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Enfermeria (Montev.) ; 13(2)dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1569163


Objetivo: Determinar las habilidades y conocimientos sobre las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) de los ingresantes a la carrera de Licenciatura en Enfermería de una institución superior pública de Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y cuantitativo. Se implementó un instrumento conformado por 59 preguntas con opciones de respuesta cerrada orientado a valorar las competencias digitales en los ingresantes a la carrera. Resultados: Participaron 386 ingresantes, mayormente de género femenino (85.49 %), del primer ciclo (74.35 %) y con 20 años o menos de edad (47.15 %). El 98.19 % tenía acceso a internet, el 79.27 % tiene computadora y más del 80 % tiene un amplio uso de redes sociales (WhatsApp, Instagram) y correo electrónico. Los ingresantes se autoevaluaron competentes en el programa MS Word, mientras que en MS Excel se declararon menos competentes. Hay desconocimiento y bajo desarrollo de habilidades para generar contenido, y un amplio despliegue de habilidades para buscar y descargar información de la web. La edad, el género, el tiempo diario de uso de internet y el ciclo de ingreso mostraron relación con el dominio de las herramientas digitales aplicadas a la educación. Conclusiones: Se identificó un desarrollo intermedio de competencias digitales aplicadas a la educación, lo que podría ameritar el diseño de programas que nivelen estas habilidades durante el proceso de ingreso o durante la formación.

Objetivo: determinar habilidades e conhecimentos sobre as tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) dos calouros no curso de bacharelado em enfermagem em uma instituição pública de ensino superior na cidade de Bahía Blanca, província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Metodologia: estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal e quantitativo. Foi utilizado um instrumento composto por 59 perguntas com opções de resposta fechada para avaliar as competências digitais dos calouros do curso. Resultados: Participaram 386 estudantes, em sua maioria do gênero feminino (85,49 %), do primeiro ciclo estudantil (74,35 %) e com idade igual ou inferior a 20 anos (47,15 %). 98,19 % tinham acesso à internet, 79,27 % tinham computador e mais de 80 % usavam amplamente as redes sociais (WhatsApp, Instagram) e o e-mail. Os calouros se auto-avaliaram competentes no programa MS Word, enquanto no MS Excel se declararam menos competentes. Há desconhecimento e baixo desenvolvimento de habilidades para gerar conteúdo e uma ampla demonstração de habilidades para pesquisar e baixar informações da web. A idade, o gênero, o tempo diário de uso da Internet e o ciclo de ingresso estudantil mostraram relação com o domínio das ferramentas digitais aplicadas à educação. Conclusões: Foi identificado um desenvolvimento intermediário de competências digitais aplicadas à educação, o que poderia demandar a concepção de programas que nivelem essas competências durante o processo de admissão ou durante a formação.

Objective: To determine the skills and knowledge about information and communication technologies (ICT) of entrants to the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at a public higher institution in Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, transversal and quantitative study. An instrument was implemented consisting of 59 questions with closed response options aimed at assessing digital competencies in those entering the career. Results: 386 entrants participated, mostly female (85.49 %), from the first cycle (74.35 %) and 20 years old or younger (47.15%). 98.19 % had access to the internet, 79.27 % have a computer and more than 80 % have extensive use of social networks (WhatsApp, Instagram) and email. The entrants evaluated themselves as competent in the MS Word program, while in MS Excel they declared themselves less competent. There is a lack of knowledge and low development of skills to generate content and a wide range of skills to search and download information from the web. Age, gender, daily time of Internet use and entry cycle showed a relationship with the mastery of digital tools applied to education. Conclusions: An intermediate development of digital competencies applied to education was identified, and a high one for the use of social networks. The variables age, gender, daily time of Internet use and entry cycle were related to the knowledge and skills for using ICT applied to education.

Medwave ; 24(1): e2771, 29-02-2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532756


El cáncer causa millones de muertes a nivel mundial por lo que su registro es fundamental, existiendo registros clínicos, hospitalarios y poblacionales. Estos últimos son el estándar de oro para la información sobre incidencia y supervivencia de cáncer en una región definida. En Chile se cuenta con cinco registros poblacionales ubicados en ciertas zonas del país. El Registro Nacional del Cáncer chileno surge como un desafío para conformar una herramienta transversal a los tres tipos de registro con la finalidad de, al menos, conocer la cantidad de casos por tipo de cáncer. Su diseño implicó un despliegue de acciones orientadas a lograr consensos entre diversos actores respecto de la información, validación y eventos necesarios de registrar. Se identificaron cuatro etapas en el proceso de atención y el registro: sospecha de diagnóstico, confirmación morfológica (biopsia), resolución clínica (comité oncológico incluyendo la indicación de tratamiento), tratamiento y seguimiento oncológico. A su vez, el desarrollo de la plataforma (años 2018 a 2021) implicó levantamiento de información y acuerdos sobre los requerimientos para el co-diseño del registro, incluyendo un exitoso pilotaje con más de 20 establecimientos de salud del sector público y privado con registro de cerca de 7500 casos de cáncer. El despliegue y uso del Registro Nacional de Cáncer a nivel nacional depende de la autoridad sanitaria. Se trata de un sistema de información que recolecta, almacena, procesa y analiza de forma continua y sistemática datos sobre todos los casos y tipos de cánceres que ocurren en el país. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño y desarrollo de la herramienta, los desafíos abordados, sus fortalezas y debilidades.

Cancer causes millions of deaths worldwide, making its registration essential. There are clinical, hospital, and population-based registries in place. The latter is the gold standard for information on cancer incidence and survival in a defined region. Chile has five population-based registries located in specific areas of the country. The Chilean National Cancer Registry emerged with the challenge of creating a tool encompassing all three types of registries to identify the number of cancer cases by type. Its design involved a series of actions to achieve consensus among various actors regarding information, validation, and events to be registered. Four stages were identified in the care and registration process: suspected diagnosis, morphological confirmation (biopsy), clinical resolution (oncology committee, including treatment recommendations), treatment, and oncological follow-up. The platform's development (from 2018 to 2021) involved gathering information and agreements on the requirements for co-designing the registry, including a successful pilot program with over 20 public and private healthcare facilities that recorded nearly 7500 cancer cases. The deployment and use of the National Cancer Registry at a national level depends on the healthcare authority. It is an information system that continuously and systematically collects, stores, processes, and analyzes data on all cancer cases and types occurring in the country. This work presents the design and development of the tool, the challenges addressed, as well as its strengths and weaknesses.

