Introducción: El traumatismo craneoencefálico grave presenta una elevada incidencia en pacientes pediátricos. Es una importante causa de muerte y discapacidad. Sus causas más comunes en este grupo etario son los accidentes domésticos y de tránsito, caídas, violencia y actividades deportivas. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en julio y agosto de 2023 con un total de 38 bibliografías en idioma español, inglés y portugués en las bases de datos de SciElo, Elsevier, Pubmed y el motor de búsqueda Google Académico. Se consideró como criterio de selección aquella literatura publicada con mayor actualidad en concordancia con lo novedoso de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Describir la craniectomía descompresiva como una alternativa a la hipertensión intracraneal pediátrica producida por traumatismo craneoencefálico grave. Desarrollo: Ante un traumatismo craneoencefálico grave, la presión intracraneal aumenta, lo que causa hipertensión intracraneal. Cuando esta hipertensión no se logra controlar, se convierte en refractaria, se requieren otros tratamientos más agresivos como la craniectomía descompresiva. Este procedimiento es invasivo, consiste en remover parte del cráneo para disminuir la presión dentro de la cavidad craneana. Conclusiones: Es necesario continuar los estudios de craniectomía descompresiva en el manejo de la hipertensión craneal pediátrica en la población infanto-juvenil, pues los estudios enfocados en ellos no abundan; estos constituyen una intervención de rescate. A pesar de los adelantos científicos, logros terapéuticos alcanzados y conocimientos de la hipertensión craneal pediátrica, se considera la craniectomía descompresiva como una elección terapéutica óptima, con una justa predicción y no brindarla cuando las opciones reales de éxito sean insuficientes.
Introduction: Severe head trauma has a high incidence in pediatric patients. It is a major cause of death and disability. Its most common causes in this age group are domestic and traffic accidents, falls, violence and sports activities. A bibliographic review was carried out in July and August 2023 with a total of 38 bibliographies in Spanish, English and Portuguese from the SciElo, Elsevier, Pubmed databases and the Google Scholar search engine. The most recent published literature in accordance with the novelty of this disease was considered as a selection criterion. Objective: To describe decompressive craniectomy as an alternative to pediatric intracranial hypertension caused by severe head trauma. Development: In the event of severe head trauma, intracranial pressure increases, causing intracranial hypertension. When this hypertension cannot be controlled, it becomes refractory, other more aggressive treatments such as decompressive craniectomy are required. This procedure is invasive, it consists of removing part of the skull to reduce the pressure inside the cranial cavity. Conclusions: It is necessary to continue studies of decompressive craniectomy in the management of pediatric cranial hypertension in the child and adolescent population, since studies focused on them are not abundant; these constitute a rescue intervention. Despite scientific advances, therapeutic achievements and knowledge of pediatric cranial hypertension, decompressive craniectomy is considered an optimal therapeutic choice, with fair prediction and not provided when the real options for success are insufficient.
Resumen El nuevo síndrome respiratorio agudo severo por coronavirus tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2) que causa la enfermedad por COVID-19, se detectó por primera vez en diciembre de 2019. En donde se ha visto que existe un estado protrombótico con afección al sistema nervioso central, con afectación a vasos de gran calibre como la arteria cerebral media, se debe a mecanismos inducidos por la propia infección, estado de hipercoagulabilidad y daño endotelial. Las manifestaciones neurológicas en el COVID-19 se encuentran en el 36% de los pacientes. Descripción del caso: Se trata de un paciente del sexo masculino, de 36 años de edad, con fiebre, tos y malestar general, a quien se le realizó una prueba COVID que resultó positiva, con empeoramiento del cuadro al que se agregó fotofobia, hemiparesia derecha y desviación de la comisura labial hacia la izquierda, por lo que fue llevado a un facultativo 8 horas después del inicio del cuadro clínico. Ahí se realizó una tomografía de cráneo simple que evidenció infarto extenso de la arteria cerebral media izquierda, con edema cerebral maligno, el cual se derivó a manejo quirúrgico de urgencia donde se le realizó una craniectomía descompresiva izquierda extensa. Después de esto, se mantuvo con asistencia respiratoria por intubación mecánica y medidas antiedema cerebral, y se logró que hubiera progresión ventilatoria; sin embargo, se le realizó traqueostomía y gastrostomía por presentar malos predictores de extubación. Se mantuvo en observación posquirúrgica y quedó con hemiparesia 3/5 derecha, sin algún otro déficit, por lo que se dio egreso a domicilio. Discusión: El caso presentado fue manejado con craniectomía descompresiva extensa, y se obtuvo mejoría en la supervivencia y pronóstico funcional, al igual que lo reportado en la literatura médica, en donde se recomienda que dicho manejo se realice de forma temprana. Conclusiones: El presente informe nos revela que aquellos pacientes hombres jóvenes en la cuarta y quinta década de la vida, con COVID-19 e infarto de arteria cerebral media, se presentan sin comorbilidades al darse tratamiento temprano con hemicraniectomía descompresiva, el cual mejora su pronóstico de vida, concordando con los casos presentados en la literatura médica.
