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Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 6(2): 73-81, jul.-dic. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575798


Abstract Objective: We aim to assess the quality of life of older individuals living in nursing homes. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on institutionalized elderly individuals for over three months. The sample size of the study was 260 and Non-randomized convenience sampling was used. The study excluded participants with cognitive impairment, severe medical conditions, physical limitations, communication barriers, severe pain, recent surgery, acute illness, or psychiatric disorders. Ethical approval was obtained, and participants were given informed consent. The study took place in various nursing homes in Lahore in June and July 2023, for the analysis of data Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22) was used, employing frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, and correlation. Results: The Pearson Correlation coefficient of 0.459 suggests a significant positive correlation between these variables (p < 0.01). This correlation is evident in both directions: Quality of life (QoL) score to Mini Mental Scale and vice versa. Conclusion: While assessing the QoL in elderly inhabitants of nursing residences, cognitive impairment, and high Body mass index (BMI) appeared to influence the overall QoL.

Resumen Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo es evaluar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores que viven en residencias de ancianos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en ancianos institucionalizados durante más de tres meses. El tamaño de la muestra del estudio fue de 260 y se utilizó un muestreo de conveniencia no aleatorizado. El estudio excluyó a los participantes con deterioro cognitivo, afecciones médicas graves, limitaciones físicas, barreras de comunicación, dolor intenso, cirugía reciente, enfermedad aguda o trastornos psiquiátricos. Se obtuvo la aprobación ética y los participantes dieron su consentimiento informado. El estudio se llevó a cabo en varias residencias de ancianos de Lahore en junio y julio de 2023. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS versión 22), empleando distribución de frecuencias, media, desviación estándar y correlación. Resultados: El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de 0,459 sugiere una correlación positiva significativa entre estas variables (p < 0,01). Esta correlación es evidente en ambas direcciones: puntuación de calidad de vida a Escala Mini-Mental y viceversa. Conclusión: Al evaluar la calidad de vida de los ancianos que viven en residencias, el deterioro cognitivo y un índice de masa corporal (IMC) elevado parecen afectar la calidad de vida general.

Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 6(2): 82-93, jul.-dic. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575799


Abstract Objective: Body image is a predictor of physical, psychological, and social health. Therefore, it can be an indicator for detecting health problems, to be used in the context of higher education. The aim of this study was to assess body image satisfaction in higher education students and to determine whether body image dissatisfaction is related to lifestyle behaviours and life satisfaction. Methodology: This study included 166 Portuguese higher education students. Body image was assessed using the Figure Rating Scale. Active choices during everyday life were assessed using the Active Choice Index. The questionnaire also included questions about sleep behaviour and tobacco and alcohol consumption. Satisfaction with Life was assessed using a five-item scale previously adapted for the Portuguese population. Results: There was a predominance of boys dissatisfied with thinness (26.10%), while the majority of girls revealed that they were dissatisfied due to being overweight (55.70%). The results indicate statistically significant differences between boys and girls in terms of body image categories (p<0.001). However, when we analysed the behaviours separately according to gender, there were no differences. Active behaviours, as well as the other health behaviours analysed (hours of sleep per week and alcohol and tobacco consumption) did not differ between the different levels of body image satisfaction (p>0.05). Conclusion: Most of the students are dissatisfied with their body image, with the majority of girls showing dissatisfaction due to being overweight. Lifestyles and life satisfaction do not differ between students who are satisfied and those who are dissatisfied with their body image.

Resumen Objetivo: La imagen corporal es un factor predictivo de la salud psicológica, física y social. Por lo tanto, puede ser un indicador para detectar problemas de salud, para utilizar en el contexto de la educación superior. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la satisfacción con la imagen corporal en estudiantes de enseñanza superior y determinar si la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal está relacionada con los comportamientos de estilo de vida y la satisfacción con la vida. Metodología: En este estudio participaron 166 estudiantes portugueses de enseñanza superior. La imagen corporal se evaluó mediante la escala Figure Rating Scale. Las elecciones activas durante la vida cotidiana se evaluaron mediante el Active Choice Index. El cuestionario también incluía preguntas sobre el comportamiento durante el sueño y el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. La satisfacción con la vida se evaluó mediante una escala de cinco ítems previamente adaptada a la población portuguesa. Resultados: Predominaron los chicos insatisfechos por delgadez (26.10%), mientras que la mayoría de las chicas revelaron estar insatisfechas por sobrepeso (55.70%). Los resultados indican diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre chicos y chicas en cuanto a las categorías de imagen corporal (p<0.001). Sin embargo, al analizar los comportamientos por separado en función del sexo, no se observaron diferencias. Las conductas activas, así como las demás conductas de salud analizadas (horas de sueño semanales y consumo de alcohol y tabaco) no difirieron entre los distintos niveles de satisfacción con la imagen corporal (p>0.05). Conclusiones: La mayoría de los estudiantes están insatisfechos con su imagen corporal, siendo mayoritaria la insatisfacción de las chicas por sobrepeso. Los estilos de vida y la satisfacción vital no difieren entre los alumnos satisfechos y los insatisfechos con su imagen corporal.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(4): 413-421, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564745