Humans , Neoplasms/therapy , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Information Systems , Chile/epidemiology , Registries , Incidence
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2506, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557936


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir y analizar, en varios niveles, los intercambios comunicativos sucedidos en un chat grupal de médicos intensivistas dentro de la aplicación de mensajería instantánea WhatsApp durante la primera etapa de la pandemia de la COVID-19, específicamente el día en que fue confirmado el primer caso en México. Se destaca una situación intensa donde se manifiestan los tres niveles analíticos del marco teórico. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa de la transcripción de los diálogos sostenidos en WhatsApp entre 239 médicos intensivistas al inicio de la pandemia, específicamente a lo largo del 27 de febrero del 2020. Se utilizó el análisis narrativo para interpretar el fragmento del chat. Se elaboró un esquema con tres dimensiones (análisis de la información compartida, estándares de acción social en la atención a pacientes COVID-19 y expresiones emocionales) para codificar y categorizar los diálogos. Resultados: Los intercambios comunicativos por WhatsApp permitieron dar sentido al conocimiento emergente sobre la COVID-19 expuesto en las tramas narrativas. También influyó en la orientación de acciones pertinentes en los contextos hospitalarios y ayudó a modular las emociones ante la pandemia. Además, fomentó lazos de solidaridad y empatía entre los médicos intensivistas para afrontar con resiliencia el sufrimiento personal y social. Conclusiones: Los diálogos del chat reflejaron las relaciones humanas y las profundas inquietudes de las personas en situaciones de crisis. El estudio permitió comprender las formas y los significados de los intercambios comunicativos con el uso de dispositivos tecnológicos en tiempos de crisis para orientar la implementación de acciones en situaciones emergentes como la pandemia de la COVID-19. El WhatsApp respondió a la necesidad de información, con datos científicos y verídicos, sobre la pandemia. Se apreció que los médicos intensivistas se beneficiaron de la mensajería instantánea al cooperar en situaciones y experiencias críticas en el marco de una crisis sanitaria en evolución.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe and analyze, at various levels, the communication exchanges that took place in a group chat of intensivists using the instant messaging application WhatsApp during the first stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically on the day the first case was confirmed in Mexico. An intense situation showing the three dimensions of the theoretical framework is stood out. Materials and methods: A qualitative research of WhatsApp messages shared between 239 intensivists at the beginning of the pandemic, specifically throughout February 27, 2020. A narrative analysis was used to interpret a fragment of a chat. A schema with three dimensions (analysis of shared information, standards of social action in COVID-19 patient care and emotional expressions) was developed to code and classify the messages. Results: The communication exchanges via WhatsApp made it possible to give meaning to the emerging knowledge about COVID-19 in the narrative plots. They also influenced the implementation of appropriate actions in hospital environments and helped modulate emotions in front of the pandemic. In addition, it fostered bonds of solidarity and empathy between intensivists to face personal and social suffering with resilience. Conclusions: The chat messages reflected human relationships and the deep concerns of people in crisis situations. The study provided insight into the forms and meanings of communication exchanges with the use of technological devices in times of crisis to guide the implementation of actions in emerging situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. WhatsApp responded to the need for information, with scientific and truthful data, about the pandemic. It was noted that intensivists benefited from instant messaging by cooperating in critical situations and experiences within the context of an evolving health crisis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027096


With advancement of science and technology and consequent increasing demands, digital technology has become more and more important in the field of spinal surgery. It provides spinal surgeons with more information, support and assistance to improve the diagnostic accuracy, surgical efficiency, surgical safety, and surgical quality. It also offers new possibilities and opportunities for education, communication, and doctor-patient interaction in medicine. This article reviews the applications and advances of digital technology in the field of spinal surgery, mainly covering 3D printing, surgical navigation, virtual reality and augmented reality, surgical robots, and artificial intelligence. It also analyzes the latest research progress at home and abroad, limitations and challenges, and the future development trends of digital technology.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e2423285, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1534313


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to evaluate occlusion development after premature loss or extraction of deciduous anterior teeth, by means of a prospective cohort study. Methods: Fifteen infants and children aged 1 to 5 years old were longitudinally assessed (with loss or extraction of deciduous anterior teeth [n = 9], and without tooth losses [n = 6]). Photographs and dental casts at the baseline and after 24 months of follow-up were performed. Dental casts were scanned, and linear measurements were made on the digitalized models (missing tooth space, arch perimeter, arch length, arch width, intercanine length and intercanine width). The t-test was used for groups comparisons (α = 0.05). Results: Individuals' mean age at baseline was 2.93 (± 1.18) years. No statistically significant differences were observed in the missing tooth space in the group with tooth loss during the 24 months of follow-up (p > 0.05). Arch perimeter, arch length, arch width, intercanine length and intercanine width did not show differences between the groups (p > 0.05). Qualitative photographic evaluation revealed other changes in the dental arches and occlusion, such as exfoliation and eruption of deciduous teeth, eruption of permanent teeth, self-correction or establishment of malocclusion, among others. Conclusion: The results suggest that the premature loss of deciduous anterior teeth does not affect the perimeter, length and width of the dental arches; however, other alterations that lead to malocclusion could be established.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento da oclusão após perda prematura ou extração de dentes decíduos anteriores, por meio de um estudo de coorte prospectivo. Métodos: Quinze bebês e crianças de 1 a 5 anos foram avaliados longitudinalmente (com perda ou extração de dentes anteriores decíduos [n = 9] e sem perdas dentárias [n = 6]). Foram realizadas fotografias e modelos dentais no início e após 24 meses de acompanhamento. Os modelos dentários foram escaneados e medidas lineares foram feitas nos modelos digitalizados (espaço dentário perdido, perímetro da arcada, comprimento da arcada, largura da arcada, comprimento intercaninos e largura intercaninos). O teste t foi utilizado para comparações entre grupos (α = 0,05). Resultados: A média de idade dos indivíduos no início do estudo foi de 2,93 (± 1,18) anos. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas no espaço dentário perdido no grupo com perda dentária durante os 24 meses de acompanhamento (p > 0,05). O perímetro da arcada, comprimento da arcada, largura da arcada, comprimento intercaninos e largura intercaninos não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos (p> 0,05). A avaliação fotográfica qualitativa revelou alterações nas arcadas dentárias e na oclusão, como: esfoliação e erupção de dentes decíduos, erupção de dentes permanentes, autocorreção ou estabelecimento de má oclusão, entre outras. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que a perda prematura de dentes anteriores decíduos não afeta o perímetro, comprimento e largura das arcadas dentárias; entretanto, outras alterações que levam à má oclusão poderiam ser estabelecidas.

