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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236655


Bats have a wide range of viral species in their bodies. RNA viruses of the Rhabdoviridae family have been found in arthropods, which might act as biological vectors for disease transmission to other plants or animals. The choice of one synonymous codon over another for the same amino acid is referred to as codon usage bias (CUB). It is primarily influenced by the forces of evolution, protein characteristics, compositional properties, and gene expression. In this study, we analyzed the composition of CUB and its distribution among 15 different Rhabdoviridae viral genomes found in bats. The genomes of all 15 viruses were found to be AT-rich and weak CUB. The pattern of codon utilization was investigated using parameters such as neutrality plot, parity plot, translational selection, nucleotide skewness, and relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) values. Natural selection and mutational pressure both influenced the CUB of the 15 Rhabdoviridae viruses. RSCU analysis identified overrepresented and underrepresented codons. The neutrality plot study revealed that natural selection dominated in shaping the CUB. The results of our study revealed the pattern of codon usage in Rhabdoviridae genomes and set the groundwork for important evolutionary research on them.

J Genet ; 2023 Jul; 102: 1-13
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238620


The incidence of diseases that are caused by fungal infection is gradually increasing, together with antibiotic abuse and the number of patients with hypoimmunity. The many challenges in clinical anti-fungi treatment include serious adverse effects and drug resistance. The mitochondria of fungi have been found to be closely associated with pathopoiesia and drug resistance. Hence, we investigated patterns in Candida mitochondrial genes codon usage bias to provide new information to guide anti-fungal research. According to the nucleotide composition results, most mitochondrial genes of the analysed Candida tended to use A/T bases rather than G/C bases. The relative synonymous codon usage values demonstrated that UUA, AGU, CCU, GCU, UGA, AGA and GGU were the common preferential codons of mitochondrial genes in 12 Candida species. Codon adaptation index (CAI) analysis indicated that the ATP9 of Candida parapsilosis had the highest value, and the ND6 of C. auris had the lowest value. The CAI clearly correlated with the codon bias index, except in C. maltose and C. viswanathii, and was significantly positively correlated with the average GC content. Together, our results suggested that the codon usage pattern is affected by multiple factors, among which GC content is critical. Nucleotide composition, selection pressure and mutation pressure influence codon bias in Candida mitochondrial genes, with dominant status to mutation pressure. Codon usage bias analyses of Candida mitochondrial genes may provide new insight into its evolution.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 670-684, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970399


The structure and size of the chloroplast genome of Castanopsis hystrix was determined by Illumina HiSeq 2500 sequencing platform to understand the difference between C. hystrix and the chloroplast genome of the same genus, and the evolutionary position of C. hystrix in the genus, so as to facilitate species identification, genetic diversity analysis and resource conservation of the genus. Bioinformatics analysis was used to perform sequence assembly, annotation and characteristic analysis. R, Python, MISA, CodonW and MEGA 6 bioinformatics software were used to analyze the genome structure and number, codon bias, sequence repeats, simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci and phylogeny. The genome size of C. hystrix chloroplast was 153 754 bp, showing tetrad structure. A total of 130 genes were identified, including 85 coding genes, 37 tRNA genes and 8 rRNA genes. According to codon bias analysis, the average number of effective codons was 55.5, indicating that the codons were highly random and low in bias. Forty-five repeats and 111 SSR loci were detected by SSR and long repeat fragment analysis. Compared with the related species, chloroplast genome sequences were highly conserved, especially the protein coding sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that C. hystrix is closely related to the Hainanese cone. In summary, we obtained the basic information and phylogenetic position of the chloroplast genome of red cone, which will provide a preliminary basis for species identification, genetic diversity of natural populations and functional genomics research of C. hystrix.

