Introduction: Medical practice, particularly in Neurology, is often influenced by cognitive biases that can compromise diagnostic and therapeutic accuracy, leading to significant patient consequences. Clinical reasoning strategies are fundamental, yet the complexity of these processes is frequently underestimated. Understanding these strategies is crucial to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments, thereby reducing clinical errors and optimizing patient outcomes. Despite extensive literature on cognitive biases, there is a need for a systematic synthesis addressing the peculiarities of neurological clinical reasoning, considering heuristics (mental shortcuts or rules of thumb that simplify decision-making) and hermeneutics (the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially of textual and symbolic content). Objectives: To review and systematize the main clinical reasoning strategies in Neurology, highlighting common biases and proposing methods to improve diagnostic and therapeutic accuracy. Methodology: A comprehensive literature review focusing on familiarity biases, Dual Process Theory, and heuristics (anchoring, availability, and representativeness). Additionally, the application of hermeneutics in hypothesis formulation and the importance of understanding the patient as a complex system were analyzed. Results: Specialized neurologists often rely on heuristics, which means a cognitive shortcut. Recognizing this process can mitigate anchoring and availability biases. The hermeneutic approach, on the other hand, is essential for interpreting variables in the patient's context, integrating historical and social aspects. Conclusion: Understanding clinical reasoning processes and systematically teaching these strategies are crucial to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical decision-making, reducing diagnostic errors, and improving patient outcomes.
Introdução: A prática médica, particularmente em Neurologia, é frequentemente influenciada por vieses cognitivos que podem comprometer a precisão diagnóstica e a terapêutica, resultando em consequências significativas para o paciente. Estratégias de raciocínio clínico são fundamentais, mas a complexidade desses processos é subestimada. Compreendê-las é crucial para garantir diagnósticos precisos e tratamentos eficazes, reduzindo erros e otimizando resultados. Apesar da extensa literatura sobre vieses cognitivos, necessita-se sintetizar sistematicamente uma abordagem das peculiaridades do raciocínio neurológico, considerando heurísticas (atalhos mentais ou regras práticas que simplificam a tomada de decisão) e a hermenêutica (a teoria e metodologia de interpretação, especialmente de conteúdo textual e simbólico). Objetivos: Revisar e sistematizar as principais estratégias de raciocínio clínico em Neurologia, destacando os vieses comuns e propondo métodos para melhorar a precisão diagnóstica e terapêutica. Metodologia: Uma revisão abrangente da literatura focando em vieses de familiaridade, Teoria do Processo Dual e heurísticas (ancoragem, disponibilidade e representatividade). Além disso, a aplicação da hermenêutica na formulação de hipóteses e a importância de entender o paciente como um sistema complexo foram analisadas. Resultados: Neurologistas especializados frequentemente dependem de heurísticas, que são atalhos cognitivos. Reconhecer esse processo pode mitigar os vieses de ancoragem e disponibilidade. A abordagem hermenêutica é essencial para interpretar variáveis no contexto do paciente, integrando aspectos históricos e sociais. Conclusão: Compreender os processos de raciocínio clínico e ensinar sistematicamente essas estratégias é crucial para aumentar a eficiência e eficácia da tomada de decisões, reduzindo erros e melhorando os resultados dos pacientes.
Objetiva-se discutir os desafios e as dificuldades que estudantes de medicina vivenciam na comunicação de más notícias e como percebem o tratamento dado a esses desafios e dificuldades na sua formação universitária. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com estudantes de medicina que vivenciaram atendimentos aos usuários e presenciaram a comunicação de má notícia a um paciente e/ou familiar em suas atividades prático-acadêmicas. Os principais resultados indicaram que os estudantes relacionaram a comunicação de más notícias com conceitos como morte, luto, perda e dor. Perceberam esse contexto como desconcertante e aterrorizante, ressaltando a importância do preparo educacional e emocional. Atestaram, ainda, a falta de estratégias educacionais, indicando a necessidade de mais apoio na formação médica para o desenvolvimento dessas habilidades. Conclui-se que é necessário que as escolas médicas promovam formas de implementar estratégias de habilidade de comunicação com a atualização na grade curricular para o ensino-aprendizagem de técnicas comunicacionais.
The aim is to discuss the challenges and difficulties that medical students experience in communicating bad news and how they perceive the treatment given to these challenges and difficulties in their university training. This is a qualitative study with medical students, who have seen patients and have witnessed the communication of bad news to a patient and/or family member in their practical-academic activities. The main results indicated that the students described the communication of bad news using concepts such as death, mourning, loss and pain. They perceived this context as disconcerting and terrifying, highlighting the importance of educational and emotional preparation. They attested to the lack of educational strategies, indicating the need for more support in medical training for the development of these skills. The conclusion is that medical schools need to promote ways of implementing communication skills strategies by updating the curriculum to the teaching-learning of communication techniques.
