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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 1132-1137, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569257


SUMMARY: In forensic anthropology, the radius bone has been shown to determine the sex of human remains in a number of different populations. The dry mass and growth of long bones, including the radius, are associated with sex hormone levels; however, the use of bone weight to determine sex has not been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this study was to apply bone morphometric parameters, including maximum length of radius (MLR), circumference at the midshaft of radius (CMR), and weight of radius (WR), to 400 sample radii from a Northeastern Thai population. Univariate and multivariate discriminant functions of all parameters were systemically applied. Equations for calculating sex classification were also determined. Descriptive data analysis showed significant sexual dimorphism in all variables (p < 0.05). The canonical correlation was highest in CMR (0.772) and the ratio of weight to length (0.747). Multivariate discriminant function analysis showed that the measured indices of the right radius were slightly greater than those of the left radius. The parameters demonstrating the highest values of the standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients were CMR (Rt. = 0.496, Lt. 0.431) and WR (Rt. = 0.681, Lt. = 0.715). Moreover, the results of the multivariable (stepwise method) indicated that the best accuracy rates for using combinations of CMR and WR were 94 % (right side) and 92 % (left side). In conclusion, the weight of the radius (rather than the length) is an effective parameter in determining sex.

En antropología forense, se ha demostrado que el hueso radio determina el sexo de los restos humanos en varias poblaciones diferentes. La masa seca y el crecimiento de los huesos largos, incluido el radio, están asociados con los niveles de hormonas sexuales; sin embargo, el uso del peso de los huesos para determinar el sexo no se ha investigado suficientemente. El objetivo de este estudio fue aplicar parámetros morfométricos óseos, incluida la longitud máxima del radio (LMR), la circunferencia en la mitad del radio (CMR) y el peso del radio (PR), a 400 radios de muestra de una población del noreste de Tailandia. Se aplicaron sistémicamente funciones discriminantes univariadas y multivariadas de todos los parámetros. También se determinaron ecuaciones para calcular la clasificación por sexo. El análisis descriptivo de los datos mostró un dimorfismo sexual significativo en todas las variables (p < 0,05). La correlación canónica fue mayor en CMR (0,772) y la relación peso-longitud (0,747). El análisis de función discriminante multivariante mostró que los índices del radio derecho eran ligeramente mayores que los del radio izquierdo. Los parámetros que demostraron los valores más altos de los coeficientes de la función discriminante canónica estandarizada fueron CMR (Rt. = 0,496, Lt. 0,431) y PR (Rt. = 0,681, Lt. = 0,715). Además, los resultados del método multivariable (método paso a paso) indicaron que las mejores tasas de precisión al usar combinaciones de CMR y PR fueron del 94 % (lado derecho) y del 92 % (lado izquierdo). En conclusión, el peso del radio (más que la longitud) es un parámetro eficaz para determinar el sexo.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Radius/anatomy & histology , Sex Determination by Skeleton , Thailand , Discriminant Analysis , Forensic Anthropology , Data Accuracy
Medwave ; 24(4): e2910, 30-05-2024.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555382


Introducción La discriminación laboral percibida es un fenómeno complejo que implica un trato injusto en el lugar de trabajo, basado en características personales como edad, etnia, género o discapacidad. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar cómo ha sido investigada la discriminación laboral percibida, en el contexto de investigaciones acerca de su asociación con salud y resultados ocupacionales. Métodos Siguiendo la guía PRISMA-ScR y la metodología del Instituto Joanna Briggs, se realizó una revisión panorámica de artículos publicados entre los años 2000 y 2022 en bases de datos como PubMed, Scopus y PsycInfo. Los criterios de inclusión se centraron en estudios que exploraron la discriminación laboral percibida en trabajadores, excluyendo aquellos en pacientes, estudiantes o población general, y artículos no escritos en inglés o español. Resultados De los 9871 artículos identificados, 102 cumplieron con los criterios y fueron analizados. La investigación mostró un aumento progresivo en el estudio de la discriminación laboral percibida, con una mayoría de estudios en América del Norte y Europa y un predominio de diseños transversales. La mayoría no definió claramente el concepto de discriminación laboral percibida ni reportó las características psicométricas de los instrumentos de medición. Se encontró una asociación significativa entre la discriminación percibida y resultados negativos en la salud mental y física de los trabajadores, así como un impacto negativo en la satisfacción laboral y un aumento en el ausentismo. Además, las características sociodemográficas como raza/etnia, género y edad influyeron en la percepción de discriminación. Conclusiones Esta revisión confirma que la discriminación laboral percibida impacta considerablemente la salud y satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores, afectando más a minorías y mujeres. A pesar de un incremento en su investigación en las últimas dos décadas, persiste una carencia de consistencia en la definición y medición del fenómeno. La mayoría de los estudios han utilizado diseños transversales, y se observa una notable ausencia de investigaciones en el contexto latinoamericano.

Introduction Perceived workplace discrimination is a complex phenomenon involving unfair treatment in the workplace based on personal characteristics such as age, ethnicity, gender, or disability. The objective of this study is to explore the association of perceived workplace discrimination with health and occupational outcomes. Methods Following the PRISMA-ScR guidelines and the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology, a scoping review of articles published between 2000 and 2022 was conducted in databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, and PsyInfo. Inclusion criteria focused on studies exploring perceived workplace discrimination among workers, excluding those on patients, students, or the general population, and articles not written in English or Spanish. Results Of the 9,871 articles identified, 102 met the criteria and were analyzed. Research showed a progressive increase in the study of perceived workplace discrimination, with a majority of studies in North America and Europe and a predominance of cross-sectional designs. Most studies did not clearly define the concept of perceived workplace discrimination nor report the psychometric characteristics of the measurement instruments. A significant association was found between perceived discrimination and negative outcomes in workers' mental and physical health, as well as a negative impact on job satisfaction and an increase in absenteeism. Additionally, sociodemographic characteristics such as race/ethnicity, gender, and age influenced the perception of discrimination. Conclusions This review confirms that perceived workplace discrimination significantly impacts the health and job satisfaction of workers, with particular detriment in minorities and women. Despite an increase in research over the last two decades, there remains a lack of consistency in the definition and measurement of the phenomenon. Most studies have used cross-sectional designs, and there is a notable absence of research in the Latin American context.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558087


