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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024028


Cranial defect restoration is popular in forensic anthropology,craniofacial surgery,and archaeology.Virtual 3D restoration developed fast and has a broad prospect since computer assisted method applied in cranial facial defect restoration based on CT scans.In recent years,with the continuous development of computer algorithms and software,the 3D cranial facial defect restoration methods have been increasing.The purpose of this paper is to summarize the computer-aided 3D cranial facial defect restoration based on CT scans published in the past two decades and to research the current progress.

Clinics ; Clinics;76: e2836, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249584


OBJECTIVES: Craniofacial resection (CFR) procedures for craniofacial tumors with cranial extension are often extensive. Although CFRs may yield good oncological results, there are concerns about high perioperative morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to determine risk factors for perioperative mortality after open CFR in terms of deaths occurring during index hospitalizations. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of CFRs conducted at a tertiary oncology hospital from May 2009 through December 2018. RESULTS: Our analysis included data from the medical records of 102 patients, the majority of whom were male (n=74, 72.5%). The mean age was 61 years (±18.3 years). Skin malignancies (n=64, 63.4%) accounted for nearly two-thirds of the treated tumors, and most of these were squamous cell carcinoma. Postoperative medical complications occurred in 33 patients (33%), and surgical complications occurred in 48 (47%). Multivariate analysis revealed the only independent risk factors for perioperative deaths to be the presence of intracranial tumor extension on preoperative imaging (hazard ratio [HR]=4.56; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.74-11.97; p=0.002) and the unexpected emergence of postoperative neurological dysfunction (HR=10.9; 95% CI: 2.21-54.3; p=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: In our study, factors related to tumor extension were associated with a higher risk of perioperative death.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Skin Neoplasms , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Postoperative Complications , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome
Odontología (Ecuad.) ; 20(1): 107-135, 20180608.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-988203


Objetivos: Describir las características craneodentofaciales, tratamientos ortodónticos-quirúrgicos y establecer una aso-ciación entre los tipos de síndrome presentes en pacientes con craneosinostosis sindrómica (CS). Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de registros médicos y de ortodoncia de pacientes con CS. Los datos se recogieron en una forma específica y se sometieron a un análisis estadístico descriptivo para observar la distribución de frecuencias y se utilizó la prueba de Chi cuadrado con un nivel de significación del 5% para asociar el síndrome y los tipos de variables. Resultados: El síndrome de Crouzon fue el tipo predominante (59.2%) y la braquicefalia fue el tipo más frecuente de craneosinostosis (63.6%). Hubo una asociación significativa entre las variables braquicefalia (p = 0,014), presencia de paladar hendido (p = 0,043), mordida cruzada posterior (p = 0,013), distracción osteogénica realizada por elásticos intermaxilares (p = 0,030), barra de Erich (p = 0.007) y la extracción (p = 0.041) y los síndromes estudiados. Conclusión: Los pacientes con CS a menudo tienen cambios craneodentofaciais y algunas variables tienen asociaciones significativas en relación con los tipos de síndromes.

Objectives: Describe the craniodentofacial characteristics, orthodontic-surgical treatments and establish an association between the syndrome types present in patients with syndromic craniosynostosis (SC). Material and methods: Retros-pective study of medical and orthodontic records of patients with SC. Data was collected on a specific form and subjected to descriptive statistical analysis to observe the distribution of frequencies and chi-square test with level of significance of 5% was used to associate syndrome and the types of variables. Results: Crouzon syndrome was the predominant type (59.2%) and brachycephalia was the most prevalent type of craniosynostosis (63.6%). There was a significant association between the variables brachycephaly (p=0.014), presence of cleft palate (p=0.043), posterior cross bite (p=0.013), distrac-tion osteogenesis performed by intermaxillary elastics (p= 0.030), Erich bar (p= 0.007) and extraction (p=0.041) and the syndromes studied. Conclusion: Patients with SC often have craniodentofaciais changes and some variables had signifi-cant associations in relation to the types of syndromes.

