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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011108


Objective:To explore the characteristics and therapeutic strategies of Pott's puffy tumor(PPT). Methods:The clinical data of two patients with PPT were retrospectively analyzed and combined with the literature, focusing on the comprehensive analysis of perioperative diagnosis and treatment strategies. Both patients underwent muti-disciplinary treatment, including timely administration of sufficient antibiotics capable of penetrating the blood-brain barrier. Early removal of PPT lesions was performed using a combined internal and external approach under nasal endoscopic guidance. Results:After standardized perioperative management, the symptoms of the two patients were completely relieved, with no recurrence after one=year follow=up. Postoperative complications such as frontal pain, numbness, local depression, or scar hyperplasiawere not present. Conclusion:PPT, being relatively rare and severe, requires careful attention. Key strategies for standardized perioperative management include multi-disciplinary consultation, timely and adequate antibiotic administration, and surgical intervention using a combined intranasal and extranasal endoscopic approach for lesion removal.

Humans , Pott Puffy Tumor/complications , Retrospective Studies , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Endoscopy/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Frontal Sinusitis/complications
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(2): 127-133, jun. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515470


Introducción: El seno frontal es una estructura compleja y desafiante en términos quirúrgicos, siendo descritas numerosas técnicas para su abordaje. Dentro de ellas se destaca el abordaje endoscópico extendido de seno frontal: Draf IIB y Draf III, como una importante alternativa para resolución de patología refractaria de seno frontal. Objetivo: Describir las características de pacientes sometidos a abordaje endoscópico extendido de seno frontal en Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile (HCUCH). Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo. Se incluyeron a pacientes sometidos a abordaje endoscópico extendido de seno frontal entre los años 2013 y 2021. Se analizaron variables clínicas, intraoperatorias y de seguimiento. Resultados: Se registraron 118 pacientes, de los cuales 64 cumplieron criterios de inclusión al estudio, con una edad promedio de 48 años. La patología más frecuente fue la rinosinusitis crónica poliposa (42%) seguido del mucocele (20%). Del total de pacientes, el 68% fue sometido a cirugía Draf IIB y el resto a Draf III. Todos los pacientes fueron estudiados con endoscopía e imágenes, y seguidos con parámetros clínicos y endoscópicos. El porcentaje de estenosis postoperatoria se estimó en 10%. Conclusión: El abordaje endoscópico nasal extendido figura como una alternativa útil para manejo de patología de seno frontal refractario a tratamiento. En nuestra experiencia las indicaciones, tipos de cirugía y tasa de complicaciones son concordantes con la literatura internacional.

Introduction: The frontal sinus is a complex and challenging structure in surgical terms, numerous techniques have been described for its approach, among them the extended endoscopic approach: Draf IIB and Draf III, figures as an important alternative for the resolution of refractory pathology of frontal sinus. Aim: To describe the characteristics of patients who underwent an extended endoscopic approach to the frontal sinus at the Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile (HCUCH). Material and Method: A retrospective, descriptive study included patients who underwent an extended endoscopic approach to the frontal sinus between 2013 and 2021. Clinical, intraoperative, and follow-up variables were analyzed. Results: 118 patients were registered, of which 64 met the inclusion criteria for the study, with an average age of 48 years. The most frequent pathology was chronic polypous rhinosinusitis (42%), followed by mucocele (20%). Of the patients, 68% underwent Draf IIB surgery, while the rest received a Draf III type procedure. All patients were studied with endoscopy and images and followed up with clinical and endoscopic parameters. The percentage of post operatory stenosis was 10%. Conclusion: The extended nasal endoscopic approach appears as a valuable alternative for managing frontal sinus pathology refractory to treatment. In our experience, the indications, types of surgery, and rate of complications are consistent with the international literature.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Endoscopy/methods , Frontal Sinus/surgery , Severity of Illness Index , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Nasal Surgical Procedures
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385890


RESUMEN: El diente supernumerario de ubicación nasal es una patología de baja prevalencia en la población con diferentes formas y sintomatología clínica. Es importante establecer un diagnóstico respecto a sus características clínicas y radiológicas para realizar una planificación de tratamiento quirúrgica adecuada, con nula o escasas complicaciones post intervención. Presentación del caso: En el presente estudio se reporta el caso de un niño de 10 años de edad, sin antecedentes mórbidos, que recurre al servicio por presentar un diente supernumerario en la línea media hallado radiográficamente. El CBCT demuestra un mesiodens en el septum nasal, palatal inclinado e invertido, parcialmente erupcionado cubierto por mucosa nasal, con su corona en sentido a la cavidad nasal en relación a las fosas nasales. El diente fue extraído con anestesia general mediante un abordaje transoral a través de una vestibulotomía. El diente supernumerario nasal es una patología poco prevalente. Es importante conocer sus características clínicas y radiográficas ya que determinarán el tipo de abordaje a realizar. El grado de erupción, la distancia a la espina nasal anterior y su sintomatología asociada son fundamentales para determinar si el abordaje quirúrgico es intraoral o extraoral.

