Objetivo: investigar a percepção do peso corporal e as dificuldades encontradas pelas pessoas com deficiência visual na aquisição, na preparação e no consumo dos alimentos. Metodologia: estudo observacional transversal, com adultos e idosos com deficiência visual em Pelotas/RS, realizado no período de abril a maio de 2023. Foi utilizado um questionário composto de 42 itens. Os dados coletados foram analisados por análise descritiva e analítica, e apresentados como média ± desvio padrão ou percentual. Resultados: a amostra contou com 20 pessoas, predominantemente do sexo feminino e idosas. Em relação ao consumo alimentar, 50% dos participantes consomem feijão, 75% frutas e hortaliças, 50% bebidas adoçadas, biscoitos recheados e doces. Referente à percepção do peso corporal, percebeu-se que a maior parte do grupo sente que está acima do peso adequado e se sentem "insatisfeitos(as)". Sobre as dificuldades encontradas, 85% dos participantes relataram dificuldade extrema para identificar a validade dos alimentos, 70% para comprar alimentos frescos e perecíveis e 40% para usar a faca para cortar e descascar os alimentos. Conclusão: verificou-se que a maior parte do grupo sente que está acima do peso adequado e estão "insatisfeitos(as)" em relação ao peso corporal. Além disso, dependem de outra pessoa para escolher os alimentos a serem comprados, saber o prazo de validade, preparar alimentos que precisam ser porcionados, servir refeições no prato, cortar carnes, descascar vegetais e frutas, utilizar faca, entre outros. Esta dependência pode influenciar diretamente no seu consumo alimentar quando essas pessoas se encontram sozinhas, optando por consumir alimentos industrializados de fácil preparo ou prontos.
Objective: to investigate the perception of body weight and the difficulties encountered by people with visual impairments in acquiring, preparing and consuming food. Methodology: cross-sectional observational study, with adults and elderly people with visual impairment in Pelotas/RS, carried out from April to May 2023. A questionnaire composed of 42 items was used. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical analysis, and presented as mean ± standard deviation or percentage. Results: the sample included 20 people, predominantly female and elderly. Regarding food consumption, 50% of participants consume beans, 75% fruits and vegetables, 50% sweetened drinks, stuffed cookies and sweets. Regarding the perception of body weight, it was noticed that the majority of the group feels that they are overweight and feel "dissatisfied". Regarding the difficulties encountered, 85% of participants reported extreme difficulty in identifying the expiration date of food, 70% in purchasing fresh and perishable foods and 40% in using a knife to cut and peel food. Conclusion: it was found that the majority of the group feels that they are overweight and are "dissatisfied" with their body weight. Furthermore, they depend on someone else to choose the food to be purchased, know the expiration date, prepare food that needs to be portioned, serve meals on the plate, cut meat, peel vegetables and fruits, use a knife, among others. This dependence can directly influence their food consumption when these people are alone, choosing to consume easily prepared or ready-made processed foods.
Humans , Male , FemaleABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different dietary inflammatory index diets on inflammatory markers, anthropometric measurements, and sleep quality in obese subjects. METHODS: This study was conducted in a public hospital in Turkey between November 2021 and May 2022. Participants with pro-inflammatory dietary habits were included in the study. Randomly divided into two groups of 33 participants, they were subjected to an anti-inflammatory diet or a control diet for 8 weeks. The study evaluated the anthropometric parameters, inflammatory biomarkers, and sleep quality indices of the diet groups. RESULTS: Significant reductions in body mass index were observed in both groups, more marked in the anti-inflammatory diet cohort. C-reactive protein levels, indicative of inflammation, also decreased substantially in both groups, with a more marked reduction in the anti-inflammatory diet cohort. Despite the improvement in sleep quality in both groups, the variation was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the importance of anti-inflammatory diets in nutritional strategies for obesity by reducing body mass index and inflammation.
El tratamiento de la alergia a las proteínas de la leche de vaca se basa en la eliminación completa de las proteínas de leche de vaca de la dieta del niño y de la madre en los que reciben leche materna. Para lograr la remisión de los síntomas y la tolerancia futura, la exclusión debe ser total. En los niños que reciben fórmula, esta deberá tener hidrolizado extenso de proteínas en las formas leves o moderadas, mientras que aquellas a base de aminoácidos se reservan para los casos más graves. El tiempo de tratamiento, la adquisición de tolerancia y el momento para la prueba de provocación oral van a variar según el cuadro clínico, el mecanismo inmunológico implicado y la edad del paciente. El objetivo de este consenso ha sido reflejar el conocimiento actualizado junto con la experiencia de neonatólogos, pediatras, especialistas en alergia, nutrición y gastroenterología.
