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Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 67(3): 253-261, sep.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251920


RESUMEN Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de dirofilariosis en caninos de la localidad 3 de la ciudad de Cartagena. Materiales y métodos: estudio correlacional de corte transversal. Se tomaron muestras de sangre de 128 perros con el consentimiento previo e informado de sus dueños. Se registró la información sociodemográfica y los síntomas. A las muestras se les realizo observación directa, extendido de sangre periferia coloreado con Wright y la técnica de Knott. Resultados: se estableció que 19,5% de los perros se encontraban parasitados con Dirofilaria sp. Los signos sugestivos de dirofilariosis más frecuentes fueron pérdida de peso y disminución del apetito (10,9% cada uno). El 76% de los caninos eran mestizos. Conclusiones: la frecuencia de dirofilariosis se concentra principalmente en barrios de escasos recursos, los síntomas identificados son sugestivos de una dirofilariosis canina.

ABSTRACT Objective: to determine the frequency of dirofilariosis in canines from locality 3 of Cartagena city. Materials and methods: cross-sectional correlational study. Blood samples were taken for 128 dogs prior informed consent by their owners. Sociodemographic information and symptoms were registered. The samples have been analyzed using direct examination, Wright stained blood smear and Knott technique. Results: it was established that 19.5% of dogs were parasitized by Dirofilaria sp. Most common signs suggestive of Dirofilariosis were weight loss, and decreased appetite (10.9% each). 76% were mixed race dogs. Conclusions: the frequency of dirofilariosis focused on lower income neighborhoods. The identified symptoms are suggestive of canine dirofilariasis.

Animals , Dogs , Signs and Symptoms , Blood , Prevalence , Dirofilaria immitis , Dogs , Pets , Cross-Sectional Studies , Tropical Ecosystem , Aedes , Culex , Anopheles , Culicidae
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. Vet. Bras. (Online);39(7): 510-515, July 2019. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1040715


Dirofilaria immitis, a parasite that mainly infects domestic or wild canids, but can infect felines or humans as well, is frequent in many Brazilian areas. The main objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of natural canine infection at the Algodoal-Maiandeua Island complex, in the coastal region of the state of Pará, Brazil. A total of 67 dogs were sampled for blood microfilariae detection and for D. immitis DNA detection. Microfilaria and D. immitis DNA could be detected in 35.8% (24/67) of the animals. In one dog's sample no microfilariae were detected, but the PCR was positive, suggesting that either larvae recently were eliminated or adults died shortly before sample collecting. Therefore, it can be concluded that the occurrence of D. immitis is a health threat for domestic and wild canids at the Island of Algodoal, as well as for feline or human health.(AU)

Dirofilaria immitis, um parasito que infecta principalmente canídeos domésticos ou selvagens, embora também possa infectar felinos e humanos, é frequente em muitas áreas do Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência da infecção natural em cães provenientes do complexo da Ilha de Algodoal-Maiandeua, região litorânea do estado do Pará, Brasil. Um total de 67 cães tiveram o sangue coletado para detecção de microfilárias de D. immitis e seu DNA. Microfilárias e o DNA de D. immitis foram detectados em 35,8% (24/67) dos animais. Na amostra de um animal, não foram observadas microfilárias, mas o seu DNA foi detectado, sugerindo que as larvas tenham sido recentemente eliminadas ou os adultos tenham morrido antes da coleta da amostra. Portanto, pode-se concluir que a ocorrência de D. immitis é uma ameaça à saúde de canídeos domésticos no complexo da Ilha de Algodoal-Maiandeua, bem como para felinos e seres humanos.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Dirofilaria immitis/isolation & purification , Dirofilariasis/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary
J. vet. sci ; J. vet. sci;: e65-2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-758956


A 10-year-old male spotted seal presented with loss of appetite and decreased activity. Grossly, the internal organs revealed several filarial nematodes in the right ventricle of the heart and the pulmonary vessels. Histopathological examination of the brain revealed moderate nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis with glial nodules and neuronophagia. Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) of genotype I was isolated from the brain. All nematodes were identified as Dirofilaria immitis. This is the first clinical case of co-infection with D. immitis and JEV in a seal, suggesting that the seal, may be a dead-end host, like the human and horse, for JEV.