Phylogeny , Genome, Chloroplast , Codon/genetics , Genomics , Chloroplasts/genetics
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 52-59, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970501


This study investigated the choroplast genome sequence of wild Atractylodes lancea from Yuexi in Anhui province by high-throughput sequencing, followed by characterization of the genome structure, which laid a foundation for the species identification, analysis of genetic diversity, and resource conservation of A. lancea. To be specific, the total genomic DNA was extracted from the leaves of A. lancea with the improved CTAB method. The chloroplast genome of A. lancea was sequenced by the high-throughput sequencing technology, followed by assembling by metaSPAdes and annotation by CPGAVAS2. Bioiformatics methods were employed for the analysis of simple sequence repeats(SSRs), inverted repeat(IR) border, codon bias, and phylogeny. The results showed that the whole chloroplast genome of A. lancea was 153 178 bp, with an 84 226 bp large single copy(LSC) and a 18 658 bp small single copy(SSC) separated by a pair of IRs(25 147 bp). The genome had the GC content of 37.7% and 124 genes: 87 protein-coding genes, 8 rRNA genes, and 29 tRNA genes. It had 26 287 codons and encoded 20 amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Atractylodes species clustered into one clade and that A. lancea had close genetic relationship with A. koreana. This study established a method for sequencing the chloroplast genome of A. lancea and enriched the genetic resources of Compositae. The findings are expected to lay a foundation for species identification, analysis of genetic diversity, and resource conservation of A. lancea.

Phylogeny , Atractylodes/genetics , Genome, Chloroplast , Whole Genome Sequencing , Microsatellite Repeats , Lamiales
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2914-2925, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981240


Pellionia scabra belongs to the genus Pellionia in the family of Urticaceae, and is a high-quality wild vegetables with high nutritional value. In this study, high-throughput techniques were used to sequence, assemble and annotate the chloroplast genome. We also analyzed its structure, and construct the phylogenetic trees from the P. scabra to further study the chloroplast genome characteristics. The results showed that the chloroplast genome size was 153 220 bp, and the GC content was 36.4%, which belonged to the typical tetrad structure in P. scabra. The chloroplast genome encodes 130 genes, including 85 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA genes, and 8 rRNA genes in P. scabra. Among them, 15 genes contained 1 intron, 2 genes contained 2 introns, and rps12 had trans-splicing, respectively. In P. scabra, chloroplast genomes could be divided into four categories, including 43 photosynthesis, 64 self-replication, other 7 coding proteins, and 4 unknown functions. A total of 51 073 codons were detected in the chloroplast genome, among which the codon encoding leucine (Leu) accounted for the largest proportion, and the codon preferred to use A and U bases. There were 72 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in the chloroplast genome of P. scabra, containing 58 single nucleotides, 12 dinucleotides, 1 trinucleotide, and 1 tetranucleotide. The ycf1 gene expansion was present at the IRb/SSC boundary. The phylogenetic trees showed that P. scabra (OL800583) was most closely related to Elatostema stewardii (MZ292972), Elatostema dissectum (MK227819) and Elatostema laevissimum var. laevissimum (MN189961). Taken together, our results provide worthwhile information for understanding the identification, genetic evolution, and genomics research of P. scabra species.

Phylogeny , Genome, Chloroplast/genetics , Genomics , Chloroplasts/genetics , Codon , Urticaceae/genetics
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2939-2953, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981242


The genomic DNA of Rubus rosaefolius was extracted and sequenced by Illumina NovaSeq platform to obtain the complete chloroplast genome sequence, and the sequence characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast genes were carried out. The results showed that the complete chloroplast genome of the R. rosaefolius was 155 650 bp in length and had a typical tetrad structure, including two reverse repeats (25 748 bp each), a large copy region (85 443 bp) and a small copy region (18 711 bp). A total of 131 genes were identified in the whole genome of R. rosaefolius chloroplast, including 86 protein coding genes, 37 tRNA genes and 8 rRNA genes. The GC content of the whole genome was 36.9%. The genome of R. rosaefolius chloroplast contains 47 scattered repeats and 72 simple sequence repeating (SSR) loci. The codon preference is leucine codon, and the codon at the end of A/U is preferred. Phylogenetic analysis showed that R. rosaefolius had the closest relationship with R. taiwanicola, followed by R. rubraangustifolius and R. glandulosopunctatus. The chloroplast genome characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of R. rosaefolius provide a theoretical basis for its genetic diversity research and chloroplast development and utilization.

