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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 88(1): e2023, 2025. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568844


ABSTRACT Mantle cell lymphoma of the ocular and periorbital regions is extremely rare but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lesions affecting the periorbital tissues. In this study, we present a rare case of mantle cell lymphoma of the lacrimal sac in a 65-year-old male presenting with a mass in the lacrimal sac region and epiphora. After clinical examinations and imaging studies, the mucocele was misdiagnosed. Considering the unexpected findings during external dacryocystorhinostomy, a frozen biopsy was performed, which confirmed the diagnosis of lymphoma.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 88(1): e2023, 2025. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568850


ABSTRACT A patient presented with corneoscleral thinning five months after the treatment of suspected ocular squamous surface neoplasia with mitomycin-C and interferon. For tectonic and aesthetic purposes, we decided to perform lamellar corneoscleral transplantation. The approach used established new tectonic support and corneal homeostasis. This technique might be an option in similar cases.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 88(1): e2023, 2025. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568853


ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe the epidemiological and clinical profile of hospitalized patients with retinoblastoma in Brazil. Methods: Using data from the Hospital Cancer Registry of the Instituto Nacional de Câncer, patients with the morphological codes of retinoblastoma who were diagnosed between 2000 to 2018, aged 0-19 years, and followed up in registered hospitals (analytical cases) were selected. The relative and absolute frequencies of demographic, clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and outcome variables were described. Hospital performance indicators were calculated and compared between hospitals qualified and not qualified to treat pediatric oncology cases and between hospitals with different case volumes (<20, 20-75, >75 cases). Results: Of the 2,269 identified analytical cases from 86 institutions, 48% were from the Southeast, 54% were male, and 66% were aged <4 years. The proportion of missing data (NA) was too high for several variables. Approximately 84% of the patients were from the public health system, 40% had a positive family history, and 88% had unilateral involvement. The first treatment included surgery in 58.3% of the patients (NA=2), Approximately 36.6% of these patients achieved complete remission, 10.8% achieved partial remission, and 12.7% died (NA=59%). Hospital performance indicators were within the target in >90% of the patients. The median time between the first appointment and diagnosis (6 days, interquartile range [IQR] 1-14) was significantly lower and the median time to death was longer (343 days, IQR, 212-539) in high-volume hospitals (>75 cases) than in medium- and low-volume hospitals. Conclusions: Despite the high proportion of missing data, we found that the delay in diagnosis is due to prehospital factors. Additionally, there is a need for educational programs for healthcare professionals and families that emphasize early identification and referral to specialized centers. Future studies should focus on the impact of Hospital Cancer Registry data completeness on outcomes, causes of delay in diagnosis, regional inequalities, and barriers to accessing specialized services.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(4): 350-359, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564746


Abstract Objective: To provide healthcare professional-friendly practical recommendations for early detection of cleft palate-related deformities in newborns and offer an overview of managing these high-prevalent congenital abnormalities. Source of data: PubMed, SciELO, Lilacs, Cochrane, ScienceDirect, and Scopus databases were reviewed for cleft- and diagnosis-related studies. Summary of the findings: Unfortunately, the global prevalence of delayed detection of cleft palate-related deformities remains unacceptably high, with over a quarter of cleft palates missed at birth. This delayed identification causes physical and psychological distress for patients and families, including feeding challenges and weight faltering. To improve cleft management, it is essential to adopt routine detailed, in-depth intraoral examination immediately after birth. It is recommended not only to finger-assisted palpate the intraoral structures but also to visually inspect the oral cavity from gingiva to uvula using a wooden tongue depressor and light-assisted examination. With timely diagnosis and referral to specialized care, pediatricians, nurses, speech therapists, and plastic surgeons provide life-changing treatments, including health care maintenance, anticipatory guidance, feeding support, primary surgical reconstruction, and age-and condition-specific protocols. Conclusions: Encouraging neonatologists and pediatricians, who are the first to examine new-borns, to actively investigate the intraoral region for cleft palate-related deformities is instrumental in optimizing therapeutic approaches and prioritizing age-phases in treatment. Their crucial role in early detection and referral can lead to transformative outcomes, impacting not only the future of the newborns by facilitating functional integration into society but also yielding positive effects on families and the health system.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(4): 343-349, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564747


Abstract Objectives: Identify potential barriers, delays, and missed opportunities in the prevention and diagnosis of childhood TB. Methods: Scoping review according to the PRISMA extension. The definitions considered for the selection followed the acronym PCC where the population (P) is children under 18years of age with TB disease, the concept (C) refers to missed opportunities for prevention and diagnosis, and context (C) is defined as a diagnosis of TB disease. The authors searched systematically in the databases; VHL/Lilacs, Medline via PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus, and Web of Science, without date or language limitation. Results: Seven studies were included. In developed countries, with low disease burden, the main shortcoming is the delay in diagnosing bacilliferous adults in contact with young children. This problem is concentrated in the portion of the population with socioeconomic vulnerability. In underdeveloped countries, with a high burden of disease, the biggest challenge is tracking children who come into contact with bacilliferous patients. Conclusions: There are still many missed opportunities in the prevention and diagnosis of childhood TB. The positive legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic should be taken advantage of and the encouragement of scientific development in the management of infectious diseases should be taken.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(4): e202410403, ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562995