Descrever as características craniodentofaciais, tratamentos ortodôntico-cirúrgicos e estabelecer uma associação entre os tipos de síndrome presentes em pacientes com craniossinostose sindrômica (CS). Material e métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de prontuários médicos e ortodônticos de pacientes com CS. Os dados foram coletados em formulário específico e submetidos à análise estatística descritiva para observar a distribuição das frequências e o teste qui-quadrado com nível de significância de 5% foi utilizado para associar a síndrome e os tipos de variáveis. Resultados: A síndrome de Crouzon foi o tipo predominante (59,2%) e a braquicefalia foi o tipo mais prevalente de craniossinostose (63,6%). Houve associação significativa entre as variáveis braquicefalia (p = 0,014), presença de fissura de palato (p = 0,043), mordida cruzada posterior (p = 0,013), distração osteogênica realizada pelos elásticos intermaxilares (p = 0,030), barra de Erich (p= 0,007) e extração (p = 0,041) e as síndromes estudadas. Conclusão: Pacientes com CS frequentemente apresentam alterações craniodentofaciais e algumas variáveis apresentaram associações significativas em relação aos tipos de síndromes.

Humans , Orthodontics , Chi-Square Distribution , Retrospective Studies , Craniofacial Abnormalities , Craniofacial Dysostosis , Craniosynostoses , Congenital Abnormalities , Clinical Protocols , Medical Records , Cleft Palate , Occlusal Adjustment , Malocclusion
Int. j. morphol ; 34(4): 1531-1538, Dec. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-840919


El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la evidencia en relación al empleo de técnicas reconstructivas en el área cráneo-facial asociado el uso de células troncales en humanos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases Medline, ScienceDirect, EMBASE, TripDatabase, LILACS entre marzo del 2004 a marzo del 2016 con criterios de elegibilidad y estrategia de búsqueda definida. La selección de artículos fue realizada por dos investigadores de forma independiente y cuando ellos presentaron discordancia, un tercer investigador realizó le selección. Se encontraron un total de 382 artículos, se realizó una selección de artículos, eliminado duplicados, estudios experimentales en animales y selección según análisis de resúmenes, se seleccionaros 14 artículos con procedimientos reconstructivos en el área cráneo-facial asociado a células troncales. Existe limitada evidencia de calidad en relación a la utilización de células troncales en reconstrucción cráneo facial en humanos. A excepción de un estudio (ensayo clínico de bajo nivel de evidencia), todos corresponden a series o reporte de casos, con lo cual no es posible recomendar su utilización en procedimientos reconstructivos. Es necesario realizar estudios de evidencia sustentable con el empleo de células troncales que permitan identificar su real rendimiento al compararlo con otras técnicas quirúrgicas.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the evidence regarding the use of reconstructive techniques in the craniofacial area associated with the use of stem cells in humans. A systematic review of the literature was conducted in the databases Medline, ScienceDirect, EMBASE, TripDatabase, LILACS between March 2004 and March 2016 with eligibility criteria and defined search strategy. The selection of articles was done by two researchers independently and when they presented discordance, a third researcher made the selection. We found a total of 382 articles, made a selection of articles, removed duplicates, experimental studies in animals and selection according to analysis of abstracts, we selected 14 articles with reconstructive procedures in the craniofacial area associated with stem cells. There is limited quality evidence regarding the use of stem cells in the craniofacial reconstruction in humans. With the exception of one study (clinical trial of low level of evidence), all correspond to series or report of cases, with which it is not possible to recommend its use in reconstructive procedures. It is necessary to carry out studies of sustainable evidence with the use of stem cells that allow to identify its real performance when compared with other surgical techniques.