The treatment of cow's milk protein allergy is based on the complete elimination of cow's milk protein from the diet. To achieve remission of symptoms and future tolerance, exclusion must be total. In formula fed infants the extensively hydrolysed formula is the most appropriate option in mild or moderate forms, while those based on amino acids are reserved for the most severe cases. The treatment time, the acquisition of tolerance and the moment for the oral provocation test will vary according to the clinical picture, the immunological mechanism involved and the age of the patient. The aim of this consensus has been to reflect the updated knowledge together with the experience of neonatologists, pediatricians, experts in allergy, nutrition and gastroenterology
Humans , Infant , Milk Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Milk Hypersensitivity/therapyABSTRACT
This mini-review aims to explore the complex interaction between the gut microbiome and the central nervous system (CNS). The gut microbiota communicates bidirectionally with the brain through immune, endocrine, vagal, and other humoral pathways, influencing brain function and contributing to neuroinflammation and immune system disturbances. An imbalance in the gut microbiome can lead to systemic inflammatory responses, disrupted intestinal barrier integrity, and increased intestinal permeability, known as the "leaky gut syndrome." This condition is associated with a pro-inflammatory state that may trigger migraine attacks through the release of cytokines, activation of the trigeminovascular system, and modulation of pain processing pathways in the brain. Key components such as vagus nerve signaling, altered secretion of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and neurotransmitter modulation play critical roles in this axis. The diet also significantly influences the microbiome, with high-fiber diets promoting anti-inflammatory SCFAs, while poor diets contribute to neuroinflammation and increased migraine susceptibility. Emerging evidence suggests that maintaining gut microbiome diversity and stability may alleviate migraine symptoms and enhance quality of life. This review highlights the importance of the gut-brain axis in migraine pathophysiology and suggests that targeting the microbiome could be an adjunctive therapeutic approach for migraine management. (AU)
Neuroinflammatory DiseasesABSTRACT
Introducción. Etimológicamente la palabra íleo proviene del griego eileos que significa rodando o girando; es descrito como el retraso temporal de la motilidad gastrointestinal. Mundialmente es reconocido que el íleo postoperatorio es una de las principales complicaciones después de cirugía y representa un problema importante por su elevado costo sanitario. Se ha investigado respecto al uso preventivo de medidas físicas y farmacológicas, como los procinéticos, para el manejo del íleo postoperatorio. Métodos. Investigación clínico-terapéutica, comparativa, de corte longitudinal prospectivo de seguimiento, con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, conformado por cuatro grupos con 25 pacientes cada uno, atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General entre mayo y agosto de 2021. Resultados. Los pacientes presentaron una media de edad de 49,4 ± 19,6 años y el 53 % fueron hombres. El 86 % de los pacientes presentaron ruidos intestinales antes de 24 horas posteriores a la operación. La primera evacuación en los pacientes que ingirieron café tipo espresso fue a las 42,6 horas y para aquellos en el grupo de café americano fue a las 43,4 horas en comparación con 89,4 horas en el grupo control (p < 0,001). Conclusión. Se recomienda el uso del café como una medida segura y económica para el inicio de la dieta, como una alternativa al esquema tradicional, constituyéndose en una opción para el manejo del íleo postoperatorio
Introduction. Etymologically the word ileus comes from the Greek eileos, which means rolling or turning. It is described as the temporary delay of gastrointestinal motility. It is recognized worldwide that postoperative ileus is one of the main complications after surgery and represents an important problem due to its high healthcare cost. Research has been done regarding the preventive use of physical and pharmacological measures, such as prokinetics, for the management of postoperative ileus.Methods. Clinical-therapeutic, comparative, prospective longitudinal follow-up research, with non-probabilistic convenience sampling, made up of four groups with 25 patients each, treated in the General Surgery Service between May and August 2021. Results. The patients had a mean age of 49.4 ± 19.6 years and 53% were male; 86% of patients had bowel sounds within 24 hours after the operation. The first bowel movement in patients who ingested espresso coffee was 42.6 hours and for those in the American coffee group it was at 43.4 hours compared to 89.4 hours in the control group (p < 0.001). Conclusion. The use of coffee is recommended as a safe and economical measure to start the diet as an alternative to the traditional fashion, becoming an option for the management of postoperative ileus.
Humans , Postoperative Period , Coffee , Ileus , Diet , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Gastrointestinal MotilityABSTRACT
Resumo O objetivo do artigo é verificar se existem diferenças entre os sexos quanto aos fatores que se associam à ingestão de cálcio. Estudo realizado com dados de inquérito de saúde, em amostra de 1.640 indivíduos de 20 anos ou mais residentes no município de Campinas-SP. A ingestão de cálcio foi obtida por meio de um recordatório de 24 horas (R24h) e analisada segundo variáveis sociodemográficas, de comportamentos de saúde, frequência de refeições e índice de massa corporal (IMC); a presença de associações foi verificada por meio de testes de regressão linear múltipla. O perfil de fatores associados à ingestão de cálcio diferiu entre os sexos. A prática de atividade física no contexto de lazer só se associou ao consumo de cálcio no sexo masculino, enquanto cor da pele, tabagismo, renda, excesso de peso e frequência do café da manhã mostraram associação apenas no sexo feminino. Escolaridade e realização de lanches intermediários mostraram-se associadas à ingestão de cálcio em ambos os sexos. A análise aponta segmentos da população feminina e masculina em que a importância da ingestão de cálcio precisa ser mais enfatizada; além disso, alerta para a importância do desenvolvimento de análises de saúde estratificadas por sexo em decorrência de diferentes padrões comportamentais que prevalecem entre os sexos.
