Artificial intelligence (AI), a major frontier in the field of medical research, can potentially lead to a paradigm shift in clinical practice. A type of artificial intelligence system known as convolutional neural network points to the possible utility of deep learning in dermatopathology. Though pathology has been traditionally restricted to microscopes and glass slides, recent advancement in digital pathological imaging has led to a transition making it a potential branch for the implementation of artificial intelligence. The current application of artificial intelligence in dermatopathology is to complement the diagnosis and requires a well-trained dermatopathologist’s guidance for better designing and development of deep learning algorithms. Here we review the recent advances of artificial intelligence in dermatopathology, its applications in disease diagnosis and in research, along with its limitations and future potential
Abstract Bullous melanoma represents a rare variant of melanoma, especially in patients without underlying bullous cutaneous disease. Few cases have been described in the literature, including cases of melanoma in patients with bullous epidermolysis or Hailey-Hailey disease. The histopathological diagnosis of bullous melanoma does not show any difficulties, except for the measurement of the Breslow index. The rarity of this case, the dilemma of how to measure the Breslow index and the importance of an early diagnosis motivated this report.
Objective:To identify dermatopathological features of patients with dermatomyositis (DM) and analyze its correlation with cutaneous diseases activity.Methods:The clinical data and skin biopsies of 48 patients were collected. The relevance was analyzed using Spearman's correlation analysis. The two groups were compared using Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test. Multi-factors line regression model was established to analyze the relationship between cutaneous disease activity and dermatopathological features.Results:The most common dermatopathological feature was perivascular inflammation (37 cases, 88%), followed by epidermal atrophy (22 cases, 52%) and melanocyte loss (20 cases, 48%), basal vacuolization (15 cases, 36%). The incidence of basal vacuolization ( χ2=9.110, P=0.022), interface dermatitis ( χ2=11.672, P=0.005) and mucin deposition ( χ2=7.795, P=0.029) were significantly different in patients with myositis specific antibody (MSA) subgroup. The patients with positive tranional intermediary factor-1 (anti-TIF1-γ) antibody had higher incidence of interface dermatitis and basal vacuolization, and patients with melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (anti-MDA5) antibody had lower incidence of interface dermatitis. Interface dermatitis was positively associated with epidermal atrophy ( r=0.371, P=0.016) and parakeratosis ( r=0.316, P=0.041). Pigment inco-ntinence was positively associated with basal vacuolization ( r=0.384, P=0.012). Multi-factor line regression showed interface dermatitis was positively related to cutaneous disease area and severity index (CDASI). Conclusion:The dermatopathological features is different in subgroup of patients with DM ( β=10.295, P=0.004). Interface dermatitis is a marker of cutaneous disease activity, and its pathogenesis may be different from that of perivascular inflammation. Keratinocytes may be involved in the pathological process in interface dermatitis.
ABSTRACT: The present study aimed to describe the occurrence and epidemiological features of skin neoplasms diagnosed in dogs in the metropolitan region of Goiânia, Goiás state, Brazil. Diagnoses from dog biopsies from 2011 to 2016 provided by a private veterinary pathology laboratory were analyzed. The main diagnoses were mast cell tumor, hemangiosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and hemangioma. Highest frequency of neoplasms was found in female dogs, dogs aged > 8 years, and purebred dogs, particularly the American Pit Bull Terriers and the Poodles. Most common sites affected by the neoplasms were the limb and the head. Using multiple correspondence analysis, groups of neoplasms were found to be associated with different epidemiological features and the size of the neoplasms was associated with the biological behavior. The results of this study described predispositions and verified the importance of different types of skin neoplasms in dogs in the region being studied.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência e as características epidemiológicas das neoplasias cutâneas em cães na região metropolitana de Goiânia, Goiás. Foram analisados os diagnósticos de um laboratório do setor privado de 2011 a 2016. Mastocitoma, hemangiossarcoma, carcinoma de células escamosas, melanoma maligno e hemangioma representaram os principais diagnósticos. A maioria dos casos ocorreram em cães de raças definidas, fêmeas e com idade >8 anos. American Pit Bull Terrier e Poodle foram as raças mais encontradas. As neoplasias acometeram principalmente regiões de membros e cabeça. Pela análise de correspondência múltipla, associou-se os grupos de neoplasias com diferentes características epidemiológicas e o tamanho da neoplasia com o comportamento biológico. A comparação dos resultados com pesquisas prévias possibilitou confirmar predisposições previamente descritas e verificar a importância dos diferentes tipos de neoplasias cutâneas em cães na região estudada.(AU)