ABSTRACT: The supernumerary tooth of nasal location is a pathology of low prevalence in the population with different forms and clinical symptoms. It is important to establish a diagnosis regarding its clinical and radiological characteristics in order to carry out adequate surgical treatment planning, with few or no post-intervention complications. Case presentation: This study reports the case of a 10-year-old boy, with no morbid history, who presented a supernumerary tooth, found radiographically in the midline. CBCT showed a mesiodens in the nasal septum, tilted and inverted palatal, partially erupted covered by nasal mucosa, with its crown facing the nasal cavity in relation to the nostrils. The tooth was extracted under general anesthesia using a transoral approach through a vestibulotomy. The nasal supernumerary tooth is a rare pathology. It is important to know its clinical and radiographic characteristics since they will determine the type of approach to be used. The degree of eruption, the distance to the anterior nasal spine and its associated symptoms are essential to determine whether the surgical approach is intraoral or extraoral.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974034


Objective@#To present our surgical experience and technique in performing endoscopic sinus surgery for vascular sinonasal tumors without pre-operative embolization using intraoperative ligation of the external carotid artery or its distal branches.@*Methods@#Design: Retrospective Series. Setting: Tertiary Private Teaching Hospital. Participants: Seven Patients. @*Results@#Out of 7 patients (5 males, 2 females, aged 12 to 64 years old) with non-embolized vascular sinonasal tumors, 2 had juvenile angiofibroma, 3 had a benign vascular tumor (hemangiopericytoma, hemangioma and a vasoformative solitary fibrous tumor), and 2 had a malignancy (rhabdomyosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma). Four (57.1%) had external carotid artery ligation, two (28.6%) had internal maxillary artery ligation and one (14.2%) had sphenopalatine artery ligation. The mean intraoperative blood loss was 2447.1 mL (range 900mL to 5,000mL) and average operation duration was 7.6 hours (range 2.9 hours to 14.5 hours). The average amount of transfused blood products was 1785.7mL (zero to 3,000mL). The average hospital stay was 7 days (range 2 to 13 days) with one post-operative complication (ICU admission for hypotension from intraoperative blood loss). @*Conclusion@#Intraoperative ligation of the ECA or its distal branches to disrupt the vascular supply of sinonasal tumors may provide a viable means of preventing excessive intraoperative blood loss in patients with non-embolized vascular sinonasal tumors.

Cardiovascular System , Neoplasms, Vascular Tissue
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 85(5): 551-559, Sept.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039282


Abstract Introduction: Radiologic evaluation is mandatory to assess the type of endoscopic approach concerning sinonasal pathology and reconstruction of fractured defects before any treatment modalities are instituted related to medial wall of the orbit. Objective: The goal was to provide improved understanding of the lamina papyracea variations and the relationship with the orbital morphometry. Methods: This retrospective study was performed using computed tomography scans of 200 orbits and results were compared with respect to age, sex, laterality and LP variations. Results: Lamina papyracea variations were categorized as type A, 80.5% (161/200); type B, 16% (32/200); type C, 3.5% (7/200). For medial wall the anterior and posterior lamina papyracea heights and angles were found as 17.14 mm, 147.88º and 9.6 mm, 152.72º, respectively. Also, the length of the lamina papyracea, the mean area of the orbital floor, medial wall, lamina papyracea and orbital entrance were 33.3 mm, 7.2 cm2, 6.89 cm2, 4.51 cm2 and 12.46 cm2 respectively. The orbital height and width were measured as 35.9 mm and 39.2 mm respectively. The mean orbital cavity depth was 46.3 mm from optic foramen to the orbital entrance and the orbital volume was 19.29 cm3. We analyzed the morphometric measurements tending to increase with aging and greater in men and the relationship of them with lamina papyracea types. Conclusion: Precise knowledge of the lamina papyracea anatomy using computed tomography is essential for safer and more effective surgery and preforming the dimensions of an implant. In this way, the postoperative complications can be decreased and the best outcome can be provided.

