Introduction: Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is defined as any increase in interstitial pressure within the bony-fascial compartment and consists of an adverse event in the intraoperative period, resulting from surgical positioning. Objective: To report a case of fasciotomy in the lower limbs after ACS. Method: Case report registered in a large public teaching hospital, with a highly complex care profile. Results: Patient underwent videolapa-roscopic surgery to remove endometriosis, having remained in the gynecological position for 9 hours, developing ACS in the immediate postoperative period (IPO). The patient underwent decompressive fasciotomy to treat ACS in the second postoperative period, and nine other surgical approaches to continue treatment. She remained hospitalized for 45 days. Conclusion: The training of nursing professionals, knowledge about surgical patient safety and teamwork throughout the anesthetic-surgical procedure are essential for reducing adverse events and quickly identifying and treating complications. (AU)
Introducción: El síndrome compartimental agudo (SCA) se define como cualquier aumento de la presión intersticial dentro del compartimiento óseo-fascial y consiste en un evento adverso en el período intraoperatorio, resultante de la posición quirúrgica. Objetivo: Reportar un caso de fasciotomía en los miembros inferiores después de un SCA. Método: Informe de caso registrado en un gran hospital público de enseñanza, con un perfil de atención de alta complejidad. Resultados: La paciente se sometió a una cirugía videolaparoscópica para extirpar la endometriosis, permaneciendo en posición ginecológica durante 9 horas, desarrollando SCA en el período postoperatorio inmediato (POI). La paciente se sometió a una fasciotomía descompresiva para tratar el SCA en el segundo período postoperatorio, y a otros nueve abordajes quirúrgicos para continuar el tratamiento. Permaneció hospitalizada durante 45 días. Conclusión: La formación de profesionales de enfermería, el conocimiento sobre la seguridad del paciente quirúrgico y el trabajo en equipo durante todo el procedimiento anestésico-quirúrgico son esenciales para reducir los eventos adversos y para identificar y tratar rápidamente las complicaciones. (AU)
Introdução: A síndrome compartimental aguda (SCA) é definida como qualquer elevação na pressão intersticial dentro do compartimento ósseo-fascial, e consiste em um evento adverso no período intraoperatório, decorrente do posicionamento cirúrgico. Objetivo: Relatar um caso de fasciotomia em membros inferio-res após SCA. Método: Relato de caso registrado em um hospital escola público de grande porte, com perfil assistencial de alta complexidade. Resultados: Paciente submetida à cirurgia videolaparoscópica para remoção de endometriose, tendo permanecido 9 horas em posição ginecológica, desenvolvendo SCA, no pós-operató-rio imediato (POI). A paciente foi submetida à fasciotomia descompressiva, para o tratamento da SCA no segundo pós-operatório (PO), e outras nove reabordagens cirúrgicas, para a continuidade do tratamento. Ela permaneceu hospitalizada por 45 dias. Conclusão: O treinamento dos profissionais de Enfermagem, o conhe-cimento acerca da segurança do paciente cirúrgico e o trabalho em equipe durante todo o procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico são essenciais para a diminuição dos eventos adversos e a rápida identificação e tratamento de complicações. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Perioperative Care , Debridement , Fasciotomy , Nursing , Patient Positioning , Anterior Compartment SyndromeABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Multiple solutions are currently used to cleanse a deep neck infection (DNI), and a variety of devices are available to deliver wound irrigation solutions. An essential difference between these devices is the pressure that the irrigation solution exerts over the wound tissue. Objective To compare low-pressure and high-pressure irrigation delivery systems for wound cleansing in DNI. Methods we designed a retrospective cohort study and reviewed the medical records of patients operated on due to DNI from June 2016 to December 2017 at our institution. One cohort included patients treated with an intraoperative irrigation method that exerts low pressure over the irrigated tissue, and the other cohort, to a system capable of generating higher pressure. The Pearson Chi-squared test was used to analyze the data. Results A total of 42 patients whose ages ranged from 16 months to 72 years were included. The low-pressure irrigation system was used in 18 patients, and the high-pressure system was used in 24 patients. No statistical differences were observed regarding the irrigation methods, the complexity of the DNI, and the overall outcomes. Conclusions The present is the first study in which low- and high-pressure systems for wound lavage were evaluated in the treatment of DNI. When comparing these methods, we did not find one to be superior to the other; however, the additional cost associated with the high-pressure devices may not justify their in head and neck procedures.