Animals , Male , Female , Dogs , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/epidemiology , Mastocytoma/epidemiology , Hemangioma/epidemiology , Hemangiosarcoma/epidemiology , Melanoma/epidemiology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/veterinary , Mastocytoma/veterinary , Hemangioma/veterinary , Hemangiosarcoma/veterinary , Melanoma/veterinaryABSTRACT
This study described five cases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the pinnae, eyelids, and eyes of Friesian Milchschaf sheep from two flocks raised under extensive conditions in Uruguay. The prevalence values for both flocks were 2.12% and 2.53%, respectively. Macroscopically, single or multiple, nodular, verrucous, or plaque-like neoplasms, with occasional ulceration and bleeding, were observed in the affected areas. Histologically, well- and moderately-differentiated SCCs were diagnosed in three and two cases, respectively. The Milchschaf breed is native of Germany, and its individuals present white non-pigmented skin with the face and legs clear of fleece, thus adapted to areas with lower solar radiation. Additionally, in the German breeding systems, animals remain indoors for long periods. The increased exposure time to higher levels of solar radiation of the Uruguayan extensive production systems may be a predisposing factor for the development of SCC in this sheep breed. In Uruguay, there is more solar radiation and the production systems provide less protection against sunlight compared with the German production system. The high frequency of SCC should be considered prior to introducing European breeds with non-pigmented skin in Uruguay and other countries of the region.(AU)
Descreveram-se carcinomas de células escamosas (CCE) nas orelhas, pálpebras e olhos em cinco ovinos da raça Frisona Milchschaf em dois rebanhos de criação extensiva no Uruguai. A prevalência nos rebanhos foi de 2,12% e 2,53%. Macroscopicamente se observaram lesões focais ou multifocais, com aumento de volume, nodulares, verrucosas ou em placas, com ocasionais ulcerações e hemorragias. Apresentavam aspecto verrucoso, por vezes com superfície ulcerada e firmes ao corte. De acordo com as características histológicas da neoplasia, as lesões foram classificadas em CCEs bem diferenciados em três casos e moderadamente diferenciados em dois casos. Esta raça é nativa da Alemanha, caracterizada pela face deslanada e pele branca despigmentada. Na Alemanha, há menores níveis de radiação solar do que no Uruguai e seu sistema de produção é mais intensivo, com permanência dos animais confinados durante longos períodos. O aumento do tempo de exposição a níveis mais elevados de radiação solar pode ser um fator predisponente para o desenvolvimento de CCEs nesta raça em sistemas extensivos de produção no Uruguai. Neste País há mais radiação solar e os sistemas produtivos fornecem menos proteção contra a luz solar, em relação ao sistema de produção alemão. A alta frequência de CEE deveria ser levada em consideração para quem decide introduzir no Uruguai e outros países da região. raças europeias com a face despigmentada.(AU)
Animals , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/veterinary , Sheep, Domestic , Uruguay , Solar RadiationABSTRACT
Introduction@#Cutaneous protothecosis usually presents as pyoderma-like lesions or infiltrating papules and plaques on the extensor side of the extremities. It can be misdiagnosed as eczema, pyoderma, or a fungal infection. Although it has been isolated from a swimming pool, sewers and rivers in the Philippines, there has been no reported case of cutaneous protothecosis in the country.@*Case summary@#A 78-year-old Taiwanese male farmer visited the dermatology clinic due to a six-month history of a large, pruritic erythematous plaque studded with papulopustules on his left forearm. A potassium hydroxide (KOH) examination showed negative for hyphae or spores. And a skin biopsy showed morula-like bodies, which were highlighted by the Periodic acid-Schiff stain.@*Conclusion@#We report a case of cutaneous protothecosis from Taiwan so Filipino dermatologists will be aware of the clinical and histopathologic manifestations and management of cutaneous protothecosis.
Skin Diseases, Infectious , Administration, CutaneousABSTRACT
El penfigoide ampollar en niños es extremadamen-te infrecuente. La mayoría de los casos ocurre en adultos mayores, resultando fundamental conside-rar que en medicina todo es posible y esta enferme-dad igualmente podría presentarse en niños, por lo que se debe prestar especial atención a sus manifes-taciones clínicas, realizar los exámenes apropiados para descartar diagnósticos diferenciales y de esta forma, iniciar un tratamiento eficaz en el momen-to preciso. A continuación, presentamos un caso clínico de penfigoide ampollar que ocurrió en un paciente pediátrico atendido en nuestro hospital universitario.
