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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575858


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the correlation between religiosity and alcohol use among adolescents with orofacial clefts. Methods: Cross-sectional study, developed in a Brazilian public and tertiary hospital, between December 2021 and March 2022. Data collection was hybrid, and three instruments were used: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Durel Religiosity Scale, and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. For statistical analysis, the following tests were used: χ2, Fisher's Exact, Mann-Whitney and Spearman's Correlation Coefficient, in addition to analyses of linear correlation strength and bivariate logistic regression. The significance level adopted for all tests was 5% (p≤0.05). Results: 370 adolescents participated, with a mean age of 15.2 years (±1.8). Among them, 23 (5.4%) used alcohol riskly or harmfully, being more frequent among male adolescents (p=0.001), those of mixed race (p=0.046), attending high school (p=0.011), with no religion (p<0.001), or who did not attend religious services (p<0.001). Levels of organizational, non-organizational and intrinsic religiosity were significantly lower among adolescents with risky or harmful alcohol use (p=0.005; p<0.001 and p=0.002, respectively). There was a moderate correlation between risky or harmful alcohol use and non-organizational (r=0.31; p=0.002) and intrinsic (r=0.36; p<0.001) religiosity. Male adolescents (p<0.001; OR=6.58), closest in age to 18 years (p<0.001; OR=1.37), and non-practitioners of religion (p<0.001; OR=6. 48) presented higher odds of risky or harmful alcohol use. Conclusions: Adolescents with higher levels of organizational and intrinsic religiosity used less alcohol, while males, closest in age to 18 years, and non-practitioners of religion presented higher odds of using alcohol riskly or harmfully.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a correlação entre a religiosidade e o uso de álcool em adolescentes com fissura orofacial. Métodos: Estudo transversal, desenvolvido em um hospital público e terciário brasileiro entre dezembro de 2021 e março de 2022. A coleta de dados foi híbrida, e foram utilizados três instrumentos: Questionário Sociodemográfico, Escala de Religiosidade de Durel e o Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Para a análise estatística foram empregados os testes: qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher, Mann-Whitney e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, além das análises de forças de correlação linear e de regressão logística bivariada. O nível de significância adotado para todos os testes foi de 5% (p≤0,05). Resultados: Participaram 370 adolescentes, com média de idade de 15,2 anos (±1,8). Entre eles, 23 (5,4%) usavam o álcool de forma arriscada ou prejudicial. A religiosidade organizacional, não organizacional e a intrínseca foram significativamente menos frequentes entre adolescentes que utilizavam o álcool de forma arriscada ou prejudicial (p=0,005; p<0,001 e p=0,002, respectivamente). Evidenciou-se correlação moderada entre o uso arriscado ou prejudicial do álcool e a religiosidade não organizacional (r=0,31; p=0,002) e a intrínseca (r=0,36; p<0,001). Apresentaram maiores chances de usar o álcool adolescentes do sexo masculino (p<0,001; odds ratio — OR=6,58), com idade mais próxima aos 18 anos (p<0,001; OR=1,37) e que não praticavam a religião (p<0,001; OR=6,48). Conclusões: Adolescentes com maiores níveis de religiosidade organizacional e intrínseca utilizaram menos frequentemente álcool de forma arriscada ou prejudicial, enquanto ser homem, possuir idade mais próxima aos 18 anos e não praticar a religião aumentou a chance de utilizar álcool.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234235


Cleft lip (CL) with or without cleft palate is a common condition in newborns, leading to significant anatomical defects and psychosocial problems. Surgical correction is crucial for improving aesthetic appearance and psychological well-being. Medical records of patients with cleft lip and palate were reviewed at a public hospital in Mexico City from March 2022 to April 2024. Preoperative and postoperative photographs were analyzed to assess aesthetic outcomes. Nine patients (5 males, 4 females) with unilateral cleft lip underwent definitive rhinoplasty, with a mean age of 17 years. Three approaches were identified: without prior secondary cheiloplasty (2 patients), with simultaneous cheiloplasty (1 patient), and following previous secondary cheiloplasty (6 patients). Costal cartilage grafts were used in 5 patients for structural support. Our study underscores the importance of combining lip and nasal corrections to enhance facial harmony. Personalized surgical plans based on the specific sequelae of primary cheiloplasty are essential for optimal results in cleft lip nasal deformity management.

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 24(1): 25-31, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566404


Introdução: A fenda labial e a fissura palatina, apresentam elevada prevalência na população brasileira, sendo necessária uma formação acadêmica de cirurgiões que gere saberes que transformem a realidade. Diante do exposto, o presente manuscrito objetivou descrever o desenvolvimento, a aplicação e a avaliação de uma sequência didática sobre fissuras labiais, palatinas e labiopalatais com enfoque em aprendizagem significativa em que houve a associação de duas metodologias ativas, a construção de modelos didáticos e a sala de aula invertida. Metodologia: A sequência didática foi realizada na educação superior, com equipes de discentes de Odontologia, seguindo três etapas: planejamento; confecção do modelo didático semiplano de fissuras labiais, palatinas e labiopalatais; apresentação em roda de conversa. O desempenho dos acadêmicos foi avaliado em cada etapa. Resultados: Inicialmente, os discentes possuíam pouco conhecimento sobre o tema. Os modelos didáticos foram construídos com facilidade e durante a roda de conversa foram utilizados os modelos didáticos e compartilhados os conhecimentos sobre Embriologia, Teratologia, aspectos clínicos e tratamento odontológico para cada fenda representada, evidenciando a eficácia do método. Conclusões: As metodologias ativas adotadas utilizadas no processo de planejamento, confecção e debate sobre fissuras labiais, palatinas e labiopalatais foram ferramentas valiosas no processo ensino-aprendizagem na educação em Odontologia... (AU)

Introduction: Cleft lip and cleft palate showed prevalence in the Brazilian population, being an academic training of surgeries that generates knowledge that transforms reality. Given the above, this manuscript aimed to describe the development, application and evaluation of a didactic sequence on cleft lip, palate and lip and palate with a focus on meaningful learning with the association of two active methodologies, the construction of didactic models and the inverted classroom. Methodology: The didactic sequence was carried out in Higher Education with teams of Dentistry students following three stages: planning; making the semiplane didactic model of cleft lip, palate and lip and palate; presentation in conversation circle. Academic performance was assessed at each stage. Results: Initially, the students had little knowledge on the topic. Didactic models were easily built. During the conversation, didactic models were used and knowledge about Embryology, Teratology, clinical aspects and dental treatment was shared for each gap represented, showing the effectiveness of the method. Conclusions: The active methodologies adopted used in the process of planning, making and debating cleft lip, palate and lip and palate were valuable tools in the teaching-learning process in Dentistry Education... (AU)