Abstract Cleaning and shaping the root canal system are essential steps for performing successful endodontic therapy, and are challenging procedures in the apical region. This study aimed to conduct an ex vivo assessment of the debridement ability of the WaveOne Gold (Medium 35/.06) and TruNatomy (Medium 36/.03) systems in the apical third of round root canals of mandibular premolars. Forty-eight teeth, extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons, were divided into three groups (n=16), as follows: Group C, control (without instrumentation or irrigation); Group WOG, instrumentation with WaveOne Gold; Group TN, instrumentation with TruNatomy. A total of 40 mL of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 5 mL of 17% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid were used per root canal in all the groups. Ten 0.5-μm serial cross-sections per specimen were obtained every 0.2 mm from a 2-mm segment of the apical region, extending from 1 to 3 mm short of the root apex. The sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and analyzed under a digital microscope (100x). The percentages of unprepared walls and remaining debris were quantified using ImageJ software. Generalized linear models were used to analyze the results (α=5%). Groups WOG and TN had significantly lower percentages of unprepared walls and remaining debris than Group C (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between groups WOG and TN for either of the variables studied (p>0.05). Instrumentation with the WaveOne Gold Medium and TruNatomy Medium instruments was associated with equivalent percentages of unprepared walls and remaining debris in the apical third of round canals of mandibular premolars.
Resumo A limpeza e modelagem do sistema de canais radiculares são etapas fundamentais para o sucesso da terapia endodôntica e são procedimentos desafiadores na região apical. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma avaliação ex vivo da capacidade de debridamento dos sistemas WaveOne Gold (Medium 35/.06) e TruNatomy (Medium 36/.03) no terço apical de canais radiculares circulares de pré-molares inferiores. Quarenta e oito dentes que haviam sido extraídos por razões ortodônticas ou periodontais foram divididos em três grupos (n=16),da seguinte forma: Grupo C, Controle (sem instrumentação nem irrigação); Grupo WOG, instrumentação com WaveOne Gold; Grupo TN, instrumentação com TruNatomy. Um total de 40 mL de hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% e 5 mL de ácido etilenodiamino tetraacético a 17% foi utilizado por canal radicular em todos os grupos. Dez secções transversais em série de 0,5 μm por espécime foram obtidas a cada 0,2 mm de um segmento de 2 mm da região apical, estendendo-se desde 1 até 3 mm aquém do ápice radicular. As seções foram coradas com hematoxilina-eosina e analisadas sob um microscópio digital (100x). As porcentagens de paredes não tocadas e detritos remanescentes foram quantificadas utilizando-se o software ImageJ. Modelos lineares generalizados foram utilizados para analisar os resultados (α=5%). Os grupos WOG e TN apresentaram porcentagens significativamente menores de paredes intocadas e detritos remanescentes do que o grupo C (p<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos WOG e TN quanto a nenhuma das variáveis estudadas (p>0,05). A instrumentação com os instrumentos WaveOne Gold Medium e TruNatomy Medium foi associada a porcentagens equivalentes de paredes intocadas e detritos remanescentes no terço apical de canais circulares de pré-molares inferiores.
Introducción: La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) constituye un problema de salud pública. Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de los desbridamientos quirúrgicos y amputaciones de miembros inferiores en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 y su impacto económico. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio Observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. Se estimaron los costos médicos directos tanto de desbridamientos quirúrgicos como de amputaciones de miembros inferiores en pacientes diabéticos en el Hospital de Clínicas San Lorenzo, durante el año 2019. Resultados: El total de desbridamientos quirúrgicos y amputaciones de miembros inferiores en el año 2019 representan el 1,9% (314/16.484) de los procedimientos quirúrgicos realizados en el Hospital de Clínicas. El monto total de gastos es de 1.804.185.116 (262.541 USD), de los cuales 172.514.000 (38.857 USD) constituyen gastos de bolsillo y 1.631.671.116 (237.437 USD) constituyen gastos erogados al Estado Paraguayo a través del Hospital de Clínicas de San Lorenzo. Conclusión: Las complicaciones de la diabetes imponen considerables costos tanto en el gasto de bolsillo, al sector de la salud como a la economía en general en el Paraguay, por lo que es necesario re evaluar el manejo de esta problemática teniendo en cuenta el gran impacto que tienen dichos procedimientos producen en la vida de los pacientes a nivel físico, emocional, familiar y social, así como la carga económica que conlleva el tratamiento para el Sistema de Salud.
