The right of occupational disease diagnosis is a worker's right to occupational health protection, and a procedural right to protect substantive rights. Its contents include the submission of occupational disease diagnosis, the application for occupational disease diagnosis and appraisal, as well as the cooperative obligation of the parties. The right of occupational disease diagnosis and appraisal is the embodiment and extension of the right of occupational disease diagnosis. For workers, the right of occupational disease diagnosis is private, and waiving the diagnosis of occupational diseases is a personal right. For employers, there is no legal right to request initial occupational disease diagnosis, but there is a right to apply for occupational disease diagnosis appraisal and to request re-diagnosis of occupational diseases. The cooperative obligation in occupational disease diagnosis is to guarantee the initiation and smooth progression of the right to occupational disease diagnosis. After workers request occupational disease diagnosis, if they unreasonably refuse to cooperate in health examinations or medical examinations during the diagnosis process, it can be considered as waiving the right to occupational disease diagnosis. If the employers apply for appraisal of occupational disease diagnosis without paying the appraisal fee, it can be handled as waiving their rights or withdrawing their appraisal applications. When workers apply for occupational disease diagnosis or appraisal of occupational disease diagnosis, but the employer refuses to pay the corresponding fee, it does not affect the progress of occupational disease diagnosis and appraisal work. In this case, the employer should bear the corresponding administrative responsibilities according to law.
Introducción: Los estudios de empleadores cobran cada vez mayor importancia en el ámbito de la educación superior, a partir de la necesidad institucional de evaluar la pertinencia de sus programas e identificar expectativas de crecimiento, al permitir conocer la existencia de vinculación institucional y desarrollo de sus egresados. Objetivo: Describir la satisfacción de los empleadores con el desempeño de egresados de la décima edición de la maestría investigación en aterosclerosis. Métodos: Se hizo un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se seleccionaron los empleadores de los egresados de la última edición terminada. Se les aplicó una encuesta de forma autoadministrada para explorar la satisfacción con el desempeño de los egresados de la maestría. Resultados: El total de los empleadores manifestaron que la maestría respondía a las necesidades asistenciales, docentes e investigativas del centro en el que laboraba el máster; que este aplicaba creativa y críticamente en su práctica diaria los conocimientos adquiridos en el programa de maestría; y que era capaz de diseñar y dirigir proyectos de investigación. El 94,1 por ciento respondió que, después de graduado de la maestría, el máster tenía la capacidad de diseñar y organizar cursos de superación para solucionar problemas de la institución. El 76,5 por ciento contestó que cumplía las expectativas y el 52,9 por ciento que se sentía satisfecho con el desempeño de los egresados. Conclusiones: Los empleadores manifestaron que los egresados satisfacían el perfil declarado en la maestría. Los egresados cumplieron con las expectativas de sus empleadores y los empleadores se encontraron satisfechos con el desempeño de los egresados(AU)
Introduction: Employer surveys are becoming increasingly important in the field of higher education, from the institutional need to evaluate the relevance of their programs and identify growth expectations, by allowing to know the existence of institutional linkage and the development of its graduates. Objective: To describe the satisfaction of employers with the performance of graduates from the tenth edition of a master's program about research in atherosclerosis. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The employers of the graduates from the last completed edition were selected. A self-administered survey was conducted on them to explore satisfaction with the performance of the graduates from the master's program. Results: The whole number of employers stated that the master's degree responded to the care, teaching and research needs of the center where the master's degree holder worked; that he/she applied the knowledge acquired in the master's program creatively and critically in his/her daily practice; and hat he/she was capable of designing and directing research projects. 94.1 percent responded that, after graduating from the master's program, the master's degree holder had the capacity to design and organize professional improvement courses to solve the institutional problems. 76.5 percent answered that the master's degree met the expectations, while 52.9 percent responded that they were satisfied with the performance of the graduates. Conclusions: Employers stated that the graduates met the profile stated in the master's program. The graduates met the expectations of their employers, who were satisfied with the performance of the graduates(AU)
Humans , Research/education , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Occupational health management is one of the major indicators for evaluating the occupational disease prevention and control status of employers. However, there is still a lack of occupational health management evaluation standards or specifications in China. Analysis and evaluation of the problems in occupational health management by employers require technicians to master the relevant laws, regulations, standards, and specifications. In contrast to this high technical demand, in reality various methods have been used for occupational health management evaluation. There are great differences in evaluation contents and the analysis is incomplete, resulting in numerous problems and low practical feasibility. In the Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Act (2016 Amendment), the cancellation of the certificates for institutions and individuals in evaluation of the damage caused by occupational diseases resulted in an increased number of assessment report writers with insufficient capability. Since 2018, the duty of occupational health supervision has been transferred from the work safety administrative department to the health administrative department. The ability of occupational health supervisors needs to be improved urgently. This article mainly analyzes and discusses the contents and methods of occupational health management evaluation, as well as the problems and suggestions. Our results provide a guideline for improvement of occupational health management.
