Introdução:O diabetes mellitustipo 2éuma condição endócrino-metabólica caracterizada pela hiperglicemia crônica decorrente da progressiva perda de sensibilidade periférica à insulina. Com efeito, as mudanças ocorridas nos padrões alimentares e de atividade física nos últimos anos possuem estreita relação com o aumento na prevalência dediabetes mellitus tipo 2mundialmente. Dito isso, é imprescindível a identificação precoce dos hábitos de vida inadequados na população, para que seja possível atuar preventivamente e diminuir os riscos de desenvolvimento da doença. Objetivo:Analisar os fatores de risco e o risco de desenvolvimento de diabetes mellitustipo 2 entre os alunos do curso de medicina, por meio do Escore Finlandês de Risco de Diabetes. Metodologia:Estudo epidemiológico analítico realizado por meio de questionário auto aplicado. As prevalências dos fatores de risco foram calculadas, e o teste do qui-quadrado e/ou Exato de Fisher foram realizados para verificar possível associação dos fatores de risco e o perfil dos entrevistados. 343 estudantes participaram do estudo. Resultados:A pontuação foi de 4,45 na amostra geral, classificado como "risco baixo". Os fatores de risco mais prevalentes foram parentesco com indivíduo portador de diabetes, alimentação não-saudável e sedentarismo. Houve associação entre sexo feminino e sedentarismo e entre sexo masculino e sobrepeso/obesidade. Conclusões:O escore de risco dos estudantes de medicina é considerado baixo e a presença de fatores de risco pode ser associada ao perfil do entrevistado (AU).
Introduction:Diabetes mellitus type 2is an endocrine and metabolic condition characterized by chronic hyperglycemia arising from progressive loss of peripheral sensibility to insulin. Effectively, changes in diet and physical activity in the past years are closely related to the increase in prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2worldwide. Considering that, it is indispensable to perform an early identification of inadequate populational lifestyles in order to allow preventative measures seeking to decrease the development of this disease. Objective:Analyzing the risk factors and risks of developing diabetes mellitus type 2 among the medicine school students through the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score. Methodology:Analytic epidemiologic study through a self-assessment questionnaire. Risk factors prevalence were calculated and the chi-square test and/or the Fisher's exact test were conducted to verify a possible association between risk factors and interviewees' profile. 343 students have participated in the study. Results:Within the general sampling, the final scorewas 4.45, which is classified as "low risk". The most prevalent risk factors were: being related to individuals with diabetes, unhealthy diet, and sedentarism. There was an association of female individuals and sedentarism, and of male individuals and overweight/obesity. Conclusions:The risk score of the medicine school students is considered low and the appearance of risk factors can be associated to the interviewee's profile (AU).
Introducción: El diabetes mellitus clase 2es una condición endocrino-metabólica caracterizada por la hiperglucemia crónica originada por la progresiva pérdida de sensibilidad periférica a la insulina. En efecto, los cambios que ocurren en los estándares alimentarios y de actividad física en los últimos años tienen relación con el aumento de la prevalencia dediabetes mellitus classe 2mundialmente. Por ello, es importante la identificación temprana de los hábitos de vida no adecuados en la población para que se pueda actuar de manera preventiva y disminuir los riesgos de desarrollo de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Analizar los factores de riesgo y el riesgo del desarrollo de diabetes mellitus clase 2 entre los alumnos del curso de medicina, a través del Score Finlandés de Riesgo de Diabetes. Metodología: Estudios epidemiológico-analíticos hechos a través de encuestas auto aplicadas. Las prevalencias de los factores de riesgo se calculan y el test de chicuadrado y/o Exacto de Fisher serealizan para verificar la posible asociación de los factores de riesgo y el perfil de los entrevistados. 343 estudiantes participan del estudio. Resultados: La puntuación es de 4,45 en la muestra general, clasificado como "riesgo bajo". Los factores de riesgo más prevalentes fueron parentesco con individuo que tiene diabetes, alimentación no sana y sedentarismo. Hubo asociación entre sexo femenino y sedentarismo y entre sexo masculino y sobrepeso/obesidad.Conclusiones: El score de riesgo de los estudiantes de medicina es considerado bajo y la presencia de factores de riesgo puede asociarse al perfil del entrevistado (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students, Medical , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathology , Life Style , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiologic Studies , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Feeding BehaviorABSTRACT
Objective:This study aimed to explore the status of radiological Kashin-Beck disease (KBD) among school-aged children in Chamdo City, Tibet, through a 3-year monitoring survey, providing epidemiological evidence for prevention and control strategies.Methods:The target areas for this study were Luolong, Bianba, and Basu counties in Chamdo City, Tibet Autonomous Region, identified as having the most severe historical cases of KBD. Children aged 7-12 years attending school were enrolled as study subjects. Anteroposterior X-ray films of the right-hand were taken, and radiological diagnoses were made based on the "Diagnosis of Kashin-Beck Disease" criteria (WS/T 207-2010). Two experienced researchers independently reviewed the X-rays, and intra- and inter-group consistency were assessed using weighted Kappa values and percentage agreement. Cross-sectional surveys were conducted in 2017 and 2020 to describe the X-ray detection rates of KBD, and logistic regression analysis was employed to construct a predictive model of risk factors for radiological KBD cases.Results:In 2017, a total of 5,711 children aged 7-12 years in Chamdo City, Tibet, participated in the baseline cross-sectional survey (average age 9.2 years, 48.0% female), with 28 cases of radiological KBD. The age- and gender-standardized prevalence rate was 0.527%. In 2020, 6,771 participants (average age 9.3 years, 49.5% female) underwent a second cross-sectional survey, with 9 cases of radiological KBD and a standardized prevalence rate of 0.134%. Logistic regression analysis indicated that older age [ OR=2.439, 95% CI(1.299, 4.580), P=0.006] and female gender [ OR=8.157, 95% CI(1.016, 65.528), P=0.048] were independent risk factors for radiological KBD cases. Conversely, higher residential altitude, under the premise of Tibet's high altitude, was a protective factor [ OR=0.995, 95% CI(0.990, 0.999), P=0.032). Conclusion:The radiographically positive detection rate of KBD among school-aged children in Chamdo City, Tibet Autonomous Region, is at an extremely low level and showing a declining trend, reaching the historical standard in 2020. Considering the absence of positive signs in affected children, it suggests that local KBD has been effectively eliminated.