Objective: Characterize HIV/AIDS Social stigma towards people with HIV/AIDS in a sample of dentistry students from Concepción. Materials and methods: Cultural adaptation and pre-test were developed for the Stigma and HIV/AIDS Scale in dental students. Researchers collected the data from the instrument, demographic (sex/age), and academic information (course/training in HIV/AIDS, knowing a person with HIV/AIDS, provision of dental services to people living with HIV/AIDS [PLHIV]). To characterize the sample, univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics were performed with absolute and relative frequencies; the reliability of the scale was assessed with Cronbach's alpha; the relationship between the quantitative and ordinal variables was analyzed with the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: The final sample comprised 138 dental students, whereas most of them reported not having training in HIV/AIDS nor providing dental services to PLHIV. Stigma and HIV/AIDS Scale showed good reliability. Two items expressing that PLHIV must disclose their condition to health professionals so they can take precautions have the highest values. A weak inverse correlation was found between Stigma and the variables age and course. Conclusions: Dental school students from Universidad of Concepción have a low social stigma towards people with HIV/AIDS. Items regarding professional practice showed higher stigma levels.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(2)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559706


Antecedentes: El aumento de la obesidad ha llevado a una mayor estigmatización, con impactos en la salud psicológica y social de las víctimas. La estigmatización por peso puede expresarse en las creencias respecto al control de la obesidad. Escasos estudios han explorado el rol de la victimización por peso corporal y las creencias hacia otras personas con obesidad. Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre la victimización por peso corporal y características de estudiantes universitarios, en relación con las creencias hacia personas con obesidad. Métodos: Estudio transversal con 281 estudiantes de Santiago, Chile. Los participantes completaron un cuestionario online con la escala Beliefs about Obese Persons Scale (BAOP), preguntas sobre discriminación por su peso corporal, y características personales. La escala BAOP fue validada mediante entrevistas cognitivas (N=8) y análisis de consistencia interna (α-Cronbach=0,814). Los resultados se analizaron con las pruebas U Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis y Chi-cuadrado. Resultados: La mayoría de los estudiantes creían que la obesidad es controlable por las personas que la padecen, pero aquellos que reportaron victimización por peso en lugares como el hogar y la universidad presentaron menores creencias sobre la controlabilidad de la obesidad (p<0,05). No se reportaron diferencias en las creencias hacia personas con obesidad según características personales, exceptuando entre los hombres de distinta cohorte de estudios. Conclusión: Este estudio indica que las víctimas de estigmatización de peso tienden a presentar menores creencias respecto a la controlabilidad de la obesidad. Futuras intervenciones debiesen incorporar estrategias para reducir los sesgos de peso entre estudiantes universitarios en formación.

Background: The rise in obesity prevalence has led to increased weight stigmatization, impacting the psychological and social health of those affected. Weight stigma can manifest in beliefs regarding individuals' control over their obesity. Few studies have explored the role of weight-based victimization and beliefs towards individuals with obesity. Objective: To analyze the association between weight-based victimization and university students' characteristics, with beliefs toward individuals with obesity. Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 281 students in Santiago, Chile. Participants completed an online questionnaire including the Beliefs about Obese Persons Scale (BAOP), questions about weight-based discrimination, and personal characteristics. The BAOP scale was validated through cognitive interviews (N=8) and internal consistency analysis (α-Cronbach=0,814). Results were analyzed using U Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Chi-square tests. Results: Most students believed that obesity is controllable by those affected, but those who reported weight-based victimization in places such as home and university exhibited lower beliefs about the controllability of obesity (p<0,05). No differences in beliefs towards individuals with obesity were reported based on personal characteristics, except among male students in different study cohorts. Conclusion: This study identifies that victims of weight bias tend to exhibit lower beliefs regarding the controllability of obesity. Future interventions should incorporate strategies to reduce weight biases among university students in training.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(1): 168-173, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559667


Revisando el segundo volumen de actas del Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Medicina, reunido en Santiago los nueve primeros días del siglo XX, encontramos una conferencia de Eloísa Díaz, primera mujer chilena y latinoamericana en graduarse de médico, pese a la discriminación sufrida, que la obligó incluso a asistir a clases acompañada por su madre. Se analiza tanto esta conferencia sobre la organización del servicio médico escolar, como la introducción a su tesis de grado, y de paso las presentaciones de otros médicos participantes, haciendo hincapié en la patología infecciosa discutida y en su lenguaje verboso y florido.

Analyzing the second volume of proceedings of the First Latin American Congress of Medicine held in Santiago on the first nine days of the twentieth century, we found a lecture by Eloísa Díaz, the first Chilean and Latin American woman to graduate as a doctor, despite the discrimination she suffered, which even forced her to attend classes accompanied by her mother. This conference on the school medical service is analyzed, as well as the introduction to her degree thesis, and incidentally the presentations of other participating doctors, emphasizing the infectious pathology discussed and its verbose and flowery language.

History, 20th Century , Physicians, Women/history , History of Medicine , Chile
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021687


BACKGROUND:Research on foot and ankle proprioception is crucial for the rehabilitation of chronic ankle instability and geriatric diseases as well as for the improvement of body posture control and motor performance.Previous studies have often studied the sensory evaluation of the foot and ankle joints separately,which has limitations for a comprehensive understanding of their sensory function. OBJECTIVE:The foot and ankle complex is the only part in direct contact with the support surface,and plays an important role in the collective sensory feedback and regulation and balance control.By combing the existing investigation and research of foot and ankle ontology,the measurement and evaluation methods of the sensation of the foot and ankle complex are combed,in order to pave the way and provide the theoretical basis for future related studies. METHODS:Chinese terms"(foot OR foot ankle OR ankle)AND(sensation OR proprioception)"and English terms"(foot OR ankle)AND(feel OR proprioception)"were used as the keywords for retrieving relevant literature in the Web of Science,PubMed,and CNKI.We understood the basic concepts,current status and scope of research on the foot and ankle,summarized and evaluated the proprioceptive evaluation methods of the foot and ankle,and finally included 57 papers for further review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The evaluation of foot and ankle complex sensation was mainly divided into sensory evaluation of the foot and proprioceptive evaluation of the ankle joint.The sensory evaluation of the foot mainly describes the sensation of the skin and the sensory feedback under the intervention conditions.The methods mainly include the pressure sensory threshold test,the two-point discrimination test of the foot(planar and plantar),and the duration test of skin vibration sensation.Ankle joint proprioception evaluation focuses on the description of joint position,motion range,force value and functional performance.The methods are mainly divided into static joint angle reset test,motion minimum threshold test,force perception reproduction test and dynamic balance,speed and walking ability tests.The report of quantitative results is generally expressed by"an error,"which is generally divided into absolute error,relative error,constant error,etc.To conclude,the foot and ankle complex has specific sensory capabilities,including foot sensation and ankle proprioception,which affect the quality of life and athletic performance of humans.Weakness of both foot sensation and ankle proprioception is associated with reduced human balance,and the combined measurements of the two can comprehensively and effectively evaluate foot and ankle function.The combination of foot and ankle sensory measures is selected according to different research needs and various influencing factors such as environment,emotion and reporting style are fully considered,to improve the validity of measurement and evaluation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023350