Resumo Introdução: A avaliação radiológica é mandatória para avaliar o tipo de abordagem endoscópica no tratamento cirúrgico de doença nasossinusal e na reconstrução de fraturas antes de quaisquer modalidades de tratamento relacionadas à parede medial orbital. Objetivo: O objetivo foi proporcionar uma melhor compreensão das variações da lâmina papirácea e a relação com a morfometria orbital. Método: Este estudo retrospectivo foi realizado por meio de tomografia computadorizada de 200 órbitas, e os resultados foram comparados em relação à idade, sexo, lateralidade e variações da lâmina pairácea. Resultados: As variações da lâmina papirácea foram categorizadas como tipo A, 80,5% (161/200); tipo B, 16% (32/200); tipo C, 3,5% (7/200). Para a parede medial, as medidas das alturas anteriores e posteriores da lâmina papirácea e ângulos foram de 17,14 mm, 147,88º e 9,6 mm, 152,72º, respectivamente. Além disso, as medidas do seu comprimento da, da área média do assoalho orbital, e da parede medial, lâmina papyracea e entrada orbital foram: 33,3 mm, 7,2 cm2, 6,89 cm2, 4,51 cm2 e 12,46 cm2, respectivamente. As medidas da altura e da largura orbitais foram 35,9 mm e 39,2 mm, respectivamente. A profundidade média da cavidade orbital foi de 46,3 mm, do forame óptico até a entrada orbital, e o volume orbital foi de 19,29 cm3. Analisamos as medidas morfométricas com tendência a aumentar com o envelhecimento e nos indivíduos do sexo masculino, e a relação das mesmas com os tipos de lâmina. Conclusões: O conhecimento preciso da anatomia da lâmina papirácea por meio de tomografia computadorizada é essencial para uma cirurgia mais segura e eficaz, além de permitir pré-moldar as dimensões do implante. Assim, as complicações pós-operatórias podem ser minimizadas, obtendo-se melhores resultados.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Endoscopy/methods , Orbit/injuries , Paranasal Sinuses/surgery , Paranasal Sinuses/injuries , Paranasal Sinuses/diagnostic imaging , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Retrospective Studies , Ethmoid Bone/injuries , Ethmoid Bone/diagnostic imaging
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-208680


Introduction: The aim of this study was to review management, surgical approaches used, blood loss, complications, andrecurrence rate of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) in our institution during 2002–2005 period.Materials and Methods: All patients referred for a JNA were included in the study. Medical files and imaging data wereretrospectively analyzed. Surgical management was then evaluated consecutive patients operated on from April 2002 to June2005. Case series with chart review. The study was conducted from data on patients operated from April 2002 to 2005 in MadrasMedical College and Government General Hospital.Results: A total of 42 patients were operated on, with a mean age of 16.8 years (range, 9–31 years). In the endoscopic approachblood loss was found to be <300 ml. With Weber Ferguson trans palatine extensive tumor with proptosis blood loss was >1000 mlembolization has reduced the intraoperative blood loss. Since they explored pterygopalatine fossa by removing,posterior partof medial wall and posterior wall completely, recurrence was rare.Conclusion: Progress in skull base anatomy, instrumentation, cameras, and surgical strategy allows for expansion of theindications for endoscopic removal of JNA. This approach may have a better outcome in terms of blood loss, hospital stay, andlocal sequelae. Still, an external approach should be considered only for selected cases due to a massive intracranial extensionor optic nerve or internal carotid artery entrapment by the tumor.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 78(3): 281-286, set. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978813


RESUMEN El cavum de Meckel (CM) es un divertículo localizado en la fosa media adyacente al seno cavernoso. Las neoplasias de esta región son extremadamente raras y representan un desafío para el cirujano debido a las estructuras neurovasculares que se encuentran en la región. Para los tumores ubicados en esta área se han descrito diversos abordajes quirúrgicos, los cuales no logran una adecuada exposición a la porción anteromedial del CM. En la última década, se ha postulado el abordaje endoscópico endonasal extendido (AEE) como una alternativa quirúrgica para el manejo de lesiones ubicadas en esta región. Se presenta el caso de un paciente portador de un schwannoma del nervio trigémino situado en el CM derecho tratado mediante AEE.

ABSTRACT The Meckel's cave (CM) is a diverticulum located in the middle fossa adjacent to the cavernous sinus. The neoplasms of this region are extremely rare and represent a challenge for the surgeon due to the neurovascular structures that occupy and surround the parasellar region. For tumors located in this area, several surgical approaches have been described, all of which do not achieve an adequate exposure to the anteromedial portion of CM. In the last decade, the extended endonasal endoscopic approach (EEA) has been postulated as an alternative for the surgical management of tumors located in this region. We present the case of a patient with a trigeminal schwannoma located in the right CM treated by EEA.