Bullous pemphigoid in children is extremely in-frequent. Most of them predominate in elderly persons, resulting fundamental to consider that in medicine everything could be possible, and this disease could occur in children, so we must pay special attention to its clinical manifestations, to take the appropriate exams to rule out differen-tial diagnoses and in this way perform an effective treatment at the precise moment. Following, we present a clinical case of bullous pemphigoid that occurred in a pediatric patient attended at our university hospital.
Humans , Female , Child , Pemphigoid, Bullous/diagnosis , Pemphigoid, Bullous/drug therapy , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
This study aimed to establish the incidence of skin tumors (cutaneous proliferative lesions of neoplastic or non-neoplastic nature) in dogs diagnosed by histopathological evaluation at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory (LPV) of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in a 10-year (2007-2016) historical series. Of the 1945 histopathological diagnoses made in this period, 503 were skin biopsies, and 617 dermatological problems (87 dogs, 17.3%, presented more than one positive diagnosis) were found. Of the 617 diagnoses of dermatopathy, 546 (88.49%) were tumors and 71 (11.51%) were non-tumorous alterations. The 546 conditions more profoundly studied were from 453 dogs, 468 (85.7%) neoplastic and 78 (14.3%) non-neoplastic tumors. The 468 neoplasms were classified as follows: 230 benign (49.14%), 215 malignant (45.94%), 23 borderline (epitheliomas) (4.91%), 51.92% (243/468) mesenchymal, 42.74% (200/468) epithelial, 4.91% (23/468) melanocytic, and 0.43% (2/468) metastatic (mammary gland). The most commonly diagnosed neoplastic dermatopathies were mastocytoma (14.7%) and lipoma (7.48%). Among the 78 non-neoplastic conditions (14.3%), epidermal inclusion cyst (39.74%) and trichogranuloma (15.38%) were the most frequent. Canine dermatopathies accounted for 26% of the biopsy files of the LPV-UFBA. Distinct simultaneous dermatological problems were frequently found in the dogs assessed (one in six). Considering that these conditions can present with different cellular origin and biological behavior, it is crucial that histopathological evaluation be performed in fragments from the different cutaneous lesions.(AU)
Objetivou-se com esse estudo determinar a frequência de dermatopatias tumorais (lesões proliferativas cutâneas que cursam com aumento de volume de natureza neoplásicas ou não neoplásicas) em cães, diagnosticadas por exame histopatológico no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) na série histórica de 10 anos (2007-2016). Dos 1.945 exames histopatológicos realizados no período, 503 tratava-se de biópsias cutâneas, dentre os quais, foram diagnosticados 617 dermatopatias (87 cães, 17,3%, apresentavam mais de um diagnóstico). Dos 617 diagnósticos de dermatopatias 546 (88,49%) foram tumorais e 71 (11,51%) não tumorais. As 546 dermatopatias tumorais, estudadas com mais ênfase, foram diagnosticadas em 453 cães, 468 (85,7%) eram neoplásicas e 78 (14,3%) não neoplásicas. Das 468 dermatopatias tumorais neoplásicas encontradas 230 foram benignas (49,14%), 215 malignas (45,94%), 23 borderline/epiteliomas (4,91%), 51,92% (243/468) de origem mesenquimal, 42,74% (200/468) epiteliais, 4,91% (23/468) melanocíticas e 0,43% (2/468) metastáticas para a pele (primárias de glândula mamária). As dermatopatias neoplásicas mais diagnosticadas foram o mastocitoma (14,7%) e o lipoma (7,48%). Dentre as 78 dermatopatias tumorais não neoplásicas (14,3%), os cistos de inclusão epidermal (39,74%) e o tricogranuloma (15,38%) foram os mais frequentes. As dermatopatias caninas representaram 26% da casuística no LPV/UFBA. A ocorrência de dermatopatias tumorais simultâneas distintas foi comum nos cães desse estudo (um a cada seis); como podem ter origens celulares e comportamentos biológicos diferentes, enfatiza-se a importância da coleta e envio para exame histopatológico de fragmentos das diferentes lesões cutâneas.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Skin Diseases/pathology , Skin Diseases/epidemiology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , DogsABSTRACT