@#The effectiveness of a dental curriculum as reflected by the competencies of the graduates is paramount in ensuring its relevance in the rapidly evolving field of dentistry. This work aimed to assess the competencies of dental graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) as perceived by the graduates and their employers on the basis of the core competencies listed in the undergraduate dental curriculum. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 43 questions based on eight competency domains were sent to all UKM dental graduates of years 2012 to 2015 and to senior dental officers who represented their employers. The eight domains assessed were as follows: 1) gathering information at chair-side, 2) diagnosis, 3) treatment planning, 4) treatment and prevention, 5) communitybased, 6) management and administrative, 7) communication and 8) personal management and professional development. a total of 132 graduates (75%) and 18 employers (55%) responded. Only domain E on community-based skills was collectively rated ‘satisfactory’ while the rest of the seven domains had an ‘excellent’ rating by all respondents. With regard to individual skill, basic life support was rated very low for both groups (38.6% graduates and 23.5% employers). A strong association was found between the scores given by the graduates and their employers (p= 0.00). Generally, no difference was found between the scores of graduates from different years. The findings allow an evaluation of the curriculum in a myriad of angles. Although the graduates reported a good level of competency in most domains, the employers were reserved on the community-based skills. Poor competency in the key skill of basic life support in medical emergencies was highlighted and must be addressed in the curriculum or during training at the workplace.
Resumen La literatura científica ha explicado la migración irregular a través de la acentuación del papel de los empleadores, que demandan mano de obra barata para la realización de actividades que requieren una baja cualificación laboral. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el rol de los empleadores estadounidenses en la conducción de los flujos migratorios irregulares entre México y Estados Unidos de América. Este trabajo se fundamenta en una metodología cualitativa que incluye la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a 38 agentes mexicanos facilitadores del cruce fronterizo. Los resultados mostraron que los flujos migratorios irregulares estuvieron impulsados en gran medida por los empleadores estadounidenses, y los migrantes presentaron en muchos casos el perfil demandado por los empleadores. Los emigrantes eran principalmente jóvenes varones, fuertes, sanos, con elevada capacidad laboral y experiencia en el trabajo agrario o en la construcción; así como mujeres jóvenes, para ser empleadas prioritariamente en la industria del entretenimiento adulto. La migración irregular aparece influida por la demanda laboral, y está compuesta por un sector poblacional que no puede emigrar por los cauces legales, debido a que la política migratoria de Estados Unidos le cierra las puertas, por su falta de preparación o capacitación técnica.
Abstract The scientific literature has explained irregular migration by means of an emphasis on the role that employers play through the demand of cheap labor for activities that require a low-skilled workforce. This article aims to examine the role of U.S. employers in the operation of irregular migration flows between Mexico and the United States of America. This paper is based on a qualitative methodology that includes in depth interviews with 38 Mexican migrant smugglers. The results showed that irregular migrant flows were encouraged by U.S. employers, and migrants fulfill in many cases the profile demanded by employers. Migrants were mainly strong, healthy, young males with an elevated work capacity and experience in the agriculture and construction sectors. Additionally, young women were mainly employed in the adult entertainment industry Irregular im migration seems to be influenced by labor demand, and it is constituted by a sector of the population that cannot emigrate through legal channels since current U.S. immigration policies prevent them from entering the country due to their lack qualifications or technical capabilities.
