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Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 60(1): 29-32, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555106


Arnold Pick described a series of cases with progressive aphasia, behavioural disorders, and dementia. The post-mortem examination revealed on macroscopy, beside diffuse brain atrophy, also circumscribed (lobar) atrophy of the temporal and/or frontal lobes. The histopathology was not provided. Such kind of cases were soon named after the author, being known for a time as 'Pick's disease', coming to constitute a new nosological group. A time later after the original description, Alois Alzheimer and Oskar Fischer completed microscopic examination of similar cases, where the first author found, on silver impregnation, spheric neuronal inclusions, he named 'argentophilic ball' inclusions, while the second one identified complex cortical changes he named 'spongiform cortical wasting', and additionally a type of swollen cell that was named 'ballooned neuron'. Such microscopic changes became the first histopathological markers of this group of diseases.

Arnold Pick descreveu uma série de casos apresentando, de modo progressivo, afasia, transtornos de comportamento e demência. O exame pós-morte revelou à macroscopia, além de atrofia cerebral difusa, também atrofia circunscrita (lobar) dos lobos temporais e/ou frontais. A histopatologia não foi fornecida. Tal tipo de casos foi logo denominado segundo o autor, sendo conhecido por um período como 'doença de Pick', vindo a constituir um novo grupo nosológico. Algum tempo após a discrição original, Alois Alzheimer e Oskar Fischer perfizeram exame microscópio de casos semelhantes, onde o primeiro autor encontrou inclusões neuronais esféricas à impregnação pela prata, que denominou de 'bola argirofílica', enquanto o segundo identificou alterações corticais complexas às quais denominou 'perda cortical espongiforme', além de um tipo de célula tumefeita que chamou de 'neurônio balonizado'. Tais alterações microscópicas tornaram-se os primeiros marcadores histopatológicos desse grupo de doenças.

Rev. crim ; 66(1): 97-106, 20240412. Ilus, Tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554533


The purpose of the study is to develop new proposals for improving criminal procedural legislation in the field of conducting remote investigative actions with disabled persons, taking into account their physiological and functional characteristics. Research material and methods: This study is based on an analysis of the norms regarding the criminal procedural legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a number of foreign states that regulate the procedure for conducting remote investigative actions - as well as scientific publications on the research topic in the field of psychology and medicine. An integrated approach involves considering the studied phenomena of communication during an investigative action as a set of interconnected and interdependent elements, i.e., consideration of the issue from the medical, psychological and legal points of view. Situational and systemic types of analysis, complex sociological analysis, diagnostics and forecasting investigative situation were also used. Methods of analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis were employed to clarify the legal essence of the studied phenomenon. Findings: practical recommendations aimed at improving and developing the performance of remote investigative actions involving persons with disabilities (further ­ FWDs) y creating optimal conditions for the transfer of verbal, medical, and psychological information, as well as technical and forensic support for conducting RIAs. The following conclusions were made: in order to improve the current legislation, it is advisable to consider the issue of developing and including a special norm in the legislation, taking into account the characteristics of the communicative competencies of persons with disabilities. This norm regulates the procedure for conducting investigative actions involving the mute, deaf, blind and other persons with disabilities.

El objetivo del estudio es elaborar nuevas propuestas de mejora de la legislación procesal penal en el ámbito de la realización de actuaciones de investigación a distancia con personas con discapacidad, teniendo en cuenta sus características fisiológicas y funcionales. Material y métodos de investigación: Este estudio se basa en un análisis de las normas relativas a la legislación procesal penal de la República de Kazajstán y de una serie de Estados extranjeros que regulan el procedimiento para llevar a cabo acciones de investigación a distancia -, así como publicaciones científicas sobre el tema de investigación en el campo de la psicología y la medicina. Un enfoque integrado implica considerar los fenómenos estudiados de comunicación durante una acción de investigación como un conjunto de elementos interconectados e interdependientes, es decir, considerar la cuestión desde los puntos de vista médico, psicológico y jurídico. También se utilizaron los tipos de análisis situacional y sistémico, el análisis sociológico complejo, el diagnóstico y la previsión de la situación de investigación. Se emplearon métodos de análisis y síntesis, inducción, deducción, métodos de análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo para aclarar la esencia jurídica del fenómeno estudiado. Conclusiones: recomendaciones prácticas destinadas a mejorar y desarrollar la realización de acciones de investigación a distancia en las que participen personas con discapacidad (en adelante - RIA) y crear condiciones óptimas para la transferencia de información verbal, médica y psicológica, así como apoyo técnico y forense para la realización de las RIA. Se llegó a las siguientes conclusiones:con el fin de mejorar la legislación actual, es aconsejable considerar la cuestión de desarrollar e incluir una norma especial en la legislación, teniendo en cuenta las características de las competencias comunicativas de las personas con discapacidad. Esta norma regula el procedimiento para llevar a cabo acciones de investigación en las que estén implicadas personas mudas, sordas, ciegas y otras personas con discapacidad.

