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Rev. argent. cardiol ; 92(2): 119-125, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575899


RESUMEN Introducción. Las imágenes de densidad electrónica (DE) podrían detectar diferencias miocárdicas tisulares no distinguibles mediante la tomografía computarizada (TC) convencional sin contraste. Objetivos. Evaluar si existen diferencias de DE miocárdica asociadas al sexo, y de estar presentes, su relación con factores de riesgo cardiovascular o calcificación coronaria. Material y métodos. Los pacientes pertenecían a un estudio prospectivo observacional de centro único que incluyó sujetos asintomáticos entre 50 y 75 años, derivados para realizar una TC de tórax de baja dosis. Todas las imágenes se obtuvieron mediante un equipo de TC espectral dual, y fueron evaluadas utilizando imágenes de TC convencional (120 kVp) y de DE. Resultados. Se incluyó un total de 171 pacientes. La atenuación miocárdica no estuvo relacionada con el sexo o factores de riesgo coronarios (todos con p >0,05), mientras que el porcentaje de densidad electrónica respecto del agua (%EDW, por su sigla en inglés) fue significativamente mayor en la población masculina (p<0,0001), y en los pacientes con diabetes (p=0,007), hipertensión (p=0,004) y obesidad (p=0,004). La extensión de la calcificación coronaria no estuvo relacionada ni con la ate nuación ni con la DE miocárdicas. En el análisis univariado, el sexo masculino fue la única variable asociada a un %EDW elevado (p=0,011), mientras que la edad, la diabetes, la obesidad, el tabaquismo, la hipertensión y el score CACSIS (score de calcificación de las arterias coronarias), no. Un modelo de regresión logística que incluyó sexo, obesidad, diabetes e hipertensión, identificó al sexo masculino como el único predictor independiente de %EDW elevado (OR 2,51, IC 95% 1,23-5,34, p=0,016). Conclusiones. En este estudio, las imágenes de DE identificaron diferencias en el tejido miocárdico que la TC convencional fue incapaz de discriminar, con un mayor %EDW en hombres y en pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular. El sexo masculino fue el único predictor independiente de %EDW elevado.

ABSTRACT Background. Electron density (ED) imaging might be able to detect myocardial tissue differences indistinguishable for con ventional non-contrast computed tomography (CT). Objectives. To evaluate whether there are differences in myocardial ED associated with sex, and if present, their relationship with cardiovascular risk factors or coronary calcification. Methods. Patients were participants of a prospective single center observational study comprising asymptomatic subjects between 50 and 75 years old, referred for a low-dose chest CT. All images were obtained using a dual-layer detector spectral CT, and evaluated using conventional CT (120 kVp) and ED images. Results. A total of 171 patients were included. Myocardial attenuation was not related to sex or coronary risk factors (all p >0.05), whereas the percent electron density relative to water (%EDW) was significantly higher among males (p <0.0001), and patients with diabetes (p = 0.007), hypertension (p = 0.004), and obesity (p = 0.004). The extent of coronary artery calcification was unrelated to neither the myocardial attenuation, nor the myocardial ED. At univariate analysis, male sex was the only variable associated with a high %EDW (p = 0.011), whereas age, diabetes, obesity, smoking, hypertension, and CACSIS (coronary artery calcification segment involvement score), were not. Logistic regression analysis including sex, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension in the model, identified male sex as the only independent predictor of a high %EDW (OR 2.51, 95%CI 1.23-5.34, p=0.016). Conclusions. In this study, ED imaging identified myocardial tissue differences that conventional CT was unable to discriminate, with a higher %EDW in men and in patients with cardiovascular risk factors. Male sex was the only independent predictor of a high %EDW

Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 261-269, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558144


SUMMARY: Diabetes is a form of endocrine disease. Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) provides a detailed view of the body composition to find out what makes people with diabetes different from those with other diseases. We scanned 371 patients with DXA to analyze their body composition parameters. Three hundreds and seventy one patients (178 women/193 men), who with different diseases, with a mean±SD Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25.32±8.3 kg/m2 were included. The body composition of 371 patients was assessed. Bone Mineral Density (BMD), Fat Weight, Lean Weight, waist-to-hip ratio, Lean Mass Index (LMI), Fat Mass Index (FMI), the relationship between Fat percentage and BMI were analyzed. The 371 patients included 156 diabetics and 215 non-diabetics. Non-diabetic patients also included 5 obesity patients, 9 patients with fatty liver, 39 patients with hypertension, 22 patients with hyperlipidemia, 18 patients with cardiovascular disease, 11 patients with chest and lung disease, 4 patients with chronic disease, 14 patients with brain disease and 93 patients with other diseases. Among 156 diabetic patients, 129 had VAT > 100 cm2 and 27 had VAT ≤100 cm2. The lean weight (LW) of male diabetic patients was significantly higher than that of female diabetic patients. The fat weight (FW) of female patients with diabetes was significantly higher than that of male patients. The waist-hip ratio (WHR) was 1.37 ± 0.25 in male diabetic patients and 1.18 ± 0.21 in female diabetic patients. Among the 215 non-diabetic patients, the obese and fatty liver patients, which the weight (WT) (obesity: 83.87 ± 8.34 kg fat liver: 85.64±28.60 kg), FW (obesity: 28.56 ± 4.18 kg fat liver: 28.61 ± 10.79 kg), LW (obesity: 52.62 ± 9.64 kg fat liver: 54.29±17.58 kg), BMI (obesity: 28.76 ± 1.88 kg/m2 fat liver: 29.10 ± 5.95 kg/m2), was much higher than other patients. Diabetes patients had less fat mass than non- diabetic patients; the difference was around 2 kg. BMI is also a modest number. BMD doesn't differ all that much. Non-diabetic patients with fatty liver obesity and cardiovascular disease had higher fat mass and BMI than patients with other illnesses. Body composition can provide precise information on the makeup of different body areas, but further in-depth exams are required to ascertain the body's endocrine profile.

