Introducción. La implementación del protocolo de recuperación mejorada después de cirugía (ERAS) ha demostrado mejorar los desenlaces en cirugía colorrectal. En Colombia su implementación es escasa y se tiene poca evidencia de sus beneficios. Por esa razón, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la implementación del protocolo ERAS en los pacientes sometidos a cirugía colorrectal en un hospital de referencia en el suroccidente colombiano. Métodos. Estudio observacional con abordaje de emulación de experimento clínico ideal. Se incluyeron pacientes adultos sometidos a cirugía colorrectal mayor entre los años 2021 y 2023. Se midió días de estancia hospitalaria, ingreso a unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI) y la presencia de complicaciones globales, reintervenciones o reingreso hospitalario a 30 días. Se realizó un análisis univariado y multivariado para medir el efecto de la implementación del protocolo ERAS en los desenlaces. Resultados. En total,132 pacientes cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, 79 pacientes en el período previo a la implementación de ERAS y 53 pacientes con el protocolo ERAS. En el análisis multivariado, se encontró una reducción relativa del 77 % para ingreso a UCI, del 57 % de complicaciones globales, del 67 % en el reingreso hospitalario y del 92 % para reintervenciones quirúrgicas tras el alta en los pacientes ERAS. Conclusiones. La implementación de las recomendaciones ERAS en nuestra institución demostró mejorar los resultados clínicos en pacientes sometidos a cirugía colorrectal mayor. En Colombia, se necesita de estudios multicéntricos que permitan evidenciar la plausibilidad y beneficios de estas recomendaciones en otras instituciones.
Introduction. Implementation of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol has been shown to improve outcomes in colorectal surgery. In Colombia, its implementation is scarce and there is limited evidence of its benefits. For this reason, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of ERAS protocol implementation in patients undergoing colorectal surgery in a reference hospital in Southwestern Colombia. Methods. Observational study with ideal clinical experiment emulation approach. Adult patients undergoing major colorectal surgery between 2021 and 2023 were included. Days of hospital stay, admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), and the presence of overall complications, reinterventions, or hospital readmission within 30 days were measured. A univariate and multivariate analysis was performed to measure the effect of the implementation of the ERAS protocol on the outcomes. Results. A total of 132 patients met the inclusion criteria, 79 patients in the period prior to ERAS implementation and 53 patients with the ERAS protocol. In the multivariate analysis, a relative reduction of 77% for ICU admissions, 57% for overall complications, 67% for hospital readmission, and 92% for surgical reinterventions after discharge in ERAS patients was found. Conclusions. Implementation of ERAS recommendations at our institution was shown to improve clinical outcomes in patients undergoing major colorectal surgery, In Colombia, multicenter studies are needed to demonstrate the plausibility and benefits of these recommendations in other institutions.
Humans , Colorectal Surgery , Enhanced Recovery After Surgery , Length of Stay , Postoperative Complications , Reoperation , Colorectal NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Introducción. El cáncer colorrectal es uno de los tipos de cáncer más comunes y mortales a nivel mundial. Aunque los avances médicos han mejorado el manejo, la cirugía sigue siendo fundamental. La resección anterior baja (RAB) de recto ha ganado relevancia, a pesar de que puede llevar al síndrome de resección anterior baja de recto (LARS, por sus siglas en inglés), afectando la calidad de vida. Métodos. Estudio de corte transversal con intención analítica en un centro de referencia en Medellín, Colombia. Los pacientes con cáncer de recto sometidos a RAB entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2022 completaron el cuestionario LARS para evaluar disfunción intestinal. Se evaluaron factores relacionados con la presencia de LARS por medio de un análisis bivariado. Resultados. De 234 pacientes elegibles, 110 (47 %) respondieron la encuesta, predominantemente mujeres (58,2 %). La edad promedio fue 62 años. Dos tercios de los pacientes recibieron neoadyuvancia y el 69 % requirieron ileostomía. La prevalencia de LARS fue 47,3 %. El 80,9 % llevaban más de 12 meses desde la cirugía o el cierre del estoma. Factores estadísticamente significativos asociados a LARS fueron edad mayor de 65 años (p=0,03), estadío patológico avanzado (p=0,02) y requerimiento de estoma (p=0,03). Conclusiones. El LARS afecta a casi la mitad de los pacientes en diferentes etapas posquirúrgicas. El LARS scorees una herramienta práctica para evaluar la función intestinal en el seguimiento del paciente. La prevalencia y los factores de riesgo identificados contribuyen a la comprensión del impacto de la cirugía conservadora del esfínter en la calidad de vida de los pacientes.