Abstract The new severe acute respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes COVID-19 disease, was detected for the first time in December 2019. Where it has been seen that there is a prothrombotic state with involvement of the Central Nervous, with involvement of large vessels such as the middle cerebral artery, is due to mechanisms induced by the infection itself, hypercoagulable state and endothelial damage. Neurological manifestations in COVID-19 are found in 36% of patients. Case description: This is a 36-year-old male patient with fever, cough and general malaise. A COVID test was performed, which came out positive. His condition was getting worse adding photophobia, right hemiparesis and deviation of the corner of the mouth to the left, which is why he went to the doctor, arriving 8 hours after the onset of the clinical picture, where a simple skull tomography was performed, showing extensive infarction of the left middle cerebral artery with malignant cerebral edema. He was transferred to emergency surgical management where a left decompressive craniectomy was performed. After this, mechanical respiratory assistance with intubation and anti-cerebral edema measures were maintained, achieving ventilatory progression; however, a tracheostomy and gastrostomy were performed due to poor predictors of extubation. He was kept under post-surgical observation, leaving him with 3/5 right hemiparesis, without any other deficit, therefore, he was discharged home. Discussion: The case presented was managed with decompressive craniectomy, resulting in an improvement in survival, as reported in the literature where it is recommended that such management should be performed early. Conclusions: This report reveals that patients with COVID-19 present in young men in the fourth and fifth decade of life, without comorbidities, that recieved early treatment with decompressive hemicraniectomy, improved their life prognosis, consistent with the cases presented in the literature.
Objective To explore the advantages of modified Paine point puncture for intraventricular intracranial pressure(ICP)monitoring probe implantation during decompressive craniectomy(DC)for severe traumatic brain injury.Methods The clinical data of 48 patients with severe traumatic brain injury admitted from April 2020 to April 2022 in Jiaxing Second Hospital were retrospectively collected.All patients underwent DC combined with ICP monitoring probe implantation.According to different ICP monitoring methods,they were divided into observation group(23 cases)and control group(25 cases).The observation group underwent the implantation of the intracerebroventricular ICP monitoring probe by puncture at the modified Paine point in the DC incision,while the control group underwent implantation of intracerebroventricular ICP monitoring probe by drilling of the skull through contralateral incision of DC at the Kocher point.The preoperative general data,operation time,postoperative mannitol dose and duration,ICP monitoring duration,postoperative rebleeding rate,intracranial infection rate and Glasgow outcome score(GOS)at 3 months after the operation were compared between the two groups.Results There was no statistical difference between the two groups in general data,mannitol dosage,mannitol duration and ICP monitoring duration(P>0.05).The operation time,postoperative rebleeding rate and intracranial infection rate in observation group were lower than those in control group(P<0.05).In the GOS score at 3 months after the operation,there was no statistical difference between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusions Compared with the traditional implantation of intraventricular ICP monitoring probe through Kocher point through skull drilling with contralateral incision of DC,the implantation of intraventricular ICP monitoring probe through modified Paine point in the DC incision for severe traumatic brain injury can shorten the operation time and lower the postoperative rebleeding rate and intracranial infection rate.
Introduction Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a valuable treatment for reducing early lethality in malignant intracranial hypertension (IH); however, it has been shown that the decision to implement DC in patients with extensive ischemic stroke should not be based solely on the detection of IH with the use of intracranial pressure (ICP) devices. Objective To establish the usefulness of DC in patients with extensive ischemic stroke who came to the emergency room during the period between May 2018 and March 2019. Methods This was an analytical, prospective, and longitudinal study whose population corresponded to all patients with a diagnosis of extensive ischemic stroke. Results The sample consisted of 5 patients, of which 3 were female and 2 males, the average age was 62.2 years old (minimum 49 years old, maximum 77 years old). Of all the patients who underwent DC, it was found that 80% of the patients did not present an increase in intracranial pressure. Decompressive craniectomy was not performed in a case that responded adequately to medical treatment. The mean values of ICP were 25 mmHg with a minimum value of 20 mmHg and a maximum value of 25 mmHg; in patients with a moderate value, the ICP averages were < 20 mmHg. The mortality was of 40% (RANKIN of 6 points). Conclusions Decompressive craniectomy is useful in extensive ischemic stroke. The decision to implement DC in patients with extensive stroke rests on clinicoradiological parameters. The monitoring of the IPC was not particularly useful in the early detection of the neurological deterioration of the patients studied.
Fundamento A craniectomia descompressiva (CD) é um tratamento valioso para reduzir a letalidade precoce na hipertensão intracraniana (HI) maligna; no entanto, foi demonstrado que a decisão de implementar a CD em pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) isquêmico extenso não deve ser baseada apenas na detecção de HI com o uso de dispositivos de pressão intracraniana (PIC). Objetivo Estabelecer a utilidade da CD em pacientes com AVC isquêmico extenso que chegaram ao pronto-socorro no período entre maio de 2018 e março de 2019. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo analítico, prospectivo e longitudinal cuja população correspondeu a todos os pacientes com diagnóstico de AVC isquêmico extenso. Resultados A amostra foi composta por 5 pacientes, sendo 3 do sexo feminino e 2 do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 62,2 anos (mínimo 49 anos, máximo 77 anos). De todos os pacientes que realizaram CD, verificou-se que 80% dos pacientes não apresentaram aumento da pressão intracraniana. Não foi realizada uma CD que tenha respondido adequadamente ao tratamento médico. Os valores médios de pressão intracraniana foram de 25 mmHg, com o valor mínimo de 20 mmHg e o valor máximo de 25 mmHg; em pacientes com escala moderada, as médias de PIC foram < 20 mm Hg. A mortalidade foi de 40% (RANKIN de 6 pontos). Conclusões A DC é útil no AVC isquêmico extenso. A decisão de implementar uma CD em pacientes com AVC extenso depende de parâmetros clínico-radiológicos. O monitoramento do PCI não foi muito útil na detecção precoce da deterioração neurológica dos pacientes estudados.
