Objective To explore the influence of muscle and fat distribution on sit-up ability of female college students. Methods A total of 1560 female students majoring in non-physical education in a Guangxi University were randomly selected. Body composition was measured by the bioresistance antibody component meter. According to the National Physical Health Test Standard, the height, weight and sit-ups of female college students were measured. The students were divided into four groups according to the score of sit-ups:0, P<0.05). Compared with other parameters, the correlation coefficient between trunk muscle mass and sit-ups was the largest. Conclusion The distribution of fat and muscle has different effects on sit-up ability. Female college students' sit-up ability is greatly affected by subcutaneous fat and trunk muscle, and has nothing to do with visceral fat.
Objetivo. Analizar la asociación entre la fuerza de prensión manual relativa (FPMR) y la masa grasa (MG), controlando el posible efecto del estado de madurez.Metodología. Se estudiaron niños y adolescentes de ambos sexos con un rango de edad de ≥ 7,5 a ≤ 15,49 años. Se evaluó la FPMR mediante un dinamómetro hidráulico manual. El porcentaje de MG se evaluó mediante la absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía. Para analizar las diferencias por sexo y grupo etario y entre los niños normopesos y obesos en los niveles de FPMR, se utilizó el análisis de covarianza. Se consideraron como covariable los años de pico de velocidad de crecimiento (estado de madurez). Para analizar la asociación entre los niveles de FPMR y MG, se utilizó la correlación parcial, controlando el año de pico de velocidad de crecimiento.Resultados. Participaron 1685 escolares (731 mujeres y 954 varones). Fueron conformados 4 grupos de edad (7,5-9,4 años; 9,5-11,4 años; 11,5-13,4 años y 13,5-15,4 años). La FPMR aumentó con la edad en ambos sexos. Los valores de MG fueron elevados en todos los grupos etarios. No hubo diferencias en los grupos 3 y 4 en las niñas y en el grupo 4 de los niños. Los niños clasificados como peso normal presentaron significativamente mayor FPMR que los obesos. Se observó una asociación negativa entre FPMR y MG.Conclusión. Se demostró que la FPMR estaba negativamente asociada con la MG, tras controlar el efecto del estado de madurez
Objective. To analyze the association between relative handgrip strength (RHGS) and fat mass (FM) after controlling for the potential effect of maturity status.Methodology. Both male and female children and adolescents aged ≥ 7.5 to ≤ 15.49 years were studied. RHGS was assessed using a hydraulic hand dynamometer. FM percentage was established using a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Age and sex differences in RHGS levels between normal weight and obese participants were studied with an analysis of covariance. A covariate was years from peak height velocity (maturity status). The association between RHGS and FM levels was analyzed using a partial correlation and controlling for age at peak height velocity.Results. A total of 1685 students (731 girls and 954 boys) participated. Four age groups were established (7.5-9.4 years, 9.5-11.4 years, 11.5-13.4 years, and 13.5-15.4 years). RHGS increased with age in both males and females. FM values were high in all age groups. No differences were observed in groups 3 and 4 among girls or in group 4 among boys. Participants classified as normal weight showed a significantly higher RHGS than their obese peers. A negative association was noted between RHGS and FM.Conclusion. RHGS was shown to be negatively associated with FM after controlling for the effect of maturity status
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Muscle Strength , Body Mass Index , Chile , Adipose Tissue , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Growth and Development , ObesityABSTRACT
Introdução: Durante os últimos anos, os princípios cirúrgicos da abdominoplastia permaneceram inalterados. Portanto, muitos resultados observados apresentam desalinhamento, cicatrizes transversais altas e retas do abdome, levando ao posicionamento final da cicatriz umbilical a ser muito próximo da cicatriz transversal, o que dá a impressão de abdome curto. Propomos que a abdominoplastia modifique a concepção básica de sua marcação, pois acreditamos que é importante posicionar a cicatriz transversal mais baixa na região medial e púbica, e mais alta nas extremidades laterais, permitindo, no nível dos flancos, a rotação dos retalhos lombares no sentido anterior em direção inferomedial. Métodos: Foram analisados de forma retrospectiva 146 pacientes portadores de deformidades abdominais e os submetemos a lipomidiabdominoplastia, marcando com forte concavidade superior e orientando os lados da cicatriz em direção à linha transversa inferior do abdômen, 4cm equidistantes da raiz da coxa. Também associamos a lipoaspiração como um tratamento complementar ao contorno corporal. Resultados: Consideramos que os parâmetros da midiabdominoplastia são aplicáveis na maioria dos casos, obtendo resultados igualmente satisfatórios, tanto nos pacientes com flacidez e lipodistrofia abdominal supraumbilical, quanto nos pacientes com abdome em avental com importante flacidez e diástase dos retos abdominais. Conclusão: É importante determinar a área da deformidade abdominal e sua classificação, para estabelecer as estratégias do tratamento e associação de procedimentos complementares. Uma marcação mais baixa, respeitando as áreas de tratamento, permitirá uma melhor cicatriz estética e um contorno corporal harmônico, além de uma adequada colocação dos elementos: cicatriz umbilical, púbis e extremidades laterais da cicatriz abdominal transversa.