The aim is to discuss the challenges and difficulties that medical students experience in communicating bad news and how they perceive the treatment given to these challenges and difficulties in their university training. This is a qualitative study with medical students, who have seen patients and have witnessed the communication of bad news to a patient and/or family member in their practical-academic activities. The main results indicated that the students described the communication of bad news using concepts such as death, mourning, loss and pain. They perceived this context as disconcerting and terrifying, highlighting the importance of educational and emotional preparation. They attested to the lack of educational strategies, indicating the need for more support in medical training for the development of these skills. The conclusion is that medical schools need to promote ways of implementing communication skills strategies by updating the curriculum to the teaching-learning of communication techniques.
Physician-Patient Relations , Students, Medical , Education, Medical , Health Communication , Decision Making, Shared , Communication , Humanization of Assistance , Social SkillsABSTRACT
Objective: The main objective of this study is to report on the implementation and results of the "Supporting Health-Related Judicial Decisions in Brazil" project conducted at the Health Technology Assessment Center, Hospital Sírio-Libanês through the "Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Institucional do Sistema Único de Saúde", in Brazil. Methods: This study is an experience report of a project conducted at the Health Technology Assessment Center, Hospital Sírio-Libanês. Results: The activities of the project occurred in 2023 and included two online training courses on primary studies and systematic reviews, 11 one-day workshops with technical-scientific content for members of the Technical Support Centers for the Judiciary (NATJus), 40 online technical-scientific consultations for magistrates on a digital platform, 11 technical-scientific reports addressing the most legally claimed technologies in Brazil; two methodological tools, a national forum (hybrid event), 10 chat-based mentorships for NATJus members; and the maintenance of an open-access blog, by publishing news on relevant topics on law and health. Discussion and conclusion: This project has contributed to the improvement of the judicial decision-making process by providing a range of activities aimed at aiding the prioritization of health technologies that are clearly effective and safe over those that are ineffective, harmful, or have uncertain effects.
Objetivo: O objetivo principal deste estudo é relatar a implementação e os resultados do projeto "Apoio técnico-científico à tomada de decisão judicial em Saúde no Brasil" realizado no Hospital Sírio-Libanês por meio do "Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Institucional do Sistema Único de Saúde". Métodos: Este estudo é um relato de experiência de um projeto realizado no Núcleo de Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde do Hospital Sírio-Libanês. Resultados: As atividades do projeto ocorreram em 2023 e incluíram dois cursos de formação online sobre estudos primários e revisões sistemáticas, 11 oficinas de um dia com conteúdo técnico-científico para membros dos Núcleos de Apoio Técnico ao Judiciário (NATJus), 40 consultas on-line técnico-científicas para magistrados em plataforma digital, 11 relatórios técnico-científicos abordando as tecnologias mais reivindicadas judicialmente no Brasil; duas ferramentas metodológicas, um fórum nacional (evento híbrido), 10 mentorias via chat para membros do NATJus; e a manutenção de um blog de acesso aberto, com publicação de notícias sobre temas relevantes de direito e saúde. Discussão e conclusão: Este projeto contribuiu para a melhoria do processo de tomada de decisão judicial, fornecendo uma série de atividades destinadas a ajudar na priorização de tecnologias de saúde que sejam claramente eficazes e seguras em detrimento daquelas que são ineficazes, prejudiciais ou têm efeitos incertos.
Objetivo: El objetivo principal de este estudio es informar sobre la implementación y los resultados del proyecto "Apoyo a las Decisiones Judiciales Relacionadas con la Salud en Brasil" realizado en el Centro de Tecnología en Salud del Hospital Sírio-Libanês a través del "Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Institucional do Sistema Único de Saúde", en Brasil. Métodos: Este estudio es un informe de experiencia de un proyecto realizado en el Centro de Tecnología en Salud del Hospital Sírio-Libanês. Resultados: Las actividades del proyecto ocurrieron en 2023 e incluyeron dos cursos de capacitación en línea sobre estudios primarios y revisiones sistemáticas, 11 talleres de un día de contenido técnico-científico para miembros de los Centros de Apoyo Técnico al Poder Judicial (NATJus), 40 consultas técnico-científicas en línea para magistrados en plataforma digital, 11 informes técnico-científicos que abordan las tecnologías más reclamadas legalmente en Brasil; dos herramientas metodológicas, un foro nacional (evento híbrido), 10 mentorías basadas en chat para miembros de NATJus; y el mantenimiento de un blog de acceso abierto, mediante la publicación de noticias sobre temas relevantes en derecho y salud. Discusión y conclusión: Este proyecto ha contribuido a mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones judiciales proporcionando actividades para priorizar las tecnologías sanitarias claramente eficaces y seguras frente a aquellas que son ineficaces, nocivas o de efectos inciertos.