Objective@#The clinical data involving pediatric dental trauma and the features of dental trauma in children were summarized to provide a reference for the treatment and prevention of dental trauma.@*Methods@#A retrospective analysis was performed on 644 children with dental trauma who were admitted to the Department of Children s Stomatology, Stomatology Hospital of Xiamen Medical College from January to December 2022. Descriptive methods were used to analyze the general demographic characteristics of the children and clinical features of dental trauma.@*Results@#The characteristics of the children with dental trauma were as follows: male-to-female ratio, 2.16∶1; mean age, (6.73±3.42) years; most frequently affected age groups, 2-4 and 7-9 years (26.09%, 33.85%); most frequent season for dental trauma, spring (27.61%) and autumn (28.55%); least common season for dental trauma, summer(18.88%); most frequent time of day for dental trauma, evening (51.47%); least common time of day for dental trauma, morning (2.68%); >24 h elapsed from dental trauma-to-treatment (42.08%); most common type of injuries; simple tooth hard tissue and pulp injury in permanent teeth(65.25%) and simple periodontal tissue injury of primary teeth( 53.35 %); most likely teeth involved, maxillary central incisors (80.10%); and number of affected teeth, 1-2.@*Conclusions@#The incidence of dental trauma in children has common features, but most children do not see a dentist timely after dental trauma occurs. Educating parents of children with dental trauma should be encouraged to reduce the incidence of dental injury.
Abstract@#The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a series of complex challenges. COVID-19 in children and adolescents is generally less severe than in adults and the elderly; however, some children and adolescents may experience severe complications and adverse health effects even after mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 infections. The article focuses on gathering the epidemic characteristics, health impact, risk factors, prevention and control measures, and vaccination status of children and adolescents with COVID-19 infection to provide recommendations for protecting children and adolescents in the post COVID-19 era.
Resumo O estudo analisou a associação entre Cyberbullying e fatores sociodemográficos, familiares, de saúde mental e comportamentais em escolares (13 a 17 anos) brasileiros. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com dados da PeNSE 2019. Realizou-se análise multivariada com regressão de Poisson. A prevalência de Cyberbullying foi de 13,2% e foi maior entre os adolescentes que sentiam que ninguém se preocupava com eles (RP=1,47; 1,36-1,59); se sentiam tristes (RP=1,5; 1,4-1,7); referiram que a vida não vale a pena (RP=1,71; 1,59-1,84); não tinham amigos (RP=1,68; 1,50-1,87); sofriam agressão dos pais (RP=1,54; 1,45-1,65); faltavam às aulas sem autorização (RP=1,13; 1,06-1,20); usavam tabaco (RP=1,19; 1,10-1,30); bebidas alcóolicas (RP=1,16; 1,08-1,25); drogas ilícitas (RP=1,14; 1,04-1,25); e tiveram relação sexual (RP=1,23; 1,14-1,33). Tiveram menor prevalência os adolescentes do sexo masculino (RP=0,85; 0,80-0,91), os mais velhos (16-17 anos) (RP=0,88; 0,82-0,95) e que reportaram ter supervisão dos pais no tempo livre (RP=0,78; 0,73-0,83). O Cyberbullying tem elevada prevalência e destaca-se a importância de monitorar a prática, estabelecendo ações de prevenção nas escolas.
Abstract This cross-sectional study assessed data from Brazil's 2019 National Student Health Survey to investigate associations between cyberbullying and sociodemographic, family, mental health, and behavioural factors among Brazilian schoolchildren. Multivariate analysis by Poisson regression found 13.2% prevalence of cyberbullying, which was higher among adolescents who felt nobody cared about them (PR=1.47; 1.36-1.59); felt sad (PR=1.5; 1.4-1.7); reported that life was not worth living (PR=1.71; 1.59-1.84); had no friends (PR=1.68; 1.50-1.87); suffered parental aggression (PR=1.54; 1.45-1.65); missed classes without permission (PR=1.13; 1.06-1.20); used tobacco (PR=1.19; 1.10-1.30); alcoholic beverages (PR=1.16; 1.08-1.25); or illicit drugs (PR=1.14; 1.04-1.25); or had sexual intercourse (PR=1.23; 1.14-1.33). Prevalence was lower among boys (PR=0.85; 0.80-0.91); those 16-17 years old (PR=0.88; 0.82-0.95); and who reported having parental supervision in their free time (PR=0.78; 0.73-0.83). Cyberbullying has a high prevalence, highlighting the importance of monitoring this practice and establishing prevention measures in schools.
ABSTRACT Background: Local studies are essential to determine the prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis C. Methods: We conducted a mixed methods study aimed at strengthening hepatitis C elimination efforts in Brazil, with concomitant triangulation of techniques and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Results: The study resulted in the development of the following technical-technological products: a) institutional documents, b) organization of committees, c) mobilization strategies, d) models for improving intersectoral awareness, e) decision-making flowcharts, f) forms, and g) health service protocols and search strategies. Conclusions: The application of these research techniques generated valuable knowledge that could be adopted in various regions across Brazil, particularly in areas with economic and sociocultural diversity.
