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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(supl.1): e58979, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559331


Resumen Introducción: La industria acuícola está en constante crecimiento, registrando una producción mundial de casi 88 millones de toneladas para el año 2020. Esta industria trae consigo problemas ambientales si sus efluentes no son debidamente tratados. En el 2020, se constituyó la primera empresa de base tecnológica del CONICET en la Patagonia Argentina cuyo propósito es la producción acuícola del erizo verde de mar, Arbacia dufresnii con la finalidad de elaborar una gama de productos nutracéuticos. Su sistema de cultivo conlleva un compromiso de sustentabilidad desde su creación, y sin embargo genera efluentes con niveles altos de nitratos y fosfatos. Objetivo: Ante este escenario, y valorizando la biorremediación como herramienta de tratamiento de aguas, se propone en este trabajo la utilización de las microalgas marinas como agentes fitorremediadores del efluente acuícola. Métodos: Se utilizaron las microalgas Chaetoceros gracilis, Navicula sp., Tetraselmis suecica., Rhodomona salina., Nanochloropsis galvana y Cylindrotheca closterium, las cuales son usadas como alimento de las larvas del erizo en el proceso productivo. Se diseñó un experimento que compara el crecimiento microalgal y la capacidad de remoción de los nutrientes en el efluente en contraste con el medio de cultivo artificial actualmente usado en el ciclo productivo. Resultados: Es posible remediar el efluente de la industria acuícola mediante las microalgas seleccionadas, con porcentaje de eficacia de remoción del 100 % del nitrato y un porcentaje de eficacia de remoción promedio de 50 % para todas las microalgas testeadas. Asimismo, se obtuvieron valores de biomasa microalgal significativamente mayores cuando el cultivo fue realizado en el efluente respecto del cultivo en el medio artificial. Conclusiones: Los avances en investigación proporcionados en este trabajo ponen de manifiesto que es posible el aprovechamiento de un descarte para cultivar las microalgas, incluso mejorando la productividad microalgal para su uso como alimento, disminuyendo los costos involucrados en el sector de producción microalgal cambiando el uso del tipo de medio de cultivo actual (F/2) por el proveniente de un descarte. Estos avances si son escalados y validados, pueden mejorar los estándares de sustentabilidad de la industria en el marco de una economía circular.

Abstract Introduction: The aquaculture industry is constantly growing, registering a global production of almost 88 million tonnes by 2020. This industry brings environmental problems if its effluents are not properly treated. In 2020, the first technology-based company of CONICET was established in Argentine Patagonia whose purpose is the aquaculture production of the green sea urchin, Arbacia dufresnii to develop a range of nutraceutical products. Its cultivation system entails a commitment to sustainability since its creation, and yet it generates effluents with high levels of nitrates and phosphates. Objective: Given this scenario, and valuing bioremediation as a water treatment tool, the use of marine microalgae as phytoremediating agents of aquaculture effluent is proposed in this work. Methods: The microalgae Chaetoceros gracilis, Navicula sp., Tetraselmis suecica, Rhodomona salina, Nanochloropsis galvana and Cylindrotheca closterium were use; which are used as food for sea urchins larvae in the production process. An experiment was designed that compares the microalgal growth and the removal capacity of nutrients in the effluent in contrast to the artificial culture medium currently used in the production cycle. Results: It is possible to remedy the aquaculture industry's effluent by employing the selected microalgae, with a percentage of removal efficiency of 100 % of the nitrate and an average removal efficiency percentage of 50 % for all the microalgae tested. Likewise, significantly higher microalgal biomass values were obtained when the culture was carried out in the effluent the culture in the artificial environment. Conclusions: The advances in research provided in this work show that it is possible to take advantage of a discard to cultivate microalgae, even improving microalgal productivity for use as food, reducing the costs involved in the microalgal production sector by changing the use of the type of current culture medium (F/2) for that from a current discard. These advances, if scaled and validated, can improve industry sustainability standards within the framework of a circular economy.

Animals , Sea Urchins , Biodegradation, Environmental , Argentina , Aquaculture , Microalgae/isolation & purification
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027411


Objective:To confirm the transportation and evaporation efficiency of micro droplets sprayed by high-pressure nozzles from purified tritium-containing wastewater with carrier gas in the horizontal evaporation chamber.Methods:A scale test bench with a single high-pressure nozzle had been built based on design conditions and similarity criteria to explore the designed evaporation characteristics of generated micro droplets in the horizontal evaporation chamber. At the same time, combined with experimental data, a suitable evaporation model was constructed using the Discrete Phase Model (DPM) in Ansys Fluent. On this basis, further simulation and analysis were conducted on the evaporation process and efficiency under the condition of multiple nozzles in the desighed horizontal evaporation chamber.Results:For single nozzle tests, the particle size of micro droplets along the nozzle centerline was between 12-50 μm and the particle size distribution was similar to the Rosin-Rammler distribution. Besides, the relative light intensity decreased exponentially with distance, indicating that the particle size and concentration of micro droplets both decreased rapidly, which means the evaporation rate of micro droplets was rapid. For the simulation of multiple nozzles injection in the desighed horizontal evaporation chamber, even for the hardest design condition, the evaporation percentage reached up to 99%, and small amount of the escaping micro droplets continued to evaporate during the process of mixing with other process exhaust until complete evaporation in the vertical chimney section.Conclusions:Under the conditions of desighed sprayed particle size distribution, typical operating conditions and the incoming flow similar to the supposed area, the complete evaporation of the micro droplets can be basically achieved in the horizontal evaporation chamber, so as to ensure the complete evaporation of purified tritium-containing wastewater from the outlet of the chimney.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038517