Introduction: During the last few years, the surgical principles of abdominoplasty have remained unchanged. Therefore, many patients undergoing this technique have misalignment and high and straight transverse scars of the abdomen, with the final position of the umbilical scar being very close to the transverse scar, making the abdomen seem short. We propose modifying the basic concept of marking in abdominoplasty, because we believe it is important to position the transverse scar lower in the medial and pubic region and higher at the lateral ends, allowing anterior lumbar flap rotation in an inferomedial direction. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 146 patients with abdominal defects and subjected them to lipo-mid-abdominoplasty, marking with strong upper concavity and guiding the sides of the scar towards the lower transverse line of the abdomen, 4 cm equidistant from the root of the thigh. We also define liposuction as a complementary treatment to body contouring. Results: We consider that midabdominoplasty parameters are applicable in most cases, obtaining satisfactory results both in patients with flatness and supraumbilical abdominal lipodystrophy and patients with an "apron" abdomen with considerable flaccidity and diastasis of the abdominal rectus. Conclusion: It is important to determine the area of the abdominal defect and its classification to establish treatment strategies and association with complementary procedures. A lower marking with respect to the treatment areas will allow a more aesthetic scar and a harmonic body contour as well as an adequate placement of the umbilical scar, pubis, and lateral ends of the transverse abdominal scar.
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play important roles in immune homeostasis and tolerance.Recently, several characteristic studies on tissue-resident Tregs have been drawing wide attention.Some tissue-resident Tregs express some special molecules and are involved in the regulation of local tissue functions apart from immune regulation.This article focuses on the functions of some tissue-resident Tregs, such as fat-resident Tregs participating in the regulation of insulin resistance, muscle-resident Tregs in the regeneration and repair of damaged skeletal muscle, and thyroid-resident Tregs in the regulation of thyroid function, aiming to help medical graduates further understand the phenotypes and functions of tissue-resident Tregs.
The main objective of this study was to obtain information on indicators of obesity among the unemployed male subjects from the Tuzla Canton. Also, we wanted to determine whether there are significant differences in the observed parameters between subjects in relation to age. The main criterion for the selection of test subjects is that they are unemployed. This is because we felt that those persons have more free time for practicing sports and recreational activities, and there is a very small number of studies in the area of Tuzla Canton with the characteristics of the sample. For the purpose of this research we applied analysis of percentage/ratio, t-test for independent samples and the Mann-Whitney U Test. Applied analysis showed that the increased value of Body Mass Index (BMI) and to the account of increased amounts of body fat has 31.5% of the respondents. It also found that there are significant differences in the variables Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat percentage (% FAT) and the total weight of fat mass (in kg) in the body (FATMAS-kg) in favor of the subjects belonging to the older age group. The results indicate the existence of the problem of obesity in males from Tuzla Canton, especially in the older age group. It is therefore necessary in adolescence or even earlier, to start with education and systematic practice of sports and recreational activities with respect to dietary habits.
