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Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469304


Abstract Nanoparticles are considered viable options in the treatment of cancer. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs) and magnetite folate core shell (MFCS) on leukemic and hepatocarcinoma cell cultures as well as their effect on the animal model of acute myelocytic leukemia (AML). Through current study nanoparticles were synthesized, characterized by various techniques, and their properties were studied to confirm their nanostructure. Invivo study, nanoparticles were evaluated to inspect their cytotoxic activity against SNU-182 (human hepatocellular carcinoma), K562 (human leukemia), and THLE2 (human normal epithelial liver) cells via MTT test. Apoptotic signaling proteins Bcl-2 and Caspase-3 expression were inspected through RT-PCR method. A cytotoxic effect of MNPs and MFCS was detected in previous cell cultures. Moreover, the apoptosis was identified through significant up-regulation of caspase-3, with Bcl-2 down-regulation. Invitro study, AML was induced in rats by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea followed by oral treatment with MNPS and MFCS. Biochemical indices such as aspartate and alanine amino transferases, and lactate dehydrogenase activities, uric acid, complete blood count, and Beta -2-microglubulin were assessed in serum. Immunophenotyping for CD34 and CD38 detection was performed. Liver, kidney, and bone marrow were microscopically examined. Bcl-2 promoter methylation, and mRNA levels were examined. Although, both MNPs and MFCS depict amelioration in biochemical parameters, MFCS alleviated them toward normal control. Anticancer activity of MNPs and MFCS was approved especially for AML. Whenever, administration of MFCS was more effective than MNPs. The present work is one of few studies used MFCS as anticancer agent.

Resumo Nanopartículas são consideradas opções viáveis no tratamento do câncer. Este estudo foi conduzido para investigar o efeito de nanopartículas de magnetita (MNPs) e núcleo de folato de magnetita (MFCS) em culturas de células leucêmicas e de hepatocarcinoma, bem como seu efeito no modelo animal de leucemia mielocítica aguda (LMA). Através do atual estudo, nanopartículas foram sintetizadas, caracterizadas por várias técnicas, e suas propriedades foram estudadas para confirmar sua nanoestrutura. No estudo in vivo, as nanopartículas foram avaliadas para inspecionar sua atividade citotóxica contra células SNU-182 (carcinoma hepatocelular humano), K562 (leucemia humana) e THLE2 (fígado epitelial humano normal) por meio do teste MTT. A expressão das proteínas sinalizadoras apoptóticas Bcl-2 e Caspase-3 foram inspecionadas através do método RT-PCR. Um efeito citotóxico de MNPs e MFCS foi detectado em culturas de células anteriores. Além disso, a apoptose foi identificada por meio de regulação positiva significativa da Caspase-3, com regulação negativa de Bcl-2. No estudo in vitro, a AML foi induzida em ratos por N-metil-N-nitrosoureia seguida por tratamento oral com MNPS e MFCS. Índices bioquímicos como aspartato e alanina aminotransferases e atividades de lactato desidrogenase, ácido úrico, hemograma completo e Beta-2-microglubulina foram avaliados no soro. A imunofenotipagem para detecção de CD34 e CD38 foi realizada. Fígado, rim e medula óssea foram examinados microscopicamente. A metilação do promotor Bcl-2 e os níveis de mRNA foram examinados. Embora tanto os MNPs quanto os MFCS representem uma melhora nos parâmetros bioquímicos, o MFCS os aliviou em direção ao controle normal. A atividade anticâncer de MNPs e MFCS foi aprovada especialmente para AML. Sempre, a administração de MFCS foi mais eficaz do que MNPs. O presente trabalho é um dos poucos estudos que utilizou o MFCS como agente anticâncer.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253183, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355858


Abstract Nanoparticles are considered viable options in the treatment of cancer. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs) and magnetite folate core shell (MFCS) on leukemic and hepatocarcinoma cell cultures as well as their effect on the animal model of acute myelocytic leukemia (AML). Through current study nanoparticles were synthesized, characterized by various techniques, and their properties were studied to confirm their nanostructure. Invivo study, nanoparticles were evaluated to inspect their cytotoxic activity against SNU-182 (human hepatocellular carcinoma), K562 (human leukemia), and THLE2 (human normal epithelial liver) cells via MTT test. Apoptotic signaling proteins Bcl-2 and Caspase-3 expression were inspected through RT-PCR method. A cytotoxic effect of MNPs and MFCS was detected in previous cell cultures. Moreover, the apoptosis was identified through significant up-regulation of caspase-3, with Bcl-2 down-regulation. Invitro study, AML was induced in rats by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea followed by oral treatment with MNPS and MFCS. Biochemical indices such as aspartate and alanine amino transferases, and lactate dehydrogenase activities, uric acid, complete blood count, and Beta -2-microglubulin were assessed in serum. Immunophenotyping for CD34 and CD38 detection was performed. Liver, kidney, and bone marrow were microscopically examined. Bcl-2 promoter methylation, and mRNA levels were examined. Although, both MNPs and MFCS depict amelioration in biochemical parameters, MFCS alleviated them toward normal control. Anticancer activity of MNPs and MFCS was approved especially for AML. Whenever, administration of MFCS was more effective than MNPs. The present work is one of few studies used MFCS as anticancer agent.