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;58: e20230298, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1535163


ABSTRACT Objective: To report on the adaptations made to the original Nominal Group Technique (NGT), allowing it to be applied to the virtual format, preserving all its key elements. Method: An experience report on the adaptations and adjustments made to the original NGT to the virtual format using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), using digital tools that are available free of charge or are low cost and easy to use. Results: The NGT was carried out entirely virtually and underwent adaptations in each of its four stages through the incorporation of specific digital resources. It was possible to present the most voted ideas and obtain final approval from the participants. The participants had no difficulty in using the virtual resources provided and, based on the reaction evaluation, they were satisfied with the tools provided. Conclusion: The adapted NGT proved to be an effective method when used in a virtual setting, capable of producing a significant number of ideas and developing consensus. The adapted tool can be used by other researchers in countries with similar resources or dimensions to Brazil.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Informar sobre las adaptaciones realizadas a la Técnica de Grupo Nominal (TGN) original, permitiendo su aplicación al formato virtual, preservando todos sus elementos clave. Método: Se trata de un informe de experiencia sobre las adaptaciones y ajustes realizados a la TGN original para el formato virtual mediante el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), utilizando herramientas digitales disponibles de forma gratuita o de bajo coste y fácil uso. Resultados: El TGN se realizó íntegramente de manera virtual y sufrió adaptaciones en cada una de sus cuatro etapas mediante la incorporación de recursos digitales específicos. Fue posible presentar las ideas más votadas y obtener la aprobación final de los participantes. Los participantes no tuvieron dificultades para utilizar los recursos virtuales proporcionados y, según los comentarios recibidos, se mostraron satisfechos con las herramientas facilitadas. Conclusión: El TGN adaptado demostró ser un método eficaz cuando se utiliza en un entorno virtual, capaz de producir un número significativo de ideas y desarrollar el consenso. La herramienta adaptada puede ser utilizada por otros investigadores en países con recursos o dimensiones similares a las de Brasil.

RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar as adaptações realizadas na Técnica de Grupo Nominal (TGN) original, permitindo sua aplicação ao formato virtual, preservando todos os seus elementos-chave. Método: Relato de experiência sobre as adaptações e adequações realizadas na TGN original ao formato virtual aplicando as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC), por meio de ferramentas digitais disponibilizadas gratuitamente ou de baixo custo e de fácil manejo. Resultados: A TGN foi realizada integralmente de forma virtual e sofreu adaptações em cada uma das suas quatro etapas através da incorporação de recursos digitais específicos. Foi possível apresentar as ideias mais votadas e obter a aprovação final dos participantes. Os participantes não apresentaram dificuldade para utilizar os recursos virtuais disponibilizados, e, partir da avaliação de reação, mostram-se satisfeitos com as ferramentas disponibilizadas. Conclusão: A TGN adaptada mostrou-se um método efetivo quando utilizada em cenário virtual, sendo capaz de produzir um significativo número de ideias e desenvolver consenso. A ferramenta adaptada pode ser usada por outros pesquisadores em países com recursos ou dimensões semelhantes ao Brasil.

Humans , Nursing Research , Nursing , Digital Technology , COVID-19 , Methods
CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230125, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550216


RESUMO Objetivo Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre a utilização de dispositivos digitais, o funcionamento familiar e o desenvolvimento da linguagem em crianças de idade pré-escolar. Método Estudo transversal, descritivo-correlacional com uma amostra de 93 díades pais-crianças. As crianças tinham uma média etária de 57,01 ± 9,95 meses, sendo a maioria do gênero feminino. Os instrumentos de recolha de dados incluíram um questionário sobre o uso de dispositivos digitais, a versão portuguesa da Escala de Avaliação da Flexibilidade e Coesão Familiar - Versão IV (FACES-IV) e o Teste de Linguagem - Avaliação de Linguagem Pré-Escolar (TL-ALPE). Resultados As respostas demonstram uma maior tendência para a utilização do smartphone, tablet e televisão entre 0 e 3 horas por dia nas crianças. Com a aplicação da FACES-IV e do TL-ALPE, verificou-se que a maioria das famílias participantes eram do tipo equilibrado e que a maioria das crianças apresenta um normal desenvolvimento da linguagem. Observaram-se relações estatisticamente significativas entre a FACES-IV e o TL-ALPE; a FACES-IV e a utilização de dispositivos digitais; a utilização de dispositivos digitais e o TL-ALPE. Verificou-se que crianças com um funcionamento familiar mais equilibrado pontuam mais alto nas provas do TL-ALPE e que o tempo de uso de dispositivos digitais pode comprometer o desenvolvimento da linguagem. Conclusão Destaca-se o impacto da utilização dos dispositivos digitais e o papel do funcionamento familiar no desenvolvimento da linguagem da criança, sugerindo que uma utilização moderada de dispositivos digitais e um funcionamento familiar equilibrado são fatores facilitadores de um bom desenvolvimento da linguagem.