O objetivo do estudo é desenvolver novas propostas para aprimorar a legislação processual penal no campo da realização de ações investigativas remotas com pessoas com deficiência, levando em conta suas características fisiológicas e funcionais. Material e métodos de pesquisa: Este estudo baseia-se em uma análise das normas relativas à legislação processual penal da República do Cazaquistão e de vários países estrangeiros que regulamentam o procedimento para a realização de ações investigativas remotas, bem como em publicações científicas sobre o tópico de pesquisa no campo da psicologia e da medicina. Uma abordagem integrada envolve a consideração dos fenômenos estudados de comunicação durante uma ação investigativa como um conjunto de elementos interconectados e interdependentes, ou seja, a consideração da questão dos pontos de vista médico, psicológico e jurídico. Também foram usados tipos de análise situacional e sistêmica, análise sociológica complexa, diagnóstico e previsão da situação investigativa. Métodos de análise e síntese, indução, dedução, métodos de análise qualitativa e quantitativa foram empregados para esclarecer a essência legal do fenômeno estudado. Resultados: recomendações práticas com o objetivo de aprimorar e desenvolver o desempenho de ações investigativas remotas envolvendo pessoas com deficiência (mais adiante - FWDs), criando condições ideais para a transferência de informações verbais, médicas e psicológicas, bem como suporte técnico e forense para a realização de RIAs. Foram feitas as seguintes conclusões: para aprimorar a legislação atual, é aconselhável considerar a questão do desenvolvimento e da inclusão de uma norma especial na legislação, levando em conta as características das competências comunicativas das pessoas com deficiência. Essa norma regulamenta o procedimento para conduzir ações investigativas envolvendo pessoas mudas, surdas, cegas e outras pessoas com deficiência.

Humans , Kazakhstan , Legislation , Forensic Sciences
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000157, Apr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566824


Objective: To evaluate the impact of a multicomponent physical exercise program on clinical variables associated with the glymphatic clearance system, sleep-awake patterns, and cognitive function in individuals with mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer's disease. Methods: This is a single-center parallel randomized controlled trial involving pre- and post-intervention assessments. The intervention consists of a 12 (±3)-week multicomponent aerobic and resistance physical exercise program of moderate intensity divided into 2 groups: an experimental group (undergoing multicomponent training) and a control group (no intervention). Eligible participants are those diagnosed with probable mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer's disease. Expected results: Anticipated outcomes suggest that the multicomponent training protocol, incorporating both aerobic and resistance physical exercises at a moderate intensity, will yield improvements in glymphatic clearance dynamics, sleep-awake parameters, and performance on cognitive, functional, and behavioral tasks among eligible patients. Relevance: The need to move beyond cognitive clinical testing justifies our trial, which proposes an assessment employing neuroimaging techniques and the analysis of biomarkers present in cerebrospinal fluid in conjunction with clinical tests for physical and cognitive assessment. (AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Exercise , Alzheimer Disease , Glymphatic System
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000087, Apr. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566357


Objective: Adapt functional mobility and muscle strength tests for older people with dementia to be performed remotely in the home environment; determine intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of functional mobility and strength tests for older people with dementia; and correlate the performance on the physical tests executed remotely and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, which was validated remotely in healthy older people. Methods: We included 43 people with dementia. The Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), TUG, TUG Dual Task (TUG-DT), and 30-Second Sit-to-Stand Test (SST30s) were performed through videocalls. Test performance was documented to facilitate the subsequent determination of inter- and intra-rater reliability. The intra-rater reliability was determined at a 2-week interval from the real-time videocall to analysis of the recording. Results: Intra-rater reliability ranged from good to excellent for all tests performed (ICC 0.862­1.000). Inter-rater reliability values were fair for gait speed (ICC = 0.223), moderate for some of the SPPB items (ICC = 0.706­0.801), good for the SPPB two-foot balance (ICC = 0.860) and the SPPB total score (ICC = 0.831), and excellent for the rest of the tests. Conclusion: Functional mobility and muscle strength tests proved reliable and feasible for remote, at-home assessments of older people with dementia when assisted by their respective caregivers, providing an additional alternative for assessment of this patient population. (AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Telemedicine , Motor Skills , Dementia , Muscle Strength
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569888