Humans , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Stem Cell Transplantation/methods , Tissue Engineering , Adult Stem Cells , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-209837


PURPOSE: The prevalence of antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis has increased worldwide. There are some reports about postoperative antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae infection after craniofacial surgery, but, there is no report in Korea. We present a report on the treatment of postoperative multidrug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (MRSP) meningitis and sepsis after craniofacial surgery based on our experience. METHODS: The patient was a 7-year-old boy with Crouzon's disease who was treated by fronto-orbital bar advancement. Intraoperatively, frontal sinus opening was seen during osteotomy which was covered with forehead galeopericranial flap. MRSP meningitis was diagnosed after the surgery, he was treated with intravenous vancomycin, meropenem, and levofloxacin. RESULTS: The patient was treated successfully after 3 weeks of intravenous antibiotics treatement. During the 8 month follow-up period, there was no neurologic sequelae. CONCLUSION: Postoperative infection after craniofacial surgery is an important phenomenon that needs immediate recognition. Prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment immediate after onset are important as countermeasures against postoperative drug-resistant bacterial infection. To prevent adverse outcome and reoperation, proper antibiotics treatment should be performed.

Child , Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Bacterial Infections , Craniofacial Dysostosis , Early Diagnosis , Follow-Up Studies , Forehead , Frontal Sinus , Korea , Meningitis , Meningitis, Pneumococcal , Osteotomy , Pneumococcal Infections , Prevalence , Reoperation , Sepsis , Streptococcus , Streptococcus pneumoniae , Thienamycins , Vancomycin
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-58106


The five major areas of concern in craniofacial surgery are the cleft lip and palate, hemifacial microsomia, craniosynostosis and its accompanying craniofacial syndromes, maxillofacial surgery, and breakthrough research on the each of these. Furlow's double opposing Z-plasty and 2-flap palatoplasty are often used to correct the cleft palate. Hereafter, the most appropriate surgical timing and methods must be determined through a prospective randomized control study. Currently, Millard's rotation advancement flap technique is generally used to correct the cleft lip. The repair of a cleft lip and especially a bilateral cleft lip is supplemented by presurgical orthodontics. Effort toward mastering the simultaneous repair of the nose continues. For hemifacial microsomia, distraction osteogenesis, orthognathic surgery, and fat injection is employed to correct facial asymmetry. Tissue engineering will soon be introduced as a treatment option. Currently, craniosynostosis is treated with methods such as total calvarial vault remodeling, endoscopic suturectomy, and distraction osteogenesis. In the future, a simpler and less invasive surgical technique must be developed. Maxillofacial (orthognathic) surgery generally refers to the bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy and LeFort I osteotomy. In the future, minimally invasive surgical techniques using endoscopes or robots will be introduced. Through the development of recombinant DNA technology, genetic research of craniofacial anomalies has identified many relevant genes. In the future, gene therapy will be plausible. Through advancements in tissue engineering, regeneration of tissue to correct congenital craniofacial deformities through autologous stem cells and scaffolds will be conceivable in the near future.

Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Congenital Abnormalities , Craniosynostoses , DNA, Recombinant , Endoscopes , Facial Asymmetry , Genetic Research , Genetic Therapy , Korea , Nose , Orthodontics , Orthognathic Surgery , Osteogenesis, Distraction , Osteotomy , Osteotomy, Sagittal Split Ramus , Palate , Prospective Studies , Regeneration , Stem Cells , Surgery, Oral , Tissue Engineering
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 47(3): 295-314, jul.-sep. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-584508


Las deformidades craneofaciales se deben en su mayoría a alteraciones del crecimiento y desarrollo, traumatismos y neoplasias. Con el objetivo de describir el tratamiento quirúrgico integral de estas y las modificaciones y aportes realizados a las técnicas craneofaciales tradicionales, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 46 pacientes tratados por el equipo interdisciplinario de cirugía craneofacial del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario Juan M Márquez, en el período comprendido entre mayo de 2003 a marzo de 2007. La edad promedio de los pacientes intervenidos fue de 6,3 años. Se realizó una veintena de técnicas quirúrgicas. La más utilizada fue la suturectomía coronal con hemiavance en antifaz y craneoplastia frontal, para el 15,2 por ciento; seguida de la suturectomía coronal con avance en antifaz y craneoplastia frontal, para el 10,9 por ciento. El 8,9 por ciento de los pacientes necesitó osteotomía Le Fort III para distracción del tercio medio. Los aportes introducidos fueron: la plicatura radiada de la duramadre con bipolar en el 75,0 por ciento de los craneotomizados, incisión puntiforme de la duramadre para descomprimir hipertensión encefálica transoperatoria o retraer encéfalo para osteotomías de base de cráneo en el 64,3 por ciento de los craneotomizados; fractura en tallo verde a nivel del pterium, en el colgajo en antifaz para las técnicas de Marshall, usada en el 83,3 por ciento de los braquicéfalos o plagiocéfalos; el avance sólo del lado afectado en el 100 por ciento de las plagiocefalias, con modificación de la técnica de Marshall, entre otras, para un total de 9 modificaciones a los procederes quirúrgicos. Hubo ausencia de complicaciones asociadas a éstas, con más de 2 años de evolución posoperatoria(AU)