Humans , Male , Adult , Infratentorial Neoplasms/surgery , Neurosurgical Procedures/methods , Endoscopy/methods , Nasal Cavity/surgery , Infratentorial Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Skull Base/surgery , Neurilemmoma/surgery
Cir. parag ; 41(2): 37-40, ago. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-972608


La Diástasis de los rectos (DR) consiste en la separación existente entre los músculos recto anterior del abdomen, no es considerado un defecto herniario sino una alteración de la línea alba. Se la relaciona con edad, la multiparidad, el aumento de peso y clínicamente se manifiesta con un abombamiento en la línea media y suele acompañar a otros defectos dela línea media (hernia umbilical y epigástrica). Reportamos el caso de una paciente de 40 años de edad portadora de Diastasis de los rectos de 4 cm que fue sometida a reparación por abordaje endoscópico supraaponeurótico y con refuerzo protésico.

Rectus diastasis (RD) consists of the separation between the rectus abdominis anterior muscles, it is not considered a hernia defect but an alteration of the alba line. It is associated with age, multiparity, weight gain and clinically manifests with a bulging of the midline and usually accompanies other midline defects (umbilical and epigastric hernia). We report the case of a 40-year-old female patient with a 4 cm rectus diastasis who underwent repair by supraaponeurotic endoscopic approach and with prosthetic reinforcement.

Female , Humans , Adult , Hernia, Umbilical/diagnosis , Hernia, Umbilical/surgery
Rev. chil. neurocir ; 43(1): 53-58, July 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-869779


A pesar del desarrollo de las técnicas quirúrgicas de base de cráneo, los meningiomas petroclivales constituyen un reto para el neurocirujano debido a su localización y relación con estructuras neurológicas y vasculares críticas. Se reportan 2 pacientes con diagnóstico de meningioma petroclival que recibieron tratamiento por etapas incluyendo derivación ventrículo peritoneal asistida por endoscopia para la hidrocefalia, abordaje endonasal endoscópico (AEE) extendido al ápex petroso, keyhole subtemporal y retromastoideo con remoción de la lesión. La evolución fue satisfactoria. Se concluyó que los abordajes endoscópicos y por etapas constituyen una excelente opción en el tratamiento de los meningiomas petroclivales.

In spite of the development of the skull base surgery techniques, petroclival meningiomas are a challenge for neurosurgeon due to their localization and relationship with neurovascular structures. Those are two patient with diagnostic of petroclival meningioma whom received treatment step by step included ventricle peritoneal shunt with endoscopic guide for hydrocephalus, extended endonasal approach to petrous apex, subtemporal and retrosigmoid keyhole. The endoscopic approach is an excellent option in the treatment of petroclival meningioma.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Nasal Cavity/surgery , Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery/methods , Endoscopy/methods , Petrous Bone/pathology , Meningioma/surgery , Meningioma/diagnostic imaging , Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt , Brain Neoplasms , Skull Base/surgery , Hydrocephalus, Normal Pressure , Hypertension , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Osteotomy/methods , Paresis , Radiosurgery/methods , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods
Rev. chil. neurocir ; 42(1): 31-36, jul. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-869750


Los meningiomas del surco olfatorio representan el 10 por ciento de los meningiomas intracraneales, se originan de la lámina cribosa del etmoides, la sutura fronto-esfenoidal y el plano esfenoidal. Son tumores en su mayoría benignos y potencialmente curables, la recurrencia ocurre en grado variable siendo el grado de resección quirúrgica el predictor más importante de recurrencia. En este artículo se exponen los resultados alcanzados con el abordaje endonasal endoscópico extendido transcribiforme en pacientes con meningiomas del surco olfatorio en el servicio de neurocirugía del hospital clínico quirúrgico Hermanos Ameijeiras. La serie fue de 12 pacientes donde la cefalea, la anosmia y los trastornos neuropsicológicos fueron los síntomas predominantes. Los tumores tuvieron un tamaño ≥ a 6 cm en el 50 por ciento de los casos y con el abordaje endonasal endoscópico extendido transcribiforme se alcanzó una resección total con Simpson I en el 92 por ciento de los enfermos. Los límites del abordaje endonasal endoscópico en la fosa anterior se encuentran en constante extensión, siendo el abordaje endonasal endoscópico extendido transcribiforme la opción ideal y prometedora para los pacientes con Meningiomas del surco olfatorio.

