Objective:To explore the chain mediating effect of future orientation and academic engagement between perceived teacher support and academic procrastination in high school students.Methods:From December 2021 to February 2022, a survey was conducted on 550 high school students by the perceived teacher support questionnaire, the adolescent future orientation scale, the academic engagement scale, and the general procrastination scale-for student populations (GPS). Data were entered by EpiData 3.1 software, and SPSS 26.0 software was used to process and analyze the data by one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and Bootstrap method test.Results:The scores of perceived teacher support, future orientation, academic engagement and academic procrastination were (3.77±0.80), (3.22±0.48), (68.11±18.08) and (52.32±11.78) respectively.The results of correlation analysis showed that academic procrastination was negatively correlated with perceived teacher support, future orientation and academic engagement ( r=-0.32, -0.38, -0.49, all P<0.01), while perceived teacher support was positively correlated with future orientation and academic engagement ( r=0.40, 0.43, both P<0.01). Future orientation was positively correlated with academic engagement ( r=0.56, P<0.01). The mediating effect analysis showed that perceived teacher support had a significant direct effect on academic procrastination (effect value: -0.10, 95% CI =-0.19--0.02), accounting for 32.26% of the total effect.The mediating effect between perceived teacher support and academic procrastination was found between future orientation and academic engagement (effect value: -0.05, 95% CI =-0.09- -0.02; effect values: -0.09, 95% CI=-0.15--0.05), accounting for 16.13% and 29.03% of the total effect respectively.Future orientation and academic engagement had a chain mediating effect between perceived teacher support and academic procrastination (effect value: -0.07, 95% CI=-0.10--0.04), accounting for 22.58% of the total effect. Conclusion:Perceived teacher support can influence academic procrastination, not only through the direct path, but also through the indirect path of future orientation and academic engagement, as well as chain mediating path between these two variables.
Resumen La perspectiva temporal es una variable psicológica que se ha asociado con múltiples comportamientos, entre ellos la conducta sustentable (CS). Son escasos los estudios sobre la relación entre la orientación temporal denominada futuro trascendental y la CS. Objetivo: estimar las relaciones entre dos perspectivas temporales (orientación al futuro y orientación al futuro trascendental) y la conducta sustentable; y su asociación, con el autocuidado y la felicidad. Metodología: estudio correlacional, con un diseño no experimental, transeccional. Participaron 209 personas de una ciudad al noroeste de México, con una edad promedio de 30.33 años, quienes respondieron a un instrumento que constó de ocho escalas Likert que evaluaron perspectiva de futuro, perspectiva temporal de futuro trascendental, conducta proecológica, altruismo, frugalidad, equidad, comportamientos de autocuidado y felicidad subjetiva. Las interrelaciones entre las variables se estimaron mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados: las orientaciones temporales al futuro y al futuro trascendental influyen en las conductas sustentables (conducta proecológica, altruismo, frugalidad, equidad), que, a su vez, impactan en la felicidad y el autocuidado de las personas. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos aportan información valiosa que ayuda a elucidar las características que posee un individuo que orienta su conducta a los ideales de la sostenibilidad.
Abstract Time perspective is a psychological variable that has been associated it with multiple behaviors, including sustainable behaviors. Research on transcendental future perspective is scarce, among the studies on temporal perspective and sustainable behavior, none were found on the relationship between transcendental future and SC. Objective: this research was aimed at assessing the relationship between two-time perspectives (future orientation, transcendent future orientation) and sustainable behavior, and its association with self-care and happiness. Method: a correlational study was developed, with a non-experimental, transactional design. Two hundred nine people from a northwestern city in Mexico participated, with an average age of 30.33 years, who responded to an instrument that consisted of eight Likert scales that evaluated future perspective, transcendental future temporal perspective, pro-ecological behavior, altruism, frugality, equity, self-care behaviors, and subjective happiness. Results: the results were processed within a structural equation model, where it is emphasized that temporal orientations to the future and to the transcendental future influence sustainable behaviors (pro-ecological behavior, altruism, frugality, equity), which, in turn, impact on the happiness and self-care of people. Conclusion: these findings provide valuable information that helps elucidate the characteristics of an individual who guides his behavior to sustainability ideals.
O objetivo deste estudo teórico é apresentar as principais teorias, construtos e instrumentos utilizados na literatura internacional sobre perspectiva temporal futura (PTF). A revisão indicou dois tipos de abordagens teóricas. As abordagens atemáticas destacam uma tendência geral que orienta processos psicológicos associados ao futuro, de modo a investigar a PTF com escalas psicométricas cujos itens não se associam a conteúdos específicos. As abordagens temáticas enfocam as antecipações do futuro psicológico no presente e investigam as representações de futuro e os seus aspectos cognitivos, dinâmicos, afetivos e comportamentais. Os métodos de avaliação incluem escalas psicométricas associadas a domínios da vida ou instrumentos em que o conteúdo da PTF é listado de modo indutivo. As duas abordagens não são excludentes, mas complementares.
This theoretical study presents the main theories, constructs, and instruments used in international literature on future temporal perspective (FTP). The review indicated two theoretical approaches about the theme. The athematic approaches highlight a general tendency that guides psychological processes associated with future, in order to investigate FTP with psychometric scales with items not associated with specific contents. The thematic approaches focus on the anticipations of psychological future in present and investigate future representations and their cognitive, dynamic, affective, and behavioral aspects. Assessment methods include psychometric scales associated with life domains or instruments in which FTP content is listed inductively. The two approaches are not exclusive, but complementary.
El objetivo de este estudio teórico es presentar las principales teorías, constructos e instrumentos utilizados en la literatura internacional sobre perspectiva temporal futura (PTF). La revisión indicó dos tipos de enfoques teóricos. Los enfoques atemáticos destacan una tendencia general que orienta procesos psicológicos asociados al futuro, de modo a investigar la PTF con escalas psicométricas cuyos ítems no se asocian a contenidos específicos. Los enfoques temáticos enfocan las anticipaciones del futuro psicológico en el presente e investigan las representaciones de futuro y sus aspectos cognitivos, dinámicos, afectivos y comportamentales. Los métodos de evaluación incluyen escalas psicométricas asociadas a ámbitos de la vida o instrumentos en los que el contenido de la PTF se muestra de forma inductiva. Los dos enfoques no son excluyentes, sino complementarios.