Abstract Objective: To examine the mental health status and related factors in children and adolescents, and to assess age groups and sexes differences in factors influencing mental health. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on Chinese children aged 6-18 years from November 2021 to January 2022. Mental health difficulties were accessed by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze factors associated with mental health status. Multiple linear regression was used to evaluate factors associated with the scores of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of mental health difficulties was 12.98% (n =1348). Age (OR, 0.909, [95%CI, 0.830-0.996]), sex (OR, 1.424, [95%CI, 1.033-1.963]) and screen time on weekdays ("≥2" h/d vs "< 1" h/d: OR, 2.001, [95%CI, 1.300-3.080]) were related factors for mental health difficulties. For children (year ≤ 12), the strongest related factor for mental health difficulties was screen time on weekdays ("≥ 2" h/d vs "< 1" h/d: OR, 1.821 [95%CI, 1.203-2.755]). The risk of mental health difficulties in females with ≥ 2 h/d screen time on weekends was 3.420 times higher than those with < 1 h/d (OR, 3.420, [95%CI, 1.923-6.081]). Conclusion: The prevalence of mental health difficulties among children and adolescents was relatively high. The lower age, female sex and excessive screen time were associated with a higher risk of mental health difficulties. The factors influencing mental health varied by different age groups and sexes. Thus, specific measures for different age groups and sexes should be adopted to mitigate the impact.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228136


Background: “Team-based learning (TBL)” is a special approach by using small groups that is student centered, teacher guided Teaching and Learning method. Medical Council of India (MCI) emphasizes small group teaching. With increasing student numbers and decreasing/no change in faculty strength, the need for an effective T-L method for incorporating small group teaching in a large group is essential. So, this study attempts to evaluate the effectiveness and student reaction for TBL. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among III-year MBBS students attending block posting in the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS and RC. Pre-test and post-test after Team based learning implementation by designated faculties was conducted, and scores were analysed. The feedback of TBL was collected by using a Likert scale from students and also from faculties. Results: The mean scores of pre- and post-test were analyzed by Paired T test which was statistically significant (p value <0.05). The student reaction evaluated by 7 items Likert scale questionnaire showed that most of the students either agreed or strongly agreed that TBL enhanced their learning experience and confidence. The faculty feedback about TBL was also positive. Conclusions: TBL can be effectively implemented in medical colleges for the better results and student reaction.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-9, abr. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561359


O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a associação entre diferentes volumes de atividade física moderada e/ou vigorosa durante o lazer e a aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR) adequada em adolescentes de ambos os sexos. A atividade física moderada (AFM), vigorosa (AFV ) ou moderada-vigorosa (AFMV) de lazer foi avaliada por meio de questionário e a ACR foi medida com o teste de vai-e-vem de 20m. Foram utilizados modelos de Regressão Poisson para análises. As AFM, AFV ou AFMV no lazer foram categorizadas de acordo com três limiares de atividade física no lazer (150, 300 e 420 min/sem). Foram consideras para as análises de associação as AFM, AFV e AFMV, de acordo com o compêndio de atividade físicas para adolescentes. A prática de AFMV no lazer por pelo menos 420 min/sem obteve a maior probabilidade de ACR adequada (RP = 2,03; IC95%: 1,18 ­ 3,51). Na mesma direção, a prática de AFV por pelo menos 150 min/sem também foi estatisticamente significativa (RP = 1,72; IC95%: 1,07 ­ 2,80). Os resultados indicaram uma associação positiva entre prática de atividade física no lazer e ACR, independentemente da intensidade e limiar de tempo, enfatizando que a participação em ambas as intensidades de atividade física no lazer estão associadas aos níveis adequados de aptidão cardiorrespiratória.