Objective To explore the method for measurement of tritium in nuclear power plant liquid effluent purified by a mixed ion-exchange resin, to verify the feasibility of the method by experiments, and to provide technical support for the development of standard methods for the measurement of tritium in liquid effluent of nuclear power plants. Methods The purification effect of the mixed ion-exchange resin was determined by measuring the quenching factor, conductivity, and β-nuclide adsorption efficiency of the samples purified using the resin. A comparison was made between the ion-exchange resin method and the atmospheric distillation method for tritium determination. The precision and accuracy of the method were verified by calculating the relative standard deviation and the recovery in repeated measurement of samples with different activity concentrations and spiked samples. Results There were no significant differences in quenching factor, conductivity, and tritium activity concentration between the two methods. The adsorption efficiencies of EC20MB resin for common β-nuclides such as carbon, iron, nickel, strontium, yttrium, and cesium ranged from 99.28% to 99.88%. Repeated measurement of the same sample showed relative standard deviations of 5.2%-9.4% and recoveries of 86.8%-107%. Conclusion There were no significant differences between the results of the ion-exchange resin purification method and the atmospheric distillation method. The precision and accuracy of the method met the requirements of the ecological and environmental management authorities for monitoring tritium in liquid effluent from nuclear power plants. This method can be widely used in daily monitoring work.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230096


Industrial revolution in agro based industries with improved technologies, machineries, etc. has resulted in the ease of operation, availability of increased number of value added products in the field of agriculture, effective labour management, etc. Agro industries are one of the major contributors for environmental pollution and accounts for about 10-15% for pollution. As the wastes generated from agro-industries are of biological origin, they can be effectively reused; if their alternate uses are explored. As these industrial effluents contain lignocellulose, cellulose, and hemicellulose, which are rich sources of lignin, and cellulose, it is possible to use these materials as a substrate to produce bioethanol. Our current review focuses on bioethanol production from different industrial effluents and Bio-microbial based fermentation.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2190-2203, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981197


Abscisic acid, a plant hormone that inhibits growth, is a key factor in balancing plant endogenous hormones and regulating growth and metabolism. Abscisic acid can improve the drought resistance and salt tolerance of crops, reduce fruit browning, reduce the incidence rate of malaria and stimulate insulin secretion, so it has a broad application potential in agriculture and medicine. Compared with traditional plant extraction and chemical synthesis, abscisic acid synthesis by microorganisms is an economic and sustainable route. At present, a lot of progress has been made in the synthesis of abscisic acid by natural microorganisms such as Botrytis cinerea and Cercospora rosea, while the research on the synthesis of abscisic acid by engineered microorganisms is rarely reported. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Yarrowia lipolytica and Escherichia coli are common hosts for heterologous synthesis of natural products due to their advantages of clear genetic background, easy operation and friendliness for industrial production. Therefore, the heterologous synthesis of abscisic acid by microorganisms is a more promising production method. The author reviews the research on the heterologous synthesis of abscisic acid by microorganisms from five aspects: selection of chassis cells, screening and expression enhancement of key enzymes, regulation of cofactors, enhancement of precursor supply and promotion of abscisic acid efflux. Finally, the future development direction of this field is prospected.

Abscisic Acid/metabolism , Plant Growth Regulators/metabolism , Plants/metabolism , Yarrowia/metabolism
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217150


Abbattoir waste water is of a complex composition. When discharged without being treated, poses a threat to human health and the environment. This is the practice common in Nigeria, and is worrisome.Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the physico-chemical and microbiological qualities of waste water from Egbu abattoir discharged into ‘Otamiri’ river in Owerri North local government area, Imo State, Nigeria.Methods: The microbial quality of abattoir wastewater was studied. The duration of the study was three months, from June to September, 2019. Sample collection was done in the morning (8-10am) and in the evening (4-6pm). A total of thirty samples (30) were collected from two sampling points, at the place of generation of the wastewater (Effluent source) and at the point of discharge into the river (POE). Standard methods were employed to assess the microbiological and physiochemical quality of the effluent. The microorganisms isolated from the samples included Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Aspergillus, Mucor, Listeria, Micrococcus and Candida species. The Total Heterotrophic Count (THC) of effluent samples, at source and POE were 8.51log10 cfu/ml and 6.15log10cfu/ml respectively, Total Coliform Count (TCC) for same samples were 6.77log10 cfu/ml and 4.56log10 cfu/ml respectively. The Total Fungal Count (TFC) of the effluent samples at source and at POE was 5.19log10 cfu/ml and 4.18log10 cfu/ml respectively. Results further revealed that the pH of the effluent at source was 6.58 while that at Point of Entry into the river was 7.30. The temperature of both samples was 25oC. The Total Dissolved Solid values of the effluent collected at source was higher, having a value of 1400mg/L against 1000mg/L at Point of Entry. Also the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) values of the effluent at source were 5.10mg/L and 8.58mg/L respectively, while the BOD and COD of the water at the POE were 4.3mg/L and 7.9mg/L respectively.Conclusion: Abattoir wastes are becoming a major environmental health challenge and being discharged into the Otamiri River indiscriminately is of public health concern. The potential public health implications associated with discharging untreated abattoir wastewater into the environment and thus, the need for adequate treatment to ensure decontamination as well as providing wastewater treatment facility is imperative.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 24(1): 27-45, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407963