Background: Many studies and research articles in our medical field focus on decision making in the clinical set up, but this study only focused on decision making on pre-clinical and paraclinical settings. The objective was to study patterns and parameters of decision making among the doctors of pre-clinical and para clinical departments of GVMCH, Salem. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 45 doctors across 7 pre and para clinicals departments of Government Medical College Salem in Tamil Nadu. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation were used for quantitative data and Pearson chi square test and logistic regression was used for qualitative data using Epi Info 7. Results: The mean score was 7.2±2.8 with mean scoring percentile of 28.8±11.5. There was Pearsons’s chi square significance for variables like external resources related to decision making, books related to decision making, UG and PG pursued at, exposure to workshops or CMEs related to decision making, and age group <35. But on running logistic regression we got statistical significance for external resources related to decision making and age group >35 years. Conclusions: Variables like external resources related to decision making, age group >35 years showed statistical significance and better inferences compared to other dependent and independent variables in this pre and para clinical department set ups.
Background: Healthcare professionals understand how important it is to turn health data into information for informed decision-making. However, a lack of trustworthy and up-to-date health information is caused by inadequate investment in infrastructure for data collection, analysis, dissemination, and use. The aim of the study was to determine data-driven decision-making among health providers, a case of Mombasa County, Kenya. Methods: The study employed an analytical cross-sectional study design where a stratified random sampling approach was utilized to recruit respondents into the study. The Yamane formula of sample size calculation was used to recruit 168 study partakers for this study. Results: The outcomes indicated that quality data-driven decision-making exhibited a substantial correlation with technical factors (r=0.642, p value=0.000). Furthermore, the findings highlighted a significant correlation between quality data-driven decision-making and behavioral factors (r=0.821, p value=0.000). Additionally, the study's results revealed a marked correlation between quality data-propelled decision-making alongside organizational factors (r=0.819, p value=0.000). Conclusions: The likelihood ratio tests demonstrated that both technical and organizational factors significantly predicted data-driven decision-making among health providers, whereas behavioral factors did not have a statistically significant impact. There is a need to provide training for health workers at the county level to enhance data utilization skills, ensure thorough data verification before submission, and promote the use of health information in decision-making.
The right to health is linked to life and human dignity. Among the instruments to make it effective, the phenomenon of health litigation has become prominent. In Brazil, courts are increasingly faced with the task of rendering verdicts concerning matters related to health. Nowadays, judges have to deal with issues about health policies, technology incorporations, drug supplies, human autonomy, genetics, and biotechnologies, among others. Lawsuit sentences are now to be built upon the resolution of ethical, legal and philosophical questions. Bioethics presents itself as an instrument and method to help solve legal cases involving the right to health. This paper intends to show that bioethics can be applied in verdicts of lawsuits regarding to right to health in Brazil. It highlights that bioethics can be considered a source of law due to its normative dimension, as well as a hermeneutic method. This essay also aims to show the role for bioethics to help interpret the law and solve hard cases within health law and the right to health. Lastly, it aims to justify the presence of bioethics as legal reasoning to be used by judges in the foundation of their verdicts in lawsuits involving the right to health.
El derecho a la salud está vinculado a la dignidad humana. Entre los instrumentos para hacerlo efectivo se ha destacado el fenómeno de la judicialización de la salud. En Brasil, los tribunales cada vez más deben decidir sobre asuntos relacionados con el derecho a la salud. Jueces deben tratar temas sobre políticas de salud, biotecnologías, medicamentos, autonomía humana, genética, entre otros. Las sentencias judiciales ahora deben resolver cuestiones éticas, legales y filosóficas. La bioética se presenta como un instrumento y un método para ayudar a resolver los casos legales del derecho a la salud. Este estudio pretende mostrar que la bioética puede ser aplicada en sentencias judiciales sobre casos de derecho a la salud en Brasil. Se destaca que la bioética puede ser considerada una fuente de derecho por su dimensión normativa, así como un método hermenéutico. Este ensayo también tiene como objetivo mostrar el papel de la bioética para ayudar a interpretar el derecho y resolver casos difíciles dentro del derecho a la salud. Por último, pretende justificar la presencia de la bioética como razonamiento jurídico a ser utilizado por los jueces en la fundamentación de sus veredictos en juicios que involucren el derecho a la salud.
O direito à saúde está vinculado à dignidade humana. Dentre os instrumentos para efetivá-la, o fenômeno da judicialização da saúde tem se destacado. No Brasil, os tribunais se deparam cada vez mais com a tarefa de julgar processos relacionadas ao direito à saúde. Atualmente, os juízes têm que lidar com questões sobre políticas de saúde, incorporação de tecnologias, fornecimento de medicamentos, autonomia, genética, biotecnologias, entre outros. As sentenças judiciais devem ser construídas com base também na resolução de questões éticas, legais e filosóficas. A bioética apresenta-se como instrumento e método para auxiliar na resolução de casos jurídicos envolvendo o direito à saúde. Este trabalho pretende mostrar que a bioética pode ser aplicada no julgamento de ações judiciais relativas ao direito à saúde no Brasil. Destaca que a bioética pode ser considerada fonte do direito por sua dimensão normativa, bem como método hermenêutico. Este ensaio também visa mostrar o papel da bioética para ajudar a interpretar a lei e resolver casos difíceis dentro do direito sanitário e do direito à saúde. Por fim, visa justificar a presença da bioética como fundamentação jurídica a ser utilizada pelos magistrados na fundamentação de suas sentenças em ações que envolvam o direito à saúde.
