Introdução: O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é um distúrbio do neurodesenvolvimento caracterizado por déficits na comunicação social, alterações de sensibilidade e dificuldades alimentares.Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão integrativa das alterações de deglutição em indivíduos com TEA.Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de uma busca por artigos nacionais e internacionais, utilizando descritores para a pesquisa, bem como critérios de inclusão e exclusão para a seleção da amostra final. A estratégia PPOT foi utilizada para definir critérios de elegibilidade, incluindo população (crianças e adultos), preditor (diagnóstico de TEA), desfecho (relato ou diagnóstico de disfagia oral, faríngea ou esofágica) e tipo de estudo (estudos observatórios). A busca foi realizada no período de junho a agosto de 2023, nas bases de dados: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase e Google Scholar. Resultados: Foram selecionados dez estudos com pacientes diagnosticados com TEA que relataram sintomas de disfagia orofaríngea e esofágica, além de queixas sobre ingestão alimentar. Os estudos sugerem que crianças com TEA podem apresentar algum problema de disfunções motoras orais, frequência alimentar inadequada, padrões alimentares obsessivos, apresentação específica de determinados alimentos, seletividade alimentar e dificuldades de processamento sensorial. Conclusão: Conclui-se que não há evidências científicas robustas sobre a presença de disfagia em pacientes com TEA. (AU)
Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication, changes in sensitivity and eating difficulties. Objective: To carry out an integrative review of swallowing changes in individuals with ASD. Methods: The research was carried out through a search for national and international articles, using descriptors for the research, as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting the final sample. The PPOT strategy was used to define eligibility criteria, including population (children and adults), predictor (ASD diagnosis), outcome (report or diagnosis of dysphagia oral, pharyngeal or esophageal), and study type (observatory studies). The search was carried out from June to August 2023, in the databases: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase and Google Scholar. Results: Ten studies were selected with patients diagnosed with ASD who reported symptoms of oropharyngeal and esophageal dysphagia, in addition to complaints about food intake. Studies suggest that children with ASD may present problems with oral motor dysfunction, inadequate eating frequency, obsessive eating patterns, specific presentation of certain foods, food selectivity and sensory processing difficulties. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is no robust scientific evidence about the presence of dysphagia in patients with ASD. (AU)
Introducción: El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo caracterizado por déficits en la comunicación social, cambios en la sensibilidad y dificultades alimentarias. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión integradora de los cambios en la deglución en individuos con TEA. Métodos: La investigación se realizó mediante una búsqueda de artículos nacionales e internacionales, utilizando descriptores para la investigación, así como criterios de inclusión y exclusión para la selección de la muestra final. La estrategia PPOT se utilizó para definir los criterios de elegibilidad, incluida la población (niños y adultos), el predictor (diagnóstico de TEA), el resultado (informe o diagnóstico de enfermedad oral, faríngea o esofágica) y el tipo de estudio (estudios observatorios). La búsqueda se realizó de junio a agosto de 2023, en las bases de datos: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase y Google Scholar. Resultados: Se seleccionaron diez estudios con pacientes diagnosticados de TEA que refirieron síntomas de disfagia orofaríngea y esofágica, además de quejas sobre la ingesta de alimentos. Los estudios sugieren que los niños con TEA pueden presentar problemas de disfunción motora oral, frecuencia inadecuada de alimentación, patrones alimentarios obsesivos, presentación específica de ciertos alimentos, selectividad alimentaria y dificultades en el procesamiento sensorial. Conclusión: Se concluye que no existe evidencia científica robusta sobre la presencia de disfagia en pacientes con TEA. (AU)
Humans , Child , Deglutition Disorders , Autism Spectrum DisorderABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To examine the prevalence and characteristics of dysphagia and suck-swallow-breath incoordination as phenotypes of oral feeding difficulties. Method: A cross-sectional study with secondary data collected consecutively over 2 years from October 2020 to October 2022 to measure the prevalence of swallowing and oral feeding difficulty in preterm infants using Flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing examination at the tertiary Integrated Dysphagia Clinic. Results: The prevalence of swallowing disorders was 25 % and the prevalence of suck-swallow-breath incoordination was 62.5 %. The significant risk factor that may show a possible correlation with oral feeding difficulty was mature post-menstrual age (p = 0.006) and longer length of stay (p = 0.004). The dominant percentage of upper airway abnormality and disorder were retropalatal collapse (40 %), laryngomalacia (42.5 %), paradoxical vocal cord movement (12.5 %), and gastroesophageal reflux disease (60 %). The dominant characteristic of oral motor examination and flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing examination was inadequate non-nutritive sucking (45 %), inadequate postural tone (35 %), and inadequate nutritive sucking (65 %). Conclusion: Dysphagia in preterm infants is mostly observed in those with mature post-menstrual age, longer length of stay, and the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease with inadequate non-nutritive sucking and nutritive sucking abilities. Suck-swallow-breath incoordination is primarily observed in those with immature post-menstrual age, a higher prevalence of cardiopulmonary comorbidity, and a higher prevalence of upper airway pathologies (laryngomalacia, paradoxical vocal cord movement) with inadequate nutritive sucking ability.