La diabetes es una enfermedad endocrina. La absorciometría de rayos X de energía dual (DXA) proporciona una vista detallada de la composición corporal para descubrir qué diferencia a las personas con diabetes de aquellas con otras enfermedades. Escaneamos a 371 pacientes con DXA para analizar sus parámetros de composición corporal. Se incluyeron 371 pacientes (178 mujeres/193 hombres), con diferentes enfermedades, con un Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) medio ± DE de 25,32 ± 8,3 kg/m2. Se evaluó la composición corporal de 371 pacientes. Se analizaron la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), el peso graso, el peso magro, la relación cintura-cadera, el índice de masa magra (LMI), el índice de masa grasa (FMI), y la relación entre el porcentaje de grasa y el IMC. De los 371 pacientes 156 eran diabéticos y 215 no diabéticos. Los pacientes no diabéticos también incluyeron 5 con obesidad, 9 con hígado graso, 39 con hipertensión, 22 con hiperlipidemia, 18 con enfermedad cardiovascular, 11 con enfermedad torácica y pulmonar, 4 con enfermedad crónica, 14 con enfermedad cerebral y 93 pacientes con otras enfermedades. Entre los 156 pacientes diabéticos, 129 tenían un IVA > 100 cm2 y 27 tenían un IVA ≤100 cm2. El peso magro (PV) de los hombres diabéticos fue significativamente mayor que el de las mujeres diabéticas. El peso graso (FW) de las mujeres diabéticas fue significativamente mayor que el de los hombres diabéticos. El índice cintura-cadera (ICC) fue de 1,37 ± 0,25 en hombres diabéticos y de 1,18 ± 0,21 en mujeres diabéticas. Entre los 215 pacientes no diabéticos, los pacientes obesos y con hígado graso, cuyo peso (WT) (obesidad: 83,87 ± 8,34 kg hígado graso: 85,64 ± 28,60 kg), FW (obesidad: 28,56 ± 4,18 kg hígado graso: 28,61 ± 10,79 kg), PV (obesidad: 52,62 ± 9,64 kg, hígado graso: 54,29 ± 17,58 kg), IMC (obesidad: 28,76 ± 1,88 kg/m2, hígado graso: 29,10 ± 5,95 kg/m2), fue mucho mayor que otros pacientes. Los pacientes diabéticos tenían menos masa grasa que los pacientes no diabéticos; la diferencia fue de alrededor de 2 kg. La DMO no difiere mucho. Los pacientes no diabéticos con obesidad debido al hígado graso y enfermedades cardiovasculares tenían mayor masa grasa e IMC que los pacientes con otras enfermedades. La composición corporal puede proporcionar información precisa sobre la composición de diferentes áreas del cuerpo, pero se requieren exámenes más profundos para determinar el perfil endocrino del cuerpo.

Humans , Male , Female , Body Composition , Absorptiometry, Photon , Diabetes Mellitus , Bone Density , Adipose Tissue
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 53(1): 93-102, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576354


resumen Introducción: Se denomina patología dual a la coocurrencia del trastorno por consumo de sustancias con al menos otro trastorno mental, que a su vez se caracteriza por una clínica heterogénea difícil de diagnosticar y de pobre respuesta al tratamiento. Por esto es necesario la identificación y validación de biomarcadores. Dentro de este grupo, se han reportado posibles biomarcadores electroencefalográficos útiles en el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento, tanto en condiciones neuropsiquiátricas como en trastornos por consumo de sustancias. Este artículo tiene como objetivo revisar la literatura existente acerca de biomarcadores electroencefalográficos en patología dual. Métodos: Revisión narrativa de la literatura. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, Science Direct, OVID, BIREME y Scielo, con las palabras clave: biomarcador electrofisiológico y trastorno por uso de sustancias, biomarcador electrofisiológico y trastornos mentales, biomarcador y patología dual, biomarcador y trastorno por uso de sustancias, electroencefalografía y trastorno por uso de sustancias o trastorno mental comórbido. Resultados: Dado que se ha hallado mayor cantidad de literatura en relación con la electroencefalografía como biomarcador de enfermedades mentales y trastornos por consumo de sustancias y pocos artículos sobre patología dual, se organiza la evidencia como biomarcador en psiquiatría para el diagnóstico y la predicción del riesgo y como biomarcador para patología dual. Conclusiones: Aunque la evidencia no es concluyente, indica la existencia de subconjunto de sitios y mecanismos donde los efectos de las sustancias psicoactivas y la neurobiología de algunos trastornos mentales podrían traslaparse o interactuar.