The aim of this study was to verify the association between different volumes of moderate and/or vigor-ous physical activity during leisure time and adequate cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescents of both sexes. Leisure-time moderate and/or vigorous physical activity (MPA, VPA, and MVPA) was assessed by means of a questionnaire and cardiorespiratory fitness was measured with the 20m back-and-forth test. Poisson regression models were used for analyses where moderate and/or vigorous physical activity in leisure time, it was categorized according to three thresholds of leisure-time physical activity (150, 300 and 420 min/week). The following factors were considered for the association analyses: MPA, VFA, and MVPA, according to the compendium of physical activity for adolescents. Leisure time MVPA for at least 420 min/week had the highest probability of adequate cardiorespiratory fitness (PR = 2.03; 95%CI: 1.18 ­ 3.51). In the same direction, the practice of VFA for at least 150 min/week was also statistically significant (PR = 1.72; 95%CI: 1.07 ­ 2.80). The results indicated a positive association between leisure time physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness, regardless of intensity and time threshold, emphasizing that participation in both modalities of leisure time physical activity can provide substantial benefits for cardiorespiratory fitness.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Oxygen Consumption , Motor Activity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Adolescent
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232487


Background: Induction of labor (IOL) is a procedure used to achieve vaginal birth when the hazards of extending the pregnancy for either the mother or the infant outweigh the dangers of delivery. It is often used in high-risk pregnancies, although it can also be useful in low-risk groups, as demonstrated by A Randomized Trial of Induction Versus Expectant Management (ARRIVE) study.Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted among 414 patients at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology tertiary care hospital. The study was conducted for one-year duration in pregnant women with maternal age >18 years, gestational week >37 weeks, and Bishop score <7 was included in the study with no signs of labor. Demographic details such as age, pregnancy history, and mode of delivery were recorded for comparison. Patients with no induction of labor were administered misoprostol and/or dinoprostone based on clinical conditions with further evaluation of maternal complications, delivery time, birthweight of the fetus, and fetal heart rate. Data were analyzed based on percentages and a chi-square test was used (p-value <0.05).Results: The mode of delivery did not significantly affect delivery outcomes (p=0.354), with assisted delivery being the most common (35.41%). Indication for induction was found to be significant (p=0.034), with non-progress of labor being the most common indication (55.2%). Maternal complications were not significantly associated with delivery outcomes (p=0.390), with 60 (14.49%) patients experiencing complications. The use of misoprostol reported a significant difference between modes of delivery with 74.93% of vaginal delivery, 19.47% with lower segment cesarean section (LSCS), and 5.60% with assisted delivery (p value <0.03).Conclusions: In low-risk pregnant women, the dinoprostone or misoprostol vaginal inserts are both safe and effective for inducing labor. Nulliparous individuals and those who did not get epidural analgesia during labor had a higher chance of caesarean section.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016991


Objective To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of cognitive impairment in the nursing home population in Changning District, Shanghai. Methods In this study, random cluster sampling method was used to select 570 elderly people from 5 nursing homes in Changning District. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors influencing cognitive function. Results The total prevalence of cognitive impairment in Changning nursing home population was 22.5%. The prevalence rates of ≤80 and >80 age groups were 16.8% and 23.9%, respectively, and the prevalence rates of men and women were 19.2% and 23.9%, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that age ≥ 80 years old (OR=1.839, 95% CI: 1.045~3.235), no habit of reading book or newspaper (OR=2.087, 95%CI: 1.282~3.398), limitation of daily activity ability (OR=1.577, 95% CI: 1.023~2.431), and having depressive symptoms (OR=2.809, 95% CI: 1.840~4.288) were all influencing factors for cognitive impairment. Conclusion More than one fifth of elderly people in nursing homes in Changning District have symptoms of cognitive impairment. It is necessary to carry out routine cognitive assessment and appropriate cognitive intervention for the nursing home population to reduce the health and economic losses caused by cognitive impairment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020934