Resumo Nanopartículas são consideradas opções viáveis ​​no tratamento do câncer. Este estudo foi conduzido para investigar o efeito de nanopartículas de magnetita (MNPs) e núcleo de folato de magnetita (MFCS) em culturas de células leucêmicas e de hepatocarcinoma, bem como seu efeito no modelo animal de leucemia mielocítica aguda (LMA). Através do atual estudo, nanopartículas foram sintetizadas, caracterizadas por várias técnicas, e suas propriedades foram estudadas para confirmar sua nanoestrutura. No estudo in vivo, as nanopartículas foram avaliadas para inspecionar sua atividade citotóxica contra células SNU-182 (carcinoma hepatocelular humano), K562 (leucemia humana) e THLE2 (fígado epitelial humano normal) por meio do teste MTT. A expressão das proteínas sinalizadoras apoptóticas Bcl-2 e Caspase-3 foram inspecionadas através do método RT-PCR. Um efeito citotóxico de MNPs e MFCS foi detectado em culturas de células anteriores. Além disso, a apoptose foi identificada por meio de regulação positiva significativa da Caspase-3, com regulação negativa de Bcl-2. No estudo in vitro, a AML foi induzida em ratos por N-metil-N-nitrosoureia seguida por tratamento oral com MNPS e MFCS. Índices bioquímicos como aspartato e alanina aminotransferases e atividades de lactato desidrogenase, ácido úrico, hemograma completo e Beta-2-microglubulina foram avaliados no soro. A imunofenotipagem para detecção de CD34 e CD38 foi realizada. Fígado, rim e medula óssea foram examinados microscopicamente. A metilação do promotor Bcl-2 e os níveis de mRNA foram examinados. Embora tanto os MNPs quanto os MFCS representem uma melhora nos parâmetros bioquímicos, o MFCS os aliviou em direção ao controle normal. A atividade anticâncer de MNPs e MFCS foi aprovada especialmente para AML. Sempre, a administração de MFCS foi mais eficaz do que MNPs. O presente trabalho é um dos poucos estudos que utilizou o MFCS como agente anticâncer.

Animals , Rats , Magnetite Nanoparticles , Liver Neoplasms , Ferric Compounds , Folic Acid
Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 41-44, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023595


Objective To investigate the common symptoms and associated disease characteristics of hyperhomocysteinemia in cere-bral infarction patients and the correlation analysis of influencing factors.Methods A total of 151 participants with blood homocysteine≥15μmol/L and 86 participants with blood homocysteine<15μmol/L were identified as the hyperhomocysteinemia with cerebral infarction group(H group)and the normal cerebral infarction group(N group),respectively.The symptoms and influence factors in the two groups were compared.Results Among cerebral infarction patients,patients in H group were older(P=0.049),more male(P=0.002),had a history of smoking(P=0.025),diabetes(P=0.008),hyperlipidemia(P=0.034),folate deficiency(P=0.002)and associated cognitive impairment(P=0.009)and language barrier(P=0.043).Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that age(P=0.023),diabetes(P=0.018),folate deficiency(P=0.026),and cognitive impairment(P=0.019)were independent related factors of in-creased blood homocysteine level.Conclusion Cerebral infarction patients with hyperhomocysteinemia are elderly,and most of them have diabetes,folate deficiency,and cognitive impairment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029923