Child , Humans , Male , Appetite , Asian People , Brain , Coinfection , Dirofilaria immitis , Dirofilaria , Encephalitis Virus, Japanese , Encephalitis, Japanese , Genotype , Heart , Heart Ventricles , Horses , Meningoencephalitis , Republic of Korea
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951282


Objective: To detect and identify filarial parasites in dried blood spots (DBS) collected from domestic cats using high resolution melting real-time PCR (HRM RT-PCR). Methods: A total of 208 DBS were collected from domestic cats in a brugian filariasis endemic areas in Surat Thani Province, southern Thailand. Microfilariae were found in 9 blood slides using Giemsa-stained thick blood film. The extracted DNA from blood spot volumes of 10 and 20 μL DBS with positive filarial parasites in cats were performed using HRM RT-PCR method. The primers were designed based on the partial mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene for identifying Brugia malayi, Brugia pahangi, Dirofilaria immitis. All purified samples were then detected. Results: Using different volumes of 10 μL and 20 μL DBS could easily distinguish filarial parasites and showed similar results. PCR amplicons of Brugia malayi, Brugia pahangi and Dirofilaria immitis were determined at melting peak (temperature) of 75.70 77.46 and 73.56 respectively. All 9 positive DBS samples showed positive Brugia pahangi and similar nucleotide sequences. Conclusions: This HRM RT-PCR method is able to diagnose, identify and discriminate filarial parasites collected from DBS, which is simple and inexpensive compared with other probe-based genotyping methods. Furthermore, this method is useful to survey, prevent and control filariasis.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-825786


Objective:To detect and identify filarial parasites in dried blood spots (DBS) collected from domestic cats using high resolution melting real-time PCR (HRM RT-PCR).Methods:A total of 208 DBS were collected from domestic cats in a brugian filariasis endemic areas in Surat Thani Province, southern Thailand. Microfilariae were found in 9 blood slides using Giemsa-stained thick blood film. The extracted DNA from blood spot volumes of 10 and 20 μL DBS with positive filarial parasites in cats were performed using HRM RT-PCR method. The primers were designed based on the partial mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene for identifying Brugia malayi, Brugia pahangi, Dirofilaria immitis. All purified samples were then detected.Results:Using different volumes of 10 μL and 20 μL DBS could easily distinguish filarial parasites and showed similar results. PCR amplicons of Brugia malayi, Brugia pahangi and Dirofilaria immitis were determined at melting peak (temperature) of 75.70 77.46 and 73.56 respectively. All 9 positive DBS samples showed positive Brugia pahangi and similar nucleotide sequences.Conclusions:This HRM RT-PCR method is able to diagnose, identify and discriminate filarial parasites collected from DBS, which is simple and inexpensive compared with other probe-based genotyping methods. Furthermore, this method is useful to survey, prevent and control filariasis.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741497


An 8-year-old female Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) reared in a wetland center, died 2 h after sudden onset of astasia and dyspnea despite medical treatment. Gross examination of internal organs revealed 10 adult filarioid nematodes in the right ventricle of the heart and three between the left and right cerebral hemispheres. All nematodes were identified as Dirofilaria immitis by direct microscopy and polymerase chain reaction assay. Histopathological observation revealed multifocal hemorrhage in the cerebral subarachnoid space and focal necrosis with hemorrhagein the cerebellar parenchyma. Although rare, veterinarians should consider cerebral dirofilariasis as a differential diagnosis in unexplained neurological cases.

Adult , Animals , Child , Female , Humans , Brain , Cerebrum , Diagnosis, Differential , Dirofilaria immitis , Dirofilaria , Dirofilariasis , Dyspnea , Heart , Heart Ventricles , Hemorrhage , Korea , Microscopy , Necrosis , Otters , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Subarachnoid Space , Veterinarians , Wetlands
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-58756


The present study was performed to investigate the seroprevalence and risk factors for Dirofilaria immitis infection in cats from Liaoning province, northeastern China. From October 2014 to September 2016, sera of 651 cats, including 364 domestic cats and 287 feral cats (332 females and 319 males) were assessed. They were tested for the presence of D. immitis antigen using SNAP Heartworm RT test kit. In this population, the average prevalence was 4.5%. Age and rearing conditions (feral or domestic) were found to be associated with the prevalence of D. immitis. The prevalence was significantly higher in feral cats compared with domestic cats (8.4% vs 1.4%, P 0.05), but older cats (≥3 years old) showed a statistically higher prevalence compared with younger cats ( 0.05), all these results suggest that outdoor exposure time may be one of the most important factors for D. immitis prevalence in cats. Results reveal that D. immitis are prevalence in domestic and feral cats in northeastern China, which indicates that appropriate preventive measures should be taken to decrease the incidence of feline heartworm disease in Liaoning province, northeastern China.

