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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220687


Background: Foreign body(FB) impaction accounts for 4% of emergency endoscopies in clinical practice. Flexible endoscopy(FE) is a recommended therapeutic option because it can be performed under local anesthesia, it is cost effective and is well tolerated. Rigid endoscopy (RG) under general anesthesia is another option and is advantageous in some circumstances. The aim of the study is to compare ef?cacy and safety of ?exible and rigid esophagoscopy in esophageal foreign body removal. It is a prospective study done in E.N.T department in KIMS Methods: MEDICAL COLLEGE, Amalapuram, which includes 50 patients with impacted foreign body esophagus. Parameters like type of foreign body, location of impacted foreign body are included. The study analyzies the type of procedure the patient have undergone, the intra operative and post operative complications. This prospective cohort study includes 50 patients Results: who have undergone surgical procedure for removal of impacted foreign body. Flexible esophagoscopy is performed in 30 patients and rigid esophagoscopy is performed in 20 patients . The most frequent complications are mucosal erosion, mucosal edema, and ulceration. Flexible esophagoscopy and rigid esophagoscopy are equally safe and effective for Conclusion: removal of impacted esophageal foreign body

Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1530752


Les ingestions de corps étrangers sont des accidents fréquents en pédiatrie. La plupart sont sans grande conséquence sauf ceux qui sont enclavés dans l'œsophage. Nous rapportons 2 cas de pile bouton intraœsophagienne chez 2 enfants âgés de: 4ans de sexe masculin et 2 ans de sexe féminin. Le motif de consultation dans les deux cas était la dysphagie aux solides. La fibroscopie broncho-oesophagienne a été effectuée dans les 2 cas avec échec d'extraction conduisant à une extraction chirurgicale par voie de thoracotomie chez le garçon et de cervicotomie chez la fille. Une sténose œsophagienne est survenue à 2 mois dans les suites opératoires chez le garçon. L'évolution a été favorable après dilatation aux bougies de Rehbein modifiées. Chez la fille en postopératoire un œdème laryngé est survenu et a nécessité des séances de nébulisations. L'évolution a été favorable chez les 2 enfants avec un recul de 5 ans et de 2 mois. Conclusion: Les piles boutons sont des corps étrangers particuliers qu'il faut extraire en urgence. L'oesophagoscopie reste le moyen le plus fréquemment employé mais la chirurgie reste le dernier recourt avec des possibilités de complication.

Ingestion of foreign bodies is a common accident in paediatrics. Most of them are of little consequence except for those that are enclosed in the esophagus. We report 2 cases of intraesophageal button stacks in 2 children aged 4 years' male and 2 years female. The reason for consultation in both cases was solid dysphagia. Bronchoesophageal fibroscopy was performed in both cases with failed extraction leading to surgical extraction by thoracotomy in boys and cervicotomy in girls. Esophageal stenosis occurred at 2 months of age in the postoperative period in boys. The development was favourable after expansion at the modified Rehbein candles. In the postoperative girl, laryngeal edema occurred and required nebulization sessions. The evolution was favorable in the 2 children with a follow-up of 5 years and 2 months. Conclusion: Button batteries are special foreign bodies that need to be removed urgently. Esophagoscopy remains the most frequently used method, but surgery remains the last resort with the possibility of complications.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962590


OBJECTIVES@#This paper aims to present a rare case of a 34-year old male who had esophageal food bolus impaction on top of stricture formation secondary to a retained 12-year esophageal foreign body (denture). It also aims to state the significance of proper and comprehensive history taking, physical examination and corresponding ancillary procedures to arrive at its diagnosis and to highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary team in the prevention and management of complicated foreign body (FB) impaction.@*DESIGN@#Case Report@*SETTING@#Government Tertiary Hospital@*PATIENT@#One@*RESULTS@#A 34-year old male presented with one day history of dysphagia after ingesting a chunk of pork. He had no other symptoms and was not in any respiratory distress. Physical examination was unremarkable except for missing dentition (teeth #8, #9 by universal notation system). Radiographic imaging, esophagogram and contrast-enhanced chest CT scan revealed partial proximal esophageal obstruction probably secondary to retained foreign body at the level ofT5 vertebra. Rigid esophagoscopy with removal of foreign body (food bolus) was done. However, there was difficulty insinuating the scope beyond this level. Further investigation and the use of multispecialty collaboration eventually led to the retrieval of a 12-year denture covered by a bimucosal flap with surrounding stricture formation.@*CONCLUSION@#Foreign body impaction, while more commonly found in the pediatric population, may also occur in adults especially those with edentulism, psychiatric disorders, alcoholism and preexistent esophageal pathologies. In rare cases, patients may be asymptomatic resulting to a delay in its diagnosis. In addition to a well-taken history and physical examination, direct visualization and computed tomography are vital for evaluation. A multidisciplinary approach is critical in its management especially when anticipating difficult extraction and considering FB impaction complications.