Background: In Guinea, several factors affect women's ability to make decisions about contraceptive use. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with married women's decision-making power regarding family planning use in Guinea.Methods: Data from the 2018 Guinea Demographic and Health Survey were used. A sample of 752 women was included in the study. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to determine the factors associated with women's decision-making power regarding the use of family planning in Guinea. The Odd ratio with 95% confidence interval was calculated for the variables in the final model.Results: The overall prevalence of women deciding to use family planning was 65.47% [95%CI: 62.18 68.61]. Urban women had a 49% lower chance of deciding to use family planning than rural women (adjusted OR=0.61; 95% CI [0.238 0.92]). Similarly, women with secondary education were 3.53 times more likely to use family planning than those with no formal education (adjusted OR=3.53; 95% CI [1.27 9.78]).Conclusions: This study shows the importance of several factors in women's decision-making power regarding family planning use in Guinea. Women with secondary education, those in the Kindia and Kankan regions, and those with a job had higher probability of deciding to use family planning. Findings from this study could help guide public health policies, emphasising the importance of education, employment and access to health services in improving women's decision-making power when it comes to family planning in the Republic of Guinea.
Introducción: promover autonomía significa transitar desde un modelo paternalista hacia uno que posi-cione en un rol activo a las personas durante el encuentro clínico, con participación en la toma de deci-siones relativas al cuidado de su salud. Este artículo describe la percepción de usuarios que viven con multimorbilidad respecto del ejercicio de su autonomía durante la atención clínica. Método: estudio de caso cualitativo en usuarios con multimorbilidad atendidos en un centro de salud familiar de Santiago (Chile).Se realizó análisis de contenido según Krippendorf. Resultados: la muestra quedó conformada por 19 participantes adultos con un promedio de 2.7 condiciones crónicas de salud. Del análisis de contenido de las entrevistas emergieron tres categorías: a) significado atribuido por los usuarios a la autonomía en la atención de salud, b) elementos que debe considerar una atención en salud que respete la autonomía del usuario y c) participación durante la atención clínica. Conclusiones: frente al aumento de las condicio-nes crónicas de salud es imperativo repensar la forma de brindar atención de salud, relevando el valor de la participación usuaria a través de la toma de decisiones compartida como expresión de respeto de su autonomía y una forma de fomentar el cuidado centrado en las personas
Aim: Promoting autonomy means changing from a paternalistic model to one in which individuals play an active role in their healthcare, which their participation in medical decision-making will reflect. This issue needs to be sufficiently explored in Chile, so this article aims to describe the perception of users liv-ing with multimorbidity regarding their ability to exercise autonomy in clinical care. Method: Qualitative case study conducted in a sample of patients with multimorbility from a family health center in Santiago de Chile. Content analysis was performed according to the Krippendorf method. Results: The sample com-prised 19 adult participants with an average of 2.7 chronic health conditions. Three categories emerged from the content analysis of the interviews: (a) Meaning attributed by users to autonomy in health care, (b) Elements that health care respecting user autonomy should consider, and (c) Participation during clinical care. Conclusions: Considering the sustained increase in chronic health conditions, it is impera-tive to rethink how health care is provided, highlighting the value of user participation through shared decision-making as an expression of respect for individuals' autonomy and the promotion of patient-cen-tered care
Objetivo: promover a autonomia significa passar de um modelo paternalista para um que posicione as pessoas num papel ativo durante o encontro clínico, com participação na tomada de decisões relaciona-das com os seus cuidados de saúde. Este manuscrito descreve a percepção de usuários que convivem com multimorbidade quanto ao exercício de sua autonomia durante o atendimento clínico. Método: estudo de caso qualitativo em usuários com multimorbidade atendidos em um Centro de Saúde da Família de Santiago, no Chile. A análise de conteúdo foi realizada segundo Krippendorf. Resultados: a amostra foi composta por 19 participantes adultos com média de 2.7 condições crônicas de saúde. Da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas emergem três categorias: a) Significado atribuído pelos usuários à autonomia no cuidado em saúde, b) Elementos que um cuidado de saúde que respeite a autonomia do usuário deve considerar, e c) Participação durante o atendimento clínico. Conclusões: face ao aumento das condições crónicas de saúde, é imperativo repensar a forma de prestar cuidados de saúde, destacando o valor da participação dos pacientes através da tomada de decisão partilhada como expressão de respeito pela sua autonomia e forma de promover o cuidado centrado nas pessoas
Humans , Chile , DiseaseABSTRACT
Onco-fertility, the confluence of cancer and fertility preservation, is vital in modern healthcare. As global cancer survival rates rise, more patients aim to overcome cancer and safeguard their reproductive potential. This review explores onco-fertility in India, emphasizing psychosocial factors. It acknowledges cancer's profound implications on fertility, stressing informed decision-making and comprehensive care for dual challenges. The review explores various preservation options for both genders, highlighting India's evolving landscape. India's onco-fertility landscape, driven by rising cancer diagnoses and disparities, needs tailored services. Understanding psychosocial factors is crucial for addressing emotional distress, cultural contexts, and communication barriers. This review delves into factors influencing decisions and well-being, informing practices to better serve Indian cancer patients. Examining psychological distress and decision-making in balancing treatment and fertility preservation, it explores cultural, religious, and ethical considerations. It underscores the need for comprehensive psychosocial support. Addressing psychosocial factors is vital for enhancing cancer survivors' quality of life. The review emphasizes bridging information gaps, providing emotional support, promoting informed decision-making, and fostering collaboration. It calls for further research and initiatives to advance onco-fertility support, considering India's diverse psychosocial landscape.