Introduction. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common and deadly types of cancer worldwide, with a high incidence of rectal cancer. Although medical advances have improved management, surgery remains crucial. Low anterior resection of the rectum (LAR) has gained significance, despite its potential to lead to low anterior resection syndrome (LARS), affecting quality of life. Methods. A cross-sectional study with analytical intent was conducted at a referral center in Medellín, Colombia. Patients with rectal cancer who underwent LAR between January 2016 and December 2022 completed the LARS questionnaire to assess intestinal dysfunction. Factors related to the presence of LARS were analyzed using bivariate analysis. Results. Of 234 eligible patients, 110 (47%) responded, predominantly women (58.2%). The average age was 62 years. Two-thirds of patients received neoadjuvant therapy and 69% required ileostomy. The prevalence of LARS was 47.3%. 80.9% had been more than 12 months post-surgery or stoma closure. Statistically significant factors associated with LARS included age over 65 years (p=0.03), advanced pathological stage (p=0.02), and stoma requirement (p=0.03). Conclusions. LARS affects almost half of the patients in various post-surgical stages. The LARS score is a practical tool for assessing intestinal function in patient follow-up. The prevalence and risk factors identified contribute to the understanding of the impact of sphincter-conserving surgery on patients' quality of life.
Humans , Rectal Diseases , Proctectomy , Postoperative Complications , Rectal Neoplasms , Colorectal Surgery , Surgical StomasABSTRACT
Introducción. El conjunto de estrategias de recuperación mejorada después de la cirugía (ERAS, por sus siglas en inglés) constituye un enfoque de atención multimodal y multidisciplinario, cuyo propósito es reducir el estrés perioperatorio de la cirugía, disminuir la morbilidad y acortar la estancia hospitalaria. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir los resultados clínicos de pacientes sometidos a cirugía por cáncer colorrectal, identificando las complicaciones principales y los factores perioperatorios relacionados con el alta temprana. Métodos. Se analizaron los pacientes consecutivos sometidos a cirugía colorrectal entre los años 2020 y 2023, todos los cuales siguieron el protocolo ERAS institucional. Se evaluaron las características clínicas, los factores perioperatorios, los desenlaces postoperatorios y la tasa global de adherencia al protocolo. Resultados. Un total de 456 pacientes fueron sometidos a cirugía colorrectal, 51% de sexo masculino, con edad media de 60 años. La mayoría de las intervenciones se realizaron por laparoscopia (78 %), con una tasa de conversión del 14,5 %. Las complicaciones postoperatorias incluyeron fuga anastomótica (4,6 %), sangrado, infección intraabdominal y obstrucción intestinal. La estancia hospitalaria promedio fue de 4 días y la mortalidad del 2,8 %. La tasa global de adherencia al protocolo ERAS fue del 84,7 %. Conclusiones. El enfoque combinado de cirugía laparoscópica y protocolo ERAS es factible, seguro y se asocia con una estancia hospitalaria más corta. La implementación y adherencia al protocolo ERAS no solo mejora los resultados postoperatorios, sino que también resalta la importancia de acceder a datos sólidos, permitiendo mejorar la atención perioperatoria local.
Introduction. The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol is a multimodal, multidisciplinary approach to care, the purpose of which is to reduce the perioperative stress of surgery, decrease morbidity, and shorten hospital stay. This study aimed to describe the clinical outcomes of patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer, identifying the main complications and perioperative factors related to early discharge. Methods. Consecutive patients undergoing colorectal surgery between 2020 and 2023 were analyzed, who followed the institutional ERAS protocol. Clinical characteristics, perioperative factors, postoperative outcomes, and overall protocol adherence rate were evaluated. Results. A total of 456 patients underwent colorectal surgery, 51% male, with a mean age of 60 years. Most interventions were performed laparoscopically (78%), with a conversion rate of 14.5%. Postoperative complications included anastomotic leak (4.6%), followed by bleeding, intra-abdominal infection, and intestinal obstruction. The average hospital stay was 4 days and mortality was 2.8%. The overall adherence rate to the ERAS protocol was 84.7%. Conclusions. The combined approach of laparoscopic surgery and ERAS protocol is feasible, safe, and associated with a shorter hospital stay. Implementation and adherence to the ERAS protocol not only improves postoperative outcomes, but also highlights the importance of accessing solid data, allowing for improved local perioperative care.
Humans , Colorectal Neoplasms , Enhanced Recovery After Surgery , Length of Stay , Laparoscopy , Colorectal Surgery , Minimally Invasive Surgical ProceduresABSTRACT
After more than thirty years of development, laparoscopic surgery technology has become the main platform for surgery and has been widely applied in various fields of surgery. The safety, feasibility and efficacy of laparoscopic technique have already been confirmed in colorectal surgery. In recent years, with a deeper understanding of concepts such as laparoscopic fascial anatomy, laparoscopic colorectal surgery has made new explorations and advances in surgical approach selection, NOSES, lymph node dissection range, preservation of Denonvillier's fascia, functional protection, lateral lymph node dissection, selection of anal preservation techniques for ultra-low rectal cancer, and totally laparoscopic digestive tract reconstruction. In the field of laparoscopic gastric surgery, evidence-based medical evidence in China has entered a harvest period, moreover, functional preservation surgery, esophageal gastric junction adenocarcinoma, and total laparoscopic anastomosis have also become hot topics in this field with new progress. The medical equipment related to minimally invasive surgery has also been developping in recent years and has played an important role in improving minimally invasive surgery.
