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Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 28(315): 9420-9423, set.2024. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1579817


Objetivo: Elaborar e validar uma ferramenta digital que auxilie no diagnóstico e condutas das principais alterações eletro-cardiográficas na urgência pediátrica. Metodologia: Foi elaborada uma ferramenta que utilizou imagens de ECGs obtidas de livros-texto e exames impressos, sem identificação dos pacientes. Foram utilizados recursos como o Adobe Acrobat Reader, o iPhone 13 para gravação e o programa Capcut para edição dos vídeos. Essa tecnologia digital passou por processo de validação de juízes especialistas utilizando a escala Likert. Resultados: O produto foi avaliado por um total de 7 juízes, sendo 5 (71,4%) sendo formado por médicas da área pediátrica e cardiológica. Ao analisar de forma pormenorizada os 3 critérios: a Aplicabilidade; Objetividade, Estrutura e Organização;foi observada uma validação completa da ferramenta junto aos especialistas,obtendo um IVC (Índice de Validade de Conteúdo) total. Conclusão: Essa ferramenta educacional permitirá, por meio de sua aplicabilidade, uma melhoria dos atendimentos pediátricos de urgência.(AU)

Objective: To develop and validate a digital tool to aid in the diagnosis and management of the main electrocardiogra-phic alterations in pediatric emergencies. Methodology: A tool was developed using ECG images obtained from textbooks and printed exams, without patient identification. Resources such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, iPhone 13 for recording and the Capcut program for editing the videos were used. This digital technology underwent a validation process by expert judges using a Likert scale. Results: The product was evaluated by a total of 7 judges, 5 (71.4%) of whom were doctors in the pediatric and cardiology fields. A detailed analysis of the 3 criteria: Applicability, Objectivity, Structure and Organization, showed that the tool was fully validated by the experts, obtaining a total CVI (Content Validity Index). Conclusion: Through its applicability, this educational tool will improve pediatric emergency care.(AU)

Objetivo: Desarrollar y validar una herramienta digital de ayuda al diagnóstico y manejo de las principales alteraciones electrocardiográficas en urgencias pediátricas. Metodología: Se desarrolló una herramienta a partir de imágenes de ECG obtenidas de libros de texto y exámenes impresos, sin identificación del paciente. Se utilizaron recursos como Adobe Acrobat Reader, iPhone 13 para la grabación y el programa Capcut para la edición de los vídeos. Esta tecnología digital fue sometida a un proceso de validación por jueces expertos mediante una escala Likert. Resultados: El producto fue evaluado por un total de 7 jueces, de los cuales 5 (71,4%) eran médicos del área de pediatría y cardiología. Un análisis detallado de los 3 criterios: Aplicabilidad, Objetividad, Estructura y Organización, mostró que la herramienta fue plenamente validada por los expertos, obteniendo un IVC (Índice de Validez de Contenido) total. Conclusión: Gracias a su aplicabilidad, esta herramienta educativa mejorará la atención pediátrica de urgencias.(AU)

Adult , Biomedical Technology , Electrocardiography , Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e12976, fev.2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534069


"Penumbra sign" is a characteristic finding in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of Brodie's abscess, a rare variant of subacute osteomyelitis. We aimed to discuss the imaging finding penumbra sign that will help in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis and may be useful to clinicians in differential diagnosis. A 26-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with complaints of pain and limping in the right knee that did not go away. He had a history of arthroscopic debridement and percutaneous fixation surgery due to osteochondral fragment 3 years ago. There were no additional findings in the patient's vital parameters, physical examination, and medical history. X-ray imaging revealed two screws in the distal femur and a well-defined sclerotic rim surrounding a radiolucent lesion anterior to the screws. MRI revealed a lesion in the distal femoral metaphysis with low-density fluid and hyperintense granulation tissue surrounding it. After surgical abscess drainage and local debridement, bone cement was placed in the resulting cavity. Teicoplanin treatment was started. The patient was discharged and complete recovery was achieved in the second month. The diagnosis of osteomyelitis is often missed or confused with bone tumors in non-traumatic cases presenting with persistent bone pain. MRI imaging is frequently used in differential diagnosis, and detection of characteristic imaging signs such as the penumbra sign accelerates the diagnosis. In this context, emergency department clinicians, in particular, should be cautious and not forget that early treatment can be started by recognizing these signs.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227830