Olfactory groove meningiomas represent 10 percent of intracranial meningiomas, originate from cribriform plate of ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid suture and the sphenoid plane. They are mostly benign and potentially curable tumors, the recurrence occurs in varying degree and the extent of surgical resection is the most important predictor of this recurrence. This article presents the results achieved with the transcribiform extended endoscopic endonasal approach in patients with meningiomas of olfactorygroove in neurosurgery department of the “Hermanos Ameijeiras” hospital. The series was of 12 patients where headache, anosmia, and neuropsychological disorders were the predominant symptoms. The tumors had a size ≥ 6 cm on 50 percent of the cases and with transcribiform extended endoscopic endonasal approach was reached total removal in 92 percent (Simpson I) of the patients. The limits of endoscopic endonasal approach for anterior fossa are in constant expansion, being the transcribiform extended endoscopic endonasal approach the ideal and promising option for patients with olfactory groove meningiomas.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery/methods , Ethmoid Bone , Frontal Lobe , Cranial Fossa, Anterior/pathology , Meningioma/surgery , Skull Base Neoplasms/surgery , Olfactory Pathways/pathology , Diagnostic Imaging , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Meningioma/pathology , Neurosurgical Procedures/methods , Sphenoid Sinus
Asian Spine Journal ; : 821-827, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-27918


STUDY DESIGN: Anatomical study. PURPOSE: To evaluate the anatomy of intervertebral disc (IVD) area in the triangular working zone of the lumbar spine based on cadaveric measurements. OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE: The posterolateral percutaneous approach to the lumbar spine has been widely used as a minimally invasive spinal surgery. However, to our knowledge, the actual perspective of disc boundaries and areas through posterolateral endoscopic approach are not well defined. METHODS: Ninety-six measurements for areas and dimensions of IVD in Kambin's triangle on bilateral sides of L1–S1 in 5 fresh human cadavers were studied. RESULTS: The trapezoidal IVD area (mean±standard deviation) for true working space was 63.65±14.70 mm2 at L1–2, 70.79±21.88 mm2 at L2–3, 99.03±15.83 mm2 at L3–4, 116.22±20.93 mm2 at L4–5, and 92.18±23.63 mm2 at L5–S1. The average dimension of calculated largest ellipsoidal cannula that could be placed in IVD area was 5.83×11.02 mm at L1–2, 6.97×10.78 mm at L2–3, 9.30×10.67 mm at L3–4, 8.84×13.15 mm at L4–5, and 6.61×14.07 mm at L5–S1. CONCLUSIONS: The trapezoidal perspective of working zone of IVD in Kambin's triangle is important and limited. This should be taken into consideration when developing the tools and instruments for posterolateral endoscopic lumbar spine surgery.

Humans , Cadaver , Catheters , Intervertebral Disc , Spine
Rev. chil. neurocir ; 40(1): 12-17, jul. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-831376


Introducción: Los craneofaringiomas, son tumores frecuentes y aunque son histológicamente benignos, plantean importantes problemas terapéuticos por su naturaleza y morbilidad asociada a la cirugía, siendo una lesión desafiante para los neurocirujanos. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de los resultados alcanzados con el abordaje endonasal endoscópico extendido trans-tubérculo trans-plano en una serie de pacientes con diagnóstico de craneofaringioma en el período de 2009 al 2012 en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico “Hermanos Ameijeiras”. Resultados: Se intervinieron 37 pacientes, (23 F/14 M). Se logró la resección total macroscópica en 34 pacientes. La complicación más frecuente fue la diabetes insípida presentada en 16 enfermos. Tuvimos 4 fallecidos: 3 de ellos por complicaciones médicas en el postoperatorio tardío. Conclusiones: El abordaje endonasal endoscópico extendido trans-tubérculo trans-plano permite acometer el tratamiento quirúrgico favoreciendo una resección amplia para este tipo de lesión. Con tecnología aun en desarrollo este abordaje representa una alternativa esperanzadora para los pacientes con craneofaringiomas.

Introduction: The craneopharyngiomas, are frequent tumors and although they are histological benign lesion, they outline therapeutic important problems for their nature and morbidity associated to the surgery, being a defiant lesion for neurosurgeons. Material and Methods: In this article, we present the results using Extended Endonasal Endoscopic Approach trans-tuberculum trans-planum in patient with craniopharyngioma in “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Hospital between 2009 and 2012. Results: 37 patients were operated, (23 F/ 14 M). We achieve gross total resection in 34 patients. The most frequent complication was insipid diabetes presented in 16 patients. We had 4 deaths, 3 of them were for postoperative medical complication. Conclusions: The extended endonasal endoscopic approach trans-tuberculum trans-planum allows performing the surgical treatment with a wide resection in this type lesion. With technology even in development this approaches represents an alternative for patients with craniopharyngioma.

