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An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;99(4): 520-526, Jul.-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563705


Abstract Background Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a rare genetic disorder with a wide range of clinical manifestations, notably neurocutaneous features, that can lead to emotional and physical consequences. Objectives This study assessed the influence of sociodemographic factors and clinical features of the disease on the quality of life of Brazilian individuals with NF1. Methods This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data were collected from 101 individuals with NF1 using the Brazilian version of the Impact of NF1 on Quality of Life Questionnaire (INF1-QoL), a form with information on sociodemographic characteristics, and an NF1 visibility self-evaluation scale. The relationship between variables was evaluated through statistical testing, and the significance level was defined as 0.05. Results The study included 101 adults with NF1 aged 18 to 59 years, with a mean age of 35.54 years (±9.63) and a female predominance (n = 84, 83.17%). The mean total INF1-QoL score was 10.62 (±5.63), with a median of 10, minimum value of 0, and maximum of 31 points. Two characteristics of the participants were significantly associated with the quality of life: educational level (p = 0.003) and familial history of NF1 (p = 0.019). There was a statistically significant correlation between the INF1-QoL score and the degree of disease visibility (rho = 0.218; p = 0.028). Study limitations Cross-sectional study, conducted with a convenience sample and using self-reported measures. Conclusions The findings support the significant impact of NF1 on quality of life. The authors recommend multidisciplinary follow-up for patients, with adherence to anticipatory clinical care measures, adequate pain control, psychological assistance, and genetic counseling.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024942


Fragile X syndrome(FXS)is caused by abnormal duplication and amplification of the FMR1 gene CGG.This article reports a pair of brothers diagnosed with FXS by genetic testing.Two patients,aged 15 and 14 years old respectively,both had clinical manifestations such as language disorders,intellectual disabilities,attention deficit disorder,autism spectrum disorder,and FXS's characteristic facial features.The proband had a rare late-onset epileptic seizure,which was well treated with levetiracetam,while his younger brother had no electroencephalogram abnormalities after repeated follow-up.This pair of cases suggests that the clinical phenotype of FXS has diversity and heterogeneity.

Acta bioeth ; 29(2)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519850


El artículo expone conceptos actuales biológicos, así como algunos planteamientos filosóficos acerca del inicio de la vida, que se examinarán en relación con la necesidad del aborto eugenésico. Se presenta el concepto de "exdurantismo", en el que la combinación del nuevo genoma nuclear y mitocondrial hacen único al individuo; además, se concibe al complejo genómico como "integrador somático" que dirige el desarrollo embrionario, y se muestra la problemática en el caso de las violaciones que provocan embarazos, el aborto eugenésico en enfermedades genéticas incapacitantes o la utilización de embriones posterior a la fertilización in-vitro. Se plantea que la dignidad de la persona comienza desde la concepción. Frente a la detección de una enfermedad genética, grave o letal, se debe ofrecer soporte económico y social, de diagnóstico y tratamiento; además, desde la salud pública, una mayor inversión para plantear estrategias de tamizaje, diagnóstico, manejo e investigación.

The article presents current biological concepts, as well as some philosophical approaches to the beginning of life, which will be examined in relation to the need for eugenic abortion. The concept of "exdurantism" is presented, in which the combination of the new nuclear and mitochondrial genome makes the individual unique; furthermore, the genomic complex is conceived as a "somatic integrator" that directs embryonic development, and the problematic is shown in the case of rape that causes pregnancies, eugenic abortion in incapacitating genetic diseases or the use of embryos after in-vitro fertilization. The dignity of the person begins at conception. When a serious or lethal genetic disease is detected, economic and social support, diagnosis and treatment should be offered; in addition, public health should invest more in screening, diagnosis, management and research strategies.