The use of biomarkers in emergency situations represents a change in modern healthcare. This review examines their impact in emergencies focusing on how they improve the accuracy of diagnoses, provide insights into prognosis and aid in treatment decisions. Notably troponins (I and T) are effective in diagnosing myocardial infarction enabling targeted interventions and risk assessment for cardiovascular emergencies. In cases of sepsis procalcitonin helps distinguish infections and influences decisions about therapy, which is crucial for global efforts against resistance. S100B, a biomarker used in emergencies assists in prioritizing cases of brain injury. To prevent harm, serum markers like creatinine and cystatin C guide interventions for hepatic emergencies. For trauma and hematological emergencies D dimer and lactate provide prognostic information. Ongoing research is exploring biomarkers well as the integration of artificial intelligence offering promising advancements for the future. The clinical significance of biomarkers highlights a commitment to approaches that contribute to the ever-evolving field of emergency medicine and ultimately enhance patient care.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 38-50, 20240102. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526800


Introducción. El currículo para la formación del cirujano general exige precisión, ajuste al contexto y factibilidad. En 2022, la World Society of Emergency Surgery formuló cinco declaraciones sobre el entrenamiento en cirugía digestiva mínimamente invasiva de emergencia que puede contribuir a estos propósitos. El objetivo del presente artículo fue examinar el alcance de estas declaraciones para la educación quirúrgica en Colombia. Métodos. Se analizó desde una posición crítica y reflexiva el alcance y limitaciones para Colombia de cada una de las declaraciones de la World Society of Emergency Surgery, con base en la evidencia empírica publicada durante las últimas dos décadas en revistas indexadas nacionales e internacionales. Resultados. La evidencia empírica producida en Colombia durante el presente siglo permite identificar que el país cuenta con fundamentos del currículo nacional en cirugía general, formulado por la División de Educación de la Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía en 2021; un sistema de acreditación de la educación superior; un modelo de aseguramiento universal en salud; infraestructura tecnológica y condiciones institucionales que pueden facilitar la adopción exitosa de dichas declaraciones para el entrenamiento de los futuros cirujanos en cirugía digestiva mínimamente invasiva de emergencia. No obstante, su implementación requiere esfuerzos mayores e inversión en materia de simulación quirúrgica, cooperación institucional y fortalecimiento del sistema de recertificación profesional. Conclusión. La educación quirúrgica colombiana está en capacidad de cumplir con las declaraciones de la World Society of Emergency Surgery en materia de entrenamiento en cirugía digestiva mínimamente invasiva de emergencia.

Introduction. The general surgeon training curriculum requires precision, contextual fit, and feasibility. In 2022, the World Society of Emergency Surgery formulated five statements on training in emergency minimally invasive digestive surgery, which can contribute to these purposes. This article examines the scope of these declarations for surgical education in Colombia. Methods. The scope and limitations for Colombia of each of the statements of the World Society of Emergency Surgery were analysed from a critical and reflective position, based on empirical evidence published during the last two decades in national and international indexed journals. Results. The empirical evidence produced in Colombia during this century allows us to identify that the country has the foundations of the national curriculum in general surgery, formulated by the Education Division of the Colombian Association of Surgery in 2021; a higher education accreditation system; a universal health insurance model; technological infrastructure, and institutional conditions that can facilitate the successful adoption of said statements for the training of future surgeons in emergency minimally invasive digestive surgery. However, its implementation requires greater efforts and investment in surgical simulation, institutional cooperation, and strengthening of the professional recertification system. Conclusion. Colombian surgical education is able to comply with the declarations of the World Society of Emergency Surgery regarding training in emergency minimally invasive digestive surgery.