ABSTRACT Purpose This study aimed to analyse the relationship between the use of digital devices, family function, and language development in preschool children. Methods This cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study included a sample of 93 parent-child dyads. The children were of an average age of 57.01 ± 9.95 months, and the majority were female. The data collection instruments included a questionnaire on the use of digital devices, the Portuguese version of the Family Flexibility and Cohesion Evaluation Scale - Version IV (FACES-IV), and a Preschool Language Test (TL-ALPE). Results The findings showed a greater tendency of children to use smartphones, tablets, and television for 0-3 hours daily. The analysis of the responses on the FACES-IV and TL-ALPE instruments showed that most of the participating families were of the balanced type and that most children had normal language development. Statistically significant relationships were found between the FACES-IV subscales and TL-ALPE subtests, FACES-IV subscales and the use of digital devices, and the use of digital devices and TL-ALPE subtests. Notably, children in more balanced family functioning scored higher on TL-ALPE tests, and the time spent using digital devices may compromise language development. Conclusion This study highlights the impact of digital device use and the role of family functioning on children's language development, suggesting that moderate digital device use and balanced family functioning are facilitating factors for good language development.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2722, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533842


RESUMO Objetivo investigar os impactos comunicativos, sociais e emocionais gerados pela adoção de medidas protetivas contra a COVID-19 e associá-los ao grau da perda auditiva e ao tempo de uso dos aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual. Métodos estudo transversal e quantitativo, com 72 indivíduos, divididos em adultos e idosos, com perda auditiva bilateral, de grau até moderadamente severo, protetizados antes da pandemia em um programa público de saúde auditiva e que mantiveram uso efetivo dos dispositivos. Os sujeitos foram convidados a participar do estudo enquanto aguardavam consulta. Os prontuários foram acessados, a fim de coletar informações sobre o perfil audiológico e adaptação/uso dos aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual. Em sala silenciosa, foi aplicado, oralmente, protocolo contendo questões objetivas e os dados foram tabulados e submetidos aos testes estatísticos Igualdade de Duas Proporções e Qui-Quadrado. Resultados nos dois grupos, um número significativo de usuários teve a comunicação impactada pelo uso de máscaras e pelo distanciamento físico, predominando, entre os adultos, a dificuldade com as tecnologias digitais (celulares/computadores), enquanto nas videochamadas, os prejuízos comunicativos foram mais experenciados pelos idosos. Os empecilhos comunicativos e sociais existiram, independentemente do perfil audiológico e do tempo de uso dos dispositivos. Quando questionados se deixaram de se comunicar e se as medidas afetaram a sua vida social, as respostas ficaram divididas entre "sim/às vezes" e "não". Quanto ao impacto emocional das medidas protetivas, constatou-se maior repercussão entre os adultos. Conclusão as medidas protetivas afetaram a comunicação dos usuários de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual, porém, não desencorajaram as trocas comunicativas e as interações sociais de, aproximadamente, metade da amostra, sendo o impacto emocional mais evidente nos adultos. Tais dificuldades não estiveram relacionadas ao perfil audiológico e uso diário dos dispositivos.

ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate the communicative, social, and emotional impacts generated by adopting protective measures against COVID-19 and associate them with the degree of hearing loss and the time of use of hearing aids. Methods cross-sectional quantitative study, with 72 individuals, divided into adults and older adults, with bilateral hearing loss up to moderately severe degree, users of hearing aids fitted before the pandemic in a public hearing health program who had maintained effective use of the devices. The participants were invited to participate in the study while waiting for an appointment and signed the consent form. After that, medical records were accessed to collect information about audiological profiles and the fitting/use of hearing aids. Afterward, a protocol with objective questions was orally applied in a silent room. Data were tabulated and subjected to Equality of Two Proportions and Chi-Square statistical tests. Results in both groups, a significant number of users had communication impacted by the use of masks and by social distancing, with difficulty with digital technologies (cell phones/computers) predominating among adults, while older adults more commonly experienced communicative impairments during video calls. The communicative impediment existed regardless of the audiological profile and device use time. When asked if they stopped communicating and if the measures affected their social life, the sample was divided between "yes/sometimes" and "no". As for the emotional impact of protective measures, there was a greater impact among adults. Conclusion protective measures affected the communication of hearing aids users but did not discourage communicative exchanges and social interactions for approximately half of the sample, with the emotional impact being more evident in adults. Such difficulties were not related to the audiological profile and daily use of the devices.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Social Change , Social Environment , Communication , Personal Protective Equipment , Digital Technology , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/prevention & control , Hearing Aids , Brazil/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Sickness Impact Profile , Persons With Hearing Impairments , Hearing Loss
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-7, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1551411


Objective: The aim of the study was to report the aplicability of intraoral scanning while rubber dam isolation is in place. Material and Methods: Female patient, 50 years old, required restorative procedures on teeth 35 and 37. An intraoral scan was initially performed on both arches. Isolation was carried out from 33 to 37, tooth preparation and immediate dentin sealing were carried out. A new scan with the rubber dam in place was performed and a CAD/CAM lithium disilicate hybrid block was digitally designed, milled, crystallized and cemented under the tooth surface with the rubber dam still in position. After completing this stage, the rubber dam was removed, the occlusion was verified, presenting excellent aesthetic and functional results. Results: The absolute isolation process used in the present study works as an excellent device for gingival retraction. Conclusion: The absolute isolation can be recommended in clinical activities of intraoral scanning favoring the quality of the final result of treatments (AU)

Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi relatar a aplicabilidade do escaneamento intraoral sob isolamento absoluto. Material e Métodos: Paciente do sexo feminino, 50 anos, necessitou de procedimentos restauradores nos dentes 35 e 37. Uma varredura intraoral foi inicialmente realizada em ambos os arcos. O isolamento absoluto foi feito de 33 a 37, permitindo a realização do preparo dentário e selamento imediato da dentina. Um novo escaneamento com o dique de borracha colocado foi realizado e um bloco híbrido de dissilicato de lítio CAD/CAM foi projetado digitalmente, fresado, cristalizado e cimentado sob a superfície dentária ainda com o dique de borracha em posição. Após a finalização dessa etapa, o dique de borracha foi removido, a oclusão foi verificada apresentando ótimos resultados estéticos e funcionais. Resultados: O isolamento absoluto utilizado no presente estudo funciona como um excelente dispositivo para retração gengival. Conclusão: O isolamento absoluto pode ser recomendado em atividades clínicas de escaneamento intraoral favorecendo a qualidade do resultado final dos tratamentos (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Rubber Dams , Computer-Aided Design , Denture Precision Attachment , Digital Technology , Mouth Rehabilitation
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551010


¿Cómo formar con pertinencia y calidad al estudiante de Medicina en el contexto contemporáneo, de modo que posea las herramientas y competencias para aprender por sí y mejorar su desempeño profesional durante su vida? El objetivo de este artículo es valorar la significación de la gestión del conocimiento en la formación de los estudiantes de Medicina. Se exponen ideas básicas para propiciar el debate y la reflexión relacionados con las funciones sustantivas de la universidad, que, a su vez, son vistas como escenarios de formación. Se sistematiza un resultado parcial de carácter teórico de una investigación en curso acerca de la gestión del conocimiento en la formación de los estudiantes de la carrera Medicina Humana, de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, en la República del Ecuador.