Multimed (Granma) ; 25(6)2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506782


Introducción: el cuerpo extraño esofágico es la emergencia más frecuente en niños. El absceso retrofaringeo y la mediastinitis son unas de sus principales complicaciones, lo que refleja la importancia de un diagnóstico temprano. La radiografía de cuello (Rx de esófago cervical simple) es el estudio radiológico realizado a niños con sospecha de una lesión faríngea o esofágica. Presentación de caso: se presenta el caso de una niña de 2 años de edad de área rural, quien fue remitida del Hospital de Serekunda por presentar tos persistente seca y dificultad para tragar lo sólido, de tres meses de evolución. Diagnosticada como una infección del tracto respiratorio alto con varios tratamientos con antibiótico sin mejoría clínica. Una semana antes de la remisión, la niña comenzó con dificultad para tragar los líquidos y fiebre alta. Discusión: al examen físico se encontró signos severos de inflamación en la pared posterior de la faringe. El Rx de esófago cervical con vista lateral informa un cuerpo extraño metálico e inflamación de la pared posterior del esófago. El absceso retro faríngeose confirma por esofagoscopia rígida, se le realizó incisión y drenaje. Se ingresa con antibiótico y esteroides por 5 días. Conclusiones: mediante esofagoscopia rígida se extrae el cuerpo extraño. Los síntomas respiratorios son más comunes que los síntomas gastrointestinales en pacientes pediátricos con un cuerpo extraño esofágicocrónico, un diagnóstico temprano y certero es imperativo, porque las complicaciones son serias y pueden comprometer la vida del paciente.

Introduction: the esophageal foreign body is the most frequent emergency in children. Retropharyngeal abscess and mediastinitis are some of its main complications, reflecting the importance of an early diagnosis. Neck radiography is the radiological study performed in children with a suspected pharyngeal or esophageal lesion. Case presentation: the case of a 2-year-old girl from a rural area is presented, who was referred from the Serekunda Hospital for presenting a persistent dry cough and difficulty swallowing the solid, of three months of evolution. Diagnosed as an upper respiratory tract infection with several antibiotic treatments without clinical improvement. A week before remission, the girl began with difficulty swallowing fluids and a high fever. Discussion: the physical examination found severe signs of inflammation in the posterior wall of the pharynx. Cervical esophagus X-ray with lateral view reports a metallic foreign body and inflammation of the posterior wall of the esophagus. The retropharyngeal abscess is confirmed by rigid esophagoscopy, incision and drainage were performed. He was admitted with antibiotics and steroids for 5 days. Conclusions: by means of rigid esophagoscopy, the foreign body is extracted. Respiratory symptoms are more common than gastrointestinal symptoms in pediatric patients with a chronic esophageal foreign body, an early and accurate diagnosis is imperative, because the complications are serious and can compromise the life of the patient.

Introdução: o corpo estranho de esôfago é a emergência mais frequente em crianças. Abscesso retrofaríngeo e mediastinite são algumas de suas principais complicações, refletindo a importância do diagnóstico precoce. A radiografia de pescoço é o estudo radiológico realizado em crianças com suspeita de lesão faríngea ou esofágica. Apresentação do caso: é apresentado o caso de uma menina de 2 anos de idade, procedente de zona rural, encaminhada do Hospital Serekunda por apresentar tosse seca persistente e dificuldade de engolir o sólido, de três meses de evolução. Diagnosticada como uma infecção do trato respiratório superior com vários tratamentos antibióticos sem melhora clínica. Uma semana antes da remissão, a menina começou a ter dificuldade para engolir líquidos e febre alta. Discussão: o exame físico encontrou sinais graves de inflamação na parede posterior da faringe. A radiografia do esôfago cervical com visão lateral mostra um corpo estranho metálico e inflamação da parede posterior do esôfago. O abscesso retrofaríngeo é confirmado por esofagoscopia rígida, sendo realizada incisão e drenagem. Ele foi internado com antibióticos e esteróides por 5 dias. Conclusões: por meio de esofagoscopia rígida, o corpo estranho é extraído. Os sintomas respiratórios são mais comuns que os sintomas gastrointestinais em pacientes pediátricos com corpo estranho esofágico crônico, um diagnóstico precoce e preciso é imprescindível, pois as complicações são graves e podem comprometer a vida do paciente.

Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;57(3): 289-295, July-Sept. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131669


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a premalignant condition that raises controversy among general practitioners and specialists, especially regarding its diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up protocols. OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aims to present the particularities and to clarify controversies related to the diagnosis, treatment and surveillance of BE. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted on PubMed, Cochrane, and SciELO based on articles published in the last 10 years. PRISMA guidelines were followed and the search was made using MeSH and non-MeSH terms "Barrett" and "diagnosis or treatment or therapy or surveillance". We searched for complete randomized controlled clinical trials or Phase IV studies, carried out with individuals over 18 years old. RESULTS: A total of 42 randomized controlled trials were selected after applying all inclusion and exclusion criteria. A growing trend of alternative and safer techniques to traditional upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were identified, which could improve the detection of BE and patient acceptance. The use of chromoendoscopy-guided biopsy protocols significantly reduced the number of biopsies required to maintain similar BE detection rates. Furthermore, the value of BE chemoprophylaxis with esomeprazole and acetylsalicylic acid was relevant, as well as the establishment of protocols for the follow-up and endoscopic surveillance of patients with BE based predominantly on the presence and degree of dysplasia, as well as on the length of the follow-up affected by BE. CONCLUSION: Although further studies regarding the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of BE are warranted, in light of the best evidence presented in the last decade, there is a trend towards electronic chromoendoscopy-guided biopsies for the diagnosis of BE, while treatment should encompass endoscopic techniques such as radiofrequency ablation. Risks of ablative endoscopic methods should be weighted against those of resective surgery. It is also important to consider lifetime endoscopic follow-up for both short and long term BE patients, with consideration to limitations imposed by a range of comorbidities. Unfortunately, there are no randomized controlled trials that have evaluated which is the best recommendation for BE follow-up and endoscopic surveillance (>1 cm) protocols, however, based on current International Guidelines, it is recommended esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) every 5 years in BE without dysplasia with 1 up to 3 cm of extension; every 3 years in BE without dysplasia with >3 up to 10 cm of extension, every 6 to 12 months in BE with low grade dysplasia and, finally, EGD every 3 months after ablative endoscopic therapy in cases of BE with high grade dysplasia.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: O esôfago de Barrett (EB) é uma condição que aumenta o risco de ocorrência de displasias e câncer no esôfago, a qual apresenta inúmeras controvérsias entre médicos generalistas e até especialistas, em especial no que tange o seu diagnóstico, tratamento e seguimento. OBJETIVO: Tentar esclarecer as controvérsias relacionadas ao estabelecimento do diagnóstico, tratamento, seguimento e vigilância do EB. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado revisão sistemática da literatura fundamentada apenas em ensaios clínicos randomizados e controlados (completos ou em fase IV), em indivíduos maiores que 18 anos, publicados nos últimos 10 anos, por meio de busca, nas bases de dados: PubMed, Cochrane e SciELO (utilizando os termos MeSH e não-MeSH: "Barrett" no título AND diagnosis or treatment or therapy or surveillance" em todos os campos). RESULTADOS: Um total de 42 ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados foram identificados e selecionados após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Evidenciou-se, principalmente, o surgimento de técnicas seguras, alternativas à endoscopia digestiva alta (EDA) tradicional para aprimorar a detecção do esôfago de Barrett, associadas a boa aceitação por parte dos pacientes, quando realizadas por meio de acesso nasal. Ainda, o uso de protocolo de biópsias guiadas por cromoendoscopia eletrônica favoreceu reduzir significativamente o número de biópsias necessárias para alcançar as melhores taxas de identificação histológica do EB. Ademais, foi evidenciado que o uso de esomeprazol 40 mg 2x/dia associado ao ácido acetil salicílico 300 mg/dia pode ter efeito protetivo em relação ao desenvolvimento de câncer no EB, além de ser identificado protocolos de seguimento e vigilância endoscópica dos pacientes com EB >1 cm fundamentados, especialmente, no grau de displasia e comprimento do EB (EB sem displasia com 1 a 3 cm = EDA a cada 5 anos; EB sem displasia com >3 a 10 cm = EDA a cada 3 anos; EB com displasia de baixo grau = EDA a cada 6 a 12 meses; EB com displasia de alto grau = realização de terapia endoscópica ablativa e EDA a cada 3 meses). CONCLUSÃO: Foi verificado a necessidade do desenvolvimento de mais ensaios clínicos randomizados e controlados relacionados ao tema, especialmente no que tange o estabelecimento do seguimento e vigilância do EB, entretanto, na luz das melhores evidências apresentadas na última década, o diagnóstico de EB deve seguir, idealmente, protocolos de biópsias guiadas por cromoendoscopia eletrônica. Ademais, o tratamento deve ser fundamentado primeiramente em técnicas endoscópicas, especialmente aquelas terapias com radiofrequência, e quando associado a displasia de alto grau, deverá ser ponderado quanto aos riscos de se insistir em métodos endoscópicos ablativos ou considerar um tratamento cirúrgico ressectivo. Por fim, reforça-se a necessidade de todo paciente com EB >1 cm permanecer em seguimento endoscópico por toda a sua vida, conforme protocolos pré-estabelecidos, exceto se apresentar comorbidades limitantes que impediriam a realização de alguma conduta mais intervencionista. Infelizmente, não há ensaios clínicos randomizados que avaliaram qual é a melhor recomendação de protocolo para o seguimento endoscópico de EB (>1cm), porém, baseado nas atuais Guidelines Internacionais, é recomendado esofagogastroduodenoscopia (EGD) a cada 5 anos em EB sem displasia com 1 a 3 cm de extensão; a cada 3 anos em EB com displasia com 3 a 10 cm de extensão, a cada 6 a 12 meses em EB com displasia de baixo grau e, finalmente, EGD a cada 3 meses após terapia ablativa endoscópica nos casos de EB com displasia de alto grau.