Introducción: La enfermedad de Alzheimer, constituye un problema sanitario y social de gran magnitud; precisa de diagnóstico y terapéutica precoces. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos sobre factores de riesgo y biomarcadores de la enfermedad en las bases de datos PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Scielo y Lilacs, y mediante el buscador Google académico; desde el año 2017 hasta el 2023, en idioma español, inglés y portugués. Objetivo: Analizar los factores de riesgo y los biomarcadores de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Desarrollo: Los principales factores de riesgo encontrados son edad avanzada, menor educación, poca actividad física, hábito de fumar, consumo excesivo de alcohol, hipertensión arterial, diabetes, obesidad, depresión, pérdida o disminución de la audición, aislamiento social, los traumas craneales y la contaminación ambiental. Los biomarcadores fundamentales son: los marcadores que se utilizan en los estudios de neuroimágenes como la PET Amiloide, PET tau, PET FDG; y en LCR y plasma: Aβ42, Aβ42/Aβ40, p tau 217, p tau 181, GFAP, y neurofilamentos de cadena ligeras. Conclusiones: Se requieren estudios longitudinales, a partir de la presencia de los factores de riesgo asociados a biomarcador, desde edades pregeriátricas en pacientes sanos, que tengan como salidas el deterioro cognitivo y el desarrollo de la demencia, para construir un modelo de predicción.

Introduction: Alzheimer's disease is a health and social problem of great magnitude; it requires early diagnosis and therapy. A search for articles on risk factors and biomarkers of the disease was conducted; in the databases PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Scielo and Lilacs, and through the Google scholar search engine; from 2017 to 2023, in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Objective: To analyze the risk factors and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Development: The main risk factors found are advanced age, lower education, little physical activity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, hearing loss or decrease, social isolation, head trauma and environmental pollution. The fundamental biomarkers are: markers used in neuroimaging studies such as amyloid PET, tau PET, FDG PET; and in CSF and plasma: Aβ42, Aβ42/Aβ40, p tau 217, p tau 181, GFAP, and light chain neurofilaments. Conclusions: Longitudinal studies are required, based on the presence of risk factors associated with biomarkers, from pregeriatric ages in healthy patients, which have cognitive impairment and the development of dementia as outputs, to build a prediction model.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13447, fev.2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564157


Epidemiological surveys show that the incidence of age-related dementia and cognitive impairment is increasing and it has been a heavy burden for society, families, and healthcare systems, making the preservation of cognitive function in an increasingly aging population a major challenge. Exercise is beneficial for brain health, and FDNC5/irisin, a new exercise-induced myokine, is thought to be a beneficial mediator to cognitive function and plays an important role in the crosstalk between skeletal muscle and brain. This review provides a critical assessment of the recent progress in both fundamental and clinical research of FDNC5/irisin in dementia and cognitive impairment-related disorders. Furthermore, we present a novel perspective on the therapeutic effectiveness of FDNC5/irisin in alleviating these conditions.

Rev. ABENO (Online) ; 24(1): 2112, 20 fev. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566292


Os autores relatam a experiência do processo de desenvolvimento do protótipo de um aplicativo sobre higiene bucal de idosos com demência, com atenção especial aos que apresentam disfagia, voltado à orientação dos seus cuidadores. Objetivou, também, descrever o papel desta experiência como estratégia de ensino interprofissional e de inovação social a estudantes de Odontologia e Fonoaudiologia. Realizou-se estudo qualitativo do tiporelato de experiência, com informações originadas de narrativas verbais e registro escrito e iconográfico dos autores dessa pesquisa, bem como de relatos escritos de duas revisoras do protótipo do aplicativo ­ambas especialistas em Gerontologia. Para o protótipo, utilizou-se o site, sem necessidade de programação, gerando formato de aplicativo e site para desktop e celular. O produto foi desenvolvido em três fases, concluído com êxito, e avaliado positivamente pelas pareceristas. Seu conteúdo incluiu informações escritas e iconográficas, estáticas e dinâmicas, referentes à importância e "passo a passo" da higiene bucal, suas relações com saúde e disfagia, e cuidados específicos diante dessa, além de um "Guia do Aplicativo" e "Feedback". A experiência relatada demonstrou que a construção do aplicativo se deu com êxito e avaliação positiva por pareceristas, com contribuição social almejada. Os discentes e docentes de Odontologia e de Fonoaudiologia envolvidos ampliaram suas habilidades na inovação e nas competências interprofissionais. Mais estudos sobre a inovação na graduação em saúde são requeridos, por se tratar de uma área em expansão no mercado, tendo grande contribuição para atualização dos profissionais da saúde (AU).

