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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241947


Background - In modern medical practice there has been rapid and continuous emergence of resistant bacterial strains.Beta-lactamase is an enzyme that is produced by bacteria that breaks down the structural beta-lactam ring of penicillin and its synthetic derivatives.The persistent exposure of bacterial strains to a multitude of beta-lactams has induced a dynamic and continuous production and mutation of lactamase in many bacteria,expanding their activity even against the 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins.ESBL production has been observed mostly in Enterobacteriaceae, particularly Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, but all other clinically-relevant Enterobacteriaceae species are also common ESBL-producers. This was a single center ProspectiveMethods- Cross-sectional study of 3 months duration performed from 1/08/24 to 31/10/24 in the department of Microbiology Shyam Shah Medical College,Rewa and associated Sanjay Gandhi memorial hospital Rewa, (M.P.).Total 495 mid-stream urine samples of suspected UTI patients attending the out-patient department of sanjay gandhi memorial hospital rewa were collected aseptically in a wide mouth sterile urine container,properly labeled and sent to the microbiology laboratory under strict protocol.The samples were processed and the identi?cation of the organisms from the urine samples was done by standard microbiological techniques.Routine Antibiotic sensitivity testing (AST) with the help of 7 antibiotic disks (including Ceftazidime (CAZ) 30?g and Ceftriaxone (CTR) 30?g for ESBL screening was done for all the isolates by Kirby Bauer disk diffusion method as recommended by latest CLSI guidelines and the E.coli and K.pneumoniae isolates which were found to be resistant to Ceftazidime and/or Ceftriaxone on routine AST were con?rmed for ESBL production by performing the Combination Disk Test (CDT) with the help of Ceftazidime (CAZ) 30?g and Ceftazidime-clavulanic acid (CAC) 30 ?g+10 ?g disks. Out of total 495 urineResults- samples received 307 (62%) samples showed growth of organisms.E.coli was found to be the most commonly isolated organism that was 172 (56%) and K.pneumoniae was the second most common isolated organism 98 (32%).Other isolates that were found are Pseudomonas aeruginosa 15 (5%), Staphylococcus spp. (including CoNS) 9 (3%), Proteus spp. 9 (3%), and others 4 (1%) including Citrobacter spp.,Acinetobacter spp.,Candida spp.On ESBL screening AST 107 (62%) of E.coli and 50 (51%) of K.pneumoniae isolates were found to be resistant to any one or both of the 3rd generation cephalosporins.After performing the ESBL Combined disk test (CDT) 56 (52%) of E.coli and 22 (45%) of K.pneumoniae isolates were con?rmed to be as ESBL producers.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232828


Background: Surgical site infection increases the rate of re hospitalisation, the use of health care, diagnostic, and therapeutic resources, and hospital costs. Severe sequelae may exacerbate primary and devastating infections. About 39-51% of pathogens causing surgical site infections were documented to be resistant to standard prophylactic antibiotics. This study aimed to calculate surgical site infection rate at our hospital. To identify the isolates causing surgical site infections and study anti-microbial susceptibility pattern of isolated organisms.Methods: This observational study was done among patients who underwent abdominal gynaecological surgeries and who developed surgical site infection in department of obstetrics and gynaecology in Maharajahs institute of medical sciences during May 2022 to April 2024.Results: Surgical site infection rate at our hospital is 18.29%, there are 30 surgical site infections, 76.7% cases are culture positive, 23.3% cases are sterile, 52.2% cases are gram negative, 47.8% are gram positive. Most common organism isolated is E. coli (39%) followed by Staphylococcus aureus (26%), enterococcus (21.7%), Pseudomonas (8.6%), Klebsiella (4.3%). Antibiotic susceptibility pattern shows maximum overall sensitivity of organisms to amikacin (65.4%) followed by gentamicin (56%), piperacillin tazobactum (52.17%), amoxyclav (47.8%) followed by rest of drugs.Conclusions: Practice of routine culture and sensitivity of surgical site infections can prevent grave complications, limit cost of treatment, prevent fast emerging antimicrobial resistance. In our study, complications are limited to need for secondary suturing. The most susceptible drug in our study is amikacin, thus, it can be incorporated as a part of empirical treatment in patients with surgical site infection before the culture sensitivity report is obtained.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241200


