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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(3): 36935, 23 dez. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1585387


Introdução:A colagem de fragmentos é um tratamento conservador para casos de fraturas dentárias,com ou sem envolvimento pulpar, e deve ser considerada como uma alternativa a ser explorada jáque traz muitos benefícios ao preservar a estética e restaurar adequadamente função. Objetivo:Avaliar a prevalência de colagemde fragmentos dentários em pacientes com fraturas coronáriasnão complicadasatendidos em um centro brasileiro especializado em traumatismos dentoalveolares, no período de 2008 a 2022.Metodologia:Foi realizado um levantamento transversal e retrospectivo dos prontuários depacientes atendidos nesse períodoe aanálise foi realizada nas dependências de uma universidade pública de graduação em odontologia do sul do Brasil. Todos os registros do período foram contabilizados para obtenção do número total de pacientes atendidos e criada uma planilha Excel para extrairos seguintes dados: data do tratamento, sexo, idade na primeira consulta, dentes acometidos pelo trauma, número de acompanhamentos, comprometimento pulpar e meio de armazenamento do fragmento. A coleta de dados foi realizada por um único pesquisador e os dados foram analisados descritivamente. Resultados:Foram incluídos 670 registros, sendo 1.474 dentes acometidos por trauma. 33 dentes foram submetidos à colagemde fragmentos, resultando em uma prevalência de 2,2% de 2008a 2022. O perfil mais prevalente foram pacientes do sexo masculino, com 11 anos de idade, os incisivos centrais superiores mais acometidos, sendo a solução salina o meio de armazenamento mais utilizado. Aproximadamente2 acompanhamentos foram realizados e apenas4 dentes receberam proteção pulpar. Conclusões:Uma baixa taxa de prevalência de colagem de fragmentos foi observada nos últimos 15 anos, possíveis explicações para esse resultado incluem a ausência e impossibilidade da colagem e o desconhecimento do paciente datécnica. Campanhas de conscientização sobre como procederfrentetraumatismos dentários sãode grande valia futuramente (AU).

Introduction: Fragment reattachment is a conservative treatment for tooth fractures with or without pulpal involvement, and it must represent an alternative to be explored, as it brings several benefits by preserving esthetics and adequately restoring function. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of tooth fragment reattachment in patients with uncomplicated crown fractures assisted in a Brazilian center specialized in dentoalveolar trauma from 2008 to 2022. Methodology: A cross-sectional and retrospective survey was performed on the medical records of patients assisted in this period, and the analysis took place in the facilities of a public university of undergraduate studies in dentistry in southern Brazil. Counting all records provided the total of assisted patients and creating an Excel spreadsheet allowed extracting the following data: treatment date, sex, age in the first appointment, teeth affected by trauma, the number of follow-up visits, pulpal involvement, and fragment storage medium. A single researcher collected the data, which were descriptively analyzed. Results: The study included 670 records, with 1,474 teeth affected by trauma. Thirty- three teeth underwent fragment reattachment, yielding a 2.2% prevalence from 2008 to 2022. Eleven-year-old male patients were the most prevalent profile, upper central incisors were the most affected, and saline solution was the most used storage medium. Approximately two follow-up visits occurred, and only four teeth received pulp protection. Conclusions: The prevalence rate of fragment reattachment has been low over the last 15 years, possibly due to the absence and impossibility of reattachment and patient unawareness of the technique. Awareness campaigns on the procedures for dental trauma are valuable for the future (AU).

Introducción: El pegado de fragmentos es un tratamiento conservador para casos de fracturas dentales, con o sin recubimiento pulpar, y se la debe considerar como una alternativa a ser explotada ya que aporta muchos beneficios al preservar la estética y restaurar adecuadamente su función. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia del pegado de fragmentos dentales en pacientes con fracturas coronarias no complicadas atendidos en un centro brasileño especializado en traumatismos dentoalveolares, en el período de 2008 a 2022. Metodología: Se ha realizado un levantamiento transversal y retrospectivo de los prontuarios de pacientes atendidos en dicho período y el análisis fue realizado en las instalaciones de una universidad pública de grado en odontología en el sur de Brasil. Todos los registros del período se han contabilizado para obtener el número total de pacientes atendidos y se ha generado una planilla Excel para extraer los siguientes datos: fecha del tratamiento, sexo, edad en la primera consulta, dientes acometidos por el trauma, número de acompañamientos, compromiso pulpar y medio de almacenamiento del fragmento. La recolección de datos fue realizada por un único investigador y dichos datos fueron analizados descriptivamente. Resultados: Se han incluido 670 registros, habiendo 1.474 dientes acometidos por trauma. 33 dientes fueron sometidos al pegado de fragmentos, generando una prevalencia del 2,2% de 2008 a 2022. El perfil más prevalente fue el de pacientes del sexo masculino, con 11 años de edad, los incisivos centrales superiores más acometidos, siendo la solución salina el medio de almacenamiento más utilizado. Aproximadamente 2 acompañamientos fueron realizados y solo 4 dientes recibieron protección pulpar. Conclusiones: Un bajo índice de prevalencia de pegado de fragmentos se ha observado en los últimos 15 años, posibles explicaciones para este resultado incluyen la ausencia e imposibilidad del pegado y el desconocimiento del paciente sobre la técnica. Campañas de toma de consciencia sobre cómo proceder ante traumatismos dentales son de un gran valor en el futuro (AU).