Humans , Education, Medical, Graduate , Emergency Medicine , General Surgery , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Digestive System , Emergencies
Medical Education ; : 27-33, 2024.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040140


Clinical clerkships in medical school requires an educational approach that integrates medical students into the medical team and progressively assigns medical tasks to them based on their competencies. However, it is challenging for supervisors to delegate tasks to medical students gradually while considering medical safety. This paper outlines the design of an emergency department clinical clerkship program based on the Four Component Instructional Design (4C/ID) model. This model enables students to learn complex task performance skills in stages while developing a schema, considering the cognitive load involved in learning complex tasks. The 4C/ID model is anticipated to be an effective instructional design for constructing clinical clerkship programs.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 152-157, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026144


Informed consent is an important ethical symbol in clinical research,and researchers have the responsibility to fully inform participants of the research information before conducting clinical research.However,it is difficult to obtain complete informed consent form participants or their guardians within a narrow treatment time period in clinical research conducted in emergency situations.Currently,in addition to traditional general informed consent,there are also reality-accepted informed consent,including exemption of informed consent,broad informed consent,and deferred informed consent.By introducing the origin and development process of deferred informed consent in clinical research,this paper sorted out the current application status of deferred informed consent,proposed the prerequisites for applying deferred informed consent in emergency situations,and explored the issues that need to be noted during the application process of deferred informed consent.It is hoped to provide an ethical defense and ethical procedure for the application of deferred informed consent in clinical research in emergency situations.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 51: e20243709, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565078


ABSTRACT Introduction: sedation and analgesia are fundamental procedures for children undergoing invasive interventions, and complications must be avoided during their implementation. In situ simulation allows, in turn, training in real practice environments to improve the technical and non-technical skills of professionals for such procedures. Although it is a very useful tool, it is often not used due to lack of preparation for its planning and application. Objective: develop and validate an in situ simulation scenario in pediatric emergency care using sedation to perform an invasive procedure. Method: descriptive study of construction and content validation of an in situ simulation scenario, using the Delphi method, following the following steps: 1) definition of the problem and selection of experts; 2) development of the initial document; 3) rounds for validation with analysis of responses and feedback (until consensus is reached by the Content Validation Index); 4) final report. Results: The experts indicated suggestions that were duly used and the scenario obtained, in all items, a CVI greater than 80.0%, demonstrating its high validity and reliability. By using experts to validate the scenario, their insights guarantee greater precision and reliability in scenario construction engineering. Conclusion: It is expected that this study will allow the replication of the scenario in different training contexts, facilitating and encouraging professional training based on a scenario model based on best evidence and practices.

RESUMO Introdução: a sedação e analgesia são procedimentos fundamentais para crianças submetidas a intervenções invasivas, devendo-se evitar complicações durante sua realização. A simulação in situ permite, por sua vez, capacitações nos ambientes reais de prática para aprimorar as competências técnicas e não técnicas dos profissionais para tais procedimentos. Embora seja uma ferramenta de grande utilidade, muitas vezes não é aproveitada pelo despreparo para seu planejamento e aplicação. Objetivo: elaborar e validar um cenário de simulação in situ no atendimento de urgências pediátricas com uso de sedação para realização de procedimento invasivo. Método: estudo descritivo de construção e validação de conteúdo de um cenário de simulação in situ, por meio do método Delphi, seguindo os seguintes passos: 1) definição do problema e seleção de especialistas; 2) desenvolvimento do documento inicial; 3) rodadas para validação com análise das respostas e feedback (até obtenção do consenso pelo Índice de Validação de Conteúdo); 4) relatório final. Resultados: Os especialistas indicaram sugestões devidamente aproveitadas e o cenário obteve, em todos os itens, um IVC maior que 80,0% demonstrando sua alta validade e confiabilidade. Ao usar especialistas para validar o cenário, seus insights garatem maior precisão e confiabilidade à engenharia de construção dos cenários. Conclusão: espera-se, que este estudo permita a replicação do cenário em diferentes contextos de formação facilitando e incentivando a capacitação profissional a partir de um modelo de cenário baseado em melhores evidências e práticas.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(3): e063, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565256