RESUMEN Se realizó una caracterización físico-química de los efluentes procedentes de industrias del sector educación, metalmecánico, lácteos y confitería de la ciudad de Manizales, Caldas; posteriormente se obtuvieron aislamientos, en medios diferenciales suplementados, de bacterias con potencial para la producción de biopolímeros a los cuales se les aplicó pruebas para la caracterización morfológica, bioquímica y molecular. Los parámetros físico químicos obtenidos de los efluentes industriales demuestran diferencias entre ellos, ya que cada industria genera diferentes residuos aportando una determinada contaminación al efluente, se obtuvieron 73 aislamientos productores de exopolisacáridos (EPS) y 101 productores de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA), con características morfológicas y bioquímicas variables. El estudio muestra que los efluentes industriales son una gran fuente de bacterias de interés para la producción de diversos polímeros microbianos; principalmente aquellos que producen polímeros tipo biopoliésteres intracelulares como PHA, debido a su variabilidad físico-química y nutricional permitiendo que los microorganismos se adapten a diversas características medioambientales y de composición.

ABSTRACT A physical-chemical characterization of effluents from industries in the education, metal-mechanic, dairy and confectionery sectors of the city of Manizales, Caldas; Later isolates were obtained, in differential media supplemented, from bacteria with potential for the production of biopolymers to which they were applied tests for morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization. The physical chemical parameters obtained from the industrial effluents show a difference between them, since each industry generates different waste contributing a certain contamination to the effluent, 73 isolates producing exopolysaccharides (EPS) and 101 producers of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) were obtained, with morphological characteristics and variable biochemistry. The study shows that industrial effluents are a great source of bacteria of interest for the production of various microbial polymers; mainly those that produce polymers like intracellular biopolyesters such as PHA, due to their physical-chemical and nutritional variability allowing the microorganisms to adapt to diverse environmental and compositional characteristics.

Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e189466, fev. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1397336


Leucaena has been used to make mixed silages to obtain nutritional enrichment of the silages. Thus, the inclusion of Leucaena as an additive in mixed elephant grass silages can reduce fermentation losses, and increase the nutritional value and aerobic stability of the mixed silage without changing the fermentation profile. This study evaluated the fermentation profile, nutritional composition, and aerobic stability of elephant grass silages combined with different levels of Leucaena. A total of five inclusion levels of Leucaena (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80% on a dry matter basis) were added to elephant grass silages. A completely randomized design was adopted, with 5 treatments and 3 repetitions, totaling 15 experimental silos that were opened after 30 days of sealing. Fermentation profile, chemical composition, and aerobic stability were analyzed. A descriptive analysis of temperature and pH peaks during aerobic stability was performed. The increase in the inclusion of Leucaena in the composition of silages reduced gas and effluent losses, neutral and acid detergent fiber, cellulose, lignin, total and fiber carbohydrates, and total digestible nutrients, and resulted in increased dry matter, ether extract, and crude protein. A quadratic effect of treatments was found for the temperature to reach the maximum pH (P=0.009). Aerobic stability remained constant after 40% Leucaena inclusion in the composition of elephant grass silages. The inclusion of Leucaena up to 80% in the composition of elephant grass silages reduces fermentation losses, promotes a nutritional increase, and increases the aerobic stability of the silages.(AU)

A leucena tem sido utilizada para a confecção de silagens mistas para o enriquecimento nutricional das silagens. Assim, a inclusão da leucena como aditivo em silagens mistas de capim-elefante pode reduzir as perdas fermentativas e aumentar o valor nutricional e a estabilidade aeróbia das silagens, sem alterar o seu perfil fermentativo. Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo, composição nutricional e estabilidade aeróbia de silagens de capim elefante associadas com níveis crescentes de leucena. Um total de cinco níveis de leucena (0, 20, 40, 60 e 80% em base da matéria seca) foram incluídos em silagens de capim elefante. Adotou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e 3 repetições, totalizando 15 silos experimentais, os quais foram abertos após 30 dias de ensilagem. Foram analisados o perfil fermentativo, a composição química e a estabilidade aeróbica. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva dos picos de temperatura e pH durante a estabilidade aeróbia. O aumento da inclusão da leucena na composição das silagens reduziu as perdas por gases, perdas por efluentes, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, celulose, lignina, carboidratos totais, carboidratos fibrosos e nutrientes digestíveis totais e aumentou os de teores de matéria seca, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta. Foi observado efeito quadrático dos tratamentos sobre a temperatura para atingir o pH máximo (P=0.009). A estabilidade aeróbia permaneceu constante a partir de 40% de inclusão de leucena na composição das silagens de capim elefante. A inclusão da leucena em até 80% na composição de silagens de capim elefante reduz as perdas fermentativas, promove incremento nutricional e aumento da estabilidade aeróbia das silagens.(AU)