Los autores relatan la experiencia del proceso de desarrollo del prototipo de una aplicación sobre higiene bucal para personas mayores con demencia, con especial atención a aquellas con disfagia, con el objetivo de orientar a sus cuidadores. También tuvo como objetivo describir el papel de esta experiencia como estrategia de enseñanza interprofesional e innovación social para estudiantes de Odontología y Logopedia. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo del tipo relato de experiencia, con informaciones provenientes de relatos verbales y registros escritos e iconográficos de los autores de esta investigación, así como relatos escritos de dos revisores del prototipo de la aplicación, ambos especialistas en Gerontología. Para el prototipo se utilizó el sitioweb, sin necesidad de programación, generando un formato de aplicación y sitio web para escritorio y celular. El producto fue desarrollado en tres fases, completado con éxito y evaluado positivamente por los revisores. Su contenido incluía información escrita e iconográfica, estática y dinámica, referente a la importancia y el "paso a paso" de la higiene bucal, sus relaciones con la salud y la disfagia, y los cuidados específicos ante esta, además de una "Guía de Aplicación" y "Comentarios". La experiencia relatada demostró que la construcción de la aplicación fue exitosa y fue evaluada positivamente por los revisores, con la contribución social deseada. Los estudiantes y profesores de Odontología y Logopedia involucrados ampliaron sus habilidades en innovación y competencias interprofesionales. Se requiere más estudios en innovación en la graduación en salud, ya que es un área en expansión en el mercado, con un gran aporte para la actualización de los profesionales de la salud (AU).

The authors report the experience of developing the prototype of an application on oral hygiene for elderly individuals with dementia, with special attention to those with dysphagia, aimed at guiding their caregivers. The purpose was also to describe the role of this experience as a strategy for interprofessional education and social innovation for dentistry and speech-language pathology students. A qualitative study of the experience was conducted, gathering information from verbal narratives and written and iconographic records of the researchers, as well as written reports from two reviewers of the application prototype­both experts in Gerontology. The website website was used for the prototype, which required no programming, generating an application format and a website for desktop and mobile. The product was developed in three phases, successfully completed, and positively evaluated by the reviewers. Its content included written and iconographic information, static and dynamic, regarding the importance and step-by-step process of oral hygiene, its relationships with health and dysphagia, and specific care in the face of the latter, along with an "App Guide" and "Feedback." The reported experience demonstrated that the application's construction was successful and positively evaluated by reviewers, thus achieving the intended social contribution. Dentistry and speech-language pathology students and faculty involved expanded their skills in innovation and interprofessional competencies. Given itsexpanding presence in the market and significant contribution to the ongoing education of healthcare professionals, further studies on innovation in health education are required (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Oral Hygiene , Caregivers , Dementia , Mobile Applications , Professional Competence , Students, Dental , Students, Health Occupations , Aged , Deglutition Disorders , Qualitative Research , Quality Improvement
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2447, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557944