Las proteínas de la leche de vaca pueden causar alergia alimentaria. Los distintos mecanismos de acción involucrados y la variabilidad clínica según la etapa de la vida pediátrica en la que se manifieste ocasionan dificultades en su abordaje, con riesgo de sub- o sobrediagnóstico. En este proceso, intervienen profesionales de diversas áreas y es recomendable su interacción. Es por ello que el objetivo de este consenso ha sido reflejar el conocimiento actualizado desde la interdisciplina, generando recomendaciones para su correcto diagnóstico. Hemos trabajado con el método de Delphi para sumarle a la evidencia científica, la experiencia proveniente de neonatólogos, pediatras, especialistas en alergia, nutrición y gastroenterología. Pensamos que este enfoque interdisciplinario de trabajo va a resultar de utilidad práctica y promoverá una atención más integral de estos pacientes.

Cow's milk protein can cause food allergy. The different mechanisms of action involved, the clinical variability depending on the stage of pediatric life in which it manifests, leads to difficulties in its approach, with the risk of under- or over-diagnosis. Professionals from various areas intervene in this process and their interaction is recommended. That is why the objective of this consensus has been to reflect the updated knowledge in an interdisciplinary mode, generating recommendations for its correct diagnosis. We have worked with the Delphi method to add to the scientific evidence, the experience from neonatologists, pediatricians, experts in allergy, nutrition and gastroenterology. We think that this interdisciplinary approach will be of practical use and will promote more comprehensive care for these patients.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Milk Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Delphi Technique , Consensus
Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 929-935, ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569255


Los salmónidos, durante su desarrollo, pueden experimentar ocasionalmente deformaciones esqueléticas. Para su diagnóstico se emplean diversas metodologías, entre las que se incluyen radiografías, técnicas histológicas, diafanización con tinciones de alizarina y azul de alcián, así como el uso del microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM), cada una con sus inherentes ventajas y desventajas. Este estudio tuvo como finalidad evaluar y comparar la eficacia de la tomografía microcomputarizada (Micro-CT) para el análisis anatómico, reconstruyendo tridimensionalmente las imágenes y contrastándolas con los resultados obtenidos mediante la técnica de diafanización. Se analizaron las aletas caudales de cinco ejemplares de salmón Oncorhynchus kisutch: dos sujetos a diafanización y tres procesados para análisis mediante Micro-CT utilizando el equipo BRUKER SkyScan 1272. La técnica de Micro-CT demostró superioridad en la resolución de las estructuras óseas, facilitando una exploración detallada de las variaciones morfológicas y la distribución de la densidad mineral. Este enfoque permitió identificar anomalías en la morfología y crecimiento de las últimas vértebras y lepidotriquias dorsales, así como una densidad incrementada en lepidotriquias dorsales malformadas. La mayor resolución proporcionada por la Micro-CT no solo potencia nuestra comprensión de la ontogenia piscícola y su adaptación a ambientes diversos, sino que además inaugura perspectivas innovadoras para el estudio de la evolución de las estrategias locomotoras y las respuestas adaptativas frente a cambios ambientales a través del tiempo.

SUMMARY: During their development, some species of salmonids may occasionally experience skeletal deformations. Several methodologies are currently being used for the diagnosis of such malformations, among which X-rays, histological techniques, diaphanization coupled either with Alizarin Red or Alcian Blue stains, as well as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) can be mentioned. Each one of those methods presents inherent advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this study was twofold: Firstly, to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of microcomputed tomography (Micro-CT) technology for anatomical analysis, three-dimensionally reconstructing the obtained images; and secondly, to contrast those images with the results obtained through the diaphanization technique. The caudal fins of five specimens of the Oncorhynchus kisutch salmon were analyzed: Two specimens were subjected to diaphanization and three were processed for Micro-CT analysis, using the BRUKER SkyScan 1272 equipment. The Micro-CT technology demonstrated superiority in the resolution of bone structures, facilitating a detailed exploration of morphological variations, as well as the distribution of mineral density. This experimental approach allowed us to identify anomalies in the morphology and growth of the last vertebrae and dorsal lepidotrichiae, as well as an increased mineral density in the malformed dorsal lepidotrichiae. The higher resolution provided by Micro-CT not only enhances our understanding of the fish ontogeny and its adaptation to diverse environments, but also opens innovative perspectives for the study of the evolution of locomotor strategies and adaptive responses to environmental changes.