SUMMARY: The thyrohyoid muscle is one of the four infrahyoid muscles. Its role in vocalization and deglutition could be often overlooked, despite its crucial participation in these processes. Unlike other infrahyoid muscles, the thyrohyoid muscle receives innervation from the first cervical spinal nerves which contributes to its unique function. Its primary action involves hyolaryngeal elevation during swallowing, contributing to the opening of the upper esophageal sphincter. In conjunction with other muscles, it also protects the airway and facilitates the passage of food into the esophagus. Variations in the muscle's thickness may exist, and its function can be influenced by chewing habits. Weakened muscles involved in swallowing are often associated with dysphagia, a common complication in stroke and brain-injured patients. Advanced imaging techniques and sleep studies have provided insights into the dynamics and frequency of swallowing. This review explores the anatomic structures, function in action, diagnosis and clinical implications of this muscle. Overall, understanding the significance of the thyrohyoid muscle enhances our comprehension of the intricate interplay of laryngeal muscles during vocalization and deglutition.
El músculo tirohioideo es uno de los cuatro músculos infrahioideos. A menudo podría pasarse por alto su papel en la vocalización y la deglución, a pesar de su participación crucial en estos procesos. A diferencia de otros músculos infrahioideos, el músculo tirohioideo recibe inervación de los primeros nervios espinales cervicales, lo que contribuye a su función única. Su acción principal implica la elevación hiolaríngea durante la deglución, contribuyendo a la apertura del esfínter esofágico superior. Junto con otros músculos, también protege las vías respiratorias y facilita el paso de los alimentos al esófago. Pueden existir variaciones en el grosor del músculo y su función puede verse influenciada por los hábitos de masticación. Los músculos debilitados involucrados en la deglución a menudo se asocian con disfagia, una complicación común en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular y lesión cerebral. Las técnicas de imagen avanzadas y los estudios del sueño han proporcionado información sobre la dinámica y la frecuencia de la deglución. Esta revisión explora las estructuras anatómicas, la función en acción, el diagnóstico y las implicaciones clínicas de este músculo. En general, comprender la importancia del músculo tirohioideo mejora nuestra comprensión de la intrincada interacción de los músculos laríngeos durante la vocalización y la deglución.