RESUMO Introdução: O atendimento médico de emergência é uma situação complexa, na qual o paciente necessita de cuidado seguro e de alta qualidade. Para evitar falhas, é necessário não apenas o conhecimento técnico, mas também competências não técnicas. O Crisis Resource Management (CRM) é um método de treinamento criado na aviação que tem ganhado amplo uso em diversos cenários médicos, com o intuito de diminuir erros e falhas, garantindo um atendimento mais efetivo e aprimorando as competências de CRM. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o desempenho de estudantes de Medicina em atendimento simulado de emergência antes e depois de um debriefing estruturado com conceitos de CRM. Método: Trata-se de estudo transversal, analítico e quase-experimental com abordagem quantitativa, com avaliação antes e depois de debriefing com conceitos de CRM, em um mesmo grupo de participantes. Os participantes receberam treinamento prévio sobre competências técnicas, para nivelamento. Utilizaram-se um formulário de avaliação de competências técnicas e um formulário de avaliação de competências de CRM. Os dados foram apresentados em análises descritivas e as comparações de variáveis contínuas com distribuição normal foram analisadas pelo teste t de Student. O nível de significância foi de p < 0,05. Resultados: Participaram 21 estudantes de Medicina. As competências técnicas, avaliadas em grupo, apresentaram melhora sem variação significativa. Na análise do desempenho individual relacionado às competências de CRM, a maioria dos itens teve aumento da pontuação média após a realização do treinamento sobre CRM, com diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Conclusão: O debriefing, como ferramenta de ensino de princípios de CRM, é capaz de aumentar o desempenho de equipes quando analisadas competências de CRM, fato que tem importante impacto na melhoria da qualidade assistencial e segurança do paciente, durante atendimento de emergência.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Emergency medical care is a complex situation in which the patient needs safe and high-quality care. To avoid errors, physicians must have both technical knowledge and nontechnical competencies. Crisis Resource Management (CRM) is a training method created in aviation that has gained wide use in several medical settings. CRM aims to reduce errors, ensure more effective care, and improve CRM competencies. Objective: This study aimed to compare the performance of medical students in simulated emergency care before and after undergoing a structured debriefing on CRM. Methods: This quantitative, cross-sectional, analytical, and quasi-experimental study evaluated participants before and after undergoing a debriefing on CRM. The participants received prior training on technical competencies for leveling. Technical and nontechnical competencies were assessed using two different forms. A descriptive analysis was performed, and continuous variables with normal distribution were compared using Student's t test. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results: Twenty-one medical students were included in the study. Technical competencies were assessed as a team and showed improvement, but with no significant variation. CRM competencies were assessed individually; most items had a significantly increased mean score after CRM training, with statistically significant differences. Conclusion: The debriefing as a tool for CRM training is able to improve nontechnical competencies in teams, which has an important impact on improving the quality of care and patient safety during emergency care.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);70(3): e20231029, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558876


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: In our study, we aimed to compare the effect of standard rapid sequence intubation protocol and the application of rocuronium priming technique on the procedure time and hemodynamic profile. METHODS: Patients who applied to the emergency department and needed rapid sequence intubation were included in our study, which we conducted with a randomized controlled design. Randomization in the study was made according to the order of arrival of the cases. Rapid sequence intubation was performed in the standard group. In the priming group, 10% of the rocuronium dose was administered approximately 3 min before the induction agent. Intubation time, amount of drug used, vital signs, and end-tidal CO2 level before and after intubation used to confirm intubation were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 52 patients were included in the study, of which 26 patients were included in the standard group and 26 patients in the priming group. While intubation time was 121.2±21.9 s in the standard group, it was calculated as 68.4±11.6 s in the priming group (p<0.001). While the mean arterial pressure was 58.3±26.6 mmHg in the standard group after intubation, it was 80.6±21.1 mmHg in the priming group (p=0.002). CONCLUSION: It was observed that priming with rocuronium shortened the intubation time and preserved the hemodynamic profile better. Clinical Trial Registration Number: NCT05343702.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);70(5): e20231499, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558933


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Heart failure is a disease with cardiac dysfunction, and its morbidity and mortality are associated with the degree of dysfunction. The New York Heart Association classifies the heart failure stages based on the severity of symptoms and physical activity. End-tidal carbon dioxide refers to the level of carbon dioxide that a person exhales with each breath. End-tidal carbon dioxide levels can be used in many clinical conditions such as heart failure, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The aim of the study was to reveal the relationship between end-tidal carbon dioxide levels and the New York Heart Association classification of heart failure stages. METHODS: This study was conducted at Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Medicine Adult Emergency Department between 01/03/2019 and 01/09/2019. A total of 80 patients who presented to the emergency department with a history of heart failure or were diagnosed with heart failure during admission were grouped according to the New York Heart Association classification of heart failure stages. The laboratory parameters, ejection fraction values, and end-tidal carbon dioxide levels of the patients were measured and recorded in the study forms. RESULTS: End-tidal carbon dioxide levels and ejection fraction values were found to be significantly lower in the stage 4 group compared to the other groups. Furthermore, pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) values were found to be significantly higher in stage 4 group compared to the other groups. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that end-tidal carbon dioxide levels could be used together with pro-BNP and ejection fraction values in determining the severity of heart failure.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233726