abstract Introduction: The co-occurrence of substance use disorder with at least one other mental disorder is called dual pathology, which in turn is characterised by heterogeneous symptoms that are difficult to diagnose and have a poor response to treatment. For this reason, the identification and validation of biomarkers is necessary. Within this group, possible electroencephalographic biomarkers have been reported to be useful in diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, both in neuropsychiatric conditions and in substance use disorders. This article aims to review the existing literature on electroencephalographic biomarkers in dual pathology. Methods: A narrative review of the literature. A bibliographic search was performed on the PubMed, Science Direct, OVID, BIREME and Scielo databases, with the key**words: electrophysiological biomarker and substance use disorder, electrophysiological biomarker and mental disorders, biomarker and dual pathology, biomarker and substance use disorder, electroencephalography, and substance use disorder or comorbid mental disorder. Results: Given the greater amount of literature found in relation to electroencephalography as a biomarker of mental illness and substance use disorders, and the few articles found on dual pathology, the evidence is organised as a biomarker in psychiatry for the diagnosis and prediction of risk and as a biomarker for dual pathology. Conclusions: Although the evidence is not conclusive, it suggests the existence of a subset of sites and mechanisms where the effects of psychoactive substances and the neurobiology of some mental disorders could overlap or interact.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233838


Background: Stroke involving extracranial carotid (ECAS), vertebral (EVAS), and intracranial arteries (IAS) contributed to an annual stroke rate of 0.1-3.3%. Even though endarterectomy and/or angioplasty and stenting had revolutionized its� management, best medical treatment (BMT) is still the mainstay of therapy to prevent secondary stroke/transient ischemic attack. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of BMT to reduce the degree of stenosis by using six-months double antiplatelet therapy (DAPT). Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in a secondary private hospital in Indonesia, in January-December 2022. Adults ?18 years old with ECAS, EVAS, or IAS detected using digital subtraction angiography (DSA), receiving DAPT for at least six months, and those who had second DSA evaluation were included. Any subjects with other brain pathologies or recorded incompliance to DAPT were excluded. Age, gender, stenosis degree, stenosis location, and conversion of stenosis degree were recorded and compared between pre-DAPT and post-DAPT group. Results: Of 30 subjects, there were insignificant changes (46.5�.3% to 50.8�.9%, p=0.09) of ECAS, EVAS, and IAS. There were 14 cases with constant stenosis (51.4�.5%), 8 cases with decreasing stenosis (46.9�.2% to 40.1�.8%, p=0.012), and 12 cases with increasing stenosis (40.4�.9% to 57.1�.0%, p=0.002). No significant association were found among those groups related to traditional vascular risk factors. Conclusions: There was no difference in respect to the degree of stenosis following six months of DAPT in either ECAS, EVAS, or IAS. Routine evaluation as well as recognizing features of high-risk stroke/TIA are important to help decide individual who may be candidates of endovascular procedures earlier.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 821-835, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011256


Radiotherapy (RT) can potentially induce systemic immune responses by initiating immunogenic cell death (ICD) of tumor cells. However, RT-induced antitumor immunologic responses are sporadic and insufficient against cancer metastases. Herein, we construct multifunctional self-sufficient nanoparticles (MARS) with dual-enzyme activity (GOx and peroxidase-like) to trigger radical storms and activate the cascade-amplified systemic immune responses to suppress both local tumors and metastatic relapse. In addition to limiting the Warburg effect to actualize starvation therapy, MARS catalyzes glucose to produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is then used in the Cu+-mediated Fenton-like reaction and RT sensitization. RT and chemodynamic therapy produce reactive oxygen species in the form of radical storms, which have a robust ICD impact on mobilizing the immune system. Thus, when MARS is combined with RT, potent systemic antitumor immunity can be generated by activating antigen-presenting cells, promoting dendritic cells maturation, increasing the infiltration of cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and reprogramming the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Furthermore, the synergistic therapy of RT and MARS effectively suppresses local tumor growth, increases mouse longevity, and results in a 90% reduction in lung metastasis and postoperative recurrence. Overall, we provide a viable approach to treating cancer by inducing radical storms and activating cascade-amplified systemic immunity.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 765-780, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011276


A major challenge facing photodynamic therapy (PDT) is that the activity of the immune-induced infiltrating CD8+ T cells is subject to the regulatory T lymphocytes (Tregs), leaving the tumor at risk of recurrence and metastasis after the initial ablation. To augment the antitumor response and reprogram the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME), a supramolecular photodynamic nanoparticle (DACss) is constructed by the host-guest interaction between demethylcantharidin-conjugated β-cyclodextrin (DMC-CD) and amantadine-terminated disulfide-conjugated FFVLGGGC peptide with chlorin e6 decoration (Ad-ss-pep-Ce6) to achieve intelligent delivery of photosensitizer and immunomodulator for breast cancer treatment. The acid-labile β-carboxamide bond of DMC-CD is hydrolyzed in response to the acidic TME, resulting in the localized release of DMC and subsequent inhibition of Tregs. The guest molecule Ad-ss-pep-Ce6 can be cleaved by a high level of intracellular GSH, reducing photosensitizer toxicity and increasing photosensitizer retention in the tumor. With a significant increase in the CTL/Treg ratio, the combination of Ce6-based PDT and DMC-mediated immunomodulation adequately achieved spatiotemporal regulation and remodeling of the TME, as well as improved primary tumor and in situ lung metastasis suppression with the aid of PD-1 antibody.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017112