RESUMEN Los inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP) son los medicamentos más potentes para inhibir la secreción gástrica ácida, y se utilizan en el tratamiento de la mayor parte de las afecciones inflamatorias de la mucosa gástrica. Forman parte de los fármacos más recetados y sobreprescritos en todo el mundo; por ejemplo, en los Estados Unidos, según la Encuesta nacional de salud y nutrición, casi duplicaron su uso en los adultos de 40 años de un 4,9 % hasta un 8,3 %, entre los años 1999 a 2012. Aunque, en general, se consideran bien tolerados, algunos estudios epidemiológicos ―que extraen información a partir de grandes bases de datos― han reportado una serie de efectos adversos asociados con su uso prolongado, entre los cuales están el deterioro cognitivo, la enfermedad renal crónica, el infarto de miocardio, el accidente cerebrovascular, las fracturas óseas e incluso la muerte, entre otros. El objetivo fue realizar una revisión narrativa de la literatura acerca de los efectos del uso crónico de los IBP sobre el deterioro cognitivo en los adultos mayores. Se revisaron artículos a partir de una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pudmed, Scopus y Scielo con las palabras clave y términos Mesh/DeCS relacionados tanto en inglés como en español. Los efectos secundarios a nivel neurológico inducidos por el uso crónico de los IBP pueden estar relacionados indirectamente con la presencia de alteraciones sistémicas secundarias (deficiencia de magnesio y vitamina B12) o con efectos directos sobre el funcionamiento neuronal después de pasar a través de la barrera hematoencefálica. Si bien se han descrito varios mecanismos neurobiológicos por medio de los cuales los IBP podrían favorecer el desarrollo de la demencia ―que comprenden el funcionamiento de la proteína tau, la acumulación de beta amiloide (βA) y la deficiencia de cobalamina, entre otros―, la mayor parte de la evidencia clínica disponible no ha encontrado una asociación significativa entre el uso de los IBP y el riesgo de demencia o el deterioro cognitivo. Para establecer de una manera más clara los efectos clínicos adversos del uso crónico de los IBP, en especial, en el funcionamiento cerebral, se necesitan estudios de cohorte bien diseñados, con tamaños de muestra grandes y periodos de seguimiento prolongados, con un método confiable para ajustar los factores de confusión estandarizados y, además, realizar análisis por subgrupos.

ABSTRACT Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the most potent drugs to inhibit gastric acid secretion, being used in the treatment of most inflammatory conditions of the gastric mucosa. They are among the most prescribed and overprescribed medications worldwide; for example, in the United States, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, they almost doubled their use in adults aged 40 years and older from 4.9 % to 8.3 % between 1999 and 2012. Although they are generally considered well tolerated, some epidemiological studies extracting information from large databases have reported a number of adverse effects associated with their prolonged use, including cognitive impairment, chronic kidney disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, bone fractures and even death, among others. The objective was to conduct a narrative review of the literature on the effects of chronic use of PPIs on cognitive impairment in older adults. Articles were reviewed based on a search in the PubMed, Scopus and SciELO databases using both English and Spanish keywords and related MeSH/DeCS terms. Neurological side effects induced by chronic PPI use may be indirectly related to secondary systemic disorders (magnesium and vitamin B12 deficiency) or to direct effects on neuronal functioning after passing through the blood-brain barrier. Although several neurobiological mechanisms by which PPIs could favor the development of dementia-which involve Tau protein function, beta-amyloid [βA] accumulation and cobalamin deficiency, among others-have been described, most of the available clinical evidence has not shown a significant association between PPI use and the risk of dementia or cognitive impairment. To establish the adverse clinical effects of chronic PPI use more clearly, especially on brain functioning, well-designed cohort studies with large sample sizes and long follow-up periods, with a reliable method to adjust for standardized confounders, as well as subgroup analyses are needed.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016977


Objective To understand the changing trend of dementia disease burden attributed to high BMI in China from 1990-2019, and to provide a basis for the development of dementia prevention and control strategies. Methods Using data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019(GBD2019),the changes in disease burden were analyzed using indicators such as deaths, disability adjusted life years (DALYs), years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs) and their standardized rates. The differences between sexes and age groups were compared. Joinpoint regression model was used to analyze the trend of changes in the disease burden of dementia attributable to high BMI in China. Results From 1990 to 2019, the burden of dementia disease attributed to high BMI continued to increase, with 20,300 more deaths, 404,200 more DALYs, and more than a four-fold increase in both mortality and DALYs rates. The overall burden of disease was greater for women than for men, but the rate of increase in the burden of disease was higher for men than for women. The disease burden in the age group of 80 and over was significantly higher than in other age groups. Conclusion Attention should be paid to people with high BMI, especially for the prevention and control of dementia risk in older age groups with high BMI. Active countermeasures should be taken to control the occurrence of dementia.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017835