Abstract Background Ischemic stroke is an important cause of death in the world. The malignant middle cerebral artery infarction (MMCAI) has mortality as high as 80% when clinically treated. In this setting, decompressive craniectomy is a life-saving measure, in spite of high morbidity among survivors. Objective To evaluate the outcomes of patients with MMCAI treated with decompressive craniectomy in a Brazilian academic tertiary stroke center. Methods A prospective stroke database was retrospectively evaluated, and all patients treated with decompressive craniectomy for MMCAI between January 2014 and December 2017 were included. The demographics and clinical characteristics were evaluated. The functional outcome, measured by the modified Rankin Scale (mRS), was assessed at hospital discharge, after 3-months and 1-year of follow-up. Results We included 53 patients on the final analysis. The mean age was 54.6 ± 11.6 years and 64.2% were males. The median time from symptoms to admission was 4.8 (3-9.7) hours and the mean time from symptoms to surgery was 36 ± 17 hours. The left hemisphere was the affected in 39.6%. The median NIHSS at admission was 20 (16-24). The in-hospital mortality was 30.2%. After a median of 337 [157-393] days, 47.1% of patients had achieved favorable outcome (mRS ≤ 4) and 39.6% had died. Conclusion Decompressive craniectomy is a life-saving measure in the setting of MMCAI, and its effects remains important in the scenario of a middle-income country in real-world situations.
Resumo Antecedentes O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) isquêmico é uma causa importante da morte em todo o mundo. O infarto maligno da artéria cerebral média (IMACM) tem mortalidade de até 80% quando tratado clinicamente. Nesse contexto, a craniectomia descompressiva é uma medida salvadora de vidas, apesar da alta morbidade entre os sobreviventes. Objetivo Avaliar os desfechos dos pacientes com IMACM tratados com craniectomia descompressiva em um centro acadêmico terciário de AVC no Brasil. Métodos Um banco de dados prospectivo de AVC foi avaliado retrospectivamente e todos os pacientes tratados com craniectomia descompressiva para IMACM entre janeiro de 2014 e dezembro de 2017 foram incluídos. As características clínicas e demográficas foram avaliadas. Os desfechos funcionais, medidos pela escala modificada da Rankin (mRS), foram avaliados na alta hospitalar, após 3 meses e após 1 ano de seguimento. Resultados Foram incluídos 53 pacientes na análise final. A idade média foi 54,6 ± 11,6 anos e 64,2% eram homens. A mediana do tempo dos sintomas à admissão foi 4,8 (3-9,7) horas e o tempo médio dos sintomas à cirurgia foi 36 ± 17 horas. O hemisfério esquerdo foi o afetado em 39,6%. A pontuação na escala de AVC do National Institute of Health (NIHSS) à admissão foi 20 (16-24). A mortalidade hospitalar foi 30,2%. Após uma mediana de 337 (157-393) dias, 47,1% dos pacientes tinham atingido um desfecho favorável (mRS ≤ 4) e 39,6% tinham morrido. Conclusão Craniectomia descompressiva é uma medida salvadora de vidas no contexto do IMACM e seus efeitos permanecem importantes no cenário de um país em desenvolvimento em situação de vida real.
Abstract Background Brain edema is the leading cause of death in patients with malignant middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarction. Midline shift (MLS) has been used as a monohemispheric brain edema marker in several studies; however, it does not precisely measure brain edema. It is now possible to directly measure hemisphere brain volume. Knowledge about the time course of brain edema after malignant middle cerebral artery infarction may contribute to the condition's management. Objective Therefore, our goal was to evaluate the course of brain edema in patients with malignant MCA infarction treated with decompressive craniectomy (DC) using hemispheric volumetric measurements. Methods Patients were selected consecutively from a single tertiary hospital between 2013 and 2019. All patients were diagnosed with malignant middle cerebral artery infarction and underwent a decompressive craniectomy (DC) to treat the ischemic event. All computed tomography (CT) exams performed during the clinical care of these patients were analyzed, and the whole ischemic hemisphere volume was calculated for each CT scan. Results We analyzed 43 patients (197 CT exams). Patients' mean age at DC was 51.72 [range: 42-68] years. The mean time between the ischemic ictus and DC was 41.88 (range: 6-77) hours. The mean time between the ischemic event and the peak of hemisphere volume was 168.84 (95% confidence interval [142.08, 195.59]) hours. Conclusion In conclusion, the peak of cerebral edema in malignant MCA infarction after DC occurred on the 7th day (168.84 h) after stroke symptoms onset. Further studies evaluating therapies for brain edema even after DC should be investigated.