Mãos e pés de cães são comumente afetados por lesões neoplásicas e não neoplásicas. Estas alterações podem apresentar prognóstico histopatológico ou clínico ruim e a amputação tende a ser o tratamento de escolha. Estudos prévios avaliando a prevalência e os aspectos clínicopatológicos de alterações digitais em cães têm sido realizados em outros países, entretanto trabalhos similares não foram realizados no Brasil. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever e caracterizar histologicamente as lesões das mãos e pés de cães. Amostras de 105 lesões tumoriformes das mãos e pés de cães foram avaliadas. Essas amostras foram coletadas entre 2003 e 2016 e foram obtidas de três laboratórios brasileiros de diagnóstico veterinário. Todos espécimes foram fixados em formol tamponado 10%, processados rotineiramente e corados por hematoxilina-eosina. Adicionalmente, as colorações de azul de toluidina, Brown e Breen, periodic acid Schiff (PAS), Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) e Ziehl Neelsen foram utilizados em casos específicos. Imuno-histoquímica foi realizada usando os anticorpos anti-Leishmania spp., anti-CD117, anti-CD79, anti-CD3, anti-Melan A, anti-lisozima, anti-Pancytokeratin AE1/AE3 e anti-vimentina. Os neoplasmas (62,9%) foram as alterações mais frequentes, seguidas por inflamações (19%) e outras alterações (18,1%). Entre os neoplasmas, 40,9% foram mesenquimais, 39,4% epiteliais e 19,7% de células redondas. Todos os neoplasmas de células redondas e a maioria dos epiteliais e mesenquimais eram malignos. Não se observou predileção de prevalência dos neoplasmas em relação ao sexo. As raças Labrador Retriever, Schnauzer, Teckel, SRD, Pastor Alemão, Rottweiler e Pit Bull foram as mais afetadas. Fila Brasileiro, Pit Bull e Schnauzer tiveram alta incidência de neoplasmas mesenquimais, epiteliais e de células redondas, respectivamente. Inflamação foi mais comumente observada em cães Labrador Retriever e as outras alterações em Teckel, Labrador Retriever e SRD. A idade e o peso médio dos animais afetados foram de 8,4 anos e 28,5 kg, respectivamente. O diâmetro médio das lesões tumoriformes foi de 2,5 cm e as lesões neoplásicas apresentaram as maiores médias. As lesões ocorreram principalmente em animais de pelagem amarela. A maioria das biópsias incisionais (56,4%) e amputações (85,3%) consistiram de neoplasmas. O principal membro afetado foi o torácico direito e o dígito foi a estrutura anatômica acometida mais frequentemente. Carcinoma de células escamosas (14,2%) foi o neoplasma mais frequente, seguido do mastocitoma (7,6%), melanoma (7,6%) e sarcoma indiferenciado (7,6%). Em metade dos casos de inflamação, a lesão acometeu o folículo piloso e derme adjacente, e o infiltrado foi predominantemente piogranulomatoso ou lnfoplasmocítico. Cistos foliculares, calcinose circunscrita e acrocordoma foram as principais lesões não neoplásicas e não inflamatórias diagnosticadas.(AU)
Hands and feet of dogs are commonly affected by neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. These lesions may commonly present poor clinical or histopathological prognosis and amputation tends to be the treatment of choice. Previous studies regarding the prevalence and the clinicopathological aspects of digital changes in dogs have been performed abroad, with no similar investigations in Brazil. The aim of this manuscript was to perform a histopathological study to characterize hands and feet lesions of dogs from Brazil.Tissue samples from 105 tumor-like lesions of dogs hands and feet were used in this study. The samples came from three Brazilian veterinary diagnostic laboratories and were collected between 2003 and 2016. All specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and routinely processed for paraffin embedding and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Additionally, toluidine blue, Brown and Breen, periodic acid Schiff (PAS), Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) and Ziehl Neelsen were used in selected cases. Immunohistochemistry using anti-Leishmania spp., anti-CD117, anti-CD79, anti-CD3, anti-Melan A, anti-lysozyme, anti-Pancytokeratin AE1/AE3, and anti-vimentin antibodies were also performed. Neoplasia (62.9%) was the most frequently found lesion, followed by inflammation (19%), and other changes (18.1%). Among the neoplasms, 40.9% were mesenchymal, 39.4% epithelial, and 19.7% round cells. All round cells and most of the epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasms were malignant. There was no difference between males and females regarding neoplasia prevalence. Labrador Retriever, Schnauzer, Teckel, mongrel, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and Pit Bull were the most frequently affected breeds. Fila Brasileiro (aka Brazilian Mastiff), Pit Bull and Schnauzer had higher incidence of mesenchymal, epithelial, and round cells neoplasms, respectively. Inflammation was more commonly observed in the Labrador Retriever and other changes were more commonly in Teckel, Labrador Retriever, and mongrel dogs. Medium age and weight were 8.4 years and 28.5 kg, respectively. Medium diameter of the tumor-like lesions was 2.5 cm and the neoplastic lesions presented higher averages. Lesions were mainly in yellow-coated dogs. Incisional biopsy samples (56.4%) and amputations (85.3%) were mostly from neoplastic cases. Right forelimb was the most affected limb, and digits were the main injured anatomic structures. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most (14.2%) commonly diagnosed neoplasm, followed by mast cell tumor (7.6%), melanoma (7.6%), and undifferentiated sarcoma (7.6%). In half of the inflammatory cases, the lesion was centered in hair follicle and surrounding dermis. The inflammatory infiltrate was predominantly piogranulomatous or lymphoplasmacytic. Follicular cyst, calcinosis circumscripta, and acrochordons were the main non neoplastic and non-inflammatory changes.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Skin Diseases/diagnosis , Carcinoma/diagnosis , Dogs/abnormalities , Neoplasms/veterinaryABSTRACT
Os neoplasmas cutâneos em cães apresentam elevada e relevante prevalência em todo o Brasil. Sendo assim, objetivou-se determinar a frequência e algumas características epidemiológicas dos neoplasmas cutâneos em cães diagnosticados no Laboratório de Patologia da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (LPV-UFMT), Cuiabá, entre os anos de 2007 a 2014. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsias e biopsias do LPV-UFMT, de cães com neoplasmas cutâneos. Dados referentes à idade, sexo, raça dos cães afetados, localização anatômica, tamanho, diagnóstico histomorfológico e comportamento biológico foram coletados e analisados através de uma análise estatística descritiva. Adicionalmente o teste χ2, foi utilizado para associações entre comportamento biológico e tamanho da massa. Dos 3566 exames realizados, 656 (18,4%) foram diagnosticados como tumores cutâneos sendo cães adultos e idosos das raças Pit Bull, Boxer e Poodle os mais acometidos. Dentre os 11 padrões morfológicos mais diagnosticados o mastocitoma, carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) e os tumores de origem vascular foram os mais frequentemente relatados. Em relação ao sítio anatômico, a cabeça foi a mais acometida. A maioria dos tumores benignos apresentaram menos de 1cm de diâmetro e os malignos de 3 a 5cm. O aumento de neoplasmas em adultos e idosos pode estar relacionado ao somatório de danos causados por agentes carcinogênicos e o comprometimento imunológico.(AU)
Canine cutaneous neoplasms present high and relevant prevalence throughout Brazil. Here we determine the frequency and epidemiological characteristics of canine cutaneous neoplasms in dogs diagnosed at the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (LPV-UFMT), Cuiabá, from 2007 to 2014. The necropsy and biopsy protocols from canine cutaneous neoplasms diagnosed at the LPV-UFMT were reviewed. Data regarding age, sex, breed of affected dogs, anatomical location, size, histomorphological diagnosis and biological behavior of the tumors were evaluated through a descriptive statistical analysis. In addition, the χ2 test was used for associations between biological behavior and mass size. Of the 3566 examinations performed, 656 (18.4%) were diagnosed as cutaneous tumors being adult and old dogs of Pit Bull, Boxer and Poodle races most affected. Among the diagnoses, 11 morphological patterns were the most prevalent, being mastocytoma, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and tumors of vascular origin most frequently reported. In relation to the anatomical site, the head was the most affected. Most of the benign tumors were less than 1cm in diameter and the malignant were 3 to 5cm. The increase of neoplasms in adults and old age dogs may be associated to the sum of damage caused by carcinogenic agents and the immunological impairment.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Dogs/abnormalities , Neoplasms/classification , Neoplasms/pathologyABSTRACT
Ackerman's pattern analysis is an epoch-making leap in the diagnosis of dermatopathology,which embodies a profound understanding of the whole dermatovenereology.To improve the teaching quality of Dermatovenereology for five year clinical medical students,pattern analysis is introduced into course educational practice,and the diseases that scattered throughout the whole textbook and listed in various chapters or sections are reclassified according to its pathological features.Thus the organic connection of related knowledge points and the lateral contrast network between different diseases is constructed by the central tache of dermatopathology,and therefore makes the course more logical and be more beneficial for the undergraduate students to learn and to remember.By the way,the thinking method of pattern analysis will also be an implicit teaching content and imperceptibly instilled to the undergraduate students,and inspired potential and motivation and aroused learning interest,expanded thought train ability to pursue advanced and further studies.