Objective To analyze the current oral health status of middle-aged and elderly people in Wuhan,and to provide clinical evidence for preventing and promoting oral health among middle-aged and elderly people.Methods The data was col-lected from the annual health examination data system of Wuhan,which included 1994 patients aged 45~95.According to the World Health Organization(WHO)"Basic Methods of Oral Health Survey"(5 th edition),the data of caries,periodontal disease,dentition defect,dentition loss and denture restoration was mainly studied.Statistical methods such as Chi-square test and vari-ance analysis were used for data analysis.Results Among the 1994 subjects,1613 people(80.89%)were male and 218 people(10.93%)were older than 75 years old.The average numbers of caries and teeth loss were 2.68 and 2.03,respectively.The mean number of caries and tooth loss increased with age.The mean numbers of caries and tooth loss in 45~,55~,65~,75~,and 85~95 years old groups were 0.98 and 0.54,1.82 and 1.39,3.21 and 2.48,7.65 and 6.04,12.65 and 9.91,respective-ly.The difference among different age groups was statistically significant(P<0.01).The proportion of restoration of teeth loss was also elevated with the increase of age(P<0.01),and the difference of community periodontal index(CPI)among different age groups was also statistically significant(P<0.01).The proportion of people in CPI1 group(shallow periodontal pocket)was decreased with the increase of age,while the proportion of people in CPI2 group(deep periodontal pocket)was increased with the increase of age(P<0.01).Conclusion The overall oral health examination results of middle-aged and elderly people in Wuhan shows that the oral health status is slightly better when compared with the result of urban area in the 4th National Oral Health Examination.But caries,periodontal disease,tooth loss and unrepaired dentures are still serious in the elderly population.It is necessary to improve the prevention awareness of oral diseases in the elderly through regular oral examination,timely detection and treatment.At the same time,attention should be paid to dental restoration in the elderly population to improve the quality of life.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 1-7, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022122


Objective To investigate the status of self-advocacy and symptom burden in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and explore the correlations between them so as to provide a reference for relieving their symptom burden.Methods A total of 240 breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy who were treated in a general hospital in Hubei province from July 2021 to January 2022 were enrolled in the study by convenience sampling method.The general data questionnaire,female self-advocacy in cancer survivorship scale,and Chinese version of Anderson symptom assessment scale(MDASI)were applied in the investigation.Pearson correlation analysis was employed to explore the correlation between self-advocacy and symptom burden among breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.Hierarchical regression was employed to analyze the effect of self-advocacy on symptom burden.Results A total of 240 patients completed the study.The total score of self-advocacy of the patients was(68.89±10.66),and the total score of symptom burden was(66.70±18.80).The two variables were significantly correlated in a negative way(r=-0.683,P<0.05).Hierarchical regression showed that self-advocacy ability independently explained 9.3%of the total variation in the symptom burden.Conclusions The incidences of various symptoms in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy are high,and multiple symptoms coexist in the whole chemotherapy cycle.Symptom burden cannot be ignored,for it is negatively correlated with self-advocacy.Therefore,strengthening the concept and ability of self-advocacy can help reduce symptom burden of patients.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 8-13, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022123


Objective To investigate the status quo of cancer-related fatigue(CRF)in patients with advanced malignant tumours during anti-tumour treatment,and explore the influencing factors so as to provide a reference for nursing intervention.Methods Between January and August 2022,a total of 279 patients with advanced malignant tumours who received anti-tumour therapies in the Department of Oncology of a general hospital in Beijing were selected as study subjects using convenience sampling method.General data questionnaire,cancer fatigue scale,chemotherapy-related gastrointestinal symptoms inventory,and nutritional risk screening 2002 were used for the investigation.Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the influencing factors of cancer-related fatigue.Results Toally 279 patients finished the study.A total of 204(73.12%)patients had cancer-related fatigue.Binary logistic regression analysis showed that BMI,education,monthly family income and diabetes were the influencing factors in cancer-related fatigue(all P<0.05).Conclusions The incidence of cancer-related fatigue is high in patients with advanced malignant tumours during anti-tumour therapy.Low BMI,poor education,low monthly family income and diabetes are the risk factors in cancer-related fatigue.Targeted interventions should be implemented based on the risk factors so as to reduce the incidence of cancer-related fatigue.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026923