Resumo Antecedentes O edema cerebral é a principal causa de morte em pacientes com infarto maligno de artéria cerebral média. O desvio da linha média tem sido utilizado como marcador de edema cerebral mono-hemisférico em alguns estudos; porém, ele não mede de forma precisa o edema cerebral. Atualmente é possível mensurar diretamente o volume do hemisfério cerebral. O conhecimento sobre a evolução temporal do edema cerebral após infartos malignos da artéria cerebral média pode contribuir para o cuidado clínico desta condição. Objetivo Nosso objetivo é avaliar o edema hemisférico ao longo do tempo, em pacientes com infarto maligno da artéria cerebral média, tratados com craniectomia descompressiva. Métodos Os pacientes foram selecionados de forma consecutiva, em um hospital terciário, entre 2013 e 2019. Todos os pacientes apresentavam diagnóstico de infarto maligno de artéria cerebral média e foram submetidos a craniectomia descompressiva. Todas as tomografias computadorizadas de crânio destes pacientes foram analizadas, e o volume do hemisfério cerebral infartado foi mensurado. Resultados Analisamos 43 pacientes (197 tomografias de crânio). A idade média dos pacientes na craniectomia descompressiva foi 51,72 (42-68) anos. O tempo médio entre o ictus e a craniectomia descompressiva foi 41,88 (6-77) horas. O tempo médio entre o ictus e o pico do volume hemisférico foi 168,84 (142,08-195,59) horas. Conclusão O pico do volume cerebral em pacientes com infarto maligno de artéria cerebral média submetidos a craniectomia descompressiva ocorreu no 7o dia (168,84 horas) após o infarto. Mais estudos avaliando terapêuticas direcionadas ao edema cerebral seriam úteis neste contexto.
Objective:To investigate risk factors for decompressive craniectomy (DC) after endovascular therapy (EVT) in patients with acute anterior circulation ischemic stroke.Methods:Patients underwent EVT due to acute anterior circulation large vessel occlusion in Liaocheng Brain Hospital from January 2018 to January 2020 were retrospectively included. They were divided into DC group and non-DC group. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to determine risk factors for DC after EVT. Results:A total of 207 patients were enrolled, 126 were male (60.87%), and their age was 66.22±11.24 years old. The baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score was 19.84±9.20, and the Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) was 7.98±0.66. The immediate postoperative modified Treatment In Cerebral Ischemia (mTICI) blood flow grade in seven patients (5.80%) was ≤2a, 30 (14.49%) experienced hemorrhagic transformation (HT) after procedure, and 28 (13.5%) received DC. There were statistically significant differences between the DC group and the non-DC group in terms of past stroke history, preoperative NIHSS score and ASPECTS, vascular occlusion site, EVT time, immediate postoperative mTICI ≤2a, and HT (all P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that atrial fibrillation (odds ratio [ OR] 3.202, 95% confidence interval [ CI] 1.335-9.796; P=0.011), previous stroke history ( OR 2.655, 95% CI 1.016-6.938; P=0.046), high preoperative NIHSS score ( OR 1.074, 95% CI 1.026-1.124; P=0.002), internal carotid artery occlusion ( OR 4.268, 95% CI 1.399-13.024; P=0.011), longer EVT time ( OR 1.010, 95% CI 1.003-1.016; P=0.003), mTICI grade ≤2a ( OR 5.342, 95% CI 1.565-18.227; P=0.007) and postoperative HT ( OR 3.036, 95% CI 1.024-9.004; P=0.045) were independent risk factors for DC. Conclusions:It is not uncommon for patients with acute anterior circulation ischemic stroke to need DC after EVT. Previous stroke history, atrial fibrillation, high baseline NIHSS score, internal carotid artery occlusion, prolonged blood EVT time, mTICI grade ≤2a and postoperative HT are independent predictors of needing DC after EVT.
Objective:To investgate the effect of endovascular therapy (EVT) on the requirement for decompressive craniectomy (DC) and functional outcomes in patients with large anterior circulation ischemic stroke.Methods:Patients with large anterior circulation ischemic stroke within 24 hours of onset admitted to the Department of Neurology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University between September 2017 and December 2019 were included. Outcome indicators included DC demand and poor outcome at 3 months. The latter was defined as a modified Rankin Scale score >2. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine independent factors of DC requirement and functional outcomes at 3 months. Results:A total of 381 patients with large anterior circulation ischemic stroke were enrolled, including 203 males (53.3%), and the mean age was 70.7±14.3 years. The median time from onset to admission was 4.5 hours. The median baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was 17 and median baseline Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score (ASPECTS) was 7. Totally 139 patients (36.5%) received EVT, and 64 (16.8%) required DC; 376 patients (98.7%) completed a 3-month follow-up (5 who did not complete follow-up did not require DC, of which 2 received EVT), 312 (83.0%) had poor outcome at 3 months, and 146 (38.8%) died. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that EVT was an independent predictor for the requiremet of DC (odds ratio [ OR] 4.42, 95% confidence interval [ CI] 1.81-10.81; P=0.001), higher baseline ASPECTS ( OR 0.80, 95% CI 0.71-0.89; P<0.001) and successful recanalization ( OR 0.37, 95% CI 0.15-0.90; P=0.028) were independent protective factors of reducing the requirement of DC. Successful recanalization ( OR 0.09, 95% CI 0.01-0.72; P=0.023) and antiplatelet therapy ( OR 0.29, 95% CI 0.11-0.76; P=0.012) were independent predictors for reduced risk of poor outcome. In 139 patients who received EVT, 27 (19.4%) received intravenous thrombolysis, 96 (69.1%) achieved successful recanalization, 88 (63.3%) had hemorrhagic transformation, 61 (43.9%) had symptomatic hemorrhagic transformation, and 34 (24.5%) required DC; 137 (98.6%) completed a 3-month follow-up, 116 (84.7%) had poor outcome at 3 months, and 67 (48.9%) died. For patients receiving EVT, a higher baseline ASPECTS ( OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.60-0.88; P=0.001) and successful recanalization ( OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.14-0.90; P=0.029) were independent predictors of reducing the requirement of DC, while successful recanalization ( OR 0.09, 95% CI 0.01-0.71; P=0.022) was an independent predictor for reduced risk of poor outcome. Among 64 patients who required DC, 22 (34.4%) received DC. Receiving DC significantly reduced the mortality within 3 months ( OR 0.25, 95% CI 0.07-0.86; P=0.028), but had no significant effect on functional outcome at 3 months ( OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.03-4.38; P=0.412). There was no significant interaction of either EVT or successful recanalization in the effect of DC on 3-month death ( P for interaction > 0.05). Conclusions:Successful recanalization after EVT reduces requirement for DC in patients with large anterior circulation ischemic stroke and improves functional outcome at 3 months. DC can reduce the mortality in patients required DC, and have no interactive effect with EVT or successful recanalization.