Demodicose é uma afecção cutânea causada pelo ácaro Demodex sp. diagnosticada com frequência na rotina clínica veterinária. Objetivou-se descrever as manifestações clínicas e histológicas de cães com demodicose nas formas localizada e generalizada, relacionando a quantidade de ácaros e os achados microscópicos ao quadro clínico. Foram estudados 46 cães, sendo 28 com demodicose generalizada e 18 com a forma localizada da doença, dos quais todos possuíam raspados de pele positivo. Destes caninos foram anotados dados de lesões macroscópicas em ficha dermatológica e coletaram-se amostras de pele para estudo microscópico. A análise histológica foi realizada por três avaliadores e os dados registrados sem comunicação entre os mesmos, sendo considerado o resultado que mais ocorreu. Alopecia, descamação, eritema e crostas foram lesões clínicas comuns às duas formas de apresentação da doença que mais ocorreram. Inflamação histológica dermal grave ocorreu especialmente nos cães com doença localizada e generalizada que possuíam piodermite concomitante e ácaros Demodex sp. foram visualizados com intensidade entre moderada e acentuada na maioria dos cães com ambas as formas da enfermidade. Perifoliculite foi a alteração folicular microscópica mais evidenciada nos caninos deste estudo, seguida por foliculite mural e furunculose que tiveram maior ocorrência relativa nos cães com demodicose localizada. De acordo com os resultados obtidos verificou-se que a gravidade das lesões histológicas não corresponde necessariamente à forma de apresentação clínica da enfermidade, além disso, a quantidade de ácaros não demonstrou ser indicativa de lesões clínicas localizadas ou generalizadas, bem como não é possível diferenciar a doença clínica através do exame histopatológico.(AU)
Demodicosis is a skin condition caused by Demodex mite, frequently diagnosed in clinical routine. The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical and histological manifestations of localized and generalized demodicosis in dogs, relating the amount of mites and microscopic lesions. The study group was formed by 46 dogs, 28 with generalized demodicosis, and 18 with the localized form of the disease, all of them with positive skin scrapings. Macroscopic lesions data in dermatological form were noted, and skin samples were collected for microscopic study. The histopathological analysis was individually performed by three reviewers without intercommunication, being considered the result that more occurred. Alopecia, scaling, erythema, and crusting were the most common clinical lesions in both forms of the disease. Histological severe dermatitis occurred especially in dogs with localized and generalized disease that had concomitant pyoderma and Demodex sp. mites were visualized with intensity moderate and severe in the most dogs with both forms of the diseases. Perifolliculitis was the most evident microscopic follicular change in this study, followed by folliculitis and furunculosis wall, which had higher relative occurrence in dogs with localized demodicosis. According to the results obtained, the severity of histologic lesions does not necessarily correspond to the clinical presentation of the disease, in addition to the amount of mites that apparently is not indicative of localized or generalized clinical lesions, and cannot differentiate clinical disease by histopathology.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Dermatology , Dogs/anatomy & histology , Clinical Studies as Topic/veterinary , Mites/pathogenicity , HistologyABSTRACT
A cistomatose de glândula apócrina é uma condição rara e não-neoplásica, que tem sido relatada em cães e gatos, e caracterizada por vários grupos de glândulas sudoríparas dilatadas, cuja distribuição generalizada raramente é observada. Uma fêmea de onça-pintada melânica (Panthera onca), com idade estimada de 16 anos e mantida em cativeiro, apresentou aumento de volume abdominal. Ao exame físico foram observados vários nódulos de consistência macia e flutuante, não aderidos, com tamanho de 2 a 15cm de diâmetro, na região ventral abdominal. Outras massas de menor diâmetro (0,5-1,0cm) estavam presentes na região cervical e no dorso do animal. Estas massas foram removidas em um procedimento cirúrgico. Dentro deste cisto havia conteúdo líquido, inodoro e translúcido. Microscopicamente, observou-se entre a derme média e profunda a formação de múltiplos cistos de tamanho variável. Esses cistos eram revestidos por uma única camada de células predominantemente cubóides. Em alguns focos eram observadas raras projeções papiliformes de epitélio glandular. O citoplasma estava levemente eosinofílico e com raras imagens de decapitação do ápice. O diagnóstico de cistomatose de glândulas apócrinas foi realizado através dos achados macroscópicos e microscópicos.(AU)