Objective:To discuss the possibility of modifying nonfunctional distractors to improve the quality of multiple-choice questions in medical examination through analyzing the changes in the difficulty and discrimination of items and the selection rate of modified distractors.Methods:Thirty-two multiple-choice questions involving nonfunctional distractors from a medical examination were studied. According to the item-writing guidelines, experts modified nonfunctional distractors based on actual measurements. We analyzed the changes in the difficulty and discrimination of items and the selection rate of modified distractors before and after item modification using the paired Wilcoxon test, and investigated the correlation of item difficulty and discrimination before and after item modification by Spearman's rank correlation analysis.Results:Six questions were modified due to technical factors, and 26 questions were modified due to weak interference in knowledge content. Before and after nonfunctional distractor modification, the difficulty values of the questions were 0.676 (0.558, 0.893) and 0.637 (0.531, 0.839), respectively; the discrimination values (point-biserial correlation) were 0.261 (0.150, 0.316) and 0.262 (0.138, 0.358), respectively; and the discrimination index values were 0.215 (0.113, 0.352) and 0.259 (0.138, 0.346), respectively. There were significant differences in the difficulty and discrimination index of items before and after modification. The difficulty and discrimination of items before and after modification were both significantly correlated. The selection rates of modified distractors were 0.009 (0.003, 0.015) and 0.044 (0.021, 0.092) before and after modification, respectively, which were significantly different.Conclusions:Nonfunctional distractors in this study were mainly caused by reasons in the contents of the test questions, less in technical defects. Through the analysis and modification of nonfunctional distractors, the selection rate of nonfunctional distractors can be effectively increased, and item difficulty and discrimination can be improved.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 78-83, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012853


In March 2020, the outflow of age limited videos from ICU in Spain inspired us to rethink whether there is age discrimination in the allocation of scarce medical resources. This paper frist reflected on the problem of age discrimination caused by this phenomenon from four moral intuitions: the sacred view of life, the quality of life and values, public health ethics and Chinese culture, and then examined whether it is illegal from the legal level, finally pointed out the negative impact on the society, and put forward that taking age as the standard for the allocation of scarce medical resources is not suitable for China’s national conditions.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(4): e00127323, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557415


Resumo: O objetivo foi avaliar a capacidade da Escala de Discriminação Explícita (EDE) de produzir estimativas comparáveis entre grupos de gênero, cor/raça e posição socioeconômica. A análise se baseou em dados de dois estudos, realizados com estudantes de universidades públicas brasileiras. Uma versão abreviada da EDE com oito itens foi avaliada, utilizando o método alignment (alinhamento). Nossos achados indicaram violação de invariância entre grupos de cor/raça e gênero. Os relatos de experiências discriminatórias tiveram melhor comparabilidade entre estratos de posição socioeconômica. Este estudo demonstrou que a EDE deve ser utilizada com cautela, especialmente para fazer comparações de estimativas de discriminação entre respondentes de cor/raça e gênero distintos. A violação de invariância observada reforça a necessidade de pesquisas adicionais, examinando se tal cenário se mantém em amostras mais amplas e diversas do país.

Abstract: This study evaluated the ability of the Explicit Discrimination Scale (EDS) to produce comparable estimates among respondents according to gender, color/race, and socioeconomic status. Analysis was based on data from two studies with students from Brazilian public universities. An abridged version of the EDS with eight items was evaluated by the alignment method. Findings indicated violation of invariance between color/race and gender groups. Reports of discriminatory experiences had better comparability between socioeconomic status strata. This study showed that EDS should be used with caution, especially to compare discrimination estimates between respondents of different colors/races and genders. The observed violation of invariance reinforces the need for additional research examining whether such a scenario persists in larger and more diverse samples from Brazil.

Resumen: El objetivo fue evaluar la capacidad de la Escala de Discriminación Explícita (EDE) para producir estimaciones comparables entre grupos de género, color/raza y posición socioeconómica. El análisis se basó en los datos de dos estudios, realizados con estudiantes de universidades públicas brasileñas. Se evaluó una versión abreviada de la EDE con 8 ítems, utilizando el método alignment (alineación). Nuestros hallazgos indicaron una violación de la invariancia entre los grupos de color/raza y género. Los informes de experiencias discriminatorias fueron más comparables entre los estratos de posición socioeconómica. Este estudio demostró que la EDE debe usarse con precaución, especialmente para hacer comparaciones de estimaciones de discriminación entre encuestados distintos de color/raza y género. La violación de la invariancia observada refuerza la necesidad de investigaciones adicionales, examinando si tal escenario se mantiene muestras más amplias y diversas del país.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 27: e240038, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565313


ABSTRACT Objective The Explicit Discrimination Scale (EDS) was developed to assess experiences with discrimination in Brazilian epidemiologic surveys. Though previous analyses have demonstrated that the EDS has good configural, metric, and scalar properties, its invariance has not yet been investigated. In this study, we examined the factorial invariance of two abridged versions of the EDS, according to skin color/ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status, and their intersections. Methods: Data from the EpiFloripa Adult Study were used, which include a representative sample of adults residing in a state capital of southern Brazil (n=1,187). Over half of the respondents were women, and around 90% identified as white; the mean age of the participants was 39 years. Two abridged versions of the EDS were analyzed, with seven and eight items, using Multigroup Confirmatory Analysis and the Alignment method. Results: The two versions of the scale may be used to provide estimates of discrimination that are comparable across skin color/ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status, and their intersections. In the seven-item version of the scale, only one parameter lacked invariance (i.e., threshold of item i13 - called by names you do not like), specifically among black respondents with less than 12 years of formal education. Conclusion: The EDS may provide researchers with valid, reliable, and comparable estimates of discrimination between different segments of the population, including those at the intersections of skin color/ethnicity, sex, and socioeconomic status. However, future research is needed to determine whether the patterns we identified here are consistent in other population domains.