O artigo apresenta conceitos biológicos atuais, bem como algumas abordagens filosóficas sobre o início da vida, que serão examinados em relação à necessidade do aborto eugênico. É apresentado o conceito de "exdurantismo", no qual a combinação do novo genoma nuclear e mitocondrial torna o indivíduo único; além disso, o complexo genômico é concebido como um "integrador somático" que dirige o desenvolvimento embrionário, e é mostrada a problemática no caso de estupro que resulta em gravidez, aborto eugênico em doenças geneticamente incapacitantes ou o uso de embriões após a fertilização in vitro. Argumenta-se que a dignidade da pessoa começa na concepção. Diante da detecção de uma doença genética, grave ou letal, devem ser oferecidos apoio econômico e social, diagnóstico e tratamento, bem como maior investimento em saúde pública em estratégias de triagem, diagnóstico, gestão e pesquisa.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233566


Neuroichthyosis is a group of rare genetically determined disease with cutaneous and neurological manifestations due to abnormalities in any of the following: lipid metabolism, glycoprotein synthesis, or intracellular vesicle trafficking. There are about 16 disorders with known genetic aetiology like Sjogren Larssons syndrome (SLS), Refsum disease, Gauchers disease type 2, ELOVL4 deficiency etc. Among the various neuroicthyosis syndromes, Sjogren Larsson syndrome is the most common entity characterised by ichthyosis, spastic diplegia or tetraplegia, cognitive dysfunction, seizures, and a maculopathy with glistening white dots. We hereby report a case of neuroichthyosis disease who presented to us with developmental delay, spastic paraplegia, seizure and ichthyosis, whose genetic testing showed homozygous mutation in ALDH3A2, suggestive of Sjogren Larsson syndrome.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218515


Introduction: Fanconi Anaemia (FA) is a very rare genetic disease characterised by genetic alterations, which causes con- genital abnormalities in individuals. This clinical case report of Fanconi anaemia, will review classical signs of the disease in detail. The various aspects of this rare condition are examined, with an emphasis on oral manifestations and their impact on af- fected patients overall health. Since this group is more likely to acquire cancers, paediatric dentists must be aware of common oral symptoms and possibly malignant lesions in order to make an early diagnosis and provide thorough care and maintenance of oral health to those who are affected. Case Presentation: A four-year-old female patient was brought by her parents to the Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Yenepoya Dental college, with a chief complaint of pain in the upper back tooth region. The child had already been diagnosed with FA. Conclusion: Patients with FA are more prone to get infections, so proper precautions should be taken to avoid any situation that might put them at risk of infection or bleeding. Patients should be motivated to have regular follow-ups and encourage them to maintain good periodontal health, to help prevent the incidence of caries and to monitor their overall oral wellbeing.

Medisur ; 21(3)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448677


La neurofibromatosis tipo I o enfermedad de Von Recklinghausen es una de las enfermedades genéticas que afectan el sistema nervioso, denominada así por su origen común embrionario. Es una enfermedad autosómica dominante, progresiva, de evolución impredecible, que afecta la piel y el sistema nervioso central y periférico. Se presenta el caso de una escolar, femenina, de siete años de edad que ingresó en el Hospital Pediátrico Paquito Gonzáles Cueto debido a la presencia de varias manchas en la piel color "café con leche". Se recogió como antecedente familiar la presencia de neurofibromatosis tipo 1 en la abuela y bisabuela materna, esta última ya fallecida por dicha causa. Al examen físico se constataron nódulos de Lisch en espesor del iris del ojo izquierdo. Los estudios de imágenes evidenciaron varias lesiones nodulares hiperintensas en T2 y FLAIR, a nivel de la cápsula interna y externa bilateral y ventricular izquierda, la mayor de 20 x 11 mm, así como imagen hipointensa a nivel del nervio óptico izquierdo, de 7 mm. Se diagnosticó como neurofibromatosis tipo I. Por ser una de las enfermedades menos estudiadas en nuestro medio se decidió la publicación de este caso.

Neurofibromatosis type I or Von Recklinghausen's disease is one of the genetic diseases that affect the nervous system, named for its common embryonic origin. It is an autosomal dominant, progressive disease with an unpredictable course that affects the skin and the central and peripheral nervous system. The case of a seven-year-old female schoolchild who was admitted to the Paquito Gonzáles Cueto Pediatric Hospital due to the presence of several "coffee-with-milk" spots on her skin is presented. The presence of type 1 neurofibromatosis in her maternal grandmother and great-grandmother, the latter already deceased from said cause, was collected as a family history. On physical examination, Lisch nodules were found in the thickness of the iris of the left eye. Imaging studies revealed several hyperintense nodular lesions on T2 and FLAIR, at the level of the internal and external bilateral and left ventricular capsule, the largest measuring 20 x 11 mm, as well as a hypointense image at the level of the left optic nerve, measuring 7 mm. It was diagnosed as neurofibromatosis type I. Because it is one of the least studied diseases in our environment, it was decided to publish this case.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232888