Animals , Cats , Female , Humans , Male , China , Dirofilaria immitis , Dirofilaria , Dirofilariasis , Incidence , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Seroepidemiologic Studies
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-166331


Wolbachia is an obligatory intracellular endosymbiotic bacterium, present in over 20% of all insects altering insect reproductive capabilities and in a wide range of filarial worms which is essential for worm survival and reproduction. In Egypt, no available data were found about Wolbachia searching for it in either mosquitoes or filarial worms. Thus, we aimed to identify the possible concurrent presence of Wolbachia within different mosquitoes and filarial parasites, in Assiut Governorate, Egypt using multiplex PCR. Initially, 6 pools were detected positive for Wolbachia by single PCR. The simultaneous detection of Wolbachia and filarial parasites (Wuchereria bancrofti, Dirofilaria immitis, and Dirofilaria repens) by multiplex PCR was spotted in 5 out of 6 pools, with an overall estimated rate of infection (ERI) of 0.24%. Unexpectedly, the highest ERI (0.53%) was for Anopheles pharoensis with related Wolbachia and W. bancrofti, followed by Aedes (0.42%) and Culex (0.26%). We also observed that Wolbachia altered Culex spp. as a primary vector for W. bancrofti to be replaced by Anopheles sp. Wolbachia within filaria-infected mosquitoes in our locality gives a hope to use bacteria as a new control trend simultaneously targeting the vector and filarial parasites.

Aedes , Anopheles , Bacteria , Culex , Culicidae , Dirofilaria , Dirofilaria immitis , Dirofilaria repens , Egypt , Hope , Insecta , Larva , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Parasites , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Reproduction , Wolbachia , Wuchereria bancrofti
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 19(2): 95-100, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-833074


Canine Heartworm Disease (CHD) is a mosquito-borne disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. In this study, two mature adult-senior dogs from a non-endemic area to CHD presented clinical signs suggestive to the disease. The first one presented skin lesions, loss of appetite, weakness, pale mucosa membrane, and hyperthermia, whereas the second one presented severe ascites, anorexia and exercise intolerance, lateral decumbency, and marked heart murmurs. Both presented tachypnea, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, and microfilaremia. Multiplex-PCR (COI gene) resulted positive to D. immitis research in both cases, confirmed by sequencing, with 98% homology to D. immitis (Gen Bank accession n.AJ537512-1). In addition, both animals have never had any prophylactic treatment to CHD, and no reports about traveling to coastal areas. This study reported two unusual cases of D. immitis infection in non-endemic area from Brazil.

A dirofilariose canina (CHD) é uma doença transmitida por mosquitos e causada por Dirofilaria immitis. No presente estudo, dois cães de idade adulta a idoso de área não endêmica apresentaram sinais clínicos sugestivos da doença. O primeiro apresentou lesões de pele, perda de apetite, fraqueza, mucosas pálidas e hipertermia, enquanto o segundo apresentou severo quadro de ascite, anorexia e intolerância ao exercício, decúbito lateral, e murmúrios cardíacos acentuados. Ambos apresentaram taquipneia, trombocitopenia, leucocitose e microfilaremia. A pesquisa por D. immitis pela multiplex-PCR (COI gene) resultou positiva em ambos os casos, confirmada pelo sequenciamento, com 98% de homologia com D. immitis (Gen Bank n. AJ537512-1). Nenhum dos animais havia sido submetido a tratamento profilático para CHD e não havia relatos de viagens para regiões litorâneas. Assim, o presente estudo reporta dois casos raros de infecção por D. immitis em área brasileira não endêmica para a doença.

