology, rheumatology, or immunology outpatient clinic of a tertiary medical center from May 1, 2018, to 30 April 2019. Methods: Retrospective observational study carried out by collecting data from the patient's medical charts. CN was defined as absolute neutrophil count (ANC) below 1.5 × 109/L lasting over three months. Autoimmune neutropenia (AIN) was defined by clinical criteria and an over twofold increase in ANC after glucocorticoid stimulation. AIN was considered secondary when associated with autoimmune or immunoregulatory disorders. Wilcoxon and Fisher's exact tests were used to compare variables; the significance level was 5 %. Results: A total of 1,039 patients were evaluated; 217 (20 %) presented CN. Twenty-one (2 %) had AIN, classified as primary in 57 % of the cases. The average age at the onset of symptoms was 38.6 months. During follow-up, patients had 4.2 infections on average; frequency was higher among patients with secondary AIN (p = 003). Isolated neutropenia occurred in 43 % of the patients with AIN. Neutropenia resolved in eight (38 %) of the 21 patients with AIN within 19.6 months on average. Eight patients with secondary AIN met the criteria for Inborn Errors of Immunity. Conclusion: AIN prevalence was 2 %. Most cases were first evaluated by a pediatric immunologist or rheumatologist rather than a pediatric hematologist. This study highlights the need for a multidisciplinary approach involving a pediatric immunologist, rheumatologist, and hematologist.

MHSalud ; 21(1): 1-34, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558383


Resumen Objetivo: Explorar y discutir literatura científica teórica y práctica para comparar la diversificación y la especialización deportivas tempranas como un enfoque deportivo y educativo. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática siguiendo las pautas PRISMA, se incluyó un total de 61 estudios. Resultados: Entrenadores, padres e hijos consideran que la mejor forma de desarrollar el talento deportivo y alcanzar la élite en el deporte es participar en una sola disciplina y hacerlo lo antes posible para lograr la especialización y las máximas habilidades técnicas, físicas y psicológicas. Los caminos de especialización deportiva pueden conducir a una situación física, social y mental que comprometa su desarrollo integral. Conclusión: Se puede plantear, en primer lugar, la diversificación deportiva en edades tempranas y luego la especialización; una vez alcanzadas las bases de la fuerza, el acondicionamiento y el entrenamiento neuromuscular, así como una maduración psicomotora específica, para que su rendimiento deportivo y su salud no se vean comprometidos en el mediano o largo plazo. Es necesario considerar que pocos niños logran obtener un lugar en los deportes de élite, por lo que, para muchos de ellos, la educación en torno al deporte será la base para el ejercicio de su ciudadanía como personas activas.

Abstract Purpose: To explore and discuss theoretical and practical scientific literature to compare sports diversification and early sports specialization as a sport and educational approach. Methods: A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines, and 61 studies were included. Results: Coaches, parents, and children consider that the best way to develop sports talent and enter the elite in sports is to practice a single discipline as early as possible to achieve specialization and maximum technical skills and physical and psychological conditions. Sports specialization paths may lead to a physical, social, and mental state that compromises their integral development. Conclusion: Sports diversification should be considered first at an early age and, afterward, the specialization once the bases of strength, conditioning, neuromuscular training, and a specific psychomotor maturation have been achieved, so that sports performance and health are not compromised in the medium or long term. It is necessary to consider that few children enter elite sports, so for many of them, sports education will be the basis for exercising their citizenship as active people.

Resumo Objetivos: Explorar e discutir literatura científica teórica e prática para comparar a diversificação e especialização esportiva precoce como uma abordagem esportiva e educacional. Métodos: uma revisão sistemática foi realizada seguindo as diretrizes do PRISMA, um total de 61 estudos foram incluídos Resultados: Treinadores, pais e crianças acreditam que a melhor maneira de desenvolver talentos esportivos e ingressar na elite do esporte é participar de uma única disciplina e fazer o mais cedo possível para alcançar a especialização e o máximo de habilidades técnicas, físicas e psicológicas. Os caminhos da especialização esportiva podem levar a uma situação física, social e mental que comprometa seu desenvolvimento integral. Conclusão: Primeiro, a diversificação esportiva pode ser considerada em uma idade precoce e depois a especialização, uma vez que os princípios básicos de força, condicionamento e treinamento neuromuscular tenham sido alcançados, bem como a maturação psicomotora específica para que seu desempenho esportivo e saúde não sejam comprometidos a médio ou longo prazo. É necessário considerar que poucas crianças conseguem obter um lugar nos esportes de elite, de modo que, para muitas delas, a educação em torno do esporte será a base para o exercício de sua cidadania como pessoas ativas.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 27(1): 1-Jan.-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1573670