Silage/analysis , Pennisetum/chemistry , Fabaceae/chemistry , Calorific Power , Fermentation , Nutritive Value
Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;27(1): 91-101, jan.-fev. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364817


ABSTRACT The high consumption of water and the generation of greywater in laundromats underscore the need to investigate advanced treatment techniques to reuse this effluent. Based on the estimated growth figures of the laundromat sector in Brazil, this study looked into the efficiency of electrocoagulation to treat laundromat greywater. Electrodes were connected to an EC reactor on a monopolar parallel connection mode, with electric current of 6 A and current density of 400 A.m2. The highest efficiency to treat laundromat greywater was observed at a distance of 15 mm between electrodes, voltage of 17.14 V, and operation time of 30 min, when the removal values of apparent color, true color, turbidity, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, and surfactants were 92, 97, 88, 91, 98, and 96%, respectively. Electrode consumption was measured at 1.82 g.h, while energy consumption was 20.54 kWh.m3 and the total cost was US$ 4.10 per cubic meter of treated effluent. However, despite the high efficiency of the treatment, reuse of treated laundromat effluent requires polishing in order to meet the standards defined by Brazilian regulations.

RESUMO O elevado consumo de água potável e a consequente geração de efluentes associados ao segmento de lavanderias domésticas justificam o estudo de tratamentos avançados que proporcionem o reuso dessas águas. Considerando-se uma perspectiva de crescimento desse setor em nível nacional, esta pesquisa avaliou a eletrocoagulação como tecnologia de tratamento de tais efluentes. Foram executados testes de bancada utilizando eletrodos em alumínio, arranjados como monopolar paralelo. A corrente elétrica e a densidade de corrente foram fixadas em 6A e 400A.m², respectivamente. Entre as variáveis avaliadas estão a distância entre eletrodos, o tempo de operação, o tipo de roupa, a utilização de alvejante e o suporte para eletrólise. O melhor tratamento foi obtido sem a utilização do suporte para eletrólise, para uma distância entre eletrodos de 15 mm, tensão elétrica aplicada no sistema de 17,14 V e tempo de operação igual a 30 min. Nessas condições, as eficiências do tratamento obtidas foram de 92% para cor aparente, 97% para cor verdadeira, 88% para turbidez, 91% para demanda bioquímica de oxigênio, 98% para demanda química de oxigênio e 96% para surfactantes. O sistema resultou no consumo de eletrodo de 1,83 g.h e no consumo de energia elétrica igual a 20,57 kWh.m³. O custo final do tratamento foi calculado em US$ 4,10.m³ de efluente tratado. Embora tenham sido obtidas elevadas remoções nas concentrações dos poluentes, para o reuso do efluente ainda é necessário um tratamento adicional.

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1286-1292, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928054


This study discovered that the resolution of 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid(isochlorogenic acid A) in the content determination method of Chrysanthemi Flos in Chinese Pharmacopoeia(ChP)(2020 edition) was poor, which affected accurate quantification. We tested the method in ChP with chromatographic columns of seven brands to clarify the problems in the existing method, optimized the chromatographic conditions by adjusting the mobile phase composition and elution ratio and replacing the chromatographic column packing, and carried out the reproducibility assay for the new method. The two methods were compared for the content determination results of Chrysanthemi Flos prepared from six different varieties. As evaluated by the resolution based on different chromatographic columns of seven brands, the existing method failed to separate isochlorogenic acid A and isochlorogenic acid D well. The peaks of the two components were not completely separated on three chromatographic columns, and isochlorogenic acid A and isochlorogenic acid D generated a co-effluent peak in the other four columns. Isochlorogenic acid A and isochlorogenic acid D could be completely separated under the optimized chromatographic conditions. The difference in the peak areas of isochlorogenic acid A+isochlorogenic acid D obtained by the optimized method and the method in ChP was not significant, with deviation less than 3.0%, which further proved that the result measured by the method in ChP was the co-effluent of isochlorogenic acid A and isochlorogenic acid D. The optimized method can ensure the accurate quantification of isochlorogenic acid A. The existing content determination method of Chrysanthemi Flos has the problem of poor resolution. It is recommended to revise the chromatographic conditions for the content determination method of Chrysanthemi Flos to improve the resolution of isochlorogenic acid A and ensure its accurate quantification.

China , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/chemistry , Flowers/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973476


Objective Tostudy the influence of pipe structures on the mixing uniformity of airborne effluents from nuclear power plant chimneys. Methods We used the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method to simulate the velocity distribution and gas mixing in long straight pipes (I type) with square section and circular section, 90° single-bend pipes (L type) with square section and circular section, and 90° double-bend pipes (S type and U type) with square section and circular section. Results For the long straight pipe, due to the lack of flow disturbance caused by structural changes, the mixing effect was not good; when the pipe section was circular, it might take mixing distance 20 times the hydraulic diameter to achieve the uniformity index required by the relevant standard; for the square pipe, the distance might be longer. In the single bend pipe with square section, the velocity uniformity was improved more greatly after the bend, and the tracer gas met the mixing uniformity at a shorter distance (11 times the hydraulic diameter), as compared with the single bend pipe with circular section. For the S-type double-bend pipe, the tracer gas appeared uniformly mixed after a distance 6 times the hydraulic diameter in the square pipe, and 7 times the hydraulic diameter in the circular pipe. For the U-type double-bend pipe, the gas in the square pipe also achieved uniform mixing ata shorter distance downstream, and the airflow showed greater disturbance when passing through the bend. Conclusion The CFD method can make an accurate prediction for the change patterns of gas mixing uniformity in pipes with different structures, and can partially replace physical experiments to study the factors affecting the mixing uniformity of airborne effluents from the chimney of nuclear power plants.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;26(6): 1003-1014, nov.-dez. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350723


RESUMO A melhoria da qualidade dos efluentes das estações de tratamento de esgotos Brasília Norte e Sul tornou-se premente após o corpo receptor dos seus efluentes, o lago Paranoá, passar a ser utilizado como manancial de abastecimento. Este trabalho apresenta estudo comparativo entre o tratamento terciário por ultrafiltração precedido por coagulação em escala piloto e a flotação por ar dissolvido existente na estação de tratamento de esgotos Brasília Norte. A instalação piloto de ultrafiltração e a flotação por ar dissolvido foram alimentadas pela mesma matriz, o efluente da etapa de lodos ativados das estações de tratamento de esgotos Brasília Norte, após coagulação. Foram avaliadas sete condições operacionais da instalação piloto de ultrafiltração variando-se a vazão, o tempo de operação entre limpezas e a duração da limpeza física. O comportamento operacional e a qualidade do efluente produzido foram monitorados. O aumento do fluxo do permeado (de 40,2 para 50,6 e 61,0 L.m−2.h−1) e do tempo de operação entre as limpezas (de 25 para 38 e 50 min), bem como a redução da duração da retrolavagem (de 80 para 60 e 30 s) resultaram em evolução mais intensa da pressão transmembrana. A ultrafiltração foi mais eficiente do que a flotação por ar dissolvido na remoção de turbidez, sólidos suspensos totais, demanda química de oxigênio e fósforo total, com ganho médio de remoção de 9,4, 13,0, 8,5 e 12,8%, respectivamente. Destaca-se a remoção de coliformes na ultrafiltração, 3,4 log superior à da flotação por ar dissolvido. A utilização da ultrafiltração como alternativa à flotação por ar dissolvido apresenta a vantagem de produzir efluente de melhor qualidade, particularmente no aspecto microbiológico, com menor flutuação da qualidade, porém o tratamento e a destinação do lodo produzido pela ultrafiltração devem ser equacionados.

ABSTRACT Improvement in the effluent quality of the Brasília Norte and Brasília Sul wastewater treatment plants became necessary after their effluent receiving body, Paranoá Lake, started being used as source of drinking water for the population of Brasília (Federal District, Brazil). This is a comparative study between the tertiary treatment with ultrafiltration membrane (pilot scale) and the existing dissolved air flotation of Brasília Norte wastewater treatment plant. Both ultrafiltration pilot plant and dissolved air flotation were fed with the same matrix, the effluent of the activated sludge stage of Brasília Norte wastewater treatment plants, after coagulation. Seven operational conditions were evaluated at ultrafiltration pilot plant, with variations in flow rate, time of operation between cleaning processes, and the duration of backwashing. The operational behavior and the quality of the produced effluent were monitored. The increase in permeate flux (from 40.2 to 50.6 and 61.0 L.m−2.h−1) and in the time of operation between cleaning processes (from 25 to 38 and 50 min), as well as the reduction of backwashing duration (from 80 to 60 and 30s), resulted in a more intense evolution of transmembrane pressure. Ultrafiltration was more efficient than dissolved air flotation in the removal of turbidity, total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, and total phosphorous, with average gain in removal of 9.4, 13.0, 8.5, and 12.8%, respectively. It is worth mentioning the removal of coliforms by ultrafiltration, which was, on average, 3.4 log higher than that by dissolved air flotation. The use of ultrafiltration as an alternative to dissolved air flotation has the advantage of producing better quality effluent, particularly regarding microbiological aspects, providing lower quality fluctuation; however, treatment and destination of the ultrafiltration waste must be considered.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;26(3): 485-494, maio-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286329