Cystomatosis of the apocrine gland is a rare condition reported in dogs and cats. It is a non-neoplastic condition, characterized by several groups of dilated cystic sweat glands. Rarely a more widespread distribution can be observed. A captive female about 16 year-old melanic jaguar (Panthera onca) presented increased abdominal volume. Physical examination showed multiple floating nodular masses ranging from to 2 to 15cm in diameter located in the ventral abdomen. Other masses of smaller diameter (0.5-1.0cm) were present in the cervical region and in the back of the jaguar. These masses were surgically removed. Within this cyst had a odorless translucent content. Microscopically, between the mid and deep dermis there existed multiple cysts of different sizes, coated with a single layer of cuboidal cells. In some foci, there were rare papilliform projections of glandular epithelium. The cytoplasm was slightly eosinophilic with rare images of decapitation of the apex. The diagnostic of apocrine cystomatosis was performed through macroscopic and microscopic findings.(AU)
Animals , Female , Apocrine Glands/pathology , Sweat Gland Diseases/veterinary , Panthera/surgery , Hamartoma/veterinary , Animals, WildABSTRACT
La dermatopatología es una subespecialidad de la patología y la dermatología que implica la correlación de los datos clínicos y las observaciones microscópicas de las biopsias cutáneas para obtener información diagnóstica. La dermatología pediátrica es una subespecialidad de la dermatología para la cual es necesario conocer puntos específicos para la evaluación y el tratamiento de los trastornos cutáneos de los niños. Aquí revisamos el enfoque histopatológico y otros factores importantes para los diagnósticos definitivos en dermatopatología pediátrica. Las dermopatías en los niños no constituyen necesariamente versiones más pequenas de las que se presentan en los adultos; incluso algunas podrían estar limitadas el grupo etario pediátrico. Un equipo con experiencia en dermatología y patología incrementa el éxito de las biopsias cutáneas en dermatología pediátrica, además de contar con habilidades técnicas excelentes. Los hallazgos histopatológicos de lesiones cutáneas en niños deben ser evaluados por patólogos pediátricos, quienes tienen un interés específico en la dermatopatología pediátrica, en estrecha colaboración con dermatólogos pediátricos.
Dermatopathology is a subspecialty of pathology and dermatology involving correlation of clinical information with microscopic observations of skin biopsies to provide diagnostic information. Pediatric dermatology is a subspecialty of dermatology for which specific points need to be known for evaluating and managing skin disorders in children. The histopathological approach and other important factors for definitive diagnoses in pediatric dermatopathology are reviewed. Skin diseases in children are not necessarily smaller versions of those that develop in adults and some diaseases may be confined to pediatric age group. An experienced team of dermatology and pathology increases the success of skin biopsies in pediatric dermatology besides the excellent technical skills. The histopathologic findings of skin lesions in children should be evaluated by pediatric pathologists, who have a specific interest for pediatric dermatopathology, in close collaboration with pediatric dermatologists.
Humans , Pathology , Pediatrics , Clinical Diagnosis , Dermatology , Correlation of Data , Skin DiseasesABSTRACT
This report describes the clinical, pathological and microbiological findings of an uncommon infection in a cat by Nocardia nova. A 3-year-old male domestic short hair cat with an ulcerated and exudative cutaneous wound was presented for clinical examination. Samples were collected for histopathology and bacteriology diagnosis. Microscopically, the lesion was diagnosed as pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis with large and irregular colonies of branching filamentous bacterium. Skin bacteriological culture showed gram-positive rods and partially acid-fast branching filaments by gram and kinyoun staining, respectively. The identity of Nocardia novawas confirmed by 16S rDNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. This is the first case of pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis in a cat caused byNocardia novareported in Brazil.
Este relato descreve os achados clínicos, patológicos e microbiológicos de uma infecção incomum por Nocardia novaem um gato. Um gato macho, sem raça definida, de 3 anos de idade, apresentou ferida cutânea exsudativa e ulcerada. Amostras da lesão foram coletadas para histopatologia e bacteriologia. Histologicamente, a lesão consistiu de dermatite e paniculite piogranulomatosas associadas a colônias grandes e irregulares de bactérias filamentosas e ramificadas. O cultivo bacteriológico revelou bacilos filamentosos, gram-positivos, parcialmente ácido resistentes, visualizados pelas colorações de Gram e Kinyoun, respectivamente. A identificação da Nocardia novafoi confirmada pelo sequenciamento 16S rDNA e análise filogenética. Este é o primeiro caso de paniculite e dermatite piogranulomatosas em um gato causado por Nocardia novaregistrado no Brasil.