Abstract The scope of this article is to verify if there are differences in factors associated with calcium intake between men and women. It is based on a study conducted with data from a health survey in a sample of 1641 individuals aged 20 years or more living in the urban area of the city of Campinas, in the State of São Paulo. Calcium intake was obtained from a 24-hour recall (24hr recall method) and analyzed according to sociodemographic variables, health behavior, frequency of meals and body mass index (BMI). The existence of associations was verified by multiple linear regression tests, and it was detected that the profile of associated factors differed between genders. Physical exercise in the leisure context was only associated with calcium intake in males, while skin color, smoking, income, overweight/obesity, and frequency of having breakfast only revealed an association in females. Schooling and having snacks were associated with calcium intake in both sexes. The analysis of the associated factors indicates segments of the female and male population in which the importance of calcium intake needs to be more closely examined. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of conducting health analyses stratified by sex due to the different behavioral patterns that prevail between the sexes.
Background: Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses that are cultivated as food crops around the world especially in Africa and Asia. Millets have high fibre content which helps in better digestion and relief from constipation, high antioxidant activities and also helps to lower cholesterol. United Nations declared the year 2023 as International Year of Millets (IYoM-2023). Limited studies have been conducted on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) on acceptance to use millets in diet in our country. Consumption of millets was higher in the states of Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra but negligible in the states of Kerala, Orissa, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu where rice is the most consumed cereal as opined by National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau. The objective of the study was to assess the acceptance of millets in diet among housewives residing in a Military garrison in West Bengal. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from 01 Aug 2023 and 15 Aug 2023 among housewives residing in a Military garrison in West Bengal. Results: A total of 209 respondents participated in the study of which, 33% of the respondents belonged to 25-29 yrs age group. 52% of them were either graduates or post graduates. There is a significant (p<0.05) association between level of education and knowledge of health benefits of millets. Conclusions: The Armed Forces have been the front runners in incorporating millets in their ration scale as clearly observed from our present study. Sustained efforts are required to create awareness and improve acceptance of use of millets amongst general population.
Abstract Introduction: Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide worldwide and in Brazil. There is currently increasing concern about the effects of glyphosate on human health. The Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection showed data on the presence of glyphosate in some of Brazil's most consumed ultra-processed products. Currently, regulations on the upper limit for these residues in ultra-processed foods have yet to be established by the National Health Surveillance, and ultra-processed food consumption is independently associated with an increased risk of incident chronic kidney disease. Methods: Since an unbalanced diet can interfere with kidney function, this study aims to investigate the effect of daily intake of 5 mg/kg bw glyphosate in conjunction with a balanced diet and the possible impact on renal function in rats. Kidney function, kidney weight, markers of renal injury, and oxidative stress were evaluated. Results: There was a decrease in kidney weight. The main histopathological alterations in renal tissues were vacuolation in the initial stage and upregulation of the kidney injury marker KIM-1. Renal injury is associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species in mitochondria. Conclusion: This study showed changes in the kidney of rats exposed to a balanced diet with glyphosate, suggesting a potential risk to human kidney. Presumably, ultra-processed food that contain glyphosate can potentiate this risk. The relevance of these results lies in drawing attention to the need to regulate glyphosate concentration in ultra-processed foods in the future.
RESUMO Introdução: O glifosato é o herbicida mais utilizado no mundo e no Brasil. Atualmente, há uma preocupação crescente com os efeitos do glifosato na saúde humana. O Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor apresentou dados sobre a presença de glifosato em alguns dos produtos ultraprocessados mais consumidos no Brasil. Atualmente, as regulamentações sobre o limite máximo desses resíduos em alimentos ultraprocessados ainda não foram estabelecidas pela Vigilância Sanitária Nacional, e o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados está independentemente associado a um risco maior de doença renal crônica incidente. Métodos: Como uma dieta desbalanceada pode interferir na função renal, este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o efeito da ingestão diária de 5 mg/kg pc de glifosato em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e o possível impacto na função renal em ratos. Foram avaliados função renal, peso dos rins, marcadores de lesão renal e estresse oxidativo. Resultados: Houve redução no peso dos rins. As principais alterações histopatológicas nos tecidos renais foram vacuolização no estágio inicial e regulação positiva do marcador de lesão renal KIM-1. A lesão renal está associada à produção aumentada de espécies reativas de oxigênio nas mitocôndrias. Conclusão: Esse estudo mostrou alterações nos rins de ratos expostos a uma dieta balanceada com glifosato, sugerindo um risco potencial ao rim humano. Presumivelmente, alimentos ultraprocessados que contenham glifosato podem potencializar esse risco. A relevância desses resultados está no fato de chamar a atenção para a necessidade de regulamentar a concentração de glifosato em alimentos ultraprocessados no futuro.