Background: Cardiac arrest remains a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Though there are many prognostic tools, the importance of predicting prognosis of out of hospital cardiac arrest in the emergency department (ED) using SWAP (Shockable, witnessed, age and pH) score has not been studied extensively. Methods: We conducted a hospital-based prospective observational study in Kerala, India, focusing on patients who arrived at the ED after experiencing out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). For patients who met the inclusion criteria, (all patients who came to ED with OHCA with age more than 18 years) we calculated the SWAP score using historical information and venous blood gas sample analysis. Patients who achieved return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) were closely monitored, and post-cardiac arrest care was initiated. Patients who achieved sustained ROSC were admitted, and at time of discharge, follow-up was conducted using cerebral performance category (CPC) score. Results: The SWAP score was computed for patients who experienced OHCA. The analysis revealed that patients with favorable outcomes (CPC 1 and 2) had an average SWAP score of 1, while patients with unfavorable outcomes (CPC 3, 4, 5) had an average SWAP score of 1.55. Among the total of 116 patients, 7 individuals (6.03%) survived with positive neurological outcomes (CPC 1 and 2), while 109 patients (93.96%) experienced poor neurological outcomes (CPC 3, 4, 5, and mortality). Conclusions: Patients who had a high SWAP score had a reduced likelihood of survival and sustained ROSC. Conversely, patients with a SWAP score below 2 had a higher probability of experiencing a ROSC and surviving.

Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 50(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534959


Introducción: La anafilaxia es una reacción multisistémica potencialmente mortal; su reconocimiento temprano y abordaje oportuno son fundamentales. La variabilidad de presentación y gravedad requieren la utilización de criterios diagnósticos para la mejora de la atención en urgencias. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, criterios de diagnóstico y tratamiento de los pacientes con anafilaxia atendidos en un Departamento de Emergencias Pediátricas (DEP). Materiales y métodos: Revisión retrospectiva, descriptiva, de casos ingresados en el DEP de enero 2015 a diciembre 2020. Los criterios diagnósticos fueron aplicados por dos observadores emergentólogos evaluando la concordancia con el índice к de Cohen. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva: proporciones, medianas y rango intercuartílico. Resultados: Se aplicaron los criterios NIAID/FAAN a 65 historias clínicas con diagnóstico de egreso de anafilaxia encontrándose una concordancia de 0,64 (IC 95%: 0,41-0,88). De ellos, 35 (54%) cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos. El 66% (23/35) recibió adrenalina. La mediana de edad fue de 7 años (RIC: 3-11,5). Antecedente de asma en 9/35, atopia en 7/35 y anafilaxia previa en 7/35. Como factor desencadenante se constató consumo de medicamentos en 16/35, alimentos en 8/35. La estadía hospitalaria tuvo una mediana de 18 horas (RIC: 12-24). Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren una brecha entre identificación precisa de los casos de anafilaxia y el tratamiento oportuno con adrenalina cuando se utilizan criterios estandarizados.

Introduction: Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal multisystem reaction; early recognition and timely approach are essential. The variability in its presentation and severity requires the use of diagnostic criteria to improve emergency care. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics, diagnostic criteria and treatment of patients with anaphylaxis treated in a Pediatric Emergency Department (PED). Materials and methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive review of cases admitted to the PED from January 2015 to December 2020. The diagnostic criteria were applied by two emergentologist observers; Cohen's к index was used to evaluate their agreement. Descriptive statistics were used: proportions, medians and interquartile range. Results: The NIAID/FAAN criteria were applied to 65 medical records with a discharge diagnosis of anaphylaxis, finding an agreement of 0.64 (95% CI: 0.41-0.88). Of these, 35 (54%) met the diagnostic criteria. 66% (23/35) received adrenaline. The median age was 7 years (IQR: 3-11.5). 9/35 had a history of asthma, 7/35 had atopy and previous anaphylaxis was noted in 7/35. As a triggering factor, medication consumption was found in 16/35, and food in 8/35. The hospital stay had a median of 18 hours (IQR: 12-24). Conclusions: The results suggest a gap between accurate recognition of anaphylaxis cases and timely treatment with adrenaline when standardized criteria are used.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(6): 22-28, nov.-dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535223