Objective To understand cognition level and treatment intention of patients with endometriosis(EMs);To evaluate the effects of TCM chronic disease management on EMs patients.Methods The disease cognition level and treatment intention of 1 895 EMs patients from October 2020 to December 2021 in 19 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities were analyzed through cross-sectional investigation.The cognitive effect of chronic disease management of TCM on 801 patients with EMs from 6 Grade A hospitals in Beijing was evaluated by self-control study.Results The cognition level of EMs patients for the disease was improved with the increase of educational background.Patients generally believed that EMs was a chronic disease,requiring regular review and long-term management.The proportion of patients with high school education or below,junior college education,bachelor degree or above who knew the possibility of malignant changes in EMs was less,only 32.3%,41.6%and 47.7%,respectively.The awareness rate of patients with high school education or below for recurrence after EMs conservative surgery was 46.9%,lower than that of those with junior college education(66.8%)and bachelor degree or above(72.7%).Among the patients with dietary contraindications,the proportion of patients with high school education or below,junior college education,bachelor degree or above who knew the contraindication of the forest frog oil was less,only 20.7%,30.3%and 32.9%,respectively.In the aspect of life adjustment,the awareness of patients was generally high.EMs patients mainly recognized the disease through face-to-face communication with gynecologists.Only 34.4%of patients with high school education or below learned about EMs through WeChat public accounts,APPs and other new media,which was lower than those with junior college education(48.6%)and bachelor degree or above(55.4%).EMs patients generally tend to be treated in comprehensive hospitals,with high acceptance of TCM treatment,mainly TCM decoction,and low acceptance of TCM appropriate technology.After 1 year of TCM chronic disease management,the disease awareness of EMs patients was significantly improved compared with before management,with statistical significance(P<0.05).Conclusion EMs patients with different educational backgrounds have different cognition of the disease,and each has different emphasis.Education and popularization should be carried out according to their knowledge blind spots.Chronic disease management of TCM can improve the disease cognition level of EMs patients.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 324-330, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027851


Objective To understand the current status and influencing factors of patient perception for humanistic care in China hospitals,and to provide a basis for developing nursing humanistic care measures and improving the quality of nursing humanistic care services.Methods A total of 30,099 outpatients and inpatients from 107 hospitals in 30 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities)from July to August 2022 as survey subjects.A general information questionnaire and the Relational Caring Questionnaire-Patient Form were used for a cross-sectional survey,and a single-factor analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors of patient relationship care.Results Finally,29 108 valid questionnaires were collected,and the effective questionnaire recovery rate was 96.7%.The patient evaluation of relationship care was(65.72±8.61)points.Single-factor analysis showed that gender,age,marital status,children's situation,education level,occupation,place of residence,average family income,medical insurance type,visiting department,and location of the visiting hospital,and whether or not surgery were influencing factors of patient relationship care(P<0.05).Conclusion The evaluation score of caregiver-patient relationship care among Chinese hospital patients is above average,but there is still room for improvement in western and rural regions,seriously ill and outpatient patients,low-income and low-medical insurance reimbursement populations,and non-surgical patients.Medical institutions at all levels should optimize and improve nursing humanistic care services based on influencing factors,and further enhance patients'perception of nursing humanistic care.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027992


Objective:To investigate the level of health literacy and its influencing factors among residents aged 15-69 years with different chronic disease in Zhejiang Province.Methods:In this cross-sectional study, a stratified multistage whole cluster random sampling method was used to select 19 200 permanent residents aged 15-69 years from 30 monitoring sites in Zhejiang Province from June to November 2022, and a household questionnaire survey was carried out with the National Health Literacy Monitoring Questionnaire for the Population. The content of the survey included socio-demographic characteristics, health-related factors and health literacy level. A total of 19 200 questionnaires were distributed and 19 051 were collected, of which 18 857 (98.98%) were valid. The χ2 test was used to compare the health literacy levels of residents with different chronic diseases, and logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of the health literacy levels. Results:The health literacy level of residents aged 15-69 in Zhejiang Province in 2022 was 38.36%. Among them, the health literacy level of patients with multiple chronic diseases was much lower than those with single chronic disease and those without chronic disease (14.70% vs 25.37%, 42.21%) ( χ2=483.05, P<0.001). It was positively associated between having multiple chronic diseases and insufficient health literacy ( OR=1.26, 95% CI: 1.01-1.58); compared with those without chronic disease ( OR=1.00), patients with multiple chronic diseases were significantly more likely to have inadequate health literacy in basic knowledge and concepts ( OR=1.29, 95% CI: 1.03-1.63), health behaviors ( OR=1.24, 95% CI: 1.01-1.53), basic skills ( OR=1.37, 95% CI: 1.11-1.69), and health information literacy ( OR=1.27, 95% CI: 1.08-1.50). Conclusions:The number of chronic diseases is a key factor that affects the residents′ health literacy level, and people with multiple chronic diseases are often associated with a higher risk of inadequate health literacy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032314