@#Abstract: In the present study, the compound XL-12 from our previous work was utilized as a lead compound. Through the optimization of the terminal phenyl ring, 12 target compounds were designed and synthesized. The structures of all target compounds were confirmed by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and H RMS. In vitro enzyme activity assay showed that most compounds demonstrated significant inhibitory activity toward Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) and Janus kinase 3 (JAK3). Among them, compound I-3 exhibited moderate cell proliferation inhibitory activity toward Daudi cells and BaF3-JAK3 cells. In the evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity in vitro, compound I-3 could effectively inhibit the production of inflammatory factors IL-6; besides, it exhibited superior anti-inflammatory activity compared to ibrutinib in xylene-induced ear swelling model in mice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017177


ObjectiveTo investigate whether elemene(ELE) enhances the anti-glioma efficacy of cabazitaxel(CTX), and prepare a double-targeted cationic liposome(LIP) co-loaded with ELE/CTX for the treatment of glioma, and to achieve the effect of increasing the efficacy and reducing the adverse reactions. Pharmacodynamic tests in vitro were performed to explore the advantages and mechanism of its preparation. MethodELE/CTX@LIP was prepared by high speed shear combined with probe ultrasound, the particle size and potential were characterized by nano-particle size potentiometer, and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was used to determine the encapsulation efficiency and drug loading capacity of CTX/ELE. The cytotoxicity of ELE/CTX in vitro was detected by cell proliferation and activity assay(CCK8). JMP Pro 16 software was used to optimize the process parameters of ELE/CTX@LIP based on encapsulation efficiency. The optimal cationic material type, content and ratio were screened by in vitro cytotoxicity and in vitro cell uptake, on this basis, the dual-targeted cationic liposome T7/arginine glycine aspartate tripeptide sequence(T7/cRGD)-ELE/CTX@CLIP was prepared, the stability of morphology and particle size were characterized, and the effect of T7/cRGD-ELE/CTX@CLIP on the apoptosis inducing ability and cell cycle regulation ability of glioma cells was analyzed by cell cycle and apoptosis. ResultELE/CTX showed stronger anti-glioma activity on C6 and RG2 cells. The results of in vitro cytotoxicity and in vitro cell uptake showed that the amount of cationic material was 0.10% of the total content. The optimum ratio of T7, cRGD and phospholipids was 1∶1∶50. T7/cRGD-ELE/CTX@CLIP[1,2-dilinoleyloxy-3-dimethylaminopropane(Dlin-MC3-DMA)] and T7/cRGD-ELE/CTX@CLIP[1,2-dimyristoyl-rac-glycero-3-methoxypolyethylene glycol 2000(DMG-PEG2000)] showed multi-level spherical nanostructures with particle sizes of 146.0, 111.3 nm, respectively, and were stable in serum. In vitro cytotoxicity results showed that T7/cRGD-ELE/CTX@CLIP had higher cytotoxicity to glioma cells than single-targeted liposomes or dual-targeted non-cationic liposomes. T7/crGD-ELE/CTX@CLIP affected the apoptosis and cycle of glioma cells, the results showed that ELE/CTX combined with liposomes could more effectively activate the apoptosis channel and inhibit the proliferation of glioma cells, and the use of T7/cRGD short peptide and cation modification enhanced the ability of apoptosis induction. ELE/CTX could effectively block glioma cell cycle at G2/M phase, and the effect was enhanced after T7/cRGD targeted modification. ConclusionELE can enhance the anti-glioma effect of CTX. The preparation parameters of ELE/CTX@LIP are stable and feasible. Combined with the in vitro efficacy test, the anti-glioma mechanism of T7/cRGD-ELE/CTX@CLIP is preliminarily revealed.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 297-301,310, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020206


Objective To evaluate the value of high-energetic virtual monoenergetic imaging(MonoE),bone metal artifact reduction(O-MAR),and their combination based on dual-layer detector spectral computed tomography(DLCT)in removing the artifacts caused by lumbar metal implants.Methods Patients who undergone lumbar implant surgery and performed lumbar examination on DLCT after surgery were prospectively selected.MonoE from 100 to 200 keV with an interval of 20 keV were reconstructed.O-MAR and O-MAR combined with MonoE(O-MAR+MonoE)images were also reconstructed.The differences of objective and subjective image quality among the images were compared.Results There were 45 patients included in the study.With the increasing of keV of MonoE,the attenuation of the tissue with low-and high-density artifact on MonoE and O-MAR+MonoE was increased and decreased,respectively.140 keV MonoE was the best sequence for the artifact reduction and the display of soft tissue.200 keV MonoE and its combination with O-MAR showed the best performance in the display of the interface of metal and bone.However,O-MAR+200 keV MonoE had the lowest noise.Conclusion Compared to O-MAR and O-MAR combined with MonoE,high-energetic MonoE shows a good value in the reduction of metal artifacts caused by the lumbar metal implants.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 302-305, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020207