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of modified decompressive craniectomy in treatment of traumatic brain injury and its impact on the serum levels of inflammatory mediators and prognosis.Methods According to different surgical methods,82 patients with traumatic brain injury admitted to the department of neurosurgery of Nanyang Central Hospital from June 2020 to January 2022 were divided into standard group(n=41)and modified group(n=41).The standard group was given standard decompressive craniectomy,and the modified group was given modified decompressive craniectomy.The intraoperative blood loss,operation time and hospital stay,the levels of neuron-specific enolase(NSE),S-100 calcium binding protein B(S-100β),C-reaction protein(CRP),procalcitonin(PCT),and interleukin-6(IL-6)before operation,6 hours after operation,and 3 days after operation,Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS),incidence of complications,and incision healing grade 1 month after operation were compared between two groups.Results Compared with standard group,the hospital stay was significant shorter in modified group(P<0.05),and intraoperative blood loss and operation time were no significant difference in modified group(P>0.05).At 6 hours and 3 days after operation,the levels of NSE,S-100β,CRP,PCT and IL-6 in modified group were lower than those in standard group(P<0.05).Compared with standard group,the good prognosis rate based of GOS was higher in modified group[82.9%(34/41)vs.63.4%(26/41),P<0.05];the total incidence of complications was lower in modified group[2.4%(1/41)vs.19.5%(26/41),P<0.05];and the grade of incision healing was better in modified group(P<0.05).Conclusions Modified decompressive craniectomy in the treatment of traumatic brain injury could reduce stress of brain injury and surgical trauma,and the incidence of complications,help to speed up the postoperative recovery process,improve the rate of good prognosis and the grade of incision healing.Its efficacy and safety is better than standard decompressive craniectomy.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to characterize clinical-neurological factors and the functional swallowing capacity of patients with malignant infarction submitted to decompressive craniectomy during the hospital stay. This retrospective, descriptive, observational study was conducted between January 2020 and December 2021. The following data regarding up to eight stages were extracted for descriptive analysis: age, location of the lesion, level of awareness according to the Glasgow Coma Scale, neurological impairment according to the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, and the functional swallowing capacity according to the Functional Oral Intake Scale. Data on five patients were collected, with a mean of 0.2 days for the first neurological assessment. Decompressive craniectomy was performed in a mean of 2 days after admission. The speech-language-hearing assessment occurred in a mean of 8.2 days, and the speech-language-hearing discharge took a mean of 35.4 days. The neurological impairment score remained the same as in the first neurological assessment after decompressive craniectomy, with a mean score of 16.6. The functional swallowing capacity was the same in the first assessment after decompressive craniectomy, on FOIS level 1, improving considerably by the discharge, with a mean level of 4.8. It is concluded that clinical-neurological factors can interfere with the functional swallowing capacity, although they did not hinder either speech-language-hearing treatment or their evolution to a full oral diet during the hospital stay.
RESUMO O objetivo do presente trabalho é caracterizar fatores clínicos-neurológicos e capacidade funcional de deglutição de pacientes com Acidente Vascular Cerebral Isquêmico Maligno submetidos a craniectomia descompressiva durante internação hospitalar. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, descritivo e retrospectivo, realizado de janeiro de 2020 a dezembro de 2021. Os dados foram extraídos em até oito momentos, incluindo idade, local da lesão, nível de consciência de acordo com Glasgow, comprometimento neurológico pelo National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale e capacidade funcional de deglutição pela Escala Funcional de Ingestão por Via Oral. Realizou-se análise descritiva. Foram coletados dados de 5 pacientes sendo a média de tempo para primeira avaliação neurológica de 0,2 dias. A realização da craniectomia descompressiva levou em média 2 dias após admissão. Avaliação fonoaudiológica ocorreu, em média, 8,2 dias e alta fonoaudiológica levou, em média, 35,4 dias. O comprometimento neurológico manteve-se na pontuação da primeira avaliação neurológica pós-craniectomia descompressiva, média de 16,6. A capacidade funcional de deglutição foi a mesma na primeira avaliação pós-craniectomia descompressiva, com nível 1 na FOIS, melhorando consideravelmente, com média de nível 4,8, na alta. Concluiu-se que fatores clínicos-neurológicos podem interferir na capacidade funcional de deglutição, contudo não limitaram a atuação fonoaudiológica e evolução com dieta oral exclusiva na internação hospitalar.