Humans , Barrett Esophagus/diagnosis , Barrett Esophagus/therapy , Follow-Up Studies , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Esophagoscopy
Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;56(1): 95-98, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001319


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Bougies dilation is considered an effective technique for the treatment of simple benign esophageal strictures. The "rule of three" has been advocated to prevent reported adverse events such as bleeding and perforation. However, adherence to this rule has increased the cost and duration of treatment. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the safety and long-term benefits of progressive bougie dilations until reaching 15 mm (45Fr) in one single session endoscopy with non-adherence to the rule of three. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of a prospectively collected data of patients with simple benign esophageal strictures treated with multiple progressive bougie dilators until reaching 15 mm (45Fr) in one single session. RESULTS: The median age was 58 years (range 28-89), and 83.3% of patients were female. The main presenting symptom was dysphagia for solids in 11/12 cases (91.6%). The cause of their simple benign esophageal stricture was distributed as follows: 7/12 esophageal webs, 2/12 peptic stenosis, 2/12 Schatzki rings and one caustic injury. 75% required only one session for clinical success. No serious adverse events were described. No recurrence of symptoms was noted in a median follow-up of 20 months. CONCLUSION: The rule of three in patients with simple benign esophageal strictures secondary to esophageal webs, Schatzki rings and peptic strictures treated with Savary-Gilliard dilators is not necessary, showing good clinical results. Prospective studies with more patients are necessary.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A dilatação por velas é considerada uma técnica eficaz para o tratamento de estenoses esofágicas benignas simples. A "regra de três" tem sido defendida para prevenir eventos adversos relatados, como sangramento e perfuração. No entanto, a adesão a esta regra aumentou o custo e a duração do tratamento. OBJETIVO: Demonstrar a segurança e os benefícios de longo prazo das dilatações progressivas por velas até chegar a 15 mm (45Fr) em uma única sessão de endoscopia com não adesão à regra de três. MÉTODOS: Uma análise retrospectiva de dados coletados prospectivamente de pacientes com estenoses esofágicas benignas simples tratadas com múltiplos dilatadores de velas progressivas até atingir 15 mm (45Fr) em uma única sessão. RESULTADOS: A mediana de idade foi de 58 anos (variação de 28-89) e 83,3% dos pacientes eram do sexo feminino. O principal sintoma de apresentação foi a disfagia para sólidos em 11/12 casos (91,6%). A causa da estenose esofágica benigna simples foi distribuída como segue: 7/12 membranas esofágicas, 2/12 estenose péptica, 2/12 anéis de Schatzki e um ferimento cáustico. 75% necessitaram apenas de uma sessão para o sucesso clínico. Não foram descritos eventos adversos graves. Nenhum retorno dos sintomas foi anotado em uma continuação mediana de 20 meses. CONCLUSÃO: A regra de três em pacientes com as estenoses esofágicas benignas simples secundárias às membranas esofágicas, os anéis de Schatzki e as estenoses péptica tratadas com os dilatadores de Savary-Gilliard não é necessária, mostrando bons resultados clínicos. Estudos prospectivos com mais pacientes são necessários.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Dilatation/instrumentation , Esophageal Stenosis/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Dilatation/methods , Middle Aged
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 7-11, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002168


Abstract Introduction Transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE) is a widely used tool both in the diagnosis and treatment of patients presenting complaints within the head and the neck. This is because this investigative adjunct examination provides the advantage of visualizing above the level of the cricopharyngeus muscle when compared to the more widely used esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Objectives We have assessed if the implementation of TNE within a district general hospital (DGH) was feasible, and investigated if the resources of our patients could be better directed away from other investigations such as barium swallow and EGD in favor of this novel technique. The TNE technique has been largely applied in central teaching hospitals within the United Kingdom, but there are still no published reports of a DGH investigating its applicability in this smaller-sized clinical environment. Method We have analyzed our theater database to find all the patients who had undergone TNE, and recorded their reason for presenting, the preceding investigations, and the procedural findings. Results Inmost cases, the TNEwas conducted without technical issues, and we were able to identify positive findings in 43% of the patients who underwent Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).Wewere able to treat patients successfully during the investigationwhen a cricopharyngeal stricture or narrowing was found. A normal EGD did not preclude further investigations with TNE. All but one of our patients were treated as day-case procedures. Conclusion Transnasal esophagoscopy can be successfully delivered within a DGH. A previous EGD does not mean that the TNE will not reveal positive findings due to its superior visualization of the pharynx and the upper esophagus. (AU)