Objective:To explore the relationship between reduced folate carrier 1(RFC1) gene polymorphism a curative effect, plasma concentration and adverse reaction of methotrexate (MTX) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Methods:A total of 268 RA patients with 82 males and 186 females, aged (52.47±10.29) years, who received MTX treatment in the First People's Hospital of Shangqiu, from Jan 20, 2018 to Jan 20, 2021 were collected by case-control study. The genotype of RFC1 G80A locus were detected. The plasma concentration of MTX were detected after initial administration for 48 hours. The curative effect and adverse reactions were observed and counted after treatment for 6 months. The differences of RFC1 G80A genotype among different groups were compared. Collinearity diagnosis and logistic regression were used to analyze the influencing factors of MTX efficacy and plasma concentration. The incidences of adverse reactions among patients with different genotype were compared by Chi-square test.Results:The distribution of RFC1 G80A genotype (GG/GA/AA) and gene frequency (G/A) showed statistically significant differences between the effective group and the ineffective group (χ 2=6.583, P=0.037; χ 2=6.249, P=0.012), and the effective rate of AA type [59.26% (32/54)] was higher than that of GG type [36.49% (27/74)] (χ 2=6.516, P=0.011). Logistic regression analysis showed that the OR (95% CI) value of MTX response rate in AA genotype patients versus GG genotype patients was 2.491(1.206-5.144). The 48 hour plasma drug concentration of AA type patients was 1.15 (0.75, 1.35) μmol/L. Compared with GG type [0.74 (0.61, 1.18) μmol/L] and GA type [0.84 (0.69, 0.99) μmol/L], the difference was statistically significant(χ 2=7.152, P=0.028). Logistic regression analysis showed that the probability of high 48 hour plasma drug concentration in patients with AA type was approximately 2.583 (1.238-5.390) times higher than that in patients with GG type. There was a statistically significant difference in the incidence of liver function injury among three different genotypes (GG/GA/AA) (χ 2=12.606, P=0.002). Conclusion:RFC1 G80A locus polymorphism can affect the MTX efficacy, blood drug concentration and liver function damage in RA patients. AA type patients have better efficacy and higher blood drug concentration compared to GG type patients, but the rate of liver function damage is also higher.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583645


Introducción: En el origen de los defectos congénitos influyen factores ambientales, como el déficit de consumo de ácido fólico, y factores genéticos, como los polimorfismos génicos. Objetivos: Relacionar el polimorfismo materno C677T del gen metilenetetrahodrofolato reductasa y la aparición de defectos congénitos folato-sensibles en la descendencia. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de casos y controles poblacionales. Se incluyeron 90 madres con descendencia afectada por cinco tipos de defectos congénitos folato-sensibles entre 2013 y 2018 en la provincia de Villa Clara. Se les realizó la genotificación del polimorfismo C677T del gen metilenetetrahodrofolato reductasa. Resultados: La frecuencia del genotipo homocigótico TT resultó de 0,14 y 0,06 en las madres de casos afectados y las del grupo control, respectivamente. Se identificó una asociación entre el polimorfismo materno y los defectos congénitos en la descendencia, en el modelo de codominancia y el modelo recesivo. Conclusiones: La mayor frecuencia del genotipo homocigótico TT, en las madres con descendencia afectada, se relaciona con la disminución descrita para la actividad enzimática de la metilenetetrahodrofolato reductasa en este genotipo.

Introduction: The origin of congenital defects is influenced by environmental factors, such as folic acid intake deficit, and genetic factors, such as gene polymorphisms. Objectives: To find the relation between the maternal C677T polymorphism of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene and the appearance of folate-sensitive congenital defects in the offspring. Methods: A population-based observational case-control analytical study was performed. Ninety mothers with offsprings affected by five types of folate-sensitive congenital defects between 2013 and 2018 in Villa Clara province were included. They underwent genotyping of the C677T polymorphism of the methylenetetra gene. Results: The frequency of the homozygous TT genotype was 0.14 and 0.06 in the mothers of affected cases and those of the control group, respectively. An association between maternal polymorphism polymorphism and congenital defects in the offspring, in the codominance model and the recessive model. Conclusions: The higher frequency of the TT homozygous genotype, in mothers with affected offspring, is related to the decrease described for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme activity in this genotype.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 127-132, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996535


Objective: To investigate the specificity of endogenous metabolic profile in plasma of patients with occupational acute methyl acetate poisoning using non-targeted metabolomics. Methods: A total of six patients with occupational acute methyl acetate poisoning were selected as the poisoning group, while 10 healthy workers without occupational exposure history of chemical hazards in the same industry were selected as the control group using the judgment sampling method. Metabolites in patient plasma of the two groups were detected using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and non-targeted metabolomics analysis was performed. Principal component analysis and partial least squares discriminant analysis were used to identify differential metabolites and analyze their metabolic pathways. Results: There were significant differences in metabolite profiles in patient plasma between poisoning group and control group. A total of 195 differentially expressed metabolites were screened in plasma of patients in poisoning group, including 119 upregulated and 76 downregulated metabolites. Lipid substances (lipids and lipid-like molecules) accounted for the highest proportion (21.5%). The differential metabolites of poisoning group were related to folate biosynthesis, amino acid metabolism, pyrimidine metabolism, sphingolipid biosynthesis and other metabolic pathways in plasma compared with the control group (all P<0.05). Conclusion: Occupational acute methyl acetate poisoning affects metabolism of the body. The folic acid biosynthesis, amino acid and lipid metabolism and other pathways may be involved in the occurrence and development of poisoning.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972232