A criatividade na elaboração da pergunta impacta todo o processo da pesquisa, buscando suprir as lacuna do conhecimento, gerar percepções, instigar reflexões e procurar resolver problemas até então insolúveis. Objetivo: refletir acerca dos princípios fundamentais envolvidos na formulação de perguntas de pesquisa. Método: Estudo de crítico e reflexivo sobre tendências, lacunas e perspectivas emergentes contribuindo para uma compreensão mais aprofundada da complexidade envolvida na elaboração de perguntas de pesquisa. Resultados: emergiram duas categorias "Dimensões" e "Parâmetros" essenciais na elaboração da pergunta de pesquisa". Discussão: Acadêmicos e orientadores enfrentam dificuldades ao identificar elementos essenciais em uma pergunta de pesquisa estratégica e objetiva, denunciando a incerteza que provoca para a compreensão e investigação dos fenômenos. Deve ser sustentada por um paradigma de intelegibilidade, relação lógica e coerência epistemológica, subsidiando o autor na explcitação de sua voz. Conclusão: A habilidade de elaborar uma pergunta de pesquisa destaca a maestria do pesquisador, transcendendo a fronteira meramente linguistica.(AU)
Creativity in question formulation has an impact on the entire research process, seeking to fill knowledge gaps, generate insights, instigate reflections and try to solve previously unsolvable problems. Objective: To reflect on the fundamental principles involved in formulating research questions. Method: A critical and reflective study on emerging trends, gaps and perspectives, contributing to a deeper understanding of the complexity involved in formulating research questions. Results: Two categories emerged: "Dimensions" and "Parameters", which are essential when formulating a research question". Discussion: Academics and advisors face difficulties in identifying essential elements in a strategic and objective research question, denouncing the uncertainty it causes for understanding and investigating phenomena. It must be supported by a paradigm of intelegibility, logical relationship and epistemological coherence, supporting the author in explaining his or her voice. Conclusion: The ability to elaborate a research question highlights the mastery of the researcher, transcending the merely linguistic frontier.(AU)
La creatividad en la formulación de preguntas repercute en todo el proceso de investigación, al tratar de colmar lagunas de conocimiento, generar ideas, suscitar reflexiones y tratar de resolver problemas antes insolubles. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre los principios fundamentales implicados en la formulación de preguntas de investigación. Método: Estudio crítico y reflexivo de las tendencias, lagunas y perspectivas emergentes, contribuyendo a una comprensión más profunda de la complejidad que entraña la formulación de preguntas de investigación. Resultados: Surgieron dos categorías: "Dimensiones" y "Parámetros" que son esenciales a la hora de diseñar una pregunta de investigación". Discusión: Académicos y orientadores enfrentan dificultades para identificar los elementos esenciales en una pregunta de investigación estratégica y objetiva, denunciando la incertidumbre que provoca para la comprensión e investigación de los fenómenos. Debe apoyarse en un paradigma de intelegibilidad, relación lógica y coherencia epistemológica, ayudando al autor a explicitar su voz. Conclusión: La capacidad de elaborar una pregunta de investigación destaca el dominio del investigador, trascendiendo la frontera meramente lingüística. (AU)
Research , Health Research EvaluationABSTRACT
Introduction: Over the past few months, ChatGPT has raised a lot of interest given its ability to perform complex tasks through natural language and conversation. However, its use in clinical decision-making is limited and its application in the field of anesthesiology is unknown. Objective: To assess ChatGPT's basic and clinical reasoning and its learning ability in a performance test on general and specific anesthesia topics. Methods: A three-phase assessment was conducted. Basic knowledge of anesthesia was assessed in the first phase, followed by a review of difficult airway management and, finally, measurement of decision-making ability in ten clinical cases. The second and the third phases were conducted before and after feeding ChatGPT with the 2022 guidelines of the American Society of Anesthesiologists on difficult airway management. Results: On average, ChatGPT succeded 65% of the time in the first phase and 48% of the time in the second phase. Agreement in clinical cases was 20%, with 90% relevance and 10% error rate. After learning, ChatGPT improved in the second phase, and was correct 59% of the time, with agreement in clinical cases also increasing to 40%. Conclusions: ChatGPT showed acceptable accuracy in the basic knowledge test, high relevance in the management of specific difficult airway clinical cases, and the ability to improve after learning.