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Esophagoscopy/methods , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Data Collection , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Dilatation/methods , Hospitals, General
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 110-115, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002174


Abstract Introduction Fish bone foreign body (FFB) impaction in the upper aerodigestive tract is a common cause for emergency department referral. Its management varies in both diagnosis and treatment paradigms. Fish bone foreign bodies are more commonly found in the oropharynx in cases of patients < 40 years old, and in the esophagus in cases of patients > 40 years old. Symptoms are typically non-indicative for the location of the FFB, with the exception of foreign body sensation at/superior to the cervical esophagus. A lack of findings during the physical examination is routinely followed by imaging, with computed tomography (CT) being the preferred modality. In practice, many patients undergo unnecessary imaging studies, including CT scans. Objectives To identify patients with suspected fish bone impaction who do not require CT imaging and can be safely discharged. Data Synthesis We have searched the PubMed database for the following medical subject headings (MeSH) terms: fish bone, fish foreign body AND oropharynx, hypopharynx, esophagus, flexible esophagoscopy, and rigid esophagoscopy. Our search in the English language yielded 32 papers. Case reports were included, since they highlighted rare and serious complications. Conclusion In patients > 40 years old suspected of fish bone impaction, noncontrast CT is recommended and should be urgently performed, even in the presence of ambiguous symptoms. However, in patients < 40 years old presenting within 24 hours from ingestion, imaging has little diagnostic value due to the low probability of esophageal fish bones. For this specific subgroup, in the absence of clinical findings, discharge without imaging studies may be considered safe. (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Adult , Middle Aged , Bone and Bones/diagnostic imaging , Pharyngeal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Esophageal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Fishes , Foreign Bodies/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Prevalence , Esophagoscopy/methods , Foreign Bodies/complications , Foreign Bodies/physiopathology , Foreign Bodies/therapy , Foreign Bodies/epidemiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777712


@#Objective    To collect the data of esophageal foreign body patients, and to evaluate the clinical effects of two different surgical methods in our hospital. Methods    The clinical data of 294 patients who were treated in Gansu Provincal Hospital from January 2012 to June 2018 were analyzed retrospectively. The clinical data were collected and analyzed by SPSS 22.0. In order to to evaluate the efficacy of flexible esophagoscope (FE) and rigid esophagoscope (RE) in the treatment of esophageal foreign bodies.The patients were divided into two groups: a RE group including 118 patients with 62 males and 56 females at age of  6 (3-37) years and a FE group including 176 patients with 84 males and 92 females at age of 6 (3-59) years. Results    There was no significant difference in age, age stratification, gender and foreign body type between the two groups. There was a statistical difference in the initial clinical symptoms (P=0.041) or in esophageal foreign bodies position (P=0.037) between the two groups. The success rate of foreign body removal was similar between the two groups (P=0.632). The success rate was 88.9% (105/118) in the RE group, 87.5% (154/176) in the FE group. The operation time was significantly longer in the RE group than that in the FE group (10.8 ±17.4 min vs. 17.5±21.6 min, P<0.001). The postoperative hospitalization time in the RE groups was longer than that in the FE group (21.5 ±24.2 hours vs. 12.5 ±21.3 hours, P<0.05). There was a statistical difference in the incidence of postoperative complications between the two groups (P=0.034). In the RE group, the main complication was mucosal edema (15.3%). And the rate of bleeding was higher (15.9%) in the FE group. There were 30 patients (25.5%) in the RE group with minor postoperative complications versus the FE group with 40 patients (22.7%); and 1 patient (0.8%) in the RE group with severe complications versus the FE group with 5 paients (2.8%). Conclusion    Based on the analysis of this study, it is found that RE has higher safety. But the indications are strict, the professional requirements of the operator and the selection of patients are stronger. The FE is convenient to use, the operation crowd is wide, and the suitable crowd is wide. Therefore, for specific patients, after improving the relevant examination and preoperative evaluation of patients, clinicians need to choose appropriate surgical methods to ensure the success of the operation, and reduce the postoperative complications as far as possible.

Chinese Journal of Digestion ; (12): 361-364, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-806681