Abstract Introduction In 2020, suicide was the third leading cause of death in Mexico among young people ages 15 and 29, accounting for 43.0% of all suicides in the country, making it a major public health issue. Objective To explore changes in the geographic distribution of suicide rates by state and to analyze the magnitude, distribution, and pattern of suicide mortality in young Mexicans ages 15 to 29 between 1990 and 2020. Method Descriptive, ecological time-series study, based on official information. Standardized mortality rates were calculated using information on deaths (INEGI) and population estimates (CONAPO). The magnitude, distribution, and patterns of suicide mortality at the national level and by state were analyzed using the Joinpoint segmented regression model. Results From 1990 to 2020, suicide mortality in young people increased by 198% and was higher in women (285%) than men (178%). The states with the highest suicide mortality rates from 2016 to 2020 were Chihuahua (18.5 suicides/100,000 young people ages 15-29), Aguascalientes (16.6), Yucatán (14.4), Guanajuato (14.1), and San Luis Potosí (12.9), accounting for 23.0% of total suicide deaths. Discussion and conclusion The study of mortality trends could contribute to the management of a national suicide prevention strategy in young Mexicans, providing support for public health decision-making, such as the identification of the states and regions that should be prioritized.
Resumen Introducción En 2020, el suicidio fue la tercera causa de muerte en México en los jóvenes de 15 a 29 años y concentró el 43.0% del total de suicidios del país. Por lo tanto, es un problema de salud pública muy relevante. Objetivo Explorar los cambios en la distribución geográfica de las tasas de suicidio por entidad federativa, así como analizar la magnitud, distribución y tendencia de la mortalidad por suicidio, en los jóvenes mexicanos de 15 a 29 años entre 1990 y 2020. Método Estudio ecológico descriptivo de series de tiempo, a partir de la información de fuentes oficiales. Se calcularon las tasas estandarizadas de mortalidad utilizando la información sobre defunciones (INEGI) y las estimaciones de población (CONAPO). Se analizó la magnitud, distribución y tendencias de la mortalidad por suicidio a nivel nacional y por entidad federativa, utilizando el modelo de regresión segmentada Joinpoint. Resultados De 1990 a 2020, la mortalidad por suicidio en jóvenes creció 198%, siendo mayor en las mujeres (285%) que en los hombres (178%). Las entidades con mayor mortalidad por suicidio, de 2016 a 2020, fueron Chihuahua (18.5 suicidios/100 mil jóvenes 15-29 años), Aguascalientes (16.6), Yucatán (14.4), Guanajuato (14.1) y San Luis Potosí (12.9), las cuales concentraron el 23.0% del total de muertes por suicidios. Discusión y conclusión El estudio de las tendencias de la mortalidad podría contribuir a la gestión de una estrategia nacional para la prevención del suicidio en jóvenes mexicanos, proporcionando sustento para la toma de decisiones en salud pública, como la identificación de las entidades federativas y regiones del país que deben recibir la máxima prioridad.
INTRODUÇÃO: O ofidismo é um problema de saúde pública negligenciado em muitos países tropicais. No Brasil, são registrados cerca de 27.000 acidentes ofídicos por ano. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes ofídicos em Minas Gerais, Brasil, mapeando áreas de risco e correlacionando a incidência de acidentes com urbanização e trabalho agropecuário. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico que analisou os 853 municípios de Minas Gerais (2007-2019), utilizando dados do Sistema de Notificação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN): município de ocorrência, idade, sexo, escolaridade, raça, tempo de atendimento, serpente, gravidade, evolução clínica. O grau de urbanização municipal e o percentual de trabalhadores agrícolas foram obtidos no Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Avaliamos e mapeamos as áreas de risco para acidentes ofídicos no estado. RESULTADOS: Os 41.725 casos notificados acometeram principalmente homens (75,1%), jovens (40,5%) e pardos (43,97%). As regiões de alto risco foram Leste do Sul, Leste, Vale do Aço e Nordeste. A incidência de acidentes ofídicos foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de urbanização (r=-0,22/p<0,0001) e positivamente correlacionada com o percentual de trabalhadores agropecuários (r=0,52/p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: A caracterização dos acidentes ofídicos no estado segue o padrão nacional, em que a maioria dos acidentes ocorre com serpentes dos gêneros Bothrops e Crotalus, com homens em idade produtiva, de baixa escolaridade e de cor parda. A maioria das vítimas recebe atendimento médico nas primeiras horas após o acidente, com alto percentual de casos que evoluem para cura. As áreas de risco estão distribuídas de forma desigual, destacando o papel da urbanização e do trabalho agropecuário na incidência do agravo.
INTRODUCTION: Ophidism is a neglected public health problem in many tropical countries. In Brazil, about 27,000 snakebites are recorded per year. The objective of this study is to describe the epidemiological profile of snakebite in Minas Gerais, Brazil, mapping risk areas, and correlating the incidence of accidents with urbanization and agricultural work. METHODS: Ecological study that analised the 853 municipalities of Minas Gerais (2007-2019), using data from Notifiable Diseases Information System: municipality of occurrence, age, sex, education, race, time to care, snake, severity, clinical evolution. The degree of municipal urbanization and the percentage of agricultural workers were obtained on IBGE. We assessed and mapped risk areas for snakebite in the state. RESULTS: The 41,725 reported cases affected mostly men (75.1%), young (40.5%), and brown (43.97%). The high-risk regions were Leste do Sul, Leste, Vale do Aço, and Nordeste. The incidence of snakebites was negatively correlated with level of urbanization (r=-0.22/p<0.0001) and positively correlated with percentage of agricultural workers (r=0.52/p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The characterization of snakebites in the state follows the national pattern. Risk areas are unevenly distributed, highlighting the roles of urbanization and agricultural work in the incidence of the injury.