ObjectiveTo investigate the trends and significant determinants of delayed HIV diagnosis (DHD) among newly reported HIV/AIDS cases in Xuhui District, Shanghai between 2018 and 2022. MethodsIn the newly reported HIV/AIDS cases, patients died within one year without accident, HIV/AIDS cases with CD4 cell count <200 cells·μL-1, and AIDS cases with a CD4 cell count between 200 to 499 cells·μL-1 were defined as delayed diagnosis. Univariate and multivariate logistic analysis were employed to explore the influencing factors of DHD. ResultsAmong the 862 newly reported HIV/AIDS cases, The DHD rate was 39.79% without statistically significant difference by year(χ2=4.508, P=0.342). Patients with CD4 cell count <200 cells·μL-1 contributed the largest proportion of DHD. During 2018‒2022, the DHD rate declined among HIV/AIDS patients who were younger than 35 years old or 45‒65 years old, never married, original diagnosis from tertiary specialized hospitals. Patients who were 65 years or older, married or divorced, with heterosexual transmitted HIV/AIDS, and original diagnosis from other types of testing and tertiary metropolitan hospital, had sustainably higher DHD rates. The number of HIV screening and diagnosed from voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) decreased during the COVID-19 epidemic, while the DHD rate increased sharply. Multivariate logistic regression analysis suggested the DHD rates were higher among older age, other types of testing(OR=3.805, 95%CI: 2.260‒6.406)and pre-operative testing(OR=2.411, 95%CI: 1.424‒4.081). Patients who received CD4 test in 15 days had a higher DHD rate compared to the cases received CD4 test exceeding 90 days (OR=0.336, 95%CI: 0.216‒0.522). ConclusionThere is no significant decrease of delayed HIV diagnosis rate in Xuhui District in recent years, and the number of HIV tests has decreased in 2022. Monitoring of newly reported HIV/AIDS should be conducted continuously. Expansion of HIV antibody screening should be conducted in non-infectious departments and inpatient departments in healthcare institutions, particularly metropolitan hospitals. Assistance should be provided to clinicians and elderly patients for improving their ability to recognize and perceive the risk of HIV/AIDS, in order to enhance early diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006275


ObjectiveTo systematically evaluate the distribution of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) syndromes of primary osteoporosis(POP) in China by using evidence-based medicine methods, and to understand the distribution law of the syndromes. MethodChina National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI), VIP Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database(VIP), WanFang Data Knowledge Service Platform(WanFang) and China Biology Medicine(CBM) were searched to obtain representative literature, and each database was searched from the 1994 World Health Organization defined diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis until May 1, 2023. Two researchers independently screened literature according to the criteria, extracted data, and cross-checked them. Meta analysis was conducted using R4.1.3, and subgroup analysis was performed. ResultA total of 56 Chinese papers were included, involving 14 415 patients. After standardized classification of syndromes, 11 articles were excluded, and Meta analysis results of the ultimately included 45 Chinese articles showed that the distribution frequencies of liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome, spleen-kidney Yang deficiency syndrome and kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome in 12 723 patients were 27%[95% confidence interval(CI) 0.24-0.31], 32%(95% CI 0.29-0.36), 36%(95% CI 0.30-0.42). Subgroup analysis showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the distribution of the three TCM syndromes in the north and south(P<0.05). In addition, the incidence of TCM syndrome fractures in different types of POP was 15%(95% CI 0.09-0.24) for liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome, 20%(95% CI 0.12-0.30) for spleen-kidney Yang deficiency syndrome, and 31%(95% CI 0.25-0.39) for kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome. ConclusionThe distribution of syndromes in POP patients is mainly kidney deficiency, accompanied by liver and spleen dysfunction. Liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome, spleen-kidney Yang deficiency syndrome and kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome are all the main syndromes of POP and osteoporotic fractures, and kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome is most closely related to the development of osteoporotic fractures. The reference standards for syndrome determination among the included studies are inconsistent, and in the future, it is necessary to focus on their determination standards to obtain consensus research results, at the same time, conduct large-scale syndrome research to obtain representative research results, providing a basis for clinical practice and research.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013571