With the rapid development of science and technology, new technologies and methods for the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer are constantly emerging, which has improved the survival of patients with colorectal cancer. At the same time, the progress in surgical technology is also changing profoundly due to information technology revolution. From open surgery to minimally invasive surgery, to robot-assisted surgery, AI technology, three-dimensional stereotactic technology, as well as the emergence of enhanced reality and digital diagnosis technology, all have greatly promoted the surgical treatment of colorectal cancer. Colorectal surgery has also become more precise, personalized, and more focused on reducing surgical trauma, protecting organ function, and improving patients' quality of life. This article aims to review the new progress and research hotspots in the surgical treatment of colorectal cancer in recent years from several aspects including organ preservation strategy, adjuvant/neoadjuvant treatment, minimally invasive surgery, difficult colorectal surgery, as well as liquid biopsy technology.
Introduction: Scientific studies in Brazil grew around 10.7% compared to previous years. However, the level of quality of evidence has been decreasing. The aim in our study is to examine the meeting abstracts of the Brazilian congress of coloproctology and analyze the level of evidence in trends and variables. Methods: A descriptive bibliometric study, working with secondary data to review scientific abstracts in the annals of the coloproctology congress from 2015 to 2019. Results: A total of 1756 abstracts of the Brazilian Congress of Coloproctology were analyzed for 5 years (2015-2019). There was a higher trend of abstracts presented with lower levels of evidence (level of evidence 5: 52.3% and 3: 30%), being the majority composed of case reports (49.4%) and retrospective studies (30.4%). The last two years analyzed (2018: 55.2% and 2019: 59.3%) had a predominance above average of case reports. From 2017 to 2019 there was a significant decrease in the number of level 2 evidence studies (18.10%,11.80% and 5.50%), while the number of studies with level 5 evidence showed an increase (45.60%, 56.60% and 61.40%). Statistical analysis occurred in only 17%, with an important decrease for the last two years (2018: 13.6%; 2019: 12.1%). Conclusions: Although the data of this study is from the Brazilian coloproctology point of view, they are important for the global scientific community, as they allow a quantitative evaluation of the relative contribution from the level of evidence of Brazilian coloproctology researchers to the scientific scenario. (AU)
Colorectal Surgery , Congresses as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Bibliometrics , Evidence-Based MedicineABSTRACT
Objetivo: Identificar los patrones de distribución vascular del ángulo esplénico del colon (AEC) en la población chilena para su comparación con la literatura oriental (Fukuoka). Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Se caracterizó la irrigación del AEC de imágenes con protocolo Urotac realizadas en Clínica INDISA entre el año 2020 y 2021 (n = 127), clasificándolas dentro de 6 tipos descritos por Fukuoka. Se evaluaron características demográficas y comorbilidades. Las variables fueron analizadas utilizando estadística descriptiva y la significancia mediante la prueba Chi2. Resultados: Existen diferencias en los tipos irrigación del AEC entre la serie local y Fukuoka, la irrigación tipo 3 fue la que presentó mayor variación (p < 0,05). El tipo 1 es la más frecuente (34,7%), sin casos del Tipo 4. No se identificó diferencia entre los distintos tipos de irrigación con relación a las variables demográficas y comorbilidades. Discusión: Al comparar nuestra serie con la oriental se evidenció similar frecuencia en tipos 1 y 6, mayor en tipos 3 y 5, y tipos 2 y 4 con menor representación. Se identificó un mayor aporte en la irrigación del AEC por la arteria cólica izquierda (ACI) en la población estudiada (64,6%). Conclusión: Nuestra población tiene mayor participación de ACI en irrigación del AEC que orientales (64,6% vs 49,6%), los tipos más frecuentes son 1, 3 y 6, el Tipo 1 es la forma más frecuente de irrigación, similar a Fukuoka (34,7% vs 39,7%), Tipo 3 tiene mayor representación en nuestra población que en la oriental (29,9% vs 9,9%).
Objective: To identify the vascular distribution patterns of the splenic flexure of the colon (AEC) in the Chilean population for comparison with the oriental literature (Fukuoka). Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. The irrigation of the AEC of images with the Urotac protocol performed at the INDISA Clinic between 2020 and 2021 (n = 127) was characterized, classifying them into 6 types described by Fukuoka. Demographic characteristics and comorbidities were evaluated. Variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics and significance using the Chi2 test. Results: There are differences in the types of irrigation of the AEC between the local series and Fukuoka, irrigation type 3 was the one that presented the greatest variation (p < 0.05). Type 1 is the most frequent (34.7%), with no cases of Type 4. No difference was identified between the different types of irrigation in relation to demographic variables and comorbidities. Discussion: When comparing our series with the eastern one, a similar frequency was found in types 1 and 6, higher in types 3 and 5, and types 2 and 4 with less representation. A greater contribution was identified in the irrigation of the AEC by the left colic artery (ICA) in the population studied (64.6%). Conclusion: Our population has a greater participation of ICA in AEC irrigation than Orientals (64.6% vs 49.6%), the most frequent types are 1, 3 and 6, Type 1 is the most frequent form of irrigation, similar to Fukuoka (34.7% vs 39.7%), Type 3 is more represented in our population than in the eastern one (29.9% vs 9.9%).