Background: arthropods have been utilized for their socio-economic value as food and medicine for decades in most part of the world. Many traditional healers use insects in their traditional medicine healing system. The idea of utilizing substances collected from insects as medicinal resources, might have originated from the chemical compounds (such as pheromones, venoms, and toxins) sequestered from plants that have shown medicinal value. The study was targeted at investigating the antimicrobial potential of termite and bee natural products on Escherichia coli for possible medicinal purpose. The insects were collected from farmlands (using different insect traps) within Agulu and Nanka communities, Anambra State, Nigeria. The sample was identified and authenticated at the Zoology Department. The insect were killed using killing jar technique, air dried, pulverized and macerated for further investigation. The zoochemical properties and antimicrobial activity of the extract was investigated. Results: It was observed that the constituents, carbohydrate and saponins were present in all the extracts. Tannins, Flavonoids and Terpenoids were present in the ethanol extracts of both insects. The other zoochemicals investigated: Anthraquinones. Alkaloids, Cardiac glycoside, and steroids were not observed in all of the extracts. The water extract of both bee and termite exhibited less activity against E. coli. The ethanol extract of both insects showed E. coli growth inhibition. Based on the distinct zones of inhibition observed. The ethanol extract of termite showed higher inhibition activity (8.33 ± 0.60 mm zone of inhibition), this was followed by the ethanol extract of bee (7.08 ± 1.18 mm zone of inhibition). The aqueous (water) extract of termite (1.33 ± 0.67 mm zone of inhibition) showed higher activity than that of the bee extract (1.00 ± 0.58 mm zone of inhibition). Conclusion: The result of the study showed that ethanol extract of termite and bee contain bioactive constituents with antibacterial effect and lends credence to the entomo-ethno medicinal use of insect in the treatment of bacterial infections.

Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 38(298): e1149, jan.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1531645


Diante do ritmo acelerado da vida contemporânea, observa-se um aumento na tendência dos indivíduos em optar por realizar suas refeições fora de casa. A carne, reconhecida como um componente essencial na alimentação dos brasileiros, está suscetível à contaminação pois apresenta ambiente favorável à proliferação de microrganismos patogênicos. Fazendo-se necessária uma análise de contaminação pós-produção afim de evitar Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos. No presente estudo objetivouse avaliar as boas práticas de fabricação e contaminação de preparações de carne bovina assada, de restaurantes particulares e institucionalizados no município de Americana-SP. Amostras de carne prontas para o consumo foram obtidas de seis estabelecimentos comerciais e seis institucionais. Durante a coleta, foram verificadas as temperaturas e realizadas análises de conformidades com a RDC n° 275, de 2002. As amostras foram examinadas para detectar a presença ou ausência de E. coli e coliformes termotolerantes a 45° C. Para a análise foi realizada a técnica de tubos múltiplos para quantificar a totalidade dos coliformes. Observou-se que, conforme estipulado pela Resolução n°43 de 2015, nenhuma das amostras oriundas de restaurantes comerciais, e a maioria das provenientes de restaurantes institucionais, atingiram as temperaturas requeridas. No que concerne à identificação de E. coli através de testes microbiológicos, foi constatado que seis amostras de restaurantes comerciais e quatro de restaurantes institucionais testaram positivo para a presença deste microrganismo. Conclui-se que as amostras de restaurantes comerciais apresentaram níveis de contaminação superiores em comparação com as amostras de restaurantes institucionais.

Given the fast-paced rhythm of contemporary life, there is an increase in individuals choosing to have their meals outside the home. Meat, recognized as an essential component in the Brazilian diet, is susceptible to contamination as it provides a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary to conduct post-production contamination analysis to prevent Foodborne Diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the good manufacturing practices and contamination of roasted beef preparations from private and institutional restaurants in the city of Americana-SP. Samples of ready-to-eat meat were obtained from six commercial establishments and six institutional ones. During collection, temperatures were checked, and conformity analyses were conducted according to RDC No. 275, 2002. The samples were examined for the presence or absence of E. coli and thermotolerant coliforms at 45°C using the multiple tube technique to quantify the total coliforms. It was observed that, as stipulated by Resolution No. 43, 2015, none of the samples from commercial restaurants and the majority from institutional restaurants reached the required temperatures. Regarding the identification of E. coli through microbiological tests, it was found that six samples from commercial restaurants and four from institutional ones tested positive for the presence of this microorganism. It is concluded that samples from commercial restaurants showed higher contamination levels compared to institutional restaurant samples.