Animals , Oncorhynchus kisutch/anatomy & histology , X-Ray Microtomography/methods , Salmonidae/anatomy & histology , Bone and Bones/diagnostic imaging , Bone Density , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Animal Fins/diagnostic imaging
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 578-584, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563119


Introducción. La transposición de los órganos debido al situs inversus (SI) es una rara afección que dificulta el diagnóstico de la apendicitis aguda. Esta condición hace que la sintomatología del paciente y los hallazgos al examen físico puedan ser atípicos, lo que demanda el uso de imágenes para la confirmación diagnóstica en la mayoría de los casos. Métodos. Se describieron tres casos de apendicitis en pacientes con diagnóstico de situs inversus. Dos de ellos tenían el antecedente conocido, mientras el tercer caso fue diagnosticado de forma intraoperatoria. Resultados. En dos pacientes se decidió llevar a cirugía vía laparoscópica sin imágenes diagnósticas adicionales. Los pacientes evolucionaron de manera satisfactoria. Conclusión. Siempre se debe considerar la apendicitis dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales en los pacientes con dolor en fosa ilíaca izquierda. Es fundamental diagnosticar y tratar la apendicitis de manera efectiva para minimizar las complicaciones asociadas. La importancia de la anamnesis y la sospecha clínica del examinador son vitales en estos casos, que se pueden confirmar con las imágenes diagnósticas. Pueden existir casos en donde la condición clínica del paciente no permita la realización de estudios diagnósticos por imágenes; esto apoya cada vez más el uso del abordaje laparoscópico. Se recomienda considerar el abordaje laparoscópico en primera instancia, ya que nos permite la confirmación diagnóstica de situs inversus totalis en caso de que el antecedente sea desconocido y facilita el manejo oportuno de la urgencia.

Introduction. Organ transposition due to situs inversus (SI) is a rare condition that makes the diagnosis of acute appendicitis difficult. This condition entails that the patient' symptoms and physical examination findings may be atypical, which requires the use of images for diagnostic confirmation in most cases. Clinical cases. Three cases of appendicitis in patients diagnosed with situs inversus are described. Two of them had a known medical history, while the third case was diagnosed intraoperatively. Results. In two patients it was decided to undergo laparoscopic surgery without additional diagnostic images. The patients progressed satisfactorily. Conclusion. Appendicitis should always be considered in the differential diagnoses in patients with pain in the left iliac fossa. It is essential to diagnose and treat appendicitis effectively to minimize associated complications. The importance of the anamnesis and the examiner's clinical suspicion are vital in these cases, which can be confirmed with diagnostic images. There may be cases where the patient's clinical condition does not allow diagnostic imaging studies to be performed, increasingly supports the use of the laparoscopic approach. It is recommended to consider the laparoscopic approach in the first instance, since it allows us to confirm the diagnosis of situs inversus totalisin case the history is unknown and facilitates timely management of the emergency.

Humans , Appendectomy , Situs Inversus , Appendicitis , Kartagener Syndrome , Laparoscopy , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 633-639, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566026


Introducción. La neoplasia sólida pseudopapilar de páncreas, también conocida como tumor de Frantz, es una patología poco frecuente, que comprende menos del 3 % de los tumores pancreáticos, y la mayor incidencia se observa en mujeres jóvenes entre la segunda y tercera década de la vida. Su etiología es desconocida. El tratamiento de elección es la resección quirúrgica sin linfadenectomía cuando se encuentra bien localizado. Inclusive aún cuando hay evidencia de metástasis o invasión local, el manejo quirúrgico sigue siendo el tratamiento de elección. Caso clínico. Mujer de 24 años de edad, con masa abdominal palpable, dolorosa, de tres semanas de evolución. La tomografía computarizada mencionó como presunción diagnóstica un tumor de origen pancreático. En la laparotomía se encontró una masa dependiente del cuerpo del páncreas. Se realizó pancreatectomía distal radical con esplenectomía y omentectomía parcial en bloque. Resultados. Durante la cirugía no se presentaron complicaciones y hasta el sexto mes de seguimiento, la evolución fue adecuada y sin recidiva tumoral. Conclusiones. Ante la presencia de masa abdominal, con compromiso pancreático documentado por tomografía computarizada, se debe considerar el diagnóstico de neoplasia sólida pseudopapilar de páncreas, o tumor de Frantz. El tumor de Frantz es una entidad poco frecuente que generalmente se diagnostica de forma incidental o por síntomas inespecíficos en estadios avanzados. El diagnóstico y manejo de esta neoplasia representa un reto y la resección quirúrgica continúa siendo el tratamiento indicado.

Introduction. Solid pseudopapillary neoplasia of the pancreas, also known as Frantz tumor, is a rare pathology, comprising less than 3% of pancreatic tumors, and the highest incidence is observed in young women between the second and third decades of life. Its etiology is unknown. The treatment of choice is surgical resection without lymphadenectomy when it is well located. Even when there is evidence of metastasis or local invasion, surgical management remains the treatment of choice. Clinical case. A 24-year-old woman presented with a palpable, painful abdominal mass of three weeks' duration. The computed tomography mentioned a tumor of pancreatic origin as a presumptive diagnosis. At laparotomy, a mass dependent on the body of the pancreas was found. Radical distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy and en bloc partial omentectomy was performed. Results. During the surgery there were no complications and until the sixth month of follow-up, the evolution was adequate and without tumor recurrence. Conclusions. In the presence of an abdominal mass, with pancreatic involvement documented by computed tomography, the diagnosis of solid pseudopapillary neoplasia of the pancreas, or Frantz tumor, should be considered, which must be treated surgically. Frantz tumor is a rare entity that is generally diagnosed incidentally or due to nonspecific symptoms in advanced stages. The diagnosis and management of this neoplasia represents a challenge and surgical resection continues to be the indicated treatment.

