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Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 41-46, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012846


The cognition and attitude of scientific research ethics consciousness affect the willingness and degree of individual researchers to follow research ethics norms. This study investigated the awareness, access and training needs of Chinese medical researchers (n=11 164) on the knowledge of scientific research ethics. The survey found that more than 50.0% of people were aware of the "golden rice incident" and "skull transplantation"; 80.0% of people were knew of Operational Quideline for the Ethic Review of Biomedical Research Involving Human Subject; 90.0% said that "respecting people" and "not harming" were the basic ethical principles, but 42.8% and 75.1% chose "beneficial" and "fair" respectively; more than 60.0% of people have acquired scientific research ethics knowledge through "self-study", "special training organized by units" or "words and deeds taught by mentors or colleagues", but still 30.0% have not participated in scientific research ethics lectures in recent three years; In terms of training needs, more than 50.0% chose "ethical norms for research and application", followed by "frontier ethical issues" (41.0%) and "ethical review" (36.7%). Based on this, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the content and form of scientific research ethics education and training in China.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 489-493, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012927


The construction of the scientific and technological ethics management system is crucial to ensure the healthy development of scientific research, and is also the premise and foundation for the scientific and technological innovation and "double first-class" construction of colleges and universities. This paper through the investigation of college life science and medical research ethics committees’ relevant situation, concentrated on the comparative analysis of the construction of ethics training system to identify problems and shortcomings, combined with the work example of Peking University and the current development trend of life science and medical research, some suggestions, including take advantage of the combination of medical services, teaching and research at universities, were put forward to provide possible reference for further updating of the science and technology ethics management in colleges and universities.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 249-254, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005540


Strengthening the capacity building of clinical researchers is an important way to achieve high-quality clinical research, ethics training is an important part of it. However, laws and regulations do not specify the requirements for ethical training, many researchers’ cognition of ethics often remain in the form of "passing ethical review", and the content of ethical training often lacks ethical principles, ethical considerations and choices, etc. In view of this, this paper proposed to build a clinical research ethics training system based on the researchers’ ethical decision ability, design and implement ethical concepts, ethical principles grasp, and ethical decision practices from each link of the whole process ethical review, organically integrate them into the training system of clinical research institutions, and promote the conscious infiltration of bioethical awareness that focused on the subjects’ health rights and interests to internalize into the behavior of researchers, accumulate to the ethical decision ability of researchers.

J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(1): 37-43, ene.-mar. 2022. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395701


El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la coherencia entre lo declarado por los programas de estudios de pregrado en la carrera de Odontología de la Universidad de Viña del Mar, en relación a los valores éticos y morales y, cómo son reconocidos efectivamente por los docentes en los estudiantes. El diseño de investigación corresponde a un estudio descriptivo y transversal. Para esto se adaptaron dos instrumentos, el primero: "cuestionario sobre percepción en la categorización de valores" que busca determinar la importancia que le dan los docentes a los valores. Mientras que en el segundo: "Encuesta sobre valores en estudiantes de odontología" solicita que cada docente evalúe la frecuencia con que se manifiestan ciertos valores éticos y morales en sus estudiantes. Se consideraron los 28 académicos que constituyen la totalidad del universo de docentes clínicos de los cursos de 4to y 5to años de la carrera de odontología en el año 2019. Se discuten los resultados comparándolos con experiencias similares en otras instituciones. Los resultados muestran la percepción y el reconocimiento de los valores por parte del cuerpo docente en los estudiantes, donde se identificó que los valores incorporados de mejor manera son la dignidad, el trato humano y el dialogo; mientras que la autocrítica y el conocimiento fueron los menos incorporados, estos son clave para establecer reflexión y mejoras en los planes de estudio. Se marca el punto de inicio para la generación de futuras líneas de investigación que incorporen otros aspectos como la perspectiva de los pacientes, los estudiantes, así como también continuar recabando información para utilizar metodologías que puedan contribuir a la integración de valores y poner en debate la importancia de ellos en la formación de pregrado.