Food Hygiene , Foodborne Diseases , Meat , Brazil
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239759


Mastitis affects dairy animal’s productivity and causes financial losses for dairy farmers in India and across the world. In this study, a total of 52,494 quarter milk samples from 14,381 bovines were screened for the primary microorganisms causing mastitis in Hisar and adjoining districts of Haryana and their antibiotic sensitivity patterns were analyzed. The cultural positivity from subclinical form of mastitis was observed as 86.32% and 87.73% from cows and buffaloes, respectively while that from clinical mastitis was 87.36% and 87.57%. The major Gram positive bacterial pathogens associated with mastitis in the entire study period were found as Staphylococcus species with an average incidence rate of 45.53% and 44.1% from cows and buffaloes, respectively. The Streptococcus species were found to be 33.76% and 29.94% of total isolates. Escherichia coli were the most predominant Gram negative bacteria isolated (17.37% and 13.85%), thereafter Klebsiella spp. (5.54% and 5.19%) from both cows and buffaloes. A significant proportion of clinical cases of mastitis were chronic in nature from both the species of bovines. The incidence of mastitis with respect to different lactation number and lactation months was found as significant. The highest incidences of mastitis was observed in the first lactation among buffaloes (20.69%), while the maximum incidences were observed in second and third lactation in cows with 16.59% and 16.99%, respectively. However, in both the species maximum occurrence of mastitis was observed during the first lactational month. The antibiotic sensitivity patterns of most of the isolates had shown higher sensitivity towards enrofloxacin and gentamicin, while the penicillin had shown least sensitivity. The knowledge regarding the mastitis causing pathogens and their sensitivity pattern in Hisar and adjoining districts of Haryana enables the veterinarians to adopt for the proper treatment protocols and dairy farmers to assure optimal health, welfare and productivity of bovines in the State, in turn reducing antimicrobial resistance.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232520


Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) during pregnancy is very common in developing countries like India. UTI is caused by the growth of micro-organisms in the urinary tract. This study aims to determine the incidence of UTI in whole pregnancy and its adverse effects on mother and fetus.Methods: This is a prospective study conducted in outpatient department of ESIC medical college for one year from January 2017 to December 2017. A total of 182 pregnant women attending OBG OPD for ANC check-up without any medical disorders or previous adverse pregnancy outcomes of 18-35 years of age were included in the study. Urine routine and urine culture sensitivity were done for all.Results: Out of 182 pregnant women tested for UTI, the incidence of UTI in pregnancy was found to be 19%. Asymptomatic UTI was noted in 65% patients with UTI. Primigravida were commonly affected (56%). Highest cases were in 18 to 25 years (63%) age group. 56% cases showed 6-10 pus cells/HPF. Prevalence of UTI was more common in winter seasons. Commonest causative organism was E. coli in 38% cases. Maternal complications like anaemia (26%) and puerperal pyrexia (23%) were observed. Adverse fetal outcomes like preterm birth (35%) and fetal growth restriction (15%) were observed.Conclusions: In this study, the prevalence rate of UTI during pregnancy is high (19%). The physiological changes of pregnancy predispose the women to UTI so does the other factors such as age, sexual activity, hygiene, multiparty, previous history of UTI and socio-economic conditions. All pregnant women should be screened for UTI with a urine routine and urine culture, treated with antibiotics if the culture is positive and then retested for cure. Awareness has to be created about good hygienic practices and adequate hydration among pregnant women.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236410


Background: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) due to Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a common health problem among women. Pregnant women are at increased risk due to the physiological changes associated with pregnancy. The present study was designed to determine the prevalence of E. coli UTI and its antibiotic susceptibility pattern among pregnant women at the antenatal clinic of the Enugu State University of Science and Technology Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out on a total of 200 pregnant women with and without symptoms of UTI. Mid-stream urine samples were collected and inoculated into Cysteine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient (CLED) and MacConkay. Colony counts > 102 cfu/ml of urine were regarded as significant bacteriuria. Pure isolates of bacterial pathogen were characterized by colony morphology, gram-stain and standard biochemical procedures. The method of agar disc diffusion susceptibility testing was used to determine the antibiotic resistance and sensitivity of the isolates. Results: The overall prevalence of UTI was 15.4% while 48.5% were symptomatic cases and 5.0% asymptomatic cases. E,Coli was the most frequently isolated organism with a prevalence of 53.4% (111 samples) while other pathogens accounted for 46.6% (89 samples). E. coli showed the highest resistance to the antibiotic Ampicillin 100%, 78% to Tetracycline and 70% to Rocephine but a low resistance of 16.7% against Nitrofurantoin and Ceftriazone respectively. Conclusion: UTI due to E. coli in pregnant women in Enugu is relatively high and shows high resistance to routine antibiotics. It is therefore, strongly recommended to undertake a routine culture as part of the antenatal care for pregnant women.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 710-717, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032200