Abstract Background After a case of stroke, intracranial pressure (ICP) must be measured and monitored, and the gold standard method for that is through an invasive technique using an intraventricular or intraparenchymal device. However, The ICP can also be assessed through a non-invasive method, comprised of the measurement of the optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) through ultrasound (US). Objective To evaluate the ICP of patients who underwent wide decompressive craniectomy after middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarction via preoperative and postoperative ONSD measurements. Methods A total of 17 patients, aged between 34 and 70 years, diagnosed with malignant MCA infarction with radiological edema and mid-line shift, who underwent decompressive surgery, were eligible. From the records, we collected data on age, sex, preoperative and postoperative Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, the degree of disability in the preoperative period and three months postoperatively through the scores on the Modified Rankin Scale (MRS), and the preoperative and postoperative midline shift measured by computed tomography (CT) scans of the brain. Results Preoperatively, the mean GCS score was of 8 (range: 7.7-9.2), whereas it was found to be of 12 (range 10-14) on the first postoperative day (p = 0.001). The mean preoperative NIHSS score was of 21.36 ± 2.70 and, on the first postoperative day, it was of 5.30 ± 0.75 (p < 0.001). As for the midline shift, the mean preoperative value was of 1.33 ± 0.75 cm, and, on the first postoperative day, 0.36 ± 0.40 cm (p < 0.001). And, regarding the ONSD, the mean preoperative measurement was of 5.5 ± 0.1 mm, and, on the first postoperative day, it was of 5 ± 0.9 mm (p < 0.001). Conclusion The ocular US measurement of the ONSD for the preoperative and postoperative monitoring of the ICP seems to be a practical and useful method.
Resumo Antecedentes Após um acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), a pressão intracraniana (PIC) deve ser medida e monitorada, e o método padrão-ouro para isso é um procedimento invasivo por meio de um dispositivo intraventricular ou intraparenquimal. No entanto, a PIC também pode ser avaliada por um método não invasivo, composto da medida do diâmetro da bainha do nervo óptico (DBNO) por ultrassom (US). Objetivo Avaliar a PIC de pacientes submetidos a craniectomia descompressiva ampla após infarto da artéria cerebral média (ACM) por meio das medidas do DBNO nos períodos pré e pós-operatório. Métodos Um total de 17 pacientes, com idades entre 34 e 70 anos, diagnosticados com infarto maligno da ACM com edema radiológico e deslocamento da linha média, e que foram submetidos a cirurgia descompressiva, eram elegíveis. A partir dos prontuários, coletamos informações relativas à idade, gênero, pontuações pré e pósoperatória na Escala de Coma de Glasgow (ECG), pontuação na escala de AVC dos National Institutes of Health (NIH), o grau de incapacidade no pré-operatório e após três meses da operação pelas pontuações na Escala de Rankin Modificada (ERM), e o desvio da linha média no pré e pós-operatório medido por tomografia computadorizada (TC) cerebral. Resultados No pré-operatório, a pontuação média na ECG foi de 8 (variação: 7,7-9,2), e, no primeiro dia do pós-operatório, 12 variação 10-14) (p = 0,001). A pontuação média na escala dos NIH foi de 21,36 ± 2,70 no pré-operatório, e de 5,30 ± 0,75 no primeiro dia de pós-operatório (p < 0,00 1). Quanto ao desvio da linha média, no préoperatório ele teve uma média de 1,33 ± 0,75 cm, e de 0,36 ± 0,40 cm no primeiro dia de pós-operatório (p < 0,001). E o DBNO apresentou uma média pré-operatória de 5,5 ± 0,1 mm, e de 5 ± 0,9 mm no primeiro dia de pós-operatório (p < 0,001). Conclusão A mensuração ocular do DBNO por US para o monitoramento da PIC no pré e no pós-operatório parece ser um método prático e útil.
ABSTRACT Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVT) consists of partial or complete occlusion of a sinus or a cerebral vein. CVT represents 0.5-1% of all strokes and is more frequent in young women. This review discusses particular aspects of CVT diagnosis and management: decompressive craniectomy (DC), anticoagulation with direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), CVT after coronavirus-disease 19 (COVID-19) and Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).
RESUMO A trombose venosa cerebral (TVC) consiste na oclusão parcial ou completa de um seio ou de uma veia cerebral. A TVC representa 0,5-1% das doenças cerebrovasculares e é mais frequente em mulheres jovens. Esta revisão discute aspectos específicos do diagnóstico e do manejo da TVC: craniectomia descompressiva (DC), anticoagulação com anticoagulantes orais diretos (DOACs), TVC após infecção por coronavírus (COVID-19) e Trombocitopenia Trombótica Imune Induzida por Vacina (VITT).
SUMMARY Objective : To describe clinical, surgical and post-operative characteristics of patients with the diagnosis of malignant infarction of the middle cerebral artery who underwent decompressive craniectomy. Methods : Descriptive, retrospective case series study, performed between March 2017 and March 2020. Data from consecutive patients with the diagnosis of malignant middle cerebral artery infarction were collected. Results : Ten cases were reviewed. Eighty percent of the patients were men, the mean age was 64 years and 60% of the patients were older than 60 years. At admission, the mean Glasgow was 11 points and the mean mRS was 4. The mean time from diagnosis to surgery was 89.7 hours. The anterior cerebral artery was comprised in two cases. Hemorrhagic transformation occurred in three cases. The mean anterior-posterior diameter of the skull flap was 116 mm. The mean ICU and hospital length of stay were 14.1 and 27.5 days, respectively. Three patients died. Conclusions : Decompressive craniectomy is a life-saving procedure in an emergency hospital-setting with an acceptable in-hospital mortality rate within one-month follow-up.