Objective: This study aims to report the case of a 69-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of anorectal melanoma (AM) established by immunohistochemistry. Methods: Clinical case report, a descriptive and qualitative study. Results: The patient had a nodular and ulcerative lesion in the anal region, the imaging exams revealed an expansive lesion that affected the rectum and the vaginal wall. The chosen course of treatment was initial surgical intervention, the surgery and postoperative course progressed without complications, and the anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of invasive malignant melanoma of the distal rectum of anorectal transition. The anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of invasive malignant melanoma located in the distal rectum of the anorectal transition. Immunohistochemistry analysis showed infiltrative melanoma with microsatellites, as well as peri and intratumoral lymphocytic infiltrate, angiolymphatic invasion, and perineural invasion. The surgical resection margins, ovaries, posterior vaginal wall, and parametrium showed no signs of neoplastic involvement. Following the surgery, the patient began immunotherapy, which she is still undergoing. Conclusions: The survival rate of AM can be improved through various diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. However, further exploration of this topic through clinical studies is necessary to enhance both diagnosis and treatment. (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Anus Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Melanoma/surgery , Melanoma/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introduction: The purpose of this retrospective bibliometric study was to assess the discrepancies between coloproctology surgery meeting abstracts and subsequent full-length manuscript publications. Methods: Abstracts presented at the Brazilian Congress of Coloproctology Surgery from 2015 to 2019 were compared with matching manuscript publications. Discrepancies between the abstract and therefore the subsequent manuscript were categorized as major (changes within the purpose, methods, study design, sample size, statistical analysis, results, and conclusions) and minor (changes within the title, authorship, and number of female authors) variations. Results: The conversion rate of abstracts in published manuscripts was 6,9% (121 abstracts). There were inconsistencies between the study title (66,1%), authorship (69,5%), study design (3,3%), sample size (39,2%), statistical analysis (24,8%), results (25,6%), and conclusions (12,4%) of manuscripts compared with their corresponding meeting abstracts. Conclusion: As changes occur before manuscript publication of coloproctology surgery meeting abstracts, caution should be exercised in referencing abstracts or altering surgical practices based on abstracts content. (AU)
Bibliometrics , Colorectal Surgery , Congresses as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies , Meeting AbstractABSTRACT
La fisura anal es una de las enfermedades más antiguamente descritas, la misma que, ha tenido hasta el momento múltiples tratamientos tanto médicos como quirúrgicos, existiendo controversias en su algoritmo terapéutico. Constituye una de las patologías cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento corresponde a la Especialidad de Coloproctología, afecta a ambos sexos y a cualquier edad y puede ser aguda o crónica. Proponemos el presente Protocolo para un adecuado manejo de la patología, de manera que sirva de guía en la toma correcta de decisiones basadas en la evidencia y el consenso de quienes integramos la Unidad Técnica de Coloproctología del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín.
Anal fissure is one of the oldest described diseases, which has so far had multiple medical and surgical treatments, with controversies in its therapeutic algorithm. It is one of the pathologies whose diagnosis and treatment corresponds to the Coloproctology Specialty, it affects both sexes and any age and can be acute or chronic. We propose the present Protocol for an adequate management of the pathology, so that it serves as a guide in the correct decision making based on evidence and consensus of those who integrate the Technical Unit of Coloproctology of the Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín.