Resumen Introducción: La disección carotídea consiste en el desgarro de la pared del vaso. Es una patología infrecuente, pero es la causa más común de enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC) isquémica en personas menores de 45 años. Las manifestaciones clínicas son muy variables. Método: Utilizamos las recomendaciones CARE para el reporte de casos clínicos. Caso clínico: Hombre de 45 años previamente sano, con debilidad aguda de la extremidad torácica derecha sin causa aparente. La tomografía simple de cráneo no evidenció alteraciones. La resonancia magnética mostró una oclusión completa de la arteria carótida interna en todos sus segmentos y disminución del flujo de la arteria cerebral media izquierda. La evolución clínica fue desfavorable. Conclusión: La disección carotídea debe sospecharse en personas con EVC sin factores de riesgo cardiovascular.

Abstract Introduction: Carotid dissection consists of a tear in the vessel wall. It is a rare pathology, but it is the most common cause of ischemic cerebral vascular disease (CVD) in people under 45 years of age. The clinical manifestations are very variable. Method: We used CARE recommendations for reporting clinical cases. Clinical case: Previously, a healthy 45-year-old man with acute weakness of the right thoracic extremity without apparent cause. The simple skull tomography did not show any alterations. MRI showed complete occlusion of the internal carotid artery in all its segments and decreased flow of the left middle cerebral artery. The clinical evolution was unfavorable. Conclusion: Carotid dissection should be suspected in people with CVD without cardiovascular risk factors.

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;49(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569928


Introducción: Los intensivistas son gerentes asistenciales que toman decisiones en situaciones de estrés, por lo que su desempeño no solo depende del conocimiento técnico, sino también de las competencias gerenciales que alcancen. Objetivo: Identificar las competencias profesionales gerenciales para el desempeño de los intensivistas cubanos en la actualidad. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de desarrollo con enfoque mixto, desde junio hasta octubre del 2021. Se emplean métodos teóricos y empíricos, entre los que se encuentran sujetos clave y un cuestionario en el que se pone a consideración de expertos, por método Delphi, las dieciséis competencias gerenciales del modelo por competencias profesionales del especialista en MIE, se utilizó Alfa de Cronbach y análisis de desligamiento multidimensional. Resultados: El Alfa de Cronbach global y por ítems del cuestionario resultó ser alto. En el análisis de desligamiento multidimensional resultó que, de las 16 competencias analizadas, diez se correlacionan entre sí y seis se disgregan del resto. Conclusión: Fueron identificadas tres competencias profesionales gerenciales con diez elementos de competencias imprescindibles para el desempeño de los especialistas en MIE y se evidencia que el desarrollo de la esfera gerencial es esencial en el desempeño de los intensivistas en la actualidad(AU)

Introduction: Intensivists are care managers who make decisions in stressful situations, so their performance not only depends on technical knowledge, but also on the managerial skills they accomplish. Objective: To identify the managerial professional proficiencies for the performance of Cuban intensivists nowadays. Methods: A development research was carried out with a mixed approach, from June to October 2021. Theoretical and empirical methods are used, among which are key individuals are considered beside a questionnaire assessed by experts, by Delphi method, sixteen managerial capabilities of the model by professional capabilities of a MIE specialist. Cronbach's Alpha and multidimensional disengagement analysis were used. Results: The global Cronbach's Alpha and by items of the questionnaire turned out to be high. In the multidimensional decoupling analysis, it turned out that, out of the 16 competencies analyzed, 10 are correlated with each other and six are disaggregated from the rest. Conclusion: Three managerial professional proficiencies were identified with 10 elements of essential proficiencies for the performance of MIE specialists and it is evident that the development of the managerial sphere is essential in the performance of intensivists these days(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Professional Competence/standards , Task Performance and Analysis , Emergency Medicine/methods
Indian J Med Ethics ; 2023 Sep; 8(3): 220-223
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222713