Resumen Introducción: El estado epiléptico refractario (EER) constituye una emergencia médica grave, donde la crisis no cede a pesar del tratamiento farmacológico convencional. Se describe como estado epiléptico superrefractario (EESR) la continua presencia de episodios con una duración de 24 horas o más. Este reporte de caso detalla la complejidad en el manejo y explora un enfoque multidisciplinario. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 32 años con antecedente de epilepsia focal secundaria a traumatismo craneoencefálico en la niñez, quien ingresó en contexto de EESR, el cual recibió coma barbitúrico, plasmaféresis y dieta cetogénica. En los exámenes, la resonancia magnética reveló una lesión en la región frontotemporal insular derecha; en la tomografía por emisión de positrones se observaron zonas de hipermetabolismo y en el videoelectroencefalograma una continua actividad epileptiforme. Se optó por la cirugía paliativa, logrando la resolución exitosa del EESR y una clasificación Engels IA a los 14 meses. Discusión: El EESR es un evento neurológico crítico con pronóstico reservado y opciones terapéuticas desafiantes. Se describen opciones terapéuticas desde anticonvulsivantes, inmunoterapia y cirugía, donde el abordaje quirúrgico emerge como una opción eficaz, especialmente en casos con lesiones estructurales. La identificación temprana y la terapia adecuada son vitales para prevenir complicaciones. Conclusiones: El EESR representa un desafío crítico con alta carga de morbimortalidad, sin embargo, la cirugía de epilepsia muestra promisorios resultados en el contexto de causa cerebral estructural, responsable de la actividad epileptiforme. Se destaca la importancia de la identificación temprana y el manejo quirúrgico paliativo como opción viable, mejorando la calidad de vida de los pacientes.
Abstract Introduction: Refractory Status Epilepticus (RSE) is a serious medical emergency where the seizure does not subside despite conventional pharmacological treatment. The continuous presence of episodes lasting 24 hours or more is described as super-refractory status epilepticus (SRSE). This case report details the complex in teraphy management and explores a multidisciplinary approach. Case presentation: A 32-year-old male with a history of focal epilepsy secondary to head trauma in childhood. Enters emergency with a RSE episode. Barbiturate coma, plasmapheresis and ketogenic diet were administered. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging revealed a lesion in the right fronto-temporo-insular cortex, areas of hypermetabolism on Positron Emission Tomography and continuous epileptiform activity on video-electroencephalogram. Palliative surgery was chosen, achieving successful resolution of the SRSE and Engel Scale IA classification at 14 months of follow up. Discussion: The SRSE is a critical neurological event with a guarded prognosis and complex therapeutic options. Therapeutic options are described from anticonvulsants, immunotherapy and surgery. The surgical approach emerges as an effective option, especially in cases with structural injuries. Early identification and appropriate therapy are vital to prevent complications. Conclusions: SRSE represents a critical challenge with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. However, epilepsy surgery shows promising results in the context of the structural brain cause responsible for epileptiform activity. The importance of early identification and palliative surgical management as a viable option is highlighted, improving the quality of life of patients.
Abstract Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy with systemic compromise in genetically susceptible individuals, caused by an immune response to ingested gluten. The only therapy for CD is a gluten-free diet (GFD). A case of a 55-year-old woman who reported to the emergency room for early satiety, intolerance to legumes, abdominal distension, and chronic diarrhea, including paresthesias in the upper and lower limbs, was presented. In addition, she described a functional decline due to dyspnea and involuntary weight loss of approximately 20 kilograms in the last 2 years. An esophagogastroduodenoscopy with CD protocol was performed, along with serology for CD, which confirmed the initial diagnostic suspicion. Treatment with a gluten-free diet and nutritional supplementation was indicated, which yielded a significant improvement in the clinical picture.
Resumen La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enteropatía inmunomediada con compromiso sistémico en individuos genéticamente susceptibles, causada por una respuesta inmunitaria al gluten ingerido. La única terapia para la EC es una dieta libre de gluten (DLG). Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 55 años que acudió al servicio de urgencias por saciedad precoz, intolerancia a las leguminosas, distensión abdominal y diarrea crónica, además de parestesias en los miembros superiores e inferiores. Adicionalmente, describió una disminución de la clase funcional por disnea y pérdida involuntaria de aproximadamente 20 kilogramos de peso en los últimos 2 años. Se realizó una esofagogastroduodenoscopia con protocolo para EC, junto con serología para la misma, lo cual confirmó la sospecha diagnóstica inicial. Se indicó tratamiento con dieta libre de gluten y suplementación nutricional, que produjo una mejoría significativa del cuadro clínico.
Serious games emerge as teaching tools with a purpose beyond entertainment, aiming to improve some aspect of the teaching-learning process. Given the high prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases in the Brazilian population, this study aimed to evaluate, through a systematic literature review, the potential of serious games as a tool for Food and Nutrition Education. To this end, we searched the PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, and SciELO databases for articles published in the last five years in english and portuguese. A total of 63 studies were identified, of which only 10 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria established for this review. Most studies reported positive outcomes with the use of serious games as an educational tool, finding positive effects on the retention of knowledge learned about food and nutrition, and their use showed promise as an alternative to traditional teaching methodologies. Despite this, the studies had limitations regarding the duration of the interventions and the representativeness of their sample sizes, indicating the need for future studies with methodological designs that fill such gaps. This review shows that gamified approaches to nutrition education seem promising in the context of the teaching-learning process but still lack methodological standardization for interventions based on serious games to be validated as a tool for Food and Nutrition Education.