Tooth Fractures/therapy , Dental Bonding , Tooth Injuries/therapy , Medical Records , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Conservative Treatment
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 41(3): 266-272, jul.-sep. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576661


RESUMEN Objetivos. Determinar la alimentación del Aedes aegypti en brotes de dengue de dos zonas rurales del Perú durante el ciclón Yaku y El Niño Global del 2023. Material y métodos. Se analizaron ocho muestras de sangre (8 pooles) obtenidas del abdomen de 80 especímenes Aedes aegypti capturados en los distritos rurales de Querecotillo y Marcavelica durante brotes de dengue acontecidos en el ciclón Yaku y en El Niño Global. Se extrajo ADN de las muestras analizadas, se llevó a cabo una PCR dirigida al gen CytB como marcador genético y los productos PCR fueron digeridos enzimáticamente con las restrictasas Hae III y Mwo I. Los productos PCR-RFLP fueron visualizados por electroforesis en gel de agarosa al 4%. Resultados. Se obtuvo ADN de todas las muestras y como producto PCR un amplicón de 358 pb. Así mismo, el único RFLP en Hae III observado fue el de Homo sapiens sapiens (233 y 125 pb). No se observó RFLP en Hae III de Gallus gallus y RFLP en Mwo I de Canis familiaris y Mus musculus. Conclusión. En brotes de dengue de zonas rurales, durante el ciclón Yaku y en El Niño Global, el Aedes aegypti presentó un comportamiento alimenticio antropofílico conservado.

ABSTRACT Objective. To determine the feeding behavior of Aedes aegypti in dengue outbreaks in two rural areas of Peru during the Yaku cyclone and El Niño phenomenon of 2023. Material and methods. Eight blood samples (8 pools) were obtained from the abdomen of 80 Aedes aegypti specimens captured in the rural districts of Querecotillo and Marcavelica during the Yaku cyclone and El Niño dengue outbreaks. DNA was extracted from the analyzed samples, then a PCR was directed at the CytB gene as a genetic marker and the PCR products were enzymatically digested with the restrictases Hae III and Mwo I. The PCR-RFLP products were visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis at 4%. Results. DNA was obtained from all samples and a 358 bp amplicon was obtained as a PCR product. Likewise, the only RFLP found in Hae III was from Homo sapiens sapiens (233 and 125 bp). RFLP was not found in Hae III of Gallus gallus and RFLP in Mwo I of Canis familiaris and Mus musculus. Conclusion. Aedes aegypti showed conserved anthropophilic feeding behavior in dengue outbreaks in rural areas during the Yaku cyclone and El Niño.

Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Aedes , Dengue , DNA , Infections
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2024 Jul; 42(3): 249-254
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238934


Background: Uncomplicated crown fractures of maxillary anterior teeth are common dental injuries, and the bonding of fractured fragments is recommended for management. Rehydration of fragments improves bonding and fracture resistance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the fracture resistance of the reattached tooth fragment of the incisor crown after rehydration using either a steamer or a humidifier. Materials and Methods: Bovine teeth were used as a model. Fractured fragments were divided into three groups: Group I (no rehydration), Group II (rehydration by humidifier), and Group III (rehydration by steamer). Fragments were reattached using a standard bonding protocol. Fracture resistance was tested using a universal testing machine. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance and Chi-square tests. Results: The force required to fracture the reattached fragments was significantly higher in Group II (humidifier) compared to Group I (no rehydration) (P = 0.005). Group III (steamer) had a force value similar to Group I, indicating no significant improvement in fracture resistance with steamer rehydration. The temperature inside the steam-based chamber reached an average of 95.7°C with 95% humidity, whereas the conventional humidification chamber had an average temperature of 39.2°C and 84% humidity. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, the rehydration protocol using a steam-based chamber was found to have a significantly lower force required to fracture the reattached fragments as compared to humidifier-based chamber. This was not significantly different from the fragments which were reattached without rehydration.