Most of he craniofacial deformities are caused by development and growth alterations, traumata and neoplasms. To describe the integral surgical treatment of above deformities and the modifications and contributions carried out to traditional craniofacial techniques, a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in 46 patients seen by the craniofacial surgery multidisciplinary staff from Juán Manuel Máquez University Children Hospital from May, 2003 to March, 2007. Mean age of the patients operated on was of 6.3 years. Twenty Surgical tehniques were performed where the more used was he coronal suturectomy with a mask hemi-advance and frontal cranioplasty for the 15.2 percent, followed by the coronal suturectomy with the two above techniques for te 10.9 percent. The 8.9 percent of patients need LeFort III osteotomy for distraction of half-third. The contributions included: radiate plication of dura mater with the bipolar type in the 75,0 percent of craniotomy patients, punctiform incision of dura mater to decompress a transoperative encephalic hypertension or to retract the encephalon for osteotomies on skull base in the 64,3 percent of craniotomy patients, greenstick fracture at level of pterion in the mask flap for the Marshal's techniques used in the 83,3 percent of the brachycephalous or plagiocephaly with advance only of inolved side in the 100 percent of plagiocephalies with a modification of Marshall's technique among others, for a total o 9 modifications to surgical procedures. There weren't complications associated with these procedures and more than two years of posoperative cours(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Craniofacial Abnormalities/surgery , Craniofacial Abnormalities/pathology , Osteotomy, Le Fort/adverse effects , Maxillary Fractures/surgery , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 24(2): 61-65, abr.-jun. 2010. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-607097


Objetivos: presentar un caso de estesioneuroblastoma que desarrolla hipopituitarismo como complicación grave de su tratamiento. Realizar una revisión de la literatura reciente sobre el tratamiento y pronóstico de estos tumores. Presentar una sistemática de pesquisa de hipipituitarismo en estos pacientes. Descripción: paciente masculino de 68 años que se presenta con metástasis submaxilar de estesioneuroblastoma. La RMN mostraba una masa neoplásica de gran tamaño centrada sobre el etmoides, que comprometía base de cráneo y corteza fronto-orbitaria izquierda. Intervención: se realizó tratamiento combinado de radio y quimioterapia preoperatorios, y cirugía por vía craniofacial. A los 20 meses ingresa con un cuadro convulsivo e hiponatremia grave. Se hace diagnóstico de panhipopituitarismo y el cuadro revierte con la administración de hidrocortisona de 10 mg vía oral. Conclusión: el estesioneuroblastoma es un tumor infrecuente cuyo tratamiento incluye cirugía, radioterapia y quimioterapia. Es necesario un alto índice de sospecha y el seguimiento de por vida para pesquisar la instalación del hipopituitarismo como complicación grave de su tratamiento.

Objectives. To report a case of esthesioneuroblastoma associated to hypopituitarism as a late complication of its treatment, to review the literature regarding treatment and prognosis and to resent a guideline for the diagnosis of hypopituitarism in these patients. Description. A 68-year-old male patient presented with a submaxilar metastasis of a very large esthesioneuroblastoma that involved both ethmoidal bones and invaded left cribiform plate and frontal lobe. Intervention. The patient underwent combined modality treatment with preoperative radio and chemotherapy, and craniofacial sugery of the tumor. Twenty months later he was admitted with a seizure and severe hyponatremia. A diagnosis of panhypopituitarism was made, and his sodium reverted to normal with de administration of 10 mg of hydrocortisone p.o. Conclusions Esthesioneuroblastomas are rare tumours that require multimodality treatment with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Hypopituitarism is a late and potentially fatal complication that must be suspected and tested during the patients‘ whole lifespan.