Humans , Pancreatectomy , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Pancreas , Incidental Findings , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 640-645, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566027


Introducción. El esplenúnculo se ha descrito con una incidencia global del 10 al 30 %. Puede ser una entidad de origen congénito o adquirida, frecuentemente está asociada a trauma abdominal o antecedente de esplenectomía por diversas causas. Caso clínico. Mujer en edad media, con antecedente de trauma abdominal y esplenectomía por ruptura traumática, quien 30 años después presenta un cuadro de dolor abdominal. Los estudios imagenológicos identificaron una masa sólida intrapancreática. Resultados. Fue llevada a pancreatectomía distal. Los hallazgos histológicos e inmunohistoquímicos confirmaron que la masa pancreática correspondía a un esplenúnculo intrapancreático adquirido, asociado al evento traumático previo. Conclusión. Los esplenúnculos suelen constituir un "incidentaloma". Los estudios imagenológicos se encuentran limitados, pues la tomografía computarizada, la resonancia nuclear magnética y la ultrasonografía presentan características imagenológicas similares con los tumores pancreáticos hipervascularizados, por lo que se debe practicar el estudio histopatológico durante su valoración. Esta entidad se debe incluir dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales, con mayor énfasis en aquellos pacientes con historia de trauma abdominal y esplenectomía asociada, un escenario en el que esta lesión puede simular una neoplasia sólida del páncreas, con características malignas.

Introduction. Splenunculus has been described with an overall incidence of 10 to 30%. It can be an entity of congenital or acquired origin, it is frequently associated with abdominal trauma or a history of splenectomy for various reasons. Clinical case. Middle-aged woman, with a history of abdominal trauma and splenectomy due to traumatic rupture, who 30 years later presents with abdominal pain. Imaging studies identified a solid intrapancreatic mass. Results. She was taken to OR for distal pancreatectomy. The histological and immunohistochemical findings confirmed that the pancreatic mass corresponded to an acquired intrapancreatic splenunculus, associated with the previous traumatic event. Conclusion. Splenuncles usually constitute an "incidentaloma". Imaging studies are limited, since computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasonography present similar imaging characteristics with hypervascularized pancreatic tumors, so histopathological study must be included during their evaluation. This entity should be included in the differential diagnoses, with greater emphasis on those patients with a history of abdominal trauma and associated splenectomy, a scenario in which this lesion can simulate a solid neoplasm of the pancreas, with malignant characteristics.

Humans , Pancreas , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Splenectomy , Pancreatectomy , Spleen , Splenosis , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. APS (Online) ; 27(Único): e272436777, 05/07/2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1567087


O objetivo deste estudo é descrever a capacitação de profissionais de saúde na avaliação dermatoneurológica e do grau de incapacidade física em hanseníase, realizada em um posto de Saúde. Trata-se de uma Pesquisa-ação desenvolvida de maio a agosto de 2019 com médicos, enfermeiros e fisioterapeuta da atenção básica. Foi utilizado para coleta de dados questionário autoaplicado, através da plataforma Google Forms, gravação audiovisual e registro em diário de campo durante as oficinas teóricas e práticas. O processo interpretativo deu-se através da análise de conteúdo. Inicialmente, foi realizado o diagnóstico situacional, no qual os profissionais relataram insegurança e deficiência tanto no conhecimento como na habilidade para o atendimento ao paciente com hanseníase. Além disso, não participaram de capacitações acerca do tema. Foram realizadas oficinas para desenvolver competências necessárias. A avaliação das oficinas mostrou uma melhoria do conhecimento e das práticas de cuidado aos usuários durante o estudo. É importante o incentivo às capacitações periódicas dos profissionais de saúde da atenção básica. Além disso, incluir na prática o monitoramento sistemático dos casos novos, busca ativa de casos suspeitos e dos contatos da pessoa com hanseníase. Para que se interrompa a cadeia de transmissão, faz-se necessária a adoção dessas práticas a fim de controlar os casos de hanseníase.

The aim of this study is to describe the training of health professionals in the dermatoneurological assessment and the degree of physical disability in leprosy performed at a health center. This is an action research developed from may to august 2019 with doctors, nurses and physical therapists in primary care. A self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection, through the google forms platform, audiovisual recording and field diary recording during the theoretical and practical workshops. The interpretive process took place through content analysis. Initially, the situational diagnosis was carried out, where professionals reported insecurity and deficiency in both knowledge and ability to care for patients with leprosy. In addition, they did not participate in training on the subject. Workshops were held to develop necessary skills. The evaluation of the workshops showed an improvement in knowledge and care practices for users during the study. It is important to encourage periodic training of primary care health professionals. Include in practice the systematic monitoring of new cases, active search for suspected cases and contacts of the person with leprosy. In order to interrupt the chain of transmission, it is necessary to adopt these practices in order to control leprosy cases.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(6): e03872023, Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557520