RESUMO Objective A Escala de Discriminação Explícita (EDE) foi desenvolvida para avaliar experiências com discriminação em inquéritos epidemiológicos no Brasil. Embora análises prévias tenham revelado boas propriedades configurais, métricas e escalares do instrumento, nenhum estudo examinou sua invariância. Este trabalho objetivou examinar a invariância fatorial de duas versões abreviadas da EDE, considerando cor/raça, sexo, posição socioeconômica e suas intersecções. Métodos: Utilizaram-se dados do Estudo EpiFloripa Adulto, que encerra uma amostra representativa de residentes de uma capital do sul do Brasil (n=1.187). Cerca de 57% da amostra foi constituída por mulheres e 90% dos entrevistados se declararam brancos; a média de idade dos participantes foi de 39 anos. Duas versões abreviadas da EDE, com sete e oito itens, foram examinadas por meio de Análises Fatoriais Confirmatórias Multigrupo e o método Alignment. Resultados: As duas versões da escala produziram estimativas comparáveis de discriminação entre grupos definidos por cor/raça, sexo, posição socioeconômica e suas intersecções. Na versão reduzida de sete itens, apenas um parâmetro apresentou violação de invariância (limiar do item i13; i.e., chamado por nomes que não gosta), especificamente no grupo de respondentes negros com menos de 12 anos de escolaridade. Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram que a EDE é capaz de produzir estimativas de discriminação válidas, confiáveis e comparáveis entre diversos segmentos da população, incluindo aqueles situados na intersecção de cor/raça, sexo e posição socioeconômica. Contudo, pesquisas futuras são necessárias para verificar se os padrões identificados aqui podem ser confirmados em outros domínios populacionais.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 27(supl.1): e240012.supl.1, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569720


ABSTRACT Objective To identify groups of transgender women and travestis (TGW) with specific patterns of gender-based discrimination (GBD) and analyze the factors associated with GBD. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted with TGW recruited through respondent-driven sampling in five Brazilian cities (2019-2021). Latent class analysis was used to characterize GBD (low, medium, and high) using 14 observable variables. Descriptive analysis was performed, and associations between predictor variables and GBD were estimated by adjusted odds ratios (aOR) using ordinal logistic regression. Results Out of a total of 1,317 TGW, 906 (68.8%) answered questions about GBD. Most were under 34 years old, single, and had a Brown race/skin color. GBD was classified as "low," "medium," and "high," with estimates of 41.7, 44.5, and 13.8%, respectively. Variables positively associated with higher intensity of GBD included living in Manaus compared to São Paulo, being ≤34 years old compared to >34, being homeless compared to living in one's own house or rented apartment, not having legally changed one's name compared to those who had, and reporting physical or sexual violence compared to those who did not report. Variables negatively associated with higher intensity of GBD included having a Brown or Asian race/skin color compared to White and a monthly income ≥1 minimum wage compared to ³1. Conclusion A high proportion of GBD was observed in Brazilian TGW, with this outcome associated with more vulnerable sociodemographic characteristics and a history of violence.

RESUMO Objetivo Identificar grupos de mulheres trans e travestis (MTT) com padrões específicos de discriminação por identidade de gênero (DIG) e analisar os fatores associados à DIG. Métodos Estudo transversal com MTT recrutadas por respondent-driven sampling em cinco capitais brasileiras (2019-2021). Análise de classes latentes foi usada para caracterizar a DIG (em baixa, média e alta) usando 14 variáveis observáveis. Análise descritiva foi realizada e as associações entre variáveis preditoras e DIG foram estimadas por odds ratio ajustados (ORaj), usando regressão logística ordinal. Resultados Do total de 1.317 MTT, 906 (68,8%) responderam perguntas sobre DIG. A maioria apresentava idade ≤34 anos, solteiras e com raça/cor de pele parda. DIG foi classificada em "baixa", "média" e "alta", com estimativas de 41,7, 44,5, 13,8%, respectivamente. As variáveis positivamente associadas à maior intensidade de DIG foram: morar em Manaus em comparação com São Paulo; possuir idade £34 anos em comparação com idade >34; estar em situação de rua em comparação com quem mora em casa ou apartamento próprio ou alugado; não ter retificado o nome em documento em comparação com quem retificou; e relato de violência física ou sexual em comparação com quem não relatou. As variáveis negativamente associadas à maior intensidade de DIG foram: raça/cor de pele parda ou amarela em comparação com branca; e renda média mensal <1 salário mínimo em comparação com ≥1 salários. Conclusão Observaram-se alta proporção de DIG em MTT brasileiras e associação desse desfecho com características sociodemográficas mais vulneráveis e histórico de violência.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(2): e00123123, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534119


Stress and discrimination negatively affect quality of life, but social support may buffer their effects. This study aims: (1) to examine the associations between psychological stress, discrimination, and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL); and (2) to assess whether social support, stress and discrimination interact to modify their associations with OHRQoL. We used cross-sectional household-based data from a study including 396 individuals aged 14 years and over from families registered for government social benefits in a city in Southern Brazil. OHRQoL was measured with the Oral Impacts on Daily Performance (OIDP) scale; psychological stress was assessed with the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); social support was assessed based on the number of close relatives or friends of the participant, and discrimination was assessed with a short version of the Everyday Discrimination Scale. Interactions were estimated using the relative excess of risk due to interaction (RERI). Adjusted effects were calculated with logistic regression. The prevalence of oral impacts among people with higher and lower PSS scores was 81.6% and 65.5%, respectively (p < 0.01). Social support was found to have no interactions with stress levels and discrimination. The association between social discrimination and OHRQoL (OIDP score > 0) was OR = 2.03 (95%CI: 1.23; 3.34) among people with a low level of stress, but was OR = 12.6 (95%CI: 1.31; 120.9) among those with higher levels (p = 0.09, for interaction). Individuals who reported experiencing higher levels of psychological stress and discrimination had worse OHRQoL; a synergistic effect with social support was not clear.