Objective To explore the relationship between haptoglobin gene polymorphism and disease se-verity and susceptibility in senile vascular dementia patients.Methods A total of 80 patients with senile vas-cular dementia admitted to the hospital from February 2018 to February 2023 were selected as the vascular de-mentia group,and 80 stroke patients with non-vascular dementia admitted to the hospital during the same pe-riod were selected as the control group.The genotype distribution and allele frequency of haptoglobin gene were measured using polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers,and their relationship with the severity and susceptibility of vascular dementia patients was analyzed.Results The proportion of history of hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus and the levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride in vascular dementia group were higher than those in control group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The distribution of genotypes was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P>0.05).The frequency of haptoglobin 2-2 genotype and haptoglobin 2 allele in vascular dementia group were higher than those in control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).There were significant differences in the scores of mini-mental state examination and hachinski ischaemic score among patients with vascular dementia with different haptoglobin genotypes(P<0.05).Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the carrier of hapto-globin 2-2 genotype and the carrier of haptoglobin 2 allele were independent risk factors for vascular dementia(P<0.05).Conclusion Haptoglobin 2-2 genotype and haptoglobin 2 allele distribution frequency are associ-ated with the occurrence of vascular dementia after stroke,and those with high frequency of haptoglobin 2-2 genotype and haptoglobin 2 allele distribution suffer a severe disease,which can provide reference for early i-dentification and assessment of vascular dementia.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 150-157, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018762


Objective To observe the effect of catgut implantation at acupoint(CIAA)on the learning and memory function,hippocampal microangiogenesis,and the mRNA and protein expression of angiopoietin-1(Ang-1)/vascular endothelialgrowth factor(VEGF)and its receptor TEK tyrosine kinase(TIE2)/VEGF receptor 2(VEGFR2)in rats with vascular dementia(VD).To explore the mechanism of catgut implantation at acupoint in preventing and treating VD.Methods Using a random number table,VD rats were divided into a model group,a nimodipine group,and an catgut implantation at acupoint group,and a sham operation group was set up,with 10 rats in each group.On the 7th day after surgery,the treatment groups were given catgut implantation at acupoint and nimodipine gastric lavage for 21 days.After treatment,Morris water maze behavioral test was performed.HE staining was used to observe hippocampal CA1 tissue.CD34 immunohistochemical staining was used to detect hippocampal microvascular density(MVD).Real-time PCR and Western blotting were used to detect the mRNA and protein expression of Ang-1/VEGF and its receptor TIE2/VEGFR2 in the hippocampus.Results Compared with the model group,the average escape latency of the other groups was significantly shortened,and the target quadrant residence time was significantly prolonged(P<0.01,P<0.05).Compared with the model group,the number of nucleolus and well-formed pyramidal cells in hippocampal CA1 area of the catgut implantation at acupoint group and the nimodipine group increased in varying degrees,and they were arranged more closely,with only a few cells scattered and swollen.In the sham surgery group,a few CD34 positive cells were scattered.The treatment groups had more closely distributed CD34 positive cells with significant staining compared to the model group.The MVD of the model group was significantly higher than that of the sham surgery group(P<0.01).Both nimodipine group and catgut implantation at acupoint group had higher MVD than the model group(P<0.05,P<0.01).Compared with the sham surgery group,the mRNA and protein expression of Ang-1/VEGF and its receptor TIE2/VEGFR2 in the model group increased significantly(P<0.01,P<0.05).Compared with the model group,both nimodipine group and catgut implantation at acupoint group had higher mRNA and protein expression of Ang-1/VEGF and its receptor TIE2/VEGFR2(P<0.01,P<0.05).Conclusion Catgut implantation at acupoint can improve the learning and memory abilities in VD rats,promote hippocampal microvascular angiogenesis,which may be related to the up-regulation of Ang-1/VEGF and its receptor TIE2/VEGFR2 mRNA and protein expression.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021632


BACKGROUND:The number of hip fracture patients with dementia is increasing with an aging population,posing challenges for surgical treatment. OBJECTIVE:To determine the effect of dementia on postoperative complications in older patients with hip fractures. METHODS:Patients aged over 60 years old with hip fractures from 2000 to 2019 at Chinese PLA General Hospital were included.Dementia patients with a preexisting diagnosis of dementia at admission were identified.Each dementia patient was matched,for age±5 years,gender,and fracture type with 10 non-dementia patients.The differences in postoperative complications were compared between the two groups,including pneumonia,respiratory failure,gastrointestinal bleeding,urinary tract infection,surgical site infection,deep venous thrombosis,pulmonary embolism,angina pectoris,arrhythmia,heart failure,myocardial infarction,stroke,and death.The impact of dementia on major complications was evaluated using multivariate conditional logistic regression. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:A total of 2 887 patients were included,of whom 125(4.3%)were dementia patients and matched with 1 243 non-dementia patients.The average age of dementia patients was(80.6±7.4)years;64.8%were female;53.6%were intertrochanteric fractures,and 46.4%were femoral neck fractures.Major complications occurred in 25(20.0%)patients with dementia and 123(9.9%)patients without dementia(P<0.01).The risk of major complications was 200.0 per 1 000 persons(95%CI,139.3-278.6)in dementia patients and 99.0 per 1 000 persons(95%CI,83.6-116.9)in non-dementia patients.Multivariate conditional logistic regression showed that a 2-fold risk of major postoperative complications after hip fracture surgery was found in dementia patients than in those without dementia(adjusted OR,2.11;95%CI,1.08-4.10).The results show that dementia is an independent risk factor for postoperative complications in elderly patients with hip fractures.Appropriate preoperative risk assessment and corresponding preventive and therapeutic measures should be given to this vulnerable population to mitigate postoperative complications.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 49-55, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022129