J Genet ; 2024 Feb; 103: 1-5
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238649


Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been demonstrated to be an excellent platform for the multi-fragment assembly of large DNA constructs through its powerful homologous recombination ability. These assemblies have invariably used the stable centromeric single copy vectors. However, many applications of these assembled genomes would benefit from assembly in a higher copy number vector for improved downstream extraction of intact genomes from the yeast. A review of the literature revealed that large multi-fragment assemblies did not appear to have been attempted in multicopy vectors. Therefore, we devised a toolkit that would enable one to seamlessly transition with the same assembling fragments between a single copy and a multicopy vector. We evaluated the assembly of a 28 kb attenuated SARS- CoV-2 genome (lacking the N gene) from 10 fragments in both single copy and multicopy vector systems. Our results reveal that assembly was comparably efficient in the two vector systems. The findings should add to the synthetic biology toolkit of S. cerevisiae and should enable researchers to utilize any of these vector systems depending on their downstream applications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022082


BACKGROUND:After the treatment of femoral shaft fracture with the intramedullary nail,the third fracture open reduction indications are controversial.Some scholars believe that limited open reduction can achieve anatomical reduction,conducive to fracture healing;but some scholars believe that no open reduction of the third fracture still has a high fracture healing rate. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of the circumference and displacement of the third fragment on fracture healing after intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures with the third fragment. METHODS:A retrospective cohort study was conducted to analyze the clinical data of 142 patients suffered a femoral shaft fracture with a third fragment admitted to the Affiliated Lianyungang Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University from February 2016 to December 2021.The fracture were classified into three types according to the circumference of the third fracture with reference to the diaphyseal circumference at the fracture site:type 1 in 71 cases,type 2 in 52 cases,and type 3 in 19 cases.Referring to the diaphyseal diameter,the fractures were classified into three degrees according to the degree of the third fragment displacement:degree I in 95 cases,degree II in 31 cases,and degree III in 16 cases.All patients were treated with femoral interlocking intramedullary nails,and no intervention was performed for the displaced third fragment during the operation.Postoperative follow-up was performed to compare the fracture healing rate,healing time,and the modified Radiographic Union Scale for Tibia at month 9 after surgery in each group.The effect of third fracture fragment circumference and degree of displacement on fracture healing was assessed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)All 142 patients were followed up for at least 12 months,with a mean of(14.7±4.1)months,and the overall healing rate was 73.4%.(2)When the third fragment was displaced by degree I,the healing rate,healing time,and modified Radiographic Union Scale for Tibia score at month 9 were not statistically significant among the three sub-groups of circumference classification.(3)When the third fragments were displaced by degree II or III,the healing rate and healing time were not statistically significant among the three subgroups of circumference classification;the modified Radiographic Union Scale for Tibia score at month 9 in the type 1 group was higher than that in the type 2 and 3 groups(P = 0.017).(4)Logistic regression analysis showed that a greater third fragment displacement and circumference were associated with lower fracture healing rates(P<0.05).(5)These findings indicate that in the treatment of femoral shaft fractures with third fragment by intramedullary nails,when the fracture fragment is displaced to degree I,the circumference size has little effect on fracture healing,and no intervention is required during surgery.When the third fragment is displaced to degree II or III and the circumference of which is type 1,a higher modified Radiographic Union Scale for Tibia score can still be obtained with no intervention of the third fragment.However,when the circumference is of type 2 or type 3,it significantly affects the fracture healing.Consequently,intraoperative intervention to reduce the distance of displacement of the fragment is required to lower the incidence of nonunion.The displacement of the third fracture fragments has a greater impact on fracture healing than their circumference.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 255-261, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023707


Small molecule drug screening technology is continuously evolving and expanding along with drug discovery,and the innovation in drug screening technology can improve the research and development efficiency and success rate,shorten the cycle time,and reduce the cost.From traditional screening technologies based on known active compounds and high-throughput screening(HTS)to new technologies such as structure-based drug discovery(SBDD),fragment-based drug discovery(FBDD),DNA encoded compound library(DEL)and proteolysis targeting chimeras(PROTAC),small molecule drug screening technologies are continuously broadening the market potential for small molecule drugs.This article will provide an overview of the current status of small molecule drug screening technology,systematically review each technique along with their advantages and disadvantages,and offer essential insights for the development of new small molecule drug screening technologies.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026360