Introducción: Labio leporino y paladar hendido, presentan elevada prevalencia en la población brasileña, es necesária una formación académica de los cirujanos para generar conocimientos que transformen la realidad, dado lo anterior, este manuscrito tuvo como objetivo describir el desarrollo, la aplicación y la evaluación de una secuencia didáctica sobre el lábio leporino, fisura palatina y paladar hendido con un enfoque de aprendizaje significativo en el que hubo la asociación de dos metodologias activas, la construcción de modelos didácticos y el aula invertida. Metodología: La secuencia didáctica se realizo en la enseñanza superior, con equipos de estudiantes de odontologia, siguiendo tres etapas: Planificación; realización de um modelo didáctico semiplano de lábio leporino y paladar hendido; presentación del circulo de conversación. Se evaluo el desempeño de los académicos en cada etapa. Resultados: Inicialmente, los estudiantes tenían poco conocimiento sobre el tema. Los modelos didácticos se construyeron facilmente y durante la conversación se utilizaron los modelos didácticos y se compartieron sobre Embriologia, Teratología, aspectos clínicos y tratamiento odontológico de cada fisura representada, evidenciando la efectividad del método. Conclusiones: Las metodologias activas adoptadas y utilizadas en el proceso de planificación, realización y debate sobre lábio leporino, paladar hendido y fisura palatina fueron herramientas valiosas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la formación odontológica... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Palate/surgery , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Lip/abnormalities
Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(2): e26726, abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566568


Objetivo: comprender las percepciones sobre calidad de vida (CV) y sus factores condicionantes en personas con Labio Fisurado y Paladar Hendido No Sindrómico (LPHNs), desde la experiencia de las personas con esta condición, y desde sus familias y equipo de salud. Métodos: estudio cualitativo con perspectiva fenomenológica. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a seis individuos que cumplían los criterios de participación (4 mujeres) y seis familiares (esposos, hermanos, padre/madre) mediante un guion estructurado. Esta información se complementó con una entrevista a un ortodoncista con experiencia en atención a estos individuos y un grupo focal con laparticipación de profesionales de la salud. Se realizó análisis de contenido cualitativo y estrategias de reducción fenomenológica desde los discursos experienciales de la población participante. Se contó con aprobación ética e institucional. Resultados: se encontraron cuatro categorías principales desde la experiencia de las personas con LPHNs que involucran diferentes perspectivas de los participantes del estudio: 1) concepto de CV y sus factores condicionantes, 2) experiencia de vida con la condición de LPHNs; 3) experiencia durante el tratamiento integral para la condición de LPHNs; y 4) expectativas generales. Todas estas categorías reflejan la historia de vida, los elementos individuales y sociales, y las dificultades propias de su condición. Conclusiones: existen factores individuales, sociales y contextuales que inciden en la CV de los pacientes con LPHNs. Esto implica un abordaje intersectorial y multidisciplinario que permita la generación de políticas en salud y estrategias de tratamiento acordes a las necesidades individuales y colectivas de estas personas.

Objective: Understand the perceptions and experiences about quality of life (QOL) and their conditionants in people with Non-syndromic Cleft Lip and Palate (NSCLP), from the experience of people living with this condition, and from their families and health personnel. Methods: A qualitative study with phenomenological perspective was conducted. Six individuals and relatives (partner, siblings, parents) were interviewed. This information was complemented by an interview with an orthodontist who works with people with NSCLP and a Focus Group with the participation of health personnel working in a Specialized Foundation focused on these individuals. Qualitative content analysis and phenomenological reduction strategies were carried out to address the main themes extracted from the discourses of the participating population. Ethical and institutional approval was obtained. Results: Four main categories of the experience of people with NSCLP were found that involve the different perspectives of the study participants: 1) concept of QOL and its conditioning factors, 2) life experience with the condition of NSCLP; 3) experience during comprehensive treatment for NSCLP condition; and 4) general expectations. All these categories reflect the life history, the individual and social elements, and the difficulties inherent to their condition. Conclusions: there are individual, social, and contextual factors that affect the QOL of people living with NSCLP. This situation implies an intersectoral and multidisciplinary approach that allows the generation of health policies and treatment strategies according to the individual and collective people's needs.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-6, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556475


Introdução: A fissura labiopalatina é a deformidade congênita mais comum, com uma incidência de 1,53/1000 nascidos vivos e o tratamento predominantemente realizado no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Em 1999, o Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) implantou a lacuna para preenchimento referente a deformidade congênita. Trabalhos vêm demostrando a subnotificação importante da fissura no SINASC. Método: Foi levantado o número de crianças nascidas por ano no Brasil entre 2012 e 2018 nas respectivas regiões, projetando o número de fissurados nascidos por ano usando a proporção 1,53/1000 nascidos vivos. A partir destes dados, observado o número de fissurados notificados no sistema SUS e comparado com a projeção feita observando uma estimativa de notificação por região. Verificada também a evolução dos gastos governamentais por região com cirurgia de fissura labiopalatina no período de 2012 a 2018. Resultados: Houve uma notificação de 54,1% a 36,7% das crianças nascidas com fissura, sendo a Região Sudeste com melhor índice e o Nordeste com o índice mais baixo de notificação. Os gastos federais em cirurgia de fissura labiopalatina diminuíram entre 2012 e 2018, frente ao número de nascimentos com fissuras, que se manteve estável neste período. Conclusão: Apesar do SINASC ser uma ferramenta importante, as subnotificações expressivas desta afecção impactam nas políticas públicas, pois utilizam dados inconsistentes com a realidade. Outra preocupação é a diminuição dos gastos federais com cirurgias de fissurados, o que demostra que mais crianças estão deixando de receber tratamento adequado.