Objective To investigate the hepatic hemodynamic characteristics of cirrhotic patients with splenectomy using iodine map of dual-source computed tomography(DSCT).Methods Twenty-four cirrhotic patients with splenectomy were selected as a study group,41 cirrhotic patients without splenectomy as a cirrhosis group and other 32 patients with normal liver as a control group.The iodine concentration(IC)in hepatic arterial and venous phases was measured on the iodine map,and the arterial iodine fraction(AIF)and portal venous iodine concentration(PVIC)were calculated.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves were plotted and the area under the curve(AUC)was recorded to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of each parameter using the DeLong test.Results IC in arterial phase and AIF were significantly higher,and IC in venous phase and PVIC were significantly lower in study group(P<0.05).The AUC values of the four parameters between study group and cirrhosis group were 0.735,0.992,0.943,and 0.994,respectively.Conclusion DSCT iodine map is helpful for clinical quantitative assessment of hepatic hemodynamic characteristics in cirrhotic patients with splenectomy,and the PVIC has optimal independent diagnostic performance.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020469


Objective:To investigate the self-care contribution and binary coping level of spouse caregivers for middle-aged and young stroke patients and explore the relationship between the two, in order to improve the quality of self-care contribution of spouse caregivers to middle-aged and young stroke patients.Methods:A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 200 middle-aged and young stroke patients ′ spouse caregivers in the People ′s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from January to June 2023 by the general data questionnaire, the Caregiver Contribution to Self-care of Stroke Patient Scale, the Dyadic Coping Inventory. The correlation between self-care contributions and binary coping strategies of spousal caregivers was analyzed, and the factors that affect their self-care contributions were screened. Results:Finally, 192 middle-aged and young stroke patients ′ spouse caregivers were included, including 70 males and 122 females, aged 18-59 years old. The total score of self-care contribution of spousal caregivers of middle-aged and young stroke patients was (75.43 ± 6.80) points, and the total score of binary coping was (117.12 ± 9.59) points, both of which were positively correlated ( r=0.691, P<0.05). Hierarchical regression analysis showed that after controlling for the influence of general data, binary coping could explain 28.4% variation in the self-care contribution of spouse caregivers of middle-aged and young stroke patients ( P<0.05). Conclusions:The duality coping level positively predicts the quality of spouse caregivers ′ self-care contribution to middle-aged and young stroke patients. Medical staff should assess the dual coping level of middle-aged and young stroke patients and their spouses, and carry out targeted dual intervention measures to improve the quality of caregivers' contribution to stroke patients ′ self-care.

Journal of Shenyang Medical College ; (6): 152-156,161, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020606


Objective:To investigate the effects of universal and individualized dual-track nursing on the recovery process,bladder function,self-care ability and complications of patients with endometrial cancer(EC)after laparoscopic surgery.Methods:A total of 164 EC patients admitted to our hospital from Aug 2019 to Jan 2022 were collected and randomly divided into conventional nursing group and dual-track nursing group,82 patients in each group.All patients in 2 groups received laparoscopic surgery,the conventional nursing group received routine nursing intervention,and the dual-track nursing group received universal and individual dual-track nursing intervention on the basis of conventional nursing.The recovery process(time of first ambulation,first exhaust and hospitalization),self-care ability,postoperative bladder function,incidence of complications,quality of life,and recurrence rate of 1-year follow-up were compared between the two groups.Results:The first ambulation time,first exhaust time and hospitalization time in dual-track nursing group were shorter than those in conventional nursing group(P<0.05).At 3 days after operation,the recovery rate of bladder function in the dual-track nursing group was significantly higher in dual-track nursing group than that in conventional nursing group(P<0.05).After 3 months of nursing,the scores of health knowledge,self-care responsibility,nursing skills and self-concept in dual-track nursing group were higher than those in conventional nursing group,while the scores of PWB,SWB,EWB and FWB were lower than those in conventional nursing group(P<0.05).During the nursing period,the incidence of complications in the dual-track nursing group was lower than that in the conventional nursing group(P<0.05).After 1 year of follow-up,the recurrence rate of dual-track nursing group was slightly lower than that of conventional nursing group,but the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Conclusion:The application of universal and individualized dual-track nursing in EC patients after laparoscopic surgery can improve patients'self-care ability and quality of life,enhance bladder function,reduce complications and recurrence,and promote patients'rapid recovery after surgery.