Purpose To establish and evaluate a high-speed fragment-induced penetrating liver injury model in pigs assisted by portable ultrasound.Materials and Methods With the aid of portable ultrasound,the lower edge of the liver at the end of expiration and the lower edge of the right chest at the end of inspiration of 10 Landrace pigs were positioned on the body surface.Then the sighting line was traced to determine the direction of projection and the sighting point.High-speed(about 627 m/s)fragments were projected through an experimental ballistic gun to induce penetrating liver injury.Blood pressure,heart rate,respiratory rate,pulse oxygen saturation and other physiological indexes were measured 15 minutes before shooting and 20 minutes after shooting.20 minutes after injury,the liver injury and the degree of injury were examined by ultrasound.After injury,the liver injury and abdominal fluid accumulation were observed by on-site portable ultrasound,and the size of liver trauma,liver injury grade,abdominal fluid accumulation location and maximum depth were recorded.The degree of liver injury was evaluated by comparison with the gross pathological results.Results Nine out of ten pigs were successfully modeled.The success rate of penetrating liver injury induced by fragments was 90%(9/10),other organ injury in abdominal cavity was 22.22%(2/9),and diaphragm penetrating injury was 22.22%(2/9),which did not occur obvious hemopneumothorax.After injury,the systolic blood pressure,diastolic blood pressure,and pulse oxygen saturation of the pigs decreased[(132.44±12.65)mmHg vs.(103.33±33.43)mmHg,(96.44±12.27)mmHg vs.(70.89±24.21)mmHg,(89.44±8.49)%vs.(76.00±13.41)%;t=2.440,2.651,4.084,all P<0.05],and the heart rate increased[(94.00±17.39)times/min vs.(139.89±37.21)times/min;t=3.534,P<0.05].Within 20 minutes after modeling,portable ultrasound images showed that the liver injury was a patchy,heterogeneous,slightly strong echo area with clear and irregular boundary,and the continuity of the local liver capsule was interrupted.The ascites appeared in the abdominal cavity with the maximum depth of(4.16±1.35)cm.The American association for the surgery of trauma(AAST)liver injury grading of gross pathology after the animals were killed showed that there were 6 cases of grade Ⅱ and 3 cases of grade Ⅲ.Along the fragment projection direction,the short diameter measured by ultrasound was positively correlated with the depth of gross pathological laceration(r=0.945,P<0.001).Compared with the gross specimen,the accuracy rate of ultrasonic AAST grading of liver injury was 88.89%(8/9).Conclusion The model of high-speed fragment-induced liver injury in pigs assisted by portable ultrasound is accurate and stable,and portable ultrasound can effectively evaluate the penetrating liver injury,which provides a basis for the treatment of liver firearm injury.

Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 192-197, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028260


Objective:To explore the association of frailty and serum C-terminal agrin fragment(CAF)with the prognosis of elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome(ACS).Methods:In this prospective cohort study, clinical data of 207 older patients with ACS between January 2020 and May 2022 were collected.Serum samples were obtained within 24 hours after enrollment to detect CAF levels.Meanwhile, the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction(TIMI)and frailty screening questionnaire(FSQ)scores were assessed on admission.Patients were followed up for major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events(MACCE)for 90 days.Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of MACCE.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was performed to evaluate the predictive ability of the FSQ score, serum CAF and their combination for MACCE.According to 90-day mortality, patients were divided into a survival group(n=176)and a death group(n=31). The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used for survival analysis.Results:The FSQ score( Z=4.412, P<0.001)and serum CAF( Z=6.702, P<0.001)in the MACCE group were higher than those in the non-MACCE group.Logistic regression analysis showed that after adjusting for age, sex, TIMI score and complete revascularization, frailty defined by FSQ( OR=1.714; 95% CI: 1.059-2.775; P=0.028)and high serum CAF( OR=1.230; 95% CI: 1.122-1.350; P<0.05)were independent risk factors for MACCE.The area under the ROC curve(AUC)of the FSQ score for predicting MACCE was 0.797(95% CI: 0.735-0.850; P<0.001), the predictive cut-off point was an FSQ score >2, and the Youden index(YI)was 0.419, yielding a sensitivity of 0.708 and a specificity of 0.711.In addition, the AUC of serum CAF for predicting MACCE was 0.766(95% CI: 0.701-0.822; P<0.001), the predictive cut-off point was >6.01 μg/L, and YI was 0.460, yielding a sensitivity of 0.750 and a specificity of 0.710.The predictive ability of FSQ combined with CAF for MACCE was higher than FSQ( Z=2.294, P=0.022)or CAF( Z=2.545, P=0.011)alone.Cox regression analysis showed that frailty defined by FSQ( HR=3.487; 95% CI: 1.329-9.153; P=0.011)was independently associated with all-cause mortality within 90 days after ACS. Conclusions:Frailty assessment and serum CAF detection can improve the risk stratification of elderly patients with ACS.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 18-21, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038251