Phylogeny , Rubus/genetics , Genome, Chloroplast , Fruit/genetics , Codon/genetics
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2954-2964, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981243


Incarvillea younghusbandii Sprague is a traditional tonic herb. The roots are used as herbal medicine for nourishing and strengthening, as well as treating postpartum milk deficiency and weakness. In this study, the chloroplast genome of I. younghusbandii was sequenced and assembled by the high-throughput sequencing technology. The sequence characteristics, sequence repeats, codon usage bias, phylogenetic relationships and estimated divergence time of I. younghusbandii were analyzed. The 159 323 bp sequence contained a large single copy (80 197 bp), a small single copy (9 030 bp) and two inverted repeat sequences (35 048 bp). It contained 120 genes, including 77 protein coding genes, 8 ribosomal RNA genes and 35 transfer RNA genes. AAA was the most frequent codon in the chloroplast coding sequence of I. younghusbandii. A total of 42 simple sequence repeats were identified in the chloroplast genome. Phylogenetic analysis revealed I. younghusbandii was mostly like its taxonomically close relative Incarvillea compacta. The divergence between I. younghusbandii and I. compacta was dated to 4.66 million years ago. This study was significant for the scientific conservation and development of resources related to I. compacta. It also provides a basic genetic resource for the subsequent species identification of the genus Incarvillea, and the population genetic diversity study of Bignoniaceae.

Phylogeny , Molecular Sequence Annotation , Genome, Chloroplast , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Whole Genome Sequencing
Chinese Herbal Medicines ; (4): 284-290, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982491


OBJECTIVE@#In order to distinguish the traditional Chinese medicine Bupleurum falcatum and its adulterants effectively and develop a better understanding of the factors affecting synonymous codon usage, codon usage patterns of chloroplast genome, we determine the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of B. falcatum and clarify the main factors that influence codon usage patterns of 78 genes in B. falcatum chloroplast genome.@*METHODS@#The total genomic DNA of fresh leaves from a single individual of B. falcatum was extracted with EASYspin plus Total DNA Isolation Kit and 2 μg genome DNA was sequenced using Illumina Hiseq 2500 Sequencing Platform. The cp genome of B. falcatum was reconstructed with MITObim v1.8 and annotated in the program CPGAVAS2 with default parameters. Python script and Codon W were used to calculate the codon usage bias parameters.@*RESULTS@#The full length of B. falcatum cp genome was 155 851 bp, 132 different genes were annotated in this cp genome containing 80 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNA genes, and four rRNA genes. The codon usage models tended to use A/T-ending codons. The neutrality plot, ENC plot, PR2-Bias plot and correspondence analysis showed that both compositional constraint under selection and mutation could affect the codon usage models in B. falcatum cp genome. Furthermore, three optimal codons were identified and most of these three optimal codons ended with G/U.@*CONCLUSION@#The cp genome of B. falcatum has been characterized and the codon usage bias in B. falcatum cp genome is influenced by natural selection, mutation pressure and nucleotide composition. The results will provide much more barcode information for species discrimination and lay a foundation for future research on codon optimization of exogenous genes, genetic engineering and molecular evolution in B. falcatum.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 328-342, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927714


Docynia longiunguis is a plant uniquely present in China and is of high edible and medicinal value. The analysis of its chloroplast genome will help clarify the phylogenetic relationship among Docynia and facilitate the development and utilization of D. longiunguis resources. Based on the alignment of chloroplast genome sequences of related species, the phylogeny and codon preference were analyzed. The total length of D. longiunguis chloroplast genome sequence was 158 914 bp (GenBank accession number is MW367027), with an average GC content of 36.7%. The length of the large single-copy (LSC), the small single-copy (SSC), and inverted repeats (IRs) are 87 020 bp, 19 156 bp, and 26 369 bp, respectively. A total of 102 functional genes were annotated, including 72 protein-coding genes, 26 tRNA genes, and 4 rRNA genes. The best model for constructing phylogenetic tree was TVM+F+R2. D. longiunguis and Docynia indica were clustered into a single group, while Docynia and Malus were clustered into a single group. Comparison of the chloroplast genome sequences of D. longiunguis and its five related species revealed that trnY (GUA)-psbD, ndhC-trnV (UAC), accD-psaI, psbZ-trnfM (CAU), ndhF-trnL gene regions varied greatly. The nucleic acid diversity analysis showed that there were 11 high variation areas with nucleotide variability > 0.01, all were located in the LSC and SSC regions. Except for D. longiunguis, the trnH genes in other sequences were located at the IRs/LSC junction and did not cross the boundary. Codon preference analysis showed that D. longiunguis chloroplast genome has the largest number of isoleucine (Ile) codons, up to 1 205. D. longiunguis has the closest genetic relationship with Malus baccata, Malus sieboldii, Malus hupehensis and Chaenomeles sinensis. Its chloroplast genome codon prefers to end with A/T. The chloroplast genome of D. longiunguis and other Rosaceae chloroplast genomes showed great differences in gene distribution in four boundary regions, while relatively small differences from the chloroplast genomes of Docynia delavayi and D. indica of the same genus were observed. The genome annotation, phylogenetic analysis and sequence alignment of chloroplast genome of D. longiunguis may facilitate the identification, development and utilization of this species.