The Journal of Practical Medicine ; (24): 348-352,359, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020755


Objective To explore the effect of low replacement plasma exchange(LPE)combined with double plasma molecular adsorption(DPMAS)in the treatment of patients with chronic acute liver failure(ACLF)and its influence on liver function,inflammatory cytokines and short-term prognosis.Methods One hundred patients with ACLF were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group by envelope method,with 50 cases in each group.On basis of routine symptomatic treatments(liver protection,removing jaundice,reducing enzymes,anti-viruses,bleeding prevention),the control group and the observation group were treated with plasma exchange(PE)and LPE plus DPMAS,respectively.The liver function,coagulation function,the levels of inflammatory cytokines,incidence of adverse reactions,and 90-day survival rate were compared between the two groups after treatment.Results After treatment,the liver function and coagulation function in the observation group were significantly improved(P<0.05)and the levels of inflammatory cytokines were significantly lowered than those in the control group(P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference in the 90-day survival rate and the total incidence of adverse reactions between the groups(P>0.05).Conclusion LPE combined with DPMAS can effectively improve liver function and coagulation function,and reduce levels of inflammatory cyto-kines in ACLF patients,with high safety.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020789


Objective To evaluate the accuracy of bioelectrical impedance analysis(BIA)in measurement of appendicular skeletal muscle mass(ASM)of adults.Methods A total of 836 adults aged 18-42 years were recruited in Guangzhou using a convenient sampling method from April 2021 to September 2022.ASM was measured using BIA and Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DXA).Using DXA as the standard method,the consistency between the BIA and DXA measurements was evaluated by intra-class correlation coefficients(ICCs)and Bland-Altman analysis in logarithmically transformed data,in order to evaluate the accuracy of BIA in ASM measurement.Receiver operating characteristic curve was plotted to evaluate the diagnostic value of BIA for screening low muscle mass.Results A total of 774 individuals were included for analysis finally.ICCs for ASM measured by BIA and DXA were 0.774 and 0.667 in males and females,respectively.Mean ratios(limits of Agreement)of ASM were 0.94(0.80-1.10)and 0.91(0.78-1.05)in males and females,respectively.Area under curve of BIA for screening low muscle mass were 0.91 and 0.94 in males and females,respectively.The optimal cut-off values of Z-score by BIA for males and females were-0.57 and-0.66,respectively.Sensitivity and specificity for males were 82.5%and 86.0%,while being 86.8%and 93.8%,for females.Conclusion BIA shows a moderate consistency with DXA for measuring ASM in adults.Furthermore,BIA yields a good diagnostic value in identifying low muscle mass in adults aged 18-42 years.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021289


BACKGROUND:Photothermal therapy is a novel tumor treatment strategy that uses photothermal agents to transform light energy into heat energy to accomplish non-invasive tumor ablation.The rise of photothermal therapy and nanotechnology has provided a new perspective on breast cancer treatment.OBJECTIVE:To prepare a new type of near-infrared biomimetic nanoprobe that has been modified by breast cancer cell membrane,to investigate the effect of near-infrared fluorescence/ultrasound imaging in vitro,and to observe its targeting ability and photothermal therapy effect on homologous tumor cells in vitro.METHODS:Organic small molecule ITIC-4CI with A-D-A structure was used as photothermal agents;polylactic acid/glycolic acid copolymer as nanocarrier;4T1 cell membrane of mouse breast cancer cells as a surface modifier of nanoparticles;perfluorohexane(PFH)was loaded.A novel near-infrared biomimetic nanoprobe(4T1m/ITIC-4CI/PFH)was prepared by the double emulsion evaporation method and sonication method.The basic characterization of the nanoprobe and the homologous targeting ability were detected.The photothermal properties and photothermal stability of the probe were investigated,and the near-infrared fluorescence/ultrasound imaging effect of the probe under laser irradiation was observed.The CCK-8 assay and calcein/propidium iodide staining were used to assess the efficacy of photothermal therapy.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The prepared 4T1m/ITIC-4CI/PFH nanoprobes had uniform size,high stability,and an average particle size of(92.7±2.3)nm.The probe's protein composition was identical to that of the 4T1 cell membrane.The nanoprobe's ability to target homologous 4T1 cells was validated by an in vitro cell uptake assay.(2)The nanoprobe had a red-shift absorption spectrum and tail emission extending to the near-infrared-Ⅱ,which emitted a bright near-infrared-Ⅱ fluorescence signal under laser irradiation.(3)After laser irradiation,the nanoprobe 4T1m/ITIC-4CI/PFH could be turned into microbubbles and enhanced ultrasound imaging.The results of CCK-8 assay and calcein/propidium iodide staining showed that the nanoprobe 4T1m/ITIC-4CI/PFH had an obvious photothermal killing effect on 4T1 cells.(4)The results show that the nanoprobe 4T1m/ITIC-4CI/PFH has the ability to target homologous tumors and enhance near-infrared-Ⅱ fluorescence imaging/ultrasound imaging and photothermal therapy effects.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021333