Resumo Fundamento Alcançar as metas nutricionais estabelecidas pelas sociedades científicas é um desafio constante e nem sempre alcançado. Objetivo Investigar a adequação alimentar de indivíduos com doença cardiovascular (DCV), participantes do Programa Alimentar Brasileiro Cardioprotetor residentes da região Nordeste do Brasil, segundo as recomendações da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC). Métodos Análise transversal com dados do estudo de implementação da Dieta Cardioprotetora Brasileira (DICA BR) que avaliou indivíduos com DCV, atendidos em centros especializados em saúde cardiovascular em oito estados do Nordeste. O consumo alimentar foi obtido por recordatório alimentar de 24 horas e a adequação da dieta seguiu as recomendações da SBC. Foram considerados significantes valores de p < 0,05. Resultados Foram estudados 647 pacientes, com média (desvio padrão) de idade de 63,1 (9,4) anos, sendo 50,2% do sexo feminino. Na avaliação da ingestão alimentar, observou-se baixa adequação de carboidratos (52,3%), proteínas (70,9%), lipídios (38,8%) e fibras (22,4%). Observou-se que a maioria das mulheres consumia dieta hipoproteica (59,2%) e idosos tinham maior inadequação no consumo de carboidratos (52,6%). Em relação a ingestão de sódio, os homens apresentaram maior ingestão (72,9%), enquanto os idosos apresentaram redução de 13%. Além disso, foi demonstrado que os homens ingeriam mais fibras (28,1%) e indivíduos com maior escolaridade tinham um consumo elevado de ácidos graxos saturados (70,5%). Conclusões A maioria dos indivíduos não alcançou as metas dietoterápicas preconizadas para prevenção cardiovascular secundária. Os achados do presente estudo reforçam a necessidade de implementação de estratégias estruturadas, a fim de estimular hábitos alimentares saudáveis nesses indivíduos.
Abstract Background Achieving nutritional goals established by scientific societies is a constant challenge and not always achieved. Objective To investigate the dietary adequacy of individuals with cardiovascular disease (CVD), participants in the Cardioprotective Brazilian Food Program residing in the Northeast region of Brazil, according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC). Methods Cross-sectional analysis with data from the study implementing the Brazilian Cardioprotective Diet (DICA BR), which evaluated individuals with CVD treated in specialized cardiovascular health centers in eight states in the Northeast region. Food consumption was obtained by 24-hour dietary records and dietary adequacy followed SBC recommendations. Values of p < 0.05 were considered significant. Results 647 patients were studied, with a mean (standard deviation) age of 63.1 (9.4) years, 50.2% of whom were female. When evaluating food intake, a low adequacy of carbohydrates (52.3%), proteins (70.9%), lipids (38.8%), and fiber (22.4%) was observed. It was observed that the majority of women consumed a low-protein diet (59.2%) and the elderly had a greater inadequacy in carbohydrate consumption (52.6%). Regarding sodium intake, men had a higher intake (72.9%), while the elderly showed a 13% reduction. Furthermore, it was shown that men ate more fiber (28.1%) and individuals with higher education had a high consumption of saturated fatty acids (70.5%). Conclusions Most individuals did not achieve the recommended dietary therapy goals for secondary cardiovascular prevention. The findings of the present study reinforce the need to implement structured strategies to encourage healthy eating habits in these individuals.
Resumo Fundamento A obesidade está associada ao desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares e constitui um grave problema de saúde pública. Em modelos animais, a alimentação com uma dieta hiperlipídica (DH) compromete a estrutura e a função cardíaca e promove estresse oxidativo e apoptose. O treinamento resistido (TR), entretanto, tem sido recomendado como coadjuvante no tratamento de doenças cardiometabólicas, incluindo a obesidade, porque aumenta o gasto energético e estimula a lipólise. Objetivo Na presente revisão sistemática, nosso objetivo foi avaliar os benefícios do TR no coração de ratos e camundongos alimentados com DH. Métodos Foram identificados estudos originais por meio de busca nas bases de dados PubMed, Scopus e Embase de dezembro de 2007 a dezembro de 2022. O presente estudo foi conduzido de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pelo PRISMA e registrado no PROSPERO (CRD42022369217). O risco de viés e a qualidade metodológica foram avaliados pelo SYRCLE e CAMARADES, respectivamente. Os estudos elegíveis incluíram artigos originais publicados em inglês que avaliaram desfechos cardíacos em roedores submetidos a mais de 4 semanas de TR e controlados por um grupo controle sedentário alimentado com DH (n = 5). Resultados Os resultados mostraram que o TR atenua o estresse oxidativo cardíaco, a inflamação e o estresse do retículo endoplasmático. Também modifica a atividade de marcadores de remodelamento estrutural, apesar de não alterar parâmetros biométricos, parâmetros histomorfométricos ou a função contrátil dos cardiomiócitos. Conclusão Nossos resultados indicam que o TR parcialmente neutraliza o remodelamento cardíaco adverso induzido pela DH, aumentando a atividade dos marcadores de remodelamento estrutural; elevando a biogênese mitocondrial; reduzindo o estresse oxidativo, marcadores inflamatórios e estresse do retículo endoplasmático; e melhorando os parâmetros hemodinâmicos, antropométricos e metabólicos.