Introducción: En los últimos meses, ChatGPT ha suscitado un gran interés debido a su capacidad para realizar tareas complejas a través del lenguaje natural y la conversación. Sin embargo, su uso en la toma de decisiones clínicas es limitado y su aplicación en el campo de anestesiología es desconocido. Objetivo: Evaluar el razonamiento básico, clínico y la capacidad de aprendizaje de ChatGPT en una prueba de rendimiento sobre temas generales y específicos de anestesiología. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo una evaluación dividida en tres fases. Se valoraron conocimientos básicos de anestesiología en la primera fase, seguida de una revisión del manejo de vía aérea difícil y, finalmente, se midió la toma de decisiones en diez casos clínicos. La segunda y tercera fases se realizaron antes y después de alimentar a ChatGPT con las guías de la Sociedad Americana de Anestesiólogos del manejo de la vía aérea difícil del 2022. Resultados: ChatGPT obtuvo una tasa de acierto promedio del 65 % en la primera fase y del 48 % en la segunda fase. En los casos clínicos, obtuvo una concordancia del 20 %, una relevancia del 90 % y una tasa de error del 10 %. Posterior al aprendizaje, ChatGPT mejoró su tasa de acierto al 59 % en la segunda fase y aumentó la concordancia al 40 % en los casos clínicos. Conclusiones: ChatGPT demostró una precisión aceptable en la prueba de conocimientos básicos, una alta relevancia en el manejo de los casos clínicos específicos de vía aérea difícil y la capacidad de mejoría secundaria a un aprendizaje.
It is discussed the relevance of quantitative approaches, specifically mathematical modelling in epidemiology, in the public health decision-making process. This topic is discussed here based on the experience of various experts in mathematical epidemiology and public health. First, the definition of mathematical modelling is presented, especially in the context of epidemiology. Second, the different uses and socio-political implications, including empirical examples of recent experiences that have taken place at the international level are addressed. Finally, some general considerations regarding the challenges encountered in the use and application of mathematical modelling in epidemiology in the decision-making process at the local and national levels.
Se trata sobre la importancia de los abordajes cuantitativos, específicamente la formulación de modelos matemáticos en epidemiología, dentro del proceso de toma de decisiones en salud pública. Esta importante temática se analiza basándose en la experiencia de algunos expertos en epidemiología matemática y salud pública. En primer lugar, se presenta la definición de modelación matemática, particularmente dentro del contexto de la epidemiología. En segundo lugar, se abordan los diferentes usos y las implicaciones socio-políticas, incluyendo ejemplos de experiencias recientes que han ocurrido a nivel internacional. Finalmente, se hace referencia a ciertas consideraciones generales respecto a los retos que representa el uso y la aplicación de modelos matemáticos en epidemiología para el proceso de toma de decisiones a nivel local y nacional.
INTRODUCTION: We aimed to develop a decision aid to support shared-decision making between physicians and women with average breast cancer risk when deciding whether to participate in breast cancer screening. METHODS: We included women at average risk of breast cancer and physicians involved in supporting the decision of breast cancer screening from an Academic Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We followed the International Patient Decision Aid Standards to develop our decision aid. Guided by a steering group and a multidisciplinary consultancy group including a patient advocate, we reviewed the evidence about breast cancer screening and previous decision aids, explored the patients' information needs on this topic from the patients' and physicians' perspective using semi-structured interviews, and we alpha-tested the prototype to determine its usability, comprehensibility and applicability. RESULTS: We developed the first prototype of a web-based decision aid to use during the clinical encounter with women aged 40 to 69 with average breast cancer risk. After a meeting with our consultancy group, we developed a second prototype that underwent alpha-testing. Physicians and patients agreed that the tool was clear, useful and applicable during a clinical encounter. We refined our final prototype according to their feedback. CONCLUSION: We developed the first decision aid in our region and language on this topic, developed with end-users' input and informed by the best available evidence. We expect this decision aid to help women and physicians make shared decisions during the clinical encounter when talking about breast cancer screening.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Physicians , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Decision Support Techniques , Decision Making , Early Detection of Cancer , LanguageABSTRACT
Objective:To provide suggestions for figuring out the price formation mechanism of medical services by studing the in-fluencing factors of the price dynamic adjustment and identify the relationship among the factors.Methods:The price policies and published literature were searched for preliminarily screening out the influencing factors of the prices dynamic adjustment.The influ-encing factors and their relationship were analyzed by decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory and expert consultation method.Results:A total of 9 cause factors and 6 result factors were selected.In the cause reasons,the change of service factor cost,the de-gree of leadership support and the price relationship of medical service were in the top three;among the outcome factors,the level of medical burden of the masses,patients'satisfaction with price and actual financial compensation ability were more susceptible to other factors.Conclusion:Promoting the reform of medical service prices dynamic adjustment by reasonably calculating the cost of medical service factors,increasing the price adjustment attention of leaders,straightening out the price relationship of medical services,paying full attention to the level of medical burden of the masses and patients'satisfaction with price and improving the substantial financial compensation capacity of institutions for policy losses.