@#Objective To develop a shake-flask stage culture process for E.coli with higher biomass and higher bacterial viability based on Quality by Design(QbD)concept.Methods Using different shake-flask configurations as the investigation factors,and A600value of the bacterial suspension,wet weight of the culture and viability value of the bacteria as the indicators for investigation of the culture results,ANOVA was used for the analysis of culture results to obtain the third amplification flask configurations with high biomass and high bacterial viability.The two-factor two-level full-factor test was carried out with the shaker temperature and shaker speed as the test factors,the A value of bacterial suspension as the response value,the culture accumulation time as a variable factor,and the real-time online temperature and self-test speed of the shaker as the supplemented variable factors.The functional principal component analysis(FPCA)method was used to perform a generalized regression model to model the quasi-growth curve,and the optimized culture stop time and culture process were obtained by the growth curve model.The design space of the shaker culture process was optimized again using Monte Carlo simulation(MCS)with random noise added to the response value.The worst condition in the design space was selected as the setting condition for verification test,and serial 10 batch verification tests were performed in stages with different culture stop time.Results The third amplification shake-flask configurations:5 L disposable high-efficiency shakeflask and large area breathable film cover.The culture process design space:shaker temperature of 36.5-37.5 ℃,shaker speed of 220-230 r/min,and the design culture stop time of 18 h.The worst condition verification test showed that when the culture was stopped for 16 h,the culture results of higher cell viability value and lower biomass could be obtained,and when the culture was stopped for 18 h,the results of higher biomass and bacterial viability value could be obtained.Conclusion The shake-flask stage culture process for E.coli designed in this study has the characteristics of high biomass and high bacterial viability,and can be adjusted according to the adaptability of this culture process to meet different culture needs.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 221-226, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006861


@#Objective To develop and verify a double-antibody sandwich ELISA method for the detection of process-specific E.coli residual protein in recombinant biological preparations.Methods Taking the production and purification process of glucagon-like peptide(GLP)expressed by E.coli as the specific process model,the same process was used to intercept the residual protein of empty E.coli(normal E.coli that does not express recombinant protein). One female New Zealand white rabbit and six female Kunming mice were immunized with the residual protein as the immunogen. Using the IgG antibody purified from rabbit immune serum as the coating antibody,mouse immune serum as the second sandwich antibody,and antimouse IgG-HRP as the enzyme-labeled secondary antibody,a double antibody sandwich ELISA method for process-specific residual protein of E.coli was established. The specificity,accuracy and precision of the method were verified,and the limit of detection(LOD)was determined. Simultaneously,the developed method and the commercial E.coli host protein residue detection kit were used to quantitatively determine the residual protein of purified GLP preparation.Results After a series of gradient dilution of process-specific residual protein with known concentration,the sensitivity of this ELISA method reached 338 pg/mL. No cross reaction occurred in the detection of CHO and yeast cell lysis protein by this method,the recoveries of samples with low,medium and high concentrations were all in the range of 80% — 120%,and the intra-assay and inter-assay CVs of the empty E.coli interception standard with low,medium and high concentrations were all less than15%. For the residual protein in GLP preparation,about 62% of the residual proteins were not detected by the commercial non-process-specific ELISA kit compared with the total amount of residual proteins detected by the developed method,and these residual proteins should be the process-specific residual proteins.Conclusion The double antibody sandwich ELISA method developed in this study has high sensitivity,strong specificity,good accuracy and precision for the detection of process-specific E.coli residual protein,which can meet the detection requirements that the residual protein is less than0. 01% — 0. 1% in biological preparations.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 41(2): 114-120, 2024. tab, map
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567214