Humans , Animals , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Rural Population , Snake Bites/epidemiology , Snakes , Environment and Public HealthABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To develop a convolutional neural network (CNN) model, trained with the Brazilian "Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto Musculoesquelético" (ELSA-Brasil MSK, Longitudinal Study of Adult Health, Musculoskeletal) baseline radiographic examinations, for the automated classification of knee osteoarthritis. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out with 5,660 baseline posteroanterior knee radiographs from the ELSA-Brasil MSK database (5,660 baseline posteroanterior knee radiographs). The examinations were interpreted by a radiologist with specific training, and the calibration was as established previously. Results: The CNN presented an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.866 (95% CI: 0.842-0.882). The model can be optimized to achieve, not simultaneously, maximum values of 0.907 for accuracy, 0.938 for sensitivity, and 0.994 for specificity. Conclusion: The proposed CNN can be used as a screening tool, reducing the total number of examinations evaluated by the radiologists of the study, and as a double-reading tool, contributing to the reduction of possible interpretation errors.
Resumo Objetivo: Desenvolver um modelo computacional - rede neural convolucional (RNC) - treinado com radiografias da linha de base do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto Musculoesquelético (ELSA-Brasil Musculoesquelético), para a classificação automática de osteoartrite dos joelhos. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal abrangendo todos os exames da linha de base do ELSA-Brasil Musculoesquelético (5.660 radiografias dos joelhos em incidência posteroanterior). Os exames foram interpretados por médico radiologista com treinamento específico e calibração previamente publicada. Resultados: A RNC desenvolvida apresentou área sob a curva característica de operação do receptor de 0,866 (IC 95%: 0,842-0,882). O modelo pode ser calibrado para alcançar, não simultaneamente, valores máximos de 0,907 para acurácia, 0,938 para sensibilidade e 0,994 para especificidade. Conclusão: A RNC desenvolvida pode ser utilizada como ferramenta de triagem, reduzindo o número total de exames avaliados pelos radiologistas do estudo, e/ou como ferramenta de segunda leitura, contribuindo com a redução de possíveis erros de interpretação.
A sífilis persiste como um problema de saúde pública, sobretudo pelos entraves existentes no enfrentamento da sífilis gestacional e congênita. Considerando que a ocorrência dessas infecções se relaciona a fatores maternos e programáticos, este estudo buscou analisar as características epidemiológicas do binômio mãe-filho exposto à sífilis e sua distribuição espacial no Paraná entre 2012 e 2020. Trata-se de estudo descritivo e ecológico, com dados dos sistemas nacionais de informação do Brasil. Foram considerados os casos de gestantes e de crianças registrados entre 2012 e 2020 no estado do Paraná. Foram apresentadas as frequências absolutas e relativas para a caracterização, calculando-se a variação percentual entre o primeiro e o último triênio. Ainda, foi empregado o índice de Moran para a geoespacialização segundo regiões de saúde. Houve predomínio em mulheres de 20 a 39 anos (71,24%), brancas (67,22%) e com até oito anos de estudo (80,76%), com diagnóstico nas fases primária e latente (76,42%). Os casos concentraram-se em crianças do sexo masculino (48,72%), diagnosticadas na fase recente (96,42%), e naquelas cujas mães aderiram ao pré-natal (88,88%), mas os parceiros, por sua vez, não foram tratados (69,46%). Houve aumento do diagnóstico materno durante o pré-natal (16,61%) e redução dos óbitos infantis por sífilis (31,25%). Observou-se concentração das notificações nas regiões Metropolitana e de Pato Branco. Em suma, as gestantes apresentaram idade reprodutiva e baixa escolaridade e foram tratadas durante o pré-natal, contudo, sem a inclusão dos parceiros. Ademais, evidenciou-se comportamento espacial aleatório nas regiões de saúde, com disparidade entre a sífilis gestacional e a congênita.
Syphilis remains as serious public health issue due to existing obstacles in combating gestational and congenital syphilis. Since the onset of these infections is related to maternal and programmatic factors, this study analyzed the epidemiological profile of the mother-child binomial exposed to syphilis and its spatial distribution in Paraná from 2012 to 2020. This is a descriptive, ecological study with data from Brazilian national information systems. Cases of pregnant women and children recorded between 2012 and 2020 in the state of Paraná were considered. Absolute and relative frequencies were estimated for characterization, calculating the percentage variation between the first and last three years. The Moran index was also used for geospacialization according to health regions. Most women were aged 20 to 39 years (71.24%), white (67.22%), and had up to 8 years of schooling (80.76%), with diagnosis in the primary and latent stages (76.42%). Most cases concerned male children (48.72%), diagnosed in the recent phase (96.42%), and from mothers who adhered to prenatal care (88.88%), but the partners were untreated (69.46%). Maternal diagnosis increased during prenatal care (16.61%) and infant deaths by syphilis decreased (31.25%). Most cases were notified in the Metropolitan and Pato Branco regions. In short, the pregnant women were of reproductive age, had low education, and were treated during prenatal care, but their partners were not included. The health regions showed random spatial behavior, with disparity between gestational and congenital syphilis.