@#Congenital cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) is a common malformation of maxillofacial development. At present, it is believed that the etiology of congenital cleft lip and palate mainly results from genetic factors and environmental factors. Epigenetic changes induced by environmental factors may be the key factor in the occurrence of fetal congenital malformations. As one of the important epigenetic modifications, DNA methylation has been widely and deeply studied in many fields, but as a link between the individual and the environment, its application in CL/P is limited. Existing studies have shown that DNA methylation is closely related to the occurrence of cleft lip and palate. Stimulation of folate deficiency, smoking, pollutant exposure and other environmental factors can induce changes in the state of DNA methylation, thus affecting gene expression in the development of lip and palate and leading to the occurrence of deformities.

Biomed. environ. sci ; Biomed. environ. sci;(12): 837-849, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007857


OBJECTIVE@#Circular RNAs (circRNAs) participate in several important pathological processes and have been used in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. This study aimed to investigate the role of circRNAs in neural tube defects (NTDs).@*METHOD@#We characterized circRNA-associated competitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) networks in brain tissue of low folate -induced NTDs mouse at embryonic day 13.5 by high-throughput sequencing. The expression levels of Circzfp644, miR-20-5p and Gas7 were detected by RT-PCR. Gas7 and Circzfp644 functions were determined by miRNA-mimics and inhibitors in mouse teratocarcinoma cells (F9 cells), and luciferase gene reporter assay was assessed in the F9 cells. In addition, the expression levels of Circzfp644, miR-20-5p and Gas7 were determined by Nanostring in human NTDs tissues.@*RESULTS@#We detected 57 circRNA transcripts, 16 miRNAs, and 148 mRNAs that were significantly dysregulated in NTDs brain tissues compared with their expression levels in control (normal) tissues. Circzfp644 shared miRNA response elements with the growth arrest specific 7 ( Gas7) gene and competitively bound with miR-20-5p to increase the expression of Gas7. Downregulation of Circzfp644 and Gas7 and upregulation of miR-20-5p were found in human NTD tissue.@*CONCLUSION@#This study provides new perspectives on the role of circRNAs in nervous system development and the pathogenesis of NTDs.

Humans , Animals , Mice , RNA, Circular/genetics , MicroRNAs/metabolism , Down-Regulation , Neural Tube Defects/genetics , Folic Acid
China Modern Doctor ; (36): 52-55, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038035


Objective To analyze the relationship between cognitive and psychiatric symptoms and serum folate,homocysteine(Hcy)and vitamin B12 in patients with Alzheimer's disease(AD).Methods Fifty-eight patients with AD who were treated in Hangzhou Seventh People's Hospital from March 2019 to April 2022 were retrospectively selected.According to the score of neuropsychiatric inventory questionnaire(NPI-Q),they were divided into observation group A(NPI-Q<14 points,36 cases)and observation group B(NPI-Q≥14 points,22 cases).Fifty-eight elderly persons who underwent physical examination during the same period were included in control group.The general data,serum folate,Hcy,vitamin B12 levels,mini-mental state examination(MMSE)score,NPI-Q score,clinical dementia rating(CDR)score were compared among the three groups.Results There was statistical significance in age comparison among the three groups(P<0.05),that is control group<observation group A<observation group B.There was no significant difference in other general information among the three groups(P>0.05).There were significant differences in MMSE,NPI-Q,CDR scores and serum folate,Hcy and vitamin B12 levels among the three groups(P<0.05).After controlling for variables,MMSE score was positively correlated with folate and negatively correlated with Hcy;NPI-Q score was negatively correlated with folate and vitamin B12,and positively correlated with Hcy;CDR score was negatively correlated with folate and vitamin B12,and positively correlated with Hcy(P<0.05).Serum Hcy levels in AD patients with emotional symptoms or psychiatric symptoms or impaired frontal lobe function were significantly higher than those in asymptomatic AD patients(P<0.05).Conclusion Detection of serum folate,Hcy,vitamin B12 levels is beneficial to the diagnosis of AD patients.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 4273-4290, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011170