Resumo O estudo visa analisar a prevalência de estadiamento avançado ao diagnóstico do câncer do colo do útero e sua associação com indicadores individuais e contextuais socioeconômicos e de oferta de serviços de saúde no Brasil. Estudo transversal, realizado com casos de câncer do colo do útero em mulheres de 18 a 99 anos, no período de 2006 a 2015, extraídos do Integrador de Registros Hospitalares de Câncer. Variáveis contextuais foram coletadas no Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano, no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde e no Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais. Usou-se o modelo de regressão de Poisson multinível com intercepto aleatório. A prevalência de diagnóstico em estádio avançado foi de 48,4%, apresentando associação com idades mais avançadas (RP 1,06; IC 1,01-1,10), raça/cor da pele preta, parda e indígena (RP 1,04; IC 1,01-1,07), menores níveis de escolaridade (RP 1,28; IC 1,16-1,40), ausência de parceiro conjugal (RP 1,10; IC 1,07-1,13), encaminhamento do tipo público ao serviço de saúde (RP 1,07; IC 1,03-1,11) e menor taxa de realização de exame citopatológico (RP 1,08; IC 1,01-1,14). Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de melhorias no programa nacional de prevenção do câncer do colo do útero em áreas com baixa cobertura da citologia oncótica.

Abstract The scope of this study is to analyze the prevalence of advanced stage diagnosis of cervical cancer and its association with individual and contextual socioeconomic and healthcare service indicators in Brazil. A cross-sectional study was conducted using cervical cancer cases in women aged 18 to 99 years, from 2006 to 2015, extracted from the Hospital Cancer Registry (HCR) Integrator. Contextual variables were collected from the Atlas of Human Development in Brazil; the National Registry of Health Institutions (NRHI); and the Outpatient Information System. Multilevel Poisson Regression with random intercept was used. The prevalence of advanced stage diagnosis was 48.4%, revealing an association with older age groups (PR 1.06; CI 1.01-1.10), black, brown, and indigenous race/skin color (PR 1.04; CI 1.01-1.07), lower levels of schooling (PR 1.28; CI 1.16-1.40), no marital partner (PR 1.10; CI 1.07-1.13), public referral to the health service (PR 1.07; CI 1.03-1.11), and lower rates of cytological examination (PR 1.08; CI 1.01-1.14). The results reinforce the need for improvements in the national cervical cancer prevention program in areas with low coverage of oncotic cytology.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 93-98, abr.-jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560974


Este texto plantea la importancia de confeccionar protocolos de diagnóstico humanizado que permitan a los profesionales de la salud brindar información sobre patologías y/o discapacidades de manera clara y veraz, humana y delicadamente, facilitando su recepción por parte del paciente y su familia. El diagnóstico humanizado no forma parte únicamente de un protocolo de "urbanidad" en el vínculo médico ­ paciente: es parte integrante y relevante del procedimiento o tratamiento. Este abordaje exige una mirada interdisciplinar. En esta temática hay elementos que se vinculan a lo médico ­ científico; lo jurídico ­ legislativo ­ jurisprudencial y lo político.

Ao longo deste texto, discute-se a importância da elaboração de protocolos diagnósticos humanizados que permitam aos profissionais de saúde fornecerem informações sobre patologias e/ou incapacidades de forma clara e verdadeira, ao mesmo tempo em que humanizada e delicada, facilitando seu acolhimento pelo paciente e sua família. O diagnóstico humanizado não é apenas parte de um protocolo de "civilidade" na relação médico-paciente, mas parte integrante e relevante do procedimento para realizar o tratamento de uma doença ou deficiência. Essa abordagem requer uma abordagem interdisciplinar. Nessa disciplina há elementos que se vinculam ao médico-científico; as esferas jurídica, legislativa e política.

Throughout this text, the importance of creating humanized diagnostic protocols is discussed. These should allow healthcare professionals to provide clear and truthful information about pathologies and/or disabilities in a humane and delicate manner, facilitating their understanding by the patient and their family. Humanized diagnosis is not just part of a "politeness" protocol in the doctor-patient relationship, but an integral and relevant part of the procedure for treating a disease or disability. This approach requires an interdisciplinary perspective, as there are elements that are linked to the strictly medical-scientific, legal-legislative-jurisprudential, and political aspects of this topic.

Health Law
RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1561332


Este artigo se baseia em um estudo feito com o objetivo de analisar indicadores sobre a testagem da sífilis na gestação no Programa de Qualificação das Ações de Vigilância em Saúde (PQAVS) e no Programa Previne Brasil no estado da Paraíba, e também de levantar aspectos do tratamento terapêutico para sífilis gestacional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, na qual foram sistematizados dados do indicador 11, testes por gestantes, do PQAVS e do indicador de desempenho da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), com base na proporção de gestantes que realizaram exames de sífilis e HIV durante o pré-natal em 2020; também foi feita a sistematização do webquestionário direcionado a profissionais da APS (médicos/enfermeiros) e autoaplicado sobre a atuação e tratamento terapêutico para sífilis gestacional. Dos 223 municípios da Paraíba, apenas 12% atingiram a meta do PQAVS e 39% a do Previne Brasil em 2020. Em relação ao webquestionário, houve a participação de 142 profissionais, dos quais 85% realizam o tratamento terapêutico preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde para a APS. Desse modo, deve ser ressaltada a importância da ampliação da oferta de testes para sífilis, dos insumos para o tratamento adequado e da qualificação dos profissionais e da informação em saúde.