La sífilis persiste como un problema de salud pública, principalmente por los obstáculos en hacer frente la sífilis gestacional y congénita. Teniendo en cuenta que la ocurrencia de estas infecciones está relacionada con los factores maternos y programáticos, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las características epidemiológicas del binomio madre-hijo expuestos a la sífilis y la distribución espacial en Paraná (Brasil) entre 2012 y 2020. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y ecológico, con datos de los sistemas de información nacionales de Brasil. Se consideraron los casos de mujeres embarazadas y niños registrados entre 2012 y 2020 en Paraná. Se presentaron las frecuencias absolutas y relativas, calculando la variación porcentual entre el primer y el último trienio. Asimismo, se utilizó el índice de Moran, según regiones de salud. Predominaron las mujeres de entre 20 y 39 años de edad (71,24%), blancas (67,22%), con hasta ocho años de estudio (80,76%), con diagnóstico en estadio primario y latente (76,42%). Los casos se concentraron en hijos varones (48,72%), diagnosticados en fase reciente (96,42%), y en aquellos cuyas madres tuvieron acceso a los cuidados prenatales (88,88%), pero su pareja no recibió el tratamiento (69,46%). Hubo un aumento en el diagnóstico materno durante la atención prenatal (16,61%) y una reducción en las muertes de niños por sífilis (31,25%). Se observó una concentración de casos en las regiones Metropolitana y de Pato Branco. En resumen, las mujeres embarazadas se encontraban en edad reproductiva, tenían bajo nivel de estudios y eran atendidas durante el prenatal, sin incluir su pareja. Además, se evidenció un comportamiento espacial aleatorio en las regiones de salud, con disparidad entre sífilis gestacional y congénita.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Syphilis, CongenitalABSTRACT
Fundamento un elevado porcentaje de personas que han padecido COVID-19, refieren tras la recuperación de la fase aguda, manifestaciones que se prolongan por más de tres semanas, e incluso, durante tres meses después del cuadro clínico original. Objetivo caracterizar desde el punto clínico y epidemiológico a pacientes confirmados al SARS-CoV-2 en la etapa post-COVID-19. Métodos se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, en pacientes confirmados al SARS-CoV-2 en etapa post-COVID-19, pertenecientes al Policlínico Hermanos Martínez Tamayo, en el periodo octubre-noviembre de 2021. Se estudiaron todos los pacientes (N=400) atendidos en consulta post-COVID-19 en el periodo declarado. La información se obtuvo mediante encuestas epidemiológicas realizadas. Resultados predominaron los pacientes con edades entre 50 y 59 años, del sexo femenino. Las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuente fueron tos, pérdida del gusto y del olfato. El esquema de vacunación incompleto fue el más frecuente. El lugar de ingreso más utilizado fueron los centros de aislamiento, así como el uso del Nasalferon como tratamiento. Las complicaciones predominaron en pacientes no vacunados, y con edad de 60 años y más. Conclusiones un elevado porcentaje de pacientes presentó manifestaciones clínicas tras el periodo agudo de la enfermedad. La COVID-19, a mediano plazo, tuvo mayores implicaciones en el sistema respiratorio, nervioso y osteomioarticular. Las campañas de vacunación ayudan a prevenir los síntomas graves del virus y a contrarrestar las complicaciones.
Background a high percentage of people who have suffered from COVID-19 report, after recovery from the acute phase, manifestations that last for more than three weeks, and even for three months after the original clinical picture. Objective to characterize, from the clinical and epidemiological point of view, patients confirmed to SARS-CoV-2 in the post-COVID-19 stage. Methods a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in patients confirmed to SARS-CoV-2 in the post-COVID-19 stage, belonging to the Hermanos Martínez Tamayo Polyclinic, from October to November 2021. All patients were studied (N= 400) attended in post-COVID-19 consultation in the declared period. The information was obtained through epidemiological surveys carried out. Results there was a predominance of patients aged between 50 and 59 years old, female. The most frequent clinical manifestations were cough, loss of taste and smell. The incomplete vaccination scheme was the most frequent. The most used place of admission were isolation centers, as well as the use of Nasalferon as a treatment. Complications predominated in unvaccinated patients, and aged 60 years and over. Conclusions a high percentage of patients presented clinical manifestations after the acute period of the disease. COVID-19, in the medium term, had greater implications in the respiratory, nervous and osteomyoarticular systems. Vaccination campaigns help prevent serious symptoms of the virus and counteract complications.
Introdução: no Brasil, é possível identificar mudanças nas práticas alimentares nas últimas décadas, alimentos tradicionais como arroz e feijão perderam a importância e foram substituídos por alimentos prontos para o consumo. Objetivo: diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as práticas alimentares de professores da rede municipal de educação de Passo Fundo, RS. Metodologia: foi realizado um estudo transversal com professores de ambos os sexos da rede municipal de educação. Os professores foram convidados a participar do estudo por meio de correio eletrônico da prefeitura municipal. A coleta de dados foi mediante formulário eletrônico com questões sobre condições sociodemográficas, saúde e práticas alimentares Resultados: foram avaliados 108 professores, a média de idade foi de 42,81 anos (DP=8,85) e 95,4% eram mulheres. Em relação às práticas alimentares, observou-se que 68,7% (n=71) apresentaram práticas alimentares satisfatórias, sendo que a média de pontuação foi de 45,46 (DP=8,33). Conclusão: apesar do elevado percentual de práticas alimentares excelentes, observa-se práticas alimentares inadequadas que podem contribuir para a ocorrência de excesso de peso ao longo do tempo.