Esthesioneuroblastoma, Olfactory , General Surgery , Hyponatremia , Hypopituitarism
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 47(1): 62-80, ene.-mar. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-584489


Las deformidades craneofaciales se deben en su mayoría a alteraciones del crecimiento y desarrollo, traumatismos y neoplasias. Con el objetivo de describir el tratamiento quirúrgico integral de estas, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 46 pacientes tratados por el Equipo Intertidisciplinario de Cirugía Craneofacial del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario Juan M. Márquez en el periodo comprendido entre mayo de 2003 a marzo de 2007. La deformidad más frecuente fue la craneosinostosis (57 por ciento), específicamente la plagiocefalia (17 por ciento). La mayoría de los pacientes fueron de piel blanca (70 por ciento) y se intervinieron entre el 1ro.y 7mo.años de vida (57 por ciento), con una media de 6,3 años. En general no hubo predilección por sexo. Se emplearon 18 diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas. Se presentaron cinco complicaciones durante el posoperatorio (11 por ciento), una defunción (2,2 por ciento), una oftalmoplejía (2,2 por ciento), dos salidas de líquido cefalorraquídeo (4,4 por ciento) y una desaturación por depresión del centro respiratorio (2,2 por ciento). Excepto la oftalmoplejía hubo resolución de las complicaciones en un intervalo de 15 días. Los resultados reportados por este equipo, único de su tipo en el país, son relevantes al compararlos con la literatura internacional

Most of the craniofacial deformities are due to alterations of growth, development, traumata and neoplasms. To describe the integral surgical treatment of above deformities, a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in 46 patients treated by the interdisciplinary staff of craniofacial surgery from the Juan Manuel Márquez University Children Hospital from May, 2003 to March, 2007. The more frequent deformity was the craniosynostosis (57 percent), specifically the plagiocephaly (17 percent). Most of patients were of white race (70 percent) and were operated don between the first and the seventh year of life (57 percent) for a mean of 6,3 years. Generally there wasn't sex predominance. A total of 18 different surgical techniques were used. There were 5 complications during the postoperative period (11 percent), a decease (2.2 percent), a ophthalmoplegia (2.2 percent), two cerebrospinal fluid leakage (4.4 percent) and a desaturation by depression of respiratory center (2.2 percent). With the exception of ophthalmoplegia there was a resolution of complications in a 15 days interval. Results reported by this unique Cuban staff are outstanding compared with international literature

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Craniomandibular Disorders/surgery , Craniofacial Abnormalities/surgery , Maxillofacial Abnormalities/surgery , Plagiocephaly/etiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Acta cir. bras ; Acta cir. bras;23(3): 287-293, May-June 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-484391


PURPOSE: Evaluate by CT the use of porous vitreous carbon (PVC) and silicon (S) implants as the replacement bone in the craniofacial skeleton of rats. METHODS: 40 rats divided in: Group A (n=20) PVC submitted to the implant of a fragment in skull. After the euthanasia, the animals were divided into two subgroups: A I: 10 animals, studied in the 7th postoperative day (P.O) and AII: 10 animals, studied in the 28th P.O. In group B, S, 20 rats were submitted to S implant in the skull. All other steps were identical to group A, with designation of subgroups BI and BII. CT with beams in axial cuts of 1 mm thickness to obtain 3-D information It was used Hounsfield scale for evaluate the radio density of the implant. They were used non parametric tests to analyze the results. RESULTS: The 7th PO boss remained in the two groups, but for 28th PO, observed reduction in the volume of the implant in Group A, not observed in group B. CT studies noticed different radio densities around all of S prostheses (pseudo-capsule), that don't appeared in CPV implants. The S has remained unchanged in the CT, but the CPV has had a modification in its radio density (p<0,05), in all implants. CONCLUSION: In CT evaluation the implants of CPV have greater deformation that the S, which makes them not suitable for replacement of membranous bone in the rat skull.