BACKGROUND:Patients with severe lumbar degenerative disease may have their bone mineral density incorrectly raised by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.While lumbar cancellous bone Hounsfield unit value can assist dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in reducing osteoporosis misdiagnosis. OBJECTIVE:To identify osteoporosis in woman patients with lumbar degenerative diseases using lumbar CT scans. METHODS:Bone mineral density test results and lumbar CT data of 192 women patients who were treated at the Department of Spine Surgery,Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University were retrospectively reviewed.All patients were divided into a degeneration group(n=107)and a control group(n=85)according to the criteria of severity of vertebral degeneration as assessed on CT of the lumbar spine.The CT value of axial cancellous bone of L1 vertebral body was measured in the two groups.The T score and bone mineral density of the hip and L2-L4 were recorded.According to previously published studies,osteoporosis was diagnosed at L1 vertebral CT values≤110.The prevalence of osteoporosis diagnosed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and CT values was compared between the two groups. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)CT values were significantly and positively correlated with T scores and mean bone mineral density of the L2-L4 vertebrae in both groups(P<0.001),while the correlation was higher in the control group.(2)Lumbar T scores and bone mineral density values were significantly higher in the degeneration group than those in the control group(P<0.05)and CT values were significantly lower in the degeneration group than that in the control group(P = 0.001).Hip T scores and bone mineral density were not significantly different in the two groups.(3)The prevalence of osteoporosis diagnosed by CT thresholds was higher in all patients than that diagnosed by T values(51.0%and 42.7%).(4)The prevalence of osteoporosis diagnosed by CT values was as high as 23.6%in the 110 patients diagnosed with non-osteoporosis by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in both groups,and was higher in the degeneration group than that in the control group(31.7%and 14.0%,respectively).(5)The prevalence of missed osteoporosis was as high as 38.6%(27/70)of non-osteoporosis patients diagnosed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry of the lumbar spine in the degeneration group compared to 19.6%(11/56)in the control group.(6)It is concluded that osteoporosis is common in female patients with lumbar degenerative diseases aged≥50 years.Measurement of lumbar cancellous bone CT values may be a useful complementary method for diagnosing osteoporosis in patients with lumbar degenerative diseases,especially in patients with severe degenerative lumbar degenerative diseases where more missed osteoporosis patients can be identified.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022955


Objective To compare the effects of two arc(TA)and dual arc(DA)techniques on the dose distribution to the planning target volume(PTV)and organs at risk(OAR)in volumetric modulated arc therapy(VMAT)for lower mid-thoracic esophageal cancer.Methods Ten patients with lower mid-thoracic esophageal cancer who received radiation therapy at some hospital from July 2020 to June 2022 were selected retrospectively.A TA radiation therapy plan and a DA radiation therapy plan were developed for each patient using the Ray Arc module of RayStation planning system,and the two kinds of radiation plans were compared in terms of dosimetric parameters including D2,D5,D50,D95,D98,homogeneity index(HI),conformity index(CI),beam-on time and total monitor unit for PTV and lung V5,V10,V20,V30 and Dmean and heartV30,V40 and Dmean and spine cord Dmax for OAR.SPSS 22.0 was used for statistical analysis.Results TA and DA radiation therapy plans had no significant differences in PTV CI,HI,D2,D5,D50,D95 and beam-on time(P>0.05),and DA plan had D98 and total monitor unit higher obviously than those of TA plan(P<0.05).In terms of OARs protection,DA plan had heart V30,V40 and Dmean slightly lower than those of TA plan with non-significantly differences(P>0.05),while lung V5,V30 and Dmean and spine cordDmax significantly lower(P<0.05).Conclusion DA technique gains advantages over TA technique in PTV dose distribution and dose to OAR,and the involvement of DA technique in preparing the VMAT plan for esophageal cancer contributes to enhancing the treatment efficacy.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2024,45(1):62-66]

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 23-27, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026479


Objective:To investigate the diagnosis of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DXA)for osteoporosis(OP)of postmenopausal patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA)in Qinghai region and the risk factors of them.Methods:A total of 200 postmenopausal female RA patients who admitted to Qinghai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from May 2022 to April 2023 were selected.All patients were tested for bone mineral density(BMD)after admission,and lumbar spines L1-L4,whole lumbar,large trochanter,Ward's triangle area,whole body and whole forearm were measured by DXA.According to the results of BMD test,patients whose BMD T values of all body parts-2.5 SD were less or equal to-2.5 were included in the OP group(121 cases),and patients whose BMD T value of all body parts were larger than-2.5 SD were included in the non-OP group(79 cases).The BMD T value of different body parts between two groups of RA patients were compared and analyzed.The area under curve(AUC)of receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the diagnostic efficiency of BMD T value for OP.The logistic regression method was adopted to analyze the risk factors that postmenopausal RA patients of Qinghai region occurred OP.Results:The BMD T values of L1,L2,L3,L4,whole lumbar,large trochanter,Ward's triangular area,whole body and whole forearm of OP group were obviously lower than those of the non-OP group.In analysis of ROC curve,the sensitivities of BMD T values of L1,L2,L3,L4,whole lumbar,large trochanter,Ward's triangle area,whole body and forearm were respectively 96.20%,95.22%,90.16%,96.03%,92.01%,89.36%,99.26%,90.02% and 96.03% in diagnosing OP,and the specificities of them were respectively 81.00%,82.19%,85.22%,83.06%,83.06%,90.22%,80.06%,86.23%,83.09%,and the AUC values of them were respectively 0.908,0.905,0.896,0.906,0.903,0.879,0.918,0.901 and 0.906.The results of the logistic-regression analysis showed that advanced age,long disease course,rheumatic activity scores of 28 joints,erythrocyte sedimentation rate and Calcium supplementation were the risk factors of occurring OP in postmenopausal RA patients in Qinghai region.Conclusion:The DXA method that detects BMD of RA patients who occur OP can be used as gold standard to assess OP,and there are many risk factors that affect the occurrence of OP in postmenopausal RA patients of Qinghai region.The clinical work should combine with relative factors to formulate reasonable measure so as to reduce the incidence of OP.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 64-69, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026487