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a produção de um carvão de caroço de pêssego e também avaliar a adsorção de corantes têxteis pelo carvão ativado de caroço de pêssego. A ativação do carvão foi realizada utilizando cloreto de zinco como agente oxidante. O carvão ativado foi então utilizado na adsorção de corantes, para posterior aplicação no tratamento de um efluente têxtil. Primeiramente, realizou-se a produção de carvão ativado com as temperaturas de 500, 700 e 900°C e tempo de carbonização de 10 15 e 20 minutos e verificou-se a remoção dos corantes preto reativo 5 e azul de metileno. De acordo com a metodologia de superfície de resposta, a melhor temperatura de produção apresentou-se acima de 700°C com tempo de exposição de 10 minutos para os dois corantes. Desse carvão ativado, avaliaram-se os dados de densidade, teor de umidade e cinzas, pH e rendimento. Também foram realizados ensaios cinéticos e de equilíbrio. Os dados foram ajustados a três modelos cinéticos. As medidas para determinação da eficiência na remoção de cor do efluente têxtil foram realizadas pelo método espectrofotométrico e demonstraram média de remoção superior a 62% da cor presente no efluente bruto. Desse modo, o caroço de pêssego demonstrou elevado potencial para a produção de carvão ativado visando o tratamento de efluentes contendo corantes, podendo servir como alternativa de baixo custo.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to characterize the production of activated charcoal from the peach kernel and assess the adsorption of textile dyes by this activated charcoal. The activation of the charcoal was performed using zinc chloride as the oxidizing agent. The activated charcoal was then used in the adsorption of dyes for later application in the treatment of a textile effluent. Firstly, the production of activated carbon was carried out at temperatures of 500, 700, and 900°C and carbonization time of 10, 15, and 20 minutes and the removal of the Reactive Black 5 and Methylene Blue dyes was verified. According to the methodology of response surface, the best production temperature was above 700°C with 10 min exposure for both dyes. From this activated carbon, data on density, moisture and ash content, pH, and yield were evaluated. Kinetic and equilibrium tests were also performed. The data were fitted to three kinetic models. The measures to determine the efficiency in the color removal of the textile effluent were carried out by the spectrophotometric method and demonstrated an average removal greater than 62% of the color present in the raw effluent. In this way, the peach kernel demonstrated a high potential for the production of activated carbon aiming at the treatment of effluents containing dyes and can serve as a low cost alternative.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-910324


Objective:To assess impact of radiation from nuclear power on the surrounding environment, a dose assessment model was constructed and relevant dose coefficients were determined through refined animal models.Methods:Zebrafish is one of the most important aquatic model animals in the radiation hazard assessment of nuclear power liquid effluent. A geometric model of zebrafish containing internal bones and visceral organ was established for dose estimation. The internal and external dose coefficients (DC) of the zebrafish model were calculated by Monte Carlo method with seven nuclides as the source term, 3H, 40K, 58Co, 60Co, 110Ag, 134Cs, 137Cs, which are common in nuclear liquid effluents and environmental monitoring. Results:The level of nuclide gamma energy determines dose coefficients for external radiation. The dose coefficients of most nuclides in internal organs was higher than that in whole body, and the internal organ dose of 58Co was 165% higher than that in whole body. The internal radiation dose coefficients of the model established in this study was relatively high, and the internal radiation dose coefficients caused by 60Co was 2.6 times of existing ellipsoid model, which suggested that the different internal materials and the choice of different particle types would affect the energy deposition. Conclusions:Refining of model animals is important. Accurate assessment of the organs dose coefficients of model animals is helpful to assess the radiation effects on non-human species.

Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2021. 60 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1418265


Diante das estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem adotadas na disciplina de Anatomia da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (EERP/USP), que requer a conservação de peças cadavéricas em solução de formol, no Laboratório Multidisciplinar são gerados significantes volumes de efluentes contendo este composto. Considerando as características tóxicas dessa substância, tanto aos seres vivos quanto ao meio ambiente, torna-se imprescindível o gerenciamento e tratamento deste resíduo gerado antes do descarte na rede coletora de esgotos. Embora diferentes métodos, sejam eles químicos ou biológicos, possam ser utilizados para promover o tratamento prévio ao descarte de soluções contendo formol, o uso de tratamentos biológicos, como o reator anaeróbio, possibilita o tratamento de grandes volumes de resíduos, gera menor exposição ocupacional e possui reduzido custo do processo. No ano de 2017 a EERP/USP implementou o Reator Anaeróbio Horizontal de Leito Fixo (RAHLF), dimensionado para atender grandes volumes de efluentes com solução de formol gerados na unidade. Neste contexto, este estudo inédito em escala industrial, além de monitorar a eficiência da remoção da solução de formol dos efluentes gerados do sistema de biorreatores também caracterizamos os pontos críticos de controle do processo de tratamento do RAHLF, durante o período de fevereiro a junho e de setembro a novembro do ano de 2020. Os resultados na entrada do RAHLF apresentaram uma média de 480,19 ± 116,06 mg.L-1, com amplitude amostral de 238,37 mg.L-1 a 774,60 mg.L-1, já na saída do RAHLF demonstraram média de 1,39 ± 0,56 mg.L-1, com amplitude amostral de 0,04 mg.L-1 a 2,32 mg.L-1, evidenciando assim a eficiência na degradação do formol pelos biorreatores em média de 99,70%. A partir dos dados foi evidenciado que além do desempenho satisfatório do RAHLF para o pré-tratamento de água residuária contendo formol, o reator também apresentou estabilidade de operação durante o desenvolvimento do estudo. Com o conhecimento de todas as etapas e dos pontos críticos do processo foi possível a organização do fluxograma do processo, desde o local gerador até a disposição do efluente para a rede coletora de esgoto municipal. A partir do fluxograma, foi possível desenvolver protocolo de operação, visando minimizar ao máximo potenciais ocorrências de falhas durante o processo. Este estudo gerou conhecimento que contribui para melhor compreensão da biotecnologia anaeróbia implantada para alcançar a degradação da solução de formol no efluente do Laboratório Multidisciplinar da EERP/USP. A implantação e funcionamento adequado do biodigestor refletem o compromisso socioambiental da universidade com a sociedade e com o meio ambiente, na busca de ações que promovam tanto a saúde pública quanto a sustentabilidade ambiental. Os resultados constituirão também uma base de dados para outros gestores de biodigestores implantados na universidade, sendo de grande importância para a continuidade de investigações relacionadas com o tratamento dos efluentes em laboratórios de ensino