RESUMEN Objetivo : Describir las características clínicas, quirúrgicas y postoperatorias en pacientes con diagnóstico de infarto maligno de la arteria cerebral media sometidos a craniectomía descompresiva. Material y métodos : Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, tipo serie de casos, realizado entre marzo 2017 y marzo 2020. Se recolectaron los datos de pacientes consecutivos con diagnóstico de infarto maligno de arteria cerebral. Resultados : Diez casos fueron revisados. Ochenta por ciento fueron hombres, la edad promedio fue 64 años y 60% de los pacientes fueron mayores de 60 años. En la admisión, el Glasgow promedio fue de 11 puntos y el mRS fue de 4. El tiempo promedio desde el diagnostico hasta la cirugía fue de 89,7 horas. La arteria cerebral anterior estuvo comprometida en dos casos. La transformación hemorrágica ocurrió en tres casos. El diámetro anteroposterior promedio de la plaqueta ósea fue de 116 mm. El tiempo promedio de estancia en UCI y estancia hospitalaria fueron de 14,1 días y 27,5 días, respectivamente. Tres pacientes murieron. Conclusiones : La craniectomía descompresiva es un procedimiento que salva vidas en un ambiente hospitalario de emergencia con una aceptable mortalidad intrahospitalaria dentro del primer mes de seguimiento.
Elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) is a devastating complication, with great impact on neurological status and high morbidity and mortality. Intracranial hypertension (ICH) has multiple etiologies. The natural history of this condition can lead to brain death. The successful management of patients with elevated ICP (> 20-25 mmHg) requires fast and timely recognition, judicious use of invasive monitoring and therapies aimed to reversing its underlying cause. Therefore, it must be managed as a neurological emergency. The objective of this review is to present in a friendly way the diagnostic approach and the management of ICH, focused on general practitioners.
Humans , Intracranial Hypertension/diagnosis , Intracranial Hypertension/etiology , Intracranial Hypertension/physiopathology , Intracranial Hypertension/therapy , Brain Death , Intracranial Pressure , Disease Progression , General PracticeABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop and validate a practical nomogram to predict the occurrence of post-traumatic hydrocephalus in patients who have undergone decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury. METHODS: A total of 516 cases were enrolled and divided into the training (n=364) and validation (n=152) cohorts. Optimal predictors were selected through least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression analysis of the training cohort then used to develop a nomogram. Receiver operating characteristic, calibration plot, and decision curve analysis, respectively, were used to evaluate the discrimination, fitting performance, and clinical utility of the resulting nomogram in the validation cohort. RESULTS: Preoperative subarachnoid hemorrhage Fisher grade, type of decompressive craniectomy, transcalvarial herniation volume, subdural hygroma, and functional outcome were all identified as predictors and included in the predicting model. The nomogram exhibited good discrimination in the validation cohort and had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.80 (95%CI 0.72-0.88). The calibration plot demonstrated goodness-of-fit between the nomogram's prediction and actual observation in the validation cohort. Finally, decision curve analysis indicated significant clinical adaptability. CONCLUSION: The present study developed and validated a model to predict post-traumatic hydrocephalus. The nomogram that had good discrimination, calibration, and clinical practicality can be useful for screening patients at a high risk of post-traumatic hydrocephalus. The nomogram can also be used in clinical practice to develop better therapeutic strategies.
Humans , Decompressive Craniectomy/adverse effects , Brain Injuries, Traumatic/surgery , Brain Injuries, Traumatic/complications , Hydrocephalus/surgery , Hydrocephalus/etiology , Hydrocephalus/epidemiology , Cohort Studies , NomogramsABSTRACT
Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of gradual decompression in the treatment of severe traumatic brain injury and its effects on the improvement of intracranial pressure.Methods:The clinical data of 120 patients with severe traumatic brain injury who received treatment in the General Hospital of Taiyuan Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. from January 2015 to January 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. The included patients were divided into decompressive craniectomy group (control group, n = 64) and gradual decompression group ( n = 56). Intracranial pressure was compared between the two groups at different time points (before surgery, during the surgery, immediately after surgery, 3 and 6 months after surgery). The patient's self-care ability, coma degree, and neurological deficits pre-surgery and 6 months after surgery were evaluated in each group. The incidence of complications throughout the surgery and within 6 months after surgery was calculated to evaluate the quality of life. Results:There was no significant difference in intracranial pressure pre-surgery between the two groups ( P > 0.05). Intracranial pressure in the gradual decompression group was (30.74 ± 2.51) mmHg, (25.11 ± 2.06) mmHg, (21.34 ± 2.01) mmHg, and (16.74 ± 1.54) mmHg respectively during the surgery, immediately after surgery, and 3 and 6 months after surgery, which was significantly lower than that in the control group [(34.31 ± 3.06) mmHg, (30.64 ± 2.57) mmHg, (26.33 ± 2.35) mmHg, (22.64 ± 1.95) mmHg, t = 12.88, 19.03, 12.40, 18.20, all P < 0.001]. There were no significant differences in scores of the Modified Barthel Index (MBI), the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) pre-surgery between the two groups (all P > 0.05). At 6 months after surgery, the MBI and GCS scores increased and the NIHSS score decreased in each group. There were significant differences in the NIHSS, MBI, and GCS scores between the two groups ( t = 7.61, 6.26, 13.07, all P < 0.001). During the surgery and 6 months after surgery, the incidences of cerebral infarction, delayed cerebral hematoma, and acute encephalocele were significantly lower in the gradual decompression group than in the control group ( χ2 = 4.23, 4.35, 4.83, all P < 0.05). The Generic Quality of Life Inventory-74 Questionnaire scores in environment, psychological health, social relationship, and psychological health domains were significantly higher in the gradual decompression group than in the control group ( t = 8.16, 9.80, 8.68, 7.76, all P < 0.001) Conclusion:This study is the first to analyze the feasibility of gradual decompression for the treatment of severe traumatic brain injury in terms of intracranial pressure, quality of life, and short- and medium-term complications. Findings from this study confirm that gradual decompression can effectively lower intracranial pressure of patients with severe traumatic brain injury, improve neurological function, reduce complications, and improve patients' self-care ability and quality of life.