El objetivo de este estudio fue obtener información sobre los indicadores de obesidad entre los varones desempleados en Tuzla Canton. Además, determinar si existen diferencias significativas en los parámetros observados entre los sujetos en relación con la edad. El criterio principal para la selección de los sujetos fue que se encontraran desempleados. Esto debido a que estas personas tienen más tiempo libre para la práctica de actividades deportivas y recreativas, y existe un número muy pequeño de estudios en el área de Tuzla Canton con las características de esta muestra. A los efectos de esta investigación se aplicó el análisis de porcentaje/proporción, prueba t, muestras independientes y la prueba U de Mann-Whitney. El análisis aplicado mostró que el aumento del valor de índice de masa corporal (IMC) y una mayor cantidad de grasa corporal se observó en un 31,5% de los encuestados. También se encontró que existen diferencias significativas en las variables del IMC, porcentaje de grasa corporal y en el peso total de la masa de grasa (en kg) en el cuerpo en los sujetos pertenecientes al grupo de mayor edad. Los resultados indican la existencia del problema de la obesidad en los varones de Tuzla Canton, especialmente en el grupo de mayor edad. Por ello es necesario en la adolescencia, e incluso antes, comenzar con la educación y la práctica sistemática de actividades deportivas y recreativas con respecto a los hábitos alimenticios.
Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Adipose Tissue/anatomy & histology , Body Mass Index , Obesity , Unemployment , Age Factors , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Reference ValuesABSTRACT
To date there is no sufficient in vitro fat tissue engineering and a protocol has not been well established for this purpose. Therefore, we evaluated the in vitro influence of two different adipogenic growth media for their stimulation potential on different cell lineages to clearly define the most potent adipogenic growth media for future in vitro tissue engineering approaches. The samples for differentiation were composed of human adipogenic-derived stroma cells (hADSCs) and human bone marrow mesenchymal stroma cells (hMSCs). A normal adipogenic medium (NAM) and a specific adipogenic medium (SAM) were tested for their adipogenic stimulation potential. After 10 days and 21 days the relative gene expression was measured for the adipogenic marker genes PPARgamma2, C/EBPalpha, FABP4, LPL, and GLUT4 detected through real time reverse transcriptase polymease chain reaction (RT-PCR). Other study variables were the comparison between NAM and SAM and between the used cells hADSCs and hMSCs. Additionally an Oil-Red staining was performed after 21 days. Our results revealed that only SAM was significantly (P<0.05) superior in the differentiation process in contrast to NAM for 10 days and 21 days. As well was SAM superior to differentiate the used cell lineages. This was evaluated by the detected marker genes PPARgamma2, C/EBPalpha, FABP4, LPL, and GLUT4 through real time RT-PCR and by Oil-Red staining. In addition, the hMSCs proofed to be equal donor cells for adipogenic differentiation especially when stimulated by SAM. The results suggest that the SAM should be established as a new standard medium for a more promising in vitro adipogenic differentiation.
Humans , Bone Marrow , Cell Culture Techniques , Cell Lineage , Gene Expression , PPAR gamma , RNA-Directed DNA Polymerase , Tissue Donors , Tissue EngineeringABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Facial fat grafting is a common cosmetic surgery for facial contouring. Although it is considered a very safe procedure, there are several reports about complications after fat grafting. Eye complications are very rare, but do exist. The author has treated cases of eyelid swelling after forehead fat grafting with conservative or surgical treatment. METHODS: From February 2010 to April 2014, the author treated five women (mean age, 35 years; range 28-52), who developed eyelid swelling (both, n=3; unilateral, n=2) approximately 2 weeks after forehead fat grafting. Symptoms included pain, foreign body sensation, recurrent swelling and redness, unilateral or bilateral ptosis, and palpable lumps. Three were acute cases treated within 1 month, and the other two were chronic cases, which occurred 4 and 28 months after the fat graft. RESULTS: Conservative treatment (Lasix, antibiotics, steroids) was used for two patients. The other three patients were treated with direct fat extraction or lump excision through the double eyelid crease line. Histological examination identified the excised specimens as lipocysts or liopogranulomas. All patients fully recovered, despite transient ptosis for several days immediately after the operation. CONCLUSIONS: Eyelid swelling after forehead fat graft can be successfully treated with either conservative or surgical treatment. Although few studies have reported eyelid swelling after fat grafting, this complication may become more common, in the future, as facial fat grafting becomes more popular. This treatment modality should be helpful to the plastic surgeons faced with these unpleasant complications.