Introduction: Cleft lip and palate is the most common congenital deformity, with an incidence of 1.53/1000 live births, and treatment is predominantly carried out in the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS). In 1999, the Live Birth Information System (Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos SINASC) implemented the gap to be filled in regarding congenital deformities. Studies have demonstrated the significant underreporting of the fissure in SINASC. Method: The number of children born per year in Brazil between 2012 and 2018 was surveyed in the respective regions, projecting the number of cleft children born per year using the proportion 1.53/1000 live births. From these data, the number of cleft patients notified in the SUS system was observed and compared with the projection made by observing an estimate of notification by region. The evolution of government spending by region on cleft lip and palate surgery in the period from 2012 to 2018 was also verified. Results: There was a notification of 54.1% to 36.7% of children born with cleft, with the Southeast Region having the best rate and the Northeast with the lowest notification rate. Federal spending on cleft lip and palate surgery decreased between 2012 and 2018, compared to the number of births with clefts, which remained stable during this period. Conclusion: Although SINASC is an important tool, the significant underreporting of this condition impacts public policies, as it uses data inconsistent with reality. Another concern is the decrease in federal spending on cleft surgery, which shows that more children are failing to receive adequate treatment.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-4, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556496


Introdução: A fissura labiopalatina é a malformação congênita craniofacial mais comum. Dificuldades na alimentação, fala e audição são comuns nestes pacientes, necessitando de tratamento multidisciplinar, o que dificulta a criação e manutenção de serviços especializados. A diversidade de classificações e o grande número de técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas nas cirurgias primárias (queiloplastia e palatoplastia) dificultam a comparação de dados epidemiológicos e de complicações entre os serviços, existindo carência de estudos avaliando centros especializados em fissuras labiopalatinas recém-criados. Método: Foi realizado estudo do tipo coorte prospectiva com pacientes com diagnóstico de fissura labiopalatina submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos primários, no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, entre julho de 2017 e fevereiro de 2023. Foram incluídos pacientes menores de 18 anos com acompanhamento pós-operatório de pelo menos 3 meses. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 79 pacientes, que foram submetidos a 115 cirurgias primárias (54 queiloplastias e 61 palatoplastias). Foram relatadas 11 complicações neste período: 2 deiscências em queiloplastia (3,70%), 1 cicatriz hipertrófica em queiloplastia (1,85%), 6 fístulas em palatoplastia (9,83%) e 2 deiscências em palatoplastia (3,28%). A incidência de complicações foi de 9,56% quando analisado o total de cirurgias, sendo 5,55% nos pacientes submetidos a queiloplastia e 13,11% nos pacientes submetidos a palatoplastia. Conclusão: A incidência de complicações durante os anos iniciais de estruturação do serviço foi semelhante a outros estudos da literatura.

Introduction: Cleft lip and palate is the most common congenital craniofacial malformation. Difficulties in eating, speaking, and hearing are common in these patients, requiring multidisciplinary treatment, which makes it difficult to create and maintain specialized services. The diversity of classifications and the large number of surgical techniques used in primary surgeries (cheiloplasty and palatoplasty) make it difficult to compare epidemiological data and complications between services, and there is a lack of studies evaluating newly created specialized centers for cleft lip and palate. Method: A prospective cohort study was carried out with patients diagnosed with cleft lip and palate who underwent primary surgical procedures at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, between July 2017 and February 2023. Patients under 18 years of age with follow-up were included. post-operative period of at least 3 months. Results: 79 patients participated in the study, who underwent 115 primary surgeries (54 cheiloplasties and 61 palatoplasties). 11 complications were reported in this period: 2 dehiscences in cheiloplasty (3.70%), 1 hypertrophic scar in cheiloplasty (1.85%), 6 fistulas in palatoplasty (9.83%) and 2 dehiscences in palatoplasty (3.28%). The incidence of complications was 9.56% when analyzing the total number of surgeries, being 5.55% in patients undergoing cheiloplasty and 13.11% in patients undergoing palatoplasty. Conclusion: The incidence of complications during the initial years of structuring the service was similar to other studies in the literature.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564640


Las fisuras labio-máxilo-palatinas (FLMP) son malformaciones congénitas que requieren de un manejo quirúrgico complejo para devolver un correcto funcionamiento del sistema estomatognático. Sin embargo, aún no existe un consenso sobre qué modalidad quirúrgica representa los mejores resultados y sus efectos a largo plazo en el desarrollo esqueletal y funcional de los individuos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir mediante la información científica disponible; el efecto de los diferentes protocolos quirúrgicos para el cierre de la FLMP sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo esqueletal de los pacientes. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en bases de datos Pubmed, Cochrane y Epistemonikos, contemplando estudios desde el año 2013 hasta la actualidad. Se obtuvieron un total de 999 estudios encontrados. Una vez aplicados los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se seleccionaron 13 estudios. El tratamiento quirúrgico de las FLMP consiste en procedimientos complejos que implican alteraciones en el desarrollo esqueletal de los individuos intervenidos a largo plazo. Las discrepancias en el desarrollo esqueletal de los pacientes empiezan a detectarse durante la dentición mixta. Es recomendable extender el seguimiento hasta la etapa de la pubertad y adultez, ya que podría demostrar diferencias significativas entre las diferentes cronologías quirúrgicas empleadas.

Cleft Lip and Palate (CLP) belong to a group of congenital anomalies that require complex surgical management, in order to restore the normal function of the stomatognathic system. However, there is no consensus that determines which surgical technique is better according to its outcomes and long- term effects on the skeletal and functional development of treated individuals. The objectives of this study are To describe, using the available scientific information, the effect of the different surgical protocols regarding CLP closure, on the skeletal and functional development patients undergoing surgery. A research of the available information was made in three different databases: PubMed, Cochrane and Epistemonikos. This research included articles released since the year 2013 onwards. A total of 999 studies were found. Once exclusion and inclusion criteria were applied, 13 studies were selected. Surgical treatment of CLP consists of complex procedures which imply long-term skeletal alterations in undergoing patients. These skeletal discrepancies are first detected during the mixed dentition phase. It is recommended to extend patient follow-up up until puberty and adulthood, as it might demonstrate significant differences among the different surgical approaches.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234091


Hay-Wells syndrome is a rare genetic disorder caused by a heterozygous mutation in the TP63 gene that affects the development of ectodermal derivatives. While the exact prevalence of hearing loss in this condition is not well established, it has been suggested that approximately 50% of patients may present with varying degrees of hearing impairment. Here we present a case of a 6-year-old female patient diagnosed with Hay-Wells syndrome since birth who has been developing hearing loss predominantly on the right side for the past year. Considering the embryological origin of the external ear, an associated abnormality with the syndrome cannot be disregarded. Early recognition and diagnosis of this syndrome are crucial for appropriate management and potential interventions for hearing loss. Utilizing imaging methods can aid in demonstrating the characteristic alterations of the syndrome, which is important given its low incidence in the general population. This case report emphasizes the significance of prompt diagnosis, which is critical for implementing genetic counseling and effective disease prevention measures. We should be well-versed in the characteristic imaging findings that aid in early identification and genetic diagnosis of the disorder.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 150-159, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563428