Abstract Background Obesity is associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases and is a serious public health problem. In animal models, high-fat diet (HFD) feeding impairs cardiac structure and function and promotes oxidative stress and apoptosis. Resistance exercise training (RT), however, has been recommended as coadjutant in the treatment of cardiometabolic diseases, including obesity, because it increases energy expenditure and stimulates lipolysis. Objective In this systematic review, we aimed to assess the benefits of RT on the heart of rats and mice fed HFD. Methods Original studies were identified by searching PubMed, Scopus, and Embase databases from December 2007 to December 2022. This study was conducted in accordance with the criteria established by PRISMA and registered in PROSPERO (CRD42022369217). The risk of bias and methodological quality was evaluated by SYRCLE and CAMARADES, respectively. Eligible studies included original articles published in English that evaluated cardiac outcomes in rodents submitted to over 4 weeks of RT and controlled by a sedentary, HFD-fed control group (n = 5). Results The results showed that RT mitigates cardiac oxidative stress, inflammation, and endoplasmic reticulum stress. It also modifies the activity of structural remodeling markers, although it does not alter biometric parameters, histomorphometric parameters, or the contractile function of cardiomyocytes. Conclusion Our results indicate that RT partially counteracts the HFD-induced adverse cardiac remodeling by increasing the activity of structural remodeling markers; elevating mitochondrial biogenesis; reducing oxidative stress, inflammatory markers, and endoplasmic reticulum stress; and improving hemodynamic, anthropometric, and metabolic parameters.
Objective: To investigate the association between diet quality, nutritional status, and sarcopenia in a sample of the oldest old. Methods: Using a cross-sectional design, individuals aged ≥ 80 years were enrolled. To determine their energy and macronutrient intake, 24-hour dietary recall was used to calculate the Healthy Eating Index. Nutritional status was categorized based on Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) scores. Sarcopenia was diagnosed using both the 2010 and 2018 EWGSOP criteria. Electrical bioimpedance was used to calculate the muscle mass index. Muscle strength was measured through handgrip dynamometry, and muscle performance was determined with a 4-m gait speed test. To test the association between the HEI with sarcopenia, means of HEI scores were compared between sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic participants using indendent t-tests. Prevalence rate ratios were calculated using a Poisson Regression model with robust estimation of standard errors. Results: The study population consisted of 119 participants, predominantly women (n = 67; 56.3%), with a mean age of 83.4 (SD, 3.0) years. The prevalence of sarcopenia varied significantly according to the classification criteria, being higher according to EWGSOP 2010 than EWGSOP 2018 criteria (46.7 vs. 17.6%), as expected. Female participants and those categorized as malnourished presented higher prevalence of sarcopenia. Nutrition quality, estimated by the Healthy Eating Index, was not associated with the outcome. Reduced total energy and high protein intake were independently associated with both sarcopenia and severe sarcopenia, regardless of the diagnostic criteria. Conclusions: The Health Eating Index was not associated with sarcopenia in this sample of older adults ≥80 years. Sarcopenia prevalence, as defined by the EWGSOP 2018 criteria, was higher in those with MNA≤24 and with reduced daily total energy comsumption independently of age, sex and education attainment. Higher protein intake, oposed to expected, was indenpendently associated with sarcopenia, possibly due to protopathic bias. Large longitudinal studies are still required to investigate the relationship between nutrition quality and Sarcopenia in 80+ aged adults. (AU)
Humans , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Nutritional Status , Sarcopenia , Diet, Food, and NutritionABSTRACT
Mexican adolescents' diet and physical activity levels fall short of recommendations for health. The aim of this study was to explore Mexican adolescents' perceived barriers and facilitators of physical activity and healthy eating. Twelve single-sex focus groups were conducted in six secondary schools in Mexico City during three months from October 2016. Data were analysed via inductive thematic analysis. Three themes were identified, namely: understanding the health-behaviour link, the impact of a restricted life, and social support. Participants understood how physical activity contributes to multiple dimensions of health, and how diet contributes to physical health. They also identified so-cialising, having fun, and stress relief as facilitators of PA, and knowledge and the desire for healthy food as facilitators for healthy eating. Barriers included inadequate facilities, insufficient time within current school structures, and inadequate social support from teachers. Context-specific physical activity barriers of neighbourhood safety concerns, and limited family support were also reported. Participants had a basic knowledge of healthy eating but showed little motivation to improve their diet. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that improvement of opportunities for safe outdoor time, social support, and availability of healthy food would be useful to explore to promote the health behaviours of Mexican adolescents.