Abstract This study examines childhood experiences and the relationship with the family of origin as predictive variables for positive childbearing motivation (PCM). It was conducted through analyses using the method of Multigroup Structural Equation Modeling, which were conducted on a Peruvian sample (n = 1494, 72.2% females) and a Brazilian sample (n = 1507; 84.0% females). The results indicate that the variables caring of younger siblings and family adaptation are statistically significant predictors of PCM in both countries, while the variable number of siblings did not emerge as a predictor in either case. Family autonomy emerged as a predictor only in Brazil, and birth order only in Peru. Multigroup analysis shows that the difference in the effects of "family adaptation" and "family autonomy" on PCM is moderated by the country of origin. In summary, this study provides empirical evidence that family variables predict PCM and highlights the moderating effect of the country of origin in the analyzed samples.

Resumen En este estudio se analizan las experiencias de la infancia y la relación con la familia de origen como variables predictivas de la motivación para la parentalidad positiva (MPP). El estudio se llevó a cabo mediante análisis de Modelaje de Ecuaciones Estructurales Multigrupo como método, aplicándolo en una muestra peruana (n = 1494, 72.2% mujeres) y una brasileña (n = 1507; 84.0% mujeres). Los resultados evidencian que las variables cuidado de hermanos menores y adaptación familiar son predictores estadísticamente significativos de la MPP en ambos países, mientras que la variable número de hermanos no se presentó como predictor en ninguno de los casos. La autonomía familiar se mostró como un predictor solo en el caso de Brasil y el orden de nacimiento solo en Perú. El análisis multigrupo muestra que la diferencia en los efectos de la adaptación familiar y la autonomía familiar en la MPP está moderada por el país de origen. En resumen, este estudio proporciona evidencia empírica de que variables familiares predicen la MPP y destaca el efecto moderador del país de origen en las muestras analizadas.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228086


Background: Responsive interactions among caregivers and newborns are essential for positive and optimal growth and development. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to develop and validate a short responsive interaction tool (SRIS) to assess caregiver responsiveness of newly delivered mothers. Methods: The SRIS consists of twenty elements that are used to classify new-born handling, interactions, consoling techniques, engagement, and distress. High reliability and internal consistency were shown in the data gathered from 257 mothers (Cronbach's alpha=0.8354). The scale's one-dimensional structure was discovered through construct validity analysis, demonstrating the consistency of the scale's evaluation of response interactions. Results: The results indicate that the valid and reliable instrument for gauging the responsiveness of caregivers during their initial contact with neonates. It provides a useful and approachable method with possible uses in healthcare settings and research for evidence-based parenting interventions. Conclusions: To improve the tool's generalizability and usefulness in fostering early childhood development and parental engagement, further research is necessary to validate it across a variety of contexts.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227993


Background: Childhood trauma is a major threat to the welfare and prosperity of any society. Young adult population is vulnerable due to increasing adverse childhood experiences and the likelihood of serious implications in educational performance and mental health. This survey was aimed to observe the proportion of various types of childhood traumas and their association with different socio-demographic characteristics among young university students of Karachi, Pakistan. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 300 young university students, during August-December 2023. Initially, cluster sampling was done deemed to the epidemiological survey. Afterwards, from the selected clusters, students from different universities were approached using non-probability convenient sampling technique. Self-reported data were collected through a questionnaire comprising of socio-demographic characteristics along with the types of traumas experienced during their childhood. SPSS Version 26.0 was used to analyse data. Results: Of the 300 university students with a mean age of 22.14±2 years, 55.3% were females. Overall, 63.6% of the participants experienced trauma before 18 years age. The most common trauma types reported were physical/verbal abuse (81%), unlawful touch/sexual abuse (45%), parents separated/divorced (31%) abandoned by parents (20%), lived with an alcoholic/drug addict (18%) or with a mentally ill adult (14%). There were no statistically significant findings between childhood trauma experience and socio-demographic traits. Conclusions: Various profiles of childhood trauma were found prevalent in young university level individuals. Current research does suggest a way forward to prevent this public health issue that can have detrimental consequences on an individual’s mental and physical health and stress reactivity.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234047


Background: Childhood diarrhoea mainly caused by Group A Rotavirus, is a major global health issue, especially for children under five. In India, RVA-induced diarrhoea causes numerous deaths, hospitalizations, and outpatient visits annually. Vaccination is crucial in preventing RVA, with WHO-approved oral vaccines significantly reducing global mortality and morbidity. However, challenges persist in implementing vaccines in regions like sub-Saharan Africa due to factors like malnutrition and unsanitary conditions. Despite this, since 2009, low-income countries have seen a decline in RVA-related illness. Methods: Over 18 months, from January 2021 to June 2022, a study at the Post Grad Dept. of Microbiology, Index Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre in Indore, MP, involved 250 children under five with acute gastroenteritis. Ethical clearance and parental consent were obtained. Data included demographic, antenatal, diarrhoea l symptoms, feeding, hygiene, physical exams, and stool analysis. Results: 250 children under five were screened for Rotavirus. 60 tested positive, mostly in 6–12-month-olds during cooler months in urban areas. 80% were from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Exclusive breastfeeding linked to lower incidence. Vomiting and severe dehydration more frequent in positive cases. ELISA and ICG methods equally effective. Conclusions: Childhood diarrhoea, primarily caused by Rotavirus, remains a leading cause of under-five deaths, totalling 600,000 annually. Among 250 children studied, 60 tested positive for Rotavirus, especially among males aged 7-12 months, with infections peaking in cooler months. Both ELISA and ICG were equally effective in detection. Treatment primarily involves oral rehydration with low osmolarity ORS. Predominant strains were G1 P (8) and G2 P (4). Global endorsement of rotavirus vaccines like Rotarix and Rotateq, with Rotavac showing promise in India, signals progress in fighting rotavirus, potentially improving public health via inclusion in state immunization programs.

Cuestiones infanc ; 25(1): 23-30, May. 10, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562129


En este escrito los autores puntualizan la diferencia entre los conceptos de síntoma y trastorno en la infancia. A los fines diagnósticos establecer esta diferenciación permite pensar estrategias de intervención adecuadas a las características metapsicológicas de estos modos de presentación de sufrimiento en la infancia AU

In this writing the authors point out the difference between the concepts of symptom and disorder in childhood.For diagnostic purposes, establishing this differentiation allows us to think about intervention strategies appropriate to the metapsychological characteristics of these modes of presentation of suffering in childhood AU

Dans cet écrit, les auteurs soulignent la différence entre les concepts de symptôme et de trouble dans l'enfance.À des fins diagnostiques, établir cette différenciation permet de réfléchir à des stratégies d'intervention adaptées aux caractéristiques métapsychologiques de ces modes de présentation de la souffrance dans l'enfance AU

Neste escrito os autores apontam a diferença entre os conceitos de sintoma e transtorno na infância.Para fins diagnósticos, estabelecer essa diferenciação permite pensar estratégias de intervenção adequadas às características metapsicológicas desses modos de apresentação do sofrimento na infancia AU

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Psychotherapy/methods , Signs and Symptoms , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Parent-Child Relations
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(supl.1): 65-71, mayo 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558486


Resumen Introducción : La población de niños que comienzan con lentitud el desarrollo del lenguaje varía amplia mente, tanto en su perfil inicial como en la respuesta a la intervención. En este sentido, existe un grupo de niños, denominados hablantes tardíos, que continúan mostrando dificultades persistentes en el lenguaje. Al gunos de estos niños muestran signos compatibles con la dispraxia verbal, y que se ponen de manifiesto a lo largo de la intervención. Método : En este trabajo presentamos la diferente respuesta a la intervención de dos perfiles de hablante tardío. Concretamente, se aplicó el programa Target Word©, del centro Hanen, que conjuga la técnica de la estimulación focalizada con la orientación a padres so bre estrategias que promueven el desarrollo del lenguaje. Resultados : Gran parte de la sintomatología mostrada en uno de los dos casos, que experimentó un progreso pobre, coincide con las descripciones retrospectivas de niños posteriormente diagnosticados con dispraxia y pueden considerarse indicadores tempranos del trastor no: ininteligibilidad, inventario consonántico reducido o dificultades en la repetición de palabras. Discusión : La diferente respuesta a la intervención contribuye a la toma de decisiones diagnósticas y a la aplicación temprana de estrategias específicas para la mejora de las habilidades de aprendizaje del habla me diante la incorporación de los principios del aprendizaje motor. Los escasos estudios de intervención en casos de sospecha de dispraxia verbal en la infancia temprana ofrecen resultados prometedores en diversos indicadores de evaluación del habla, y proporcionan a los profesio nales una información valiosa en la que fundamentar la intervención en esta población.

Abstract Introduction : The population of children with slow emergence of language development varies widely, both in their initial profile and in their response to interven tion. In this sense, there is a group of late talkers who continue to show persistent language difficulties, in some cases exhibiting signs compatible with verbal dyspraxia. Method : In this paper we present the different response to intervention of two profiles of late talk ers. Specifically, the Target Word© program (Hanen Centre) was implemented, which is addressed to late-talking children and their families. It combines the technique of focused stimulation with guidance to parents on strategies that stimulate global language development. Results : Much of the symptomatology shown in one case of poor progress coincides with retrospective de scriptions of children subsequently diagnosed with dyspraxia and can be considered early indicators of the disorder: unintelligibility, reduced consonant inventory or difficulties in word repetition. Discussion : The different response to intervention contributes to diagnostic decision making and the early implementation of specific strategies directed to improve speech learning skills by incorporating motor learning principles. The few studies of intervention in suspected verbal dyspraxia in early childhood offer promising re sults on a variety of speech assessment indicators, and provide practitioners with valuable information with which to support the intervention in this population.

Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 112(1): 1120432, ene.-abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566056


Objetivo: La enfermedad de Caffey o hiperostosis cor- tical infantil es una enfermedad rara que afecta uno o más huesos en los primeros meses de vida y debido a su baja inci- dencia está subdiagnosticada, y por tanto se aplican procedi- mientos invasivos innecesarios en su estudio y tratamiento. Se presenta un caso clínico atípico de enfermedad de Caffey en una paciente mayor de 1 año de edad y su resolución. Caso clínico: El servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial Pediátrico Eduardo Agramonte Piña de Camagüey, Cuba, atiende a una niña de 1 año y 10 meses que se encontraba hospitalizada por presentar una inflamación alarmante en la región facial y cervical precedida de un cua- dro febril y dificultad para alimentarse. Se indicaron los estu- dios apropiados, cuyos resultados, junto a las características clínicas, permitieron diagnosticar la enfermedad de Caffey. Aunque sea una enfermedad rara, es importante estudiarla para realizar un correcto análisis de cada caso y diferenciarla de otras enfermedades que requieren de conductas terapéuti- cas agresivas (AU)

Aim: Caffey's disease or infantile cortical hyperostosis is a rare disease that affects one or more bones in the first months of life and due to its low incidence, it is underdiag- nosed, and therefore unnecessary invasive procedures are applied in its study and treatment. An atypical clinical case of Caffey's disease in a patient older than 1 year and its reso- lution is presented. Case report: The Maxillofacial Surgery service of the Eduardo Agramonte Piña Provincial Pediatric Hospital in Camagüey, Cuba, takes the case of a 1 year and 10-month-old female patient who was hospitalized for an alarming inflam- mation in the facial and cervical region, preceded by a fever and difficulty to eat. The appropriate studies were indicated, which results, together with the clinical characteristics, al- lowed the diagnosis of Caffey's disease. Although it is a rare entity, it is important to study it to carry out a correct analysis of each case and differentiate it from other diseases that re- quire aggressive therapeutic behaviors (AU)

Humans , Male , Infant , Hyperostosis, Cortical, Congenital/etiology , Dental Care for Children/methods , Signs and Symptoms , Clinical Diagnosis , Cuba , Dental Service, Hospital/methods
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 22(1): 234-262, ene.-abr. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576459


Resumen (analítico) Las creencias y actitudes infantiles hacia la pandemia covid-19 han sido estudiadas principalmente en el periodo sociosanitario más crítico y desde una mirada adultocentrista. Para abordar esta problemática, se realizó un estudio fenomenológico que empleó análisis de contenido y temático de dibujos de 16 participantes de 7 a 8 años, con el fin de describir las representaciones sociales infantiles de la pandemia. Los resultados destacaron emociones de miedo, tristeza y aburrimiento, asociadas a la sensación de soledad. También se identificó la casa como un espacio seguro ante la amenaza del entorno, ausencia de interacción con otros, sensación de estar atrapado y descontrol conductual. A dos años de iniciada la pandemia, estos hallazgos sugieren la necesidad de implementar planes de acción para el bienestar infantil, basados en los derechos de infancia.

Abstract (analytical) Children's beliefs and attitudes towards the Covid-19 pandemic have been studied mainly in the most critical socio-sanitary period and from an adultcentric perspective. To address this problem, a phenomenological study was carried out that used content and thematic analysis of drawings of 16 participants from 7 to 8 years of age, to describe children's social representations of the pandemic. The results highlighted emotions of fear, sadness and boredom, associated with the feeling of loneliness. The house was also identified as a safe space in the face of environmental threats, lack of interaction with others, a feeling of being trapped, and lack of behavioral control. Two years after the start of the pandemic, these findings suggest the need to implement action plans for child welfare based on children's rights.

Resumo (analítico) As crenças e atitudes das crianças em relação à pandemia da Covid-19 têm sido estudadas principalmente no período mais crítico da emergência de saúde e sob uma perspectiva centrada no adulto. Para abordar essa problemática, foi realizado um estudo fenomenológico que utilizou análise temática e de conteúdo na revisão dos desenhos de 16 participantes com idades entre 7 e 8 anos, a fim de descrever as representações sociais das crianças sobre a pandemia. Os resultados destacaram emoções de medo, tristeza e tédio, associadas a sentimentos de solidão. A casa também foi identificada como um espaço de segurança diante da ameaça do entorno, falta de interação com outras pessoas, sensação de estar preso e falta de controle comportamental. Dois anos após o início da pandemia, essas descobertas sugerem a necessidade de implementar planos de ação de bem-estar infantil com foco nos direitos das crianças.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(2): 132-142, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558304


Abstract Objective: to carry out a scoping review with the purpose of mapping the scientific evidence on the use of the neutropenic diet in neutropenic pediatric cancer patients. Source of data: The scoping review protocol was prepared in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR and the checklist before the literature search was performed. Articles on nutritional management in adults or on the treatment of other diseases, and articles that were not in Portuguese or English and published before the year 2000, were excluded. Data were extracted based on the Cochrane Consumer and Communication Review Group form. Summary of the findings: Three hundred and forty scientific articles were identified, with the final sample of this review consisting of nine studies. Although the neutropenic diet has been part of the nutritional management of pediatric cancer patients for more than 20 years, there is still great variation in the criteria for indicating use and starting and discontinuing it, as well as in the nutritional composition of the diet. Furthermore, there is no consensus on the impact of using a neutropenic diet on different clinical and nutritional outcomes. Conclusion: In the absence of guidelines that standardize the use of a neutropenic diet in pediatric patients with neutropenia, there are heterogeneous approaches reported in the literature, even within the same institution. The available literature presents an absence of evidence on the use, viability, and effectiveness of the neutropenic diet in oncological children with neutropenia. More studies are needed to identify the real impact of the neutropenic diet on clinical and nutritional outcomes.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(supl.1): S82-S87, Mar.-Apr. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558338


Abstract Objective To investigate the relationship between the biopsychosocial environment and eating habits and behaviors that lead to the selection and consumption of certain food from the earliest stages of life. To clarify whether there is an interaction between genetic and epigenetic factors, and how they shape eating habits. Data source A narrative review based on research in PubMed and Web of Science electronic databases was carried out over the last 10 years, searching the title and summary fields using the keywords Children OR adolescents Feeding Behavior eating OR Dietary Habits OR Eating Behavior OR Eating Habits OR Children obesity. Data synthesis The generational transmission of eating habits is related to the home, community, and school environments, mainly during the first years of life, and can exert the modulation of habits during all stages of life. During childhood, the family's role in consolidating eating habits is very broad and ranges from choosing foods to prioritizing family meals, including the lifestyle. Conclusions Eating habits are transmitted from parents to children in different ways: environmental, emotional, social, and educational. In cases of obesity, a greater association of genetic influence can be observed.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(supl.1): S57-S64, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558339


Abstract Objective To carry out a narrative review on the use of marketing strategies in child nutrition, as well as potential implications for health professionals and children. Data source Searches were carried out on the PubMed, SciELO, and Google platforms, using the terms "child nutrition" or "industrialized baby food" or "infant formula" or "breast milk" or "breastfeeding" and "marketing", with original articles, review articles, institutional reports, institutional position documents and websites considered relevant to the topic being analyzed. Data synthesis Children's food marketing started with the industrialization of food and the resulting actions aimed at increasing sales and meeting commercial interests. Since its inception to the present, infant formulas have been the most widely used products, which has impacted breastfeeding practices. International and national institutions, that care for children's health, are searching for strategies to limit the abusive marketing of industrialized children's foods. Marketing strategies interfere with medical knowledge and actions, potentially influencing the guidance provided by pediatricians to families, and finally, compromising healthy eating practices at a critical period in life, with possible long-term effects. Conclusions Health professionals, especially pediatricians, must provide the best care for children and families, and need to maintain the search for quality scientific information, not influenced by conflicts of interest. Updated and critical knowledge on the part of healthcare professionals can curb marketing strategies that aim to influence their actions.