Humans , Thyroid Cartilage/anatomy & histology , Hyoid Bone/anatomy & histology , Laryngeal Muscles/anatomy & histology , Phonation , Thyroid Gland , DeglutitionABSTRACT
Objective: We aimed to determine the prevalence of self-reported swallowing difficulty (dysphagia) among older Colombians and to explore the factors associated with this condition. Methods: This study presents a secondary analysis of the SABE-Colombia survey, a crosssectional study of community-dwelling older adults. The dependent variable was self reported swallowing difficulty, assessed through the question: "How often do you have difficulty or discomfort swallowing?" Descriptive and bivariate analyses of the sample were performed, followed by multivariate analysis, adjusting for confounding variables. Results: The final sample included 19 004 older Colombians, whose mean age was 69 years (56% women). The overall prevalence of swallowing difficulty was 12.2%. In the multivariate analysis, significant associations were observed between swallowing difficulty and several factors, including male sex (OR 1.14, 95%CI 1.03 1.26), age > 80 years (OR 1.26, 95%CI 1.08 1.47), dependence in activities of daily living (OR 1.62, 95%CI 1.23 2.13), cognitive impairment (OR 1.49, 95%CI 1.30 1.70), depressive symptoms (OR 1.38, 95%CI 1.15 1.65), sarcopenia (OR 1.32, 95%CI 1.02 1.69), malnutrition (OR 1.35, 95%CI 1.23 1.49), and osteoarticular disease (OR 1.18, 95%CI 1.07 1.38). Conclusion: There was a high prevalence of swallowing difficulty among older community-dwelling Colombians. Our results showed a strong correlation between swallowing difficulty and risk factors such as cognitive impairment, depressive symptoms, osteoarticular disease, and dependence in activities of daily living, but not with malnutrition or sarcopenia. (AU)
Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Deglutition DisordersABSTRACT
Introducción: la disfagia es la alteración en los mecanismos de la deglución que coexiste con múltiples enfermedades y condiciones. El conocimiento amplio de esta alteración generará mejores diagnósticos y tratamientos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Aunque esta alteración podría ser del dominio común por especialistas en el área de la salud, principalmente la oral, no existe información reciente del nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en el personal odontológico. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en un grupo de profesionales de la salud oral de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material y método: se realizó un estudio trasversal descriptivo en un grupo de 241 odontólogos (pasantes de servicio social, odontólogos generales, periodoncistas, endodoncistas, rehabilitadores, odontopediatras y ortodoncistas) a través de una encuesta, los reactivos utilizados fueron sobre conocimiento de la disfagia, métodos de diagnóstico, signos y síntomas, tratamiento y complicaciones. Resultados: la mitad de la población encuestada refirió conocer los trastornos de la deglución (64.7%). Contrastantemente, al utilizar el término «disfagia¼, la postura del conocimiento disminuyó considerablemente (40.7%). Finalmente, los valores más bajos de la encuesta se mostraron en la falta de conocimiento sobre identificación de signos y síntomas de la disfagia (36.1%), métodos de diagnóstico (20.7%), tratamientos (18.7%) y complicaciones (23.2%). Conclusión: existe un bajo conocimiento de los trastornos de la deglución autopercibido por los profesionales de la odontología, lo que sugiere la búsqueda de los factores que ocasionan la falta del conocimiento de los profesionales del área odontológica (AU)
Introduction: dysphagia is the alteration in swallowing mechanisms that coexists with multiple diseases and conditions. The broad knowledge of this alteration will generate better diagnoses and treatments for the improvement of the quality of life of these patients. Although this alteration could be common domain by specialists in the area of health, mainly oral, there is no recent information on the level of knowledge about dysphagia in dental personnel. Objective: to determine the level of knowledge about dysphagia in a group of oral health professionals from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of 241 dentists (social service intern, general dentists, periodontists, endodontists, rehabilitators, pediatric dentists and orthodontists) through a survey, the reagents used were on knowledge of dysphagia, diagnostic methods, signs and symptoms, treatment and complications. Results: half of the surveyed population reported knowing swallowing disorders (64.7%). In contrast, when using the term «dysphagia¼ the posture of knowledge decreased considerably (40.7%). Finally, the lowest values in the survey were found in the lack of knowledge about identification of signs and symptoms of dysphagia (36.1%), diagnostic methods (20.7%), treatments (18.7%) and complications (23.2%). Conclusion: there is a low knowledge of self-perceived swallowing disorders by dentists, which suggests the search for the factors that cause the lack of knowledge of dental professionals (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Dentists/education , Signs and Symptoms , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objective To develop nurses'knowledge,attitude and practice questionnaire on medication management for patients with dysphagia,and test its reliability and validity.Methods Based on the evidence-based summary of the best evidence of medication management for patients with dysphagia,guided by the the-ory of knowledge,attitude and practice,the basic dimensions and item pool of the questionnaire were deter-mined through group discussion,Delphi expert consultation and pre-investigation.In order to revise the ques-tionnaire,437 nurses from 10 tertiary hospitals in Jiangsu Province were conveniently selected for investigation,and the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested according to the survey results.Results The nurses'knowl-edge,attitude and practice questionnaire on medication management for patients with dysphagia included 43 items in three dimensions.The three dimensions were analyzed by exploratory factors,and six common factors with characteristic roots>1 were extracted.Two factors were extracted from the knowledge dimension,and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 74.958%,One factor was extracted from the attitude dimen-sion,and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 77.655%.Three factors were extracted from the prac-tice dimension,and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 72.274%.The factor load of each item was 0.618-0.902,Cronbach's α coefficient of the total questionnaire was 0.949,and the test-retest reliability was 0.909.The overall content validity coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.922,and the content validity coeffi-cient for each item was 0.800-1.000.Conclusion The nurses'knowledge,attitude and practice questionnaire on medication management for patients with dysphagia developed in this study has good reliability and validi-ty,and could be used as an effective tool to evaluate the status quo of nurses'medication management for pa-tients with dysphagia.