Complete adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (APRT) deficiency is a rare inherited metabolic disorder that leads to the formation and hyperexcretion of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine (DHA) into urine. We had a 52-year-old male with Hypertension for 18 months, presented for routine evaluation and was found to have creatinine of 4.29 mg/dl. His urine analysis was done which showed no proteinuria or urinary sediments. His USG done demonstrated normal sized kidneys with mildly increased echogenicities. He underwent a renal Biopsy for etiology determination. Similarly, we had another case of a 54-year-old female with no comorbidities who was identified to have chronic kidney disease in 2018 with a baseline creatinine of 2 mg/dl came with uremic symptoms and history of NSAID intake in June 2019. Her creatinine peaked to 7.9 mg/dl. Urine analysis displayed 1+ proteinuria with no active sediments. Her USG of the kidneys showed normal kidneys with increased echogenicities. She underwent renal biopsy for etiology determination. Biopsy of case 1 showed chronic interstitial nephritis and case 2 showed acute interstitial nephritis. Both biopsies showed deposition of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine crystals. Genetic analysis of both cases showed an exon mutation in chromosome 16.

Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi ; Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi;(12): 135-139, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971050


OBJECTIVES@#To explore the application of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in the rapid clinical diagnosis of critically ill neonates.@*METHODS@#The critically ill neonates who admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Children's Hospital of Fudan University and underwent WGS from August to September, 2019 were enrolled in this prospective study. The genetic testing results and clinical outcome were analyzed with reference to the sequencing data and clinical features of the neonates.@*RESULTS@#A total of 15 neonates were tested, among whom there were 9 boys and 6 girls. The main reason for hospitalization included abnormal breathing in 7 neonates, poor response in 2 neonates, feeding difficulty in 2 neonates, fever in 1 neonate, hypothermia in 1 neonate, preterm birth in 1 neonate, and convulsion in 1 neonate. The mean turn-around time was 4.5 days for WGS. Finally a genetic diagnosis was obtained for 3 neonates, with a positive diagnostic rate of 20% (3/15). Among the 3 neonates, 2 neonates were withdrawn from the treatment due to severe conditions and 1 neonate died on the day when the sample was sent for genetic testing, whose etiology could be explained by the results of genetic testing.@*CONCLUSIONS@#WGS technique can provide a timely and effective diagnosis for critically ill neonates suspected of genetic diseases and provide genetic evidence for clinical treatment of critically ill cases.

Infant, Newborn , Male , Child , Female , Humans , Critical Illness , Prospective Studies , Premature Birth , Dyspnea , Fever
China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 210-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979618


@#Objective Genetic analysis was performed on a female child with chromosome Xq28 heterozygous deletion and suspected X-linked recessive disease to determine the morbidity and prognosis. Methods A female child was admitted to the hospital on day 20 because of "jaundice for 20 days and difficulty in stopping bleeding at acupuncture sites". Low depth whole genome test of amniocentesis in late pregnancy suggested missing copy number of hemophilia A and X-linked mental retardation type 72. In order to further confirm the diagnosis and prognosis, peripheral blood of the children and their parents were collected for gene testing, chromosome inactivation test and genetic analysis. Results Chromosome Xq28 of the child had 439.4 kb copy number heterozygous deletion variation, which was a clear disease-coding gene for functional loss included in ClinGen database. Chromosome inactivation test showed that the paternal X chromosome of the child was extremely inactivated. Haplotype analysis suggested that the normal chromosome of the subject was inherited from the mother, and there was heterozygous deletion on the paternal X chromosome, so it was inferred that the child will not develop disease or just have mild symptoms. Conclusion It is necessary to analyze the X chromosome inactivation test for female patients with the pathogenic variation of X-linked recessive genetic disease to determine the possibility of the disease.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982057