Objective:To study the effect of individual and system characteristics on migrant workers' participation in basic medical insurance for urban employers.Methods:The data of "2014 National Floating Population Dynamic Monitoring Survey" and official documents from 28 provincial capital cities and municipalities directly under the central government were used to analyze the influencing factors of 50 679 migrant workers' participation in medical insurance.Results:The characteristics of human capital,economic characteristics,mobility and access to basic public health services of migrant workers all had significant impacts on their participation in medical insurance;local governments' support for trans-provincial transfer medical insurance,the years of payment could be accumulated while one to one conversion and personal account could be roll-in roll-out were important factors to promote migrant workers to participate in medical insurance,and also helped to attract interprovincial migrant workers.Conclusion:In the system design,the overall level of medical insurance should be improved,and the obstacle to identification of the years of payment and the transfer of personal medical insurance account should be cancelled.
Este artículo pretende rescatar a través de una metodología mixta de investigación la experiencia de empleadores que brindan oportunidades de trabajo en sus empresas a personas en situación de discapacidad intelectual egresadas, desde el año 2007, del Programa Diploma en Habilidades Laborales de la Universidad Andrés Bello. El objetivo es identificar las habilidades y competencias que les han permitido insertarse en el medio laboral y la incidencia que ha tenido, desde su perspectiva, la formación socio laboral recibida. Junto con esto, el artículo recoge sus valoraciones respectoa la inclusión laboral de jóvenes con discapacidad en sus empresas, identificando los aportes y dificultades que este proceso ha representado para ellos. En general, se pudo observar una valoración positiva de los empleadores hacia la inclusión laboral de personas en situación de discapacidad intelectual en sus empresas. Así, concordaron en que éstas cuentan con las habilidades para desempeñarse adecuadamente en el cargo, ala vez que establecen relaciones interpersonales favorables con el resto de empleados.
This article aims to collect through a mixed research methodology the experience of employers who provide job opportunities at their companies to people with intellectual disabilities graduated from the Diploma in Labour Skills Programme at Andrés Bello University since 2007. The objective is to identify both the abilities and competences that allowed them to enter the labour market and the effect this social and labour training has had on them. Additionally, the article retrieves their evaluations about including young people with disabilities into their companies, identifying the benefits and difficulties this process has offered to them. Generally speaking, a positive evaluation of the inclusion of workers with intellectual disabilities in their companies was observed among employers. They all believe these workers have the skills toper form in their jobs adequately, while also maintaining positive social relations with the rest of the people in their companies.
Humans , Disabled Persons/rehabilitation , Occupations , Chile , Qualitative Research , Surveys and Questionnaires , Working ConditionsABSTRACT
Introducción: La Universidad de Antioquia desarrolla, en el Urabá antioqueño, el programa de Tecnología en Regencia de Farmacia (TRF), orientado a formar en promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Caracterizar la pertinencia social y laboral del programa de TRF en la región de Urabá, y su efecto en la promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte trasversal, en el cual se diseñaron cuatro instrumentos, orientados a egresados, empleadores, establecimientos y comunidad de la región, para ser aplicados por estudiantes del programa en la región, durante un periodo de seis meses. Resultados: De 52 egresados encuestados, 51 eran de la región, y 48 de ellos estaban laborando, 42 en la región. Los empleadores valoraron los aportes del TRF, como bueno y excelente, en un 69.6%, 78.2% y 78.3%, para los desempeños institucional, procesos administrativos y asistenciales, respectivamente. En cuanto a la comunidad, 212 de los 369 encuestados, identificaron la existencia del TRF en farmacias/droguerías y esperan que le brinde información sobre el uso de los medicamentos. La pertinencia social fue valorada como pertinente y muy pertinente, en un 77.4%, resultado que fue similar para la pertinencia laboral. Conclusiones: El estudio identifica un alto de grado de satisfacción con las funciones del TRF en los servicios farmacéuticos y de aceptación e identificación del TRF por la comunidad. El programa de TRF es pertinente en la región, sus egresados están ubicados en la región, desempeñando funciones acordes con su formación.