Objective:To systematically evaluate the risk prediction model of ICU-acquired dysphagia in critically ill patients, and to provide a reference basis for medical practitioners to select or develop suitable risk assessment tools.Methods:Cross-sectional studies, case-control studies, and cohort studies of ICU-acquired dysphagia risk prediction models were searched in eight databases, including Wanfang database, China Biomedical Literature Database, VIP database, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library in both English and Chinese, and the search timeframe was from the construction of the database to July 5th, 2023. and the search was limited to Chinese and English. Literature was independently screened and data were extracted by 2 investigators, and the risk of bias assessment tool for predictive modeling studies was applied to analyze the risk of bias and applicability of the included literature.Results:A total of 8 high-quality papers were included, including 8 predictive models of risk of ICU-acquired dysphagia. The area under the subject operating characteristic curve for the models ranged from 0.750 to 0.980, with 6 models reporting calibration and 2 models having a Hosmer-Lemeshow test P>0.05, indicating good agreement. 2 models were externally validated. Independent predictors reported repeatedly for multivariate models were age ≥ 65 years, chronic lung disease, cerebrovascular disease, comorbid arrhythmias, use of sedative medications and duration of use, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Ⅱ score ≥ 15, presence of a nasogastric tube, duration of indwelling gastric tube ≥ 72 h, and duration of endotracheal intubation ≥ 72 h. Smaller sample sizes (outcome events), insufficient attention to missing data, variable screening processes irrationality, and model overfitting increased the risk of model bias. Conclusions:The included models showed overall good discrimination and applicability, but their risk of bias was high, and external validation was carried out in only a very few studies. Future studies should refer to transparent reports of multivariate predictive models to develop, update, and validate the models to obtain high-quality predictive models of the risk of ICU-acquired dysphagia, which can provide a reference basis for the development of relevant preventive strategies.
Surgical operation is the main treatment of oral and maxillofacial tumors.Dysphagia is a common postoperative complication.Swal-lowing disorder can not only lead to mis-aspiration,malnutrition,aspiration pneumonia and other serious consequences,but also may cause psychological problems and social communication barriers,affecting the quality of life of the patients.At present,there is no systematic evalua-tion and rehabilitation management plan for the problem of swallowing disorder after oral and maxillofacial tumor surgery in China.Combining the characteristics of postoperative swallowing disorder in patients with oral and maxillofacial tumors,summarizing the clinical experience of ex-perts in the field of tumor and rehabilitation,reviewing and summarizing relevant literature at home and abroad,and through joint discussion and modification,a group of national experts reached this consensus including the core contents of the screening of swallowing disorders,the phased assessment of prognosis and complications,and the implementation plan of comprehensive management such as nutrition management,respiratory management,swallowing function recovery,psychology and nursing during rehabilitation treatment,in order to improve the evalua-tion and rehabilitation of swallowing disorder after oral and maxillofacial tumor surgery in clinic.
Objective To investigate the effect of early active cycle breathing technique(ACBT)on aspiration in patients with dysphagia after partial laryngectomy.Methods A total of 40 patients with laryngeal cancer with dysphagia who were hospitalized in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University in January 2019~January 2022 were selected,and the patients were randomly divided into 20 cases in the observation group and the control group by random number method,the control group was given routine swallowing function training,and the observation group was combined with active cycle of breathing technique(ACBT)on the basis of the control group.The two groups were treated 5 days a week,twice a day,45 minutes each for 2 weeks.The M.D.Anderson Dysphagia Inventory(MDADI),maximum phonation time(MPT),and Standardized Swallowing Assessment(SSA),flexible endoscopic examination of swallowing(FEES)combined with modified invasion and aspiration score(MPAS score)and overall clinical efficacy before and after treatment were compoued between the two groups.Results After 2 weeks of treatment,the swallowing function of both groups improved,but the MDADI scores in the observation group were better than those of in the control group in all cate-gories(P<0.001),MPT(7.19±1.31)was better than that of the control group(4.29±0.88)(=9.436,P<0.001),SSA(19.25±1.12)was better than that of the control group(21.20±2.55)(=-2.894,P<0.05),and FEES combined with MPAS score(1.75±0.85)was better than the control group(2.70±1.34)(=-2.674,P<0.001),and the overall clinical efficacy(18,90.00%)was better than the control group(12,60.00%)(Z=-3.894,P<0.001).Conclusion Early application of active breathing and circulation technique combined with swallowing training can improve the swallowing function of patients to a greater extent and reduce the incidence of aspiration compared with swallowing function training alone.