The aim of this article is to determine the coherence between what is declared by the undergraduate study programs in the Dentistry career at the University of Viña del Mar, in relation to ethical and moral values and how they are effectively recognized by teachers in the students. The research design corresponds to a descriptive and cross-sectional study. Two instruments were adapted for this, the first: "questionnaire on perception in the categorization of values" that seeks to determine the importance that teachers give to values. While in the second: "Survey on values in dentistry students" requests that each teacher evaluates the frequency of certain ethical and moral values which are manifested in their students. 28 academics constituting the entire universe of clinical teachers of the 4th and 5th year courses of dentistry career in 2019 were considered. The results were discussed, comparing them with similar experiences in other institutions. Results show the perception and recognition of the values by the teaching staff in the students. These values incorporated in the best way were dignity, humane treatment and dialogue; while self-criticism and knowledge were the least incorporated. These are key values to establish a reflection and subsequent improvements in the study plans. This article marks a starting point for the generation of future lines of research that incorporate other aspects such as the perspective of patients, students, as well as continuing to collect information to use methodologies that can contribute to the integration of values and put them into a debate about the importance of them in undergraduate training.

Humans , Education, Dental/ethics , Ethics, Dental/education , Teaching/trends , Surveys and Questionnaires , Curriculum/standards , Curriculum/trends , Education, Dental/methods
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 41-46, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031173


The cognition and attitude of scientific research ethics consciousness affect the willingness and degree of individual researchers to follow research ethics norms. This study investigated the awareness, access and training needs of Chinese medical researchers (n=11 164) on the knowledge of scientific research ethics. The survey found that more than 50.0% of people were aware of the "golden rice incident" and "skull transplantation"; 80.0% of people were knew of Operational Quideline for the Ethic Review of Biomedical Research Involving Human Subject; 90.0% said that "respecting people" and "not harming" were the basic ethical principles, but 42.8% and 75.1% chose "beneficial" and "fair" respectively; more than 60.0% of people have acquired scientific research ethics knowledge through "self-study", "special training organized by units" or "words and deeds taught by mentors or colleagues", but still 30.0% have not participated in scientific research ethics lectures in recent three years; In terms of training needs, more than 50.0% chose "ethical norms for research and application", followed by "frontier ethical issues" (41.0%) and "ethical review" (36.7%). Based on this, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the content and form of scientific research ethics education and training in China.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 489-493, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031230


The construction of the scientific and technological ethics management system is crucial to ensure the healthy development of scientific research, and is also the premise and foundation for the scientific and technological innovation and "double first-class" construction of colleges and universities. This paper through the investigation of college life science and medical research ethics committees’ relevant situation, concentrated on the comparative analysis of the construction of ethics training system to identify problems and shortcomings, combined with the work example of Peking University and the current development trend of life science and medical research, some suggestions, including take advantage of the combination of medical services, teaching and research at universities, were put forward to provide possible reference for further updating of the science and technology ethics management in colleges and universities.

Rev. medica electron ; 39(6): 1297-1307, nov.-dic. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1146397


Se pretende divulgar el trabajo para la formación en ética de investigación de la Caribbean Research Ethics Education Initiative (CREEI), y argumentar los retos de la capacitación en bioética ante nuevos y complejos dilemas de salud en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. La CREEI es un programa que puede ser analizado, mejorado y reproducido en los países asociados, para habilitar, en programas híbridos, la reflexión con perspectiva ética, la argumentación en la generación de planes, programas y políticas públicas sanitarias; la pertinencia social, la integridad y dignidad humana; y sobre todo, la actuación para garantizar el ejercicio de la autonomía individual y social, y la tutela de la comunidad que requiera el cuidado del otro, incluyendo humanos, no humanos y medio ambiente. Para ello se utilizan dos herramientas metodológicas principales, el pensamiento complejo de Morin, con estudio de caso y análisis de problema en el sistema educativo basado en el aprendizaje del estudiante y en el significado del fenómeno de estudio; y la casuística como metodología de la ética aplicada, que permite una ética alerta de la moral laica, plural, multidisciplinaria, incluyente o alternativa a otros métodos como el principialista, el personalista, el feminista, etc. Finalmente, el presente muestra los resultados a la fecha de la iniciativa de formación CREEI, el perfil de los participantes en dos generaciones, y los retos de reproducción, cambio o mejora que tiene el programa, atendiendo los requerimientos de los países asociados en materia de formación, capacitación y atención en salud e investigación actual (AU).