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Anal Canal , Anus Diseases , Pruritus Ani , Colorectal Surgery , Fissure in Ano/surgery , Quality of Life , Proctoscopy , Diet , Ecuador , Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy , Hemorrhage , AnalgesiaABSTRACT
Introduction: The presentation of abstracts in a congress is an important step for the dissemination of scientific information. The American Congress of Coloproctology is promoted by the American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS), and it is the largest in number of participants within the specialty, followed by the Brazilian Congress of Coloproctology. The present study aims to evaluate variables related to the quality of the scientific production of the abstracts presented in these two events and their conversion rate to published manuscripts. Materials and Methods: The present bibliometric study assesses secondary data from the review of abstracts presented in these 2 important conferences in 2016, followed by a research of the publications from these congress presentations. Results: The total number of abstracts evaluated was 854. The rate of articles containing statistical analyses was of 73.7% in the American congress, and of 34.1% in the Brazilian congress. Multicentric studies were more prevalent in the American congress (23.1%). Regarding study design, the most common were case reports in the Brazilian (44.8%) congress and retrospective studies in the American congress (67.7%). As for the works presented, the rate of conversion into full manuscripts in the American congress was of 24.2% compared with 10.6% in the Brazilian congress. Most papers from the American congress (93.7%) have citations compared with 68.6% of the other event evaluated. Conclusion: The scientific performance demonstrated by the conversion rate of abstracts into publications is below ideal, mainly in relation to the Brazilian meeting; yet, there were significant differences between the two events in terms of the profile of the presentations and several variables analyzed. (AU)
Congresses as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Scientific Communication and Diffusion , Societies, Medical , Colorectal SurgeryABSTRACT
Introducción: La tasa de dehiscencia anastomótica en cirugía colorrectal se estima entre un 4% a 20%. El plasma rico en fibrina y leucocitos (PRF-L) es un concentrado plaquetario de segunda generación y su aplicación en anastomosis colorrectales en animales ha evidenciado interesantes resultados que suponen una menor tasa. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la viabilidad de aplicar L-PRF en cirugía colorrectal y determinar la incidencia de fuga anastomótica después de una anastomosis colorrectal. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio tuvo lugar en el Hospital Clínico Regional de Concepción Chile, en el periodo 2018-2021. Se realizó un ensayo clínico randomizado a 1 ciego. Se incluyeron a 106 pacientes sometidos a anastomosis colorrectal termino-terminal grapada. Se formó un grupo experimental con 53 pacientes y otro control con 53 pacientes. Resultados: A todos se les realizó anastomosis termino-terminal grapada. la indicación de cirugía fue cáncer en 79% y se realizó cirugía video-laparoscópica en 46%. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en variables socio-demográficas, ni relacionadas con la cirugía. Hubo dehiscencia anastomótica en 5 pacientes (9,4%) del grupo control y 1 (1,9%) en el grupo experimental sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p = 0,24). Conclusiones: A pesar de que no hubo diferencias con significación estadística entre los grupos, se apreció una tendencia en favor del PRF-L. Se logró establecer la seguridad de la aplicación de PRF-L en anastomosis colorrectales.
Introduction: Anastomotic leak rate in colorectal surgery is estimated between 4 and 20 percent. Leukocyte and and platelet-rich fibrin plasma (L-PRF) is second generation platelet concentrate whose application in colorectal anastomosis in animals has shown promising results that suppose a lower leakage rate. Aim: The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of using L-PRF in colorectal surgery and to determine the incidence of anastomotic leak after colorectal anastomosis. Methods: This study took place in Hospital Clínico Regional de Concepción Chile, between years 2018 and 2021. A randomized and one-blinded experimental design was used, that included 106 patients that underwent end-to-end stapled colorectal anastomosis, 53 of them received L-PRF during anastomosis (experimental group). Results: Surgical indication in 79% was cancer and laparoscopic procedure was performed in 46% of patients. There were no statistically significant differences in sociodemographic nor surgery related variables. Anastomotic leak occurred in 5 patients of the control group (9.4%) and 1 patient from de experimental group (1.9%), with no statistically significant differences (p = 0.24). Conclusion: Although we did not detect significant differences among both groups, we observed a tendency favoring L-PRF treatment. We were able to stablish the safety of L-PRF use in colorectal anastomosis.
Introducción. La cirugía es la base del tratamiento curativo del cáncer de recto. La escisión meso-rectal total ha permitido mejorar los desenlaces oncológicos, disminuyendo las tasas de recurrencia locorregional e impactando en la supervivencia global. El empleo de esta técnica en los tumores de recto medio o distal es un reto quirúrgico, en el que la vía trans anal, permite superar las dificultades técnicas. Método. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo, recolectando la información de los pacientes con cáncer de recto medio y distal llevados a cirugía con esta técnica, en dos instituciones de cuarto nivel en Medellín, Colombia, entre enero de 2017 y marzo de 2022. Se analizaron sus características demográficas, la morbilidad perioperatoria y la pieza quirúrgica. Resultados. Se incluyeron 28 pacientes sometidos al procedimiento trans anal y laparoscópico de forma simultánea; al 57 % se les realizó una ileostomía de protección. Hubo complicaciones en el 60,7 % de los pacientes; ocurrieron cuatro casos de fuga anastomótica. No se presentó ninguna mortalidad perioperatoria. Conclusiones. La tasa de morbilidad perioperatoria es acorde con lo reportado en la literatura. Se resalta la importancia de la curva de aprendizaje quirúrgica y de incluir la calificación de la integridad meso-rectal dentro del informe patológico. Se requiere seguimiento a largo plazo para determinar el impacto en desenlaces oncológicos, calidad de vida y morbilidad