Female , Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Eyelids , Fat Necrosis , Forehead , Foreign Bodies , Granuloma, Foreign-Body , Postoperative Complications , Sensation , Surgery, Plastic , Transplantation , TransplantsABSTRACT
Background: Body contouring has recently assumed an important role in body aesthetics. Liposuction in combination with free transplantation of adipose tissue is critical in such procedures. This study assessed the results of fat grafts implanted in unusual sites. Method: Over the past 21 years, the authors have performed 4,405 adipose tissue grafting procedures; 1,407 were classified as transfers to unusual sites. The technique used is based on histological studies and is thoroughly described, including obtaining, preparation, implantation, and postoperative care. The viability of the transplanted tissue was assessed by photographic documentation, a patient questionnaire, and clinical assessment. Results: Part of the transplanted tissue was viable in 100% of cases. The percent volume that remained in the implanted site was approximately 40% of the grafted tissue. The possibility of a late increase in transplanted adipose tissue volume was considered; such changes may be associated with a lack of genetic control in the mesenchymal stem cells present in the adipose tissue. Conclusions: Free transplants of adipose tissue in this series exhibited clinical and percent-wise progress in terms of viability, similar to grafting performed at other sites. Aviability of approximately 40% of grafted adipose tissue was possible because of the care taken throughout the procedure.
Introdução: Recentemente a definição do contorno corporal assumiu importante papel na estética do corpo. A lipoaspiração associada aos transplantes livres de tecido adiposo é fundamental nesses procedimentos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados dos enxertos gordurosos implantados em locais pouco habituais. Método: Nos últimos 21 anos, os autores realizaram 4.405 enxertos de tecido adiposo, dos quais 1.407 foram classificados como transferidos para locais pouco habituais. A técnica utilizada é fundamentada em estudos histológicos e descrita em todas as suas etapas, isto é, na obtenção, no preparo, na implantação e nos cuidados pós-operatórios. A viabilidade do tecido transplantado foi avaliada através de documentação fotográfica, de questionário respondido pelos pacientes e de avaliação clínica. Resultados: Foi possível comprovar a viabilidade de parte do tecido transplantado em 100% dos casos. O porcentual do volume que permaneceu na local implantado foi de aproximadamente 40% do tecido enxertado. Os autores chamam a atenção para a possibilidade tardia de aumento do volume do tecido adiposo transplantado, e relacionam essa alteração como um provável descontrole gênico das células-tranco mesenquimais presentes no tecido adiposo. Conclusões: Os transplantes livres de tecido adiposo avaliados nesta série apresentaram evolução clínica e porcentual de viabilidade semelhantes aos de enxertos realizados em outros locais. A viabilidade em torno de 40% do tecido adiposo enxertado foi possível graças aos cuidados tomados em todas as etapas do procedimento, conforme a técnica descrita.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Postoperative Care , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Tissue Survival , Transplantation, Autologous , Adipose Tissue/surgery , Histological Techniques/methods , Methods , Patients , Surveys and Questionnaires , MethodsABSTRACT
Angiomyxolipoma is a rare variant of lipoma and seven cases have been reported in the English literature. The reported cases mostly presented with a well-demarcated, asymptomatic, solitary, subcutaneous mass on the scalp or extremities. Histopathologic features of this tumor are characteristic and consist of the paucicellular myxoid areas and the mature fat tissue, with numerous thin, dilated blood vessels. The important histopathological differential diagnoses include myxoid spindle cell lipoma, myxoid lipoma, angiolipoma, angiomyolipoma, superficial angiomyxoma, myxoid liposarcoma and low-grade myxofibrosarcoma. We describe a 38-year-old man with multiple angiomyxolipoma on the gluteal area and the upper and lower extremities.