Humans , Male , Craniofacial Abnormalities/surgery , Nasal Cavity/surgery , Craniopharyngioma/surgery , Craniopharyngioma/complications , Craniopharyngioma/mortality , Craniopharyngioma , Endoscopy/methods , Diabetes Insipidus, Neurogenic , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Journal of Rhinology ; : 55-58, 2014.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-180329


Osteoma is a slow-growing benign tumor composed of mature bone. Paranasal sinus osteoma is benign, well-circumscribed, slow-growing, frequently asymptomatic and usually diagnosed incidentally. However, depending on the location, osteoma may lead to headaches, proptosis, rhinorrhea, diplopia, hyposmia and facial deformity. While it is generally agreed that surgical intervention is not indicated, symptomatic osteomas are always treated surgically, typically with open procedures. As an alternative, the endonasal technique presents several important advantages: better visualization of anatomic structures; preservation of the natural drainage pathway; absence of scar formation; reduced morbidity; shorter hospital stay; and limited bleeding. We experienced a case of osteoma presenting with occipital headache and that was removed using anintranasal endoscopic approach. Here we report this case with a review of literature.

Cicatrix , Congenital Abnormalities , Diplopia , Drainage , Ethmoid Sinus , Exophthalmos , Headache , Hemorrhage , Length of Stay , Orbit , Osteoma
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-155190


PURPOSE: In this study we evaluated the location and shape of the optic canal using computed tomography (CT) for diagnosis and treatment of posterior orbital diseases. METHODS: Fifty patients, who had received a facial bone CT between November 2012 and June 2013 at Korea University Hospital were included in the present study. The location and shape of the optic canal was evaluated using 9 parameters on CT (P1: nasal bone tip; P2: middle point of tuberculum sellae; P3: root of columella nasi; P4: orbit end of the optic canal; P5: cranium end or the optic canal; P6: P1's projection on L2; L1: line that links P1 and P2; L2: goes through P3 and parallel to L1; L3: bisector of right and left and goes through P1). RESULTS: The distance between P3 and P4 was 81.5 mm and 75.6 mm in males and females, respectively (p = 0.001). The distance between P3 and P5 was 88.5 mm and 82.1 mm in, males and females, respectively (p = 0.001). The width of the orbital end and cranium end of the optic canal, the length of the optic canal was 2.4 mm, 4.1 mm, 10.9 mm in males and 2.3 mm, 3.6 mm, 10.2 mm, in females, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: By determining the location and shape of the optic canal, these results can facilitate endoscopic approaches to diagnose and manage posterior orbital diseases as well as manage and prevent disorders associated with the optic canal.

Female , Humans , Male , Diagnosis , Facial Bones , Korea , Nasal Bone , Orbit , Orbital Diseases , Skull
Cir. parag ; 37(2): 17-21, dic. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-972548


La fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo (FLCR) es la comunicación entre el espacio subaracnoídeo y la vía aérea superior. Las podemos clasificar según su etiología en quirúrgicas, traumáticas, congénitas y espontáneas. El tratamiento de las fistulas de LCR puede ser conservador o quirúrgico. OBJETIVO: Describir la experiencia en el manejo de fístulas de líquido cefalorraquídeo y analizar las técnicas quirúrgicas endoscópicas intranasales y los resultados quirúrgicos obtenidos en nuestro servicio. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico de FLCR que recibieron tratamiento en el Servicio de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello del Hospital de Clínicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción entre marzo de 2008 y diciembre de 2012. RESULTADOS: Se revisaron 17 historias clínicas de pacientescon diagnóstico de FLCR. El tratamiento fue conservador en 2 pacientes. En los 15 restantes se realizó reparación endoscópica del defecto. Sólo un paciente presentó recidiva. CONCLUSIÓN: La experiencia en nuestro servicio demuestra que el abordaje endoscópico se ha ganado su espacio en el tratamiento de las fístulas de LCR. Los resultados obtenidos para la corrección de fistulas son favorables, con buena tasa de éxito y pocas complicaciones.