Introduction. Surgery is the pillar of curative treatment for rectal cancer. Total meso-rectal excision has improved oncological outcomes, decreasing locoregional recurrence rates and impacting overall survival. The use of this technique in tumors of the middle or distal rectum is a surgical challenge, in which the trans anal route allows overcoming technical difficulties. Method. A retrospective observational study was carried out, collecting information from patients with middle and distal rectal cancer undergoing surgery with this technique, in two level 4 institutions in Medellín, Colombia, between January 2017 and March 2022. Results. Twenty-eight patients were included; their demographic characteristics, perioperative morbidity, and surgical specimen were analyzed. All patients underwent the trans anal and laparoscopic procedures simultaneously; 57% underwent a protective ileostomy. There was no perioperative mortality. Complications occurred in 60.7% of the patients. Only four cases of anastomotic leak occurred. Conclusions. The perioperative morbidity rate is consistent with that reported in the literature; the importance of the surgical curve and to include the qualification of the meso-rectal integrity within the pathological report is highlighted. Long-term follow-up is required to determine the impact on oncological outcomes, quality of life, and morbidity
Humans , Rectal Neoplasms , Colorectal Surgery , Adenocarcinoma , Laparoscopy , Intraoperative ComplicationsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Exponer los resultados de 7 años de cirugía proctológica por cirugía mayor ambulatoria (CMA) y determinar el grado de satisfacción usuaria. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de pacientes sometidos a cirugía proctológica bajo modalidad CMA en el Hospital Regional de Concepción entre los años 2012 y 2019. Se realizó la encuesta telefónica de satisfacción SUCMA-14. Resultados: Se evaluaron a 632 pacientes en el período de estudio. Con diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre patologías para edad, género e IMC. Se aplicó la encuesta a 270 pacientes que contestaron y respondieron. Los resultados mostraron que en general la percepción de los pacientes es positiva salvo puntuales excepciones, como el dolor postoperatorio para condilomas y hemorroides, y las complicaciones postoperatorias para la enfermedad pilonidal. Cuando se realiza el análisis multivariado a los datos correspondientes a la encuesta, no se logran diferencias significativas entre los diagnósticos, pero al aplicarlo a las variables clínico-quirúrgicas se evidencia, claramente, que existe una distinción entre éstas, en especial para la enfermedad pilonidal. Discusión: Las diferencias en términos de tiempos quirúrgicos, complicaciones y re-hospitalizaciones, no necesariamente afectan la percepción que los pacientes tienen de la CMA, ya que ésta depende de otros factores y no solo de los resultados quirúrgicos. Conclusión: Se obtuvieron resultados acorde a la literatura internacional, con peores resultados para enfermedad pilonidal. La satisfacción usuaria fue positiva en general, sin una clara distinción por patologías. Creemos que la CMA es recomendable en patología proctológica tanto por sus resultados, como por la satisfacción que genera en los pacientes.
Objective: To present the results of 7 years of colorectal surgery on mayor ambulatory surgery (MAS) and to determine patient satisfaction. Methods: A descriptive observational study of patients undergoing proctological surgery under the MAS modality was carried out at Regional Hospital of Concepción between 2012 and 2019. The SUCMA-14 satisfaction survey was applied. Results: 632 patients were evaluated in the study period. With statistically significant differences between pathologies for age, gender and BMI. The survey was applied to 270 patients who answered and responded. The results showed that, in general, the perception of the patients is positive, with exceptions, such as postoperative pain for warts and hemorrhoids, and postoperative complications for pilonidal disease. When the multivariate analysis corresponding to the survey is performed, it does not allow distinguishing between the diagnoses, but when applied to the surgical variables, it clearly shows that there is a distinction between them, with a disadvantage for pilonidal disease. Discussion: The differences in terms of surgical times, complications and re-hospitalizations do not necessarily affect the perception that patients have of the MAS, since it depends on other factors and not only on the surgical results. Conclusion: Results were concordant to what is described in the international literature, with worse results for pilonidal disease. Patient satisfaction was positive in general, without a clear distinction by pathology. We believe that MAS is recommended in proctological pathology both for its results and for the satisfaction it generates in patients.
ABSTRACT Background: The use of inflammatory markers in order to accurate the diagnosis, decrease the reoperation rate and enable earlier interventions during the postoperative period of a colorectal surgery is increasingly necessary, with the purpose of reducing morbimortality, nosocomial infections, costs and time of a readmission. Objective: To analyze C-reactive protein level on the third postoperative day of an elective colorectal surgery and compare the marks between reoperated and non-reoperated patients and to establish a cutoff value to predict or avoid surgical reoperations. Methods: Retrospective study based on the analysis of electronic charts of over 18-year-old patients who underwent an elective colorectal surgery with primary anastomoses during the period from January 2019 to May 2021 by the proctology team of Santa Marcelina Hospital Department of General Surgery with C-reactive protein (CRP) dosage taken on the third postoperative day. Results: We assessed 128 patients with a mean age of 59.22 years old and need of reoperation of 20.3% of patients, half of these due to dehiscence of colorectal anastomosis. Comparing CRP rates on the third postoperative day between non-reoperated and reoperated patients, it was noted that in the former group the average was of 153.8±76.2 mg/dL, whereas in reoperated patients it was 198.7±77.4 mg/dL (P<0.0001) and the best CRP cutoff value to predict or investigate reoperation risk was 184.8 mg/L with an accuracy of 68% and negative predictive value of 87.6%. Conclusion: CRP levels assessed on the third postoperative day of elective colorectal surgery were higher in patients who were reoperated and the cutoff value for intra-abdominal complication of 184.8mg/L presented a high negative predictive value.