It is pretended to divulgate the academic work of the Caribbean Research Ethics Education Initiative, and to debate the Bioethics training challenges in front of new and complex dilemmas of health in Latin America and the Caribbean. It shows the CREEI as a program that can be analyzed, improved and replicated in partner countries to enable in hybrid programs (classroom and online education), the reflection from an ethical perspective, the debate in the generation of plans, programs and health policies; the social pertinence, the human integrity and dignity and, specially, the behavior ensuring the practice of the individual and social autonomy and the tutorship of the community requiring care from others, including humans, non-humans and environment. For this academic challenge, two main methodological tools are used, the complex thought of Morin, with case study and analysis of problem in the educational system, based on student learning and the significance of the phenomenon of study; and the casuistry as methodology of applied ethics, allowing an ethics watchful on secular, plural, multidisciplinary, inclusive moral or alternative to other methods such as the principlist, the personalist, the feminist, etc. Finally, the current work shows the up-today results of the training initiative CREEI, the profile of the participants in two generations, and the challenges of the program reproduction, change or improvement represent, taking into account the current requirements of the participant partner countries in the fields of education, training and care in health and research (AU).

Humans , Bioethics/education , Ethics, Medical/education , Review Literature as Topic , Ethics, Research/education , Education/ethics , Ethics/history , Morals
Acta bioeth ; 18(1): 9-56, jun. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-643159


This paper reviews the experience in training Latin American professionals and scientists in the ethics of biomedical and psychosocial research at the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies in Bioethics (CIEB) of the University of Chile, aided by a grant from Fogarty International Center (FIC) - National Institutes of Health from 2002 to 2011. In these 10 years of experience, 50 trainees have completed a 12-month training combining on-line and in-person teaching and learning activities, with further support for maintaining contact via webmail and personal meetings. The network formed by faculty and former trainees has published extensively on issues relevant in the continent and has been instrumental in promoting new master level courses at different universities, drafting regulations and norms, and promoting the use of bioethical discourse in health care and research. Evaluation meetings have shown that while most trainees did benefit from the experience and contributed highly to developments at their home institutions and countries, some degree of structuring of demand for qualified personnel is needed in order to better utilize the human resources created by the program. Publications and other deliverables of trainees and faculty are presented.

El presente artículo revisa la experiencia de capacitación en ética de investigación biomédica y psicosocial a profesionales y científicos latinoamericanos en el Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética de la Universidad de Chile, con el apoyo de un grant del Centro Internacional Fogarty de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud de Estados Unidos, de 2002 a 2011. En estos 10 años de experiencia, 50 profesionales han completado una capacitación de 12 meses, que combina actividades de aprendizaje en línea y presenciales con apoyo vía email y tutoría. La red, formada por los académicos del programa y los participantes, ha publicado extensamente en temas relevantes para el continente y ha sido instrumental en promover cursos de nivel de magíster en diferentes universidades, proponer regulaciones y promover el uso del discurso bioético en la atención de salud y la investigación. Los encuentros de evaluación han demostrado que, aun cuando la mayoría de los participantes se beneficiaron de la experiencia y contribuyeron grandemente al desarrollo en sus instituciones y su país, se necesita algún grado de estructuración para la demanda de personal calificado que pueda utilizar mejor los recursos humanos creados por el programa. Se presentan las publicaciones y otros productos de académicos y participantes en el programa.

O presente artigo revisa a experiência de capacitação em ética da pesquisa biomédica e psicossocial a profissionais e cientistas latino-americanos no Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos em Bioética da Universidade do Chile, com o apoio de bolsa do Centro Internacional Fogarty dos Institutos Nacionais de Saúde dos Estados Unidos, de 2002 a 2011. Nestes 10 anos de experiência, 50 profissionais completaram uma capacitação de 12 meses, que combina atividades de aprendizagem “on line” e presenciais com apoio via e-mail e tutoria. A rede formada por acadêmicos do programa e participantes publicou extensamente temas relevantes para o continente e foi instrumental em promover cursos em nivel de mestrado em diferentes universidades, propor regulamentações e promover o uso do discurso bioético na atenção à saúde e à pesquisa. Os encontros de avaliação têm demonstrado que, mesmo que a maioria dos participantes tenha se beneficiado da experiência e contribuido grandemente para o desenvolvimento de suas instituições e seu país, ainda necessita de algum grau de estruturação para a demanda de pessoal qualificado que possa utilizar melhor os recursos humanos criados pelo programa. São apresentados publicações e outros produtos de acadêmicos e participantes do programa.