La dirofilariosis canina (CHD) es una enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos y causada por Dirofilaria immitis. En este estudio, dos perros de edad adulta a anciano, de área no endémica presentaron signos clínicos de la enfermedad. El primero presentó lesiones en la piel, pérdida del apetito, debilidad, palidez de mucosas e hipertermia, mientras el otro presentó severa ascitis, anorexia e intolerancia al ejercicio, decúbito lateral, y soplos cardíacos acentuados. Ambos presentaron taquipnea, trombocitopenia, leucocitosis y microfilaremia. La investigación de D. immitis por multiplex-PCR (gen COI) resultó positivo en ambos casos, confirmados por la técnica de secuenciación, con 98% de homología con D. immitis (Gen Bank n.AJ537512-1). Ninguno de los animales había sido sometido al tratamiento profiláctico para CHD, y sin relatos de viajes a regiones costeras. El presente estudio reporta dos casos raros de la infección por D. immitis en zona no endémica de Brasil.

Animals , Dogs , Dirofilariasis/classification , Dirofilariasis/diagnosis , Endemic Diseases/veterinary , Dirofilaria immitis , Dogs/abnormalities
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-130555


Wuchereria bancrofti, Dirofilaria immitis, and Dirofilaria repens are filarial nematodes transmitted by mosquitoes belonging to Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles genera. Screening by vector dissection is a tiresome technique. We aimed to screen filarial parasites in their vectors by single and multiplex PCR and evaluate the usefulness of multiplex PCR as a rapid xenomonitoring and simultaneous differentiation tool, in area where 3 filarial parasites are coexisting. Female mosquitoes were collected from 7 localities in Assiut Governorate, were microscopically identified and divided into pools according to their species and collection site. Detection of W. bancrofti, D. immitis, and D. repens using single PCR was reached followed by multiplex PCR. Usefulness of multiplex PCR was evaluated by testing mosquito pools to know which genera and species are used by filarial parasites as a vector. An overall estimated rate of infection (ERI) in mosquitoes was 0.6%; the highest was Culex spp. (0.47%). W. bancrofti, D. immitis, and D. repens could be simultaneously and differentially detected in infected vectors by using multiplex PCR. Out of 100 mosquito pools, 8 were positive for W. bancrofti (ERI of 0.33%) and 3 pools each were positive for D. immitis and D. repens (ERI 0.12%). The technique showed 100% sensitivity and 98% specificity. El-Nikhila, El-Matiaa villages, and Sahel Seleem district in Assiut Governorate, Egypt are still endemic foci for filarial parasites. Multiplex PCR offers a reliable procedure for molecular xenomonitoring of filariasis within their respective vectors in endemic areas. Therefore, it is recommended for evaluation of mosquito infection after lymphatic filariasis eradication programs.

Animals , Female , Aedes/parasitology , Anopheles/parasitology , Culex/parasitology , Dirofilaria immitis/genetics , Dirofilaria repens/genetics , Egypt , Entomology/methods , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Parasitology/methods , Sensitivity and Specificity , Wuchereria bancrofti/genetics
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-130562


Wuchereria bancrofti, Dirofilaria immitis, and Dirofilaria repens are filarial nematodes transmitted by mosquitoes belonging to Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles genera. Screening by vector dissection is a tiresome technique. We aimed to screen filarial parasites in their vectors by single and multiplex PCR and evaluate the usefulness of multiplex PCR as a rapid xenomonitoring and simultaneous differentiation tool, in area where 3 filarial parasites are coexisting. Female mosquitoes were collected from 7 localities in Assiut Governorate, were microscopically identified and divided into pools according to their species and collection site. Detection of W. bancrofti, D. immitis, and D. repens using single PCR was reached followed by multiplex PCR. Usefulness of multiplex PCR was evaluated by testing mosquito pools to know which genera and species are used by filarial parasites as a vector. An overall estimated rate of infection (ERI) in mosquitoes was 0.6%; the highest was Culex spp. (0.47%). W. bancrofti, D. immitis, and D. repens could be simultaneously and differentially detected in infected vectors by using multiplex PCR. Out of 100 mosquito pools, 8 were positive for W. bancrofti (ERI of 0.33%) and 3 pools each were positive for D. immitis and D. repens (ERI 0.12%). The technique showed 100% sensitivity and 98% specificity. El-Nikhila, El-Matiaa villages, and Sahel Seleem district in Assiut Governorate, Egypt are still endemic foci for filarial parasites. Multiplex PCR offers a reliable procedure for molecular xenomonitoring of filariasis within their respective vectors in endemic areas. Therefore, it is recommended for evaluation of mosquito infection after lymphatic filariasis eradication programs.