RESUMO Contexto: O uso de marcadores sanguíneos para tentar acurar o diagnóstico, reduzir a taxa de readmissão e possibilitar intervenções mais precoces no pós operatório de cirurgia colorretal é cada vez mais necessário, a fim de almejar reduzir a morbimortalidade, infecções nosocomiais, custos e tempo de uma reinternação. Objetivo: Analisar o nível da proteíne C reativa (PCR) no terceiro dia de pós-operatório de cirurgia colorretal eletiva e comparar os valores entre pacientes reoperados e não reoperados e estabelecer um valor de corte para prever ou afastar re-intervenção cirúrgica. Metodos: Estudo retrospectivo através da análise de prontuários eletrônicos de pacientes maiores que 18 anos submetidos a cirurgia colorretal de forma eletiva com anastomoses primárias no período de janeiro de 2019 a maio de 2021 pelo serviço de Coloproctologia do Departamento de Cirurgia Geral do Hospital Santa Marcelina com dosagem da PCR no 3º pós-operatório. Resultados: Foram avaliados 128 pacientes com média de idade de 59,22 anos e necessidade de reoperação em 20,3% dos pacientes, sendo metade desses por deiscência de anastomose colorretal. Ao se comparar os valores de PCR no 3º pós operatório entre os pacientes não reoperados e os reoperados, observou-se que nos primeiros a média foi de 153,8±76,2 mg/dL, enquanto nos pacientes reoperados foi de 198,7±77,4 mg/dL (P<0,0001) e, o melhor valor de corte de PCR para predizer ou investigar o risco de reoperação, foi 184,8 mg/dL com uma acurácia de 68% e valor preditivo negativo de 87,6%. Conclusão: Os níveis de PCR avaliados no 3º pós-operatório de cirurgia colorretal eletiva foram maiores em pacientes reoperados e o valor de corte para complicações intra-abdominal de 184,8 mg/L apresentou elevado valor preditivo negativo.
Abstract Background Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol is composed by evidence-based interventions that aim to improve recovery through a reduction in surgical stress response. Although ERAS protocols have been introduced across the globe, exhaustive implementation is not as common. We aimed to study the ERAS protocol compliance in colorectal surgery, assessing the relationship between compliance and postoperative complications. Methods A single-center cohort study was conducted. All consecutive patients admitted to elective colorectal surgery were included. We assessed study endpoints according to ERAS protocol perioperative compliance score above 75%. Our primary endpoint was a composite of postoperative events, which includes in-hospital postoperative complications and need for reoperation after 30 days and need for readmission after discharge. Secondary endpoints were surgery-to-discharge time, postoperative use of only non-opioid adjuvants and the individual components of the primary endpoint. Results A total of 224 colorectal patients were included. The primary endpoint occurred in 59.2% (n = 58) of non-compliant patients comparing to 34.1% (n = 43) in compliant patients. In univariate analysis, compliance to ERAS protocol had an inferior risk for the primary endpoint (p< 0.001). In a logistic regression model, compliance was independently associated with a reduced risk for the primary endpoint with a odds-ratio of 0.42 (95% CI 0.23-0.75, p= 0.004). Conclusion Compliance with the ERAS protocol is associated with less complications, a reduced surgery-to-discharge time and use of only non-opioid adjuvants in the postoperative period. More studies are needed to target the most appropriate compliance goal.
Humans , Enhanced Recovery After Surgery , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Cohort Studies , Guideline Adherence , Length of StayABSTRACT
Abstract Background The effect of regional analgesia on perioperative infectious complications remains unknown. We therefore tested the hypothesis that a composite of serious infections after colorectal surgery is less common in patients with regional analgesia than in those given Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia (IV-PCA) with opiates. Methods Patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery lasting one hour or more under general anesthesia at the Cleveland Clinic Main Campus between 2009 and 2015 were included in this retrospective analysis. Exposures were defined as regional postoperative analgesia with epidurals or Transversus Abdominis Plane blocks (TAP); or IV-PCA with opiates only. The outcome was defined as a composite of in-hospital serious infections, including intraabdominal abscess, pelvic abscess, deep or organ-space Surgical Site Infection (SSI), clostridium difficile, pneumonia, or sepsis. Logistic regression model adjusted for the imbalanced potential confounding factors among the subset of matched surgeries was used to report the odds ratios along with 95% confidence limits. The significance criterion was p < 0.05. Results A total of 7811 patients met inclusion and exclusion criteria of which we successfully matched 681 regional anesthesia patients to 2862 IV-PCA only patients based on propensity scores derived from potential confounding factors. There were 82 (12%) in-hospital postoperative serious infections in the regional analgesia group vs. 285 (10%) in IV-PCA patients. Regional analgesia was not significantly associated with serious infection (odds ratio: 1.14; 95% Confidence Interval 0.87‒1.49; p-value = 0.339) after adjusting for surgical duration and volume of intraoperative crystalloids. Conclusion Regional analgesia should not be selected as postoperative analgesic technique to reduce infections.