This article is based on a study to analyze indicators on syphilis testing during pregnancy in the PQAVS - Programa de Qualificação das Ações de Vigilância em Saúde (Health Surveillance Actions Qualification Programme) and in the Programa Previne Brasil (Previne Brasil Programme) in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, and also to survey aspects of the therapeutic management for gestational syphilis. It is a descriptive-exploratory research, in which data from indicator 11, tests for pregnant women, from the PQAVS and from the Primary Health Care (PHC) performance indicator, based on the proportion of pregnant women with syphilis and HIV tests during prenatal care in 2020 were systematised; in addition to this systematization, a self-administered webquestionnaire on the performance and therapeutic management for gestational syphilis by professionals (doctors/nurses) from the PHC was also systematised. Taking into account the 223 municipalities in Paraíba, only 12% reached the PQAVS goal and 39% reached the Previne Brasil goal in 2020. Regarding the webquestionnaire, 85% of the 142 professionals who answered it, carry out the therapeutic management recommended by the Ministry of Health for the PHC. Thus, it is fundamental to emphasise the importance of expanding the supply of tests for syphilis, supplies for adequate treatment, and the qualification of health professionals and information.

El presente artículo se basa en un estudio efectuado con el objetivo de analizar indicadores sobre la prueba de sífilis durante el embarazo en el PQAVS - Programa de Qualificação das Ações de Vigilância em Saúde (Programa de Calificación para Acciones de Vigilancia en Salud) y en el Programa Previne Brasil en el estado de Paraíba, Brasil, y de resaltar aspectos del tratamiento terapéutico de la sífilis gestacional. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva-exploratoria, en la que se sistematizaron datos del indicador 11, pruebas realizadas por embarazadas, del PQAVS y del indicador de desempeño de la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS), a partir de la proporción de gestantes que se sometieron a pruebas de sífilis y de HIV durante la atención prenatal en 2020; también se sistematizóel cuestionario web dirigido a profesionales de la APS (médicos/enfermeros) y autoadministrado sobre el desempeño y el tratamiento terapéutico de la sífilis gestacional. De los 223 municipios de Paraíba, apenas 12% alcanzaron la meta del PQAVS y 39% lograron la meta del Previne Brasil en 2020. En relación al cuestionario web, participaron 142 profesionales, de los cuales 85% realizan el tratamiento terapéutico recomendado por el Ministerio de Salud para la APS. Así, es fundamental la importancia de ampliar la oferta de pruebas para la sífilis, de los medicamentos para el tratamiento adecuado, la calificación de los profesionales e la información relacionada a la salud.

Prenatal Care , Primary Health Care , Syphilis, Congenital , Treponema pallidum , Syphilis , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Disease Prevention , Maternal Health , Prenatal Diagnosis , Health Programs and Plans , HIV , Intersectoral Collaboration
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564642


This case report highlights the delay in the diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and the inappropriate use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in dentistry. OSCC is a malignant neoplasm that affects the oral cavity and can have severe consequences if not diagnosed and treated appropriately and promptly. The patient presented with a persistent oral lesion that was initially diagnosed as a traumatic injury and treated with LLLT, which led to a delay in the correct diagnosis of OSCC. The case emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper management of oral lesions to prevent the progression of malignant conditions. It also emphasizes the need for professional knowledge regarding the applicability of LLLT in dental practice. Dental professionals should be vigilant in recognizing suspicious oral lesions and promptly refer patients for further evaluation and appropriate treatment to ensure optimal outcomes.

Este informe de un caso destaca el retraso en el diagnóstico del carcinoma espinocelular oral (CEC) y el uso inapropiado de la terapia con láser de baja potencia (LBP) en odontología. El CEC es una neoplasia maligna que afecta la cavidad oral y puede tener graves consecuencias si no se diagnostica y trata de manera adecuada y oportuna. La paciente presentó una lesión oral persistente que inicialmente se diagnosticó como lesión traumática y se trató con LBP, lo que llevó a un retraso en el diagnóstico correcto del CEC. El caso enfatiza la importancia de la detección temprana y el manejo adecuado de las lesiones orales para prevenir la progresión de condiciones malignas. También resalta los riesgos asociados con el uso inapropiado de la LBP en la práctica odontológica. Los profesionales de la odontología deben estar atentos a las lesiones orales sospechosas y remitir a los pacientes de manera oportuna para una evaluación adicional y un tratamiento adecuado, con el fin de garantizar mejores resultados.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(2): 109-114, jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568440


Objetivo: Comparar el diagnóstico y manejo de la anemia durante el embarazo en mujeres de zonas urbanas y rurales. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, basado en un análisis de una encuesta nacional de salud del 2022. Se incluyeron registros de 18 889 mujeres con un embarazo en los últimos 5 años. Se estimaron frecuencias y porcentajes ponderados; además se aplicó la prueba chi cuadrado a un nivel de significancia del 0,05. Resultados: Al 94 % de mujeres se les realizó el descarte de anemia, este procedimiento fue más frecuente en zonas urbanas (94,9 %), comparado a las rurales (91,1 %). La mayor parte de las mujeres no recibió el diagnóstico de anemia, pero no hubo diferencias entre las zonas rurales (29,8 %) y urbanas (28,3 %). Respecto a la indicación y cumplimiento del tratamiento para la anemia, esto fue significativamente mayor en las parejas urbanas, con un porcentaje de 96,7 % y 65,5 %, respectivamente. Conclusión: En las zonas urbanas, fue mayor el porcentaje de mujeres en quienes se realizó descarte de anemia, así como la indicación del tratamiento y su cumplimiento. El diagnóstico de anemia no mostró diferencias entre ambas zonas(AU)