During the development of therapeutic microRNAs (miRNAs or miRs), it is essential to define their pharmacological actions. Rather, miRNA research and therapy mainly use miRNA mimics synthesized in vitro. After experimental screening of unique recombinant miRNAs produced in vivo, three lead antiproliferative miRNAs against human NSCLC cells, miR-22-3p, miR-9-5p, and miR-218-5p, were revealed to target folate metabolism by bioinformatic analyses. Recombinant miR-22-3p, miR-9-5p, and miR-218-5p were shown to regulate key folate metabolic enzymes to inhibit folate metabolism and subsequently alter amino acid metabolome in NSCLC A549 and H1975 cells. Isotope tracing studies further confirmed the disruption of one-carbon transfer from serine to folate metabolites by all three miRNAs, inhibition of glucose uptake by miR-22-3p, and reduction of serine biosynthesis from glucose by miR-9-5p and -218-5p in NSCLC cells. With greater activities to interrupt NSCLC cell respiration, glycolysis, and colony formation than miR-9-5p and -218-5p, recombinant miR-22-3p was effective to reduce tumor growth in two NSCLC patient-derived xenograft mouse models without causing any toxicity. These results establish a common antifolate mechanism and differential actions on glucose uptake and metabolism for three lead anticancer miRNAs as well as antitumor efficacy for miR-22-3p nanomedicine, which shall provide insight into developing antimetabolite RNA therapies.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 1460-1472, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929368


Transporters are traditionally considered to transport small molecules rather than large-sized nanoparticles due to their small pores. In this study, we demonstrate that the upregulated intestinal transporter (PCFT), which reaches a maximum of 12.3-fold expression in the intestinal epithelial cells of diabetic rats, mediates the uptake of the folic acid-grafted nanoparticles (FNP). Specifically, the upregulated PCFT could exert its function to mediate the endocytosis of FNP and efficiently stimulate the traverse of FNP across enterocytes by the lysosome-evading pathway, Golgi-targeting pathway and basolateral exocytosis, featuring a high oral insulin bioavailability of 14.4% in the diabetic rats. Conversely, in cells with relatively low PCFT expression, the positive surface charge contributes to the cellular uptake of FNP, and FNP are mainly degraded in the lysosomes. Overall, we emphasize that the upregulated intestinal transporters could direct the uptake of ligand-modified nanoparticles by mediating the endocytosis and intracellular trafficking of ligand-modified nanoparticles via the transporter-mediated pathway. This study may also theoretically provide insightful guidelines for the rational design of transporter-targeted nanoparticles to achieve efficient drug delivery in diverse diseases.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 813-817, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923186


OBJECTIVE To prep are folate-targeted miR- 221 antisense oligonucleotide (anti-miR-221)delivery system ,and to preliminarily evaluate its in vitro anti-cancer effect on hepatocellular carcinoma. METHODS Folate-targeted anti-miR- 221 liposomes(FRL)were prepared by thin-film dispersion method ;the particle size ,Zeta potential and encapsulation efficiency were determined. The delivery efficiency of folate-targeted anionic liposome in human hepatoma HepG 2 cells was determined by in vitro cellular uptake experiment using calcein as the model drug. Flow cytometry was used to detect the effects of FRL on the apoptosis and cell cycle of HepG 2 cells. RESULTS The particle size of prepared FRL was (172.70±3.76)nm,Zeta potential was (-1.16± 0.15)mV and encapsulation efficiency was (83.53±1.85)%. In vitro cellular uptake experiments showed that folate-targeted anionic liposome successfully delivered calcein to HepG 2 cells,and the delivery efficiency in targeted group was higher than that of non-targeted liposome group (P<0.01). Apoptosis experiment results showed that the apoptotic rate of HepG 2 cells treated with FRL was significantly higher than that of non-targeted liposome (P<0.01). In cell cycle experiment ,FRL could shorten the S phase fraction of HepG 2 cells and induced arrest in the G 0/G1 and G 2/M phases. CONCLUSIONS FRL can encapsulate anti-miR-221 well and deliver it to hepatocellular carcinoma HepG 2 cells successfully ,and has a good in vitro anti-hepatoma effect in inducing apoptosis and cell cycle regulation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956840