Humans , Colorectal Surgery , Opiate Alkaloids , Pain, Postoperative/etiology , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Pain, Postoperative/epidemiology , Surgical Wound Infection/prevention & control , Surgical Wound Infection/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Analgesia, Patient-Controlled/methods , Abscess/complications , Analgesics, OpioidABSTRACT
The application of laparoscopy in general surgery,especially in colorectal surgery,has been a routine clinical practice.Its safety and efficacy have been widely recognized.Different from open abdominal surgery,laparoscopic surgery has its unique characteristics.In clinical practice,other organs out of visual field are often injured during operation,including both empty organs such as stomach,duodenum,small intestine and colon,as well as parenchymal organs such as spleen.If it is found during the operation,corresponding remedial measures can be taken in time.If it occurs after the operation,it is difficult to be distinguished from other complications such as anastomotic leakage,and treatment is quite challenging,seriously affecting the medical safety of patients,and even leading to doctor-patient disputes.Based on the author's experience,unexpected injuries may occur starting from the second of Trocar insertion,most of which occurred during intraoperative traction and detachment,or during the entry and exit of instruments into Trocar.The occurrence of accidental injury is often subtle,but through gentle and careful operation,attention to the occurrence of unexpected events during the surgery,and comprehensive observation of the abdominal cavity before the end of the surgery,it can be effectively avoided in a timely manner.A stable surgical team can greatly reduce the unexpected damage out of the field by reducing the grasping of irrelevant tissues and keeping the instruments away from the camera.Only with the instrument in the hand and the awe in the heart can we really avoid unnecessary damage.This article intends to discuss the author's experience in preventing and treating accidental injury in the field of laparoscopic vision in clinical practice,in order to provide references for colorectal surgeons.
Objective:Three-dimensional simulation modeling technology was used to conduct three-dimensional reconstruction, classification and measurement for the anatomic structures of colorectal canal, tumor and key blood vessels in patients with rectal cancer before operation. And the accuracy of the data and information obtained for the prediction of anastomotic tension, important types of vascular variant, positioning of anatomical landmarks, etc. in laparoscopic-assisted radical resection of rectal cancer, and the guiding effect of operation was evaluated.Methods:The clinical data of 50 patients with laparoscopic-assisted radical resection of rectal cancer treated in the General Surgery Department, Beijing Ditan Hospital Capital Medical University from January 2019 to February 2021 were analyzed retrospectively, including 31 males and 19 females, aged from 42 to 83 years old, with an average age of (62.72 ±15.21) years. The patients were divided into two groups according to whether the patients underwent three-dimensional simulation reconstruction before operation. The patients who underwent abdomen pelvic enhancement CT and further three-dimensional reconstruction before surgery were taken as reconstruction group ( n=24), and the patients who were only routinely performed abdomen pelvic enhancement CT before operation were taken as control group ( n=26). For the patients in the reconstruction group, the CT images were modeled by Mimics software before operation, and the key data such as the length of colorectal and tumor, the correlation length of rigid structure of pelvic wall, the length of inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) from the bifurcation point of left and right arteria iliaca communis, the type and proportion of IMA variation, the length of left colonic artery (LCA) from the beginning of IMA and the distance between LCA and IMV were measured, and the consistency correlation coefficient (CCC) was analyzed with the actual data obtained during operation. And then the accuracy of three-dimensional simulation modeling technology for surgical guidance was evaluated. MedCalc 19.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results:In the reconstruction group, regarding the data of each dimension of the model (intestinal tract, pelvic cavity, blood vessels) and the corresponding structural measurements during the operation, the consistent correlation coefficient (CCC) evaluation was more than 0.9. One case was predicted to have free splenic flexure of colon and one case actually had free splenic flexure of colon. The prediction accuracy was 100%. The IMA variants in the reconstruction group were divided into 4 types, all of which were verified by operation. Compared with the control group, the operation time ( P=0.011) and the location time (IMA, P=0.043; LCA, P=0.007; IMV, P=0.034) of each vessel in the reconstruction group were shorter, and the amount of intraoperative blood loss was less ( P=0.017). Conclusion:The application of three-dimensional simulation modeling technology before operation is helpful for the operator to accurately predict the intraoperative anastomotic tension, the type of IMA variation and the related diameter length, based on which the accurate operation plan can be made to guide the operation.
High-quality clinical research is an important method to improve clinical diagnosis and treatment, promote discipline construction, and expand the frontier of medicine. In recent years, multi-center clinical studies in colorectal surgery in China have increased, and the level of clinical research has gradually improved, accumulating a wealth of clinical research experience. Innovative research topics and scientific design are the foundations of high-quality clinical research. Standardization of surgical techniques and quality control at all steps of the study are key to high-quality research. At the same time, researchers should establish a data management system, select appropriate data collection systems, and conduct regular data checks and feedback to ensure the quality of research data. Fully utilizing the advantages of case resources and further enhancing clinical research capabilities will provide assistance in promoting high-quality clinical research in the field of colorectal surgery in China. The authors summarize the experience of high-quality clinical research in colorectal surgery at home and abroad, in order to further promote the development of high-quality clinical research in China.