Codon Usage , Genome, Chloroplast , Genomics , Phylogeny , Rosaceae
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 882-892, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927751


With the widespread application of genomics and transcriptomics in the genetics and cell biology of different species, synonymous codon usage bias has been gradually accepted and used to study the deep connection between biological evolution and biological phenotypes. It is an important part of the life activities that mRNA is expressed into proteins with normal biological activities. The synonymous codon usage patterns, which were named as 'the second genetic codon', can express genetic information carried by themselves at the levels of transcriptional regulations, translational regulations and metabolic activities through molecular mechanisms such as fine-tune translation selection. Some studies have shown that the length of mRNA half-life has significant impacts on mRNA activity and the process of transcription and translation. This review summarized the roles of synonymous codon usage patterns in transcription, translational regulation and post-translational modification, with the aim to better understand how organisms skillfully utilize the genetic effects caused by codon usage patterns to accurately synthesize different types of proteins, so as to ensure the growth or differentiation of the specific gene expression procedures to carry out smoothly and maintain the normal life cycle.

Codon/genetics , Codon Usage , Half-Life , Protein Processing, Post-Translational , RNA, Messenger/genetics
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 313-319, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-932837


Objective:To provide experimental evidence for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis by analyzing the clinical characteristics, screening and identification of the function of suspicious variants in a X-1inked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDT) family.Methods:The family members' medical history, general physical examination, femur, spine X-ray examination were collected. Peripheral blood samples of the family members were collected and DNA was extracted from these samples. Sequencing clinical whole exons of proband DNA by targeted gene high-throughput sequencing method, then analysis sequencing data. The suspicious mutation was confirmed in pedigree members by PCR and Sanger sequencing. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) experiments of total RNA from blood lymphocytes were performed. The amplification of exons 3 and 4 of the pathogenic gene were amplified and identified by agarose gel. The expression of the pathogenic gene was also detected.Results:Three affected males of the family were diagnosed with SEDT according to their clinical and radiological features. A nonsense mutation in the transport protein particle complex subunit 2 ( TRAPPC2) gene NM_001011658: c.91A>T (p.K31*) was found in the proband using whole exome sequencing. This variation was also detected in his cousin, but not in non-phenotypic members of the family. The RT-PCR result for amplification of exon 3 and 4 of peripheral blood lymphocytes was the same as those of normal controls, indicating that the mutation did not affect the splicing of transcripts. qPCR results showed that the transcriptional expression of TRAPPC2 in patients was significantly lower than that in family normal controls and normal people controls. Conclusion:Identification of the novel nonsense mutation (c.91A>T) in the SEDT family enables early patients screening, carrier detection, genetic counseling, prenatal diagnosis, and clinical prevention and treatment. The detailed genotype/phenotype descriptions contribute to the SEDT mutation spectrum. The study of the function of TRAPPC2 mutation will help to further elucidate the role of sedlin in cartilage.