Objective: To compare the diagnosis and management of anemia during pregnancy in urban and rural women. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, based on an analysis of a national health survey from 2022. Records of 18889 women with a pregnancy in the last 5 years were included. Frequencies and weighted percentages were estimated; in addition, the chi-square test was applied at a significance level of 0.05. Results: 94% of women were screened for anemia; this procedure was more frequent in urban areas (94.9%) compared to rural areas (91.1%). Most women were not diagnosed with anemia, but there was no difference between rural (29.8%) and urban (28.3%) areas. Regarding indication and adherence to treatment for anemia, this was significantly higher in urban couples, at 96.7% and 65.5%, respectively. Conclusion: In urban areas, the percentage of women of anemia ruling out, as well as treatment indication and compliance was higher. The diagnosis of anemia showed no differences between the two areas(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Pregnancy , Nutritional Status , Anemia , Rural Population , Socioeconomic Factors , Urban Population , Iron, Dietary/administration & dosage
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 866-870, jun. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564622


SUMMARY: CariesCare International ™ practical guide is a tool for the comprehensive assessment and treatment of caries that synthesizes clinical and radiographic diagnosis and risk factors, classifying the severity, progression, and activity of lesions. The objective of this study was to analyze the validity and prediction characteristics of the proposed dental caries classification in the CariesCare International ™ practical guide as a reference through clinical and radiographic evaluation versus histological evaluation. Ninety-seven permanent posterior teeth were evaluated, and clinical and radiographic diagnoses were determined according to parameters defined in the CariesCare International™ guide as a reference. Subsequently, histological evaluation was performed to compare each stage of dental caries progression, and statistical analysis was applied. When comparing the validity and prediction values between radiographic and clinical diagnoses in relation to histological evaluation, a low sensitivity and high specificity relationship was found. The sensitivity and specificity percentages between the clinical and radiographic methods show that the clinical method has a lower number of false negatives. Histological changes in dental tissue were evident from the earliest stages of lesions, even in those not related to the caries process, indicating that the dentist should be careful when deciding on a treatment plan and take into account all variables involved in the caries process, as proposed by the CariesCare International ™ guide.

La guía práctica CariesCare International™ es una herramienta para la evaluación y tratamiento integral de la caries que sintetiza el diagnóstico clínico y radiográfico y los factores de riesgo, clasificando la gravedad, progresión y actividad de las lesiones. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la validez y características de predicción de la clasificación de caries dental propuesta en la guía práctica CariesCare International™ como referencia a través de la evaluación clínica y radiográfica versus la evaluación histológica. Se evaluaron noventa y siete dientes posteriores permanentes y se determinaron diagnósticos clínicos y radiográficos según parámetros definidos en la guía CariesCare International™ como referencia. Posteriormente se realizó una evaluación histológica para comparar cada etapa de progresión de la caries dental y se aplicó análisis estadístico. Al comparar los valores de validez y predicción entre los diagnósticos radiológicos y clínicos en relación con la evaluación histológica, se encontró una relación de baja sensibilidad y alta especificidad. Los porcentajes de sensibilidad y especificidad entre el método clínico y radiográfico muestran que el método clínico tiene un menor número de falsos negativos. Los cambios histológicos en el tejido dental fueron evidentes desde las primeras etapas de las lesiones, incluso en aquellas no relacionadas con el proceso de caries, lo que indica que el odontólogo debe tener cuidado al decidir un plan de tratamiento y tener en cuenta todas las variables involucradas en el proceso de caries, tal como propone la guía CariesCare International™.

Humans , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Caries/classification , Dental Caries/diagnostic imaging , Cross-Sectional Studies , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Dental Caries/pathology , Dental Enamel/pathology , Dental Enamel/diagnostic imaging , Dentin/pathology , Dentin/diagnostic imaging
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310167, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1555016


La clorhidrorrea congénita es un trastorno genético infrecuente pero importante caracterizado por una alteración grave del balance hidroelectrolítico como resultado de un defecto en la absorción intestinal de cloruros. Los niños afectados presentan diarrea persistente, deshidratación y malnutrición; el control médico y del desarrollo son complejos. Mejorar la detección prenatal es esencial para facilitar la atención del paciente, las intervenciones tempranas y el asesoramiento genético informado. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances de la medicina, la naturaleza compleja y la escasa frecuencia de esta entidad, constituyen un desafío para la detección prenatal. En este estudio, se reporta el caso de una embarazada donde los estudios por imágenes de resonancia magnética fetales identificaron en forma efectiva las características típicas de la clorhidrorrea congénita. Se proveen conocimientos sobre las complejidades del diagnóstico y se sugieren caminos para las estrategias de detección temprana de esta enfermedad.