Background: The normal nasolabial structure of infants and chil-dren from East Asian, specifically Indonesian, descent groups has been less explored in the literature. This anthropometric study is used as a guide in lip repair in patients with clefts. This retrospective study used archived CT images from the Indonesian population. Materials and Methods: Computed tomography records of children under 5 years of age were extracted from a provincial hospital. The images were then filtered based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria and then the 2D slices were reconstructed using the open source software Invesalius. Twenty-five variable nasolabial parameters of the nasolabial structure were then measured in the 3D rendering mode. Images with craniofacial dysmorphism or cannulas that passed over the nasolabial structure were excluded. Results were summarized using descriptive statistics. Results: Fourteen of 128 CT images were included in this study. The samples were divided into two age groups: 0-12 months and 25-54 months. There were moderate to strong, positive correlations between age and all nasolabial variables, which were statistically significant (p<0.05) except for nasal length, nares circumference, columella width, superior philtrum width, philtrum column height, and cutaneous upper lip height. Conclusions: This study described anthropometric measurements of normal nasolabial structures as a reference point for lip correction surgery. However, to obtain more accurate anthropometric guidelines, further studies with larger sample sizes are desirable. Although surgical repair of the lip is usually performed within the first year of life, some cases of surgery are performed after infancy.

Antecedentes: La estructura nasolabial normal de bebés y niños de grupos de ascendencia de Asia oriental, específicamente de Indonesia, ha sido menos explorada en la literatura. Este estudio antropométrico se utiliza como guía en la reparación del labio en pacientes con fisuras. Este estudio retrospectivo utilizó imágenes de tomografía computarizada archivadas de la población indonesia. Materiales y Métodos: Se extrajeron los registros de tomografía computarizada de niños menores de 5 años de un hospital provincial. Luego, las imágenes se filtraron según los criterios de inclusión y exclusión y luego se reconstruyeron los cortes 2D utilizando el software de código abierto Invesalius. Luego se midieron veinticinco parámetros nasolabiales variables de la estructura nasolabial en el modo renderizado 3D. Se excluyeron imágenes con dismórfica craneofacial y cánula que pasa sobre la estructura nasolabial. Los resultados se resumen mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultado: En este estudio se incluyeron catorce de 128 imágenes de TC. Las muestras se dividieron en dos grupos de edad: 0-12 meses y 25-54 meses. Hubo una correlación positiva de moderada a fuerte entre la edad y todas las variables nasolabiales, que fueron estadísticamente significativas (p<0,05) excepto la longitud nasal, la circunferencia de las narinas, el ancho de la columela, el ancho del filtrum superior, la altura de la columna del filtrum y la altura cutánea del labio superior. Conclusión: Este estudio describió las medidas antropométricas de estructuras nasolabiales normales como base para la cirugía de corrección de labios. Sin embargo, para obtener directrices antropométricas más precisas, son deseables más estudios con tamaños de muestra más grandes. Aunque la reparación quirúrgica del labio normalmente se realiza dentro del primer año de vida, en algunos casos la cirugía se realiza después de la infancia.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Anthropometry/methods , Cleft Lip/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Indonesia/epidemiology , Maxilla/anatomy & histology
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1570522


Objetivo: identificar os principais diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem em crianças em pós-operatório imediato de queiloplastia. Métodos: estudo documental e retrospectivo, desenvolvido entre março e agosto de 2020, em um hospital público, de nível terciário, referência no tratamento de pacientes com anomalias craniofaciais e síndromes relacionadas. Utilizou-se o Referencial Teórico das Necessidades Humanas Básicas. Referente ao Processo de Enfermagem, foram considerados dados do histórico de enfermagem e, a partir deles, os diagnósticos e as intervenções, por meio das taxonomias da NANDA Internacional e da Nursing Intervention Classification, respectivamente. Utilizou-se a análise estatística descritiva. Resultados: a amostra constou de 78 prontuários. Predominaram as necessidades psicobiológicas: oxigenação, hidratação, nutrição, eliminação, integridade cutâneo-mucosa e física, percepção dolorosa e ambiental. Foram identificados 11 diagnósticos de enfermagem, sendo seis com foco no problema e cinco de risco. Elencaram-se ainda, 14 intervenções de enfermagem. Conclusão: a utilização dos Sistemas de Linguagens Padronizadas norteou a identificação dos diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem, subsidiando o raciocínio clínico para a construção e organização do cuidado. (AU)

Objective: to identify the main nursing diagnoses and interventions in children in the immediate postoperative period of cheiloplasty. Methods: documentary and retrospective study, carried out between March and August 2020, in a public, tertiary-level hospital, a reference in the treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies and related syndromes. The Theoretical Framework of Basic Human Needs was used. Regarding the Nursing Process, data from the nursing history were considered and, based on them, diagnoses and interventions, through the taxonomies of NANDA International and the Nursing Intervention Classification, respectively. Descriptive statistical analysis was used. Results: the sample consisted of 78 medical records. Psychobiological needs predominated: oxygenation, hydration, nutrition, elimination, cutaneous-mucous and physical integrity, pain and environmental perception. Eleven nursing diagnoses were identified, six focused on the problem and five on risk. 14 nursing interventions were also listed. Conclusion: the use of Standard Language Systems guided the identification of nursing diagnoses and interventions, supporting clinical reasoning for the construction and organization of care. (AU)

Objetivo: identificar los principales diagnósticos e intervenciones de enfermería en niños en el postoperatorio inmediato de queiloplastia. Métodos: estudio documental y retrospectivo, realizado entre marzo y agosto de 2020, en un hospital público de tercer nivel, referencia en el tratamiento de pacientes con anomalías craneofaciales y síndromes relacionados. Se utilizó el Marco Teórico de las Necesidades Humanas Básicas. En cuanto al Proceso de Enfermería, se consideraron datos de la historia de enfermería y, a partir de ellos, diagnósticos e intervenciones, a través de las taxonomías de la NANDA Internacional y la Nursing Intervention Classification, respectivamente. Se utilizó análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: la muestra estuvo constituida por 78 historias clínicas. Predominaron las necesidades psicobiológicas: oxigenación, hidratación, nutrición, eliminación, cutáneo-mucosa e integridad física, dolor y percepción ambiental. Fueron identificados once diagnósticos de enfermería, seis enfocados al problema y cinco al riesgo. También se listaron 14 intervenciones de enfermería. Conclusión: el uso de los Sistemas de Lenguaje Estándar orientó la identificación de diagnósticos e intervenciones de enfermería, apoyando el razonamiento clínico para la construcción y organización del cuidado. (AU)