J Genet ; 2020 Jan; 99: 1-11
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215556


The base composition of the chloroplast genes is of great interest because they play a highly significant role in the evolutionary development of the plants. Evaluation of the 48 chloroplast protein-coding genes of Hemiptelea davidii showed that the average GC content was about 37.32%, while at the third codon base position alone the average GC content was only 27.80%. The 48 genes were classified into five groups based on the gene function and each group displayed specific codon characteristics. Based on the relative synonymous codon usage analysis, a total of 30 high-frequency codons and 11 optimal codons were identified, most of them ended with A or T. Neutrality plot, ENC-plot and PR2-plot analyses showed that the codon usage bias of the chloroplast genes of H. davidii was greatly influenced by natural selection pressures. Meanwhile, the frequency of codon usage of chloroplast genes among different plant species displayed similarities, with some synonymous codons were preferred to be used in H. davidii. In this study, the codon usage pattern of the chloroplast proteincoding genes of H. davidii provides us with a better understanding of the expression of chloroplast genes, and may advice the future molecular breeding programmes.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2066-2075, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878466


To achieve uniform soluble expression of multiple proteins in the same Escherichia coli strain, and simplify the process steps of antigen production in genetic engineering subunit multivalent vaccine, we co-expressed three avian virus proteins including the fowl adenovirus serotype 4 (FAdV-4) Fiber-2 protein, infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) VP2 protein and egg-drop syndrome virus (EDSV) Fiber protein in E. coli BL21(DE3) cells after optimization of gene codon, promoter, and tandem expression order. The purified proteins were analyzed by Western blotting and agar gel precipitation (AGP). The content of the three proteins were well-proportioned after co-expression and the purity of the purified proteins were more than 80%. Western blotting analysis and AGP experiment results show that all the three co-expression proteins had immunoreactivity and antigenicity. It is the first time to achieve the three different avian virus antigens co-expression and co-purification, which simplified the process of antigen production and laid a foundation for the development of genetic engineering subunit multivalent vaccine.

Animals , Antigens, Viral/genetics , Biological Assay , Chickens/immunology , Escherichia coli/genetics , Infectious bursal disease virus/immunology , Poultry Diseases , Vaccines, Synthetic/isolation & purification , Viral Structural Proteins/immunology , Viral Vaccines/immunology
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2850-2859, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878534


Amygdalus pedunculata Pall. is one of the 12 important woody oil crops in China. In this study, we determined the complete chloroplast genome sequence of A. pedunculata Pall. (MG602257) from Mu Us desert in Yulin city, Shaanxi province, China. The plastome was 157 851 bp with 36.8% GC content. Comparisons among the plastomes of MG602257 and other two MG869261 and KY101153 from Genebank of NCBI showed that the total length of these chloroplast genomes was MG602257< MG869261

Animals , Base Composition , China , Genome, Chloroplast , Phylogeny , Thoracica
Yao Xue Xue Bao ; (12): 1050-1055, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-821684


We obtained 332 coding sequences from the Polyporus umbellatus transcriptome based on the BLASTx and ESTScan analyses. The codon usage patterns of P. umbellatus were calculated and statistically analyzed using CodonW. The results showed that the average GC content of genes was 53.57% and the average GC3 content was 57.98%, suggesting that genes favored codons ending with G or C. The effective number of codons (ENC) value range from 38.46 to 61, which indicates that these genes have low codon usage bias. The neutrality plot and ENC-plot analysis revealed that many factors such as mutation and selective pressure play an important role in shaping codon usage bias in P. umbellatus genes. Twenty-two optimal codons were identified as being biased toward codons ending with G or C using the high expression superior codon analysis method. This study will lay a foundation for future research on genetic engineering and molecular evolution in P. umbellatus.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206280


Trastuzumab is recombinant humanized monoclonal IgG antibody used in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. It blocks the overexpression of tyrosine kinase Her 2 family receptors and downregulation of pathways. Genetic optimizations like gene optimization and expression vector optimization are the key elements to enhance monoclonal antibody expression. Expression vector optimization includes major parameters like selection of right promoters, poly A tail selection of genome integrating elements. Codon optimization is gene designing approach without affecting the amino acid sequence of the protein. Current research work involves development of codon optimization algorithm for trastuzumab heavy and light chain gene and comparative analysis of expression in different vectors.