Bioethics/education , Biomedical Research/ethics , Psychology, Social , Chile , Interdisciplinary Studies
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 11(2): 54-61, jun.-dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-657066


El trabajo que presentamos consta de dos partes. La primera expone una reflexión acerca de la situación intervinculada que se presenta, a nivel ético, entre el desarrollo de las relaciones interpersonales y la incursión de éstas en el escenario de la vida académica. Además, las funciones que se le atribuyen a la Universidad, en torno al tema y en especial la misión de la Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional en la formación, en valores, del futuro profesional. En la segunda parte, usando el método de análisis cualitativo, expondremos el diagnóstico del clima ético percibido por los estudiantes de primer nivel de la Escuela. Esto, respondiendo a la necesidad de elaborar una propuesta formativa en valores éticos, orientada a la creación de una ciudadanía interesada en profundizar los estilos de vida protectores de la salud. En la disciplina (Terapia Ocupacional) que abordamos en nuestra formación, son principios fundamentales los valores democráticos e inclusivos de las personas en situación de desventaja. Para ello, es prioritario desarrollar competencias valorativas desde un modelo formativo ético que, tanto en su dimensión teórica como práctica se den en el clima universitario...

The work presented in two parts. The first presents a reflection on the situation presented interlinked, on an ethical level, between the development of interpersonal relationships and the incursion of these on the stage of academic life. Moreover, the functions that are attributed to the University, around the issue, and especially the mission of the School of Occupational Therapy in training, in values, of the future professional. In the second part, using the method of qualitative analysis, we discuss the diagnosis of ethical climate perceived by students in the first level at the school. This response to the need to develop a training proposal on ethical values, oriented towards the creation of a citizenship deeply interested in the lifestyles of health protective. In the discipline (Occupational Therapy) which we address in our training are fundamental principles of democratic values and inclusive of people at a disadvantage. This is a priority to develop skills training model values from an ethical dimension in both theory and practice are given in the university environment...

O trabalho que apresentamos consta de duas partes. A primeira expõe a reflexão sobre a situação intervinculada que ocorre em nível ético entre o desenvolvimento das relações interpessoais e a incursão destas no cenário da vida acadêmica. Além disso, as funções atribuídas à Universidade quanto ao tema e, em especial, a missão da Escola de Terapia Ocupacional na formação, em valores, do futuro profissional. Na segunda parte, utilizando o método de análise qualitativa, expomos o diagnóstico do clima ético percebido pelos alunos do primeiro ano da Escola, isto em resposta à necessidade de ser elaborada uma proposta de formação em valores éticos, orientada à criação de uma cidadania interessada em aprofundar-se nos estilos de vida protetores da saúde. Na disciplina (Terapia Ocupacional) que abordamos em nossa formação, são princípios fundamentais os valores democráticos e inclusivos das pessoas em situação de desvantagem. Para isso é prioritário desenvolver competências de valor a partir de um modelo formativo ético, que tanto em sua dimensão teórica como prática ocorram no clima universitário...

Humans , Ethics, Institutional , Ethics, Institutional/education , Occupational Therapy , Occupational Therapy/education , Occupational Therapy/ethics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-531731


The article proposes the importance of intensifying the ethics training for medical professionals after a comparison of the domestic and foreign medical professionals in medical ethics cultivation.In view of the existed questions in medical ethics education for the medical personnel training in China,it further explores the way to improve medical ethics education in our country.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-530723


People-oriented is the fundamental value of Chinese medical ethics.It is the most important ideological foundation and the most prominent features of the humanities of traditional Chinese medical ethics for its content of philosophy,humanity and sociology.A series of medical ethics incident alerts us that if we violate the scientific concept of "people-oriented" and neglect the requirements of medical ethics and professional ethics training,the development of medicine will lose its orientation,and even depart from the fundamental tenet of people-oriented.