OBJETIVO: Realizar avaliação através de tomografia computadorizada (TC) de implantes de carbono vítreo poroso (CVP) e silicone (S) para sua utilização na substituição óssea no esqueleto craniofacial de ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos Wistar divididos em: Grupo A (n=20), implantes subperiostais de CVP no crânio. Após o momento da eutanásia os animais foram divididos em dois subgrupos: A I: 10 animais, estudados no 7(0) dia pós-operatório (PO) e AII: 10 animais, estudados no 28(0) PO. No grupo B (n=20), os ratos foram submetidos ao implante de silicone no crânio. Todas outras etapas foram idênticas ao grupo A, com a designação de subgrupos BI e BII. Foi realizada tomografia computadorizada com cortes axiais de 1 mm de espessura para obtenção de imagens tridimensionais. A escala de Hounsfield foi utilizada para avaliação da radiodensidade dos implantes. Testes estatísticos não paramétricos foram utilizados para analisar os resultados. RESULTADOS: O volume do implante foi mantido ao 7(0) PO nos dois grupos, mas ao 28(0) PO, ocorreu uma redução no volume do implante no grupo A, não observada no grupo B. Os estudos tomográficos demonstraram a presença de uma pseudo-cápsula ao redor dos implantes no grupo B, não observada nos implantes de CVP. Os implantes de silicone permaneceram inalterados na TC, mas os de CVP apresentaram modificação na sua radiodensidade e deformação (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Na avaliação, através de TC, os implantes de CPV apresentam maior deformação que os de S, o que os torna inadequados para substituição do osso membranoso no crânio de ratos.

Animals , Rats , Carbon/therapeutic use , Facial Bones , Prostheses and Implants/standards , Silicon/therapeutic use , Skull , Disease Models, Animal , Facial Bones/surgery , Rats, Wistar , Skull/surgery , Time Factors , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Rev. bras. cir. cabeça pescoço ; 36(3): 140-145, jul.-set. 2007. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-482621


Introdução: A ressecção radical de tumores malígnos originários na base do crânio permanece um desafio, principalmente pelo risco de complicações graves. Embora vários fatores prognósticos estejam bem estabelecidos, a maioria das informações foi baseada em séries de casos retrospectivas e heterogêneas. Objetivo: analisar as taxas de complicação e os fatores prognósticos de uma série de pacientes submetidos à ressecção craniofacial de tumores malignos da base anterior do crânio na instituição. Pacientes e Método: Foram revisados os prontuários de 175 pacientes tratados entre 1955 e 1998 na instituição, incluindo pacientes com tumores envolvendo a base anterior do crânio que necessitaram exposição ou ressecção de dura-máter ou nasofaringe, independente de tratamento prévio. Resultados: Os tumores localizavam-se nos seios paranasais (75), órbita (58), cavidade nasal (26) e nasofaringe (16). A maioria era carcinomas espinocelulares (91 casos). As margens cirúrgicas foram negativas em 104 pacientes (60%), exíguas em 18 (10%) e positivas em 53 (30%). Complicações cirúrgicas ocorreram em 39 pacientes (22,3%), sendo infecção/deiscência em 12,1% dos casos e fístula liqüórica em 13,4%. A sobrevida atuarial em 5 anos foi de 57%. A análise multivariada usando o modelo de regressão de Cox identificou que a infiltração de dura-máter, margens positivas, tipo histológico, tratamento oncológico prévio e metástases cervicais foram fatores prognósticos independentes neste estudo. Conclusão: A ressecção craniofacial permite a remoção em bloco de diversos tumores da base anterior do crânio, com morbidade aceitável e significante impacto na sobrevida desses pacientes.