@#Objective To investigate the risk factors associated with clinical stage in patients with non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).Methods The clinical data of 182 patients with non-small cell lung cancer admitted from July 2019 to March 2023 were retrospectively analyzed,and they were divided into stage Ⅰ,stage Ⅱ group(n=73)and stage Ⅲ,stage Ⅳ group(n=109)according to the clinical stage.Inter-group comparison and Logistic regression analysis were used to screen the risk factors affecting the clinical stage of patients,and receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the diagnostic value of these risk factors.Results Antinuclear antibody(ANA),fibrinogen(FIB)and cytokeratin 19 fragment(CYFRA21-1)were independent risk factors affecting the clinical stage of NSCLC patients.The optimal cut-off values of FIB and CYFRA21-1 were 4.07g/L and 7.07μg/L,respectively.The area under curve(AUC)of the combined diagnosis of clinical stage was 0.859,the sensitivity was 64.2%,and the specificity was 95.9%.Conclusion ANA,FIB and CYFRA21-1 are independent risk factors for the progression of clinical stage of NSCLC patients.The combined detection of the three indicators has certain reference value for the diagnosis of clinical stage in NSCLC patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038291


@#Abstract: The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and computational sciences, particularly through the introduction of artificial intelligence drug design (AIDD) and computer-aided drug design (CADD) technologies, have revolutionized pathways in drug development. These include techniques such as natural language processing, image recognition, deep learning, and machine learning. By employing advanced algorithms and data processing techniques, these technologies have significantly enhanced the efficiency and success rate of R&D processes. In drug discovery, AI technologies have accelerated the identification of drug targets, screening of candidate drugs, pharmacological assessments, and quality control, effectively reducing R&D risks and costs. This article delves into the application of AIDD and CADD in drug development, analyzing their roles in enhancing the success rates and efficiencies of drug design, exploring their future trends, and addressing the potential challenges.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 273-279, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016952


@#Objective To explore the factors affecting the stability of high concentration variable domain of heavy-chain antibody-Fc(VHH-Fc) fusion protein.Methods Three groups of forced degradation experiments,shaking,light and 40℃ high temperature were set up.Differential scanning fluorimetry,dynamic light scattering(DLS) and ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS) were used to detect the effects of the three forced degradation conditions on the conformational stability,colloidal stability,average hydrodynamic diameter and post-translational modifications of high concentration VHH-Fc fusion protein.Results Under the light condition,the onset temperature of unfolding(T_(onset)),melting temperature(T_m) and aggregation onset temperature(T_(agg)) of high concentration VHH-Fc fusion protein decreased the most,and the oxidation ratio of Met160 and Met266 increased significantly.Under the condition of shaking,the variation of the diffusion interaction parameter(k_D) and the average hydrodynamic diameter was the largest.Conclusion Light can significantly reduce the conformational stability of high concentration VHH-Fc fusion protein and induce methionine oxidation.Shaking has the most significant effect on its colloidal stability and promotes aggregation