Objective:To observe the distribution of 177Lu-FA-DOTA-PEG-PLGA nanoparticles in vivo, and evaluate the therapeutic effect of nanoparticles intraperitoneal injection on ovarian cancer peritoneal metastases and ascites. Methods:Nanoparticles were prepared and injected into human ovarian cancer xenograft nude mice model by tail vein. Micro-SPECT/CT imaging was performed at different times (4, 24, 72 h and 7 d) after injection to observe the distribution of nanoparticles in vivo. Nude mouse models of intraperitoneal metastases of human ovarian cancer were randomly divided into negative control group (normal saline), chemotherapy group (cisplatin 3 mg/kg, twice a week) and nanoparticle group (18.5 MBq), with 4 mice in each group. After 7 days, intraperitoneal tumor growth was evaluated by in vivo fluorescence imaging. The relative tumor inhibition rate was counted. Tumor cell apoptosis rate was detected by TUNEL method, and the proliferation activity tumor Ki67 was detected by immunohistochemical method. The ascites volume of each group was compared after treatment. Results:Micro-SPECT/CT imaging showed the radioactive uptake of the transplanted tumor, and the 24 h tumor muscle uptake ratio (T/M) was the highest, about 2.81±0.49. Intravital fluorescence imaging showed that, after intraperitoneal administration, the fluorescence intensity of abdominal tumor in particle group, chemotherapy group and control group was (1.45±0.19)×10 10, (2.21±0.36)×10 10 and (2.63±0.79)×10 10( F=6.09, P=0.029), respectively. The relative tumor growth inhibition (TGI) of the particle group and the chemotherapy group were 35.6% and 18.6%, respectively. The tumor cell apoptosis rates in particle group and chemotherapy group were higher than those in control group ( F=9.96, P=0.009). Ki67 indexes in particle group and chemotherapy group were lower than those in control group ( F=9.93, P=0.013). The ascites volume in particle group and chemotherapy group were both smaller than those in control group ( F=13.43, P=0.006). Conclusions:177Lu-FA-DOTA-PEG-PLGA nanoparticles can be used for the targeted imaging of ovarian cancer. After intraperitoneal injection, nanoparticles show local retention, degradation and absorption and thus inhibit the growth of peritoneal metastases and ascites of ovarian cancer, which provides a new idea for the diagnosis and treatment of advanced ovarian cancer with peritoneal metastasis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931250


Folate receptor(FR)overexpression occurs in a variety of cancers,including pancreatic cancer.In addi-tion,enhanced macropinocytosis exists in K-Ras mutant pancreatic cancer.Furthermore,the occurrence of intensive desmoplasia causes a hypoxic microenvironment in pancreatic cancer.In this study,a novel FR-directed,macropinocytosis-enhanced,and highly cytotoxic bioconjugate folate(F)-human serum albumin(HSA)-apoprotein of lidamycin(LDP)-active enediyne(AE)derived from lidamycin was designed and prepared.F-HSA-LDP-AE consisted of four moieties:F,HSA,LDP,and AE.F-HSA-LDP presented high binding efficiency with the FR and pancreatic cancer cells.Its uptake in wild-type cells was more extensive than in K-Ras mutant-type cells.By in vivo optical imaging,F-HSA-LDP displayed prominent tumor-specific biodistribution in pancreatic cancer xenograft-bearing mice,showing clear and lasting tumor localization for 360 h.In the MTT assay,F-HSA-LDP-AE demonstrated potent cytotoxicity in three types of pancreatic cancer cell lines.It also induced apoptosis and caused G2/M cell cycle arrest.F-HSA-LDP-AE markedly suppressed the tumor growth of AsPc-1 pancreatic cancer xenografts in athymic mice.At well-tolerated doses of 0.5 and 1 mg/kg,(i.v.,twice),the inhibition rates were 91.2%and 94.8%,respectively(P<0.01).The results of this study indicate that the F-HSA-LDP multi-functional bioconjugate might be effective for treating K-Ras mutant pancreatic cancer.

Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 244-249, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-932183


Objective:To investigate the association between recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene polymorphism in pregnant women of appropriate age, and to observe the difference of the serum concentration of patients with different MTHFR genotypes after taking different does of folic acid.Methods:A prospective case-control study was conducted, one handred and eleven pregnant women with a history of unexplained RSA and gestation less than 12 weeks who visited the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Xuancheng People's Hospital of Anhui Province from January 2019 to June 2021 were enrolled into the RSA group, and 100 normal women of childbearing age in the same area with no history of abortion were included in the control group. After venous blood was extracted, the polymorphisms of MTHFR gene C677T, A1298C PAI-1 and the serum folic acid concentration were detected.The comparison between the measurement data groups with normal distribution adopts t-test, and the counting data adopts t-test χ 2 test, Logistic regression analysis was used for multivariate analysis. Results:The genotype and allele of MTHFR C677T (CC:21.62%(24/111) and 51.00%(51/100), TT: 28.83%(32/111) and 12%(12/100)) and allele (C: 46.40%(103/222) and 69.50% (139/200), T: 53.60%(119/222) and 30.50%(61/200)) and PAI-1 (5G5G: 22.52%(25/111) and 48.00%(48/100), 4G4G: 44.14%(49/111)and 16.00%(16/100); 5G: 39.19%(87/222) and 66.00%(132/200), 4G: 60.81%(135/222) and 34.00%(68/200)) were significantly different (χ 2 values were 21.82, 22.96 and 23.51, 30.30; all P <0.001) between the RSA group and control group. Logistic analysis showed that MTHFR C677T ( OR=0.477, 95% CI 0.303-0.750) and PAI-1 genotype ( OR=0.451, 95% CI 0.306-0.665) were closely related to recurrent abortion ( P=0.001 and P<0.001). There were no significant differences in genotype and allele of MTHFR A1298C between the two groups ( P values were 0.270 and 0.149).There was no significant difference in serum concentration of folic acid between the two groups ( P=0.355 for 0.4 mg folic acid and P=0.786 for 0.8 mg or more folic acid) at the same dose of folic acid. Conclusion:The occurrence of recurrent spontaneous abortion in women of childbearing age may be related to MTHFR C677T and PAI-1 site mutation, and may not be related to MTHFR A1298C site mutation.