How to train medical students with relevance and quality in the contemporary context so that they have the tools and skills to learn for themselves and improve their professional performance throughout life? The aim of this article is to assess the significance of knowledge management in the training of contemporary medical students. Basic ideas are presented to encourage debate and reflection related to the substantive functions of the university which, in turn, are seen as training scenarios. Authors systematize a partial theoretical result of an ongoing investigation about knowledge management in the training of students of the Human Medicine studies at the Technical University of Manabí, Republic of Ecuador.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.);46: e20233172, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557203


Objective: To ascertain whether sociodemographic and health-related characteristics known from previous research to have a substantive impact on recovery from depression modified the effect of a digital intervention designed to improve depressive symptoms (CONEMO). Methods: The CONEMO study consisted of two randomized controlled trials, one conducted in Lima, Peru, and one in São Paulo, Brazil. As a secondary trial plan analysis, mixed logistic regression was used to explore interactions between the treatment arm and subgroups of interest defined by characteristics measured before randomization - suicidal ideation, race/color, age, gender, income, type of mobile phone, alcohol misuse, tobacco use, and diabetes/hypertension - in both trials. We estimated interaction effects between the treatment group and these subgroup factors for the secondary outcomes using linear mixed regression models. Results: Increased effects of the CONEMO intervention on the primary outcome (reduction of at least 50% in depressive symptom scores at 3-month follow-up) were observed among older and wealthier participants in the Lima trial (p = 0.030 and p = 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: There was no evidence of such differential effects in São Paulo, and no evidence of impact of any other secondary outcomes in either trial. Clinical trial registration: NCT02846662 (São Paulo, Brazil - SP), NCT03026426 (Lima, Peru - LI). Funded by the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (grant U19MH098780).

Mundo Saúde (Online) ; 48: e16452024, 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1578339


O desenvolvimento de habilidades investigativas é um desafio no ensino superior, uma vez que os estudantes universitários devem ser capazes de gerar conhecimento e resolver problemas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento dessas habilidades em estudantes universitários de Puno, especificamente em estudantes de ciências da saúde. A pesquisa adotou um delineamento quase experimental, apropriado para medir mudanças em um grupo antes e depois da intervenção. Para avaliar a eficácia do programa de desenvolvimento de habilidades investigativas, foi utilizado o teste de postos com sinal de Wilcoxon, uma ferramenta estatística robusta para comparar duas amostras relacionadas quando não se pode assumir a normalidade dos dados. Participaram do estudo 111 estudantes de cursos biomédicos, que foram submetidos ao programa projetado para melhorar suas habilidades de investigação. Os resultados deste estudo revelam achados significativos em várias áreas de desenvolvimento de habilidades de pesquisa. Em particular, foi observado um forte impacto no desenvolvimento estrutural, com um valor Z=-8,776 (P<0,01), a sociabilidade e a difusão apresentaram Z=-8,918 (P<0,01), sugerindo que esses fatores desempenham um papel importante na eficácia das interações. A tecnologia digital, com Z=-9,027 (P<0,01), destaca a importância das ferramentas digitais no contexto investigativo. Por fim, a especialidade e disciplina tecnológica mostrou Z=-8,904 (P<0,01), sublinhando a relevância da especialização no campo tecnológico. O programa para desenvolver habilidades de pesquisa demonstrou ser eficaz.

The development of investigative skills is a challenge in higher education, as university students must be capable of generating knowledge and solving problems. This study aimed to evaluate the development of these skills in university students in Puno, specifically health sciences students. The research adopted a quasi-experimental design, suitable for measuring changes in a group before and after the intervention. To assess the effectiveness of the investigative skills development program, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used­a robust statistical tool for comparing two related samples when data normality cannot be assumed. The study involved 111 biomedical students who participated in a program designed to enhance their research skills. The results reveal significant findings in various areas of research skill development. Notably, there was a strong impact on structural development, with a Z-value of -8.776 (P<0.01), while sociability and dissemination showed a Z-value of -8.918 (P<0.01), suggesting that these factors play an important role in interaction effectiveness. Digital technology, with a Z-value of -9.027 (P<0.01), emphasizes the importance of digital tools in the research context. Finally, specialty and technological discipline displayed a Z-value of -8.904 (P<0.01), underscoring the relevance of specialization in the technological field. The program for developing research skills proved to be effective.

El desarrollo de habilidades investigativas constituye un desafío en la educación superior, ya que los estudiantes universitarios deben estar en la capacidad de generar conocimiento y resolver problemas. Este estudio se propuso evaluar el desarrollo de dichas habilidades en los estudiantes universitarios de Puno, específicamente en los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud. La investigación adoptó un diseño cuasiexperimental, el cual es adecuado para medir cambios en un grupo antes y después de la intervención. Para evaluar la eficacia del programa de desarrollo de habilidades investigativas, se utilizó la prueba de rangos con signo de Wilcoxon, una herramienta estadística robusta para comparar dos muestras relacionadas cuando no se puede asumir la normalidad de los datos. En el estudio participaron 111 estudiantes de carreras biomédicas, quienes fueron sometidos al programa diseñado para mejorar sus habilidades investigativas. Los resultados de este estudio revelan hallazgos significativos en varias áreas de desarrollo de habilidades de investigación. En particular, se observó un fuerte impacto en el desarrollo estructural, con un valor Z=-8,776 (P<0.01), a sociabilidad y difusión se presentó con un Z=-8,918 (P<0.01), sugiriendo que estos factores juegan un rol importante en la efectividad de las interacciones. La tecnología digital, con un Z=-9,027 (P<0.01), resalta la importancia de las herramientas digitales en el contexto investigativo. Por último, la especialidad y disciplina tecnológica mostró un Z=-8,904 (P<0.01), subrayando la relevancia de la especialización en el ámbito tecnológico. El programa para desarrollar habilidades de investigación ha demostrado ser eficaz.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031766