RNA therapeutics inhibit the expression of specific proteins/RNAs by targeting complementary sequences of corresponding genes, or synthesize proteins encoded by the desired genes to treat genetic diseases. RNA-based therapeutics are categorized as oligonucleotide drugs (antisense oligonucleotides, small interfering RNA, RNA aptamers), and mRNA drugs. The antisense oligonucleotides and small interfering RNA for treatment of genetic diseases have been approved by the FDA in the United State, while RNA aptamers and mRNA drugs are still in clinical trials. Chemical modifications are applied to RNA drugs, such as pseudouridine modification of mRNA, to reduce immunogenicity and improve the efficacy. The secure and effective delivery systems like lipid-based nanoparticles, extracellular vesicles, and virus-like particles are under development to address stability, specificity, and safety issues of RNA drugs. This article provides an overview of the specific molecular mechanisms of 11 RNA drugs currently used for treating genetic diseases, and discusses the research progress of chemical modifications and delivery systems of RNA drugs.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 1508-1514, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005877


@#Somatic cell reprogramming has developed rapidly in the field of modern biology. Induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs)obtained through somatic cell reprogramming are not only capable of self-renewal,but also have multidirectional differentiation potential,which plays an important role in disease modeling and regenerative medicine. This paper reviewed the gene reprogramming technology,the disease models of iPSCs and the application prospects of iPSCs in childhood genetic diseases,so as to provide a reference for the application of iPSCs in the research of mechanism and treatment of various genetic diseases.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009903


RNA therapeutics inhibit the expression of specific proteins/RNAs by targeting complementary sequences of corresponding genes or encode proteins for the synthesis desired genes to treat genetic diseases. RNA-based therapeutics are categorized as oligonucleotide drugs (antisense oligonucleotides, small interfering RNA, RNA aptamers), and mRNA drugs. The antisense oligonucleotides and small interfering RNA for treatment of genetic diseases have been approved by the FDA in the United States, while RNA aptamers and mRNA drugs are still in clinical trials. Chemical modifications can be applied to RNA drugs, such as pseudouridine modification of mRNA, to reduce immunogenicity and improve the efficacy. The secure and effective delivery systems such as lipid-based nanoparticles, extracellular vesicles, and virus-like particles are under development to address stability, specificity, and safety issues of RNA drugs. This article provides an overview of the specific molecular mechanisms of eleven RNA drugs currently used for treating genetic diseases, and discusses the research progress of chemical modifications and delivery systems of RNA drugs.

Aptamers, Nucleotide , RNA, Small Interfering/therapeutic use , RNA, Messenger , Oligonucleotides, Antisense/therapeutic use
Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 1294-1298, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029146


Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC, OMIN: 604004) caused by mutations in the MLC1 gene, is an rare autosomal recessive disorder. More patients are with infancy and young children onset, whereas adult cases are rare. Only 2 patients from 1 family have been reported in domestic adult cases. Now a 58-year-old female MLC patient is reported. The clinical manifestations of the patient included large head circumference, slow responses, walking difficulties, seizures and paroxysmal loss of consciousness. The result of whole exome sequencing revealed a homozygous insertion mutation c.920_943dup in the MLC1 gene. The mutation in this patient has not been reported in the Human Gene Mutation Database.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e030, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1430036


Abstract Hypertrichosis and dental anomalies may occur alone or in combination in the spectrum of many syndromes. To identify genetic entities characterized by hypertrichosis and dental anomalies, a search was performed in the Mendelian Inheritance in Man database with the terms "hypertrichosis" or "hirsutism" and "tooth" or "dental abnormalities." Nondependent androgen metabolism disturbances were classified as hypertrichosis. Genetic entities with hypertrichosis and dental anomalies were included in the study. Additional searches were performed in the PubMed and Orphanet databases, when necessary, in order to include data from scientific articles. An integrative analysis of the genes associated with the identified syndromes was conducted using STRING to characterize biological processes, pathways, and interactive networks. The p-values were subjected to the false discovery rate for the correction of multiple tests. Thirty-nine syndromes were identified, and dental agenesis was the most frequent dental anomaly present in 41.02% (n = 16) of the syndromes. Causative genes were identified in 33 out of 39 genetic syndromes. Among them, 39 genes were identified, and 38 were analyzed by STRING, which showed 148 biological processes and three pathways that were statistically significant. The most significant biological processes were the disassembly of the nucleosome (GO:0006337, p = 1.09e-06), chromosomal organization (GO:0051276, p = 1.09e-06) and remodeling of the chromatin (GO: 0006338, p = 7.86e-06), and the pathways were hepatocellular carcinoma (hsa05225, p = 5.77e-05), thermogenesis (hsa04714, p = 0.00019), and cell cycle (hsa04110, p = 0.0433). Our results showed that the identification of hypertrichosis and dental anomalies may raise the suspicion of one of the thirty-nine syndromes with both phenotypes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954213