Objective To investigate the impact of nursing interventions based on Kales conceptual model on agitated behaviours of dementia patients.Methods A total of 80 dementia patients were randomly divided into two groups using a random number table.Patients in the control group(n=40)received routine care,while those in the observation group(n=40)received the nursing interventions based on Kales concept model on top of the routine care.The agitated behaviours and quality of life of the two groups were compared before,2 weeks and 4 weeks after the intervention.Results The repeated measures ANOVA showed statistically significant differences in three time points in terms of the time effect,inter-group effect and interactive effects on the scores of agitations and quality of life(all P<0.05).After the intervention,the score of agitations in the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group(P<0.05),and the score of quality of life in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion The nursing interventions based on Kales conceptual model is effective in reducing agitations of dementia patients and improving the quality of life.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 469-473,478, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022307


Objective To explore the research status and hot highlights in the field of Alzheimer's disease nursing,and provide reference and direction for future research.Methods The high-level articles on Alzheimer's disease nursing during 2012 to 2022 were collected from Web of Science core database,were analyzed and visualized by the CiteSpace 5.8.R3C software.Re-sults 956 articles were included in the Web of Science core database.The demand and focus on AD nursing research increased year by year.United States America had the largest number of articles(175 articles),followed by France(43 articles)and Chi-na(31 articles).Minnesota University and Harvard Medical School had the largest number of articles(11 articles).The authors'analysis shows that BRUNO VELLAS,an academician of the French Academy of Sciences,had the largest number of articles.Keyword co-occurrence analysis shows that the research in the past decade mainly focuses on"nursing home","people"and"quality of life","long-term care"and"exercise therapy"may become the key research directions in the future.Conclusion Domestic scholars should improve the social security system of long-term care,promote"people-oriented"humanistic nursing services and develop appropriate sports training programs in the future.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 432-438, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027865


Objective To construct a domain knowledge graph of dementia care,so as to provide the foundation and guarantee for the next intelligent application based on the knowledge graph.Methods A top-down approach was adopted to construct a domain knowledge graph of dementia care.Firstly,the ontology concept is constructed from the top level,namely the schema layer of knowledge graph.Then,instances are filled,and knowledge extraction is carried out from the existing data sources,and the extracted entities and relationships are filled into the pattern layer ontology database to complete the data layer construction of the knowledge graph.Finally,the"entity relationship entity"triplet data was input into the Neo4j graph database for storage.Results In this study,the personalized care plan set of 1 012 dementia cases was used as the corpus to construct a domain knowledge graph of dementia care.The knowledge graph takes people with dementia as the core,and unfolds,one by one,around basic characteristics,care problems,and care plans in a standardized"entity-relationship-entity"triplet format,forming a large knowledge network,which contains a total of 1 522 specific dementia care knowledge entities and 8 kinds of inter-entity relationships.Conclusion The domain knowledge graph of dementia care constructed in this study clearly and intuitively shows the global pedigree and logical path of knowledge,which provides an efficient and intelligent basic guarantee for the browsing,retrieval and application of dementia care knowledge,so as to realize personalized and intelligent management of people with dementia,break through the bottleneck of lack of professionals,improve the health outcomes of people with dementia,promote the implementation of inclusive pension services,and promote healthy aging.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028133