Myxomas are benign mesenchymal tumors rarely described in birds. This report describes the clinical and pathological findings in a case of myxoma in a pintagol (
Mixomas são tumores mesenquimais benignos incomuns em aves. Este trabalho objetiva descrever os achados clínico-patológicos de um caso de mixoma em um pintagol. A ave apresentou aumento de volume na região dorsal do terceiro dígito do membro pélvico esquerdo. Macroscopicamente, notou-se um nódulo de 0,9x0,5x0,4cm, macio, esbranquiçado, com áreas amareladas e enegrecidas na superfície de corte. A histopatologia revelou população monomórfica de células fusiformes, com baixo pleomorfismo, arranjadas em meio à matriz mixóide positiva para a coloração de azul alciano. Com base nos achados histopatológicos, foi firmado o diagnóstico de mixoma
Desde que el carcinoma de Merkel fue descrito por primera vez, hace poco más de cuatro décadas por Cyril Toker en el año de 1972; ha despertado el interés de los colegas médicos. Factores de esta patología como: su célula de origen, etiología, evolución y tratamiento al día de hoy se mantienen en discusión y se modifican con el paso del tiempo. El advenimiento de la microscopía electrónica y la inmunohistoquímica han colaborado en la definición etiológica de esta neoplasia y otros descubrimientos como el del poliomavirus de células de Merkel, han brindado información importante sobre la génesis de este proceso. El tratamiento del carcinoma de células de Merkel sigue sufriendo leves variaciones con el paso del tiempo y se mantiene en discusión a la fecha. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con un carcinoma de células de Merkel con revisión de la literatura actual.
Since Merkel carcinoma was first described more than four decades ago by Cyril Toker little in the year 1972; has attracted interest from medical colleagues. Factors of this disease as their cell of origin, etiology, course and treatment today remain under discussion and change over time. The advent of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry have collaborated in the etiological definition of this neoplasm and other discoveries such as the Merkel cell polyomavirus, have provided important information on the genesis of this process. The treatment of Merkel cell carcinoma is still suffering slight variations over time and remains in discussion to date. We report a patient with Merkel cell carcinoma with review of the current literature.
Humans , Female , Aged , Carcinoma, Merkel Cell , Merkel CellsABSTRACT
Dermatopathology involves study of the microscopic morphology of skin sections. It mirrors pathophysiologic changes occurring at the microscopic level in the skin and its appendages. Sometimes, we come across certain morphologic features that bear a close resemblance to our physical world. These close resemblances are referred to as "appearances" in parlance to dermatopathology. Sometimes, these "appearances" are unique to a certain skin disorder and thus help us to clinch to a definitive diagnosis (e.g., "tadpole" appearance in syringoma). However, frequently, these appearances are encountered in many other skin conditions and can be therefore be misleading. In this paper, we attempt to enlist such "appearances" commonly found in the dermatopathologic literature and also enumerate their differential diagnoses.
BACKGROUND: There is no report on the actual conditions and current educational status of dermatopathology in Korean the literature, implying that the interest in dermatopathology, which is important in clinical practice, is drawn away. OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to investigate the actual conditions of dermatopathology. Based on the collected data, we could set up the directions for the development of dermatopathology. METHODS: From April to June 2012, we conducted a survey of 62 dermatologic training hospitals and 328 residents working in the dermatology department in Korea, respectively, by mail, anonymously. RESULTS: Residents' satisfaction of current dermatopathology education was significantly higher in tertiary hospitals and in hospitals with numerous dermatologists. The number of performed skin biopsies per week was also significantly larger in tertiary hospitals. Of tertiary hospitals and hospitals with numerous dermatologists, lectures given by dermatologists or dermatologists specialized in dermatopathology took a higher proportion in the dermatopathology course, and in-hospital dermatopathology conferences were held more than 5 times a month. CONCLUSION: As shown in the result of this survey, to enhance interest in dermatopathology, we suggest activation of the Korean society for dermatopathology and joint conferences among local hospitals.
Anonyms and Pseudonyms , Biopsy , Congresses as Topic , Dermatology , Education , Educational Status , Joints , Korea , Lecture , Postal Service , Skin , Tertiary Care CentersABSTRACT
The 22nd World Congress of Dermatology, held in Seoul, marked a milestone in the history of Korean dermatology. It is anticipated that Korean dermatological science will continue noticeable progress in the foreseeable future. At this point in time, I think it is essential to look back upon our previous advancements in various fields of dermatology. Therefore, I reviewed the history of Korean Society of Dermatopathology (KSDP) focused on the activities of Korean Dermatology Association (KDA) members. It includes foundation of KSDP, establishment of dermatopathology symposium, performance of dermatopathology training program, granting research funds of KDA, and academic interchange between the members through periodical study meetings. The KSDP has a relatively long history among member societies under KDA. Therefore, we need to take the initiative and set an example for other members to follow.