BACKGROUND:The treatment of post-stroke dysphagia with Lipopharyngeal Qibi Formula has achieved good efficacy,and 5-hydroxytryptamine in peripheral serum and neurotransmitters in the nucleus tractus solitarius are closely related to swallowing.Therefore,this study was conducted to explore the modulatory effects of peripheral serum and nucleus tractus solitarius neurotransmitters in swallowing by using modern medical experimental methods such as molecular biology,thereby developing new ideas for the exploration of their mechanisms. OBJECTIVE:To verify the therapeutic effect of Lipopharyngeal Qibi Formula on post-stroke dysphagia and to investigate its mechanism of action. METHODS:Thirty-eight Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into model group(n=14),treatment group(n=14)and sham-operated group(n=10).Animals in the model and treatment groups were modeled by reperfusion after 90 minutes of transient cerebral ischemia by wire bolus method.At 6 hours after modeling,neurological function was scored,and rats with a score of 2 were selected for subsequent experiments.The treatment group was given compound Lipopharyngeal Qibi Formula by gavage starting from the 2nd day after modeling and the remaining two groups were given normal saline by gavage.Changes in body mass,24-hour food and water intake were recorded on days 2,7,14 and 30.The swallowing initiation response time and the number of swallows were detected using a biosignal collector and a tonic transducer on days 14 and 30.After the swallowing test,the ischemic area of the brain in each group was measured by TTC staining.The expression of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the medulla oblongata was measured by immunohistochemistry.The mRNA and protein expression levels of BCL-2 and BAX in the insula,premotor cortex,cingulate cortex and thalamus of rats in each group were measured by RT-PCR and Western blot,respectively. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Compared with the sham-operated group,the body mass,24-hour food intake and water intake were reduced,the swallow initiation response time was prolonged,and the number of swallows was reduced in the treatment and model groups at day 14 of gavage(P<0.05).Compared with the model group,the body mass,24-hour food intake and water intake of rats were increased in the treatment group at day 30 of gavage(P<0.05),but were still lower than those in the sham-operated group.Compared with the model group,the swallow initiation reaction time was shortened and the number of swallows increased in the treatment group,but the number of swallows was still significantly lower than that in the sham-operated group(P<0.05).Cerebral ischemia area was reduced in the treatment group compared with the model group,and the number of 5-hydroxytryptamine-positive cells in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the medulla oblongata was increased in the treatment group compared with the model group,but it was still significantly lower than that in the sham-operated group(P<0.05).Compared with the model group,the expression of BCL-2 mRNA and protein in the insula,cingulate cortex and thalamus of rats in the treatment group were significantly increased,the expression of BAX mRNA and protein were significantly decreased,and the BCL-2/BAX ratio was significantly increased(P<0.05).To conclude,the Chinese herbal compound Lipopharyngeal Qibi Formula could improve the number of swallows and swallowing initiation response time,as well as 24-hour food intake,body mass and other swallowing-related indexes in rats with post-stroke dysphagia.The mechanism of action may be achieved by improving the area of cerebral ischemia,inhibiting the apoptosis of neuronal cells in the insula,cingulate cortex and thalamus of rats,thus improving the regulation of the higher centers on the medulla oblongata swallowing center,and regulating the level of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the nucleus tractus solitarius.