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017864


Objective To explore the clinical value of chitinase 3-like protein 1(CHI3L1)in the diagnosis of lung cancer.Methods A total of 106 patients with lung cancer admitted to the North District of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from January to December 2022 were selected as the lung cancer group,76 patients with benign lung disease admitted during the same period were selected as the benign lung disease group and 20 healthy subjects were selected as the control group.Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect CHI3L1 levels.The levels of carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA),neuron-specific eno-lase(NSE),cytokeratin-19 fragment(CYFRA21-1),squamous cell carcinoma antigen(SCC-Ag)and gastrin-releasing peptide precursor(ProGRP)were determined by chemiluminescence assay.Results The levels of CEA,ProGRP,NSE,CYFRA21-1 and CHI3L1 in lung cancer group were significantly higher than those in control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Serum CEA in lung cancer group was significantly higher than that in benign lung disease group,while serum CHI3L1 was significantly lower than that in benign lung disease group,with statistical significance(P<0.05).Serum levels of NSE and Pro-GRP were higher in patients with small cell lung cancer than those with lung adenocarcinoma and lung squa-mous cell carcinoma(P<0.05).Compared with patients with lung adenocarcinoma and small cell lung canc-er,the serum CYFRA21-1 level in patients with lung squamous cell carcinoma was higher,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,the serum levels of NSE,CY-FRA21-1 and CHI3L1 in patients with stage Ⅰ to Ⅱ lung cancer group were significantly increased,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Multivariate Logistic stepwise regression analysis was per-formed for CEA,ProGRP,NSE,CYFRA21-1 and CHI3L1,and it was found that NSE and CHI3L1 had an effect on the occurrence of lung cancer.The sensitivity,specificity and area under the curve of CHI3L1 and NSE were 96.2%,90.0%and 0.965 respectively.Conclusion Serum CHI3L1 can assist in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of lung cancer.The combined detection of CHI3L1 and NSE is helpful for the early de-tection of lung cancer and has good clinical application value.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 273-279, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013388


@#Objective To explore the factors affecting the stability of high concentration variable domain of heavy-chain antibody-Fc(VHH-Fc) fusion protein.Methods Three groups of forced degradation experiments,shaking,light and 40℃ high temperature were set up.Differential scanning fluorimetry,dynamic light scattering(DLS) and ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS) were used to detect the effects of the three forced degradation conditions on the conformational stability,colloidal stability,average hydrodynamic diameter and post-translational modifications of high concentration VHH-Fc fusion protein.Results Under the light condition,the onset temperature of unfolding(T_(onset)),melting temperature(T_m) and aggregation onset temperature(T_(agg)) of high concentration VHH-Fc fusion protein decreased the most,and the oxidation ratio of Met160 and Met266 increased significantly.Under the condition of shaking,the variation of the diffusion interaction parameter(k_D) and the average hydrodynamic diameter was the largest.Conclusion Light can significantly reduce the conformational stability of high concentration VHH-Fc fusion protein and induce methionine oxidation.Shaking has the most significant effect on its colloidal stability and promotes aggregation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021514


BACKGROUND:Vascularization is essential for wound healing and functional recovery during soft tissue repair.Adipose tissue is believed to be the body's largest source of stem cells,and a number of different fat complexes have been developed for research and treatment.Its ability to promote angiogenesis and soft tissue repair has been extensively studied. OBJECTIVE:To review the progress of vascularization in soft tissue repair,and to summarize the preparation methods of adipose tissue and its derivative and their applications in vascularization and soft tissue repair.It is proven that adipose tissue and its derivative have excellent research value and clinical application prospects in vascular and soft tissue engineering. METHODS:PubMed,Web of Science and CNKI databases were used to search the related articles published from January 2010 to February 2023.The search terms were"soft tissue repair,wound healing,vascularization,angiogenesis,adipose tissue,stromal vascular fraction,adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragment,nanofat,adipose extracellular matrix/stromal vascular fraction gel"in Chinese and English.A small number of old classic literature was also included.An initial screening was performed by reading the titles and abstracts to exclude literature that was not relevant to the topic of the article,and 69 papers were finally included for the analysis of the result. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Wound healing is an important physiological process,which mainly occurs when tissue is damaged,such as injury,surgery,burn,tumor,infection and vascular disease caused by tissue damage and defects.(2)Adequate vascularization of the wound site is essential for tissue repair,reconstruction of local homeostasis and functional recovery.(3)Adipose tissue is believed to be the body's largest pool of stem cells and a number of different fat components have been used for research and treatment.(4)Due to its inherent composition and preparation advantages,adipose tissue will continue to play an important role in tissue engineering research and therapy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005250


ObjectiveTo establish a rapid method for evaluating the heterozygosity of Murraya paniculata germplasm materials and provide as a foundation for developing germplasm breeding and innovation measures for M. paniculata. MethodSingle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were screened from the genome resequencing data of 65 plants of M. paniculata. A self-written script was used to transform 20 SNPs into restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was employed to detect the 20 RFLP markers in 12 M. paniculata germplasm accessions, and the heterozygosity of M. paniculata germplasm accessions was calculated based on the number of enzyme-cutting bands at the 20 RFLP marker sites. Plink was used to calculate the whole genome heterozygosity of 12 M. paniculata germplasm accessions, and the results obtained with different methods were compared. ResultThere was no significant difference in the heterozygosity calculated by the PCR-RFLP method and the genome resequencing method. The PCR-RFLP and genome resequencing methods identified 8 and 9 germplasm accessions, respectively, with a heterozygosity level less than 30%. Seven germplasm accessions with heterozygosity less than 30.00% were calculated by both methods. ConclusionThe PCR-RFLP method established in this study for evaluating the heterozygosity of M. paniculata germplasm demonstrates the precision of 87.5% and the accuracy of 77.8%. This method serves as a reference for developing heterozygosity evaluation methods in other medicinal plant germplasm resources.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005252