Introduction: in Brazil, it is possible to identify changes in eating practices in recent decades, traditional foods such as rice and beans have lost importance and have been replaced by ready-to-eat foods. Objective: therefore, the objective of the study was to evaluate the eating habits of teachers from the public education system of Passo Fundo, RS. Methodology: a cross-sectional study was carried out with male and female teachers from the municipal public education system. Teachers were invited to participate in the study via e-mail from the municipal government. Data were collected using an electronic form with questions about sociodemographic conditions, health and eating practices. Results: 108 teachers were evaluated; the average age was 42.81 years (SD=8.85) and 95.4% were women. Regarding eating practices, it was observed that 68.7% (n=71) had satisfactory eating practices, with an average score of 45.46 (SD=8.33). Conclusion: despite the high percentage of excellent eating practices, it was be observed that inadequate eating practices can contribute to the occurrence of excess weight over time.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Diet , Feeding Behavior , Epidemiologic Studies , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Introducción: Los trastornos emocionales y del comportamiento que se inician en la infancia llevan a cambios que se extienden hasta la edad adulta, con consecuencias sociales. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación de la depresión en la adultez con trastornos mentales de inicio en la infancia y otras condiciones, en Envigado, 2017. Materiales y métodos: Estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, tipo observacional, transversal con intención analítica. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 737 individuos, entre 18 y 65 años. Se aplicó el instrumento CIDI - CAPI de la OMS. El procesamiento y análisis se llevó a cabo en SPSS v. 21 de la Universidad CES y Epidat 4.2. Resultados: La proporción de depresión en la adultez es de 10,8%, en la población de estudio que tuvo antecedente de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) fue aproximadamente 5,6 veces más que en aquellos que no tenían este antecedente (OR= 6,62; IC95% 1,92-22,7). Conclusiones: El TDAH en la infancia incrementa la probabilidad de presentar depresión en la adultez en la población de Envigado, lo cual soporta la importancia de promover acciones de salud mental en la niñez, para prevenir la depresión en la edad adulta.
Introduction: Emotional and behavioral disorders that begin in childhood lead to adult changes, which have social consequences. Objective: To determine the association of adult depression with childhood onset of mental disorders and other factors in Envigado (Colombia). Materials and methods: A quantitative observational and cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample size was 737 individuals aged between 18 to 65 years. The CIDI-CAPI instrument of the WHO was used. Data processing and analysis was conducted through SPSS v. 21 software from the CES University and Epidat 4.2. Results: The percentage of depression in adults was 10.8%. This figure was 5.6 times greater in the study population that had history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared to individuals who did not have this disorder (OR= 6.62; 95% CI 1.92-22.7). Conclusions: Childhood ADHD increases the probability of depression in the adult population of Envigado, which supports the importance of promoting mental health programs in children in order to prevent adulthood depression.
Introdução: Os transtornos emocionais e comportamentais que se iniciam na infância levam a alterações que se estendem até a idade adulta, com consequências sociais. Objetivo: Determinar a associação da depressão na idade adulta com transtornos mentais de início na infância e outras condições, em Envigado, 2017. Materiais e métodos: um estudo foi realizado com abordagem quantitativa, observacional, transversal e com intenção analítica. O tamanho da amostra foi de 737 indivíduos, entre 18 e 65 anos de idade. Foi aplicado o instrumento CIDI - CAPI da OMS. O processamento e análise foram realizados no SPSS v. 21 da Universidad CES e Epidat 4.2. Resultados: A proporção de depressão na idade adulta é de 10,8%, na população estudada que tinha histórico de transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) foi aproximadamente 5,6 vezes maior do que naquelas sem esse histórico (OR= 6,62; 95 % CI 1,92-22,7). Conclusões: O TDAH na infância aumenta a probabilidade de apresentar depressão na idade adulta na população de Envigado, o que reforça a importância de promover ações de saúde mental na infância, para prevenir a depressão na idade adulta.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Behavior , Mental Disorders , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Behavioral Symptoms , Child Behavior Disorders , DepressionABSTRACT
Cancer incidence reported by The Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) is an estimate based on the registries available in each country. Their validity in regions such as Latin America is affected by the lack of reliable data and less access to healthcare among the population. Studying the geographic distribution of the incidence of malignant tumors facilitates the search for risk factors and allows prioritizing health resources. AIM: To estimate the incidence of the main malignant tumors in Chilean people with access to a private healthcare insurance at an oncological institute, and to know its geographical distribution. Material and Methods: Incident cancer cases during 2017 and 2018 were obtained from the institution's Tumor Registry. The incidence was adjusted by age and sex of the Chilean population obtained from the 2017 Census. Cancer rates were calculatedfor each of the 16 administrative regions in Chile. RESULTS: Overall, the incidence of breast, lung, colon and thyroid cancers in the studied population was significantly higher than estimates for Chile reported by GLOBOCANfor 2020, especiallyfor thyroid cancer. There is a higher incidence of breast cancer in Greater Santiago and of lung cancer in men in the Antofagasta Region. CONCLUSIONS: The regional differences observed are explained by known risk factors. However the high incidence of lung and colon cancer in the Los Ríos Region requires further studies.