Background: Radical resection of malignant tumors arising in the skull base remains a challenge because of the risk of serious complications. Although several prognostic factors are well established, the available information is most based on heterogeneous retrospective case series. Objective: to analyze complication rates and prognostic factors in a large series of patients submitted to anterior craniofacial resection in a single institution. Materials and methods: We reviewed 175 patients treated from 1955 to 1998, including patients with involvement of the anterior skull base that required exposure or resection of the dura mater or the nasopharynx, independently of previous treatment. Results: The tumor sites were: paranasal sinuses (75), orbit (58), nasal cavity (26), and nasopharynx (16). Most tumors were squamous cell carcinomas (91 cases). Surgical margins were negative in 104 patients (60%), close in 18 (10%) and positive in 53 (30%). Surgical complications occurred in 39 patients (22.3%) (soft tissue infection/dehiscence, 12.1%; cerebrospinal fluid leak, 13.4%). The 5-year actuarial overall survival was 57%. Multivariate analysis using Cox regression model identified infiltration of dura mater, positive margins, histological type, prior oncological treatment, and neck metastasis as independent prognostic predictors. Conclusion: Craniofacial oncologic resection allows en bloc removal of several tumors of the anterior skull base, with acceptable morbidity and significant impact on survival of these patients.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-22966


Rigid fixation with metallic plates & screws have been widely used in craniofacial surgery. But the metallic plating system had some problems including intracranial migration, growth restriction, foreign body reaction, infection and artifacts in radiologic evaluation. To overcome these drawbacks, there had been a continuous research on the development of a bioabsorbable skeletal fixation system using polymers of polylactic and polyglycolic acid. There is an increasing acceptance of its application as an alternative fixation device in craniofacial surgery. The resorbable fixation devices have been used in our department between January 2001 and June 2004 in craniofacial surgery. The aim of this retrospective study is to review the complications experienced during this period. We have used the SR-PLDLA(Self reinforecd poly- L/DL-lactide polymer, BioSorbFX(R)) in 131 patients of craniofacial bone fractures. Age varied from 3 to 72 and follow up period varied from 4 months to 40 months. We encountered 4 cases of foreign body reaction, 3 cases of infection and 1 cases of device exposure. In patient showing foreign body reaction, we treated with antibiotics. In case of uncontrolled infection, we removed implants. We think that the resorbable plating system on the rise as alternative method in craniofacial surgery. But more research is needed about its complications.

Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Artifacts , Follow-Up Studies , Foreign-Body Reaction , Fracture Fixation , Fractures, Bone , Polyglycolic Acid , Polymers , Retrospective Studies
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-77486


OBJECTIVE: The frontal sinus is frequently a troublesome anatomical obstacle to gain access to the medial anterior cranial base. Surgical approaches to and through the frontal sinus using osteoplastic frontal sinusotomy provide significant advantages to the treatment of lesions of the medial anterior cranial base in addition to the frontal sinus itself. However, appropriate management is necessary to avoid postoperative complications such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage, infection, mucocele formation, and deformity of the forehead. METHODS: The advantages and shortcomings of the approach along with the surgical technique are reported based on our clinical experience with pertinent literature review. The approach using the osteoplastic frontal sinusotomy was applied to two cases of osteoma in the frontal sinus, seven cases of craniofacial tumors, a case of chordoma in the sphenoid and clivus, and two cases of intradural lesions in the anterior cranial fossa. The frontal sinus was managed in such a way as to prevent the postoperative complications. RESULTS: All patients underwent gross total resection of the tumors. With a mean follow-up of 26 months, there were no postoperative complications related to frontal sinus violation. CONCLUSION: The neurosurgical approaches via the frontal sinus using osteoplastic frontal sinusotomy are versatile for various lesions of the anterior cranial base in patients with large frontal sinuses. In situations that the frontal sinus have to be violated to approach medial anterior cranial base, the osteoplastic frontal sinusotomy provides such advantages as optimal frontal sinus control to prevent postoperative complications; increases viewing angle with superior trajectory from nasofrontal suture; lower incidence of pnemocephalus due to minimal dural exposure; and excellent cosmesis without frontal burr holes.