Objective:To evaluate the effect of combining contralateral high-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) with biofeedback-controlled empty swallowing training on dysphagia among stroke survivors.Methods:Eighty dysphagic stroke survivors were divided at random into a control group, a biofeedback group, an rTMS group and a combined treatment group, each of 20. In addition to routine dysphagia rehabilitation, the biofeedback group and the rTMS group received empty swallowing training based on biofeedback or high-frequency rTMS applied to the healthy motor cortex as appropriate. The combined treatment group was given both. The treatment was administered once daily, 5 days a week for 3 consecutive weeks. Before and after the treatment, all of the subjects′ swallowing was evaluated using the penetration aspiration scale (PAS), functional oral intake scale (FOIS) and a standardized swallowing assessment (SSA). The latency and amplitude of the mylohyoid muscle′s motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were also recorded before and after the treatment.Results:After the treatment, significant improvement was observed in the average PAS, FOIS and SSA scores as well as in the latency and amplitude of the MEPs in the four groups. The average results in the combined treatment group were significantly better than in the other 3 groups. The latency of the mylohyoid muscle′s MEP was significantly shorter in the combined group than in the control and biofeedback groups on average, while the amplitude was significantly greater than in the control group.Conclusion:Combining contralateral high frequency rTMS with empty swallowing training based on biofeedback can better improve the swallowing of dysphagic stroke survivors.
Objective:To compare the reliability and validity of the Standard Swallowing Function Assessment Scale (SSA) with those of the GUSS Swallowing Function Assessment Screen (GUSS) in screening for and evaluating dysphagia among stroke survivors.Methods:Forty-seven stroke survivors had their swallowing function evaluated using the GUSS scale and the SSA scale. The results were compared with those of endoscopic swallowing function examinations.Results:Both scales delivered good reliability and validity. The SSA scale′s test-retest reliability had an ICC value=0.828 and an inter-evaluator reliability with an ICC value=0.909. Those were better than the GUSS scale′s values, but the latter had better intrinsic reliability (Cronbach′s α=0.939). Both scales showed good structural and calibration validity, with the sensitivity of the GUSS scale (72.73%) superior to that of the SSA scale, but the GUSS scales′ specificity, Jordan index and area under the operating characteristics curve were inferior to the SSA scale′s values. Combining the two scales in dysphagia screening could produce an area under the curve of 0.77.Conclusion:Both the SSA and GUSS scales have good reliability and validity in screening for swallowing disorders after a stroke. In clinical practice, the SSA alone or the two in series can improve diagnoses so as to prevent aspiration after a stroke.
[Objective]Using CiteSpace software to visualize and analyse the literature related to acupuncture treatment of post-stroke dysphagia in China,to reveal the dynamics of frontiers and the evolution of hotspots in this field,as well as provide suggestions and references for future research.[Methods]By searching the three major Chinese databases,China National Knowledge Internet(CNKI),Wanfang Data and China Science and Technology Journal Database(VIP),the literature related to acupuncture treatment of post-stroke dysphagia was retrieved between the establishment of these databases and June 2023.Then the data issuance,authors,institutions,keywords clustering and keywords emergence were analyzed and presented in a visualization map or chart with CiteSpace 6.1.R6 software.[Results]After searching and screening,a total of 1 585 relevant literatures were included,and the overall trend of the number of studies within the field showed a steady increase in terms of the number of publications.However,links among study authors are scattered and mostly intra-institutional.At the same time,the connection among institutions for cross-regional collaboration is not close enough.Keywords clustering analysis showed that the type of research in the literature mainly consists overviews and clinical randomized controlled trial(RCT).In terms of treatment approaches,the use of combination of multiple therapies is common.The time zone map reflects the continuous process of refinement of acupuncture therapies,from which the creation of a series of new types of acupuncture therapies could be observed.[Conclusion]The field of acupuncture for the treatment of post-stroke dysphagia is becoming increasingly sophisticated.It is predicted that the combination of acupuncture with other common therapies for the treatment of post-stroke dysphagia will remain a hot research topic in the coming years.Meanwhile,there will be a new trend towards integrating resources and conducting high-quality clinical studies with multi-centre collaboration.
Objective To analyze the current status,hot spots and trends of Chinese and English researches in the field of aspiration after dysphasia in the past twenty years. Methods The articles about aspiration after dysphasia were retrieved from CNKI and Web of Science(WOS)core collec-tion database,from January,2003 to June,2023,and were analyzed with CiteSpace 6.1.R6. Results A total of 3 231 articles were included.The annual articles were published more and more year by year.The most English literatures came from the United States.Hot spots mainly focused on the assessment of dysphasia,prevention of complication,nutrition and rehabilitation therapy.It would concentrate on the application of the volume-viscosity swallow test and assessment scales,rehabilitation,penetration aspiration,outcome and effect validation,quality of life,feeding and nutrition condition,and evidence-based nursing,etc.,in the future. Conclusion The researches in the field of aspiration after dysphasia have been increasing in recent years,and the themes and contents of researches have been deepening.