A dieta e os níveis de atividade física dos adolescentes mexicanos estão aquém das recomendações para a saú-de. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar as barreiras percebidas por adolescentes mexicanos e facilitadores da atividade física e da alimentação saudável. Doze grupos focais unissexuais foram realizados em seis escolas secundárias na Cidade do México durante três meses a partir de outubro de 2016. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise Temática Indutiva. Foram identificados três temas: compreensão do nexo saúde-comportamento, impacto da restrição de vida e apoio social. Os participantes compreenderam como a atividade física contribui para múltiplas dimensões da saúde e como a dieta contribui para a saúde física. Identificaram a socialização, a diversão e o alívio do estresse como facilitadores da atividade física, e o conhecimento e o desejo por alimentos saudáveis como facilitadores para uma alimentação saudável. As barreiras incluíram instalações inadequadas, tempo insuficiente dentro das estruturas escolares atuais e apoio social inadequado dos professores. Barreiras de atividade física específicas do contexto de preocupações com a segurança da vizinhança e suporte familiar limitado também foram relatados. Os participantes tinham um conhecimento básico sobre alimentação saudável, mas mostraram pouca motivação para melhorar sua dieta. Em conclusão, os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a melhoria das oportunidades de tempo seguro ao ar livre, apoio social e disponibilidade de alimentos saudáveis seria útil para explorar para promover os comportamentos de saúde de adolescentes mexicanos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent , Diet, Healthy , Exercise , Focus GroupsABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: A percepção e satisfação corporal têm sido amplamente estudadas em diversos públicos, principalmente em estudantes universitários; porém, existem poucas investigações com vegetarianos, sendo assim, torna-se necessário avaliar se o padrão alimentar vegetariano está relacionado com os fenômenos inerentes à imagem corporal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percepção e a satisfação corporal entre estudantes universitários vegetarianos. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 123 participantes, no qual foram aplicados o Questionário de Imagem Corporal - BSQ (Body Shape Questionnaire) e a Escala de Silhuetas de Stunkard. RESULTADOS: Os dados mostraram que 86,2% dos participantes eram eutróficos (IMC=22,4±3,3), sendo o score obtido no BSQ foi de 84,6 pontos (±36,0) correspondente à leve insatisfação com a imagem corporal. Cerca de 82,1% dos estudantes se mostravam insatisfeitos com a silhueta, dentre estes, 61,4% desejavam diminuí-la. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão alimentar (ovolactovegetariano, lactovegetariano, vegetariano estrito e vegano) não se relacionou com a insatisfação corporal, mas sim o desejo de ter silhuetas magras que são valorizadas pelo padrão de beleza vigente.
INTRODUCTION: For Body perception and satisfaction have been widely studied among different publics, especially among college students; however, there are few investigations with vegetarians. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate whether the vegetarian eating pattern is related to the phenomena inherent to body image. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate body perception and body satisfaction among vegetarian college students. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study with 123 participants, in which the Body Image Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Stunkard Silhouette Scale were applied. RESULTS: The data showed that 86.2% of the participants were eutrophic (BMI=22.4±3.3), and the score obtained in the BSQ was 84.6 points (±36.0) corresponding to a mild dissatisfaction with body image. About 82.1% of the students were dissatisfied with their silhouette, and 61.4% of them wanted to reduce it. CONCLUSION: Dietary patterns (ovolactovegetarian, lactovegetarian, strict vegetarian, and vegan) were not related to body dissatisfaction, but rather the desire to have thin silhouettes that are valued by the prevailing beauty standard.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La percepción y satisfacción corporal han sido ampliamente estudiadas entre diferentes públicos, especialmente entre estudiantes universitarios; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios sobre vegetarianos, por lo que es necesario evaluar si el patrón alimentario vegetariano está relacionado con los fenómenos inherentes a la imagen corporal. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la percepción corporal y la satisfacción corporal entre estudiantes universitarios vegetarianos. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio transversal con 123 participantes, en el que se aplicaron el Cuestionario de Imagen Corporal - BSQ (Body Shape Questionnaire) y la Escala de Siluetas de Stunkard. RESULTADOS: Los datos mostraron que el 86,2% de los participantes eran eutróficos (IMC=22,4±3,3), y la puntuación obtenida en el BSQ fue de 84,6 puntos (±36,0) correspondiente a una insatisfacción leve con la imagen corporal. Alrededor del 82,1% de los estudiantes estaban insatisfechos con su silueta, entre ellos, el 61,4% deseaba reducirla. CONCLUSIÓN: El patrón alimentario (ovolactovegetariano, lactovegetariano, vegetariano estricto y vegano) no estaba relacionado con la insatisfacción corporal, sino con el deseo de tener siluetas delgadas que son valoradas por el estándar de belleza vigente.
Body Image , Students , VegetariansABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: to carry out a scoping review with the purpose of mapping the scientific evidence on the use of the neutropenic diet in neutropenic pediatric cancer patients. Source of data: The scoping review protocol was prepared in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR and the checklist before the literature search was performed. Articles on nutritional management in adults or on the treatment of other diseases, and articles that were not in Portuguese or English and published before the year 2000, were excluded. Data were extracted based on the Cochrane Consumer and Communication Review Group form. Summary of the findings: Three hundred and forty scientific articles were identified, with the final sample of this review consisting of nine studies. Although the neutropenic diet has been part of the nutritional management of pediatric cancer patients for more than 20 years, there is still great variation in the criteria for indicating use and starting and discontinuing it, as well as in the nutritional composition of the diet. Furthermore, there is no consensus on the impact of using a neutropenic diet on different clinical and nutritional outcomes. Conclusion: In the absence of guidelines that standardize the use of a neutropenic diet in pediatric patients with neutropenia, there are heterogeneous approaches reported in the literature, even within the same institution. The available literature presents an absence of evidence on the use, viability, and effectiveness of the neutropenic diet in oncological children with neutropenia. More studies are needed to identify the real impact of the neutropenic diet on clinical and nutritional outcomes.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the production of autoantibodies directed against endogenous antigens causing various clinical manifestations, chronic inflammation and tissue damage. Although the pathophysiology of SLE remains unknown, it is recognized that genetic, epigenetic, environmental and neuroendocrine factors are involved in the development of the disease and its complications. A notable proportion of patients with SLE also present obesity, and this dysmetabolic profile can cause renal, musculoskeletal and/or respiratory deterioration, fatigue, various pathophysiological alterations and functional deterioration. In this context, precision nutrition emerges as a promising tool in the inflammatory control of SLE, especially in patients with associated obesity. Various studies demonstrate the beneficial influence of balanced dietary patterns in macronutrients with foods rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and polyphenols on the inflammatory control of SLE and the most diverse pathologies, highlighting the Mediterranean diet and plant-based diets. Finally, the intestinal microbiota may play a relevant role in this clinical scenario, since dysbiosis is associated with inflammatory processes and immune deregulation. It is believed that precision nutrition can modulate inflammatory profiles and immune dysfunctions to ensure better quality of life and metabolic well-being of SLE patients with the support of precision omics technologies.
El lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es una enfermedad autoinmune caracterizada por la producción de autoanticuerpos dirigidos contra antígenos endógenos causando diversas manifestaciones clínicas, inflamación crónica y daño tisular. Aunque la fisiopatología del LES sigue siendo desconocida, se reconoce que factores genéticos, epigenéticos, ambientales y neuroendocrinos están implicados en el desarrollo de la enfermedad y sus complicaciones. Una proporción notable de pacientes con LES presenta también obesidad, y este perfil dismetabólico puede producir deterioro renal, musculoesquelético y/o respiratorio, fatiga, diversas alteraciones fisiopatológicas y deterioro funcional. En este contexto, la nutrición de precisión emerge como una herramienta prometedora en el control inflamatorio del LES, especialmente en pacientes con obesidad asociada. Diversos estudios demuestran la influencia beneficiosa de patrones dietéticos equilibrados en macronutrientes con alimentos ricos en fibra, vitaminas, minerales, antioxidantes y polifenoles en el control inflamatorio del LES y de las más diversas patologías, destacando la dieta Mediterránea y las dietas basadas en plantas/vegetales. Por último, la microbiota intestinal puede tener un papel relevante en este escenario clínico, ya que la disbiosis se asocia con procesos inflamatorios y desregulación inmune. Se cree que con la nutrición de precisión se pueden modular los perfiles inflamatorios y las disfunciones inmunitarias para garantizar una mejor calidad de vida y el bienestar metabólico de los pacientes con LES con el apoyo de las tecnologías de precisión ómicas.
Introducción: La alimentación se construye a partir de experiencias y significados adquiridos en el curso de la vida. Las personas mayores tienen un acervo importante que informa de valores y prácticas culturales aplicadas a la alimentación. El objetivo del estudio fue interpretar los significados que entregan personas mayores a la construcción de su alimentación en trayectorias del curso de vida. Métodos: La investigación utilizó un enfoque cualitativo de alcance exploratorio, utilizando el método de teoría fundamentada de Strauss y Corbin. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada entre julio de 2021 y junio de 2022. El tipo de muestreo fue teórico y el análisis de los datos cualitativos respondió al proceso de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Resultados: Participaron 54 personas mayores (72% mujeres) con edad promedio de 68,6 años (6,9 años). Las personas mayores construyeron su alimentación con un alto significado a las comidas caseras, con influencia de género femenino durante la niñez y adolescencia. En la adultez, se reconstruye la alimentación al ingresar al mundo laboral. En la actualidad, cimentan la alimentación con un enfoque de cuidados para su salud. Reconocen transiciones y puntos de inflexión en la alimentación provocados por terremotos, pandemia por COVID-19, situación política en el país, embarazos o el diagnóstico de alguna enfermedad crónica. Discusión: Las personas mayores reconocen diversas vivencias en trayectorias vitales que han marcado sus patrones alimentarios. Estas experiencias de vida pueden ser la base de estrategias o acciones en la práctica clínica que aporten a su bienestar.
Introduction: Food is intricately woven into the fabric of our experiences and the meanings accumulated throughout life. Older people possess a rich cultural heritage that shapes the values and practices surrounding food.The aim of the study was to interpret the meanings attributed to older people to the construction of their feeding in life course trajectories. Methods: The research employed a qualitative exploratory approach, utilizing the Grounded Theory method developed by Strauss and Corbin. Data collection took place through semi-structured interviews conducted between July 2021 and June 2022. The sampling method employed was theoretical, and the analysis of qualitative data followed the open, axial, and selective coding process. Results: A total of 54 older individuals (72% women), with an average age of 68.6 years (6,9 years), participated in the study. These individuals constructed their relationship with food, assigning significant value to homemade meals, influenced by gender roles during childhood and adolescence. In adulthood, the relationship with food transformed with entry into the workforce. Currently, their feeding are guided by a health-centric approach. They recognize transitions and turning pointsin food provoked by earthquakes, pandemic by COVID-19, political situation in the country, pregnancies or the diagnosis of a chronic disease. Discussion: Older people recognize a multitude of life experiences that have left imprints on their eating patterns. These life experiences can be the basis for strategies or actions in clinical practice that contribute to their well-being.