Objective To investigate the expression of cystatin C(Cys C)and high-density lipopro-tein cholesterol(HDL-C)in the serum of patients with Alzheimer's disease(AD)and vascular dementia(VD),and their clinical application.Methods A total of 40 AD patients(AD group)and 40 VD patients(VD group)admitted to Jinhua Second Hospital from January 2020 to January 2022 were enrolled,and another 40 healthy individuals who taking physical examination in the hospital during the same period were subjected as control group.According to Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale(MoCA)score,the AD patients were divided into mild(22 cases)and moderate to severe(18 cases)AD groups,and the VD patients were into mild(MoCA score 18-26,24 cases)and moderate to severe(MoCA score<17,16 cases)VD group.Serum levels of Cys C and HDL-C were detected in all the participants,and the diagnostic efficacy of serum Cys C and HDL-C level for AD and VD was analyzed with ROC curve analysis.Results The serum levels of TC,TG,LDL-C and Cys C were significantly higher,and that of HDL-C was obviously lower in the AD and VD groups than the control group(P<0.05).The Cys C level in the moderate to severe AD group and the moderate to severe VD group was higher than that in the mild AD group and the mild VD group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in HDL-C level among moder-ate to severe AD group,moderate to severe VD group,mild AD group and mild VD group(P>0.05).The AUC value for the combined Cvs C and HDL-C for diagnosis of AD and VD were 0.980(95%CI:0.943-1.000)and 0.951(95%CI:0.905-0.996),respectively.Conclusion Detec-ting serum Cys C and HDL-C levels is simple and convenient.There are significant differences in their serum levels in the patients with AD and VD when compared with healthy population,which may become reference indicators for screening AD and VD.

Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 13-17, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028239


Mild cognitive impairment(MCI)is a prodromal phase of dementia with heterogeneity in etiology, clinical presentation, disease progression, outcome, and prognosis.The number of studies on MCI subtypes is increasing each year.This article discussed the subtypes of MCI from the perspectives of phenotypic characteristics, etiology, progression, outcome, and data-driven approaches, and further summarizes the epidemiological characteristics, influencing factors, and risk of progression to dementia of each subtype.Despite the increasing number of studies on MCI subtyping, research remains limited on the correlation between MCI subtypes from different perspectives, indicating a need for further investigation in order to achieve more accurate and effective diagnosis and treatment of MCI and obtain evidence for dementia prevention.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029081


Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the second most common type of neurodegenerative dementia. Autonomic dysfunction is a relatively common clinical manifestation in DLB patients, affecting various systems such as the cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, and sweating systems. Autonomic symptoms can have profound impact on the patients′ quality of life and can lead to complications affecting their life expectancy. This review summarizes the pathology, symptoms, examination and treatment of autonomic dysfunction in DLB to provide reference for clinicians.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 383-386, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029214


Synaptic dysfunction plays an important role in the early stage of frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and there are differences in the pattern of synaptic damage in different genotypes. GRN gene mutations are rare in the Chinese population, and there are no reports of synaptic damage patterns in GRN mutations or semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA). The synaptic injury characteristics of a patient with svPPA harboring GRN gene mutations, which was characterized by decreased synaptic density in the left frontal, temporal, parietal lobe and contralateral cerebellum were reported in this article. The underlying mechanism of synaptic dysfunction involved in the disease process, and potential targets for future clinical interventions were indicated.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003418


ObjectiveTo systematically evaluate the safety of Tianzhi granules used in the treatment of mild-to-moderate vascular dementia. MethodA randomized, double-blind, double-simulated, positive drug/placebo parallel controlled multi-center phase Ⅳ clinical trial and an open multi-center phase Ⅳ clinical trial of Tianzhi granules in the treatment of mild-to-moderate vascular dementia were conducted. Safety data of 1 492 patients were included and analyzed according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The main evaluation measures were the incidence rate of adverse events/adverse reactions, laboratory indicators, vital signs, and electrocardiogram (ECG) results. ResultA total of six adverse events possibly related to the test drug occurred in 520 patients of the double-blind trial, and the symptoms were all mild and recovered. The incidence of adverse events was not statistically different among Tianzhi granules, donepezil, and placebo groups. Nine adverse events possibly related to the test drug were observed in 972 patients of the open trial, and the symptoms were mild and recovered. Laboratory tests (blood routine, urine routine, liver function, kidney function, and coagulation) and vital signs were compared before treatment (baseline) and after treatment of 12 and 24 weeks, respectively. There was no statistical significance in the main indicators before and after treatment. In the double-blinded trial, there was no significant difference in safety indicators between different groups before and after treatment. The most frequent adverse reaction was gastrointestinal discomfort, with an incidence rate of 6.64‰. ConclusionAdverse reactions occasionally occur in patients using Tianzhi granules, and it is safe to use Tianzhi granules to treat mild-to-moderate vascular dementia clinically.