Objective@#To evaluate the safety, feasibility and operational effectiveness of master-slave system controlled Robot-assisted flexible endoscopy 'YunSRobot’ in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy examination in living pigs. @*Methods@#Seven Guangxi BA-MA Mini-pigs underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy examination with master-slave system controlled Robot-assisted flexible endoscopy 'YunSRobot’ and Olympus GIF-Q260J gastroendoscope (Japan). The experiment divided into manual operation group and robot operation group. Nine gastroenterologists skilled with endoscopy operation handled the robot once in vitro to familiar with the mechanism and method of robot operation. And then performed manual operation and robot operation four times each. Endoscopy pictures and operation time were recorded. T test and one-way analysis of variance were performed for statistical analysis. @*Results@#Both manual operation and robot operation could successfully finish standard esophagus and stomach endoscopic examination. There were no complications such as hemorrhage, perforation, mistaken insertion into of trachea, injures of pharynx and larynx and inhalation pneumonia. Esophagus, gastric cardia, gastric fundus, gastric body, gastric angle, gastric antrum and gastric pylorus could be clearly observed in both groups. The manual operating time of nine gastroenterologists was (3.67±1.95) minutes, which was shorter than that of robot operating time ((7.60±2.00) minutes), and the difference was statistically significant (t=8.445, P<0.01). The time of first in vitro operation performed by nine gastroenterologist was (13.10±6.32) minutes. The operation times of each case of nine gastrienterologist were (8.49±0.90) minutes, (7.50±1.19) minutes, (7.30±1.33) minutes and (7.12±1.61) minutes. The difference was statistically significant (F=7.901, P<0.01). Operation time gradually shortened and operation proficiency significantly improved. @*Conclusion@#Master-slave system controlled Robot-assisted flexible endoscopy 'YunSRobot’ which provides a clear observation of esophagus and stomach is safe in endoscopic examination of living animal.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-710787


Objective To analyze the clinical features of esophageal foreign body(EFB) difficult to remove by gastroscopy.Methods The clinical data of 159 patients with EFBs treated in Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University from January 2013 to April 2017 were analyzed retrospectively.Among 159 cases,the EFBs were removed by gastroscopy in 101 cases(gastroscope group)and removed by non-gastroscope method in 58 cases (non-gastroscope group),including 42 cases removed by esophagoscopy and 16 cases by surgery.The general information of patients,the types of EFB,the condition of impaction,treatments and outcomes of the two groups were analyzed.Results There was no significant difference in age and sex between gastroscope group and non-gastroscope group (P > 0.05).The food typeEFBs included fish bone (n =77),chicken bone (n =45),jujube seeds (n =15),food bolus (n =4);and the non-food type FEBs included spectecleslens (n =2),bottle cap (n =11),denture (n =5).More than one half of FBs were located in the upper esophagus:63.4% (64/101) in gastroscope group and 66.7% (28/42) in esophagoscope subgroup;however,EFBs were mostly located in the middle esophagus in surgery subgroup (62.5%,10/16).In gastroscope group and esophagoscope subgroup,the sharp EFBs of length-diameter > 2 cm were rare(n =4,3.9% and n =3,7.1%),but were common in the surgery group (n =9,56.3%).The EFBs were successfully removed in all patients without massive hemorrhage or death.In gastroscope group (n =101),93 cases had mucosal abrasion and bleeding,5 cases had mild active bleeding,and 1 case had esophageal fistula.In surgical removal (n =16) there were 4 cases of esophageal perforation and postoperative inflammation,3 cases of mediastinal inflammation and 2 cases of mediastinal abscess.Inesophagoscopic removal group (n =42),there were 2 cases of esophageal muscle layer abscess,1 case of esophageal fistula and 1 case of pulmonary infection.Conclusions The most common type of EFBs is of food source.Foreign bodies in the upper and middle segments of the esophagusare difficult to remove with gastroscopy.In case of a sharp foreign body embedded in the middle esophagus,surgical removal is preferred to avoid severe sequences.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-758513


The development of office-based, unsedated transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE) has proven to be a major technological advance and with time and experience the application of this technology is becoming more widespread. TNE has allowed otolaryngologists to perform a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the office setting. Studies consistently demonstrate that the image quality and diagnostic capability of TNE is equivalent to conventional esophagoscopy. The modern TNE endoscopes offer high quality optics, air-insufflation, and irrigation capability through a 2-mm working channel, and the ability to perform biopsies and select procedures. In general, the role of TNE in the head and neck patient is three-fold : to screen for synchronous and metachronous esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) ; to differentiate post-treatment changes/symptoms from malignancy ; and to perform certain office-based procedures. TNE offers many specific advantages to the head and neck patient that are not afforded by conventional esophagoscopy. Because of surgical and postirradiation changes, many HNSCC patients have trismus or neck stiffness preventing completion of conventional transoral esophagoscopy. Perhaps most importantly, TNE provides enhanced patient safety, increased tolerability, better practice efficiency, and cost savings. For these reasons, TNE has become a particularly useful tool in the otolaryngologist's armamentarium.

Humans , Biopsy , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Cost Savings , Endoscopes , Esophagoscopy , Head , Head and Neck Neoplasms , Neck , Patient Safety , Trismus
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715125


Perforation of the esophagus is an uncommon problem with significant morbidity and mortality. In children undergoing endoscopy, the risk of perforation is higher when interventional endoscopy is performed. The clinical features depend upon the site of esophageal perforation. Opinions vary regarding the optimal treatment protocol, and the role of conservative management in this context is not well established. Esophageal perforation that occurs as a consequence of endoscopy in children requires careful evaluation and management, as outlined in this article.