O estresse e a discriminação afetam negativamente a qualidade de vida, mas o apoio social pode amortecer seus efeitos. Os objetivos deste estudo são: (1) examinar as associações entre estresse psicológico, discriminação e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB); e (2) avaliar se apoio social, estresse e discriminação interagem para modificar suas associações com QVRSB. Os dados são de uma pesquisa transversal de base domiciliar de um estudo que incluiu 396 indivíduos com 14 anos ou mais de famílias registradas para benefícios federais em uma cidade no sul do Brasil. A QVRSB foi mensurada pelo Impactos Orais no Desempenho Diário (OIDP), enquanto o estresse psicológico foi avaliado pela Escala de Estresse Percebido (PSS). Além disso, o apoio social foi avaliado pelo número de parentes ou amigos próximos e a discriminação por meio da Escala de Discriminação Diária (EDS). As interações foram estimadas por meio do excesso relativo de risco devido à interação (RERI). Os efeitos ajustados foram calculados por meio de regressão logística. A prevalência de impactos bucais entre as pessoas com maior e menor escores de PSS foi de 81,6% e 65,5%, respectivamente (p < 0,01). O apoio social mostra interações inclusivas com níveis de estresse e discriminação. A associação entre discriminação social e QVRSB (escore OIDP > 0) foi OR = 2,03 (IC95%: 1,23; 3,34) dentre pessoas com baixo nível de estresse, mas foi de OR = 12,6 (IC95%: 1,31; 120,9) dentre aqueles com níveis mais altos (p = 0,09, para interação). Indivíduos que relataram níveis mais elevados de estresse psicológico e discriminação apresentaram pior QVRSB; o efeito sinérgico com o apoio social não foi evidente.

El estrés y la discriminación afectan negativamente a la calidad de vida, pero el apoyo social puede mitigar sus efectos. Los objetivos de este estudio son: (1) examinar las asociaciones entre el estrés psicológico, la discriminación y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal (CVRSB); y (2) evaluar si el apoyo social, el estrés y la discriminación interactúan para modificar sus asociaciones con la CVRSB. Los datos provienen de una encuesta transversal de hogares cuyo estudio incluyó a 396 individuos de 14 años o más de familias registradas en beneficios del gobierno en una ciudad del Sur de Brasil. La CVRSB se midió mediante el Impactos Orales en el Rendimiento Diario (OIDP), mientras que el estrés psicológico se evaluó mediante la Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS). El apoyo social se basó en el número de familiares o amigos cercanos, y la discriminación en la Escala de Discriminación Cotidiana (EDS). Las interacciones se estimaron mediante el excesivo de riesgo relativo debido a la interacción (RERI). Los efectos ajustados se calcularon mediante regresión logística. La prevalencia de impactos orales entre las personas con puntajes de PSS más altas y más bajas fue del 81,6% y del 65,5%, respectivamente (p < 0,01). El apoyo social presenta interacciones inclusivas con niveles de estrés y discriminación. La asociación entre discriminación social y OHRQoL (puntuación OIDP > 0) fue OR = 2,03 (IC95%: 1,23; 3,34) entre personas con un nivel bajo de estrés, pero fue OR = 12,6 (IC95%: 1,31; 120,9) entre aquellos con niveles más altos (p = 0,09, para interacción). Las personas que informaron tener niveles más elevados de estrés psicológico y discriminación tuvieron una peor CVRSB; el efecto sinérgico con el apoyo social no estaba claro.

Medisur ; 21(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550558


Fundamento la COVID-19 tuvo repercusión en el estado biopsicosocial de la población. Entre las actitudes y comportamientos, la discriminación se manifestó como una de las respuestas a diferentes niveles de interrelación personal y social. Objetivo describir la discriminación percibida por pacientes en seguimiento por COVID-19. Métodos estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en el periodo septiembre de 2021 a febrero de 2022, con todos los pacientes con seguimiento por COVID-19 (N=89) residentes en el barrio de Tajamar Regalado (Tulcán, Ecuador). Mediante la encuesta se obtuvo información sobre las variables: tipo de institución donde recibió seguimiento médico, percepción de discriminación, apoyo social y apoyo comunitario. Resultados el 60,67 % de los pacientes refirió que casi siempre lamentaba haberse contagiado de COVID-19; el 59,55 %, que siempre sintió ser discriminado por haber padecido la enfermedad; el 40,45 %, que casi siempre consideró importante utilizar medidas de protección para evitar más contagios en su comunidad; el 48,31 % planteó que casi siempre recibió consejería por el personal de salud; y el 59,55 % consideró que su salud mental se vio afectada. Casi la mitad de los pacientes expresó haber recibido un apoyo social muy malo, y el 51,68 % un apoyo social malo parte de las autoridades en particular. Conclusiones durante la pandemia de COVID-19 existió un rechazo social a los pacientes contagiados, el cual provocó afectaciones en la salud mental de estos. Se evidenció una falta de apoyo por parte de la comunidad y las autoridades; y una escasa consejería por el personal de salud.

Foundation COVID-19 had an impact on the population' biopsychosocial state. Among attitudes and behaviors, discrimination manifested itself as one of the responses to different levels of personal and social interrelation. Objective to describe the discrimination perceived by patients being monitored for COVID-19. Methods descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried out from September 2021 to February 2022, in all patients monitored for COVID-19 (N=89) who live in Tajamar Regalado neighborhood (Tulcán, Ecuador). Through the survey, information was obtained on the variables: type of institution where they received medical follow-up, perception of discrimination, social support and community support. Results 60.67% of patients reported that they almost always regretted having been infected with COVID-19; 59.55%, who always felt they were discriminated against for having suffered from the disease; 40.45%, who almost always considered it important to use protective measures to avoid further infections in their community; 48.31% stated that they almost always received counseling from health personnel; and 59.55% considered that their mental health was affected. Almost half of the patients expressed having received very bad social support, and 51.68% received bad social support from the authorities in particular. Conclusions during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was social rejection of infected patients, which caused effects on their mental health. A lack of support from the community and authorities was evident; and little counseling by health personnel.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550787


Tener peso alto es una característica que ha sido devaluada y denigrada socialmente, convirtiendo a las personas de cuerpos grandes en víctimas de estereotipos, prejuicios y discriminación, lo que se ha denominado estigmatización por el peso, fenómeno que ocurre especialmente en mujeres. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las experiencias de estigma de peso de mujeres con obesidad que viven en el sur de Chile. Participaron seis mujeres entre 20 y 57 años a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas de manera remota. Mediante Análisis Fenomenológico Interpretativo se identificaron cuatro supratemas y diversos subtemas, los supratemas son: 1. La obesidad como parte de la persona. 2. Las experiencias de sentirse discriminada. 3. Todo gira en función del peso. 4. Lo que la sociedad piensa de la obesidad, los que en su conjunto permiten caracterizar la experiencia de vivir con obesidad y sufrir el estigma asociado al peso en distintos ámbitos de sus vidas, incluso en contextos sanitarios. Las consecuencias de esta experiencia son diversas y negativas, destacando el impacto que tiene en su autoestima y las constantes emociones negativas que derivan de las situaciones de discriminación. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de avanzar hacia la diversidad y aceptación corporal, lo que supone un desafío a la sociedad en general y en particular a los proveedores de salud, ya que se requiere de intervenciones libres de prejuicios y orientadas a la salud y el bienestar de las personas.