Objective:To investigate the association of risky drinking and decision-making ability among off-spring of fathers with alcohol dependence(OFAD).Methods:A case-control study was conducted according to the cutoff of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test(AUDIT)(delimited as 7).OFAD were divided into"risky drinking group"(n=29)and"non-risky drinking group"(n=43).The Iowa Gambling Task(IGT)was used to e-valuate the decision-making ability.Covariance analysis was used to compare differences of IGT between the two groups,and multivariate logistic regression was used to explore the association between risky drinking and decision making ability.Results:There was no significant difference in total scores of IGT between the risky drinking group and the non-risky drinking group(P>0.05).Risky drinking group had less Selection 2 in block 5 of IGT[(3.8± 2.5)v.s.(5.7±3.1),P<0.05]than non-risky drinking group.Selection 2 in block 5 was still associated with risky drinking after controlling the covariates(OR=0.72,95%CI:0.57~0.90,P<0.05).Conclusion:This study indicates that risky drinking group in offspring of parents with alcohol dependence may have better decision-making ability.
Objectives:To analyze the performance and characteristics of adolescent suicide attempters in dif-ferent dimensions of decision making,a computational model was used in this study.Methods:A total of 70 adoles-cent suicide attempters with mood disorders meeting the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Re-lated Health Problems,Tenth Revision(ICD-10)diagnosis,40 non-suicide attempters with mood disorder,and 49 normal controls were included.By using the MCQ and IGT and through computational model analysis,the adoles-cent suicide attempters'performance and underlying cognitive components in impulsive decision making and value-and learning-based decision making were analyzed.Results:The overall delay discounting rates showed no signifi-cant differences(P>0.05)among the group of suicide attempters,patient controls,and normal controls in the MCQ.This rate was significantly higher in suicide attempters and non-suicide attempters than in normal controls(P<0.05);there was no significant difference between the three groups of subjects'decision making performance in the IGT(P>0.05).Computational model analysis revealed that compared to non-suicide attempters and normal controls,suicide attempters showed reduced sensitivity to the outcome as well as reduced exploratory behavior(Pa-rameter estimate with non-overlapping 80%HDI).Conclusion:Adolescent suicide attempters may not be able to learn from the outcome of the decision and explore more possible options to resolve the crisis,as well as impulsive decision-making impairment may be associated with depressed states rather than suicide attempts.
Objective:To explore the brain activation intensity changes of depressed patients in the phase of expected value (EV), positive prediction error (+ PE) and negative prediction error (-PE) under uncertain (risky, ambiguous) decision-making.Methods:From July 2018 to February 2021, a total of 48 depressed patients in the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University were collected (depression group), and 69 sex-, age-, and educational level-matched healthy people were recruited as the control group. All participants completed risky and ambiguous decision-making tasks under the E-Prime system.SA-9800 brain functional audio-visual stimulation system and GE3.0 T functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanners were used to conduct synchronous scanning and data acquisition. Using Xjview software to analyze the activation intensity of related brain areas to compare the activity intensity of the two groups.SPSS 16.0 software was used for chi square test, independent sample t-test. Results:Under risky decision-making, compared with the control group, the brain areas with reduced activation during EV phase in depression group were bilateral prefrontal cortex (PFC)(MNI coordinate: left x=-45, y=21, z=-6; right x=0, y=69, z=-3), left para hippocampal gyrus(PHG)(MNI coordinate: x=-9, y=0, z=-22), bilateral occipital lobe(OL)(MNI coordinate: left x=-51, y=-81, z=-3; right x=48, y=-84, z=-9)( P<0.05). The brain areas with reduced activation during + PE phase were bilateral PFC, left hippocampus (HIP), bilateral temporal lobe (TL), left middle occipital gyrus( P<0.05). The brain areas with reduced activation were bilateral PFC, right putamen, bilateral TL( P<0.05) during -PE phase. Under ambiguous decision-making, compared with the control group, the brain areas with reduced activation during EV phase in depression group were bilateral PFC, right OL( P<0.05); the brain areas with reduced activation during + PE phase were bilateral PFC, right putamen and hippocampus, bilateral TL, bilateral OL( P<0.05); and the brain areas with reduced activation were bilateral PFC, bilateral TL( P<0.05) during -PE phase. Conclusion:The study shows that the activities of reward brain areas such as PFC, limbic system and OL system are reduced during EV and PE phase under uncertain decision-making in depressed patients.