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) constitutes a public health problem. Objectives: Determine the frequency of surgical debridement and lower limb amputations in type 2 diabetic patients and their economic impact. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional observational study was carried out. The direct medical costs of both surgical debridement and lower limb amputations in diabetic patients at the Hospital de Clínicas, San Lorenzo were estimated during 2019. Results: The total of surgical debridement and lower limb amputations in 2019 represents the 1.9% (314/16,484) of surgical procedures performed at the Hospital de Clínicas. The total amount of expenses is 1,804,185,116 (262,541 USD), of which 172,514,000 (38,857 USD) constitute out-of-pocket expenses and 1,631,671,116 (237,437 USD) constitute expenses disbursed to the Paraguayan State through the Hospital de Clínicas de San Lorenzo. Conclusion: The complications of diabetes impose considerable costs both in out-of-pocket spending, on the health sector and on the economy in general in Paraguay, so it is necessary to re-evaluate the management of this problem taking into account the great impact that these procedures have on the lives of patients on a physical, emotional, family and social level, as well as the economic burden that the treatment entails for the Health System.
INTRODUCCIÓN: el desbridamiento retroperitoneal video asistido (DRVA) es una técnica mínimamente invasiva usada para el tratamiento de la necrosis pancreática infectada (NPI). MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: reporte de caso. RESULTADOS: se presenta un caso de pancreatitis aguda severa tratada con DRVA en una paciente femenina de 43 años, con un cuadro clínico de 5 días de evolución caracterizado por dolor abdominal espasmódico en hipocondrio derecho, de moderada intensidad, irradiado a epigastrio y en cinturón a ambos flancos. La paciente recibió atención privada en dos centros previos al ingreso al nuestro. Al ingreso, en el laboratorio, presenta leucocitosis y desvió izquierdo, amilasémia y lipasémia altas. Se realizaron tomografías contrastadas y punciones guiadas por TAC y DRVA cuando se evidencia necrosis amurallada. Se describe la técnica quirúrgica. Súbitamente la paciente presenta insuficiencia respiratoria y datos compatibles con tromboembolia pulmonar y fallece. CONCLUSIÓN: bajo la visión de terapia escalonada, el desbridamiento retroperitoneal video asistido va ganando adeptos en el manejo de la Pancreatitis Aguda Severa
BACKGROUND: video-assisted retroperitoneal debridement (VARD) is a minimally invasive technique used for the treatment of infected necrotizing pancreatitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: case report. RESULTS: a case of severe necrotizing pancreatitis is presented in a 43 years old female patient, with 5 days clinical evolution with spasmodic abdominal pain in epigastrium and right hypochondrium of moderate intensity, irradiated to both flanks in belt. The patient received private care in two centers upon the admission in our hospital. In the laboratory at the admission, she showed leukocytosis and left deviation, high level in amylase and lipase. Contrasted enhanced tomography and guided punctures were realized and VARD were considered when evidence of wall of necrosis was observed in scanner. The surgical technique is described. Suddenly the patient presented acute respiratory failure with massive pulmonary thromboembolism and died. CONCLUSION: under the step-up approach vision, the video-assisted retroperitoneal debridement is gaining popularity in the management of the acute necrotizing pancreatitis
Female , AdultABSTRACT
Mucormycosis is an angioinvasive infection caused by fungi of the Zygomycetes order. Rhizopus is the main pathogen responsible for 90% of cases of cerebral mucormycosis. The term rhinocerebral mucormycosis should be used only in the face, palatal, orbital, paranasal sinus, or brain area. Here, we present the case of a 42-year-old man who presented with complaints of pain and swelling in relation to the left upper back tooth region for the past 20 days. In this case, the patient was immunocompromised due to type II diabetes, as well as COVID hospitalization. This case enlightens the investigation, as well as the management protocol followed by post-operative rehabilitation. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality of these deadly fungal infections.