For the development of teaching and learning strategies adopted in the discipline of Anatomy at the University of São Paulo at College of Nursing in Ribeirão Preto (CNRP/USP), which requires the preservation of cadaveric parts in a formaldehyde solution, the Multidisciplinary Laboratory generates significant volumes of effluents containing this compound. Considering the toxic characteristics of this substance, both to living beings and to the environment, it is essential to manage and treat this wastewater before its disposal in the sewage collection system. Although different methods, whether chemical or biological, can be used to promote treatment prior to disposal of solutions containing formaldehyde, the use of biological treatments, such as the anaerobic reactor, allows the treatment of large volumes of waste, generates less occupational exposure and has reduced process cost. In 2017, EERP/USP implemented the Anaerobic Horizontal Fixed Bed Reactor (AHFBR), dimensioned to supply large volumes of wastewater with a formaldehyde solution generated at the unit. In this context, this unprecedented study on an industrial scale, in addition to monitoring the efficiency of the removal of the formaldehyde solution from the effluents generated from the bioreactor system, we also characterized the critical control points of the AHFBR treatment process, during the period from February to June and from September to November of 2020. The results of the affluent of the AHFBR presented an average of 480.19 ± 116.06 mg.L-1, with a sample range of 238.37 mg.L-1 to 774.60 mg. L-1, already in the effluent of the AHFBR obtained average of 1.39 ± 0.56 mg.L-1, with a sample range of 0.04 mg.L-1 to 2.32 mg.L-1, thus evidencing the efficiency in formaldehyde degradation by bioreactors on average of 99.70%. From the data, it evidenced that in addition to the satisfactory performance of the AHFBR for the pre-treatment of wastewater containing formaldehyde, the reactor also showed operating stability during the development of the study. With the knowledge of all the steps and critical points of the process, it was possible to organize the process flowchart, from the generating site to the disposal of the effluent to the municipal sewage collection network. From the flowchart, it was possible to develop an operation protocol, aiming to minimize as many potential occurrences of failures during the process as possible. This study generated knowledge that contributes to a better understanding of the anaerobic biotechnology implemented to achieve the degradation of the formaldehyde solution in the effluent of the Multidisciplinary Laboratory at CNRP/USP. The implantation and proper functioning of the biodigester reflect the university's socio-environmental commitment to society and the environment, in the search for actions that promote both public health and environmental sustainability. The results will also constitute a database for other managers of biodigesters implemented at the university, being of great importance for the continuity of investigations related to the treatment of effluents in teaching laboratories

Sewage/analysis , Biological Treatment , Environmental Health , Biogas Digesters , Formaldehyde/adverse effects
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20190118, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132178


Abstract Aquaponics is a system that integrates aquaculture with plant production in which two species are benefited, and there is water saving. In this study was carried out with an aquaponic system to verify the interaction between the growth of the halophytes Batis maritime, Sarcocornia neei, and Sporobolus virginicus associated with white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei rearing. We also investigated if there were different responses of physicochemical variables of the water in the experimental shrimp culture ponds integrated into the growth of plants and control ponds, without plants, throughout a 56-day period. The treatment experiment and control presented a statistically significant difference in total dissolved solids, salinity, total suspended solids, ammonia, orthophosphate, and nitrite. In the experimental treatment, with the presence of plants and recirculating water, a reduction of total suspended solids, ammonia and orthophosphate was observed. The rate of shrimp production was not significantly different between treatments, and the performance was similar to that of other studies. The biomass gain of the halophyte B. maritima was 876.6 grams in 0.5 m² and of S. neei was 48.8 grams in 0.16 m². All plants of the species S. virginicus died during the experiment.