Objective:To explore the evaluation of dual-parameter three dimension arterial spin labelling(3D-ASL)perfusion imaging on blood-supply situation of patients with chronic middle cerebral artery occlusion(CMCAO)and the relationship between that and cerebral infarction area.Methods:A total of 112 patients with unilateral CMCAO admitted to Handan Central Hospital from April 2019 to December 2021 were selected,and all of them were divided into a compensatory group(50 cases)with anterior cerebral artery(ACA)leptomeningeal anastomoses(LMA)and an uncompensated group(62 cases)according to the results of digital subtraction angiography(DSA)examination.The results of diffusion weighted imaging(DWI),magnetic resonance angiography(MRA)and dual-parameter 3D-ASL detection were respectively analyzed,and the clinical data,3D-ASL parameters and the incidence of cerebral infarction between the two groups were compared.The influence factors of compensation were further analyzed.The receiver operating characteristics(ROC)curve of LMA diagnostic value of CMCAO patients was drawn according to cerebral blood flow values[post label delay(PLD)=1.5 s,2.5 s)].The 3D-ASL parameters of patients with different cerebral infarction areas were compared,and the relationship between 3D-ASL parameters and cerebral infarction area was compared.Results:The apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC)at the side of lesion of CMCAO patients was(0.31±0.10),and cerebral blood flow values at 1.5s and 2.5s were respectively(25.67±4.25)and(54.09±4.49),which were significantly lower than those at the side of healthy,and the differences were statistically significant(t=27.591,34.210,3.913,P<0.05),respectively.The differences of cerebral blood flow values(1.5s and 2.5s)between compensatory group and uncompensated group were significant(t=5.584,4.090,P<0.05),respectively.The results of logistic regression analysis showed that age,stroke,cerebral infarction area and cerebral blood flow values(1.5 s and 2.5 s)were influencing factors on LMA compensation of CMCAO patients(OR=4.187,6.604,0.482,5.681,5.807,P<0.05),respectively.The ROC values showed that the area under curve(AUC)of 3D-ASL were respectively 0.720 and 0.812 in diagnosing LMA when PLD were respectively 1.5s and 2.5s.The proportion of normal and lacunar infarctions in the compensatory group was significantly higher than that in the uncompensated group,while the proportions of middle and small infarction,and large area infarctions of the compensatory group were significantly lower than those of the uncompensated group,and the difference was statistically significant(t=28.062,P<0.05).The difference in cerebral blood flow values(1.5s)among patients with different infarct areas was statistically significant(t=0.202,P<0.05).The cerebral blood flow value(1.5s)of 3D-ASL was negatively correlated with the area of cerebral infarction(r=-0.261,P<0.05).Conclusion:Dual parameter 3D-ASL can non-invasively and visually assess the compensatory status of LMA of patients with unilateral CMCAO.The blood flow perfusion of middle cerebral artery(MCA)at the side of lesion is related to the area of cerebral infarction.When the PLD is 1.5s,the sensitive response can be conducted on this,so as to provide objective and reliable basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment and curative effect.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 53-57, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026524


Objective:To assess a value of dual energy index(DEI)and effective atomic number(Zeff)of dual-energy computed tomography(DECT)combined with slope of energy spectrum curve in identifying the component of urinary tract stones.Methods:The clinical and DECT imaging data of 111 patients with urinary tract stones who admitted to Nantong Haimen People's Hospital from October 2019 to October 2022 were selected,and the diameters of the urinary tract stones of all patients were<5 mm.The components of outside body stones of all patients were analyzed by infrared spectrum.The accuracy,sensitivity and specificity of the DEI,Zeff,slope of energy spectrum curve and the combination of the them were respectively calculated in identifying the components of urinary tract stones.Results:In 111 patients,the patients with calcium oxalate stones were 75(67.57%),and ones with hydroxyapatite were 15 cases(13.51%),and ones with uric acid stones were 21 cases(18.92%),and there were no other type of stone included cysteine.The differences of CT values(F=487.691,P<0.001),DEI values(F=395.553,P<0.001),Zeff values(F=818.689,P<0.001)and the slopes of energy spectrum curves(H=19.615,P<0.001)were statistically significant among the three types of stones.The overall accuracies of DEI,Zeff and slope of energy spectrum curve were 87.39%(97/111),84.68%%(94/111)and 81.98%(91/111)in identifying the components of urinary tract stone.The range of diagnostic accuracies of DEI,Zeff and the slope of energy spectrum curve was between 80%and 100%for calcium oxalate stones,hydroxyapatite and uric acid stones.The overall accuracy of DEI,Zeff combined with slope of energy spectrum curve was 94.59%(105/111)in identifying the components of urinary tract stones.The diagnostic accuracies of DEI,Zeff combined with slope of energy spectrum curve were respectively 94.59%,94.59 and 100%for calcium oxalate stones,hydroxyapatite and uric acid stones.Conclusion:Compared with the single indicator of DECT,the DEI and Zeff combined with the slope of the energy spectrum curve showed better diagnostic accuracy in identifying the components urinary track stones.