@#Oral and maxillofacial tumors are common oral and maxillofacial surgery-related diseases. Digital surgical technology, represented by virtual surgical design and surgical navigation, is the main auxiliary means of the surgical diagnosis and treatment of oral and maxillofacial tumors. However, the existing digital technology still has some problems and room for improvement in terms of 3D visualization imaging and intraoperative hand-eye coordination. At present, the application of 3D visualization technology represented by mixed-reality technology has been rapidly developing in the medical field. It assists in realizing the real-time stereoscopic presentation of medical images by superimposing 3D virtual images onto the real surgical environment. Mixed-reality technology has been gradually applied to the diagnosis and treatment of oral and maxillofacial tumors. Preoperatively, mixed-reality technology can be used to construct a 3D model of the tumor and its surrounding vital structures based on imaging data, at which point the medical team can personalize the preoperative assessment and design the surgical plan in the mixed-reality environment. Intraoperatively, the combination of mixed-reality technology and surgical navigation technology can be used to display the 3D virtual model in real time in the actual environment of the operation area, overcoming the hand-eye coordination problem associated with using navigation technology alone and further improving the accuracy and safety of oral and maxillofacial tumor surgery. The combination of mixed-reality technology and internet medical technology can provide a high-quality teaching platform to promote the development of regional oral and maxillofacial surgery practices. The limitations of mixed-reality technology include image occlusion, lack of accuracy when used alone, and long alignment times. In this review, the application of mixed-reality technology to the diagnosis and treatment of oral and maxillofacial tumors will be summarized and assessed by combining information from domestic and international literature reports with the practical clinical experience of the author group.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032310


@#Digital intraoral scanning is a hot topic in the field of oral digital technology. In recent years, digital intraoral scanning has gradually become the mainstream technology in orthodontics, prosthodontics, and implant dentistry. The precision of digital intraoral scanning and the accuracy and stitching of data collection are the keys to the success of the impression. However, the operators are less familiar with the intraoral scanning characteristics, imaging processing, operator scanning method, oral tissue specificity of the scanned object, and restoration design. Thus far, no unified standard and consensus on digital intraoral scanning technology has been achieved at home or abroad. To deal with the problems encountered in oral scanning and improve the quality of digital scanning, we collected common expert opinions and sought to expound the causes of scanning errors and countermeasures by summarizing the existing evidence. We also describe the scanning strategies under different oral impression requirements. The expert consensus is that due to various factors affecting the accuracy of digital intraoral scanning and the reproducibility of scanned images, adopting the correct scanning trajectory can shorten clinical operation time and improve scanning accuracy. The scanning trajectories mainly include the E-shaped, segmented, and S-shaped methods. When performing fixed denture restoration, it is recommended to first scan the abutment and adjacent teeth. When performing fixed denture restoration, it is recommended to scan the abutment and adjacent teeth first. Then the cavity in the abutment area is excavated. Lastly, the cavity gap was scanned after completing the abutment preparation. This method not only meets clinical needs but also achieves the most reliable accuracy. When performing full denture restoration in edentulous jaws, setting markers on the mucosal tissue at the bottom of the alveolar ridge, simultaneously capturing images of the vestibular area, using different types of scanning paths such as Z-shaped, S-shaped, buccal-palatal and palatal-buccal pathways, segmented scanning of dental arches, and other strategies can reduce scanning errors and improve image stitching and overlap. For implant restoration, when a single crown restoration is supported by implants and a small span upper structure restoration, it is recommended to first pre-scan the required dental arch. Then the cavity in the abutment area is excavated. Lastly, scanning the cavity gap after installing the implant scanning rod. When repairing a bone level implant crown, an improved indirect scanning method can be used. The scanning process includes three steps: First, the temporary restoration, adjacent teeth, and gingival tissue in the mouth are scanned; second, the entire dental arch is scanned after installing a standard scanning rod on the implant; and third, the temporary restoration outside the mouth is scanned to obtain the three-dimensional shape of the gingival contour of the implant neck, thereby increasing the stability of soft tissue scanning around the implant and improving scanning restoration. For dental implant fixed bridge repair with missing teeth, the mobility of the mucosa increases the difficulty of scanning, making it difficult for scanners to distinguish scanning rods of the same shape and size, which can easily cause image stacking errors. Higher accuracy of digital implant impressions can be achieved by changing the geometric shape of the scanning rods to change the optical curvature radius. The consensus confirms that as the range of scanned dental arches and the number of data concatenations increases, the scanning accuracy decreases accordingly, especially when performing full mouth implant restoration impressions. The difficulty of image stitching processing can easily be increased by the presence of unstable and uneven mucosal morphology inside the mouth and the lack of relatively obvious and fixed reference objects, which results in insufficient accuracy. When designing restorations of this type, it is advisable to carefully choose digital intraoral scanning methods to obtain model data. It is not recommended to use digital impressions when there are more than five missing teeth.

Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 74-80, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017266


Objective:To compare the difference between virtual surgical planning(VSP)position and postoperative real position of maxilla and condyle,and to explore the degree of intraoperative realization of VSP after orthognathic surgery.Methods:In this study,36 patients with mandibular protrusion de-formity from January 2022 to December 2022 were included.All the patients had been done bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO)combined with Le Fort Ⅰ osteotomy under guidance of VSP.The VSP data(T0)and 1-week postoperative CT(T1)were collected,the 3D model of postoperative CT was established and segmented into upper and lower jaws in CCMF Plan software.At the same time,accor-ding to the morphology of palatal folds,the virtual design was registered with the postoperative model,and the unclear maxillary dentition in the postoperative model was replaced.Then the postoperative model was matched with VSP model by registration of upper skull anatomy that was not affected by the opera-tion.The three-dimensional reference plane and coordinate system were established.Selecting anatomical landmarks and their connections of condyle and maxilla for the measurement,we compared the coordinate changes of marker points in three directions,and the angle changes between the line connecting the marker points and the reference plane to analyze the positional deviation and the angle deviation of the postoperative condyle and maxilla compared to VSP.Results:The postoperative real position of the maxilla deviates from the VSP by nearly 1 mm in the horizontal and vertical directions,and the anteropos-terior deviation was about 1.5 mm.In addition,most patients had a certain degree of counterclockwise rotation of the maxilla after surgery.Most of the bilateral condyle moved forward,outward and downward(the average distance deviation was 0.15 mm,1.54 mm,2.19 mm,respectively),and rotated forward,outward and upward(the average degree deviation was 4.32°,1.02°,0.86°,respectively)compared with the VSP.Conclusion:VSP can be mostly achieved by assistance of 3D printed occlusal plates,but there are certain deviations in the postoperative real position of maxilla and condyle compared with VSP,which may be related to the rotation axis of the mandible in the VSP.It is necessary to use patient personalized condylar rotation axis for VSP,and apply condylar positioning device to further improve surgical accuracy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021273