Malawi med. j. (Online) ; 34(2): 132-137, Jul 11, 2022. Figures, Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398067


Folic acid supplementation is an integral aspect of the management of children with sickle cell anaemia (SCA) especially in Africa. In spite of this, there have been concerns about lower folate levels, especially during crisis. AimTo determine red cell folate levels of children with sickle cell anaemia in steady state and during crisis and compare with those with haemoglobin AA genotype. Method This study was prospective, hospital based, and comparative. Fifty children with sickle cell anaemia were recruited during crises and followed up until they met the criteria for attaining steady state. The controls were fifty children matched with those with SCA for age and gender and had haemoglobin AA genotype. Red cell folate estimation was done with the Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay (ECLIA) method using the automated Roche Cobas e411 equipment. Results The median (IQR) red cell folate level in children during sickle cell crisis was 265.95 (134.50) ng/ml, which was significantly lower than the median (IQR) of 376.30 (206.85) ng/ml obtained during steady state. Most children with SCA (41 out of 50) had significantly higher folate levels during steady state (T=1081, Z-score= -4.660, p < 0.001). Median level of red cell folate was lower during anaemic crisis compared to vaso-occlusive crisis, though not significantly so (N(50), U = 214.00, Z-score= -1.077, p = 0.305). The median red cell folate level of normal controls was 343.55 (92.90) ng/ml, which was significantly lower than the 376.30 (206.85) ng/ml obtained during steady state (N(50), U= 209.00, Z-score= -7.177, p <0.001). Conclusion Median red cell folate levels of the study participants were within normal limits, though most children with SCA had significantly higher levels during steady state compared to crisis. Normal controls had significantly lower red cell folate levels than the children with SCA during steady state

Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Anemia, Diamond-Blackfan , Folic Acid , Anemia, Sickle Cell , Seizures, Febrile
Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 62(1): 111-118, jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284364


La importancia de la investigación científica referida a la definición de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro en altitud, se relaciona con los hallazgos de los estudios realizados y que permiten avanzar al conocimiento científico, en poblaciones vulnerables, siendo que están dirigidos a mejorar la salud pública e influir en políticas de salud. Se presenta el análisis y reflexión de una innovadora modalidad para nuestro medio de altitud, basada en la suplementación con hierro y folatos para definir anemia en la población estudiada, situación que difiere de investigaciones previas sobre el tema en nuestro contexto de altitud. Estos estudios han tenido un escrutinio intenso de parte de los revisores que han valorado las publicaciones sobre anemia ferropénica a gran altitud. La claridad de los diseños de ensayos clínicos formales y controlados aleatorizados, pertinentes en tiempo y necesarios por su importancia fueron realizados, en regiones de altitud de Bolivia. La falta de reconocimiento por terceros de este nivel de evidencia logrado, equivaldría a sustituirlos por estudios de ensayos no formales y no controlados, es decir seguir aplicando diseños de tipo observacional, con contrastación teórica y lógica que solo incrementan el estado de incertidumbre sobre el tema en Bolivia. El sumario presentado de la historia sobre la anemia ferropénica en regiones de altitud en Bolivia nos permite reflexiones importantes, a saber: 1. Es importante resaltar, como claro ejemplo, que la observación simple puede llevar a la incertidumbre y lo costoso de sus consecuencias futuras por la persistencia de la anemia ferropénica en poblaciones de altitud, más aún si se mantiene el posible manejo de prueba y error en resultados difundidos. 2. Se demuestra la necesidad de los controles en la investigación científica, y finalmente 3. Los ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados son la mejor fuente de evidencia confiable.