OBJETIVOS. Evaluar la presencia y sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos de cepas de Escherichia coli aisladas de 24 muestras de agua de riego del río Rímac de Lima Este, Perú. MATERIALES Y METODOS. Las cepas de E. coli fueron identificadas por PCR. La susceptibilidad a los antibióticos se procesaron por el método de difusión en disco. Los genes implicados en betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE), quinolonas y virulencia se determinaron por PCR. RESULTADOS. Todas las muestras superaron los límites permisibles establecidos en las Normas de Calidad Ambiental para el riego de hortalizas. De los 94 aisaldos, el 72,3% mostró resistencia al menos a un antibiótico, el 24,5% eran multirresistentes (MDR) y el 2,1% extremadamente resistentes. Los ma-yores porcentajes de resistencia se observaron para ampicilina-sulbactam (57,1%), el ácido nalidíxico (50%), trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol (35,5%) y ciprofloxacino (20,4%). Entre los aislados, el 3,2% presentaba fenotipo BLEE relacionado con el gen bla CTX-M-15. Los mecanismos transferibles de resistencia a las quinolonas, qnrB fueron más frecuentes (20,4%), y el 2,04% tenían el qnrS. Se calcularon que el 5,3% eran E. coli diarreagénicas y de estas, el 60% eran E. coli enterotoxigénicas, el 20% E. coli enteropatógenas y el 20% E. coli enteroagregantes. CONCLUSIONES. Los resultados muestran la existencia de patotipos diarreogénicos en el agua utilizada para el riego de productos frescos y destaca la presencia de E. coli productores de BLEE y MDR, demostrando el papel que juega el agua de riego en la diseminación de genes de resistencia en el Perú.

Drug Resistance, Microbial
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234666


Background: PROM occurs in 10% of all pregnancies. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common bacterial infections in pregnancy. Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB), occurring in 2-11% of pregnancies, is a significant predisposition to the development of pyelonephritis and UTI, which are associated with obstetrical complications, such as preterm labor and low birth weight infants.Methods: This study was carried out at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, over a period of 6 Months from July 2011 to December 2011.Results: A total of 100 patients of PROM were included in this study within this period. The mean age was 27.10�49 (SD) years in patients� of PROM, and the prevalence of gestational week was found at 26 (26%) at 30 weeks, 20 (20%) at 32 weeks, 22 (22%) at 33 weeks, 28 (28%) were at 34 weeks, and 4 (4%) were at 39 weeks. Most of the cases were no growth (84%), E. coli (12%), Streptococcus (2%), Candida (1%), and anaerobs (1%). 52% were preterm, and 42% were term delivery. 40% developed chorioamnionitis, 10% developed puerperal sepsis, and 8% developed DIC, and this prospective observational study revealed that 16% of cases of PROM patients� were associated with urinary tract infection.Conclusions: This study was undertaken to determine the bacteriological assessment of urine of patient抯 with premature rupture of membrane. It is found that 16% of patients� with PROM have urinary tract infection with E. coli, Group B streptococcus, anaerobs, and candida organisms.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239473


Background: Antibiotic resistance is a growing global public health concern because it jeopardizes the effective control and treatment of bacterial infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the bacterial profiles and susceptibility patterns to Imipenem, Augmentin, and Ceftriaxone in various clinical specimens from Al Saleem laboratory in Benghazi, Libya. Methods: Two separate studies were carried out. Each experiment lasted three months. The patients' clinical samples included wound swabs, urine, sperm, blood, high vaginal swabs, and cerebrospinal fluid. Bacterial species were isolated and identified using standard microbiological methods in each study. Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion was used to conduct antimicrobial susceptibility tests from September 2020 to November 2020. Results: There were 711 isolates obtained from 535 female and 503 male patients. The most common organisms isolated from specimens were E. coli spp, Klebsiella spp, and Staph aureus. Conclusion: Bacterial resistance levels to various antibiotics varied greatly. We found that Augmentin has less activity against gram negative bacteria isolated from clinical specimens, whereas Imipenem has a much stronger effect on isolates than Augmentin. Appropriate monitoring of prevalent pathogenic organisms and their sensitivities will assist clinicians in making appropriate antibiotic treatment choices to avoid the spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220776