Child , Humans , Clinical Protocols , Endoscopy , Esophageal Perforation , Esophagoscopy , Esophagus , Foreign Bodies , Mortality
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-54493


OBJECTIVES: Transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE) is a relatively new diagnostic procedure in the evaluation of patients with globus sensation and dysphagia. Enabling doctors to examine all of the upper aerodigestive system without the need for sedation, this technique is becoming more popular among otolaryngology specialists. The aim of this study is to evaluate the practicability of TNE and tolerability of patients to the test. METHODS: The study group consisted of 314 patients who were admitted to the swallowing center of a tertiary medical institution with the symptoms of dysphagia and globus sensation. In addition to other diagnostic procedures, patients were informed of the TNE and the necessary consents were obtained. Before the examination, patients were asked to foresee the level of discomfort they would presumably feel, according to the information they had. After the TNE, patients were asked to score the real level of discomfort they experienced during the test. A visual analog scale was used to note the levels. The duration of the tests and any complications were also noted. RESULTS: We could not perform TNE in 12 of the 314 patients due to nasal obstruction, intractable retching and vasovagal syncope (7, 4, and 1 patients, respectively). The average discomfort score foreseen before the test was 4.7±1.4 (mean±standard deviation). The post-procedure discomfort score was 1.6±1.1, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). The average time to perform the TNE was 5 minutes (range, 3 to 13 minutes). Except for minor epistaxis in 7 patients (2%), no complications occurred. CONCLUSION: According to our results, TNE is an easy and well-tolerated procedure, it may be logical to tell the patient that the procedure will be less annoying and irritating than they assume. It is also a time saving procedure with low complication rates.

Humans , Deglutition , Deglutition Disorders , Epistaxis , Esophagoscopy , Logic , Nasal Obstruction , Otolaryngology , Prospective Studies , Sensation , Specialization , Syncope, Vasovagal , Visual Analog Scale
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164926


Aerodigestive tract foreign bodies are commonly seen either in children or in elderly age group, making its management a challenge for the otolaryngologist. Various methods have been described in literature for its removal. In our study a review of 44 patients was done who presented with history of accidental ingestion/ inhalation of foreign body to the ear nose throat out patient department. All 44 patients underwent rigid esophagoscopy/ bronchosopy (depending on the site of lodgement) under general anesthesia, based on clinical and radiological evidence.

Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 20(2): 4614-4621, May-Aug. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-957310


Objective. Determine the profile of the canine patient with esophageal foreign bodies to identify risk factors associated with the foreign bodies. Materials and Methods. This is a retrospective study made by the Veterinary Hospital Clinic of the Universidad de Extremadura (VHC). Different factors were analyzed in dogs with an endoscopic diagnosis of esophageal foreign bodies. Results. This pathology was more commonly found in young adult dogs and in small breeds. This pathology was present for the first time in the Portuguese Warren Hound, which was also the breed with the highest risk. Conclusions. The results obtained in this investigation are in agreement with the previous description of a patient that presents esophageal foreign bodies. Also, the Portuguese Warren Hound was found to be predisposed to this problem, with a higher risk factor than other breeds previously mentioned in the literature. To prevent esophageal foreign bodies, dogs should be fed raw meat and bones, especially small breeds. This pathology should always be kept in mind in dogs with esophagitis symptomology regardless of age, although it is most common in young adult dogs.

Objetivo. Determinar el perfil del paciente canino que presenta cuerpos extraños esofágicos para identificar las características de riesgo al presentar esta entidad. Materiales y métodos. Este es un estudio retrospectivo realizado en el Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad de Extremadura (HCV). Se analizaron diferentes parámetros de los perros que presentaron un diagnóstico endoscópico de cuerpos extraños esofágicos. Resultados. Esta patología se presentó más comúnmente en perros adultos jóvenes y en pacientes de raza pequeña. Se presenta por primera vez al Podenco Portugués, el cual además representó la raza con mayor factor de riesgo. Conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación concuerdan con lo descrito anteriormente en cuanto a las características del paciente con cuerpo extraño esofágico. Asimismo, se reporta el Podenco Portugués como predispuesto a esta entidad, con un factor de riesgo mayor al de otras razas anteriormente mencionadas en la literatura. Para prevenir los cuerpos extraños esofágicos, se debe alimentar con carne cruda y huesos a los perros, especialmente a los de raza pequeña. Siempre se debe tener en cuenta esta patología en los perros con sintomatología de enfermedad esofágica sin importar su edad, pues su presentación es más común en perros adultos jóvenes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470227