Animals , Female , Aedes/parasitology , Anopheles/parasitology , Culex/parasitology , Dirofilaria immitis/genetics , Dirofilaria repens/genetics , Egypt , Entomology/methods , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Parasitology/methods , Sensitivity and Specificity , Wuchereria bancrofti/genetics
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 23(4): 473-480, Oct-Dec/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-731245


Blood samples were collected from 99 domestic dogs from the urban and rural areas of the Lábrea municipality, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Canine serum samples were tested by immunofluorescence assay against Rickettsia spp., which revealed that only 3.0% (1/33) and 7.6% (5/66) of the dogs from urban and rural areas, respectively, reacted positively to at least one Rickettsia species. DNA was extracted from canine blood and tested by a battery of PCR assays targeting protozoa of the genera Babesia and Hepatozoon, and bacteria of the genera Rickettsia and Ehrlichia and family Anaplasmataceae. All samples were negative in the PCR assays targeting the genera Babesia, Hepatozoon, Ehrlichia and Rickettsia. For Anaplasmataceae, 3% (1/33) and 39.4% (26/66) of the urban and rural dogs, respectively, yielded amplicons that generated DNA sequences 100% identical to the corresponding sequence of Wolbachia endosymbiont of Dirofilaria immitis. Because of these results, all canine DNA samples were further tested in a PCR assay targeting filarial nematodes, which was positive for 18.2% (6/33) and 57.6% (38/66) urban and rural dogs, respectively. Filarial-PCR products generated DNA sequences 100% identical to D. immitis. While tick-borne infections were rare in Lábrea, D. immitis infection rates were among the highest reported in South America.

Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 99 cães domésticos de áreas urbana e rural do município de Lábrea, estado do Amazonas. Soros caninos foram testados pela técnica de imunofluorescência indireta contra Rickettsia spp., resultando em apenas 3,0% (1/33) e 7,6% (5/66) de cães soropositivos nas áreas urbana e rural, respectivamente. DNA foi extraído do sangue canino e testado por diferentes protocolos da PCR para detecção de protozoários dos gêneros Babesia e Hepatozoon, e bactérias dos gêneros Rickettsia e Ehrlichia e da família Anaplasmataceae. Todas as amostras foram negativas nos protocolos de PCR para os gêneros Babesia, Hepatozoon, Ehrlichia e Rickettsia. Para Anaplasmataceae, 3% (1/33) e 39,4% (26/66) dos cães de áreas urbana e rural, respectivamente, geraram sequências de DNA 100% idênticas ao endosimbionte Wolbachia de Dirofilaria immitis. Posteriormente, as amostras foram testadas pela PCR para nematódeos filarídeos, resultando em 18,2% (6/33) e 57,6% (38/66) de amostras positivas nas áreas urbana e rural, respectivamente. Os produtos geraram sequências de DNA 100% idênticas a D. immitis. Em contraste com várias outras regiões do Brasil, infecções transmitidas por carrapatos foram raras em Lábrea. Por outro lado, as frequências de infecção por D. immitis estiveram entre as mais altas relatadas na América do Sul.

Animals , Culture Media , Catalase/analysis , Gram-Positive Cocci/enzymology , Gram-Positive Cocci/isolation & purification , Milk/microbiology , Colistin , Enterococcus/growth & development , Enterococcus/isolation & purification , Ferric Compounds , Gram-Positive Cocci/growth & development , Lactococcus/growth & development , Lactococcus/isolation & purification , Oxolinic Acid , Staphylococcaceae/growth & development , Staphylococcaceae/isolation & purification , Streptococcaceae/growth & development , Streptococcaceae/isolation & purification , Streptococcus/growth & development , Streptococcus/isolation & purification , Thallium
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 19(2): 4086-4098, May-Aug. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-717098