Currency notes could play a signicant role in transmitting pathogenic microorganisms amongst individuals in the society. This study was aimed to determine the microbial prole and Antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial pathogens isolated from Ethiopian paper notes in circulation. 64 currency paper notes of different denomination were tested for bacterial contamination using standard microbiological methods. Antibiotic susceptibility proles of the isolates were determined with approved methods. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Overall mean AMBC was 4.08 log units, with the highest 6.58 log units recorded from denomination 5 followed by 4.50, 3.03, 2.20 log units from denominations 10, 50 and 100 respectively. Total Coliforms (TC) displayed the same pattern with the highest mean counts of 6.52 log units, from denomination 5 and lowest counts of 2.19 log units from denomination 100. Out of 64 currency notes, 35 (54.7%) were contaminated with bacteria. The predominant bacteria isolates were E. coli (60.5%), Salmonella spp. (23.6%) and Shigella spp. (13.2%). Each isolate was resistant to four or more antibiotics tested. All isolates were resistant against Cefepime and Tetracycline and sensitive to Ceftriaxone. This study revealed that currency notes are contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and in most cases these bacterial isolates were resistant to commonly prescribed antibiotics. Therefore, contaminated notes are identied as potential public health threat, because pathogens can be spread by circulating the notes and become source of infection. Awareness creation is important among public in this regard.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223776


Insulin is the essential hormone produced by the pancreas. which is accountable for sanctioning glucose we acquire from our food sources to be deposited in our body cells. Without insulin, our bodies cannot control blood sugar levels, so insulin is a vital hormone for survival. A diabetic person either does not produce insulin or is resilient to it for a multiple reasons. Because of this, they need insulin injections to process glucose. It has become stress-free for patients around the world to acquire insulin with the production of recombinant human insulin produced by Escherichia coli . This short review will provide an overview of the steps engaged in constructing recombinant human insulin utilizing the K12 strain of E. coli along with the prominence of recombinant insulin and why E. coli is most commonly used for insulin production.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022929


Objective To investigate the bacteriostatic activity of five hemostatic dressings for war injury to provide references for the development of novel hemostatic dressings.Methods The bacteriostatic ratios of Combat Gauze made of kaolin and four kinds of dressings made of chitosan including Celox Rapid Gauze,Celox Gauze,ChitoGauze and a self-developed dressing against S.aureus and E.coli were explored according to GB/T 20944.2-2007.The bacteriostatic time and activity were inferred by investigating the growth of S.aureus under simulated conditions.Results Combat Gauze had the hemostatic ratios lower than 20%against both S.aureus and E.coli within 24 h.The hemostatic ratios of Celox Rapid Gauze,Celox Gauze,ChitoGauze and the self-developed dressing against S.aureus were all higher than 90%after 30 min action,while the ratios of the four dressings against E.coli were slightly different and changed with the prolongation of the time of action:after 30 min action only Celox Rapid Gauze had the hemostatic ratio higher than 90%;after 3 h action,ChitoGauze had a low ratio of 35%while the other dressings were all higher than 95%;after 24 h action the four dressings all had the ratios higher than 99%.Celox Rapid Gauze,Celox Gauze,ChitoGauze and the self-developed dressing all significantly inhibited the growth of S.aureus within 15 h and the time for S.aureus to reach the threshold of clinical infection under simulated conditions was 18,15,24 and 15 h,respectively.Conclusion Combat Gauze is not effective in inhibiting S.aureus and E.coli,while Celox Rapid Gauze,Celox Gauze,ChitoGauze and the self-developed dressing behave well with Celox Rapid Gauze gaining high compre-hensive bacteriostatic activity and ChitoGauze having the longest bacteriostatic time against S.aureus.

Biomed. environ. sci ; Biomed. environ. sci;(12): 406-417, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981069


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the genotyping characteristics of human fecal Escherichia coli( E. coli) and the relationships between antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and multidrug resistance (MDR) of E. coli in Miyun District, Beijing, an area with high incidence of infectious diarrheal cases but no related data.@*METHODS@#Over a period of 3 years, 94 E. coli strains were isolated from fecal samples collected from Miyun District Hospital, a surveillance hospital of the National Pathogen Identification Network. The antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates was determined by the broth microdilution method. ARGs, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and polymorphism trees were analyzed using whole-genome sequencing data (WGS).@*RESULTS@#This study revealed that 68.09% of the isolates had MDR, prevalent and distributed in different clades, with a relatively high rate and low pathogenicity. There was no difference in MDR between the diarrheal (49/70) and healthy groups (15/24).@*CONCLUSION@#We developed a random forest (RF) prediction model of TEM.1 + baeR + mphA + mphB + QnrS1 + AAC.3-IId to identify MDR status, highlighting its potential for early resistance identification. The causes of MDR are likely mobile units transmitting the ARGs. In the future, we will continue to strengthen the monitoring of ARGs and MDR, and increase the number of strains to further verify the accuracy of the MDR markers.