Objective To understand the current status of capacity building in schistosomiasis control institutes in schistosomiasis-endemic provinces (municipality, autonomous region) of China. Methods The responsibilities and construction requirements of various schistosomiasis control institutions were surveyed by expert discussions, and field interviews and visits during the period between May and June, 2023, and the questionnaire for capacity maintenance and consolidation in schistosomiasis control institutions was designed. An online questionnaire survey was conducted in county-, municipal-, and provincial-level institutions that undertook schistosomiasis control and surveillance activities through the Wenjuanxing program. The distribution of schistosomiasis control institutions, the status of institutions, departments and staff undertaking schistosomiasis control activities and the translation of scientific researches on schistosomiasis control in China were analyzed. The laboratories accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) were considered to be capable for testing associated with schistosomiasis control, and the testing capability of schistosomiasis control institutions was analyzed. Results A total of 486 valid questionnaires were recovered from 486 schistosomiasis control institutions in 12 endemic provinces (municipality, autonomous region) of China, including 12 provincial-level institutions (2.5%), 77 municipal-level institutions (15.8%) and 397 county-level institutions (81.7%). Of all schistosomiasis control institutions, 376 (77.4%) were centers for disease control and prevention or public health centers, 102 (21.0%) were institutions for schistosomiasis, endemic disease and parasitic disease control, and 8 (1.6%) were hospitals, healthcare centers or others. There were 37 713 active employees in the 486 schistosomiasis control institutions, including 5 675 employees related to schistosomiasis control, and the proportions of employees associated with schistosomiasis control among all active employees were 5.9% (231/3 897), 5.5% (566/10 134), and 20.6% (4 878/23 682) in provincial-, municipal-, and county-level institutions, respectively. There were 3 826 full-time employees working in schistosomiasis control activities, with 30.5% (1 166/3 826), 34.6% (1 324) and 34.9% (1 336/3 826) at ages of 40 years and below, 41 to 50 years and over 50 years, and there were 1 571 (41.0%) full-time schistosomiasis control employees with duration of schistosomiasis control activities for over 25 years, and 1 358 (35.5%) employees with junior professional titles and 1 290 with intermediate professional titles (35.5%), while 712 (18.6%) full-time employees working in schistosomiasis control activities had no professional titles. The three core schistosomiasis control activities included snail control (26.3%, 374/1 420), epidemics surveillance and management (25.4%, 361/1 420) and health education (18.8%, 267/1 420) in schistosomiasis control institutions. The Kato-Katz method, miracidium hatching test with nylon gauzes, and indirect haemagglutination assay (IHA) were the most commonly used techniques for detection of schistosomiasis, and there were less than 50% laboratories that had capabilities or experimental conditions for performing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), dipstick dye immunoassay (DDIA), dot immunogold filtration assay (DIG-FA), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. During the period from 2018 to 2022, schistosomiasis control institutions had undertaken a total of 211 research projects for schistosomiasis control, with a total funding of 18.596 million RMB, published 619 articles, participated in formulation of 13 schistosomiasis control-related criteria, and applied for 113 schistosomiasis control-related patents, including 101 that were granted, and commercialized 4 scientific research outcomes. Conclusions The proportion of independent specialized schistosomiasis control institutions is low in schistosomiasis control institutions in China, which suffers from problems of unsatisfactory laboratory testing capabilities, aging of staff and a high proportion of low-level professional titles. More investment into and intensified schistosomiasis control activities and improved capability building and talent cultivation in schistosomiasis control institutions are recommended to provide a powerful support for high-quality elimination of schistosomiasis in China.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007285


ObjectiveTo investigate the association between estimated glucose disposal rate (eGDR) and the severity of coronary heart disease. MethodsWe conducted a hospital-based cross-sectional study that included 1258 patients (mean age: 62(53-68) years) who underwent coronary angiography for suspected coronary artery disease (53.9% were male). Insulin resistance level (IR) was calculated according to eGDR formula: eGDR = 21.158 - (0.09 × WC) - (3.407 × hypertension) - (0.551 × HbA1c) [hypertension (yes = 1 / no = 0), HbA1c = HbA1c (%)]. Subjects were grouped according to the eGDR quantile. CAD severity was determined by the number of narrowed vessels: no-obstructive CAD group (all coronary stenosis were<50%, n=704), Single-vessel CAD group (only one involved major coronary artery stenosis≥50%, n=205), Multi-vessel CAD group (two or more involved major coronary arteries stenosis≥50%, n=349); Multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyze the association between eGDR and CAD severity. The linear relationship between eGDR and CAD in the whole range of eGDR was analyzed using restricted cubic spline. Subgroup analyses were used to assess the association between eGDR and CAD severity in different diabetic states. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis were used to evaluate the value of eGDR in improving CAD recognition. ResultsA decrease in the eGDR index was significantly associated with an increased risk of CAD severity (OR: 2.79; 95%CI: 1.72~4.55; P<0.001). In multivariate logistic regression models, individuals with the lowest quantile of eGDR (T1) were 2.79 times more likely to develop multi-vessel CAD than those with the highest quantile of eGDR (T3) (OR: 2.79; 95%CI: 1.72~4.55; P<0.001). Multivariate restricted cubic spline analysis showed that eGDR was negatively associated with CAD and multi-vessel CAD (P-nonlinear>0.05). In non-diabetic patients, compared with the reference group (T3), the T1 group had a significantly increased risk of CAD (OR: 1.42; 95% CI: 1.00~2.01; P<0.05) and multi-vessel CAD (OR: 1.86; 95%CI: 1.21~2.86; P<0.05). No statistical association was found between eGDR and CAD in diabetic patients. In ROC curve analysis, when eGDR was added to traditional model for CAD, significant improvements were observed in the model's recognition of CAD and multi-vessel CAD. ConclusionOur study shows eGDR levels are inversely associated with CAD and CAD severity. eGDR, as a non-insulin measure to assess IR, could be a valuable indicator of CAD severity for population.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023379