Objective To summarize the imaging features of esophageal hamartoma.Methods The clinical data of 1 patient with esophageal hamartoma who was admitted to the First Hospital of Jilin University in October 2010 were retrospectively analyzed.The patient received the X-ray barium meal examination,plain and enhanced multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT),esophagoscopy and endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS),and then the imaging features of those were analyzed.The patient underwent endoscopic resection of esophageal hamartoma and postoperative X-ray barium meal reexamination.Results X-ray barium meal examination demonstrated a lobular filling defect and smooth surfaces in the upper third of the esophagus,intact esophageal mucosa with good creeping.MSCT in esophagus showed a lobular soft-tissue density with the uneven inner density and liparod middle density with the size of 4.2 cm × 1.6 cm × 1.5 cm.There was no significant enhancement by enhanced CT scan.The irregular mass of white tumor at insicors 16-23 cm was observed by esophagoscopy,its proximal end was pedunculated and its nodular distally was rough,soft without bleeding and with a luminal stenosis of the local lesions.EUS revealed that there were a heterogeneous and hypoechoic lesion and the rough edge of adventitious coat of esophagus.The patient underwent endoscopic resection of tumor and was confirmed as with esophageal hamartoma by postoperative pathological diagnosis.The patient was followed up for 12 months with a good condition and without tumor recurrence by X-ray barium meal examination.Conclusions Esophageal hamartoma is a rare benign tumor,and its main clinical presentation is chocked fealing when patients take solid food.Enhanced CT scan and EUS are of great significance for the diagnosis of this disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-484197


[ABSTRACT]OBJECTIVETo investigate the diagnosis, treatment method, key points of operation, and postoperative complications of high-risk esophageal foreign body.METHODSA retrospective analysis of 41 cases of high-risk esophageal foreign body from January 1996 to December 2014. After adequate preparation, the foreign body was removed via esophageal endoscope under general anesthesia.RESULTSThe foreign bodies in 41 patients were removed via esophageal endoscope once or twice. Two cases suffered postoperative subcutaneous emphysema, that may be a result of a small perforation in esophagus. Emphysema was disappeared by fast, rehydration and anti-infection for 6 to 8 days, and other serious complications did not occur.CONCLUSIONMost high-risk esophageal foreign bodies can be removed through rigid esophagoscopy. Some of the foreign bodies of the patients were difficult to remove, some patients were presented with mediastinal emphysema and pneumothorax due to esophageal perforation, and some foreign body stuck in oesophagus so long to cause esophageal mucosa ulcer. In these conditions, foreign bodies should be removed by lateral neck incision or thoracotomy.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-66178


In North Korea, the prevalence of hepatitis B is high due to natural factors, gaps in vaccination, and the lack of antiviral treatment. Aid projects are urgently needed, however impeded by North Korea's political and economical situation and isolation. The feasibility of a joint North Korean and German humanitarian hepatitis B prevention program was assessed. Part 1: Hepatitis B vaccination catch-up campaign. Part 2: Implementation of endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices (EVL) by trainings in Germany and North Korea. By vaccinating 7 million children between 2010 and 2012, the hepatitis B vaccination gap was closed. Coverage of 99.23% was reached. A total of 11 hepatitis B-induced liver cirrhosis patients (mean age 41.1 yr) with severe esophageal varices and previous bleedings were successfully treated by EVL without major complications. A clinical standard operating procedure, a feedback system and a follow-up plan were developed. The bi-modal preventive strategy was implemented successfully. Parts of the project can serve as an example for other low-income countries, however its general transferability is limited due to the special circumstances in North Korea.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Combined Modality Therapy/methods , Democratic People's Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/embryology , Esophagoscopy/statistics & numerical data , Feasibility Studies , Hepatitis B/epidemiology , Hepatitis B Vaccines/administration & dosage , Mass Vaccination/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Secondary Prevention/methods , Treatment Outcome
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 29(2): 157-160, abr.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-722522


El melanoma maligno primario del esófago (MMPE) es una enfermedad extremadamente rara, con una incidencia del 0,1%-0,2% de todos los tumores del esófago. El pronóstico generalmente es pobre, debido a su alto potencial metastásico. El diagnóstico diferencial con el melanoma maligno metastásico puede convertirse en un reto para el grupo tratante y su abordaje requiere de un equipo multidisciplinario, que incluye la participación de un gastroenterólogo, patólogo oncólogo, oncólogo clínico, dermatólogo, entre otros. Se reporta un caso de melanoma maligno primario del esófago in situ en una mujer de 45 años de edad, manejada con esofagectomía en 3 tiempos, en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia; y se realiza una revisión de la literatura.

Primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus is an extremely rare disease: among esophageal tumors its incidence is only 0.1% to 0.2%. The prognosis is generally poor due to the high potential for metastasis. Differential diagnosis of metastatic malignant melanoma can be a challenge for the group treating it. Moreover, managing it requires a multidisciplinary team which includes a gastroenterologist, a pathologist, an oncologist, a medical oncologist, and a dermatologist. We report an in situ case of primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus in a 45 -year-old patient which was managed with three esophagectomies at the National Cancer Institute of Colombia. In addition, we review the literature.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Esophageal Neoplasms , Esophagoscopy , General Surgery , Melanoma