Carrying a high weight is a characteristic that has been devalued and socially denigrated, turning people with large bodies into victims of stereotypes, prejudice, or discrimination, which has been called weight stigmatisation, a phenomenon that occurs especially in women. The aim of this study was to describe the weight stigma experiences of women with obesity who live in southern Chile. Six women between 20 and 57 years of age participated in semi-structured interviews conducted remotely. Through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis four supra-themes and several sub-themes were identified, the supra-themes are: 1. Obesity as part of the person. 2. Experiences of feeling discriminated. 3. Everything is about weight. 4. what society thinks of obesity, which together allow characterising the experience of living with obesity and suffering the weight stigma in different areas of their lives, including in health contexts. The consequences of this experience are diverse and negative, highlighting the impact it has on their self-esteem and the constant negative emotions that derive from discrimination situations. These results highlight the importance of moving toward body diversity and acceptance, which is a challenge for society in general and health care providers in particular, as it requires interventions free from prejudice and orientated to the health and well-being of individuals.

Ter. psicol ; 41(3)dic. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551082


Introduction: Discrimination affects the health and well-being of those who experience it. The relationship between discrimination and mental health in migrant communities and in the Chilean child and youth population has been previously studied, however, there is little evidence regarding the effects of discrimination on the general population. Objective: To analyze the relationship between discrimination and the presence of anxious and depressive symptoms in the Chilean population. Methods: Prospective cross-sectional study evaluating 927 subjects in the cities of Arica, Antofagasta, and Santiago. To evaluate discrimination the Krieger Discrimination Experience Scale is used. To asses depressive and anxious symptomatology, the Beck scales for BDI Depression and BAI Anxiety were implemented. Results: The mean age of the sample is 33.9 years (Range 18-70 years; SD=13.13). 59.5% of the participants are female. 36% of the participants reported having experienced discrimination in some aspect of their lives. The highest perception of discrimination is associated with employment (42%) and the main reported causes are level of education or income, age, and gender. Experiences of discrimination exert statistically significant positive effects of moderate magnitude (b>.30) on depressive (b=.460, p<.001) and anxious (b=.480, p<.001) symptomatology, the latter being interrelated (b=.636, p<.001). Conclusions: More than a third of the population studied reported having been discriminated in some aspect of their lives. This perception is further accentuated in relation to employment. The perception of discrimination is associated with an increase in anxious and depressive symptoms in the Chilean population.

Introducción: La discriminación afecta la salud y el bienestar de las personas que la experimentan. Se ha estudiado ampliamente la relación entre discriminación y salud mental en comunidades migrantes y en población infanto-juvenil chilena, sin embargo, existe escasa evidencia respecto a los efectos de esta en la población general. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre discriminación y la presencia de sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva en población chilena. Material y Método: Estudio transversal prospectivo evaluando 927 sujetos en las ciudades de Arica, Antofagasta y Santiago. Para evaluar discriminación se utiliza la escala de experiencias de discriminación de Krieger. Para evaluar sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa se utilizan las escalas de Beck para Depresión BDI y Ansiedad BAI. Resultados: La edad promedio de la muestra es de 33,9 años (Intervalo de 18 a 70 años; DE=13,13). El 59,5% de los participantes son mujeres. Un 36% de los participantes declara haber experimentado discriminación en algún aspecto de su vida. La mayor percepción de discriminación se asocia al empleo (42%) siendo las principales causas reportadas el nivel educacional o de ingresos, la edad y el sexo. Las experiencias de discriminación ejercen efectos positivos estadísticamente significativos de magnitud moderada (b>.30) sobre sintomatología depresiva (b=.460, p<.001) y ansiosa (b=.480, p<.001) estando las últimas interrelacionadas entre sí (b=.636, p<.001). Conclusión: Más de un tercio de la población estudiada reporta haber sido discriminada en algún aspecto de su vida. Esta percepción se agudiza en torno a la obtención de empleo. La percepción de discriminación se asocia a incremento en sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva en la población chilena.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(2): 189-201, mai.-jul. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531203


Mulheres cisgênero lésbicas são confrontadas em seu cotidiano com situações de dupla violência, relacionadas à desqualificação e desvalor atribuídos tanto ao gênero como à orientação sexual. Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender os significados atribuídos às experiências de preconceito e discriminação sofridas por mulheres lésbicas de camadas médias. Trata-se de um estudo clínico-qualitativo fundamentado no olhar interseccional dos estudos de gênero. Participaram seis mulheres brancas de 22 a 59 anos de camadas médias, que se autoidentificavam como lésbicas. Para construção do corpus de análise foram realizadas entrevistas individuais gravadas em áudio. Os dados foram analisados e discutidos na perspectiva da análise temática reflexiva. Foram construídas cinco categorias: ambiente de trabalho, família de origem, relações de amizade, serviços de saúde e pessoas desconhecidas. Os resultados mostram que pessoas que perpetram violência contra lésbicas não toleram a possibilidade de que duas mulheres possam manter relacionamento afetivo-sexual e se utilizam de estratégias de apagamento (insultos, deboche, desrespeito, indiferença) para depreciá-las, invisibilizá-las e discriminá-las. Os ataques recorrentes às lesbianidades têm como função manter a hegemonia do modelo heterocentrado. Examinar os significados atribuídos às experiências de preconceito e discriminação sofridas por mulheres lésbicas pode encorajar o desenvolvimento de intervenções culturalmente sensíveis e a efetivação de políticas públicas voltadas a essa população.