J Genet ; 2019 Jun; 98: 1-12
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215434


Being an economical and nutritional crop, Capsicum appeases people’s peppery taste and is found to bewidely distributed all over the world having vast diversity. In the present study, genetic polymorphism, cross transferability (CT) and genetic diversity were examined among the 54 different accessions of Capsicum species including 49 of Capsicum annuum, three of C. baccatum and two of C. frutescens, using a set of 36 start codon targeted (SCoT) primers. Of the total, 35 SCoT markers showed successful amplification profile among chilli germplasms and an average primer polymorphism was reported as 81.52% which ranged from 50% (SCoT-6) to 100% (SCoT-11). A total of 365 amplicons were obtained with an average of 10.43 bands per primer and the length of the bands ranged from 150 bp to 1.2 kb. Further, polymorphic information content value of SCoT markers ranged from 0.42 (for SCoT-25) to 0.86 (SCoT-27) with an average of 0.78. The average value of CT of SCoT markers was 44.08% ranged from 14.25% to 57.26% among different chilli accessions. A dendrogram was constructed and established genetic relationship among 54 capsicum species, with the help of translation initiation codon polymorphisms or SCoT primer amplification. This study suggests the effectiveness of SCoT marker system for characterizing and assessing genetic diversity of Capsicum germplasm, which can be used for evolutionary studies and to identify agronomically important traits.

J Biosci ; 2019 Mar; 44(1): 1-17
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214239


The importance of the widely spread leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motif was studied considering TLRs, the LRR-containingprotein involved in animal immune response. The protein connects intracellular signalling with a chain of molecularinteractions through the presence of LRRs in the ectodomain and TIR in the endodomain. Domain analyses with humanTLR1-9 reported ectodomain with tandem repeats, transmembrane domain and TIR domain. The repeat number variedacross members of TLR and remained characteristic to a particular member. Analysis of gene structure revealed absence ofcodon interruption with TLR3 and TLR4 as exceptions. Extensive study with TLR4 from metazoans confirmed thepresence of 23 LRRs in tandem. Distinct clade formation using coding and amino acid sequence of individual repeatsillustrated independent evolution. Although ectodomain and endodomain exhibited differential selection pressure, withinthe ectodomain, however, the individual repeats displayed positive, negative and neutral selection pressure depending ontheir structural and functional significance.

Yao Xue Xue Bao ; (12): 2106-2112, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780298


In order to explore the chloroplast genome characteristics of Sophora flavescens and the phylogenetic relationship of the genus, this study used high-throughput sequencing technology to sequence and functionally annotate the chloroplast genome of Sophora flavescens. The results showed that the full length 154 165 bp of Sophora flavescens chloroplast genome showed a typical four-stage structure. The chloroplast genome contains 123 genes, including 77 protein-coding genes, 38 tRNA genes and 8 rRNA genes. Sequence analysis revealed 104 SSR loci, most of which consisted of A and T. In addition, the chloroplast genome codon preference is weak, and the coding region is biased towards the use of A and T bases. A comparative analysis of two different regions of Sophora flavescens chloroplast genome revealed four differential genes. Based on the maximum likelihood method (ML) for phylogenetic analysis of Sophora flavescens and 16 other leguminous, it was found that the relationship between Sophora flavescens and the genus Sophora alopecuroides is the closest. This study provides an important theoretical basis for the genetic variation, breeding and phylogenetic analysis of Sophora flavescens, and has certain reference value.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2227-2237, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-781642


Enzymes are widely used in medical and biopharmaceuticals. They can be used not only for various disease treatments, but also clinical diagnosis. The use of microorganisms to express heterologous proteins has become the easiest and fastest way to obtain enzymes. In order to obtain high concentration and high-quality heterologous proteins, a common method is codon optimization of gene sequences. The traditional codon optimization strategy is mainly based on codon bias and GC content, ignoring complex and varied factors such as translational dynamics and metabolic levels. We provide here comprehensive codon optimization strategy based on gene level, transcriptional level, translational level, post-translational level and metabolic level, mainly including codon bias, codon harmonization, codon sensitivity, adjustment of gene sequence structure and some other influencing factors. We also summarize the aspects of strategy content, theoretical support and application. Besides, the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy are also systematically compared, providing an all-round, multi-level and multi-selection optimization strategy for heterogeneous protein expression, and also providing references for the enzyme industry and biopharmaceuticals.

Base Composition , Codon