Humans , Insurance, Health , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , IncidenceABSTRACT
Objective:To investigate the epidemic scope and intensity of drinking water type endemic arsenic poisoning in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, as well as the prevalence and influencing factors, in order to provide scientific basis for precise formulation of prevention and control measures.Methods:A sampling survey was conducted on residents' drinking water in all villages and counties in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, water samples were selected according to different water supply methods (engineering water supply, physical and chemical water purification, and decentralized water supply), and the arsenic content was detected by atomic fluorescence method. The "Diagnosis of Endemic Arsenicosis" (WS/T 211-2015) was used for diagnosis of arsenic poisoning among all permanent residents who were exposing to or had been exposed to excessively high arsenic water, in order to search all the arsenic poisoning patients. Analyze the distribution of water arsenic in the historical disease areas and high arsenic villages and newly discovered high arsenic villages, and explore the prevalence and influencing factors of arsenic poisoning.Results:There were a total of 1 186 historical disease areas and high arsenic villages in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, mainly distributed in 28 banner counties of 8 league cities such as Bayannur, Hohhot and Baotou, with a regional distribution trend of more in the west and less in the east. At present, the water improvement rate in the historical disease areas and high arsenic villages was 98.23% (1 165/1 186), and the qualified rate of arsenic content in the water was 99.83% (1 184/1 186). The arsenic content in the water of historical disease areas and high arsenic villages ranged from 0.000 to 0.093 mg/L. Four newly discovered villages with arsenic exceeding standards had been found, and their arsenic content ranged from 0.074 to 0.142 mg/L. A total of 2 249 patients with arsenic poisoning were detected in the confirmed disease area/high arsenic villages, and the detection rate was 1.67% (2 249/134 645). The number of patients in Bayannur City was the largest with the most severe disease, accounting for 82.70% (1 860/2 249). Patients aged 60 and above accounted for 61.41% of the total cases (1 381/2 249), which was higher than other age groups (χ 2 = 840.52, P < 0.001). The detection rate of arsenic poisoning was higher in males than in females (χ 2 = 132.38, P < 0.001). There are statistically significant differences in the detection rate and severity distribution of arsenic poisoning patients among different water arsenic content groups(χ 2 = 1 557.85, 1 741.05, P < 0.001). Conclusions:After years of prevention and control work, the arsenic content in most historical disease areas and high arsenic villages in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is currently qualified, and some areas have water arsenic exceeding standards or newly discovered villages with arsenic exceeding standards. At the same time, there are still a large number of arsenic poisoning patients in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In the future, the prevention and control of endemic arsenic poisoning in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region cannot be relaxed, and it is necessary to strengthen water quality monitoring and improve water quality in newly discovered villages with arsenic exceeding standards to prevent the occurrence of new cases.
Objective:To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of the patients who underwent knee arthroscopy in Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University between 2018 and 2022.Methods:A retrospective study was conducted to analyze the data of 2,184 patients who had undergone knee arthroscopy from January 2018 to December 2022 in Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University. The data of the patients' gender, age, disease diagnosis, place of residence, hospitalization time, and hospitalization costs were collected to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of the patients.Results:Of the 2,481 patients, 1,427 were males and 1,054 females with an age of 35.9 (26.0, 51.4) years. From the year 2018 to the year 2022, respectively, 344, 339, 344, 632, and 822 patients were admitted. No statistically significant differences were found in the comparison of the patients' gender or age between years ( P>0.05). The top 3 diseases diagnosed were dislocation, sprain and strain of the knee joint and ligaments (40.2%, 998/2,481), intra-articular disorder of the knee (30.7%, 761/2,481), and synovitis and tenosynovitis (5.5%, 136/2,481). The differences were statistically significant in disease diagnosis, place of residence, hospitalization time, and hospitalization costs between the years ( P<0.05). The main disease diagnosed was dislocation, sprain and strain of the knee joint and ligaments for males (47.3%, 675/1,427) and intra-articular disorder of the knee for females (32.2%, 339/1,054). The proportion of patients coming from Guangzhou gradually increased from 22.4% (77/344) in 2018 to 55.8% (459/822) in 2022. The hospitalization time for the patients in 2020, 2021, and 2022 was significantly shorter than that in 2018 and 2019, showing a significant decrease from 2020 to 2021 and from 2021 to 2022 ( P<0.05). The hospitalization costs for the patients showed an increasing trend from 2018 to 2021, with a significant increase in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 in comparison with 2018, but the costs were significantly decreased in 2022 compared with 2021 (all P<0.05). Conclusions:From 2018 to 2022, the knee arthroscopy-related surgeries showed an increasing trend year by year. More males underwent knee arthroscopy than females. Knee injuries were mostly diagnosed in male patients. The patients coming from Guangzhou increased year by year. The hospitalization time showed a shortening trend, and the hospitalization costs decreased from 2022.