Introduction: University of Antioquia develops, in the Urabá region of Antioquia (Colombia), the program of Technology in Regency of Pharmacy (TRP), aimed at training in health promotion and disease prevention. Objective: To characterize the social relevance of the TRP program in the Urabá region, and its effect in health promotion and disease prevention. Materials and methods: cross-sectional study with descriptive metodology, in which four instruments were designed and aimed at graduates, employers, institutions and community in the region, to be applied by the students of the program in the region, for a period of six months. Results: Of 52 graduates surveyed, 51 were graduates of the region, and 48 of them were working, 42 in the region. Employers valued the contributions of the TRP, as good and excellent, in a 69.6%, 78.2% and 78.3%, for institutional performance, administrative and welfare, respectively. Related to the community, 212 of the 369 respondents identified the existence of the TRP in pharmacies/drugstores and they expected that she/he would give you information about the use of drugs. The social relevance was assessed as relevant and very relevant, in a 77.4%, a result that was similar to the relevance related to work. Conclusions: The study identifies a high degree of satisfaction with the functions of the TRP in pharmaceutical services and acceptance and identification of the TRF for the community. The TRP program is relevant in the region; its graduates are working in the region, performing duties commensurate with their training.
Humans , Pharmacy Service, Hospital , Pharmacy , Social Environment , Residence Characteristics , Occupational Health , Education, GraduateABSTRACT
Introducción: el proceso de globalización de la atención a la salud, la educación, la tecnología y las nuevas formas de organización del trabajo, exigen a los países generar mecanismos de evaluación a sus sistemas educativos. Objetivo: conocer el nivel de satisfacción de los empleadores de unidades médicas con relación al desempeño profesional de los médicos egresados Programa de especialización en medicina familiar para médicos generales del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Se aplicó un cuestionario por profesores de la Subdivisión de Medicina Familiar, de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, que constó de 10 preguntas dirigidas a los directivos de las unidades médicas donde trabajaban (antes y después de la especialización), los egresados del Programa de Especialización en Medicina Familiar para Médicos Generales, relacionadas con el grado de satisfacción de las autoridades con el trabajo desempeñado por los médicos egresados de la especialización bajo la modalidad de capacitación en servicio. Resultados: los resultados generales muestran alta satisfacción de los directivos en cuanto al desempeño profesional de los médicos egresados. Conclusiones: para los empleadores, de Especialización en Medicina Familiar para Médicos Generales, produce una alta satisfacción el desempeño profesional de los egresados(AU)
Objective: Know the level of satisfaction of medical units' employers with respect to professional performance of family medicine graduates from the specialization programs for general practitioner of the Mexican social-security, Medical Faculty Institute of the Autonomous National University from Mexico. Methods: An observational, descriptive study was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. A questionnaire of 10 questions was applied to managers of medical units, related to the satisfaction of the authorities with the work performed by doctors specializing graduates in the form of in-service training where graduates worked, before and after specialization, within the specialization program in Family Medicine for General Practitioners. Results: The general results evidence high satisfaction of the executives as to the professional performance of the graduate doctors. Conclusions: High satisfaction is produced by the professional performance of Family Medicine graduates, to the employers(AU)
Humans , Community Health Services , Family Practice/educationABSTRACT
Introducción: Las Instituciones de Educación Superior requieren evaluar de manera permanente la pertinencia de su oferta educativa en función de las demandas del mercado de trabajo, a fin de garantizar las mejores condiciones para la inserción, desarrollo y desempeño profesional de sus egresados. Objetivo: Identificar la opinión de los empleadores sobre el desempeño de los egresados del Plan Único de Especialización en Enfermería (PUEE) de la ENEO-UNAM. Métodos: Se entrevistaron a empleadores de 11 instituciones de salud (9 públicas, una privada y una asociación civil), ubicadas en su mayoría en el D.F. y del tercer nivel de atención. Las variables estudiadas fueron las competencias generales, conocimientos específicos, atributos, actitudes y valores, para cada una se elaboraron diferentes ítems conforme a las características señaladas en el perfil del egresado del PUEE, el instrumento quedó integrado por 39 ítems en total, con una escala de respuestas que califica el desempeño de 1 al 5 equivalente a muy deficiente, deficiente, aceptable, muy aceptable y excelente, respectivamente. Resultados: Los empleadores consideran que los egresados tienen un nivel muy aceptable de conocimientos propios de la especialidad, de los cuidados especializados, del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (PAE) y del lenguaje especializado; hubo diferencias en las calificaciones según el tamaño de las instituciones, las foráneas otorgaron mejores que los institutos nacionales de salud. Discusión: El nivel de desempeño es acorde con calidad en la atención, y debiera permanecer como distintivo del actuar del profesional de enfermería. Se requiere reforzar la capacidad de toma de decisiones, de autocrítica, entre otras y, analizar casos particulares de instituciones que otorgaron calificaciones menores.