BACKGROUND:Gingival thickness is an important indicator to determine gingival phenotype.The correct evaluation of gingival phenotype is helpful for the smooth going of periodontal surgery,implant implantation and orthodontic treatment.The search for a comfortable,accurate and convenient method of measuring gingival thickness has always been a research hotspot in this field. OBJECTIVE:To analyze the gingival thickness in different dental positions and to study the consistency of cone-beam computed tomography(CBCT)image and digital intraoral scanners and cone-beam computed tomography(DIS-CBCT)superimposition image for measuring gingival thickness and determining whether the gingiva is thick or thin. METHODS:Twenty volunteers(10 males and 10 females)with complete maxillary dentition were recruited.The thickness of the gingiva 2 mm below the buccal gingival margin of 160 teeth was measured by CBCT image and DIS-CBCT digital superimposition image.Gingival thickness was used to determine whether the gingiva was thick or thin.Paired t-test was used to analyze the differences in gingival thickness measured by the two methods.Pearson correlation analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between the gingival thickness results of the two methods.The intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC)and Bland-AItman chart were used to analyze the repeatability and consistency in measuring gingival thickness using the two methods.Kappa value was used to analyze the consistency in determining whether the gingiva was thick or thin using the two methods. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The gingival thickness measured by CBCT image and DIS-CBCT digital superimposition image was(1.47±0.39)and(1.42±0.36)mm,respectively(t=5.673,P<0.05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that the gingival thickness measured by the two methods was positively correlated(r=0.968,P<0.001).In the CBCT group,the values of intraobserver and interobserver ICC were 0.980-0.982 and 0.984,respectively;in the DIS-CBCT group,the values of intraobserver and interobserver ICC were 0.941-0.984 and 0.964,respectively(P<0.001).The intergroup ICC value of gingival thickness measured by the two methods was 0.967(P<0.001).Bland-AItman analysis showed that 4.37%(7/160)of the points measured by both methods for gingival thickness was outside the 95%limits of agreement.There were 71 cases of thick-gingiva and 89 cases of thin-gingiva measured by CBCT imaging,and 59 cases of thick-gingiva and 101 cases of thin-gingiva measured by DIS-CBCT digital superimposition image.The Kappa value of the two groups was 0.845(P<0.001).These findings indicate that there is a significant difference in the thickness measurement of the gingiva 2 mm below the gingival margin between the CBCT group and the DIS-CBCT group,but the correlation is very strong.The repeatability and consistency of gingival thickness measurement are both high,and there is a good consistency between the two methods when used to determine whether the gingiva is thick or thin.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022052


BACKGROUND:Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis is a common oral disease with a high incidence.However,temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis is not easy to be detected in the early stage,and it is difficult to obtain clinical pathological specimens,so it is difficult to carry out related research.The application of digital 3D printing technology to animal models of Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis increases the consistency of the animal models,thus promoting the study of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis. OBJECTIVE:To establish a standardized animal model of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis using novel digital technology. METHODS:According to the different modeling methods of unilateral anterior crossbite,30 female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into traditional model group,digital model group,and control group(n=10 per group).Cartilage specimens of the condyles were collected at 4 and 8 weeks after modeling.The apparent morphology was observed by stereoscopic microscope.The pathological morphology was observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining and Safranin O/fast green staining.Changes in the expression of interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α were observed by ELISA,and changes in the expression of aggrecan,type Ⅱ collagen and matrix metalloproteinase-13 were observed by immunohistochemical staining. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Different degrees of degeneration were observed in the digital and traditional model groups.The body mass of rats in both the model groups decreased during the 1st week after intervention and subsequently demonstrated growth trend and were significantly lower than that in the control group.The results of stereoscopic microscope showed that at 4 and 8 weeks after modeling,the deformation and defect degree of the digital model group was significantly higher than that of the traditional model group.At these two time points,the Osteoarthritis Research Society International scores of the digital model group and the traditional model group were higher than those of the control group,and the Osteoarthritis Research Society International score of the digital model group was higher than that of the traditional model group(P<0.05).Histopathological observation showed that the modified Mankin score and Osteoarthritis Research Society International score of the two model groups were significantly higher than those of the control group of the same age at 4 and 8 weeks after modeling(P<0.05).Immunohistochemical staining results showed that at two time points,compared with the control group of the same age,the expression of aggrecan and type Ⅱ collagen decreased in the traditional model group and the digital model group,while the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 13 increased(P<0.05).ELISA results showed that the expression levels of inflammatory factors interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α in the traditional and digital model groups were higher than those in the control group at 8 weeks,and the expression levels of interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α in the digital model group were higher than those in the traditional model group(P<0.05).To conclude,the personalized metal tube designed and produced by 3D printing technology can quickly guide the osteoarthritis-like lesions of the temporomandibular joint without repeated trial and adjustment,which is reproducible and suitable for promotion and application.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 98-101, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023499


Purpose/Significance To grasp the technological advantages of digitization empowerment,and to explore the effective path of digitization enabling medical education.Method/Process From the three aspects of experience enhancement,content enrichment and process coordination,the function mode of digitization enabling medical education is clarified.Result/Conclusion To achieve digitization enabling medical education,it's necessary to deepen digital sharing,promote the reconstruction of digital scenes of medical education,op-timize the presentation of digital content of medical education,and coordinate the operation of digital process of medical education.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230351, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565930


ABSTRACT Objective: to report the process of implementing a digital solution for interaction between patients, care and hospital governance areas. Method: this is an experience report on the implementation which took place between the months of August and November in a large private hospital located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, conducted in two stages: 1) implementation in August 2022; and 2) follow-up lasting 13 weeks, until November 2022. Results: the solution consists of an application developed by a Brazilian startup company which was installed on tablets allowing hospitalized patients to view and make requests for the most diverse areas of care. A total of 496 patients used the Neonpass Room, with their requests addressed directly to the areas of nursing, nutrition, hospitality, cleaning and maintenance. There was a predominance of requests for the nursing team (1029/33.3%), followed by nutrition (973/31.5%), hospitality (763/24.7%), cleaning (167/5.4%) and maintenance (157/5.1%). Conclusion: the Neonpass Room solution has been shown to improve the efficient distribution of requests to the appropriate areas. Unlike traditional call button systems, the digital tool directed demands to nursing and governance areas, with clear specifications.