The importance of scientific research related to the definition of iron deficiency anemia at altitude is related to the findings of the studies carried out and that allow advancing scientific knowledge, in vulnerable populations, being that they are aimed at improving public health and influence health policies. The analysis and reflection of an innovative modality for our altitude environment is presented, based on supplementation with iron and folates to define anemia in the studied population, a situation that differs from previous research on the subject in our altitude context. These studies have received intense scrutiny from reviewers who have evaluated the publications on high altitude iron deficiency anemia. The clarity of the designs of formal and randomized controlled clinical trials, pertinent in time and necessary due to their importance, were carried out in highland regions of Bolivia. The lack of recognition by third parties of this level of evidence achieved, would be equivalent to replacing them with studies of non-formal and uncontrolled trials, that is, to continue applying observational designs, with theoretical and logical contrast that only increase the state of uncertainty on the subject in Bolivia. The summary presented of the history of iron deficiency anemia in high-altitude regions of Bolivia allows us important reflections, namely: 1. It is important to highlight, as a clear example, that simple observation can lead to uncertainty and the cost of its future consequences due to the persistence of iron deficiency anemia in high altitude populations, even more so if the possible trial and error management is maintained in disseminated results. 2. The need for controls in scientific research is demonstrated, and finally 3. Randomized controlled clinical trials are the best source of reliable evidence.

Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Altitude , Anemia
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922551


Red, white, blue, green, and yellow lights were applied to investigate their effects on folate accumulation in wheat seedlings. The different lights, especially red light, significantly increased the total folate content. Total folate showed maximum accumulation under 30 μmol/(m

Biomed. environ. sci ; Biomed. environ. sci;(12): 356-363, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878371


Objective@#This study aimed to investigate the effects of @*Methods@#In this study, 0.1% DMG was supplemented in 20% casein diets that were either folate-sufficient (20C) or folate-deficient (20CFD). Blood and liver of rats were subjected to assays of Hcy and its metabolites. Hcy and its related metabolite concentrations were determined using a liquid chromatographic system.@*Results@#Folate deprivation significantly increased pHcy concentration in rats fed 20C diet (from 14.19 ± 0.39 μmol/L to 28.49 ± 0.50 μmol/L; @*Conclusion@#DMG supplementation exhibited hypohomocysteinemic effects under folate-sufficient conditions. By contrast, the combination of folate deficiency and DMG supplementation has deleterious effect on pHcy concentration.

Animals , Male , Rats , Biomarkers/metabolism , Chromatography, Liquid , Diet , Dietary Supplements , Folic Acid Deficiency/metabolism , Homocysteine/metabolism , Liver/metabolism , Random Allocation , Rats, Wistar , Sarcosine/metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886689


@#The aim of this study was to study the synthesis of two folate conjugates and their application in the preparation of folate targeted liposome, and to investigate their targeting effect in hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cell line in vitro. In this study, Folate-PEG-Cholesteryl hemisuccinate(Folate-PEG2000-CHEMS and Folate-PEG4000-CHEMS)were synthesized by linking folate and cholesterol succinate with two kinds of PEG materials. Structures of Folate-PEG2000-CHEMS and Folate-PEG4000-CHEMS were characterized by 1H NMR and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry. Calcein was selected as the model drug, and calcein liposomes FA-PEG2000-L and FA-PEG4000-L were prepared by film dispersion method using Folate-PEG2000-CHEMS and Folate-PEG4000-CHEMS, respectively. The particle size and Zeta potential of FA-PEG2000-L and FA-PEG4000-L were measured by laser particle size analyzer. The drug delivery effect of FA-PEG2000-L and FA-PEG4000-L was evaluated by cellular uptake experiment in HepG2 cell line in vitro. Flow cytometry and laser confocal scanning microscope were used to determine fluorescence in HepG2 cells in vitro. The results showed that the average particle size of calcein liposome was (205.8 ± 10.2) nm, and the Zeta potential of calcein liposome was -(1.19 ± 0.31) mV.There was no significant difference in particle size and Zeta potential between FA-PEG2000-L and FA-PEG4000-L. The fluorescence intensity of FA-PEG4000-L liposome group was about 3.6 and 3.1 times higher than that of non-targeted liposome group and FA-PEG2000-L liposome group, with statistically significant difference (P < 0.01). The drug delivery efficiency of FA-PEG4000-L group in HepG2 cells was higher than that in FA-PEG2000-L and non-targeted groups, and the results indicated that Folate-PEG4000-CHEMS can promote the uptake of liposome by HepG2 cells in vitro. All in all, Folate-PEG4000-CHEMS could be applied in the preparation of folate targeted liposome, which could promote the uptake of liposome by HepG2 cells.