Introduction: High Level Education Institutions need to assess their education offer pertinence in terms of the labor market demands in order to guarantee the best conditions for the professional development of their graduates. Objective: Identify the opinion of employers on the performance of the ENEO-UNAM Nursing Specialization Unique Plan (PUEE) graduates. Methods: Employers from eleven 3rd level attention health institutions (9 public, one private, and one civil association) and located mainly in the Federal District, were interviewed. Studied variables included general competencies, specific knowledge, attributes, attitudes and values. The final instrument had 39 items to be graded as 1 = very deficient, 2 = deficient, 3 = acceptable, 4 = very acceptable, or 5 = outstanding. Results: employers considered that the graduates have a very acceptable level of specialty knowledge, specialized care, nursing attention process (NAP), and specialized language. There were differences in the grades depending on the institution size; the distant ones giving better scores than the national institutes of health. Discussion: The performance level is proportional to the attention quality, and should stay as a nursing professional distinctive. It is necessary to strengthen the decision taking and self-assessment capacity, among other, and analyze the particular cases of the institutions which gave lower scores.
Humans , Male , FemaleABSTRACT
A Síndrome Metabólica (SM) está independentemente associada ao diabetes mellitus tipo II e às doenças cardiovasculares. Atualmente, a condição de trabalho é reconhecida como possível fator associado às doenças e agravos não transmissíveis. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os fatores associados à SM e concordância entre critérios de diagnóstico em funcionários do campus saúde de uma universidade pública. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, transversal e analítico, com 211 funcionários do campus saúde de uma universidade pública de Belo Horizonte - MG. Foi aplicado questionário com dados demográficos, socioeconômicos, antropométricos e estilo de vida. A SM foi definida de acordo com os critérios propostos pela NCEP-ATPIII, IDF e AHA/NHBLI. Realizou-se análise estatística descritiva (frequências absolutas e relativas), bivariada (testes de qui-quadrado de Pearson e exato de Fisher) e multivariada (Regressão de Poisson), com nível de significância de 5% (p < 0,05). A concordância entre as definições foi verificada pelo teste de Kappa. A prevalência da SM foi de 27,0% (IC 95%: 21,1-33,5) NCEP, 33,2% (IC 95%: 26,9-40,0) IDF e 28,4% (IC 95%: 22,5-35,0) AHA/NHBLI. Sobrepeso e obesidade foram fatores independentemente associados à SM (p < 0,05) para todos os critérios. Ademais, a renda familiar ≥ 6 salários mínimos (RP= 0,52; IC95%: 0,29-0,95) NCEP, muito suporte social (RP= 1,55, IC95%: 1,08-2,21) IDF e, idade (RP= 1,02; IC95%: 1,00-1,04) AHA/NHBLI também se associaram independentemente à SM. Utilizando qualquer uma das definições da SM como referência, essas apresentaram excelentes percentuais de concordância (> 85,0%). Na avaliação pelo teste kappa, a NCEP e a AHA/NHBLI foram os critérios que mais concordaram (kappa= 0,965; p < 0,001). A prevalência da SM foi alta, devendo ser considerada nas discussões da promoção da saúde do trabalhador. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de se estabelecer um critério consensual para a SM.
The Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is independently associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Actually, work condition is recognized as a possible risk factor of chronic diseases. The main objective of this study was to analyze the factors associated with MetS and the concordance between diagnosis criteria among health campus employees of a public university. Epidemiological, cross-sectional and analytical study, with 211 health campus employees of a public health in Belo Horizonte city, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. We applied a questionnaire with demographic, socioeconomic, anthropometric and life style variables. MetS was defined according to criteria proposed by NCEP-ATP III, IDF and AHA/NHBLI. Statistical analyses were descriptive (absolutes and relatives frequencies), bivariate (Persons chi-square and Fisher exact tests) and multivariate (Poisson regression), with significance level of 5% (p < 0.05). Concordance of MetS definitions was evaluated with Kappa test. MetS prevalences were 27% (95% CI: 21.1-33.5) NCEP, 33.2% (95% CI: 26.9-40.0) IDF and 28.4% (95% CI: 22.5-35.0) AHA/NHLBI. Overweight and obesity were independently associated with MetS to all diagnosis criteria. Further more, income ≥ 6 minimum wages (PR = 0.52; 95% CI = 0.29-0.95) NCEP, high social support (PR = 1.55; 95% CI = 1.08-2.21) IDF and age (PR = 1.02; 95% CI = 1.00-1.04) NHLBI/AHA also were independently associated with MetS. The percentages of concordance between the diagnosis criteria were high (> 85%). Using the Kappa test, NCEP and AHA/NHLBI were the diagnosis criteria most concordant (0.965; p < 0.001). MetS prevalence was high and it should be considerate in discussions on worker health promotion. Results demonstrated the necessity of consensual MetS diagnosis criteria.
Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Metabolic Syndrome/diagnosis , Occupational Groups , Working Conditions , Life Style , Socioeconomic Factors , Hypertension , Feeding Behavior , Obesity , Body Weights and Measures , Surveys and Questionnaires , UniversitiesABSTRACT
Esta investigación busca describir tanto las competencias laborales genéricas y específicas del psicólogo javeriano de acuerdo con el área aplicativa: clínica, educativa, organizacional y social, como las competencias laborales requeridas por los empleadores de psicólogos, mediante la aplicación de la Encuesta de Competencias del Psicólogo Javeriano, tomada de Herrera, Restrepo y Uribe (2006), y una entrevista semiestructurada aplicada solo a psicólogos javerianos. Se conformó una muestra de 22 psicólogos egresados de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali y 13 informantes empleadores de psicólogos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo por medio del paquete estadístico SPSS, para describir los ítems de la encuesta realizada. A partir de los resultados y el análisis realizado, se encontraron diferencias entre las valoraciones dadas por empleadores y psicólogos javerianos respecto a las competencias en cada área aplicativa, y se logró ratificar la especificidad de las competencias, de acuerdo al área. De igual forma, se puede afirmar que existen competencias genéricas para los profesionales en psicología, de las cuales se hallaron similitudes respecto a las percepciones de empleadores y psicólogos egresados.
This research aims to describe general and specific laboral competencies of the Javeriana University psychologists according to his performance area whether clinical, educational, organizational or social; as well as to describe the laboral competencies required by the psychologist employers through a survey named: Encuesta de Competencias del Psicólogo Javeriano (Herrera, Restrepo y Uribe, 2006), and an interview applied only to Javeriana University psychologists. The sample was formed by 22 psychologists graduated from the Javeriana University and 13 psychologists' employers. A descriptive analysis was done with the software SPSS in order to describe the survey items results. Based on the results and the analysis, it was found several differences between the employers and psychologists valuations of the competencies in each performance areas which show the specific nature of competencies according to the specific area. Also, it is possible to say that there are generic competences for psychologists from which were found similarities concerning the employers and graduated psychologists.