Humans , Escherichia coli/genetics , Escherichia coli Infections/epidemiology , Multilocus Sequence Typing , Genotype , Beijing , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial/genetics , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Diarrhea , Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 151-157, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965854


@#Objective To detect the virulence gene of E. coli from calves with diarrhea in Tongliao City,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China and analyze its antimicrobial resistance as well as the distribution of antimicrobial resistant genes. Methods The sensitivities of 82 E. coli isolates from the fecal samples of calves with diarrhea to thirteen kinds of antibiotics were determined by disk diffusion test. The carrying statuses of thirteen virulence genes and twelve antimicrobial resistant genes of the E. coli isolates were determined by PCR,based on which the phylogenetic background was investigated. Results Of the 82 pathogenic E. coli isolates,48. 78%(40/82)、31. 71%(26/82)、14. 63%(12/82)and 4. 88%(4/82)belonged to phylogenic groups A,B1,B2 and D respectively,indicating that the prominent one was group A. A total of 11 virulence genes were detected in 82 isolates. The detection rates of irp2,fyuA,eaeA and STb genes were 79. 27%(65/82),63. 41%(52/82),53. 66%(44/82)and 50%(41/82)respectively,while those of other virulence genes were less than 50%,and no tsh or LT1 was detected. The 82 isolates were significantly resistant to 13 kinds of antibiotics,in which the resistant rates to tetracycline,doxycycline and amoxicillin were 100%(82/82),97. 56%(80/82)and 90. 24%(74/82)respectively. All the isolates were mutidrug resistant,most of which were resistant to eight kinds of antibiotics(16/82,19. 51%). A total of twelve antimicrobial resistant genes were detected in the 82 isolates,in which the positive rates of genes resistant to β ‑ lactams(blaTEM),sulfonamide(sul1 and sul2),tetracycline(tetB and tetD)and aminoglycosides(aadB)were more than 70%. Conclusion The 82 pathogenic E. coli isolates mainly belonged to group A,with high detection rates of virulence gene and antimicrobial resistant gene as well as high and multiple drug resistance. The study provided a reference for the prevention and treatment of and clinical medication of E. coli‑associated diseases in calves in Tongliao Region.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 1378-1382+1390, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998394


@#Objective To optimize a shake flask culture medium for Escherichia coli(E.coli)with high biomass and viability using artificial neural networks(ANN). Methods Using the proportion of glucose(Glu),yeast extract(YE),yeast peptone(YP),soy peptone(SP)and yeast nitrogen base(YNB)as the mixture component,and the A_(600)(A1)value of cell suspension,wet bacterial weight(G,g/L)of culture and cell viability(A2,A_(460))as the response values,the mixture design was used to screen the mixture components that had a significant effect on the response value. The ANN model was constructed with the test results of mixture design as training and verification data samples. The input variables were mixture components and restricted the upper and lower limits of the mixture components,and the output variables were mixture design response values. The optimized medium formula and reference values were obtained by the constructed ANN. The medium formula was further adjusted by Monte Carlo simulation to obtain the shake flask medium formula of E.coli,which was then verified for 10 times. Results The shake flask culture medium of E.coli was composed of Glu 26 g/L,SP 26 g/L,YNB13 g/L with the total concentration of 65 g/L. The verification results showed that the probability of A1 ≥ 14 was 60%,the probability of G ≥ 77 g/L was 50% and the probability of A2 ≥ 11 was 40%. The mean values of the incubation result data were equivalent to the reference values. Conclusion The shake flask culture medium of E.coli optimized in this study can obtain E.coli with high biomass and bacterial activity.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 24(2): 4-15, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423770