Humans , Cerebrospinal Fluid , Chordoma , Congenital Abnormalities , Cranial Fossa, Anterior , Cranial Fossa, Posterior , Follow-Up Studies , Forehead , Frontal Sinus , Incidence , Mucocele , Osteoma , Postoperative Complications , Skull Base , Sutures
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-99797


Craniofacial surgery for facial advancement or correction of severe craniofacial malformations such as orbital hypertelorism, Crouzon's disease and Apert's syndrome may bring about great risk. Especially postoperative infection in the craniofacial surgery is a life threatening complication. Ascending infection via nasofrontal communication in frontofacial monobloc advancement, intracranial Le Fort III osteotomy, correction of hypertelorism(intracranial approach) and acute trauma of cribriform plate can lead to life threatening meningitis and meningoencephalitis. A 4 layer sealing technique for the closure of nasofrontal communication using Gelfoam , the inferiorly based, galeo-pericranial flap, rib bone graft, Tissel is a very effective method. Until the rib bone graft is completely uptaken, Gelfoam is used as a temporary blockage of bony defect and prevents displacement of rib bone graft. We used galeo-periosteal flap for the sufficient blood supply to the rib bone graft. And Tissel is used as a biologic adhesive and blockage of the surrounding gaps.

Adhesives , Craniofacial Dysostosis , Ethmoid Bone , Fibrin Tissue Adhesive , Gelatin Sponge, Absorbable , Hypertelorism , Meningitis , Meningoencephalitis , Nasal Cavity , Orbit , Osteotomy , Ribs , Transplants
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-205078


Current diagnosis and surgical correction of craniofacial surgery would benefit from accurate and standardized data of computed tomography (CT). The ability of CT to identify bony and soft tissue features makes it particulrary useful for the management of craniofacial skeletal anomalies. Development of computer technology make it easy to store the large volume data of medical digital data and to manipulate the data at the office of surgeon. Digital data produced by modern modalities has its own advantages compare with conventional film datas; Accuracy, permanent storage, reproducibility. and etc. So the storage and archiving of the digital data of craniofacial field would have the utmost significance for the futher development of the craniofacial surgery. The raw data of thirty craniofacial CT data were transferred from a CT system to a personal computer via Ethernet TCP/IP connection. The transmission of DICOM data to the personal computer was successful and the transmitted images and their header information were displayed by DICOM viewing programs. This method of transfer and storage of digital data was useful for managing digital images and convenient for physicians in the hospital without PACS.

Humans , Diagnosis , Microcomputers
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-205079


Despite its obvious advantages craniofacial surgery still remains a high-risk procedure with major complications. The purpose of this article is to review craniofacial surgery involving the anterior cranial base performed at Severance hospital from 1986 to 2000, focusing on complications and their management. The cases reviewed included not only craniofacial anomalies, but also curative procedures for trauma and tumor resection. This article retrospectively analyzed 136 procedures performed in 126 patients. Patients were classified into 5 groups on a clinical basis : craniosynostosis, craniofacial synostosis syndrome, orbital hypertelorism, tumor, and trauma. There were 58 complications in 36 patients. Complications were most frequent in group 2(craniofacial synostosis syndrome) which showed a complication rate of 50%, followed in order by orbital hypertelorism, trauma, craniosynostosis, and tumor. There were two deaths, and the mortality rate was 1.5% and the complication rate was 26%. Complications were divided into surgical and medical ones. The majority of surgical complications had serious morbidity potential and infection was most frequent. Medical complications were largely minor, with postoperative pneumonia being most common. Infection-related complications were frequently life-threatening and shown to have decisive influence on postoperative results. We therefore propose the following guide lines for the prevention and management of infection-related complications: 1) extensive antibiotics, 2) atraumatic dural dissection around crista gali, 3) water-tight closure of anterior cranial base defect with well vascularized flap, 4) secure bony fixation with minimal miniplate usage, 5) early detection of infection and continuous intracranial irrigation, 6) surgical skill, 7) short operative time.

Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Craniosynostoses , Hypertelorism , Mortality , Operative Time , Orbit , Pneumonia , Retrospective Studies , Skull Base , Synostosis