RESUMEN Objetivo: informar el proceso de implementación de una solución digital para la interacción entre pacientes, áreas de atención y gobernanza hospitalaria. Método: se trata de un relato de experiencia sobre la implementación que tuvo lugar entre los meses de agosto y noviembre en un gran hospital privado, ubicado en la ciudad de São Paulo, realizada en dos etapas: 1) implementación, en agosto de 2022 y 2) seguimiento, con una duración de 13 semanas, hasta noviembre de 2022. Resultados: La solución consiste en una aplicación desarrollada por una startup brasileña, que se instaló en tabletas y permitió a los pacientes hospitalizados visualizar y realizar solicitudes para las más diversas áreas de atención. 496 pacientes utilizaron la Neonpass Room, con sus solicitudes dirigidas directamente a las áreas de enfermería, nutrición, hotelería, limpieza y mantenimiento. Hubo predominio de solicitudes para el equipo de enfermería (1.029/33,3%), seguido de nutrición (973/31,5%), hospitalidad (763/24,7%), limpieza (167/5,4%) y mantenimiento (157/5,1%). Conclusión: Se ha demostrado que la solución Neonpass Room mejora la distribución eficiente de las solicitudes a las áreas adecuadas. A diferencia de los timbres tradicionales, la herramienta digital dirigió las demandas a las áreas de enfermería y gobernanza, con especificaciones claras.

RESUMO Objetivo: relatar o processo de implantação de uma solução digital para interação entre paciente, áreas assistenciais e de governança hospitalar. Método: trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre a implantação que ocorreu entre os meses de agosto e novembro em um hospital privado de grande porte, localizado na cidade de São Paulo, realizado em duas etapas: 1) implantação, em agosto de 2022 e 2) acompanhamento, durando 13 semanas, até novembro de 2022. Resultados: A solução consiste em um aplicativo desenvolvido por uma startup brasileira, que foi instalado em tablets permitindo que pacientes internados pudessem visualizar e realizar solicitações para as mais diversas áreas assistenciais. 496 pacientes fizeram o uso do Neonpass Room, tendo suas solicitações dirigidas diretamente às áreas de enfermagem, nutrição, hotelaria, limpeza e manutenção. Observou-se predomínio de solicitações para a equipe de enfermagem (1029/33,3%), seguida da nutrição (973/31,5%), hotelaria (763/24,7%), limpeza (167/5,4%) e manutenção (157/5,1%). Conclusão: a solução Neonpass Room demonstrou aprimorar a distribuição eficiente das solicitações para as áreas apropriadas. Ao contrário das campainhas tradicionais, a ferraenta digital direcionou as demandas para a enfermagem e áreas de governança, com especificações claras.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE02665, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1573500


Resumo Objetivo Descrever o processo de construção e avaliação de um protótipo de aplicativo de telefonia móvel que promova acessibilidade em chamada de socorro pré-hospitalar por pessoas com necessidades comunicativas especiais. Métodos Estudo metodológico, realizado em três etapas: definição de requisitos funcionais da população alvo; construção e disponibilização do protótipo de aplicativo para celulares touchscreen para solicitação de atendimento pré-hospitalar; avaliação das heurísticas de usabilidade por peritos, por meio de checklist, e pela população-alvo, pessoas com necessidades comunicativas especiais, utilizando a System Usability Scale. Foi realizada análise estatística descritiva e calculadas as pontuações e escores de avaliação do aplicativo. Resultados O aplicativo apresentou alta usabilidade (média de 58,75 pontos) e 21 sujeitos da população-alvo indicaram um excelente índice de satisfação do usuário (média de 89,5 pontos), oportunizando o registro e patente do protótipo. Conclusão O protótipo construído, demonstrou capacidade para promover acessibilidade comunicativa de convocação de socorro pré-hospitalar para pessoas com necessidades comunicativas especiais.

Resumen Objetivo Describir el proceso de elaboración y evaluación de un modelo de aplicación de telefonía móvil que promueva la accesibilidad en llamadas de asistencia prehospitalaria para personas con necesidades comunicativas especiales. Métodos Estudio metodológico realizado en tres etapas: definir los requisitos funcionales del público destinatario; elaborar y poner a disposición el modelo de la aplicación para celulares touchscreen para la solicitación de asistencia prehospitalaria, y evaluar las heurísticas de usabilidad por peritos, mediante checklist, y por el público destinatario, personas con necesidades comunicativas especiales, utilizando la System Usability Scale. Se realizó el análisis estadístico descriptivo y se calcularon los puntajes de evaluación de la aplicación. Resultados La aplicación presentó una alta usabilidad (promedio de 58,75 puntos) y 21 personas del público destinatario indicaron un excelente índice de satisfacción del usuario (promedio de 89,5 puntos), lo que permite el registro y patente del modelo. Conclusión El modelo elaborado demostró tener capacidad para promover la accesibilidad comunicativa de pedido de asistencia prehospitalaria para personas con necesidades comunicativas especiales.

Abstract Objective To describe the process of developing and evaluating a mobile application prototype to enable people with complex communication needs to call pre-hospital emergency services. Methods This methodological study was conducted in three stages: determining the target population's functional requirements; developing and making available a prototype application for touchscreen mobile phones to request pre-hospital services; experts assessed the usability heuristics using a checklist, while the target population (people with complex communication needs) used the System Usability Scale. Descriptive statistics were performed, and the scores assigned to the application were analyzed. Results The application obtained high usability scores (mean=58.75) and 21 individuals from the target population reported an excellent user satisfaction index (mean=89.5), which allowed registering and applying for the prototype's patent. Conclusion The prototype showed the ability to enable individuals with complex communication needs to access and request pre-hospital emergency services.