Adult , Humans , Angiolipoma , Angiomyolipoma , Blood Vessels , Diagnosis, Differential , Extremities , Lipoma , Liposarcoma, Myxoid , Lower Extremity , Myxoma , ScalpABSTRACT
The balance between food intake and energy expenditure is of major importance for weight control and prevention of non-transmissible diseases. Within this context body composition profile is a determining factor for the adequate functioning of neuroendocrine mechanisms; body fat, especially that localized around the abdomen, plays a major role in these mechanisms. Fat tissue may be considered an endocrine organ since hormones such as insulin and leptin, are directly linked to its storage acting in the control of food intake, energy expenditure and nutrient metabolism. In addition, enzymes such as lipoproteic- and hormone-sensitive lipase, which are directly related to lipid metabolism, are regulated by several hormones, including insulin, which in turn are influenced by fat storages. Usually, alteration of these enzymes trigger important metabolic changes, such as elevated serum tryglicerides, which is involved with onset of diabetes and dislipidemia. Considering the influence of body composition on the body's functioning itis essential to stimulate the practice of regular physical activity and incorporation of adequate feeding habits and life style, since these could contribute to a better body composition profile. Moreover, with relatively simple and inexpensive anthropometric measurements it is possible to detect high percentage of body fat, and by means of appropriate interventions, prevent and control many non-transmissible diseases
El equilibrio entre la ingestión alimentar y elgasto de energía es de importancia fundamental para el control del peso y prevención de las enfermedades crónico-degenerativas. En esse contexto, la composición corpórea es un fator determinante en el funcionamiento correcto delos mecanismos neuroendocrinos, y la grasa corpórea, principalmente aquella localizada enel área abdominal, ejerce gran influencia en esos mecanismos.El tejido adiposo puede ser considerado un órganoendocrino, porque se relacionan hormonas, como insulina y leptina, directamente al tamaño de su depósito y ellos actúan en el control de la ingesta alimentar, en el gasto de energía y en el metabolismo de los nutrientes. Además, enzimas como las lipoprotéica, lipasa y lipasa sensible a hormona que participan directamente en el metabolismo de lípidos tiene su actividad controlada por varias hormonas, como la insulina que es fuertemente influenciada por los depósitos de grasa corpórea existentes. Normalmente, la alteración de esas enzimas desencadena alteraciones metabólicas importantes como la elevación de los niveles séricos de triglicéridos,involucrados principalmente en el aparecimiento de diabetes y dislipidemias.Considerando que la influencia de la composición corpórea en el funcionamiento del organismo semanifiesta la importancia del incentivo de la práctica de actividad física de una manera regulary la adopción de hábitos alimentarios y de estilo devida adecuados. Esto contribuiría a un mejor perfil de la composición corpórea. Además, por médio de medidas antropométricas relativamente simples y de bajo costo es posible descubrir los porcentajes elevados de grasa corpórea y a través de las intervenciones prevenir y controlar muchas de las enfermedades crónico-degenerativas.
O equilíbrio entre a ingestão alimentar e o gasto energético é de fundamental importância para o controle do peso e prevenção de doenças não transmissíveis. Nesse contexto, o padrão de composição corporal é fator determinante no funcionamento adequado dos mecanismos neuro-endócrinos, sendo que a gordura corporal, principalmente a localizada na região abdominal, exerce grande influência nesses mecanismos. O tecido adiposo pode ser considerado um órgão endócrino, visto que hormônios, como insulina e leptina, estão diretamente ligados ao tamanho do seu estoque e atuam no controle da ingestão alimentar, gasto energético e metabolismo dos nutrientes. Além disso, enzimas como lipase lipoprotéica e lipase hormônio sensível, as quais estão envolvidas diretamente no metabolismo de lipídios, têm sua atividade controlada por diversos hormônios, como a insulina, que por sua vez sofrem grande influência dos estoques de gordura corporal. Normalmente, a alteração dessas enzimas desencadeia alterações metabólicas importantes como a elevação dos níveis séricos de triglicerídeos, envolvidos principalmente no aparecimento de diabetes e dislipidemias. Considerando essa influência da composição corporal sobre o funcionamento do organismo torna-se importante o incentivo à prática da atividade física, de forma regular, e a adoção de hábitos alimentares e de estilo de vida adequados, já que isto contribuiria para um melhor perfil da composição corporal. Além disso, por meio de medidas antropométricas ,relativamente simples e de baixo custo, é possível detectar elevados percentuais de gordura corporal e por meio de intervenções, prevenir e controlar muitas das doenças não transmissíveis
Humans , Male , Female , Anthropometry/instrumentation , Carbohydrate Metabolism/physiology , Lipid Metabolism/physiology , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Insulin/metabolism , Leptin/physiology , Lipase/physiologyABSTRACT
OR group,moreover the differences were significant(P0.05),however,both genes in the 2 groups′ expression level significantly were lower than that in control group(Pa
PURPOSE: We investigated the hormonal control of OB gene expression and leptin secretion in cultured human visceral adipose tissue. METHODS: Visceral adipose tissues were cultured for up to 48 hrs in modified Eagle's medium with varying concentration of hormones : Control(no hormone), bovine insulin(100 nM), Dexamethasone(DEX, 100 nM), growth hormone(GH, 40 ng/mL), insulin + DEX(100 nM each), insulin + DEX + GH(100 nM insulin and DEX, 40 ng/mL GH). Quantitative analysis of leptin mRNA was performed by competitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, and leptin secretion in culture medium was measured by IRMA using a commercial kit. RESULTS: The addition of dexamethasone to the medium significantly increased OB gene expression and leptin secretion(P<0.05). Unlike dexamethasone, insulin did not affect OB gene expression and leptin secretion. Both insulin and dexamethasone, at high concentration, significantly stimulated leptin secretion compared with basal values(P<0.05). Leptin gene expression was not significantly increased by GH treatment alone, however GH, in combination with high concentrations of insulin and dexamethasone, attenuated the stimulatory effects of high concentrations of insulin and dexamethasone. CONCLUSION: Insulin cannot increase leptin secretion without the presence of dexamethasone. The mechanism suggested is that insulin may increase leptin secretion in cytoplasm only after dexamethasone increases the expression of OB gene. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the mechanism of the action of insulin on leptin secretion after increasing OB gene expression by dexamethasone.
Humans , Cytoplasm , Dexamethasone , Gene Expression , Growth Hormone , Insulin , Intra-Abdominal Fat , Leptin , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Reverse Transcription , RNA, MessengerABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Growth hormone(GH) is a powerful inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase and is known to decrease fat cell mass. The lipolytic effect has more pronounced influence on visceral fat than subcutaneous fat. The effects of GH therapy on GH receptor in fat tissue are not clear. We investigated the changes in fat tissue and GH receptor mRNA in adipose tissue with GH therapy. METHODS: Eight children with growth hormone deficiency(GHD) and 9 children with Prader-Willi syndrome(PWS) were studied. The children were treated with 0.6U/kg/week GH for 6 months. We compared fat distribution on CT scan before and after GH therapy. Abdominal fat biopsy was done in 6 children with GHD, 3 children with PWS and 3 controls before and after GH therapy. GH receptor expression by reverse transcription PCR was examined. RESULTS: In children with GHD, total, subcutaneous and visceral fat were decreased after GH therapy(P>0.05), but thigh muscle mass was increased from 6,165 to 7,689(P<0.05). In chidren with PWS, visceral fat was decreased from 7,613 to 5,022 in abdominal CT(P<0.05) and V/S ratio(visceral fat/subcutaneous fat) was decreased also from 0.37 to 0.23(P<0.05). The thigh muscle mass was increased from 6,358 to 7,175. The expressions of GH receptor mRNA were reduced in children with GHD and PWS. But it was not significant in children with PWS. CONCLUSION: In children with PWS, fat mass was reduced and muscle mass was increased after GH therapy. In children with GHD, muscle mass was increased significantly and fat mass was decreased insignificantly. We observed down regulation of GH receptor of adipose tissue in patients with GHD after GH therapy.