Emergency care is largely seen as synonymous with resuscitation and saving lives. In most of the developing world where Emergency Medicine (EM) is still evolving, the concept of EM palliative care is alien. Provision of palliative care in such settings poses its own challenges in terms of knowledge gaps, socio-cultural barriers, dismal doctor-to-patient ratio with limited time for communication with patients, and lack of established pathways to provide EM palliative care. Integrating the concept of palliative medicine is crucial for expanding the dimension of holistic, value-based, quality emergency care. However, glitches in decision-making processes, especially in high patient volume settings, may lead to inequalities in care provision, based on socio-financial disparities of patients or premature termination of challenging resuscitations. Pertinent, robust, validated screening tools and guides may assist physicians in tackling this ethical dilemma.

Iatreia ; Iatreia;36(3): 393-July-Sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575058


Resumen Introducción: el ultrasonido junto a la cama del paciente (PoCUS, por sus siglas en inglés) es una herramienta clínica que se emplea en los servicios de urgencias desde hace tres décadas. Sin embargo, actualmente persisten interrogantes relacionados con los riesgos de error diagnóstico por parte del médico no radiólogo y la certificación de competencias para su incorporación. Objetivo: describir y analizar el marco conceptual sobre el uso de PoCUS en las especialidades medicoquirúrgicas en Colombia. Resultados: la implementación del PoCUS mejora la sensibilidad de la exploración física en el contexto oportuno y orienta la formación médica en áreas como anatomía, fisiología y evaluación clínica. Además, permite a diferentes especialistas complementar su quehacer cotidiano, pues facilita la adquisición de habilidades y el reconocimiento de las limitaciones de la herramienta, según la certificación de competencias y la reglamentación vigente. Conclusiones: el PoCUS es una herramienta efectiva (y con mínimos eventos adversos) para la toma de decisiones clínicas en el servicio de urgencias, e incluso en otros contextos de la práctica clínica. El entrenamiento requerido para la adquisición de las habilidades técnicas necesarias para su manejo está al alcance de cualquier médico.

Abstract Introduction: Point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS) is a clinical tool that has been used in emergency departments for three decades. However, there are still ongoing concerns regarding the risk of diagnostic errors by nonradiologist physicians and the certification of competencies for its incorporation. Objective: To describe and analyze the conceptual framework of PoCUS use in medical and surgical specialties in Colombia. Results : The implementation of PoCUS improves the sensitivity of physical examination in a timely manner and guides medical education in areas such as anatomy, physiology, and clinical assessment. Furthermore, it allows different specialists to complement their daily practice by facilitating skill acquisition and recognition of tool limitations, according to competency certification and current regulations. Conclusions: PoCUS is an effective tool (with minimal adverse events) for clinical decision-making in the emergency department and even in other clinical practice contexts. The training required to acquire the necessary technical skills for its use is within reach of any physician.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(4): 697-703, 20230906. fig, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511121


Introduction. Extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma (E-FAST) can be performed with minimal training and achieve ideal results. It allows easy transport and use in austere environments such as the Colombian Caribbean, where many centers do not have 24-hour radiology services. The objective of this study was to determine the performance of the use of E-FAST in the evaluation of trauma by second-year general surgery residents in the emergency department. Methods. Retrospective observational study that evaluated the diagnostic performance of E-FAST with Butterfly IQ, in patients with thoracoabdominal trauma, who attended a referral center in the Colombian Caribbean between November 2021 and July 2022. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were evaluated, compared with intraoperative findings or conventional imaging. Results. A total of 46 patients were included, with a mean age of 31.2 ± 13.8 years, 87.4% (n=39) were male. The main mechanism of trauma was penetrating (n=32; 69.5%). It was found that 80.4% (n=37) of the patients had a positive E-FAST result, and of these, 97% (n=35) had a positive intraoperative finding. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 92.1%, 75%, 94.6%, and 66.6%, respectively. The positive likelihood ratio was 3.68, while the negative likelihood ratio was 0.10. Conclusion. General surgery residents have the competence to perform accurate E-FAST scans. The hand-held ultrasound device is an effective diagnostic tool for trauma and acute care surgery patients.