Objective. Assess the spatial distribution of seroprevalence of infection with or exposure to 4 vector-borne pathogens Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi and Dirofilaria immitis, across the coastal states of the Aegean region with special reference to clinical signs and haematological variances related to disease condition. Materials and methods. A convenience sample, targeting blood from at least 10 pet dogs from Izmir, Aydin, Denizli, Mugla and Manisa cities involved was evaluated using a canine point-of-care ELISA kit. Results. Out of 307 dogs tested the overall seroprevalence was highest for E. canis (24.42%), followed by E. canis + A. phagocytophilum co-infection (10.42%), A. phagocytophilum (7.49%) and D. immitis (2.28%). Only 2 cases were seropositive to B. burgdorferi albeit 10 dogs were co-infected with more than 2 agents. For both dogs infected with E. canis and co-infected with E. canis and A. phagocytophilum, anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis, were more commonly detected, whereas thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis were significant finding in dogs infected with A. phagocytophilum or D. immitis, respectively. Variance analysis showed significant differences for mean RBC, Hb, PCV and PLT values (p<0.01) among control group and other groups. Conclusions. Seropositivity for vector-borne pathogens other than B. burgdorferi, is moderately to widely distributed in dogs residing in the Aegean region in Turkey.

Objetivo. Evaluar la distribución espacial de la seroprevalencia de la infección de 4 agentes patógenos de transmisión por vectores Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi y Dirofilaria immitis, en los estados costeros de la región del Egeo con especial referencia a los signos clínicos y las variaciones hematológicas relacionadas con la enfermedad. Materiales y métodos. Se tomaron por conveniencia muestras de sangre de al menos 10 perros en las ciudades Izmir, Aydin, Denizli, Mugla y Manisa. Para la evaluación de las muestras se utilizó un kit de ELISA para la detencción de anticuerpos de las enfermedades del estudio. Resultados. De los 307 perros muestreados, la seroprevalencia más alta fue para E. canis (24.42%), seguido por la coinfección entre E. canis + A. phagocytophilum (10.42%), A. phagocytophilum (7.49%) y D. immitis (2.28%). Sólo 2 casos fueron seropositivos para B. burgdorferi aunque 10 perros fueron coinfectados con más de 2 agentes. En ambos perros infectados con E. canis y coinfectados con E. canis y A. phagocytophilum, se detectó comúnmente anemia, trombocitopenia y leucocitosis, mientras que la trombocitopenia y leucocitosis fueron significativos en perros infectados con A. phagocytophilum o D. immitis , respectivamente. El análisis de varianza mostró diferencias significativas para los promedios de RBC, hemoglobina, hematocrito y valores PLT (p<0.01) entre el grupo control y los otros grupos. Conclusiones. La seropositividad transmitida por vectores patógenos distintos de B. burgdorferi, fue moderada y ampliamente distribuida en los perros que residen en la región del Egeo en Turquía.

Anaplasma phagocytophilum , Borrelia burgdorferi , Dirofilaria immitis , Dogs , Ehrlichia canis , Turkey
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-124052


The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey of Dirofilaria immitis infection among stray cats in Korea using nested PCR. We included 235 stray cats (121 females and 114 males) and evaluated each for the presence of feline heartworm infection. Blood samples were collected from 135 cats in Daejeon, 50 cats in Seoul, and 50 cats from Gyeonggi-do (Province). Of the 235 DNA samples, 14 (6.0%) were positive for D. immitis. The prevalence of infection in male cats (8/114, 7.0%) tended to be higher than that in female cats (6/121, 5.0%), but the difference was not statistically significant. In each location, 8, 2, and 4 cats were positive for infection, respectively, based on DNA testing. No significant differences in the prevalence were observed among the geographic regions, although the rate of infection was higher in Gyeonggi-do (8.0%) than Daejeon (5.9%) and Seoul (4.0%). We submitted 7 of the 14 D. immitis DNA-positive samples for sequencing analysis. All samples corresponded to partial D. immitis cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene sequences with 99% homology to the D. immitis sequence deposited in GenBank (accession no. FN391553). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey using nested PCR to analyze the prevalence of D. immitis in stray cats in Korea.