INTRODUCTION: Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissuethat is more generalized than erysipelas and associated with broken skin and pre-existingulceration. Mild cases of cellulitis are generally treated with oral antibiotics, GlycerinMgSO4 dressing & affected part elevation and severe cases required admission & higherantibiotics, skin & blood culture & sensitivity & in case of systemic symptoms & abscessoperative management is required.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:• To observe the outcome of conservative and operative patients in view ofcomorbidity and after treatment complications.• Following factors are accounting before conclusive outcome.• To understand the patients characteristics, comorbidity and mode of presentation.• To study spectrum of organism isolated from patient undergoing conservative oroperative management.• To compare treatment modality and outcome in management of cellulitis.MATERIAL & METHODS: Data consists of primary data collected by the principalinvestigator directly from the patients who were admitted from OPD in the GCS medicalcollege and hospital. It was observational study for a period of six months from April2022 to September 2022 under sample size was 50 cases.CONCLUSION: We recommended Operative management over Conservativemanagement in cellulitis because single operative incision can release toxic fluid fromaffected part and can promote faster healing and better recovery and less hospital stay.Patient has less mental trauma, less pain and more economical benefits in Operativemanagement therefore study concludes Operative management is superior Compared toConservative management. However, conservative management is preferable in earlystages of cellulitis.
Abstract Introduction: Nasal crust after endoscopic skull base surgery can cause nasal congestion, obstruction, and pain, which can affect quality of life. The use of debridement aims to provide symptomatic relief and improve quality of life. Generally, most adult patients tolerate office-based debridement, except in a few select patients that require further sedation in the operating room for a debridement. The study sought to determine the rate of symptomatic crust-related morbidity and the rate of debridement in both the office and the operating room. Methods: Premorbid, operative, and postoperative data of adult patients who had endoscopic skull base surgery in our institution from 2014 to 2018 were reviewed retrospectively. The characteristics of nasal symptoms in the postoperative period were determined and the numberofdebridementsin theoffice and the operatingroomwere analyzed. Results: Two hundred and thirty-four (234) patients with 244 surgeries were included in the study. The majority, 68.9%, had a sellar lesion and a free mucosa graft (FMG) was the most common skull base reconstruction at 53.5%. One hundred and twenty (49.0%) had crust-related symptoms during the postoperative period and 11 patients (4.5%) required the operating room for debridement. The use of a pedicled flap, anxiety, and preoperative radiotherapy were significantly associated with intolerance to in-office debridement (p-value=0.05). Conclusions: The use of a pedicled flap or anxiety may predispose patients to require an OR debridement. Previous radiotherapy also influenced the tolerance to the in-office debridement.
Introducción: La osteoartritis se considera una enfermedad de daño reumatológico y la más prevalente de este grupo. Se caracteriza por la pérdida progresiva del cartílago articular, la aposición de hueso nuevo en el arca trabecular del hueso subcondral y la formación de osteofitos en las márgenes de la articulación. Objetivos: Exponer aspectos relacionados con la conceptualización, métodos y enfoques terapéuticos. Métodos: Se emplearon los descriptores del Medical Subject Headings y de ciencias de la salud. Se revisó la bibliografía actualizada acerca de la enfermedad, los métodos y los enfoques terapéuticos para abordar la misma. Conclusiones: El lavado articular por punción y el lavado con desbridamiento artroscópico garantizan la eficacia del tratamiento de la osteoartritis de rodilla ligera y moderada. La artroscopia influye positivamente en la percepción de la calidad de vida de los pacientes con osteoartritis de rodilla.
Introduction: Osteoarthritis is considered a disease of rheumatological damage and the most prevalent of this group. It is characterized by progressive loss of articular cartilage, apposition of new bone in the trabecular ark of subchondral bone, and formation of osteophytes at the margins of the joint. Objectives: To address aspects related to the conceptualization, methods and therapeutic approaches of knee osteoarthritis. Methods: Medical Subject Headings and health sciences descriptors were used. The updated literature on the disease, methods, and therapeutic approaches to address knee osteoarthritis were reviewed. Conclusions: Joint lavage by puncture and lavage with arthroscopic debridement guarantee the efficacy of the treatment of light and moderate knee osteoarthritis. Arthroscopy positively influences the perception of quality of life of patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Introducción: Es importante considerar la posible implicación de microorganismos poco frecuentes en infecciones de piel y partes blandas si la muestra obtenida para cultivo es de buena calidad, y además se aísla en cultivo puro, como ocurre con Escherichia vulneris. Caso Clínico: Presentamos en caso de una mujer de 34 años, sin antecedentes mórbidos, quien desarrolló un absceso en el 4° dedo de la mano tras un traumatismo con una rama y que requirió drenaje quirúrgico y tratamiento antibiótico para su resolución. En el contenido del absceso, se aisló E. vulneris en cultivo puro, con un perfil antibiótico multisensible. Discusión y Conclusión: E. vulneris es una enterobacteria cuya patogenicidad ha estado clásicamente discutida, pero que se ha visto que puede tener participación en infección de heridas, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con material vegetal. Este microorganismo, muy relacionado con E. harmannii, presenta buena sensibilidad a los aminoglucósidos, con excepción a la penicilina y al cotrimoxazol. En las infecciones de piel y tejidos blandos causadas por E. vulneris y que cursen como un absceso, es importante realizar desbridamiento quirúrgico, si es necesario para la resolución completa del cuadro, además del tratamiento con amoxicilina/ácido clavulánico que parece adecuado.