Objective:To investigate the current situation of geriatric nursing ability of clinical nursing teachers and analyze the influencing factors, and to identify demands of geriatric nursing training.Methods:From May to June 2023, a cross-sectional study was conducted among 2 408 clinical nursing teachers in 50 tertiary hospitals from 9 provinces and cities in East China, South China, Central China, North China, and Southwest China using the general information questionnaire, Geriatric Nursing Competence Scale for Clinical Nurses, and Geriatric Nursing Training Demands Questionnaire.Results:Among the clinical nursing teachers surveyed, there were 269 (11.17%), 938 (38.95%), and 1 201 (49.88%) teachers at low, medium, and high levels of geriatric nursing ability, respectively. The results of multinomial Logistic regression analysis showed that age, years of working in geriatric nursing, geriatric nursing related training, satisfaction with clinical nursing work, and interest in geriatric nursing work were common influencing factors in the low and medium level groups ( P<0.05), and professional title was a specific influencing factor in the medium level group ( P<0.05). The top three demands of geriatric nursing training content were geriatric nursing service model, knowledge of chronic disease management, and comprehensive geriatric assessment techniques. The top three demands of training forms were live streaming, field visits, and offline lectures. Conclusions:For clinical nursing teachers, demand-oriented geriatric nursing training should be strengthened, and attention should be paid to the satisfaction and interest in nursing work, so as to improve the teachers' geriatric nursing ability and strengthen the level of geriatric service.

São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo med. j;142(1): e2022355, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450509


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: There is a lack of studies evaluating the oral health of traditional indigenous communities in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: Thus, the objective of this study was to describe the oral health characteristics of the indigenous Fulni-ô ethnic group in Northeast Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional observational investigation was conducted within the Project on Atherosclerosis among Indigenous Populations. METHODS: This study included participants of both sexes from the Fulni-ô ethnic group. The participants included in this investigation underwent a comprehensive oral health evaluation by a registered and experienced dentist to assess oral health and identify potentially malignant oral lesions. Participants with suspicious lesions were referred for biopsy. Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney, and Student's t-tests were used, and measures of central tendency and dispersion were described. Statistical significance was 5%. RESULTS: A total of 104 individuals were included in this study. The prevalence of the use of tobacco derivatives was 94.0%, with similarities between sexes. The prevalence of oral changes in this study population was 84.4%. Fifty-one individuals who underwent oral reassessment were referred for oral lesion biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated a high prevalence of oral alterations in the Fulni-ô population. Histopathological analyses indicated the presence of mild oral epithelial dysplasia in five cases.

São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo med. j;142(1): e2022445, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450513


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: With the increase in the older adult population, it is essential to identify the living and health conditions that can impact the quality of life of these individuals. OBJECTIVES: To identify the domains and factors associated with the quality of life of older adults under the Family Health Strategy program. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in the municipality of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. METHODS: We assessed 449 older adults enrolled in the Family Health Strategy program. Data were collected between April and July, 2018. World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-OLD) was used to assess the quality of life (QoL) and multiple linear regression was used to estimate the factors associated with QoL. RESULTS: The QoL domain with the highest score was death and dying (mean = 70.4), and the lowest score was for sensory functions (mean = 61.0 points). The factors associated with QoL were single marital status (β = -4.55; P = 0.014), level of independence for daily living activities (β = 4.92; P < 0.001), self-assessment of regular health (β = 5.35; P < 0.001), and poor health (β = -8.67; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The death and dying domain of QoL presented the highest score. Marital status, impairment in daily activities, and health self-assessment were associated with QoL.