The cerebrospinal fluid leak (CSF leak) is defined as the communication between the subarachnoid space and the upper airway. Can be classified according to their etiology: surgical, traumatic, congenital and spontaneous. The treatment of CSF fistulas can be conservative or surgical. OBJECTIVE: To describe the experience in the management of cerebrospinal fluid leaks and analyze intranasal endoscopic surgical techniques and surgical results obtained in our service. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study. We included patients with a diagnosis of CSF leak who were treated at the Department of Otolarhinoryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the Hospital de Clinicas of the Universidad Nacional de Asuncion between March 2008 and December 2012. RESULTS: We reviewed 17 medical records of patients diagnosed with CSF leak between March 2008 and December 2012. The most frequent reason for consultation was watery rhinorrhea in 16 cases. There was a case that consulted form metallic foreign body in the nasal cavity roof. Treatment was conservative in 2 patients. In the remaining 15 was performed endoscopic repair of the defect. Only one patient had recurrence. CONCLUSION: The experience in our service demonstrates that the endoscopic approach has earned its place in the treatment of CSF leakage. The results for the corrections are favorable, with good success rate and few complications.

Fistula/cerebrospinal fluid , Fluorescein
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 73(2): 133-139, ago. 2013. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-690557


Introducción: Para acceder a la región selar, podemos utilizar las técnicas transcraneal, transeptal, o transnasal endoscópica, pudiendo provocar diferentes grados de hiposmia. Se ha descrito menor morbilidad al utilizar la técnica endoscópica, pero faltan estudios dirigidos a los resultados olfatorios. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de deterioro olfatorio en los pacientes sometidos a un abordaje transnasal endoscópico. Material y método: Se reclutaron 12 pacientes con tumores en la región selar durante 8 meses. Se les realizó un test de olfato preoperatorio, fueron intervenidos mediante abordaje transnasal endoscópico y controlados al mes posoperatorio. Resultados: Se logró seguimiento a 10 pacientes. Seis (60%) presentaron un test de olfato preoperatorio normal. Al mes posoperatorio, se constató mejoría olfatoria en 1 (10%) paciente, 8 (80%) se mantuvieron en la misma categoría y 1 (10%) presentó deterioro olfatorio. En suma, 9 de 10 pacientes (90%) mantienen o mejoran su olfato al mes posoperatorio. Conclusión: Nuestros resultados sugieren que el abordaje transnasal endoscópico utilizado en este estudio no produce deterioro olfatorio. Dado que además es una técnica de abordaje efectiva y relativamente segura, consideramos que constituye una alternativa factible para utilizar en pacientes con patología tumoral en la región selar.

Introduction: To access the sellar region we can use the transcranial, transeptal, or transnasal endoscopic approaches, which may cause different degrees of hyposmia. It has described less morbidity to use the endocopic technique, however, there are few studies directed at olfactory outcomes. Aim: To determine the presence of olfactory impairment secondary to endoscopic transnasal approach. Material and method: 12 patients with tumors in the sellar region were enrolled during 8 months. They were underwent a smell test preoperatively, operated by endoscopic transnasal approach, and controlled with postoperative retesting, after one month. Results: Follow-up was achieved to 10 patients. 6 (60%) presented a normal preoperative smell test. Within one postoperative month, olfactory improvement was found in 1 (10%) patient, 8 (80%) remained in the same category and 1 (10%) had olfactory impairment. In all, 9 out of 10 patients (90%) maintain or improve their sense of smell after surgery. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the transnasal endoscopic approach used in this study, doesn't produce olfactory impairment. Given that is also an effective and relatively safe approach, we believe that is a feasible alternative for use in patients with tumor pathology in the sellar region.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Smell/physiology , Skull Base Neoplasms/surgery , Endoscopy/adverse effects , Olfaction Disorders/diagnosis , Sphenoid Bone/surgery , Olfactory Mucosa/surgery , Cohort Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Endoscopy/methods , Olfaction Disorders/etiology , Olfaction Disorders/physiopathology , Nasal Cavity/surgery
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-172803


Background: The use of endoscope for the management of pituitary adenoma is not new. The better magnification and illumination provided by the endoscope gives better outcome than microscopic pituitary surgery. Objective: To find out the benefits of endoscope in relation to microscopic surgery. Materials and Methods: We performed 45 cases of pituitary adenoma surgery by endoscopic endonasal approach from July 2008 to July 2010. Results: Forty five cases underwent endoscopic transsphenoidal approach. Gross total removal was done in 35 cases and subtotal removal was done in 10 cases. Residual tumours were seen in 10 cases (22%) in postoperative follow-up MRI scan. Visual improvement was satisfactory, and hormonal improvement of functional adenoma was nice. Postoperative visual acuity and visual field were improved in 75% cases. There were 37% cases of temporary diabetes insipidus and about 4.5% cases of permanent diabetes insipidus. The average duration of follow-up was 20 months. One patient required reexploration to correct visual deterioration in the immediate postoperative period. There were 4.5% cases of CSF leak and 6.6% mortality. Mortality was due to electrolyte imbalance and improper management of infection and hydrocephalus. Conclusion: Endoscopic endonasal pituitary surgery now has become a gold standard surgery for most of the pituitary adenomas because of its better advantages in relation to microscopic surgery and less complications and less hospital stay.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 844-847, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-440014