Objective:To investigate the epidemiology of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in patients with maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) in Jiangsu province during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in China from December 7, 2022 to January 27, 2023, and to analyze the influencing factors of all-cause death.Methods:It was a multi-center cross-sectional investigation. Structured questionnaire was used to collect patient information by medical staff of each hemodialysis center (room) as investigators. Part of the demography data and laboratory examination data came from the Jiangsu Province Hemodialysis Data Information System. MHD patients from hemodialysis centers (rooms) at all levels of medical institutions and independent hemodialysis institutions in Jiangsu province during the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 infection were included, and the clinical characteristics and all-cause mortality of confirmed and suspected cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection were analyzed.Results:Questionnaire surveys and data analysis on 57 278 patients in 407 hemodialysis centers (rooms) were completed, accounting for 90.41% of the total number of MHD patients (63 357 cases) in Jiangsu province during the same period. There were 24 038 cases (41.97%) of SARS-CoV-2 infection and 14 805 cases (25.85%) of suspected infection, which were widely distributed in all dialysis centers in Jiangsu province. After clinical classification of 38 843 confirmed and suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection cases, 3 662 cases were severe and critical cases, accounting for 9.43% of the infected and suspected cases. Among the patients who had completed the questionnaires, there were 1 812 all-cause deaths, with an all-cause mortality rate of 3.16%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that elderly (taking ≤50 years as a reference, 51-59 years: OR=1.583, 95% CI 1.279-1.933, P=0.001; 60-69 years: OR=3.972, 95% CI 3.271-4.858, P<0.001; 70-79 years: OR=7.236, 95% CI 5.917-8.698, P<0.001; ≥80 years: OR=11.738, 95% CI 9.459-14.663, P<0.001), male ( OR=1.371, 95% CI 1.229-1.529, P<0.001), and co-infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) (positive serum HBV surface antigen, OR=0.629, 95% CI 0.484-0.817, P<0.001) were independent influencing factors for all cause mortality. Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis showed that the area under the curve for male, age and current HBV infection prediction of all-cause death was 0.529 ( P<0.001), 0.724 ( P<0.001) and 0.514 ( P=0.042), respectively, and the cut-off value for age prediction of all-cause death was 65.5 years old. Compared with patients without HBV infection, MHD patients with HBV infection significantly reduced the proportion of severe and critically ill patients, all-cause hospitalizations and all cause deaths when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (4.99% vs. 6.41%, χ2=6.136, P=0.013; 8.90% vs. 11.44%, χ2=11.662, P<0.001; 2.01% vs. 3.37%, χ2=10.713, P=0.001, respectively). Conclusion:The MHD patients in Jiangsu province are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2. Elderly age and male gender are independent risk factors for death in MHD patients during the epidemic, while the HBV infection may be a protective factor for death of MHD patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Objective@#To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of a pertussis outbreak in a primary school in Rizhao City, so as to provide reference for the prevention and control strategy of pertussis.@*Methods@#The method of field epidemiological investigation was used to determine case definition for case search and case investigation,and the characteristics of the outbreak were comprehensively analyzed through descriptive epidemiological method.@*Results@#The outbreak lasted for 29 days from April 19 to May 17, 2022, with a total of 14 cases detected. All the cases were students aged 6-7 years from Class 2, Grade 1 in this primary school,including 6 boys and 8 girls. The attack rates of boys and girls were 30.00% and 34.78%, respectively. The time interval from onset to diagnosis of 14 cases ranged from 2 to 22 days, with a median of 10 days. All of them had received 4 doses of Diphtheria and Tetanus and acellular Pertussis(DTaP) combined vaccine, and the interval between the last vaccination and the onset of disease was 5-6 years. After isolated treatment, all the 14 sick students recovered, without severe or death cases.@*Conclusion@#The outbreak of pertussis in a primary school may be related to the decline in the effectiveness of pertussis vaccine protection over time, the lax implementation of a school registration and reporting system for sick absenteeism, and the poor sensitivity of existing pertussis surveillance systems.
Objective@#To understand the prevalence and influencing factors of scoliosis among middle school students in Tianjin, and to provide scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of scoliosis.@*Methods@#Based on stratified cluster random sampling method, 21 679 middle school students from 62 middle schools (35 middle schools and 27 high schools) in Tianjin were selected for scoliosis screening and completed relevant questionnaires.@*Results@#The prevalence of scoliosis in middle school students in Tianjin was 4.00%, with girls (5.13%) higher than that in boys (2.94%), vocational high school (5.96%) higher than that in ordinary senior high school (4.98%) and junior high school (3.00%), the differences were statistically significant ( χ 2=67.56, 71.46 , P <0.01). Multivariate Logistic regression showed that gender, district, school segment, number of physical educaiotn(PE) classes per week, outdoor activity time per day, and days of 60 minutes or more of moderate and vigorous exercise per day in a week were related to the detection rate of scoliosis( OR=0.12-1.95, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#The detection rate of scoliosis among middle school students in Tianjin varies in gender, resident area and school level, so more attention should be paid to girls, high school students and students in middle economic area. Comprehensive efforts should incorporate duration, intensity and type of physical exercise.
Objective@#To understand and analyze the epidemiological characteristics of dental caries in children and its effects on jaw function, so as to prevent occurrence of abnormality of jaw function.@*Methods@#In October 2020, 860 cases of children from 5 kindergartens and 3 primary schools in Beijing were selected by adopting the convenience sampling method. All of them received oral examination, and the questionnaire according to the fourth national oral health epidemiological survey standard, including demographic information, eating habits, oral hygiene habits, oral health care,etc. The epidemiological characteristics of dental caries in children and its effects on jaw function were analyzed.@*Results@#A total of 190 children had dental caries, with a dental caries incidence rate of 22.09%. Dental caries in children s deciduous teeth or permanent teeth was related to age, residence, parents education level,whethe to eat before going to bed, whether eating sweet food, tooth brushing age, daily brushing frequency, whether parents have assisted tooth brushing, whether regular oral examination, whether parents have received oral health guidance( χ 2= 5.04 ,4.70,75.37,7.91,12.03,9.30,7.64,255.47,253.27,11.38, P <0.05). Compared with the noncaries group[(81.52±3.16, 80.54± 1.52,1.92±0.25,31.52±1.62,33.63±3.41,50.72±1.68)°], the sella nasion A point(SNA), sella nasion B point(SNB),A point nasion B point(ANB),frankfot horizontal mandibular plane angle(FH MP),skull nasion mandibular plane angle(SN MP),anteriors relationship palataplane mandibular(Ptm ANS) decreased in the dental caries group[(78.62±2.11,79.35±1.02,1.68±0.32,30.69±0.45,32.15±3.02,48.62±1.21)°](t=78.62,79.35,10.94, 30.69, 32.15, 48.62, P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#The prevalence of caries in children was high and jaw structure abnormalities and dysfunction. It is suggested that caries prevention and control work should be carried out early to strengthen the prevention and control of oral disease education work.