ObjectiveTo establish a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method for rapid distinguishing Periplocae Cortex from Acanthopanacis Cortex and Lycii Cortex, so as to avoid the influence of genetic confusion on drug safety. MethodThe DSS-tagged sequences of Periplocae Cortex were obtained from the Chloroplast Genome Information Resource (CGIR) and analyzed to find the enzymatic cleavage sites that were different from those of Acanthopanacis Cortex and Lycii Cortex. The specific enzymatic cleavage site, Cla I, of Periplocae Cortex was selected, on the basis of which the primers for PCR-RFLP were designed. Furthermore, the factors such as annealing temperature, number of cycles, Taq enzyme, PCR instruments, and enzymatic treatment time that may influence PCR-RFLP were studied. The established PCR-RFLP method was applied to the identification of Periplocae Cortex, Acanthopanacis Cortex, and Lycii Cortex samples produced in different regions. ResultThe PCR-RFLP at the annealing temperature of 59 ℃ and with 40 cycles showed clear bands of the samples. When the enzyme digestion time was 30 min. The reaction produced the target bands at about 140 bp and 290 bp for both Periplocae Cortex and its original plant and only a band at about 430 bp for Acanthopanacis Cortex, Lycii Cortex, and their original plants. The method can accurately distinguish Periplocae Cortex from its confounders Acanthopanacis Cortex and Lycii Cortex. ConclusionThe PCR-RFLP method for distinguishing Periplocae Cortex from Acanthopanacis Cortex and Lycii Cortex was established. It has high stability, sensitivity, and applicability, providing a reference for the quality control of Periplocae Cortex, Acanthopanacis Cortex, and Lycii Cortex.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469386


Abstract The edge effect has impacts on seed and seedling survival due to modifications in biotic and abiotic factors. Often, large-seeded tree species lost seed vectors in the forest edge due to the rarity or absence of large frugivores at this habitat type. In this study, I compared the seedling abundance and distribution of the palm Syagrus flexuosa between edges and interiors of three large Cerrado remnants. In every remnant, the number of seedlings around parent palms in the edge was smaller than around palm individuals located in the Cerrado interior. Moreover, the distribution of seedlings around parent palms differed between edges and interiors. In the edges, most seedlings were found under parent crowns, while in the interiors, the contrary occurred. The high concentration of seedlings under parent palms suggests a decrease of seed dispersal at the edges. Because S. flexuosa is a widely distributed palm that serves as an important resource for several animals along Cerrado habitats, changes on the regeneration process of this palm due to edge effects can further impact frugivore populations. Therefore, the decline of seedling establishment along forest edges implies changes in the Cerrado regeneration dynamics, which may compromise the persistence of ecological processes and animal communities.

Resumo O efeito de borda tem impactos severos na sobrevivência de sementes e plântulas devido a modificações dos fatores bióticos e abióticos. Frequentemente, espécies arbóreas com sementes grandes perdem seus dispersores na borda da floresta devido à raridade ou ausência de grandes frugívoros neste tipo de habitat. Neste estudo, comparei a abundância e distribuição de plântulas de S. flexuosa entre bordas e interiores de três grandes remanescentes de Cerrado. Em cada remanescente, o número de plântulas ao redor das palmeiras-mãe, na borda, era menor do que ao redor dos indivíduos no interior do Cerrado. Nas bordas, a maioria das plântulas foi encontrada junto às plantas mãe, enquanto no interior ocorreu o contrário. A alta concentração de plântulas sob as plantas adultas sugere diminuição da dispersão de sementes nas bordas. Como S. flexuosa é uma palmeira amplamente distribuída que serve como um recurso importante para vários animais nos habitats do Cerrado, mudanças no processo de regeneração dessa palmeira devido aos efeitos de borda podem impactar ainda mais as populações de frugívoros. Portanto, o declínio do estabelecimento de plântulas ao longo das bordas do Cerrado implica em mudanças na dinâmica de regeneração do Cerrado, o que pode comprometer a persistência de processos ecológicos e comunidades animais.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e259137, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364510