The treatment strategy for infected acute necrotizing pancreatitis is that enables recovery but at the same time limits the morbidity and mortality.The current gold standard remains open necrosectomy.Recent literature contains scattered reports of percutaneous drainage,endoscopic,and laparoscopic approaches to managing patients with this condition.This review addresses the role of minimally invasive approaches and treatment strategy in patients with infected acute necrotizing pancreatitis.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-13802


BACKGROUND: Minimally invasive cardiac surgery has emerged as an alternative to conventional open surgery. This report reviews our experience with atrial septal defect using the da VinciTM surgical robot system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study included 50 consecutive patients who underwent atrial septal defect repair using the da VinciTM surgical robot system between October 2007 and May 2011. Among these, 13 patients (26%) were approached through a totally endoscopic approach and the others by mini-thoracotomy. Nineteen patients had concomitant procedures including tricuspid annuloplasty (n=10), mitral valvuloplasty (n=9), and maze procedure (n=4). The mean follow-up duration was 16.9+/-10.4 months. RESULTS: No remnant interatrial shunt was detected by intraoperative or postoperative echocardiography. The atrial septal defects were mainly repaired by Gore-Tex patch closure (80%). There was no operative mortality or serious surgical complications. The aortic cross clamping time and cardiopulmonary bypass time were 74.1+/-32.2 and 157.6+/-49.7 minutes, respectively. The postoperative hospital stay was 5.5+/-3.3 days. CONCLUSION: The atrial septal defect repair with concomitant procedures like mitral valve repair or tricuspid valve repair using the da VinciTM system is a feasible method. In addition, in selected patients, complete port access can be helpful for better cosmetic results and less musculoskeletal injury.

Humans , Cardiopulmonary Bypass , Constriction , Cosmetics , Echocardiography , Follow-Up Studies , Heart Septal Defects , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial , Length of Stay , Mitral Valve , Polytetrafluoroethylene , Retrospective Studies , Thoracic Surgery , Tricuspid Valve
Rev. chil. neurocir ; 38(1): 62-66, jun. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-716518


El neurocitoma debe considerarse en el diagnóstico diferencial de los tumores pineales. La éxeresis quirúrgica total es esencial, y se puede realizar a través de diferentes abordajes: trans-cerebeloso, transcallosal, transcortical-Transventricular. La cirugía con puerto cerebral (brain port) es un abordaje quirúrgico que combina la resección endoscópica guiada por estereotaxia delesiones expansivas intraventriculares. Este proceder es una técnica mínimamente invasiva y es capaz de lograr la resección tumoral con mínimo daño al tejido nervioso. Reportamos un caso con un neurocitoma pineal, una paciente femenina de 29 años, Que debutó con hipertensión intracraneal secundaria a hidrocefalia obstructiva. Se logró la exéresis quirúrgica mediante brain port sin complicaciones. Los marcadores tumorales previos a la cirugía fueron negativos. El índice MIB-1 fue menor a un 4 por ciento y durante un año de seguimiento no se ha demostrado recidiva tumoral. La cirugía brain-port es una técnica segura para el abordaje a tumores de región pineal.

Neurocytoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pineal tumours. Total surgical resection is essential, through different approaches: transcortical-transventricular, transcallosal and transcerebellar. Brain port surgery is a surgical approach that combines endoscopic resection via stereotactic guide in intraventricular mass. This procedure is a minimally invasive technique and it is able to achieve tumour resection with minimal nervous tissue damage. We report a case with a pineal neurocytoma, a 29 years old female patient with symptoms of intracranial hypertension secondary to obstructive hydrocephalus. Total removal was done with brain port surgery without complications. Tumoral markers (AFP, CEA, HCG-ß) performed previously to surgery were negative. MIB-1 index was less than 4 percent and patient’s follow-up during one year after surgery didn’t show recurrence. Brain port surgery is considered as a safe technique to approach pineal region tumours.

Humans , Adult , Female , Brain Neoplasms , Endoscopy/methods , Pineal Gland/pathology , Neurocytoma/surgery , Neurocytoma/diagnosis , Stereotaxic Techniques , Ablation Techniques , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures