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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234254


In literature there are several schools of thoughts regarding the tooth present in line of fracture. Some supports the preservation to tooth and others in contrast against to the preservation of the tooth. A case of mandibular fracture with a tooth in the fracture line is presented in this paper. Removal of tooth done followed by reduction under G.A with 1 month postoperative follow-up. Different authors supporting different treatment plan for tooth in fracture line. It depends on case whether to remove the tooth or preserve. There are several pro and cons for both the treatment plan discussed in this paper.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234028


A case of Pott’s paraplegia of sudden onset and of more than two months duration in an aged female, treated by a novel surgical technique of anterior decompression and local kyphotic angle correction by spinal pedicular fixation is presented here. A 52 year female with Pott’s paraplegia, ASIA-A with sphincters involvement and with flexor spasm, was treated by surgical intervention, in a single operation of two stages, the first by provisional posterior pedicular fixation and the second stage by anterolateral decompression and correcting the local kyphotic angle by cyclic changing the rods in increments of 5 degrees in compressive mode. The paravertebral abscess of opposite side was sucked out and at the end a tricortical bone graft harvested from iliac crest was impacted in between the space created by pedicular fixation maneuver in course of correcting kyphosis. There was steady dramatic improvement of clinical and neurological status within three weeks. Kyphotic correction was maintained with anterior tricortical interbody bone graft impacted in position. The novel surgical technique that is adopted for decompression, drainage including paravertebral abscess of opposite side, debridement and local kyphotic angle correction along with interbody bone graft fusion, in this case, offered a satisfactory outcome in spite of poor prognostic factors.

Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(2): e25470, abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566719


Las fracturas condilares continúan siendo un desafío para los cirujanos maxilofaciales, debido a los múltiples tipos de fracturas que pueden ocurrir y los tratamientos disponibles. El tratamiento de este tipo de fractura podría dificultarse si el paciente presenta edentulismo. Así, entre las opciones de tratamiento, el uso de una férula o la prótesis dental preexistente como medio de fijación se muestra como una opción viable. Se presentan 02 casos clínicos de pacientes masculinos de 36 y 83 años de edad que presentan un maxilar edéntulo y fracturande cóndilo mandibular de lado derecho; para su tratamiento se utilizó una férula de Gunning superior con fijación intermaxilar mediante el uso de tornillos de fijación intermaxilar y elásticos intermaxilares durante 4 semanas. Después de 3 meses de evolución, ambos pacientes presentaron una adecuada apertura bucal, sin desviaciones o limitación a la apertura bucal. Las férulas de Gunning, a pesar que actualmente son poco usadas, continúan siendo una opción apropiada para los casos de fractura del cóndilo mandibular en pacientes edéntulos.

Condylar fractures continue to be a challenge for maxillofacial surgeons, due to the multiple types of fractures that can occur and the treatments available. Treatment of this type of fracture could be difficult if the patient has edentulism. Thus, among the treatment options, the use of a splint or the pre-existing dental prosthesis as a means of fixation appears to be a viable option. Two clinical cases are presented of male patients aged 36 and 83 years who present an edentulous maxilla and fracture of the mandibular condyle on the right side; For treatment, an upper Gunning splint with intermaxillary fixation was used through the use of intermaxillary fixation screws and intermaxillary elastics for 4 weeks. After 3 months of evolution, both patients presented adequate mouth opening, without deviations or limitations to mouth opening. Gunning splints, although they are currently rarely used, continue to be an appropriate option for cases of fracture of the mandibular condyle in edentulous patients.

Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 59(3): 443-448, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569765


Abstract Objective To describe the clinical and radiographic outcomes of a cohort of patients with acetabular fractures treated with the modified Stoppa approach. Methods We conducted a prospective analysis of adult patients with acetabular fractures treated using the modified Stoppa approach from June 2020 to June 2021, with a minimum follow-up period of 12 months. The analysis included demographic, epidemiological, and perioperative data, as well as postoperative radiographic and functional outcomes. Results The study included 15 cases, with 14 men (93.3%) and 1 woman (6.67%). A postoperative tomographic evaluation revealed an anatomical reduction in 50%, an imperfect reduction in 13.6%, and a poor reduction in 36.4% of the subjects. Regarding the functional scores, the Harris Hip Score ranged from 56 to 100, with a mean value of 92.5. The Majeed Pelvic Score classified the functional outcome as excellent in 36.5%, good in 40.6%, moderate in 18.7%, and poor in 4.2% of the cases. Conclusion The present case series study demonstrated positive statistical relevance between reduction quality and functional outcomes and between the time until surgery and the reduction quality. The functional outcomes at a one-year of follow-up demonstrate that this approach can be an excellent alternative for anterior acetabulum fractures.

Resumo Objetivo Descrever os resultados clínicos e radiográficos de uma coorte de pacientes com fraturas de acetábulo tratados com o acesso de Stoppa modificado. Métodos Foi realizada uma análise prospectiva de pacientes adultos com fraturas de acetábulo tratados pela via de Stoppa modificada de junho de 2020 a junho de 2021 e com seguimento mínimo de 12 meses. Foram analisados dados demográficos, epidemiológicos e perioperatórios, e resultados radiográficos e funcionais pós-operatórios. Resultados Foram estudados 15 casos, sendo 14 homens (93,3%) e 1 mulher (6,67%). Na avaliação tomográfica pós-operatória, redução anatômica foi observada em 50% dos casos, imperfeita, em 13,6%, e ruim, em 36,4%. Nos escores funcionais, encontramos uma variação de 56 a 100, com média de 92,5 no Harris Hip Score. No Majeed Pelvic Score, o resultado funcional foi excelente em 36,5% dos casos, bom, em 40,6%, moderado, em 18,7%, e ruim, em 4,2%. Conclusão O estudo da série de casos demonstrou relevância estatística positiva entre a qualidade da redução e os desfechos funcionais, assim como entre o tempo até a cirurgia e a qualidade da redução. Os resultados funcionais no seguimento de um ano demonstram que o uso dessa via pode ser uma excelente alternativa para as fraturas anteriores do acetábulo.

Humans , Male , Female , Breech Presentation , Prospective Studies , Fracture Fixation , Acetabulum/surgery , Acetabulum/diagnostic imaging
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232685


Vaginal vault prolapse is about 4-6 per 1000 but it is increasing with increase in life expectancy with more number of years in menopausal age. It is not a common condition following abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy. It has a negative impact on the quality of life of women due to incontinence of urine, irregular defecation symptoms and sexual dysfunction along with psychosocial problems. This study compares the efficacy of most two successful surgeries which were done by abdominal and vaginal route for correcting post hysterectomy vault prolapse by postoperative assessment and at least 6 to 12 months follow up. This is the retrospective case series among post hysterectomy women attending the Gynae OPD in SVBP hospital associated with LLRM medical college Meerut from January 2022 to January 2023. Study population included 19 women divided into two groups; group 1 includes 8 women who underwent unilateral sacrospinous ligament fixation and group 2 includes 11 women who underwent abdominal sacrocolpopexy. In demographic and clinical features between the two groups, there is no statistically difference found in terms of mean age, mean weight, mean BMI and mean parity. Hence, both groups are comparable. The operating time is longer in ASC (85.90±40.23 minutes) group when compared to SSF group (43.43±6.9 minutes) (p value= 0.00096), blood loss reported in ASC (341.72±37.14 ml) slightly more than in SSF group (237.5±32.84 ml) (p value= 0.0001) and mean hospital stay is longer in ASC (6±5.1 days) than SSF group (3.2±0.9 days) (p value=0.0001). Other complications like postoperative pyrexia, wound infection, urinary complaints were higher in ASC group and at follow up, the mean vaginal length was longer in ASC (6.9±0.8 cm) then SSF (5.2±0.8cm) group (p value=0.0005). We concluded that as the ultimate aim of vault prolapse surgery is to improve the function and restoring anatomy and to improve the quality of life, in that respect, both abdominal sacrocolpopexy and sacrospinous ligament fixation both are effective methods and less complications are noted in SSF group. It also depends on the hands of an expert, though recovery time is faster in SSF than ASC group.

Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(1): 50-58, jan.-abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553265


As indicações de tratamento das fraturas mandibulares em paciente pediátrico variam em conservador, fixação não rígida e interna rígida. Alterações no crescimento ósseo, disfunções na articulação temporomandibular e assimetrias faciais podem ser decorrentes ao insucesso do tratamento. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em relatar abordagem cirúrgica em fratura de sínfise e côndilo mandibular bilateral em paciente pediátrico. Paciente gênero feminino, 09 anos de idade, foi encaminhada ao Hospital Geral do Estado - Bahia vítima de queda de nível, cursando com trauma em face. Apresentou queixa principal, referida pela progenitora, de dificuldades em fechar a boca. Ao exame físico, a paciente apresentou mobilidade atípica à manipulação da mandíbula, mordida aberta anterior, equimose sublingual, ausência das unidades dentárias 74 e 75, com abertura bucal regular e suturas em posição em região de mento. Ao exame de imagem de tomografia computadorizada da face, pôde-se notar sinais sugestivos de fratura em região de sínfise e côndilos mandibulares bilateral. Após diagnóstico das fraturas, a paciente foi submetida à cirurgia sob anestesia geral para redução e fixação das mesmas. Realizou-se acessos em ferimento na região mentual e retromandibular bilateral com posterior síntese das fraturas utilizando fixação interna rígida com placas do sistema 2.0mm, associada a odontossíntese na fratura de sínfise. Ao acompanhamento periódico, a eleição do tratamento cirúrgico para fraturas mandibulares em pacientes pediátricos, pode permitir segurança no crescimento ósseo mandibular e facial(AU)

The indications for treatment of mandibular fractures in pediatric patients vary from conservative, non-rigid fixation and rigid internal fixation. Changes in bone growth, temporomandibular joint disorders and facial asymmetries may be due to treatment failure. The objective of this work is to report a surgical approach to bilateral symphysis and mandibular condyle fractures in a pediatric patient. Female patient, 9 years old, was sent to the State General Hospital - Bahia, victim of a fall in level, suffering from trauma to the face. She presented a main complaint, mentioned by her mother, of difficulties in closing her mouth. On physical examination, the patient presented atypical mobility when manipulating the jaw, anterior open bite, sublingual ecchymosis, absence of dental units 74 and 75, with regular mouth opening and sutures in position in the chin region. When examining the computed tomography image of the face, signs suggestive of fracture in the region of the symphysis and bilateral mandibular condyles were noted. After diagnosis of the fractures, the patient underwent surgery under general anesthesia to reduce and fix them. Access was performed on a wound in the mental and bilateral retromandibular region with subsequent synthesis of the fractures using rigid internal fixation with 2.0mm system plates, associated with odontosynthesis in the symphysis fracture. With periodic monitoring, the choice of surgical treatment for mandibular fractures in pediatric patients can allow for safe mandibular and facial bone growth(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Chin/surgery , Chin/injuries , Mandibular Condyle/surgery , Mandibular Condyle/injuries
Rev.Chil Ortop Traumatol ; 65(1): 9-15, abr.2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554939


INTRODUCCION En los últimos años, se ha descrito el uso de placas horizontales para la fijación de fracturas que comprometen el reborde articular de los platillos tibiales, lo que se conoce como placa rim. La mayoría de las publicaciones al respecto describen su uso en columnas posteriores y posterolaterales de los platillos tibiales, y a la fecha hay escasos reportes del uso de este tipo de placa en la columna anteromedial y ninguno para la posteromedial. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar dos casos clínicos de fracturas conminutas del platillo tibial medial mostrando su tratamiento con el uso de placas rim. CASOS CLINICOS El primer caso presentaba compromiso anteromedial y posteromedial, y el segundo, compromiso posteromedial. En ambos casos, se logró la reducción mediante un abordaje posteromedial y su fijación con placa bloqueada de 2,7 mm como placa rim. En cada caso, se detalló la estrategia de reducción y el manejo postoperatorio. RESULTADOS Ambos pacientes consiguieron la consolidación ósea entre las semanas 14 y 18 tras la osteosíntesis definitiva, sin presentar pérdidas de reducción. Ambos lograron rango de movilidad articular completo (0°­125°), y retornaron a sus trabajos a los 4 y 6 meses respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES Estas placas ofrecen una buena opción de tratamiento para fracturas articulares conminutas del borde del platillo tibial, tanto en la columna anteromedial como en la posteromedial. A pesar de la ausencia de grandes series de pacientes con uso de placas rim mediales, el resultado de los casos presentados aquí nos permite plantear su utilidad al momento de enfrentarnos a fracturas del reborde articular

INTRODUCTION In recent years, the use of horizontal plates has been described to achieve fixation of fractures that compromise the articular ridge of the tibial plateau; these plates are known as "rim plates." Most publications report their use in the posterior and posterolateral columns of the tibial plateau, and to date there are few reports of its use for the fixation of the anteromedial column and none for the posteromedial column. The objective of the present article is to report two clinical cases of comminuted fractures of the medial tibial plateau, showing their treatment with the use of medial rim plates. CLINICAL CASES The first case presented with an anteromedial and posteromedial tibial plateau fracture, and the second, a posteromedial fracture. In both cases, reduction was achieved through a posteromedial approach, and the fixation was performed with a 2.7-mm locked rim plate. The reduction strategy and postoperative management were detailed in each case. RESULTS Both patients achieved bone consolidation during the 14th and 18th weeks after the definitive osteosynthesis, without presenting loss of reduction. Both patients achieved full range of joint motion (0°­125°) and returned to work after four and six months respectively. CONCLUSION These plates offer a good treatment option for comminuted fractures of the rim of the tibial plateau, for both the anteromedial and posteromedial columns. Despite the absence of large series of patients with the use of medial rim plates, the results of the two cases herein presented enables us to propose it as a useful tool when dealing with fractures of the medial rim of the tibial plateau

INTRODUCTION In recent years, the use of horizontal plates has been described to achieve fixation of fractures that compromise the articular ridge of the tibial plateau; these plates are known as "rim plates." Most publications report their use in the posterior and posterolateral columns of the tibial plateau, and to date there are few reports of its use for the fixation of the anteromedial column and none for the posteromedial column. The objective of the present article is to report two clinical cases of comminuted fractures of the medial tibial plateau, showing their treatment with the use of medial rim plates. CLINICAL CASES The first case presented with an anteromedial and posteromedial tibial plateau fracture, and the second, a posteromedial fracture. In both cases, reduction was achieved through a posteromedial approach, and the fixation was performed with a 2.7-mm locked rim plate. The reduction strategy and postoperative management were detailed in each case. RESULTS Both patients achieved bone consolidation during the 14th and 18th weeks after the definitive osteosynthesis, without presenting loss of reduction. Both patients achieved full range of joint motion (0°­125°) and returned to work after four and six months respectively. CONCLUSION These plates offer a good treatment option for comminuted fractures of the rim of the tibial plateau, for both the anteromedial and posteromedial columns. Despite the absence of large series of patients with the use of medial rim plates, the results of the two cases herein presented enables us to propose it as a useful tool when dealing with fractures of the medial rim of the tibial plateau

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Tibial Fractures/surgery , Tibial Fractures/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Fractures, Comminuted/surgery , Fractures, Comminuted/diagnostic imaging , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Aftercare
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233902


Background: Infected non-union tibial fractures pose significant challenges in orthopedic care. Ilizarov external fixation has emerged as a promising treatment option for such complex fractures. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Ilizarov fixation in non-union, infected tibial fractures. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted on 30 patients at Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences. Inclusion criteria involved patients aged 20-65 with clinical and radiological signs of infection and non-union of the tibia. Data on patient demographics, injury details, treatment history, and outcomes were collected. Ilizarov fixation was performed, and patients were followed up. Results: The study cohort, primarily males (80%), with mean age of 35.75 years, displayed a high incidence of type III compound injuries (63.33%). Monofocal and bifocal osteosynthesis effectively reduced limb shortening, with an overall average residual shortening of 1.8 cm. Bony outcomes were favorable, with 16 cases achieving excellence. Functional outcomes were also promising. Complications included stiffness, infections, and deformities. Conclusions: Ilizarov external fixation demonstrates potential in managing infected non-union tibial fractures, offering favorable bony and functional outcomes. However, post-operative complications require vigilant management. Further research is needed to validate and optimize this approach.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 188-192, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017462


Objective To investigate the curative effect of bone plate screw external fixation minimally invasive treatment assisted with 3-dimensional printing extraposition mold in distal radius fractures.Methods The clinical and follow up data in 15 cases of distal radius fractures treated by bone plate screw ex-ternal fixation minimally invasive treatment assisted with 3-dimensional printing extraposition mold were ret-rospectively analyzed.The volar inclination angle,ulnar deviation angle,radius length at the time of before surgery,immediately after surgery,and 2 years after surgery were measured,by using standard anteroposterior and lateral X-ray films,as well as the wrist jiont flexion extension motion and dorsal extension motion at the time of 2 years after surgery were measured by using protractor.The grip strength of the hand 2 years after surgery was measured by using grip strength meter.Visual Analog Scale(VAS)score was used to evaluate the pain level or wrist joint before and 2 years after surgery;Gartland Werley score was used to evaluate the wrist joint function 2 years after surgery.Results The follow-up lasted for 24.0-33.0 months with an aver-age of 26.5 months.The Gartland-Werley scores were excellent in 12 cases,good in 2 cases and fair in 1 case 2 years after surgery.The wrist joint flexion motion was(52.0±11.7)°,the wrist joint dorsal extension motion was(65.0±4.8)°,the grip strength of the affected side was(84.0±4.2)%of the healthy side.Compared with before operation,the volar inclination angle,ulnar deviation angle and radius shortening value and VAS score up were significantly improved 2 years after surgery(P<0.05),and there was no statistically significant difference in immediately after surgery imaging parameters(volar inclination angle,ulnar deviation angle and radius shortening)immediately after surgery compared to 2 years after surgery(P>0.05).Conclusion The bone plate screw external fixation minimally invasive treatment assisted with 3-dimensional printing extrapo-sition mold in distal radius fractures has the advantages of individualized bone plate screw,precision guidance position angle,minimal invasion,low demand for skin and soft tissue condition and easy taking out.The fixa-tion is reliable and the joint function recovered well and the short follow up effect is satisfactory.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017784


Objective To investigate the risk factors of femoral head necrosis after internal fixation of fem-oral neck fracture,and to clarify the predictive role of serological index plasminogen activator inhibitors-1(PAI-1)on femoral head necrosis.Methods A total of 95 patients undergoing internal fixation for femoral neck fracture were included in the study.Relevant clinical information of patients was obtained and the serum PAI-1 levels of the patients before surgery,1,2,and 3 days after surgery were detected.After 1-year follow-up,patients were divided into necrosis group and non-necrosis group according to the occurrence of femoral head necrosis.Visual Analog Scale(VAS),Western Ontario McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index(WOMAC),and Harris Hip Score(HHS)were conducted in all patients one year after the surgery.The differences of basic clinical information and serum PAI-1 levels before and after the surgery between necrosis group and non-necrosis group were compared,and Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the relevant risk factors for femoral head necrosis.The relationships between the PAI-1 level after operation and the VAS,WOMAC,and HHS scores of patients were figured out.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve of serum PAI-1 as a predictive indicator for femoral head necrosis was drawn to clarify its predictive val-ue.Results Garden classification and reduction quality between the necrosis group and the non-necrosis group were risk factors for femoral head necrosis(P<0.05).The serum PAI-1 at 1 day and 2 days after surgery in the necrosis group were significantly higher than that in the non-necrosis group(P<0.05).The level of PAI-1 at 1 day and 2 days after surgery was positively correlated with VAS and WOMAC(P<0.05),and negative-ly correlated with HHS(P<0.05).Logistic regression analysis showed that the increase of serum PAI-1 level at 1 day and 2 days after surgery were risk factors for femoral head necrosis(P<0.05).The ROC curve showed that serum PAI-1 level at 2 days after surgery had higher predictive value than that at 1 day after sur-gery,and the cut-off value was 44.8 ng/L,the sensitivity was 68.49%,the specificity was 86.36%,and the ar-ea under the curve(AUC)was 0.807.Conclusion The serum PAI-1 level at 1 day and 2 days after internal fixation of femoral neck fracture could be used to predict the occurrence of femoral head necrosis,especially the serum PAI-1 levels at 2 days after surgery.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 159-165, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018107


Objective:To compare the safety and efficacy of two different minimally invasive approaches to implant pedicle screw for the treatment of single-segment thoracolumbar spine fractures without nerve injury.Methods:This was a retrospective study. Eighty patients with mono-segmental thoracolumbar fractures treated with minimally invasive pedicle screw fixation at Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 2020 to June 2022 were included. There were 46 males and 36 females, the age was (45.93±7.91) years old, and ranged from 27 to 60 years old. They were divided into two groups according to different surgical techniques: percutaneous pedicle screw fixation group ( n=44) and Wiltse approach group ( n=36). The operative time, operative visible blood loss, hidden blood loss, total blood loss, fluoroscopy times, incision length, hospital time after surgery and ambulation time were compared. Visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry disability index (ODI), ratio of the vertebral anterior height, angle of injured vertebral endplate were recorded and compared between two groups before surgery and at 3 days, 6 months and 1 year after surgery. The accuracy of pedicle screw position and the facet joint violation rate were evaluated by using the postoperative CT scan. Perioperative related complications were investigated. Normally distributed numerical data were presented as mean ± standard deviation, and differences between the groups were compared using t-test. The counting data were expressed as percentages or rates and compared using χ2 test. Results:All patients were followed for a minimum of 12 months. There is no significant difference between the two groups in intraoperative visible blood loss, hospital time after surgery, ambulation time, postoperative VAS and ODI, ratio of vertebral anterior height and angle of injured vertebral endplate at 3 days after surgery, pedicle screw position accuracy and perioperative complications ( P>0.05). The operative time, hidden blood loss, total blood loss, intraoperative fluoroscopy times, facet joint violation rate in the percutaneous pedicle screw fixation group were remarkably higher than in the Wiltse approach group ( P<0.05). The ratio of vertebral anterior height in the percutaneous pedicle screw fixation group was dramatically lower than in the Wiltse approach group at 6 months and 1 year after surgery ( P<0.05). The postoperative injured vertebral endplate angle was higher in the percutaneous pedicle screw fixation group than that in the Wiltse approach group at 6 months and 1 year ( P<0.05). Conclusions:Both percutaneous pedicle screw fixation and Wiltse approach were safe and effective minimally invasive surgical procedures for the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures without neurological injury. The Wiltse approach can reduce fluoroscopy times and perioperative hidden blood loss, reduce the risk of facet joint violation, and maintain a better reduction than percutaneous pedicle screw fixation.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 207-211, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018116


Femoral intertrochanteric fracture is one of the common types of fractures in the elderly. With the general improvement of medical and living standards, the number of elderly people is increasing, and the problem of osteoporosis has also become relatively prominent. Therefore, low violence can usually cause fractures in this area of the elderly, which has a significant negative impact on the quality of life of elderly patients. With the further development of medical technology and internal fixation materials, the emergence of proximal femoral nail antirotation(PFNA) has greatly improved the treatment effect of femoral intertrochanteric fractures in elderly patients. However, with the increasing number of patients treated, internal fixation failures have gradually been reported. In recent years, proximal femoral biomimetic intramedullary nail(PFBN) has been reported to have good clinical efficacy. Therefore, this article mainly elaborates on the theoretical basis, design characteristics, biomechanics, and clinical efficacy research of PFBN, providing more reference for the clinical treatment of femoral intertrochanteric fractures in elderly patients in the future.

Journal of Clinical Surgery ; (12): 71-74, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019296


Objective To investigate the effect of locking plate combined with cortical screw internal fixation on ankle function and quality of life in patients with ankle fracture with tibiofibular separation.Methods A total of 120 patients with ankle fracture and distal tibiofibular separation treated in our hospital from May 2020 to December 2021 were selected and divided into control group and observation group according to random number table method,with 60 patients/group.The control group was treated with cortical screw fixation alone,and the observation group was treated with locking plate combined with cortical screw internal fixation.Before surgery and 6 months after surgery,the recovery function of the two groups was compared.X-ray,operation duration,healing time,intraoperative blood loss,postoperative complications were compared,and the living ability of the two groups of patients was evaluated.Results Before treatment,there was no difference in joint function between the two groups(P>0.05).After treatment,the longest walking of the control group(15.89±0.85),foot alignment(15.06±0.71),pain response(29.03±4.48)and ground walking(15.65±0.59).The longest walking distance(16.19±0.87),foot alignment(15.29±0.76),pain response(31.24±4.55)and ground walking(15.96±0.68)in the observation group,which were higher than those in control group(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,the intraoperative blood loss and healing time in the observation group were lower(P<0.05).BI index of the two groups before treatment had no difference(P>0.05);After treatment,BI index of observation group was higher than that of control group(P<0.05).There was no difference in the total complication rate between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Locking plate combined with cortical screw internal fixation has a good therapeutic effect on improving ankle function,reducing intraoperative blood loss,promoting healing and improving behavioral ability in the treatment of ankle fracture combined with hypotibiofibular syndesmosis injury.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 57-63, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006404


Introduction@#Tibial plateau fractures are due to high energy trauma brought about by axial compression forces and associated varus or valgus component. @*Objective@#Patients diagnosed with tibial plateau fractures from January to December 2018 treated with internal vs. external fixation will be described according to their Schatzker classification. The study further aims to compare the functional outcomes between the two groups in terms of surgery done. @*Methods@#A chart review determined the distribution of demographics. The Modified Rasmussen Score (MRS) was used to determine the clinical and radiographic parameters after taking a new knee radiograph and assessment from the rehabilitation department. The MRS determined the functional outcomes of the said patients. Ethical considerations and proper informed consent were upheld after being reviewed by the hospital’s research committee. @*Results@#Out of 48 patients, 35 underwent internal fixation via open reduction using plates and/or screws, while 13 underwent external fixation using hybrid external fixator. The demographic profile showed mostly males between ages 20 to 49 years old. Most cases were due to vehicular accidents affecting the left lower extremity. In terms of Schatzker classification, the most common was type VI. The computed mean MRS of the internal fixation group was 30.43 while the external fixation group was 30.00, generally showing no significant difference. @*Conclusion@#Surgical intervention of tibial plateau fractures aims for anatomic reduction using internal or external fixation. There was no significant difference on the functional outcome of the two groups despite classifying the respondents according to Schatzker type, hence we can conclude that external fixation be chosen as the treatment of choice for tibial plateau fractures when properly indicated.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022724


Objective To compare the clinical effects between sutureless bridge intrascleral fixation and ciliary sul-cus suture suspension of intraocular lens(IOL)1 year postoperatively.Methods In this retrospective study,14 patients(14 eyes)who underwent sutureless bridge intrascleral IOL fixation in the No.988 Hospital of Joint Logistic Support Force of PLA from March 2019 to January 2022 were taken as the intrascleral fixation group and 15 patients(15 eyes)who under-went IOL ciliary sulcus suture suspension in the same period were taken as the suture suspension group.During the 1-year follow-up,the preoperative and postoperative uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA),best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)(logMAR),spherical equivalent(SE),endothelial cell count(ECC),intraocular pressure(IOP)and IOL position were compared between the two groups.Results At 1,6 and 12 months postoperatively,the UCVA in both groups significant-ly increased compared with those before surgery(all P<0.05),and UCVA in the intrascleral fixation group were better than those in the suture suspension group at all postoperative time points(F=4.560,6.411 and5.373;all P<0.05).At 1,6 and 12 months postoperatively,there was no significant difference in BCVA in both groups compared with those before surgery(all P>0.05),but BCVA in the intrascleral fixation group were better than those in the suture suspension group at all postoperative time points(F=6.170,6.957 and 10.624;all P<0.05).After surgery,eyes in the intrascleral fixation group showed hyperopia drift,while eyes in the suture suspension group showed myopia drift.At 1,6 and 12 months post-operatively,the SE of the intrascleral fixation group were(0.59±0.30)D,(0.57±0.27)D and(0.64±0.29)D,respec-tively,and those of the suture suspension group were(-0.75±0.44)D,(-0.72±0.42)D and(-1.12±0.64)D,re-spectively.At 6 months postoperatively,the ECC of both groups were significantly lower than those before surgery(t=8.579 and 21.929;both P<0.001).The IOP in both groups were within the normal range preoperatively and stable during the follow-up.The IOL were centrally located without obvious decentration or tilt during the follow-up.In addition,there were no vitreous and retinal complications.Conclusion Both sutureless bridge intrascleral IOL fixation and IOL ciliary sulcus suture suspension can obtain a favorable prognosis of visual acuity with refractive shift,while sutureless bridge in-trascleral fixation shows better clinical outcomes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022742


Objective To explore the changes in macular microcirculation status and visual function in patients with normal tension glaucoma(NTG)using the optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)and microperimeter MP-3 and analyze the correlation between the two.Methods In this cross-sectional observational study,17 NTG patients(30 eyes)were collected as the NTG group and then divided into mild,moderate and severe NTG subgroups according to the severity of the disease.During the same period,13 healthy subjects(23 eyes)with the same age and gender distribution were selected as the control group.OCTA was used to obtain linear density(LD)and perfusion density(PD)of superficial retinal vessels in the macular area.The microperimeter MP-3 was used to measure retinal sensitivity(RS)within 10° and fixation rate at 2° and 4° of the macular area.The OCTA parameters and microperimeter MP-3 parameters were compared among all groups,and the correlation between OCTA parameters and microperimeter MP-3 parameters in NTG patients was analyzed.Results There were no significant differences in LD and PD between the control group and the mild NTG sub-group in the central and nasal sides of the macula;the LD and PD in the remaining regions and overall average LD and PD showed a gradual downward trend in the control group and the mild,moderate and severe NTG subgroups.Compared with the control group,the RS of the mild NTG subgroup was lower in the inferior and temporal regions of the macular area.The RS of each region and overall average RS in the macular area decreased with the aggravation of the NTG.In the NTG group,LD and PD were significantly positively correlated with RS in each region and overall average RS in the macular area(all P<0.05).In the NTG group,LD and PD were positively correlated with P2 in some regions of the macular area.Con-clusion Compared with the control group,the macular microcirculation status and visual function of NTG patients signif-icantly decreased with the progression of the disease;there is a significant correlation between macular LD and RS in NTG patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022763


Objective To compare and analyze the tilt and decentration of the intraocular lens in patients receiving four-point and two-point suspension fixation,as well as their relationship with visual prognosis.Methods A total of 80 patients(80 eyes)who underwent intraocular lens suspension fixation at the Ophthalmology Department of Baoding No.1 Central Hospital from June 2021 to April 2022 were selected as the subjects.These patients were randomly divided into the experimental group(41 patients,41 eyes,underwent four-point suspension fixation)and the control group(39 patients,39 eyes,underwent traditional two-point suspension fixation).They were followed up for at least 6 months after surgery to re-cord their uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA)and best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)before surgery and at the last follow-up.The tilt angle and decentration distance of the intraocular lens of patients in the two groups were measured after surger-y by a panoramic ultrasound biomicroscope.The preoperative and last follow-up UCVA and BCVA of patients in the two groups,as well as tilt angle and decentration distance of the intraocular lens after surgery,were compared,and the corre-lation between tilt angle,decentration distance and postoperative UCVA,BCVA was analyzed by Person correlation analy-sis.Results The UCVA and BCVA at the last follow-up in the experimental group and control group were better than those before surgery(all P<0.05).The difference in postoperative UCVA between the experimental group and the control group was statistically significant(t=-6.20,P=0.00),and the experimental group had better postoperative UCVA than the control group.There was no statistically significant difference in postoperative BCVA between the experimental group and the control group(t=-1.43,P=0.16).The postoperative horizontal and vertical tilt angles of the intraocular lens in the experimental group were 0.70°±0.24° and 0.60°±0.16°,respectively;while those in the control group were 2.66°± 1.40° and 3.76°±0.67°,respectively.The differences between the two groups were statistically significant(t=-8.51 and-29.42,P=0.00 and 0.00).The postoperative horizontal and vertical decentration distances of the intraocular lens in the experimental group were(0.24±0.10)mm and(0.25±0.10)mm,respectively,while those in the control group were(0.85±0.77)mm and(2.14±0.50)mm,respectively.The differences between the two groups were statistically signifi-cant(t=-4.82 and-21.68,P=0.00 and 0.00).In the experimental group,neither the horizontal and vertical tilt angles of intraocular lenses nor the horizontal and vertical decentration distances were correlated with postoperative UCVA and BCVA(all P>0.05).In the control group,the horizontal tilt angle of intraocular lenses was positively correlated with post-operative UCVA and BCVA(both P<0.05),while the vertical tilt angle was not correlated with postoperative UCVA and BCVA(both P>0.05);the horizontal decentration distance was positively correlated with postoperative UCVA and BCVA(both P<0.05),but the vertical decentration distance was not correlated with postoperative UCVA and BCVA(both P>0.05).Conclusion Both four-point suspension fixation and traditional two-point suspension fixation can effectively im-prove postoperative vision of patients,while the tilt and decentration of the intraocular lens are smaller after four-point sus-pension fixation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022768


Flanged intrascleral intraocular lens implantation has become one of the mainstream treatment solutions for aphakia in clinical practice due to its ability to avoid dislocation of the intraocular lens,or subluxation caused by suture degradation or breakage,as well as the ability to eliminate complications such as inflammation or infection caused by su-tures,and the significant improvement in postoperative vision for patients.However,there has been no systematic analysis of the factors that may lead to postoperative refractive prediction errors in China.This article analyzes the possible prob-lems of flanged intrascleral intraocular lens implantation and the reasons for postoperative refractive prediction errors,in order to provide reference for clinical work.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023778


Objective For patient-specific open-wedge high tibial osteotomy(OWHTO),a novel anatomical fixation plate was designed,and the effects of geometric parameters and material selection on biomechanical fixation were studied.Methods A patient-specific OWHTO anatomical fixation plate was designed and constructed,and the effects of design parameters(thickness,width,and length of the fixation plate)and four different materials(stainless steel,titanium alloy,magnesium alloy,and PEEK)on the biomechanics of the OWHTO fixation system were studied using finite element analysis.The biomechanical differences between the anatomical fixation plate and TomoFix fixation plate were also compared.Results The thickness had a greater effect on the micromotion of the osteotomy space than the length and width of the fixation plate did.Titanium alloy or magnesium alloy fixation plates were more conducive than stainless steel and PEEK materials in obtaining reasonable stability and mechanical transfer simultaneously.Compared with that of the TomoFix plate,the maximum von Mises stress of the anatomical fixation plate was reduced by 13.5%;the maximum von Mises stress of the screws and tibia was increased by 9.8%and 18.4%,respectively;and the micromotion at the maximum osteotomy space cc was increased by 49.3%.Conclusions Anatomical fixation plates have a positive effect on reducing the stress-shielding effect and improving biomechanical properties under the premise of ensuring stability.This study provides a reference for the development of OWHTO anatomical fixation plates.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024260


Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of two different internal fixations in the treatment of femoral intertrochanteric fractures in older adult patients.Methods:The clinical data of 152 older adult patients with femoral intertrochanteric fractures who were treated at the Second People's Hospital of Hefei from January 2019 to December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients underwent closed reduction and internal fixation surgery. They were divided into two groups based on the different types of internal fixations used. Among them, 76 patients received internal fixation using proximal femoral intramedullary nails (group A), while 76 patients received internal fixation using Intertan nails (group B). The intraoperative blood loss volume, surgical time, postoperative complications, fracture healing time, and hip joint function score were compared between the two groups.Results:The intraoperative blood loss volume in group A was (197.11 ± 37.85) mL, which was significantly less than that in group B [(226.84 ± 54.17) mL, t = 1.62, P < 0.001]. Surgical time in group A was (71.16 ± 15.64) minutes, which was significantly shorter than that in group B [(78.49 ± 15.88) minutes, t = 1.67, P < 0.001]. The fracture healing time in group A was (13.29 ± 0.94) weeks, which was not significantly different from that in group B [(13.20 ± 0.64) weeks, t = 0.33, P > 0.05]. However, the incidence of postoperative complications in group A was 5.26% (4/76), which was significantly higher than 1.32% (1/76) in group B ( χ2 = 4.04, P = 0.048). At 1 and 3 months and 1 year after surgery, the hip joint function score in group A was (63.13 ± 2.41) points, (73.50 ± 3.99) points, and (84.13 ± 7.57) points, respectively, and it was (68.65 ± 2.65) points, (79.07 ± 3.38) points, and (89.56 ± 7.71) points, respectively, in group B. At the above-mentioned time points, the difference in hip joint function score between the two groups was statistically significant ( t = 1.89, 2.48, 2.49, all P < 0.001). Conclusion:Both internal fixation methods have significant therapeutic effects on femoral intertrochanteric fractures. Internal fixation using Intertan nails leads to higher hip joint function scores and fewer postoperative complications compared with internal fixation using proximal femoral intramedullary nails, but it results in more blood loss and a longer surgical time.