The technique of prenatal diagnosis before embryo implantation has been greatly developed in assisted reproduction, especially for the people with abnormal genetic material to provide the technical possibility of eugenics and eugenics. As an emerging sequencing technology, single-cell sequencing can analyze the genome and transcriptome of cells from the level of a single cell, and reflect the heterogeneity between cells, thus helping to reveal the mechanism of the occurrence and development of diseases. Through prenatal diagnosis before embryo implantation and high-throughput sequencing of single cells obtained from embryo biopsy, euploidy of embryonic chromosomes can be effectively detected, and SNPs and chromosomal copy number variation, insertion, deletion and other variations can also be better detected. It can conduct the comprehensive detection and research of genomic polymorphism and mutation of individual and other species. In this paper, the single-cell sequencing technology and relevant methods was introduced, and the application scenarios of single-cell sequencing in genetic reproduction diagnosis were summarized. The applications of the technology in the field of genetic reproduction were described, and the future directions of the technology were discussed.

Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 574-576, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956421


Hepatolenticular degeneration (HLD) is Wilson's disease, which is an autosomal recessive inherited disease caused by gene abnormality and copper transport disorder in liver cells. The pregnancy of HLD patients is safe. During pregnancy, the treatment of eliminating copper should be continued, the dosage of drugs should be reduced according to the condition, and regular monitoring should be done. HLD patients with satisfactory copper control had better pregnancy outcomes than untreated HLD patients. The treatment during pregnancy should be individualized, and perinatal care should be coordinated by obstetrics, hepatology, liver transplantation, genetic counseling, pharmacy, anesthesiology, pediatrics and other disciplines.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-798830


Noonan syndrome is a genetic multisystem disorder characterised by distinctive facial features, congenital heart disease, short stature, developmental delay, and bleeding diculties. This paper reports a rare Noonan syndrome child who presented chiefly to our institution with severe blepharophimosis. After DAN whole exome sequencing analysis, the patient was diagnosed with the PTPN11 gene c. 1517C> T mutation.

International Eye Science ; (12): 981-986, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-821570


@#The molecular basis of schnyder crystalline corneal dystrophy(SCCD)is UBIAD1 gene mutation. The pathogenesis of SCCD includes conformational change of UBIAD1 protein which leads to loss of combination with GGpp compounds. UBIAD1-HMG CoA reductase complexes can't be separated, and the rate-limiting enzyme can't dissociate from endoplasmic reticulum to cytoplasm, which results in loss of recognition and degradation by the proteasome. The direct consequence is the gradual accumulation and biosynthesis of cholesterol and non-sterol isoprenoids compounds in the cell. This paper reviews the clinical manifestation, molecular basis, pathogenesis of SCCD and the function of UBIAD1 which provide guidance for molecular diagnosis and treatment of SCCD and pave the way for elucidating the function of UBIAD1 <i>in vivo</i>.

International Eye Science ; (12): 981-986, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876795


@#The molecular basis of schnyder crystalline corneal dystrophy(SCCD)is UBIAD1 gene mutation. The pathogenesis of SCCD includes conformational change of UBIAD1 protein which leads to loss of combination with GGpp compounds. UBIAD1-HMG CoA reductase complexes can't be separated, and the rate-limiting enzyme can't dissociate from endoplasmic reticulum to cytoplasm, which results in loss of recognition and degradation by the proteasome. The direct consequence is the gradual accumulation and biosynthesis of cholesterol and non-sterol isoprenoids compounds in the cell. This paper reviews the clinical manifestation, molecular basis, pathogenesis of SCCD and the function of UBIAD1 which provide guidance for molecular diagnosis and treatment of SCCD and pave the way for elucidating the function of UBIAD1 <i>in vivo</i>.