Cleft Lip , Postoperative Period , Standardized Nursing Terminology , Nursing Care , Nursing Process
Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 51(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558630


Introducción: El labio y paladar hendido (LPH) son una alteración cráneo facial de etiología multifactorial. La alimentación de los niños con LPH puede llegar a ser deficiente, comprometiendo el crecimiento y el desarrollo. Objetivo: Determinar la evolución del estado nutricional pre y post quirúrgico y las prácticas alimentarias en lactantes de 6 a 24 meses de edad, con labio y/o paladar hendido que acudieron a la Clínica de la Fundación Operación Sonrisa durante el periodo de setiembre 2020 a mayo del 2021. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, prospectivo con componente analítico. Se incluyó a 50 niños con diagnóstico de LPH de 6 a 24 meses de edad. Se evaluó el estado nutricional según estándares del MSP y BS. Resultados: Fueron evaluados 50 lactantes de 6 a 24 meses, el 60 % entre 6 -11 meses, el 64 % fueron varones, el 54 % provenía del interior del país y fueron sometidos a cierre primario de labios el 86 % y el 12 % a reconstrucción de paladar hendido. El 88 % de los niños recibieron lactancia materna. El estado nutricional pre quirúrgico fue adecuado (94 %) por indicador peso para la edad. Post quirúrgico hubo una diferencia significativa de 0,927Kg para el peso para la talla (p< 0,001), lo mismo para el peso para la edad(p<0,001). Para la talla para la edad se encontró una diferencia de 0,8cm(p=ns). Conclusiones: El estado nutricional de los niños con labio o paladar hendido, mejora a los 4 meses post cirugía reconstructiva para los indicadores peso para la edad y peso para la talla.

Introduction: Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a craniofacial alteration of multifactorial etiology. The diet of children with CLP can become deficient, compromising growth and development. Objective: To determine the evolution of the pre- and post-surgical nutritional status and feeding practices in infants between 6 and 24 months of age, with cleft lip and/or palate who attended the "Operation Smile" Foundation Clinic from September 2020 to May 2021. Materials and methods: This was an observational and prospective study with an analytical component. 50 children with a diagnosis of CLP from 6 to 24 months of age were included. Nutritional status was evaluated according to National Health Ministry standards. Results: 50 infants from 6 to 24 months were evaluated, 60% were between 6 -11 months, 64% were males, 54% came from the rural areas. 86% underwent primary lip closure and 12% cleft palate reconstruction. 88% of the children were breastfed. The pre-surgical nutritional status was adequate (94%) by weight for age indicator. Post surgery there was a significant difference of 0.927 kg for weight for height (p < 0.001), the same for weight for age (p < 0.001). For height for age, a difference of 0.8 cm was found (p=ns). Conclusions: The nutritional status of children with cleft lip or palate improves 4 months after reconstructive surgery for the indicators weight for age and weight for height.

J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-7, jan.-dez. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554637


Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência de anomalias dentárias (AD) e outros achados orais em radiografias panorâmicas de pacientes com fissuras labiopalatais (FLP) nascidos no Nordeste brasileiro. Métodos: a amostra foi composta por 69 pacientes com fissuras labiopalatais unilateral (FLPu) (n = 51) e bilateral (FLPb) (n = 18), não sindrômicos, de ambos os sexos, idade de 6 a 17 anos, nascidos no Nordeste brasileiro. Foram analisados prontuários e radiografias panorâmicas de pacientes atendidos de janeiro/2020 a julho/2022. Os dados categóricos foram expressos em forma de frequência absoluta e percentual e comparados por teste exato de Fisher ou qui-quadrado de Pearson (SPSS, p < 0,05). Resultados: entre os achados orais, destacaram-se as anomalias de número e as ausências dentárias por trauma, cárie ou doença periodontal. As AD foram identificadas em 34 pacientes (49,3%). As anomalias de número apresentaram maior prevalência, com diferença estatística significativa para pacientes FLPb do sexo masculino (p = 0,047). A agenesia foi a AD mais frequente (n = 24; 34,8%). As ausências dentárias por trauma, cárie ou doença periodontal foram observadas em 44 pacientes (n = 63,8%), com uma diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos FLPu e FLPb (p = 0,018). Conclusões: as AD e as ausências dentárias por trauma, cárie ou doença periodontal apresentaram uma alta prevalência entre pacientes brasileiros com FLP e devem ser consideradas durante o planejamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico desses indivíduos.

Aim: this study aimed to assess the prevalence of dental anomalies (DA) and other oral findings in panoramic radiographs of patients with cleft lip and palate (CLP) born in the Northeast region of Brazil. Methods: the sample consisted of 69 patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) (n = 51) and bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) (n = 18), non-syndromic, of both genders, aged 6 to 17 years, born in the Brazilian Northeast. Patient records and panoramic radiographs from those treated between January 2020 and July 2022 were analyzed. Categorical data were expressed as absolute frequency and percentage and compared using Fisher's exact test or Pearson's chi-square test (SPSS, p < 0.05). Results: among oral findings, anomalies in number and tooth absences due to trauma, caries, or periodontal disease stood out. DAs were identified in 34 patients (49.3%). Anomalies in number showed higher prevalence, with a statistically significant difference for male BCLP patients (p = 0.047). Agenesis was the most frequent DA (n = 24; 34.8%). Tooth absences due to trauma, caries, or periodontal disease were observed in 44 patients (63.8%), with a statistically significant difference between the UCLP and BCLP groups (p = 0.018). Conclusions: DAs and tooth absences due to trauma, caries, or periodontal disease showed a high prevalence among Brazilian patients with CLP and should be considered during the orthodontic-surgical planning for these individuals.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tooth Abnormalities , Cleft Palate , Prevalence , Cleft Lip , Craniofacial Abnormalities
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13805, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574236


The goal of this study was to digitally evaluate the development of maxillary dental arches of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate treated with one- and two-stage palatal closure. One hundred and sixty-eight digitized dental models of cheiloplasty and one-stage palatoplasty (G1) and cheiloplasty and two-stage palatoplasty (G2) were evaluated at preoperative time 1 (T1), preoperative time 2 (T2), and postoperative (T3). The following surface distances were evaluated: across surface distance; cleft widths anterior (P-P′) and posterior (U-U′) cleft widths, intercanine width (C-C′), and intertuberosity width (T-T′); smallest (P′-T′) and largest (P-T) segment lengths; and smallest (C′-D′) and largest (C-D) segment cleft depths. In G1, P-P′, U-U′, and C-C′ reduced at T2, unlike P′-T′ (P<0.05). P-T and C′-D′ distances increased at T3 (P<0.05), while C-D increased at all stages (P<0.001). In G2, U-U′ and C-C′ reduced at T2 (P<0.05), while P′-T′, P-T, C′-D′, and C-D′ increased at T3 (P<0.001). In an intergroup analysis of growth rate, G2 showed higher growth percentages compared to G1, in which C′-D′ was significant (P=0.038). Furthermore, C′-D′ presented a coefficient of determination of 0.076 (P=0.039). In conclusion, dental arch development is influenced by the rehabilitation protocol. However, in the sample evaluated, the comparison suggested that individuals whose palate was operated on in two stages had the most favorable palatal growth.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009109