Introduction: It is important to assess the possible involvement of rare microorganisms in skin and soft tissue infections if the sample obtained for culture is of good quality, and is isolated in pure culture, as occurs with Escherichia vulneris. Case Report: We present the case of a 34-year-old woman, with no history of morbidity, who developed an abscess in the 4th finger of the hand after trauma with a branch and which required surgical drainage and antibiotic treatment for its resolution. In the content of the abscess, E. vulneris was isolated in pure culture, with a multisensitive antibiotic profile. Discusion: E. vulneris is an Enterobacteriaceae whose pathogenicity has been classically discussed, but it has been seen that it may have participated in the infection of wounds, especially those related to plant material. This organism, closely related to E. harmannii, shows good sensitivity to aminoglycosides, with the exception of penicillin, and cotrimoxazole. In skin and soft tissue infections caused by E. vulneris and that present as an abscess, it is important to perform surgical debridement if necessary for complete resolution of the condition, in addition to treatment with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, which seems appropriate.
Objective @#To investigate the etiology, clinical manifestations, treatment and prevention of jaw necrosis caused by arsenic trioxide to provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment. @*Methods@#To analyze the clinical data and related literature of patients with jaw necrosis caused by acute promyelocytic leukemia treated with arsenic trioxide@*Results@#We report a case of jaw necrosis caused by the use of arsenic trioxide (10 mg once a day for one month) during the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia. About 20 days after treatment, the patient developed right maxillary pain accompanied by gingival redness and swelling and mucosal ulcer, 14-17 teeth had buccal and palatal alveolar bone exposed, gingival mucosa was missing, gingival tissue was damaged to the bottom of vestibular groove, and palatal soft tissue was damaged to 5-8 mm of palatal suture. Due to the unstable condition of acute promyelocytic leukemia, the patient was given conservative treatment such as oral vitamin and Kangfuxin liquid gargle to keep his mouth clean. Drug induced jaw necrosis reported in the literature can be caused by bisphosphonates. Arsenic trioxide can also cause local jaw necrosis. Clinically, it is often manifested as long-term wound nonunion, pus, alveolar bone or jaw bone exposure, dead bone formation, accompanied by pain, loose teeth, facial swelling and other symptoms. Anti inflammation, debridement and surgical removal of dead bone are commonly used treatment methods.@*Conclusion @# In clinical practice, we should be alert to drug-induced jaw necrosis and strengthen prevention.
Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) following joint arthroplasty is devastating and technique-demanding. At present, the surgical treatment for PJI includes debridement, antibiotics, and implant retention (DAIR), single- or two-stage revision, arthrodesis, and amputation. DAIR is appealing to both surgeons and patients as it can avoid unnecessary implants removal, making it less time-consuming and less invasive. In this article, we review the current knowledge in surgical timing, intraoperative details and antibiotics strategy of DAIR.