The edge effect has impacts on seed and seedling survival due to modifications in biotic and abiotic factors. Often, large-seeded tree species lost seed vectors in the forest edge due to the rarity or absence of large frugivores at this habitat type. In this study, I compared the seedling abundance and distribution of the palm Syagrus flexuosa between edges and interiors of three large Cerrado remnants. In every remnant, the number of seedlings around parent palms in the edge was smaller than around palm individuals located in the Cerrado interior. Moreover, the distribution of seedlings around parent palms differed between edges and interiors. In the edges, most seedlings were found under parent crowns, while in the interiors, the contrary occurred. The high concentration of seedlings under parent palms suggests a decrease of seed dispersal at the edges. Because S. flexuosa is a widely distributed palm that serves as an important resource for several animals along Cerrado habitats, changes on the regeneration process of this palm due to edge effects can further impact frugivore populations. Therefore, the decline of seedling establishment along forest edges implies changes in the Cerrado regeneration dynamics, which may compromise the persistence of ecological processes and animal communities.

O efeito de borda tem impactos severos na sobrevivência de sementes e plântulas devido a modificações dos fatores bióticos e abióticos. Frequentemente, espécies arbóreas com sementes grandes perdem seus dispersores na borda da floresta devido à raridade ou ausência de grandes frugívoros neste tipo de habitat. Neste estudo, comparei a abundância e distribuição de plântulas de S. flexuosa entre bordas e interiores de três grandes remanescentes de Cerrado. Em cada remanescente, o número de plântulas ao redor das palmeiras-mãe, na borda, era menor do que ao redor dos indivíduos no interior do Cerrado. Nas bordas, a maioria das plântulas foi encontrada junto às plantas mãe, enquanto no interior ocorreu o contrário. A alta concentração de plântulas sob as plantas adultas sugere diminuição da dispersão de sementes nas bordas. Como S. flexuosa é uma palmeira amplamente distribuída que serve como um recurso importante para vários animais nos habitats do Cerrado, mudanças no processo de regeneração dessa palmeira devido aos efeitos de borda podem impactar ainda mais as populações de frugívoros. Portanto, o declínio do estabelecimento de plântulas ao longo das bordas do Cerrado implica em mudanças na dinâmica de regeneração do Cerrado, o que pode comprometer a persistência de processos ecológicos e comunidades animais.

Ecosystem , Arecaceae , Seedlings , Seed Dispersal
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);70(11): e20240687, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583047


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aims to access the frequency of single-nucleotide polymorphism rs12589592 (G>A) of the fibulin-5 gene in a Brazilian population with pelvic organ prolapse. METHODS: This was a case-control study, with menopausal women divided into two groups and classified using the pelvic organ prolapse quantification system: pelvic organ prolapse group: pelvic organ prolapse quantification system stages III and IV and Control group: pelvic organ prolapse quantification system stages I and 0. We collected epidemiologic and baseline health information and performed genotyping of rs12589592 from the fibulin-5 gene using a restriction fragment length polymorphism (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) strategy, based on the distinction of sequences from alleles G and A by the restriction enzyme DdeI. For the pelvic organ prolapse group and control, 111 and 180 women were recruited, respectively. RESULTS: The rs12589592 (G>A) polymorphism analysis showed 141 GG homozygotes (pelvic organ prolapse group: 53 [47.7%] and Control: 88 [49.2%] p=0.850); and 149 AA+GA: (pelvic organ prolapse group: 58 [52.3%]; Control: 91 [50.8%]; p=0.904). The distribution of genotypes did not follow the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium conditions. CONCLUSION: There was no difference between groups regarding genotypes (rs12589592 G>A) frequency; however, the population characteristics prevent the analysis of the association between the genotype and the occurrence of prolapse.

J Genet ; 2023 Jul; 102: 1-9
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238622


Investigating the population genetic structure of parasites and their host plants can provide valuable insights into their coevolutionary processes. In this study, we assessed and compared the population genetic diversity and structure of 12 Rhus gall aphid (Schlechtendalia chinensis) populations and their respective host plant (Rhus chinensis) using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that both the aphid and its host plant exhibited higher genetic variance within populations than among them, indicating that their coevolutionary history may have produced analogous patterns of population genetic structure. Additionally, we considered alternative factors that could contribute to this outcome, such as intraspecific gene flow, hybridization, or environmental influences. Our analysis did not reveal a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances of either the aphid or host plant populations, leading us to reject the isolation-by-distance model as a plausible explanation for the demo- graphic histories of these two species.