Animals , Cats , Female , Male , Blood/parasitology , Cat Diseases/epidemiology , DNA, Helminth/chemistry , Dirofilaria immitis/genetics , Dirofilariasis/epidemiology , Electron Transport Complex IV/genetics , Korea/epidemiology , Molecular Sequence Data , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Prevalence , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Sequence Homology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-210971


Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm) infections affect domestic dogs, cats, and various wild mammals with increasing incidence in temperate and tropical areas. More sensitive antibody detection methodologies are required to diagnose asymptomatic dirofilariasis with low worm burdens. Applying current transcriptomic technologies would be useful to discover potential diagnostic markers for D. immitis infection. A filarial homologue of the mammalian translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) was initially identified by screening the assembled transcriptome of D. immitis (DiTCTP). A BLAST analysis suggested that the DiTCTP gene shared the highest similarity with TCTP from Loa loa at protein level (97%). A histidine-tagged recombinant DiTCTP protein (rDiTCTP) of 40 kDa expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) showed immunoreactivity with serum from a dog experimentally infected with heartworms. Localization studies illustrated the ubiquitous presence of rDiTCTP protein in the lateral hypodermal chords, dorsal hypodermal chord, muscle, intestine, and uterus in female adult worms. Further studies on D. immitis-derived TCTP are warranted to assess whether this filarial protein could be used for a diagnostic purpose.

Animals , Dogs , Animal Structures/chemistry , Antibodies, Helminth/blood , Antigens, Helminth/chemistry , Cloning, Molecular , Dirofilaria immitis/chemistry , Disease Models, Animal , Escherichia coli/genetics , Gene Expression , Molecular Sequence Data , Molecular Weight , Recombinant Fusion Proteins/chemistry , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Biomarkers, Tumor/chemistry
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-65250


This study was conducted to determine the serum cardiac troponin I (cTnI) concentrations in clinically normal (uninfected) Korean Jindo dogs and those infected with Dirofilaria (D.) immitis. Forty Korean Jindo dogs (22 females, 18 males) were obtained from two kennels in the Boryeong area of Chungnam Province and the Daejeon area, Korea. Significantly higher cTnI concentrations were observed in D. immitis-infected dogs than clinically normal dogs. cTnI testing in addition to thoracic radiography, echocardiography, and electrocardiography shows promise as an additional method for diagnosis of heartworm infection.

Animals , Dogs , Female , Humans , Diagnosis , Dirofilaria immitis , Dirofilaria , Echocardiography , Electrocardiography , Korea , Radiography, Thoracic , Troponin I , Troponin
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 22(4): 559-564, Oct.-Dec. 2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-698016


The aim of this study was to make the first report on canine heartworm disease in the state of Rondônia and confirm its transmission in this state. Blood samples were randomly collected from 727 dogs in the city of Porto Velho. The samples were analyzed to search for microfilariae and circulating antigens, using three different techniques: optical microscopy on thick blood smears stained with Giemsa; immunochromatography; and PCR. Mosquitoes were collected inside and outside the homes of all the cases of positive dogs and were tested using PCR to search for DNA of Dirofilaria immitis. Ninety-three blood samples out of 727 (12.8%) were positive according to the immunoassay technique and none according to the thick smear method. Among the 93 positive dogs, 89 (95.7%) were born in Porto Velho. No difference in the frequency of infection was observed between dogs raised indoors and in the yard. PCR on the mosquitoes resulted in only one positive pool. This result shows that the transmission of canine heartworm disease is occurring in the city of Porto Velho and that there is moderate prevalence among the dogs. The techniques of immunochromatography and PCR were more effective for detecting canine heartworm than thick blood smears. The confirmation of canine heartworm disease transmission in Porto Velho places this disease in the ranking for differential diagnosis of pulmonary nodules in humans in Rondônia.