PURPOSE@#The study aimed to identify the risk factors of recurrence in chronic osteomyelitis (COM) and to document the microbiological patterns pre- and intra-operatively and at recurrence, if any.@*METHODS@#We performed retrospective review on COM patients treated with surgical debridement and a 6-week course of antibiotics. The patients with symptoms of osteomyelitis for at least 6 weeks, present or past episodes of discharging sinus, documentation of bone sequestration in operative notes or preoperative images were included in the study. Patients with symptoms of osteomyelitis < 6 weeks, lack of history of discharging sinus or lack of evidence of sequestration in preoperative images or intraoperative notes were excluded. Logistic regression models were used to assess the impact of risk factors of recurrence. Cohen-Kappa scores were derived to see the concordance between pre-operative and intra-operative isolates and at recurrence.@*RESULTS@#Totally, 147 COM patients (115 males and 32 females, mean age (33 ± 19) years) were included in this study. Recurrence was noted in 28 patients (19.0%). Polymicrobial growth and extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae increased the chance of recurrence. Cierny-Mader stage-1, hematogenous aetiology and negative intraoperative culture reduced the chance of recurrence. Concordance between pre-operative and intra-operative cultures was 59.85% (Kappa score 0.526, p < 0.001) and between index surgery and at recurrence was 23.81% (Kappa score 0.155, p < 0.001). Lack of knowledge of causative organism preoperatively did not affect outcome. At mean follow-up (42 ± 15) months, all patients were apparently infection free for at least 1 year.@*CONCLUSION@#Polymicrobial growth and multi-drug resistant organisms increase the risk of recurrence in COM. Patients' age, gender, diabetes mellitus, previous failed treatment, duration of symptoms, haemoglobin, white cell count, C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate at presentation did not have any impact on the recurrence of infection. Pre-operative isolation of organism is of questionable value. Recurrences of infections do occur and are more of re-infections than relapses. Diligent isolation of organism must be attempted even in re-debridements. Even patients with recurrences do well with appropriate debridement and antibiotic therapy.
Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Debridement , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome , Osteomyelitis/surgery , Recurrence , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF) in comparison with traditional posterior lumbar fusion in the treatment of lumbar infectious diseases.Methods:A retrospective study was conducted to analyze the clinical data of 30 patients with lumbar infectious disease who had been treated at Department of Spinal Surgery, The Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University from May 2017 to November 2019. There were 18 males and 12 females with an age of (53.3 ± 12.5) years. According to surgical procedures, the patients were divided into group A of 13 cases subjected to XLIF and group B of 17 cases subjected to posterior radical debridement plus lumbar fusion plus internal fixation. The 2 groups were compared in terms of demographic data like age and gender, intraoperative indexes, intervertebral fusion rate, and complications, as well as visual analogue scale (VAS) and Oswestry disability index (ODI) at 3, 6, and 12 months after operation.Results:There was no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups in the general clinical data before operation, showing comparability ( P>0.05). The operation time in group A was significantly shorter than that in group B [(88.5 ± 13.6) min versus (124.1 ± 15.4) min], and the intraoperative blood loss in group A significantly less than that in group B [(66.9 ± 18.4) mL versus (461.8 ± 150.6) mL] ( P<0.05). The VAS and ODI at 3, 6, and 12 months after operation in both groups were significantly lower than those before operation ( P<0.05). The VAS and ODI at 3 months after surgery in group A [2 (2, 2) points and 15.2% ± 5.0%] were significantly lower than those in group B [3 (2, 3) points and 19.5% ± 6.2%] ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the fusion rate between groups A and B at 12 months after operation (13 versus 16) ( P>0.05). Postoperatively, left thigh numbness and weakness was reported in 1 case in group A while 2 cases of cerebrospinal fluid fistula and 1 case of poor wound healing were observed in group B, showing no significant difference in the incidence of complications between the 2 groups ( P>0.05). Conclusion:Compared with the traditional posterior lumbar surgery, XLIF demonstrates advantages of less intraoperative blood loss, less tissue damage, shorter operation time, faster postoperative recovery in the treatment of lumbar infectious diseases with no obvious intraspinal abscess or nerve compression.
@#This pilot study evaluated the effect of manuka honey as a subgingival adjunct to scaling and root surface debridement in the treatment of periodontitis. This study used a split-mouth design with a 3-month follow-up in seven participants diagnosed with periodontitis Stage III Grade B or C. Root surface debridement was performed on one side of the mouth (control); the other side received debridement plus manuka honey application (test). Clinical parameters were recorded at baseline, 6- and 12-weeks. Gingival crevicular fluid and subgingival plaque were sampled. Microbiological outcomes were analysed using benzoylarginine pnitroanilide assay and polymerase chain reaction assay. Single application of manuka honey to periodontal pockets did not result in additional reduction of pocket depth, improvement of attachment levels or changes in p-nitroaniline enzymes when compared with root surface debridement alone. However, test sites exhibited greater reduction in bleeding than control sites, mean differences 1.3 (95%CI 1.2-1.5) and 1.7 (95%CI 1.5-1.9) at 6-weeks and 12-weeks, respectively. The proportion of mutans streptococci decreased at 6-weeks in test sites but increased at 12-weeks in control sites. Adjunctive application of manuka honey to periodontal pockets improved gingival inflammation but did not demonstrate significant clinical benefits compared with root surface debridement alone.