Introducción. La evaluación enfocada extendida con ecografía en trauma (E-FAST, extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma) puede realizarse con entrenamiento mínimo y lograr resultados ideales. Su fácil transporte permite usarla en entornos austeros, como el Caribe colombiano, donde muchos centros no disponen de servicio radiológico las 24 horas. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el rendimiento del uso de E-FAST por residentes de cirugía general de segundo año en la evaluación del paciente con trauma en urgencias. Métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo que evaluó el rendimiento diagnóstico de E-FAST con Butterfly IQ, en pacientes con trauma toracoabdominal que acudieron a un centro de referencia del Caribe colombiano, entre noviembre de 2021 y julio de 2022. Se evaluaron sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivo y negativo, comparando la descripción de la ecografía con los hallazgos intraoperatorios o imagenología convencional. Resultados. Se incluyeron un total de 46 pacientes, con una media de edad de 31,2 ± 13,8 años, siendo el 87,4 % (n=39) hombres. El principal mecanismo de trauma fue penetrante (n=32; 69,5 %). Se encontró que el 80,4 % (n=37) de los pacientes tuvo resultado E-FAST positivo, y que, de estos, el 97 % (n=35) tuvo un hallazgo positivo intraoperatorio. Se calculó una sensibilidad de 92,1 %, especificidad de 75 %, valor predictivo positivo de 94,6 % y negativo de 66,6 %; la razón de verosimilitud positiva fue de 3,68 y la negativa de 0,10. Conclusión. Los residentes de cirugía general están capacitados para realizar exploraciones E-FAST precisas. El ecógrafo portátil es una herramienta de diagnóstico eficaz para pacientes traumatizados.

Humans , Ultrasonography , Computers, Handheld , Emergency Medicine , Wounds and Injuries , Economics, Hospital , Education, Medical, Graduate
Rev. enferm. Cent.-Oeste Min ; 13: 4745, jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1436476


Objetivo: verificar os fatores associados à percepção de estudantes de enfermagem e medicina quanto à presença da família durante a ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e/ou procedimentos invasivos. Métodos: estudo descritivo e transversal realizado com 105 concluintes dos cursos de enfermagem e medicina de três universidades brasileiras. Os dados foram coletados entre maio e agosto de 2021, por meio de formulário on-line e analisados a partir da estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: a maioria demonstrou ser contrária à presença familiar. Estiveram associados a percepções mais favoráveis: desejar acompanhar o atendimento de familiar, acreditar que a presença é um direito da família e que autorizaria essa presença durante a prática profissional, bem como o contato teórico ou prático com o cuidado centrado na família. Conclusão: sugere-se que durante a formação os estudantes aprendam sobre o cuidado centrado na família para desenvolver percepções mais favoráveis acerca da presença familiar na ressuscitação e/ou procedimentos invasivos.

Objective: To verify the factors associated with nursing and medical students' perception regarding family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and/or invasive procedures. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 105 nursing and medical graduates from three Brazilian universities. Data were collected from May to August 2021 by means of an online form, and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Most participants were against family presence. Theoretical or practical contact with family-centered care, wanting to accompany a family member under care, and believing that family presence is a right and would authorize it during professional practice were factors associated with more favorable perceptions. Conclusion: Students should learn about family-centered care in graduation so that they can develop more favorable perceptions about family presence during resuscitation and/or invasive procedures.

Objetivo: verificar los factores asociados a la percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería y de medicina sobre la presencia de la familia durante la reanimación cardiopulmonar y/o procedimientos invasivos. Métodos: estudio descriptivo y transversal realizado con 105 egresados de las carreras de enfermería y de medicina de tres universidades brasileñas. Los datos se recolectaron entre mayo y agosto de 2021 mediante un formulario en línea, y para su análisis se utilizó la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: la mayoría se mostró en contra de la presencia de la familia. Las percepciones favorables estuvieron relacionadas con: querer acompañar la atención familiar, creer que la presencia es un derecho de la familia y que durante la práctica profesional la autorizaría, así como el contacto teórico o práctico con el cuidado centrado en la familia. Conclusión: se sugiere que, durante la formación, los estudiantes aprendan sobre el cuidado centrado en la familia para que puedan desarrollar percepciones más favorables sobre la presencia de la familia en la reanimación y/o procedimientos invasivos.

Humans , Male , Female , Students , Family , Emergency Nursing , Emergencies , Emergency Medicine