Animals , Water/chemistry , Chenopodiaceae/growth & development , Penaeidae/growth & development , Salt-Tolerant Plants/growth & development , Phosphates , Aquaculture , Hydroponics , Biomass , Chenopodiaceae/metabolism , Ammonia , Nitrites
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20180130, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132195


Abstract Color removal from textile effluents was evaluated using a laboratory-combined process based on an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor followed by a shallow polishing pond (SPP). The anaerobic reactor was fed with a real textile effluent, diluted 10-times in a 350 mg/L solution of pre-treated residual yeast extract from a brewery industry as nutrient source. The parameters color, COD, N-NH3 and toxicity were monitored throughout 45 days of operation. According to the results, decolorization and COD removal were highest in the anaerobic step, whereas the effluent was polished in the SPP unit. The overall efficiency of the complete UASB-SPP system for COD and color were 88 and 62%, respectively. Moreover, the N-NH3 generated by the residual yeast extract ammonification was below 5 mg/L for the final effluent. Finally, no toxicity was detected after the treatment steps, as shown by the Vibrio fischeri microscale assay.

Animals , Textiles/toxicity , Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods , Water Purification/methods , Yeasts , Toxicity Tests , Bioreactors , Aliivibrio fischeri , Anaerobiosis
Saúde debate ; 43(spe3): 165-180, dez. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059051


RESUMO Este trabalho realizou uma revisão integrativa de artigos científicos indexados entre 2007 e 2017 em diferentes bases de dados sobre o tratamento e o reúso de efluentes provenientes da indústria de antibióticos. Foram encontrados 31 artigos, sendo que somente 4 abordaram o reúso de efluente, e 1 utilizou um sistema de tratamento em escala real. A maior parte desses estudos foi realizado na Ásia, com destaque para a China. Observa-se que, no Brasil, que é um dos grandes produtores e consumidores de fármacos do mundo, esse tipo de pesquisa ainda é incipiente. Os processos mais encontrados foram os oxidativos avançados que mostraram maior eficiência na remoção de antibióticos, mas podem gerar subprodutos, o que pode representar um risco ainda maior dependendo da substância formada. Os processos biológicos devem ser primeiramente aclimatados aos antibióticos para não serem impactados, entretanto, a liberação desses micro-organismos resistentes no corpo receptor também apresenta um risco ambiental. Os sistemas integrados de membranas ao biológico também foram bem eficientes, mas atenta-se ao risco na destinação final dessas membranas que foram capazes de reter esses compostos. No geral, são necessários mais estudos sobre essa abordagem para reduzir os riscos no desenvolvimento de micro-organismos multirresistentes no meio ambiente.

ABSTRACT This work carried out an integrative review of scientific articles indexed between 2007 and 2017 in different databases on treatment and reuse of effluents from the antibiotic industry. Thirty-one articles were found and only four addressed effluent reuse, and one used a full-scale treatment system. Most of these studies were conducted in Asia, with emphasis on China. In Brazil, which is one of the largest producers and consumers of drugs in the world, this type of research is still incipient. The most commonly found processes were oxidative advanced processes that showed greater efficiency in removing antibiotics, but may generate by-products, which might pose an even greater risk depending on the substance formed. Biological processes must first be acclimated to antibiotics in order not to be impacted, however, the release of these resistant microorganisms into the water bodies also presents an environmental risk. Biological integrated membrane systems were also very efficient, but attention should be given to the risk in the final destination of these membranes that were able to retain those compounds. Overall, further studies on this approach are needed to reduce the risks of developing multi-resistant microorganisms in the environment.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204787


Water samples from effluents discharge points were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentration using chromatographic techniques. The result obtained showed the presence of all the PAHs categories in the water samples. The total concentrations of PAHs in the different location showed that Minipiti station was the highest (44.99 mg/L), which was followed by the values obtained at the Police Post station (36.89 mg/L) and finally, the lowest value was obtained at the Iwofe Jetty station (11.923 mg/L). Diagnostic analysis of the concentrations of the different PAHS concentrations based on the ratio of low molecular weight PAHs to high molecular weight PAHs (LMW/HMW), anthracene / anthracene + phenanthrene {An/(An + Phe)} fluoranthene/ fluoranthene + pyrene {Fl /(Fl + Pyr} and benzo[a] anthracene/ benzo[a]anthracene + chrysene {BaA/ (BaA + Chr)} showed the predominance of pyrogenic PAHs over petrogenic PAHs. Thus indicating more of human input sources than natural. Ring size analysis indicated the predominance of the higher molecular weights (4-6) rings over the lower molecular weights (2-3) rings. The implications of the high level of PAHs within the sampled environment should give warning signals to the user of the water environment’.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203036


The physico-chemical parameters of various textile industrial effluents vary depending on the type of dyes and processingchemicals used. The major pollution indicating parameters like TS, TDS, TSS, DO, COD, BOD, pH, alkalinity, chlorides,sulphates and heavy metals were analyzed. The estimated parameters were compared with the stipulated standard values putforth by WHO, BIS and TNPCB. The effluent was highly turbid with high values for TDS, TSS, alkalinity, chlorides,sulphates and iron. The study also showed elevated levels of some heavy metals. Physico- chemical analysis indicate that theeffluent samples have higher values for most of the parameters and exceed the permissible limits. Based on the estimatedcharacteristics, it is revealed that the effluent is not suitable for direct discharge into water stream and need a suitabletechnology for the treatment before discharge.