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effectiveness of comprehensive rhinoplasty with autogenous costal cartilage grafting and prosthesis augmentation rhinoplasty in the treatment of secondary nasal deformity with saddle nasal deformity after cleft lip surgery.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 96 patients with secondary nasal deformity with saddle nasal deformity after cleft lip surgery between September 2008 and January 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 17 males and 79 females with an average age of 25.6 years (range, 17-38 years). Autogenous costal cartilage grafts were used to construct stable nasal tip framework and enhance the strength of alar cartilage. Nasal dorsum prostheses (39 cases of bulge, 45 cases of silicone prosthesis) or autogenous costal cartilage (12 cases) were used for comprehensive rhinoplasty. Visual analogue scale (VAS) score was used to evaluate the postoperative satisfaction subjectively, and nasal alar height symmetry index, nasal alar width symmetry index, nasal dorsum central axis deviation angle, and nasal columella deviation angle were calculated to evaluate objectively before and after operation.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up 6 months to 8 years, with an average of 13.4 months. Nasal septal hematoma occurred in 3 patients after operation, which was improved after local aspiration and nasal pressure packing. Two cases had mild deformation of the rib cartilage graft of the nasal dorsum, one of which had no obvious deviation of the nasal dorsum and was not given special treatment, and one case underwent the cartilage graft of the nasal dorsum removed and replaced with silicone prosthesis. The incisions of the other patients healed by first intention, and there was no complication such as postoperative infection and prosthesis displacement. The nasal alar height symmetry index, nasal alar width symmetry index, nasal dorsum central axis deviation angle, and nasal columella deviation angle significantly improved after operation when compared with preoperative ones ( P<0.05). Postoperative subjective satisfaction evaluation reached the level of basic satisfaction or above, and most of them were very satisfied.@*CONCLUSION@#Comprehensive rhinoplasty using autologous rib cartilage grafting to construct a stable nasal tip support, combined with dorsal nasal prosthesis or autologous cartilage implantation, can achieve good effectiveness on secondary nasal deformity with saddle nasal deformity after cleft lip surgery.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Rhinoplasty , Cleft Lip/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Nose/surgery , Nasal Septum/surgery , Nasal Cartilages/surgery , Silicones , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019544


Objective·To evaluate the effects of anterior maxillary segmental distraction osteogenesis(AMSDO)in treating sagittal maxillary hypoplasia in cleft lip and palate(CLP)patients and to report a 3D-printed surgical guide to facilitate the osteotomy.Methods·Twelve patients with CLP who underwent AMSDO were included in this study.Virtual osteotomy was performed in a 3-dimensional model and the osteotomy line were fabricated into a tooth-borne surgical guide by using 3D-printing technique.Lateral cephalograms taken before surgery(T0),at the end of consolidation(T1)and six months after consolidation(T2)were used to evaluate the effects of AMSDO.The accuracy of the osteotomy guide was measured by superimposing the postoperative CT data to virtual planning.Results·All the patients went through surgery without serious complications.SNA and overjet changed significantly both from T0 to T1 and from T0 to T2.ANB,facial convexity,and palatal length changed without significance from T0 to T1 and from T0 to T2.SNB remained stable.All the variables remained relatively stable from T1 to T2.The anteroposterior linear root-mean-square deviation(RMSD)between planning and actual results was 0.90 mm,while the angular RMSD in the sagittal plane was 5.07°.Conclusion·AMSDO is an effective treatment for maxillary hypoplasia secondary to CLP.The accuracy of this 3D-printed osteotomy guide is clinically acceptable,and this can simplify the surgery with fewer complications.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e241330, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553491


Aim: This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of enamelin gene (ENAM) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and ENAM polymorphism association with dental anomalies (DA) in individuals with unilateral or bilateral cleft lip and palate (CLP). Methods: Saliva samples were collected from 147 individuals aged between 6 and 15 years-old, both genders, and divided into 4 groups: Group 1 (G1) - CLP and DA; Group 2 (G2) - CLP without DA; Group 3 (G3) - without CLP with DA; Group 4 (G4) - without CLP and DA. The genomic DNA was extracted from saliva samples and the following ENAM SNPs markers were genotyped: rs3796703, rs3796704, rs3796705, rs7671281, rs2609428, and rs35951442. Fisher exact and Pearson's Chi-square tests statistically analyzed the results (α=5%). Results: Individuals without CLP with DA (Group 3 - 19.2%) showed statistically higher prevalence of SNP rs2609428 heterozygotes (p=0.006) than individuals with CLP and DA (Group 1 - 0%). Individuals without CLP (10%) exhibited statistically higher prevalence of mutated heterozygotes/homozygous (p=0.028) than in individuals with CLP (1.3%). Conclusion: SNP rs2609428 marker of ENAM gene may be associated with dental anomalies in individuals without cleft lip and palate

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tooth Abnormalities , Extracellular Matrix Proteins , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569990


Introduction: Cleft lip and palate rank third among congenital defects, demanding early intervention for correction. Aim: To describe the results obtained with the use of nasoalveolar molding (NAM) and lip adhesion in patients with complete cleft lip-alveolus-palate, treated in the Maxillofacial Surgery service of the Pediatric Hospital of Matanzas between 2010 and 2020. Methods: An observational, descriptive, prospective research was carried out, in a universe of 16 patients with a diagnosis of complete cleft lip-alveolus-palate, treated in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of Matanzas pediatric hospital during the period from January 2010 to December 2020, determining reference points to perform linear measurements that represented the study variables, both in patients treated only with nasoalveolar molding and in those in whom the nasoalveolar molding-lip adhesion binomial was used. Results: With the exclusive use of nasoalveolar molding, there was a significant reduction of the palatal cleft in all patients under study, with increase in maxillary and hemi-maxillary transverse dimension, as well as a significant reduction of the alveolar cleft. The total reduction of the alveolar cleft was only achieved by combining lip adhesion with nasoalveolar molding. Conclusion: The nasoalveolar molding-lip adhesion combination constitutes an effective binomial in the treatment of complete cleft lip-alveolus-palate.