RESUMEN Varios factores intervienen en la calidad de los alimentos, como los físicos, químicos, nutricionales, sensoriales y microbiológicos. Este último es importante, ya que, afecta las propiedades organolépticas del producto terminado y, además, puede ocasionar riesgos de salud pública asociados a peligros microbiológicos. Colombia es un país rico en gastronomía, incluyendo alimentos fermentados de elaboración artesanal (AFEA), los cuales son una alternativa actual para sistemas agroalimentarios que buscan alimentos más naturales. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los criterios microbiológicos en AFEA y el cumplimiento de requisitos sanitarios para sensibilizar a productores de bebidas artesanales y revalorizar los productos. Se tomaron en cuenta 11 productores artesanales de Masato, Champús y Almidón agrio de yuca en zonas rurales del país, que voluntariamente aceptaron participar. Se midieron los parámetros de pH, humedad, sólidos solubles y recuentos microbiológicos. Con estos resultados, se pudo calcular el porcentaje de conformidad de los alimentos, de los cuales el 36 % de productos evaluados fueron aptos para el consumo. Se incumplieron los límites establecidos para Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus y Salmonella sp. Los análisis fisicoquímicos mostraron que el Masato y el Champús aportan condiciones abióticas para el crecimiento microbiano. Además, los productores Almidón agrio de yuca tuvieron mayor valoración en el cumplimiento de requisitos sanitarios y menor cumplimiento que los productores de Champús. Los análisis realizados indican que la mayoría de los alimentos incumplieron los límites permitidos por lo cual se debe capacitar a los productores en buenas prácticas de manufactura.

ABSTRACT Several factors intervene in the quality of the food, such as physical, chemical, nutritional, sensory, and microbiological. The latter is important as it affects the sensory properties of the finished product, and it can also cause public health risks associated with microbiological hazards. Colombia is a country rich in gastronomy, including artisanal fermented foods (AFEA), which are a current alternative for agri-food systems seeking for more natural foods. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological criteria in AFEA and its compliance with the sanitary requirements to raise the awareness among crafted beverages producers and revalue the products. Eleven artisan producers of masato, champús and sour cassava starch in rural areas of the country, who voluntarily agreed to participate, were considered. The parameters of pH, humidity, soluble solids, and microbiological counts were measured. With these results, it was possible to calculate the compliance rate of the food, from which 36% of the products evaluated were fit for consumption. The limits established for Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella spp were breached. Physicochemical analysis showed that Masato and Champús provide abiotic conditions for microbial growth. In addition, the Sour cassava starch producers had higher compliance ratings regarding sanitary requirements but lower compliance ratings than champús producers. The performed analysis indicates that most of the food did not comply with the permitted limits, which is why producers must be trained in good manufacturing practices.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2022 Oct; 120(10): 48-53
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216630


Background and Objectives : Routine surveillance and monitoring studies pose a constant need to update clinicians on prevalent pathogens and rational and empirical treatment in Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Escherichia coli (E coli) is the most commonly isolated uropathogen globally. Extended-Spectrum ?-Lactamase (ESBL) production and ?-Lactamase Inhibitor Resistance (BLIR) among these pathogens together with their uro-virulence determinants further complicate treatment approaches. This study investigated the clinico-microbiological pattern of UTI and determined the antibiotic sensitivity pattern, the phylogenetic background, and virulence determinants of E coli, the most commonly isolated uropathogen. Methods : Uropathogens isolated by urine culture from community and hospitalized patients were biochemically speciated. Antibiotic susceptibility was tested by Kirby-bauer disk diffusion method. Phylogenetic background and virulence determinants of E coli isolates were identified by PCR. SPSS 16.0 was used for statistical interpretation. Results : 45% of the urine samples showed growth positivity. 44% amongst them were E coli. All isolates were multidrug-resistant. 50% and 40% were ESBL producers and BLIR respectively. Former showed highest resistance to quinolone, fluoroquinolones, cotrimoxazole, and latter were resistant against all drugs tested except nitrofurantoin. Significant correlation existed between the ?-lactams, quinolone, fluoroquinolones, cotrimoxazole (p<0.05) resistance pattern. BLIR and ESBL E coli recorded highest prevalence of pathogenic phylogroup B2 and D respectively. Varied prevalence of fimbrial (fimH, papC, papEF, papG, GII) and toxin genes (iroN, hlyA, cnfI, i ucD, cdtBU) in ESBL, BLIR and non-ESBL isolates were observed. Their distribution was statistically significant (p=0.05). Interpretation and Conclusions : Nitrofurantoin is the drug of choice in empirical treatment of uncomplicated UTI. Aggressive and consistent investigation and health education are highly recommended for effective clinical management in UTI.