Congenital chloride diarrhea (CCD) is a rare but significant genetic disorder characterized by severe electrolyte imbalances resulting from impaired intestinal chloride absorption. Affected children experience persistent diarrhea, dehydration, and malnutrition, complicating medical and developmental care. The enhancement of prenatal detection is crucial for improved patient management, early interventions, and informed genetic counseling. However, despite advancements in medicine, the complex nature and rarity of CCD make prenatal detection challenging. In this study, we report a fetal case where prenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) effectively identified the distinctive characteristics of CCD, providing insights into the complexities of diagnosis and suggesting avenues for enhanced early detection strategies.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Diarrhea/congenital , Metabolism, Inborn Errors/diagnosis , Metabolism, Inborn Errors/genetics , Diarrhea/etiology , Genetic Counseling
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 15-19, mayo 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558478


Resumen Introducción : El objetivo del trabajo es evidenciar la necesidad de aplicar una metodología de evaluación en el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) por la falta de acuerdo entre padres y profesores en los criterios del Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales, quinta edición (DSM-5). Métodos : Se trata de un estudio descriptivo retros pectivo de tres años y diez meses. La muestra se extrajo de 640 sujetos evaluados y diagnosticados de TDAH, con edades comprendidas entre 8 y 16 años, y un Cociente Intelectual Total (CIT) entre 80 y 120. A los sujetos se les aplicó una evaluación neuropsicológica. Se tuvieron en cuenta determinadas escalas de los cuestionarios: Siste ma de Evaluación de Niños y Adolescentes (SENA) y Eva luación Conductual de la Función Ejecutiva-2 (BRIEF-2), ambos cumplimentados por padres, y los criterios del DSM-5 contestados por padres y profesores. Resultados : Como resultado se observa una baja con cordancia entre las observaciones obtenidas del DSM-5 entre padres y profesores.

Abstract Introduction : The aim of the study is to demonstrate the need to apply an assessment methodology in At tention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) due to the lack of agreement between parents and teachers on the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5). Methods : This is a retrospective descriptive study of three years and ten months. The sample was drawn from 640 subjects assessed and diagnosed with ADHD, aged between 8 and 16 years, and with a Total Intellectual Quotient (TQ) between 80 and 120. Subjects underwent a neuropsychological assessment. Certain scales of the questionnaires: Child and Adolescent Assessment Sys tem (SENA) and Behavioural Assessment of Executive Function-2 (BRIEF-2), both completed by parents, and the DSM-5 criteria answered by parents and teachers were taken into account. Results : As a result, a low concordance was observed between the observations obtained from the DSM-5 between parents and teachers.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 50-56, mayo 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558484


Abstract With the upsurge of community uptake in popula tion-based early screening for autism, the main obstacle to increasing access to early treatment and intervention services is the extremely limited access to high quality diagnosis, specifically the shortage of expert clinicians. Diagnostic evaluation models deployed by academic cen ters of excellence, which typically require the investment of 6-10 hours by specialized multidisciplinary teams, is not a viable solution to the vast needs of communities, resulting in parents' "diagnostic odysseys" and delays, often of several years, for treatment, interventions and supports. Biomarker-based objective procedures for early diagnosis and assessment of autism are now available, clinically validated, and cleared for broad implementa tion by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are intended to increase access while maintaining high quality. Such solutions, however, will require change in entrenched models of diagnostic care, and aggressive prioritization of the needs of the community at large. If these innovations are successful, the number of children diagnosed in the first three years of life will double or triple. This will, in turn, require much greater inves tments in resources for treatment, including massive workforce training of providers capable of delivering community-viable caregiver-mediated interventions, and of early educators capable of serving autistic children in therapeutic inclusive preschool settings.

Resumen Con el aumento de la aceptación comunitaria de la detección temprana del autismo basada en la pobla ción, el principal obstáculo para aumentar el acceso al tratamiento temprano y a los servicios de intervención es el acceso extremadamente limitado a un diagnóstico de alta calidad, específicamente la escasez de médicos expertos. Los modelos de evaluación diagnóstica imple mentados por centros académicos de excelencia, que normalmente requieren la inversión de 6 a 10 horas por parte de equipos multidisciplinarios especializados, no son una solución viable para las vastas necesidades de las comunidades, lo que resulta en "odiseas diagnósti cas" y retrasos, a menudo de gran importancia, para los padres varios años, para tratamiento, intervenciones y apoyos. Los procedimientos objetivos basados en bio marcadores para el diagnóstico temprano y la evaluación del autismo ya están disponibles, clínicamente validados y aprobados para su amplia implementación por la Ad ministración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE. UU. (FDA). Su objetivo es aumentar el acceso manteniendo una alta calidad. Sin embargo, tales soluciones requeri rán cambios en los modelos arraigados de atención de diagnóstico y una priorización agresiva de las necesida des de la comunidad en general. Si estas innovaciones tienen éxito, el número de niños diagnosticados en los primeros tres años de vida se duplicará o triplicará. 51 Esto, a su vez, requerirá inversiones mucho mayores en recursos para el tratamiento, incluida la capacitación masiva de la fuerza laboral de proveedores capaces de brindar intervenciones comunitarias viables mediadas por cuidadores, y de educadores tempranos capaces de atender a niños autistas en entornos preescolares terapéuticos inclusivos.