O objetivo deste estudo foi de registrar pela primeira vez a dirofilariose canina no estado de Rondônia e confirmar sua transmissão neste estado. Amostras de sangue de 727 cães foram colhidas aleatoriamente na cidade de Porto Velho. As amostras foram analisadas em busca de microfilárias e antígenos circulantes usando três técnicas diferentes: microscopia ótica de gota espessa corada com Giemsa e imunocromatografia de fluxo lateral e PCR. Mosquitos foram colhidos no domicilio e peridomicílio de todos os casos de cães positivos, estes mosquitos foram testados pela PCR na detecção de DNA de Dirofilaria immitis. Noventa e três das 727 amostras de sangue foram positivas na técnica de imunoensaio (12,8%). Nenhuma amostra foi positiva na gota espessa. Entre os 93 cães positivos, 89 (95,7%) foram nascidos em Porto Velho. Nenhuma diferença na frequencia de infecção foi observada entre cães criados dentro da casa ou no quintal. O PCR dos mosquitos resultou em apenas um pool positivo. Este resultado mostra que a transmissão de dirofilariose canina está ocorrendo na cidade de Porto Velho e a frequência que ocorre nos cães é considerada moderada. As técnicas de imunocromatografia e PCR são mais eficazes na detecção de dirofilariose comparadas a gota espessa. A confirmação de transmissão de dirofilariose canina em Porto Velho, coloca esta doença no ranking de diagnóstico diferencial de nódulos pulmonares em seres humanos em Rondônia.

Animals , Dogs , Female , Male , Dirofilariasis/epidemiology , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Dog Diseases/parasitology , Brazil/epidemiology , Culicidae/parasitology , DNA, Helminth/analysis , Dirofilaria immitis/genetics , Dirofilariasis/transmission , Dog Diseases/transmission
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-118761


A simple, rapid, and high-throughput method for detection and identification of Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, Brugia pahangi, and Dirofilaria immitis in mosquito vectors and blood samples was developed using a real-time PCR combined with high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis. Amplicons of the 4 filarial species were generated from 5S rRNA and spliced leader sequences by the real-time PCR and their melting temperatures were determined by the HRM method. Melting of amplicons from W. bancrofti, B. malayi, D. immitis, and B. pahangi peaked at 81.5+/-0.2degrees C, 79.0+/-0.3degrees C, 76.8+/-0.1degrees C, and 79.9+/-0.1degrees C, respectively. This assay is relatively cheap since it does not require synthesis of hybridization probes. Its sensitivity and specificity were 100%. It is a rapid and technically simple approach, and an important tool for population surveys as well as molecular xenomonitoring of parasites in vectors.

Animals , Cats , Dogs , Humans , Male , Blood/parasitology , Brugia/classification , Culicidae/parasitology , Dirofilaria immitis/classification , Parasitology/methods , RNA, Helminth/genetics , RNA, Ribosomal, 5S/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Sensitivity and Specificity , Transition Temperature , Wuchereria bancrofti/classification
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-155354


Dirofilariasis is a rare disease in humans. We report here a case of a 48-year-old male who was diagnosed with pulmonary dirofilariasis in Korea. On chest radiographs, a coin lesion of 1 cm in diameter was shown. Although it looked like a benign inflammatory nodule, malignancy could not be excluded. So, the nodule was resected by video-assisted thoracic surgery. Pathologically, chronic granulomatous inflammation composed of coagulation necrosis with rim of fibrous tissues and granulations was seen. In the center of the necrotic nodules, a degenerating parasitic organism was found. The parasite had prominent internal cuticular ridges and thick cuticle, a well-developed muscle layer, an intestinal tube, and uterine tubules. The parasite was diagnosed as an immature female worm of Dirofilaria immitis. This is the second reported case of human pulmonary dirofilariasis in Korea.

Animals , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Diagnosis, Differential , Dirofilaria immitis/isolation & purification , Dirofilariasis/diagnosis , Lung/pathology , Lung Diseases, Parasitic/diagnosis , Republic of Korea , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-11037


In the present study, we first report the seroprevalence of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs in Shenyang, northeastern China. Sera from 528 randomly selected dogs were examined for D. immitis antigen using SNAP(R)4Dx test kit; 12.7% tested showed seropositive. No significant difference of infection was observed in different genders and breeds (P>0.05), but the difference was significant in different age groups and rearing conditions (P<0.05). The result suggested that the risk of exposure to D. immitis in dogs is high in Shenyang, and should be given attention.

Animals , Dogs , China/epidemiology , Dirofilaria immitis , Dirofilariasis/epidemiology , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Seroepidemiologic Studies