Abstract Introduction Dysphagia is a significant but underrecognized clinical issue in the intensive care unit (ICU), and it is associated with various complications. Despite its clinical importance, there is limited research and no Creek ICU-specific guidelines for managing dysphagic patients. Additionally, only a few ICUs in Greece have dysphagia specialists, specifically speech-language pathologists (SLPs) providing their expertise. Objective To identify the current practices for dysphagia management (screening, assessment, treatment) and gain insight into ICU directors' awareness/perceptions of the prevalence, complications, and risk of dysphagia. Materials and Methods We identified 138 Creek ICUs. Data were collected from ICU (including pediatric and neonatal) directors, working in public and private hospitals, via a 24-item, anonymous online questionnaire, within a 4-month period. Results Our survey was completed by 45 ICU directors. Most participants (84.4%) reported that dysphagia is a relevant clinical problem in their ICU, and 51.1 % estimated a frequency rate < 20%. Non-instrumental approaches are mainly utilized to screen and diagnose dysphagia, whereas enteral nutrition and diet modifications are used to manage dysphagia. Additionally, 64.4% of ICU directors agreed that SLPs are essential for the management of dysphagic patients, and 66.7%, that awareness of dysphagia in their ICU could be increased. Conclusion The current study documented the methods and approaches used to manage dysphagic patients in Creek ICUs. The ICU directors seem to recognize the clinical significance of dysphagia and its complications. According to our findings, the employment of SLPs could result in a more comprehensive and intensive approach and improve the quality of care for these patients.
Abstract Introduction Deep interarytenoid groove (DIG) may cause swallowing dysfunction in children; however, the management of DIG has not been established. Objective We evaluated the subjective and objective outcomes of interarytenoid augmentation with injection in children with DIG. Methods Consecutive children under 18 years of age who underwent injection laryngoplasty for DIG were reviewed. Data pertaining to demographics, past medical history, past surgical history, and results of pre and postoperative video fluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) were obtained. The primary outcome measure was the presence of thin liquid aspiration or penetration on postoperative VFSS. The secondary outcome measure was caregiver-reported improvement of symptoms. Results Twenty-seven patients had VFSS before and after interarytenoid augmentation with injection (IA). Twenty (70%) had thin liquid penetration and 12 (44%) had thin liquid aspiration before the IA. Thin liquid aspiration resolved in 9 children (45%) and persisted in 11 (55%). Of the 12 children who had thin liquid aspiration prior to IA, 6 (50%) had resolution of thin liquid aspiration after IA. Conclusions Injection laryngoplasty is a safe tool to improve swallowing function in children with DIG. Further studies are needed to assess the long-term outcomes of IA and identify predictors of successful IA in children with DIG.
Abstract Introduction Dysphagia induced by radiotherapy in the head and neck region comprises a challenging scenario and sometimes difficult rehabilitation due to the severity of the adverse effects. Some resources such as electrical stimulation have emerged as an alternative to complement the therapeutic process, but there is still no consensus on its use. Objective The purpose of the present study was to evaluate, through a meta-analysis, the effect of electrical stimulation on the rehabilitation of dysphagia generated after head and neck cancer treatment. Data Synthesis Four randomized controlled trials with a total of 146 participants were included. The age of the participants was 58.37 ± 1.8 years old and there was a predominance of males. The time to start the intervention ranged from 50.96 ± 40.12 months after cancer treatment. The intervention showed great heterogeneity regarding the positioning of the electrodes, parameters, duration of the stimulus, number of sessions, and intensity. No difference was identified in the following aspects: oral transit time, hyoid elevation, penetration and/or aspiration after electrostimulation. The quality of the evidence ranged from very low to moderate and high risk of bias. Conclusion In this meta-analysis, we found weak evidence for small and moderate swallowing benefits in patients after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer in short-term clinical trials.
