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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486039


Objective:To evaluate the impression accuracy of different impression methods for flabby ridge.Methods:5 patients with flabby ridge were included.Conventional technique,perforation technique and window opening technique were performed to make im-pressions and then final models were prepared.The optical models of the flabby ridge area were obtained both in patients'mouths and on the master casts by intraoral optical scanner.Data handling and computations were made by using 3D inspection and metrology soft-ware,regarding SD,Mean +and Mean -,with subsequent analysis.Results:The 3D deviation of the models obtained by conventional technique was the biggest,that obtained by window opening technique was the least.Conclusion:Window opening technique can de-crease the deformation of flabby ridge impression.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-462110


Treatment of edentulous jaws with fixed implant supported denture is a complex procedure with high technical difficulty.In the present paper,the characteristics of screw retained implant denture and key points of manufacture are introduced in details.

ImplantNews ; 11(3): 363-367, 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-730881


A utilização de diferentes métodos e materiais deve ser considerada durante o planejamento de próteses implantossuportadas. Complicações, como fraturas da base de resina acrílica, desgaste e fratura dos dentes, podem ocorrer com frequência, gerando a necessidade de um planejamento cuidadoso para cada paciente, o que pode tornar a seleção do tipo de tratamento mais complexa. Diante disso, este artigo descreve a reabilitação oral de um paciente totalmente edêntulo, portador de prótese tipo protocolo bimaxilar, que apresentava queixa estética, perda de dimensão vertical e fratura em dentes de resina acrílica do arco superior. Após o restabelecimento da dimensão vertical, realizou-se a substituição de suas próteses antigas por uma nova prótese tipo protocolo bimaxilar, sendo que a cerâmica foi utilizada como material de cobertura para o arco superior, e resina como material de cobertura para o arco inferior. Ao final do tratamento, o paciente recebeu placas oclusais lisas bimaxilares para proteger os dentes e implantes de possíveis hábitos parafuncionais. A forma como o tratamento foi conduzido permitiu uma resolução rápida e eficaz, com resultado estético e funcional muito favorável para o paciente.

The use of different methods and materials should be considered during the planning of implant-supported prostheses. Complications such as fractures of the acrylic resin base, wear and fracture of teeth can occur frequently, creating the need for careful planning for each patient, which can make the selection of the type of treatment more complex. Thus, this article describes the oral rehabilitation of a completely edentulous patient with bimaxillary fixed implant-supported prosthesis, with complaints on aesthetics, loss of vertical dimension and fracture of acrylic resin teeth of the upper arch. After the restoration of vertical dimension, his dentures were replaced with new bimaxillary implant-supported fixed prostheses, ceramic and acrylic resin were used as veneering material for maxilla and mandible, respectively. At the end of the treatment, the patient received bimaxillary flat occlusal splints to protect the teeth and implants of possible parafunctional habits. The approach for the treatment allowed a quick and effective resolution, with aesthetic and functional outcomes very favorable for the patient.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Acrylic Resins , Jaw, Edentulous , Prostheses and Implants
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-69150


Implant-supported overdenture is a reliable treatment option for the patients with edentulous mandible when they have difficulty in using complete dentures. Several options have been used for implant-supported overdenture attachments. Among these, bar attachment system has greater retention and better maintainability than others. SFI-Bar(R) is prefabricated and can be adjustable at chairside. Therefore, laboratory procedures such as soldering and welding are unnecessary, which leads to fewer errors and lower costs. A 67-year-old female patient presented, complaining of mobility of lower anterior teeth with old denture. She had been wearing complete denture in the maxilla and removable partial denture in the mandible with severe bone loss. After extracting the teeth, two implants were placed in front of mental foramen, and SFI-Bar(R) was connected. A tube bar was seated to two adapters through large ball joints and fixation screws, connecting each implant. The length of the tube bar was adjusted according to inter-implant distance. Then, a female part was attached to the bar beneath the new denture. This clinical report describes two-implant-supported overdenture using the SFI-Bar(R) system in a mandibular edentulous patient.

Aged , Female , Humans , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Denture, Complete , Denture, Overlay , Denture, Partial, Removable , Dentures , Jaw, Edentulous , Joints , Mandible , Maxilla , Retention, Psychology , Tooth , Welding
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-539961


Objective To discuss the foreground of application of reverse engineering reconstruction of dental models and to establish the foundation of developing a system for complete denture CAD/CAM. Methods The models of an edentulous jaw were measured with reverse engineering, and the 3D models were reconstructed with a computer. Results 3D models of the edentulous jaw were achieved. The characteristics of these 3D images were clear and accurate. Conclusion CAD models are reconstructed with reverse engineering accurately and technical problems in 3D model of complete denture CAD/CAM are resolved.