Cisgender lesbian women face situations of double violence in their daily lives with situations of double violence, related to the disqualification and devaluation attributed to both gender and sexual orientation. This study aimed to understand the meanings attributed to middle-class lesbian women's experiences of prejudice and discrimination. This is a clinical qualitative study based on the intersectional look of gender studies. Six white, middle-class women ages 22 to 59, who self-identified as lesbians, participated. Individual interviews were conducted and recorded to create the analysis corpus. The data were analyzed and discussed from the perspective of reflective thematic analysis. Five categories were constructed: work environment, family of origin, friendship relations, health services, and unknown people. The results show that people who perpetrate violence against lesbians do not tolerate the possibility that two women can have an affective-sexual relationship and use erasure strategies (insults, debauchery, disrespect, indifference) to depreciate, invisibilize them, and discriminate against them. The recurrent attacks on lesbianities have the function of maintaining the hegemony of the heterocentric model. Examining the meanings attributed to the experiences of prejudice and discrimination suffered by lesbian women can encourage the development of culturally sensitive interventions and public policies targeting this population.

Salud ment ; 46(5): 241-245, Sep.-Oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522923


Abstract This article applies the concept of normality, in both its descriptive and normative connotations, to the field of mental health, emphasizing its ethical undertones in different cultural and situational contexts. Ethics is defined as the linguistic justification of morals, and bioethics is characterized by arguments based on dialogical, discursive, and deliberative processes. Bioethical decision-making influences human relationships and has implications for diagnosis, prognosis, interventions, and evaluation of therapeutic results and outcomes. Normality in mental health should be reformulated on bioethical principles to avoid being a source of stigma and discrimination, at a time when human diversity and cultural change impose a redefinition of conceptual boundaries and depathologization of different forms of behavior and experience.

Resumen Se aplica el concepto de normalidad en sus connotaciones descriptiva y normativa al campo de la salud mental, destacando su tonalidad ética en diferentes contextos culturales y situacionales. Se define la ética como la justificación lingüística de la moral y se caracteriza a la bioética como fuente de argumentos basados en procesos dialógicos, discursivos y deliberativos. La toma de decisiones en clave bioética influencia las relaciones humanas y posee implicaciones para el diagnóstico, el pronóstico, las intervenciones y la evaluación de resultados y consecuencias. La normalidad en salud mental debiera ser reformulada sobre la base de principios bioéticos a fin de impedir ser fuente de estigma y discriminación en una época en que la diversidad y el cambio cultural imponen una redefinición de límites conceptuales y la despatologización de diferentes formas de conducta y vivencia.

Psicol. rev ; 32(1): 166-190, 17/10/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1518260


A discriminação perceptiva de símbolos depende da organização perceptiva do sujeito da ação como sistema bio-psico-social complexo. Objectivo: estudo de especificidades da discriminação perceptiva de símbolos em alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Amostra: 550 participantes ­ 275 com e 275 sem dificuldades de aprendizagem; idades 7 ­ 15 anos; escolaridade ­ 1º, 2º e 3º ciclo do ensino básico. Instrumentos metodológicos ­ entrevista clínico--psicológica, observação psicológica, Teste de Símbolos e Dígitos (SDMT). Resultados: Alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem tendem a evidenciar mais emparelhamentos dígito-símbolo incorretos e menos corretos e a despenderem bastante mais tempo na execução da tarefa; portanto, executam menos emparelhamentos corretos por minuto, comparativamente a alunos sem dificuldades de aprendizagem. Conclusão: Nas dificuldades de aprendizagem, cometem-se mais erros e assinalam-se menos emparelhamentos correctos na tarefa de emparelhamento, quando há limites no tempo de execução; caso contrário, a disponibilidade de tempo compensa, reduzindo a quantidade de incorreções. Nas dificuldades de aprendizagem, é necessário mais tempo para executar a tarefa de emparelhamento, devido ao processamento de informação mais lento; tempo consumido na decodificação e identificação das correspondências dígito-símbolo e a discriminação perceptiva não se infirma com a rapidez necessária à simultaneidade e automatização do ato. (AU)

The perceptual discrimination of symbols depends on the perceptual organization of the individual as a complex bio-psychosocial system in action. Objective: To study the specifics of perceptual discrimination of symbols in students with learning difficulties. Sample: 550 participants - 275 with learning difficulties and 275 without; aged 7 to 15; educational levels ranging from the 1st to 3rd cycles of basic education. Methodological instruments included clinical-psychological interviews, psychological observations, and the Symbols Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). Results: Students with learning difficulties tend to display more incorrect and fewer correct digit-symbol pairings, and they invest considerably more time in task execution. Consequently, they achieve fewer correct pairings per minute compared to students without learning difficulties. Conclusion: Learning difficulties are associated with increased errors and fewer correct pairings in the task of pairing symbols when time constraints exist. Conversely, when ample time is available, it mitigates the quantity of inaccuracies. Learning difficulties necessitate more time for task completion due to slower information processing. The time spent on decoding, identifying digit-symbol correspondences, and perceptual discrimination does not align with the speed required for simultaneity and automation of the task. (AU)

La discriminación perceptiva de los símbolos depende de la organización perceptiva del sujeto de la acción como un complejo sistema bio-psico-social. Objetivo: estudiar las especificidades de la discriminación perceptiva de símbolos en estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje. Muestra: 550 parti-cipantes - 275 con y 275 sin dificultades de aprendizaje; edades de 7 a 15 años; escolaridad - 1º, 2º y 3º ciclo de educación básica. Instrumentos metodológicos: entrevista clínico-psicológica, observación psicológica, Test de Símbolos y Dígitos (SDMT). Resultados: Los estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje tienden a mostrar una mayor cantidad de emparejamientos dígito-símbolo incorrectos y menos correctos y dedican mucho más tiempo a la ejecución de la tarea; por lo tanto, realizan menos emparejamientos correctos por minuto, en comparación con los estudiantes sin dificultades de aprendizaje. Conclu-sión: En las dificultades de aprendizaje se cometen más errores y se notan menos emparejamientos correctos en la tarea de emparejamiento, cuando hay límites en el tiempo de ejecución; de lo contrario, la disponibilidad de tiempo es compensatoria, reduciendo el número de inexactitudes. En las dificultades de aprendizaje, se necesita más tiempo para realizar la tarea de empareja-miento, debido al procesamiento más lento de la información; el tiempo que se consume en decodificar e identificar las correspondencias dígito-símbolo y la discriminación perceptiva no ocurre tan rápidamente como es necesario para la simultaneidad y automatización del acto. (AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Perceived Discrimination , Learning Disabilities , Psychology, Educational , Qualitative Research
Kinesiologia ; 42(3): 163-167, 20230915.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552488


