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Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): E035-E035, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-819273


Objective To compare the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 in Guangzhou and Wenzhou, and evaluate the effectiveness of their prevention and control measures. Methods Data of COVID-19 cases reported in Guangzhou and Wenzhou as of 29 February, 2020 were collected. The incidence curves of COVID-19 in two cities were constructed. The real time reproduction number ( R t ) of COVID-19 in two cities was calculated respectively. Results A total of 346 and 465 confirmed COVID-19 cases were analysed in Guangzhou and Wenzhou, respectively. In two cities, most cases were aged 30-59 years (Guangzhou: 54.9%; Wenzhou: 70.3%). The incidence curve peaked on 27 January, 2020 in Guangzhou and on 26 January, 2020 in Wenzhou, then began to decline in both cities. The peaks of imported COVID-19 cases from Hubei occurred earlier than the peak of COVID-19 incidences in two cities, and the peak of imported cases from Hubei occurred earlier in Wenzhou than in Guangzhou. In early epidemic phase, imported cases were predominant in both cities, then the number of local cases increased and gradually took the dominance in Wenzhou. In Guangzhou, the imported cases was still predominant. Despite the different epidemic pattern, the R t and the number of COVID-19 cases declined after strict prevention and control measures were taken in Guangzhou and in Wenzhou. Conclusion The time and scale specific differences of imported COVID-19 resulted in different epidemic patterns in two cities, but the spread of the disease were effectively controlled after taking strict prevention and control measures.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-459852


Objective To study the epidemic pattern and molecular variation of respiratory syncy-tial virus ( RSV) strains isolated in Shenzhen from year 2012 to 2013.Methods The clinical samples iso-lated from patients with influenza-like illness were analyzed by fluorescent RT-PCR to screen RSV positive strains.The C-terminal variable regions of genes encoding G proteins were amplified by nested RT-PCR. Molecular variation was analyzed by using Clustal W and MEGA softwares.Results RSV strains were wide-ly prevalent in Shenzhen from 2012 to 2013.Two epidemic peaks usually occurred in spring and summer/au-tumn of each year.The RSV isolates were subtyped into group A belonging to genotype NA1 and group B be-longing to genotype BAⅨ.Most of the mutations scattered at the C-terminal region of G protein.A few mu-tations caused the disappearance of certain glycosylation sites.A novel recombinant virus strain containing 24 inserted amino acids was identified in 2013, which was likely to be introduced into our country from abroad. Conclusion RSV strains were widely and continuously prevalent in Shenzhen, characterized by constant evolution and variation.