Introducción: Las fisuras de labio y paladar ocupan el tercer lugar entre los defectos congénitos, demandando una temprana intervención para su corrección. Objetivo: Describir los resultados del empleo del moldeo nasoalveolar y la adhesión labial en pacientes con fisura labio-alveolo-palatina completa, atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del hospital pediátrico de Matanzas, entre 2010 y 2020. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, prospectiva, en un universo de 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de fisura labio-alveolo-palatina completa, atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del hospital pediátrico de Matanzas, durante el período comprendido de enero de 2010 a diciembre de 2020, determinándose puntos de referencia para realizar mediciones lineales que representaron las variables de estudio, tanto en pacientes atendidos solo con moldeo nasoalveolar como en los que se empleó el binomio moldeo nasoalveolar-adhesión labial. Resultados: Con el empleo exclusivo del moldeo nasoalveolar, existió una significativa reducción de la hendidura palatina en los pacientes estudiados, con incremento de la dimensión transversal maxilar y hemimaxilar, así como una significativa reducción de la hendidura alveolar. La reducción total de la hendidura alveolar solo se logró al combinar la adhesión labial con el moldeo nasoalveolar. Conclusión: La combinación moldeo nasoalveolar-adhesión labial constituye un binomio efectivo en el tratamiento de la fisura labio-alveolo-palatina completa.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2022234, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514850


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile and prevalence of live births with orofacial clefts in Brazil between 1999 and 2020. Methods: Descriptive study. The population corresponded to live births with isolated orofacial clefts in Brazil registered in the Live Birth Information System between 1999 and 2020. Descriptive variables were selected according to their availability and grouped into socioeconomic and demographic, maternal and child health care, and biological variables. Data were submitted to a descriptive analysis using the Software for Statistics and Data Science (STATA). Results: During the period, 33,699 children were born with orofacial clefts, and 82.1% (27,677) of them were isolated clefts. Regarding these cases, the majority were cleft lip and palate (9,619 or 34.7%), followed by cleft palate (9,442 or 34.1%), and by cleft lip (8,616 or 31.3%). Conclusions: Live births with orofacial clefts in Brazil were male, white, with birthweight ≥2,500 g and gestational age ≥37 weeks, born by cesarean section, and with Apgar scores ≥7. The cases were more frequent among mothers who were in their first and single pregnancy and had seven or more prenatal appointments. The mothers were 20 and 29 years old, had eight to ten years of study, and were single. The national prevalence of clefts was 4.24/10,000. The South and Southeast regions of Brazil had the highest prevalence, while the lowest prevalence was recorded in the Northeast and North regions. For the Federative Units, the highest and lowest prevalences were found, respectively, in Paraná and Acre.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e a prevalência dos nascidos vivos com fissuras orofaciais no Brasil entre 1999 e 2020. Métodos: Estudo descritivo. A população correspondeu aos nascidos vivos com fissuras orofaciais isoladas no Brasil registrados no Sistema de Informação de Nascidos Vivos entre 1999 e 2020. As variáveis descritivas foram selecionadas de acordo com a sua disponibilidade e agrupadas em variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas, de atenção à saúde materno-infantil e biológicas. Os dados foram submetidos a análise descritiva utilizando o Software for Statistics and Data Science (STATA). Resultados: No período, 33.699 indivíduos nasceram com fissura orofacial no Brasil, e 82,1% (27.677) deles foram fissuras isoladas. Com relação a esses casos, a maioria foi de fissuras de lábio e palato (9.619 ou 34,7%), seguidas por fissura de palato (9.442 ou 34,1%) e por fissura de lábio (8.616 ou 31,1%). Conclusões: O perfil epidemiológico dos nascidos vivos com fissuras orofaciais no Brasil foi de nascidos do sexo masculino, da raça/cor branca, por parto cesáreo, com peso ao nascer ≥2,500 g, idade gestacional ≥37 semanas e com índices de Apgar ≥7. Os casos foram mais frequentes entre mães que estavam na primeira gestação, única e que haviam realizado sete ou mais consultas de pré-natal. As mães, com maior frequência, tinham entre 20 e 29 anos, apresentavam oito ou mais anos de estudo, eram solteiras e residiam em cidades do interior. A prevalência nacional de fissuras foi de 4,24/10.000. As Regiões Sul e Sudeste apresentaram as maiores prevalências, enquanto as menores foram registradas nas Regiões Nordeste e Norte. Para as Unidades Federativas, as maiores e menores prevalências foram encontradas, respectivamente, no Paraná e no Acre.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2024. 132 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1577536


Fissuras labiopalatinas ocorrem devido a uma falha na fusão embrionária. O modelador nasoalveolar (NAM) é uma intervenção ortopédica anterior à cirurgia labial. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: avaliar o efeito do NAM na simetria facial/arco maxilar e seu impacto psicossocial. Realizar uma revisão sistemática para investigar o impacto do NAM na simetria nasal. A metodologia utilizada foi avaliar 2 grupos (26 bebês tratados com NAM e 12 bebês não tratados com NAM) em dois tempos; antes do NAM (T1) e depois do NAM (T2). Foram analisados: perímetro do arco maxilar (PA), comprimento do arco maxilar (CA) e ângulo do freio labial (AFL), largura nasal (LN), largura bucal (LB), ângulo da columela (AC) e área da narina (AN). Estes mesmos 2 grupos foram comparados antes do NAM e após queiloplastia. O impacto da condição fissura no bebê na rotina familiar também foi avaliado. E ainda foram realizadas buscas eletrônicas considerando estudos que comparavam indivíduos submetidos à queiloplastia/NAM e indivíduos submetidos apenas à queiloplastia. Foram realizadas meta-análises, avaliação do risco de viés e da força da evidência. Nos resultados pudemos ver que houve aumento de PA e CA nos grupos NAM e Controle no período T2 em relação ao T1. O AFL foi reduzido no grupo NAM em comparação com os períodos NAM-T1 e Controle-T2. O NAM produziu uma redução no LN no período de T2 em relação ao T1. AC foi melhorado após o uso de NAM em T2. A AN foi reduzida no grupo NAM em T2 em relação ao Controle. O grupo NAM apresentou redução na largura nasal pós-NAM e queiloplastia. A largura da boca e o ângulo da columela apresentaram alterações no grupo NAM no pós-operatório. Houve redução na área da narina fissurada após o NAM. As pontuações globais do FIS foram mais altas em T1 do que em T2, configurando um impacto positivo do uso do NAM nas famílias. Nas buscas eletrônicas foram recuperados 416 artigos e nove foram incluídos. No grupo NAM houve aumento na altura das narinas e na largura e comprimento da columela. A largura das narinas e a largura bialar diminuíram no curto prazo e aumentaram no longo prazo nos indivíduos submetidos à queiloplastia e NAM. Seis estudos exibiram risco moderado de viés; três exibiram um sério risco de viés. A força da evidência variou de muito baixa a moderada. Desta forma, pudemos concluir que o tratamento NAM melhorou as medidas AFL, LN e AC, melhorando a simetria maxilar e nasal. O NAM promoveu aumento do ângulo da columela e redução das larguras da boca e do nariz, e ainda, redução da área da narina afetada pela fissura. O NAM mostrou um impacto positivo nas emoções familiares. A altura da narina e largura/comprimento columelar foram favorecidos pela queiloplastia seguida do NAM. O comprimento alar foi impactado positivamente pelo NAM.