Abstract Introduction Dysphagia is a common issue in patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) and is known to negatively impact their quality of life. To evaluate the impact of dysphagia on the quality of life of HNC patients, the M. D. Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI) questionnaire was developed. Objective The present study aimed to culturally adapt and validate the MDADI for Persian-speaking individuals. The MDADI is a self-administered questionnaire designed to assess the impact of dysphagia on the quality of life of HNC patients. Methods The original MDADI questionnaire was translated into Persian using the forward-backward method, following the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) for cultural adaptation. The content validity of the Persian version, MDADI-P, was assessed by 10 speech-language pathologists using the content validity index (CVI). Seventy-five HNC patients completed the MDADI-P to evaluate its convergent validity, which was determined by comparing the results with the Short-Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were assessed using Cronbach α coefficient and intraclass correlation (ICC), respectively. Results The scale content validity index (S-CVI) for the MDADI-P was 0.90, indicating good content validity. The MDADI-P demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach α coefficient = 0.728) and test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.91). The total MDADI-P score exhibited a significant correlation with the physical and mental components of the SF-36 (0.456 and 0.349, respectively, p < 0.05). Conclusion The findings of the present study confirm the suitability of the MDADI-P in terms of content validity, construct validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability.
ABSTRACT Purpose Swallowing impairment is a serious extra-pulmonary manifestation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Previous studies suggest that individuals with stable COPD show atypical values for several videofluoroscopy measures of swallowing, compared to healthy adults under age 60. However, it is unclear to what degree these changes are attributable to healthy aging. In this study, we aimed to clarify how swallowing in people with stable COPD differs from age-matched healthy controls. Methods We performed a retrospective analysis of videofluoroscopy data from two previously-collected datasets: a) a sample of 28 adults with stable COPD (18 male); b) a sample of 76 healthy adults, from which 28 adults were selected, matched for sex and age to participants in the COPD cohort. In both prior studies, participants swallowed 20% w/v liquid barium prepared in different consistencies (thin; mildly, moderately, and extremely thick). Blinded duplicate ratings were performed according to a standard procedure, yielding measures of laryngeal vestibule closure (LVC) integrity and timing, swallow timing, upper esophageal sphincter (UES) opening, pharyngeal constriction and pharyngeal residue. Mann-Whitney U tests and odds ratios were performed to determine significant group differences (p<.05). Results Across the consistencies tested, participants with COPD showed significantly shorter durations of LVC, earlier onsets and shorter durations of UES opening, and reduced pharyngeal constriction. No significant differences were seen in other measures. Conclusion These results point to features of swallowing in people with stable COPD that differ from changes seen with healthy aging, and which represent risks for potential aspiration.
RESUMO Objetivo Identificar o risco de disfagia e sua associação com os sinais sugestivos de sarcopenia, estado nutricional e frequência da higiene oral em idosos hospitalizados. Método Trata-se de um estudo transversal analítico com participação de 52 idosos internados em clínica médica de um hospital público no Distrito Federal. Foram aplicados os instrumentos Eating Assessment Tool, Strength, Assistance with walking, Rise from a chair, Climb stairs and Falls + Circunferência da Panturrilha e o Mini Nutritional Assessment shortform além de coleta de dados sociodemográficos e de condições de saúde. Resultados Dos idosos participantes 30,8% apresentaram risco de disfagia autorrelatada. Os fatores associados ao risco de disfagia foram sinais sugestivos sarcopenia (p=0,04), estado nutricional (p<0,001) e frequência da higiene oral (p=0,03). Conclusão Na população geriátrica deste estudo, em sua maioria com Covid-19, o risco de disfagia esteve associado aos sinais sugestivos de sarcopenia, estado nutricional e frequência da higiene oral.
ABSTRACT Purpose To identify the risk of dysphagia and its association with signs suggestive of sarcopenia, nutritional status and frequency of oral hygiene in the hospitalized elderly. Methods This is an analytical cross-sectional study with the participation of 52 elderly patients admitted to a medical clinic at a public hospital in the Federal District, Brazil. The Eating Assessment Tool, Strength, Assistance with walking, Rise from a chair, Climb stairs and Falls + Calf Circumference and the Mini Nutritional Assessment shortform were applied, in addition to the collection of sociodemographic data and health conditions. Results Among the elderly participants, 30.8% were at risk of self-reported dysphagia. The factors associated with the risk of dysphagia were: signs suggestive of sarcopenia (p=0.04), nutritional status (p<0.001) and oral hygiene frequency (p=0.03). Conclusion In the geriatric population of the present study, with the majority of the participants having tested positive for Covid-19, the risk of dysphagia was associated with signs suggestive of sarcopenia, nutritional status and frequency of oral hygiene.