Objective:To compare the application effect of electrotome flap separation and neuro dissector in standard large decompressive craniectomy (SLDC).Methods:From January 2020 to December 2020, 40 patients with severe craniocerebral injury who met the standard and planned to undergo SLDC were randomly divided into two groups: 20 patients in the electrotome separation group and 20 patients in the nerve dissector group. The time of flap seperation, the degree of edema and atrophy of temporal muscle on the operation side were compared between the two groups.Results:There was no significant difference in the time of flap separation between the two groups [(20.91±12.33)min vs (29.92±12.69)min, t=1.799, P>0.05]. The patients in the two groups had different degrees of temporal muscle edema 48 hours after operation. The degree of temporal muscle edema in the electrotome separation group was more serious than that in the nerve dissector group [(18.82±5.23)cm 3 vs (10.71±3.69)cm 3,t=7.314, P<0.05]. The degree of temporal muscle atrophy in the electrotome separation group was higher than that in the nerve dissector group [(8.26±2.38)cm 3 vs (6.72±2.13)cm 3,t=2.314, P<0.05]. Conclusions:In SLDC surgery, there was no significant difference in flap separation time between electrotome separation flap method and neuro dissector flap separation method, but the latter had less damage to temporal muscle and less atrophy of temporal muscle after operation.
Objective:To investigate the effect of continuous intracranial pressure (ICP) and brain oxygen partial pressure (PbtO 2) monitoring and guiding treatment after the application of standard large bone flap decompression and microhematoma removal in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods:A retrospective analysis was done of 41 patients with TBI in Department of Neurosurgery in the Inner Mongolia People's Hospital from January 2018 to May 2020. Patients with Glasgow coma scale (GCS)<8 points were treatesd with microscopical removal of hematoma and contusion brain tissue and standard large bone flap decompression. Intraoperative intracranial pressure and brain tissue oxygen partial pressure monitoring probes were placed. Postoperatively, continuous intracranial pressure monitoring and partial oxygen pressure monitoring of brain tissue were performed, and target-based treatment under ICP and PbtO 2 monitoring was performed. According to the Glasgow Outcome (GOS) score after six months, patients were divided into a good outcome group (4-5 scores) and a poor outcome group (1-3 scores). There were 26 cases in good prognosis group and 15 cases in poor prognosis group. Linear regression analysis was used to further evaluate the relationship between PbtO 2, ICP and GOS score. The measurement data of normal distribution were compared by independent sample t-test. The counting data were expressed in cases (%), and the comparison between groups was adopted χ 2 inspection. The general linear bivariate Pearson correlation test was used. Results:The mean value of PbtO 2 (17.42±5.34) mmHg in the poor prognosis group was lower than that in the good prognosis group (24.65±5.61) mmHg, with statistical significance ( t=4.04, P<0.001). The mean value of ICP (22.32±3.45) mmHg in the poor prognosis group was higher than that (17.32±3.23) mmHg in the good prognosis group, with statistical significance ( t=4.15, P<0.001). Using PbtO 2 and ICP as independent variables and GOS score after 6 months as dependent variable, a regression equation was established ( Y=4.040 X+7.497; Y=-2.549 X+28.63). The mean value of PbtO 2 was positively correlated with GOS scores after 6 months in patients with severe head injury ( r=0.75, P<0.001). The mean value of ICP was negatively correlated with the prognosis of patients with severe head injury ( r=-0.87, P<0.001). Conclusion:The treatment guided by ICP combined with PbtO 2 monitoring is valuable in improving the prognosis of patients with severe traumatic brain injury after standard decompressive craniectomy, and may improve the prognosis 6 months after the injury.
Severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) as the most common emergency severe syndrome in neurosurgery has a high mortality and poor prognosis. Decompressive craniectomy is the first treatment choice for sTBI. The reverse question mark incision was usually adopted in decompressive craniectomy, but some scholars also suggest using the n-type incision and Kempe incision. Although the curative effect is remarkable when using the above incisions, the incidence of postoperative complications is high, such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage, poor wound healing and flap ischemic necrosis. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of different incisions are not clear. Therefore, some scholars proposed retroauricular incision decompressive craniectomy for sTBI patients because this incision that retains blood supply through a new flap can provide better decompression effect and reduce incision-related complications. The authors review the research progress in retroauricular incision in aspects of the methods, indications and its advantages and disadvantages in constrast with other incisions, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the selection of incision for decompressive craniectomy in sTBI patients.
Paradoxical herniation (PH) is a rare complication after decompressive craniectomy, which manifests as that intracranial contents collapse due to atmospheric pressure higher than intracranial pressure and gravity after decompression, and the brain parenchyma eventually herniates through the tentorial notch or the foramen magnum. Contrary to the traditional treatment of cerebral hernia, the intracranial pressure in PH patients should be increased by early cranioplasty or other measures. This article reviews the clinical manifestations, mechanism, diagnoses and treatments of PH, and provides further reference for clinical work.