Objective To explore the efficacy of debridement combined with antibiotic-loaded artificial bone in the treatment of clavicular osteomyelitis.Methods The data of 45 patients with clavicle osteomyelitis admitted to Luoyang Orthopedic Hospital(Henan Orthopedic Hospital)in Henan Province from January 2012 to June 2022 were retrospectively analyzed.They were divided into treatment group(n = 24)treated with debridement combined with antibiotic-loaded artificial bone,and control group(n = 21)treated with debridement.We compared the operation time,the duration of drainage tube placement,wound healing time,white blood cells(WBC),C-reactive protein(CRP),and erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR)in the two groups.Preoperative visual analog scores(VAS)and VAS 1 month after operation,and preoperative Constant-Murley score(CMS)and CMS 12 months after operation were observed.Infections,recurrence and complications in the two groups were recorded in the follow-up.Results All the 45 patients completed the surgery successfully and were followed up for 13 to 35 months,with an average of(23.53±5.11)months.The operation time and the duration of drainage tube place-ment of the treatment group were longer than those of the control group(P<0.05),and there was no significant difference in the wound healing time(P>0.05);preoperative and 14-day postoperative WBC,CRP,and ESR,VAS 1 month after operation,and CMS 12 months after operation were all significantly improved in the two groups.The differences were all statistically significant(P<0.05),and the CMS of the treatment group was higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).During the follow-up,there were less cases of infection recurrence in the treatment group when compared with that in the control group(2/24,8.33%vs.5/21,23.81%).There were 2 cases of aseptic exudation in the treatment group.There were 1 case of bone defect in the treatment group and 5 in the control group,all of which had healed after the second-stage iliac implantation,and the rest did not have the complication of aseptic exudation,bone defects and pathologic fracture.Conclusion Debridement and antibiotic-loaded artificial bone can effectively control the infection and preserve the shape and function of the clavicle,with a low recurrence rate of postoperative infection,simple surgical operation,and no serious complications.It is wor-thy of clinical promotion.
Radionuclide-contaminated wounds are common in medical response to nuclear emergencies, which have different manifestations in different types of accidents. Medical treatment is the key part of the response. Based on the drill experience gained from medical response to nuclear emergencies, the authors summarize the research advances in radionuclide-contaminated wounds in recent years, mainly involving the biokinetic characteristics, medical response, surgical debridement, and prevention and treatment of internal contamination of radionuclide-contaminated wounds; the authors summarize the key points of technical operations and provide suggestions on improvements in the drills. The authors believe that medical treatment of radionuclide-contaminated wounds requires highly compatible integration of the practical skills from clinical medicine and radiological knowledge; emergency response, surgical debridement, and prevention and treatment of internal contamination all together constitute an integrated rescue and treatment strategy with internal logic correlations. However, targeted improvements are needed to achieve desired effects in the drills.
Objective:To evaluate the effects of peroneal osteotomy combined with arthroscopic knee debridement on perioperative indexes, X-ray indexes, Japanese Orthopaedic Association Assessment score (JOA score), American Hospital for Special Surgery knee score (HSS score) and complication rate of patients with knee osteoarthritis.Methods:A prospective research method was adopted. A total of 110 patients with knee osteoarthritis who were admitted to Chengde Central Hospital from April 2016 to April 2021 were selected as the research objects and divided into the control group (55 cases), the combined group (55 cases) by random number table method. The control group underwent arthroscopic debridement of the knee joint. On the basis of the control group, the combined group was combined with fibula osteotomy. The control group and the combined group were followed up for 6 months after operation. The perioperative indicators, score of JOA before and after 1 month of treatment, X-ray indicators, score of HSS before and after 6 months of treatment, and the incidence of complications during the follow-up period were compared between the control group and the combined group.Results:The operation time of the combined group was longer than that of the control group: (84.36 ± 14.64) min vs. (75.88 ± 12.86) min; compared with before operation, 1 month after operation, the scores of swelling, pain while up and down stairs, walking pain, joint range of motion were increased in the control group and the combined group, and the combined group was higher than the control group: (8.35 ± 0.73) points vs. (6.74 ± 0.67) points, (15.05 ± 1.74) points vs. (13.96±1.66) points, (21.75 ± 2.07) points vs. (18.58 ± 1.73) points, (27.59 ± 3.25) points vs. (25.74 ± 2.83) points; the femoral tibial angle and the range of motion of the knee joint in the control group and the combined group were increased, and the combined group was greater than the control group: (1.94 ± 0.60)° vs. (3.02 ± 0.67)°; the scores of stability, flexion deformity, muscle strength, range of motion, function, and pain in the control group and the combined group increased, and the combined group was higher than the control group: (8.62 ± 0.86) points vs. (6.89 ± 0.78) points, (7.86 ± 0.96) points vs. (6.27 ± 0.68) points, (7.79 ± 0.62) points vs. (6.95 ± 0.57) points, (14.95 ± 2.60) points vs. (12.48 ± 2.33) points, (17.46 ± 2.21) points vs. (14.59 ± 1.76) points, (24.83 ± 3.25) points vs. (18.59 ± 2.57) points, the difference was statistically significant ( P<0.05). During the following up period, there were no significant differences in the incidences of osteofascial compartment syndrome, neurovascular injury, intraarticular adhesion and incision infection between the two groups ( P>0.05). Conclusions:The operation time of fibular osteotomy combined with arthroscopic debridement of knee joint in patients with knee osteoarthritis was longer, but fibular osteotomy combined with arthroscopic debridement of the knee joint can reduce the valgus of the patient and improve the range of motion of the joint. It could effectively reduce the degree of pain and improve the function of knee joint, and the safety was good, with good therapeutic effect.
Infectious bone defect is bone defect with infection or as a result of treatment of bone infection. It requires surgical intervention, and the treatment processes are complex and long, which include bone infection control,bone defect repair and even complex soft tissue reconstructions in some cases. Failure to achieve the goals in any step may lead to the failure of the overall treatment. Therefore, infectious bone defect has been a worldwide challenge in the field of orthopedics. Conventionally, sequestrectomy, bone grafting, bone transport, and systemic/local antibiotic treatment are standard therapies. Radical debridement remains one of the cornerstones for the management of bone infection. However, the scale of debridement and the timing and method of bone defect reconstruction remain controversial. With the clinical application of induced membrane technique, effective infection control and rapid bone reconstruction have been achieved in the management of infectious bone defect. The induced membrane technique has attracted more interests and attention, but the lack of understanding the basic principles of infection control and technical details may hamper the clinical outcomes of induced membrane technique and complications can possibly occur. Therefore, the Chinese Orthopedic Association organized domestic orthopedic experts to formulate An evidence-based clinical guideline for the treatment of infectious bone defect with induced membrane technique ( version 2023) according to the evidence-based method and put forward recommendations on infectious bone defect from the aspects of precise diagnosis, preoperative evaluation, operation procedure, postoperative management and rehabilitation, so as to provide useful references for the treatment of infectious bone defect with induced membrane technique.
One case of suppurative acromioclavicular arthritis caused by Staphylococcus aureuswas reported. The patient was admitted to hospital due to swelling and pain in the right shoulder, limited mobility without no obvious cause.Through medical history, physical examination, imaging examination, and local tissue bacterial culture, it was confirmed that the infection was caused by Staphylococcus aureus. After surgery and anti infection treatment, satisfactory treatment results were achieved. Through literature review, 95 cases of suppurative acromioclavicular arthritis were retrieved and analyzed from 57 articles.Among them, 26 cases (27%) were infected with Staphylococcus aureus, including 3 cases of clearly identified methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 2 cases of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, and 1 case of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis; 13 cases (14%) of Streptococcus; There were 6 cases (6%) of special pathogens, including 2 cases of Haemophilus parainfluenzae, 1 case of Candida, 1 case of Bacillus pallidum, 1 case of Mycobacterium avium, and 1 case of Pasteurella multocida; 50 cases (53%) of specific infections with pathogens were not clearly reported. Suppurative acromioclavicular arthritis has the characteristics of difficult early diagnosis, rapid disease progression, and strong destructiveness. MRI and ultrasound have high specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of this disease, and ultrasound can assist in obtaining joint fluid for examination. Early identification of the pathogen is the key to the treatment of this disease. Before identifying the pathogen, antibiotics should not be used arbitrarily. After diagnosis, timely anti infection treatment should be carried out, and if necessary, surgical debridement should be performed. The vast majority of patients can achieve satisfactory and accurate treatment results after active and standardized treatment.