Cleft lip and palate occur due to a failure in embryonic fusion. The nasoalveolar molding (NAM) is an orthopedic intervention prior to lip surgery. The objectives of this study are: to evaluate the effect of NAM on facial symmetry/maxillary arch and its psychosocial impact. To conduct a systematic review to investigate the impact of NAM on nasal symmetry. The methodology used was to evaluate 2 groups (26 babies treated with NAM and 12 babies not treated with NAM) in two time points; before NAM (T1) and after NAM (T2). The following were analyzed: maxillary arch perimeter (AP), maxillary arch length (AL) and labial frenum angle (LFA), nasal width (NW), buccal width (BW), columella angle (CA) and nostril area (NA). These same 2 groups were compared before NAM and after cheiloplasty. The impact of the cleft condition on the baby's family routine was also evaluated. Electronic searches were also performed considering studies that compared individuals undergoing cheiloplasty/NAM and individuals undergoing only cheiloplasty. Meta-analyses, assessment of risk of bias and strength of evidence were performed. The results showed that there was an increase in AP and AC in the NAM and Control groups in the T2 period compared to T1. LFA was reduced in the NAM group compared to the NAM-T1 and Control-T2 periods. NAM produced a reduction in LN in the T2 period compared to T1. CA was improved after the use of NAM in T2. NA was reduced in the NAM group in T2 compared to the Control. The NAM group showed a reduction in nasal width after NAM and cheiloplasty. The width of the mouth and the angle of the columella showed changes in the NAM group in the postoperative period. There was a reduction in the area of the cleft nostril after NAM. The global FIS scores were higher in T1 than in T2, configuring a positive impact of the use of NAM on families. In the electronic searches, 416 articles were retrieved and nine were included. In the NAM group, there was an increase in nostril height and columella width and length. Nostril width and bialar width decreased in the short term and increased in the long term in individuals undergoing cheiloplasty and NAM. Six studies showed a moderate risk of bias; three showed a serious risk of bias. The strength of evidence ranged from very low to moderate. Thus, we were able to conclude that NAM treatment improved LFA, NW and CA measurements, improving maxillary and nasal symmetry. NAM promoted an increase in the columella angle and a reduction in the widths of the mouth and nose, and also a reduction in the area of the nostril affected by the cleft. NAM showed a positive impact on family emotions. Nostril height and columellar width/length were favored by cheiloplasty followed by NAM. Alar length was positively impacted by NAM.

Surgery, Plastic , Indicators of Quality of Life , Cleft Palate , Nasoalveolar Molding , Cleft Lip
Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 29: e92894, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1564380


RESUMO: Objetivo: Mapear os fatores associados à adesão ao aleitamento materno em lactentes com fissura orofacial. Método: Revisão de escopo conforme recomendações do Instituto Joanna Briggs, com busca realizada em março de 2023, nas bases de dados PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, SCOPUS, EMBASE, LILACS, ProQuest e BDTD. Resultados: Foram selecionados 31 documentos. Fatores associados a adesão ao aleitamento materno incluíram: complexidade anatômica da fissura, orientação/treinamento pré e pós-natal, desejo de amamentar, experiência prévia, conhecimento dos benefícios da amamentação, uso de obturadores palatinos, uso de sonda alimentadora, apoio social, familiar e profissional, ordenha e oferta por utensílios e realização precoce da queiloplastia. Conclusão: Embora a complexidade da fissura consista em um fator não modificável precocemente, as demais variáveis que influenciam à adesão ao aleitamento materno são passíveis de intervenções. Assim, o apoio de todos os envolvidos no processo de amamentação é fundamental para sua otimização.

ABSTRACT Objective: To map the factors associated with breastfeeding adherence in infants with orofacial clefts. Method: Scoping review according to the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute, with a search carried out in March 2023 in the PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, SCOPUS, EMBASE, LILACS, ProQuest and BDTD databases. Results: A total of 31 documents were selected. Factors associated with adherence to breastfeeding included: anatomical complexity of the cleft, preand post-natal guidance/training, desire to breastfeed, previous experience, knowledge of the benefits of breastfeeding, use of palatal obturators, use of feeding tube, social, family, and professional support, milking and offering by utensils and early performance of cheiloplasty. Conclusion: Although the complexity of the cleft is a factor that cannot be changed early on, the other variables that influence adherence to breastfeeding can be intervened upon. Thus, the support of all those involved in the breastfeeding process is fundamental for its optimization.

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Mapear los factores asociados a la adherencia a la lactancia materna en lactantes con fisuras orofaciales. Método: Revisión de alcance según recomendaciones del Instituto Joanna Briggs, la búsqueda se realizó en marzo de 2023, en las bases de datos PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, SCOPUS, EMBASE, LILACS, ProQuest y BDTD. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 31 documentos. Los factores asociados a la adherencia a la lactancia materna incluyeron: complejidad anatómica de la fisura, orientación/capacitación prenatal y posnatal, deseo de amamantar, experiencia previa, conocimiento sobre los beneficios de la lactancia materna, uso de obturadores palatinos, uso de sonda de alimentación, apoyo social, familiar y profesional, extracción de leche y administración mediante utensilios y queiloplastía temprana. Conclusión: Si bien la complejidad de la fisura es un factor que no puede modificarse tempranamente, las demás variables que influyen en la adherencia a la lactancia materna son pasibles de intervención. Por lo tanto, el apoyo de todos los implicados en el proceso de lactancia materna es fundamental para su optimización.

Humans , Infant , Breast Feeding , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Infant , Postnatal Care