Objective:To explore the anxiety level, influencing factors among surrogate decision-makers of patients with acute ischemic stroke during thrombolysis decision-making, and their correlation with decision-making duration.Methods:Acute ischemic stroke patients and their surrogate decision-makers who visited the Emergency Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from September 2019 to December 2021 were selected as the research subjects.Sociodemographic data and disease related data of patients and surrogate decision-makers were collected.Surrogate decision-makers were evaluated with the state-trait anxiety inventory, decision participation expectation scale, Wake Forest physician trust scale, and perceived social support scale.SPSS 26.0 software was used for data processing.Pearson correlation analysis, Spearman correlation analysis and ridge regression analysis were used for statistical analysis.Results:The score of state anxiety of decision-makers was (49.47±9.04), and 18.2% (70/383) of decision-makers had a decision duration exceeding 15 minutes.The score of state anxiety of decision-makers was positively correlated with decision duration ( r=0.189, P<0.001). The influencing factors of state anxiety level of decision-makers included sociodemographic factors (age of decision-makers and patients, relationship between payers and patients, whether decision-makers bear the current medical expenses, type of medical insurance for patients), psychological factors (trust level in physicians, perceived social support), factors related to patient disease (numbers of stroke relapses, National Institutes of Health stroke scale scores for patients), characteristics of the decision-making process (whether patients participate in the decision-making process, and the role of decision-makers in the decision-making process) (all P<0.05). Conclusion:Most surrogate decision-makers experience anxiety.Medical staff should pay attention to the emotions of decision-makers and adopt appropriate communication skills when communicating with informed consent for thrombolysis, alleviate the anxiety of surrogate decision-makers, so as so reduce the decision-making duration.
Due to the particularity of the Intensive Care Unit(ICU)environment,the visiting time of family members is strictly limited,resulting in family members being unable to communicate with patients in time to understand their wishes and preferences.Moreover,the sudden onset of the diseases and clinical uncertainty can easily lead to ambivalence among family members in decision-making,leading to decision-making dilemmas.This paper reviewed the concepts,assessment tools,causes,effects,and coping strategies of decision-making dilemmas for family members of ICU patients,with a view to providing a theoretical basis for future intervention in decision-making dilemmas for family members of ICU patients,improving their quality of agency decision-making,shortening patient hospitalization time,improving the health outcomes of patients,and ultimately increasing the satisfaction of medical and nursing.
Objective:Based on the construction of intelligent intensive care unit(ICU)in hospital,to analyze the effectiveness of intelligent ICU life support equipment in clinical decision-making assistance.Methods:The functional modules of the ICU ward interaction system,equipment management system,risk response system and intelligent ward round system were designed to collect information and data of life support equipment in diagnosis and treatment,nursing,operation and technical support in real time to provide medical auxiliary decision-making basis for the improvement of diagnosis,treatment and nursing measures for critically ill patients.115 life-support equipment in clinical use in 3 hospitals including Zhujiajiao People's Hospital of Qingpu District,Shanghai from July 1,2018 to December 31,2022 were selected,the traditional assisted decision-making management mode(referred to as traditional mode,83 sets)and intelligent assisted decision-making management mode(referred to as intelligent mode,89 sets,including 57 units of the traditional mode and 32 newly added units)were adopted respectively.The management level and management effect of life support equipment of the two management modes were compared.Results:The data collection time of the equipment of intelligent mode was(5.67±2.80)min,which was less than that of the traditional mode,the accuracy and completeness of data acquisition,as well as the effective resolution rate of equipment deployment and use,monitoring and alarm,equipment failure and emergency response were(99.02±1.14)%,(94.35±3.46)%,(98.78±0.90)%,(98.99±0.91)%,(88.26±5.31)% and(90.23±5.54)%,respectively,which were higher than those of the traditional mode,the difference between was statistically significant(t=6.504,6.474,3.574,7.620,6.784,4.522,3.719,P<0.05).The effective utilization rates of diagnostic decisions for treatment,care and rehabilitation of intelligent mode equipment were(93.83±3.12)%,(94.99±2.47)% and(91.44±4.62)%,respectively,the comprehensive scores of respiratory function support equipment,circulatory function support equipment,blood purification support equipment and emergency monitoring support equipment were(92.97±4.35)points,(94.34±2.95)points,(93.01±2.44)points and(94.11±1.89)points,respectively,which were higher than those of the traditional mode,the difference was statistically significant(t=4.169,4.875,5.159,4.069,3.033,2.757,6.893,P<0.05).Conclusion:Based on the construction of intelligent ICU,it can improve the quality of life support equipment operation data collection,solve the equipment operation problems in a timely manner,provide an effective basis for the decision-making of diagnosis and treatment,nursing and rehabilitation of critically ill patients,and improve the clinical service level of equipment.