Introducción. La discapacidad se ha interpretado bajo diferentes puntos de vista a medida que pasan los años, convirtiéndose en un punto clave la mirada global para una correcta integración dentro de la sociedad, especialmente desde el punto de vista de la Kinesiología. Objetivo. analizar la población con discapacidad en Chile con respecto a las variables sociodemográficas (sexo y edad), en su estado de dependencia y discriminación desde el 2015 al 2021. Métodos. Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, en donde se identificaron y contrastaron dichas variables de las bases de datos secundarias ENDISC (II Estudio Nacional de la Discapacidad del 2015), CASEN (Encuesta de Caracterización Sociodemográfica del 2017) y EBS (Encuesta de Bienestar Social del 2021). Resultados. Existe mayor prevalencia de discapacidad en el género femenino entre los 18 a 34 años, mostrando relación entre el nivel de dependencia con edad y sexo en el 2015 y 2017 con mayor prevalencia hacia la independencia. Además, se establece relación entre la autopercepción de discriminación en personas con discapacidad de acuerdo con el sexo y la edad en el 2017 y 2021, mayor prevalencia al "No" sentirse discriminado. Discusión: A medida que aumenta la edad, aumenta con ella la discapacidad de la persona, sumado a la percepción de discriminación en diferentes esferas sociales, que limitan aún más el desarrollo de las personas con discapacidad. Conclusión. Es necesario de un estudio más enfocado en variables vinculadas con la discapacidad, de esta manera tener información estadística para lograr entablar diferentes políticas públicas en beneficio de la situación de discapacidad.

Background. Disability has been interpreted from different points of view as the years go by, with a global perspective becoming a key point for correct integration within society, especially from the point of view of Kinesiology. Aim. analyze the population with disabilities in Chile with respect to sociodemographic variables (sex and age), in their state of dependency and discrimination from 2015 to 2021. Methods. Quantitative, descriptive study, where these variables from the secondary databases ENDISC (II National Disability Study of 2015), CASEN (Sociodemographic Characterization Survey of 2017) and EBS (Social Wellbeing Survey of 2021) were identified and contrasted. Results. There is a higher prevalence of disability in women between 18 and 34 years of age, showing a relationship between the level of dependency with age and sex in 2015 and 2017 with a greater prevalence towards independence. In addition, a relationship is established between the self-perception of discrimination in people with disabilities according to sex and age in 2017 and 2021, a greater prevalence of "No" feeling discriminated against. Discussion. As age increases, the person's disability increases with it, added to the perception of discrimination in different social spheres, which further limit the development of people with disabilities. Conclusion. It is necessary to study more focused on variables linked to disability, in this way to have statistical information to establish different public policies to benefit the disability situation.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(3): [1-19], 20230901.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510569


Este artículo ofrece una exploración empírica y conceptual del odontograma, un dispositivo usado cotidianamente en la práctica odontológica para evaluar el estado dental. Se tomaron como base los aportes del "giro ontológico" y algunas de las propuestas más recientes de las teorías del afecto para reflexionar más allá de las concepciones epistemológicas de la representación. El propósito es comprender las relaciones materiales, corporales y afectivas puestas en acción en la formación odontológica en relación con el odontograma. Se tomó como caso de estudio un programa de educación odontológica ubicado en una ciudad intermedia de Colombia, particularmente lo ocurrido en prácticas clínicas y en reuniones de profesores. Para el análisis, se partió de la noción de momento etnográfico propuesta por Marilyn Strathern. Se encontraron diversas situaciones que muestran la capacidad del odontograma para articular afectos, como discutir convenciones, diligenciar con lápiz los formatos de la historia clínica, mover la silla de la unidad odontológica para ver los dientes, secar con la jeringa triple, explicar diferencias sutiles entre anatomía y patología, y evaluar los odontogramas hechos por los estudiantes. Se concluye que la relación entre la boca del paciente y el odontograma es compleja y de mutuo exceso, lo cual posibilita una experiencia más rica de los dientes

This paper offers an empirical and conceptual exploration of the dental chart, a tool used to assess dental status. It is built on the "ontological turn" and recent affect theories to reflect beyond the epistemological concept of representation. This paper aims to understand the material, embodied, and affective relationships implemented in dental training regarding the dental chart. A dental education program in an intermediate city in Colombia was taken as a case study, mainly what happened in clinical practices and faculty meetings. It adopted the notion of "ethnographic moment" proposed by Marilyn Strathern for the analysis. Diverse situations were observed, which demonstrated the capacity of the dental chart to articulate affects, such as discussing conventions, filling out clinical records using a pencil, moving the chair of the dental unit to see the teeth, drying with the triple syringe, explaining subtle differences between anatomy and pathology, and evaluating the dental charts carried out by the students. It was inferred that the relationship between the patient's mouth and the dental chart is complex and mutually excessive, enabling a richer experience of the teeth.

Este artigo oferece uma exploração empírica e conceitual do odontograma, um dispositivo usado diaria- mente na prática odontológica para avaliar o estado dentário. As contribuições da "virada ontológica" e algumas das propostas mais recentes das teorias do afeto foram tomadas como base para refletir para além das concepções epistemológicas da representação. O objetivo do texto é compreender as relações materiais, corporais e afetivas postas em ação na formação odontológica em relação ao odontograma. Um programa de educação odontológica localizado em uma cidade intermediária na Colômbia foi tomado como um estudo de caso, particularmente o que aconteceu nas práticas clínicas e nas reuniões de professores. Para a análise, partimos da noção de "momento etnográfico" proposta por Marilyn Strathern. Foram encontradas várias situações que mostram a capacidade do odontograma de articular afetos, como discutir convenções, preencher formatos de história clínica com lápis, mover a cadeira da unidade odontológica para ver os dentes, secar com a seringa tríplice, explicar diferenças sutis entre anatomia e patologia e avaliar os odontogramas feitos pelos alunos. Conclui-se que a relação entre a boca do paciente e o odontograma é complexa e de excesso mútuo, o que possibilita uma experiência mais rica dos dentes.
