ABSTRACT The prevalence of nephrolithiasis is increasing worldwide. Despite advances in understanding the pathogenesis of lithiasis, few studies have demonstrated that specific clinical interventions reduce the recurrence of nephrolithiasis. The aim of this review is to analyze the current data and potential effects of iSGLT2 in lithogenesis and try to answer the question: Should we also "gliflozin" our patients with kidney stone disease?
RESUMO A prevalência da nefrolitíase está aumentando em todo o mundo. Apesar dos avanços na compreensão da patogênese da doença litiásica, poucos estudos demonstraram que intervenções clínicas específicas diminuem a recorrência da nefrolitíase. O objetivo desta revisão é analisar os dados atuais e efeitos potenciais dos iSGLT2 na doença litiásica e tentar responder à pergunta: devemos também "gliflozinar" os litiásicos?
SUMMARY: Glucose has an essential role in the proliferation and survival of testicular tissue. Glucose transporters (GLUTs) are responsible for glucose uptake across cell membranes. In the present work, two main isoforms GLUT1 and GLUT3 were investigated in the testes of Laboratory mouse (BALB/c), Lesser Egyptian jerboa (Jaculus jaculus), Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), and Desert Hedgehog (Paraechinus aethiopicus). Immunofluorescent localization of GLUT1 and GLUT3 showed considerable species differences. The lowest expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 was localized in the testis of Laboratory mouse (BALB/c), the highest GLUT1 localization was detected in the testis of Lesser Egyptian jerboa (Jaculus jaculus), and the highest GLUT3 immunofluorescent localization was observed in the testis of Hedgehog (Paraechinus aethiopicus). The results imply that GLUT3 is the principal glucose transporter in the studied testes, which is related to species differences. The different immunolocalization of GLUT in examined testes suggests using various transport systems for energy gain in different species.
La glucosa tiene un papel esencial en la proliferación y supervivencia del tejido testicular. Los transportadores de glucosa (GLUT) son responsables de la absorción de glucosa a través de las membranas celulares. En el presente trabajo, se investigaron dos isoformas principales GLUT1 y GLUT3 en los testículos de un ratón de laboratorio (BALB/c), un jerbo egipcio menor (Jaculus jaculus), un hámster dorado (Mesocricetus auratus) y un erizo del desierto (Paraechinus aethiopicus). La localización inmunofluorescente de GLUT1 y GLUT3 mostró diferencias considerables entre especies. La expresión más baja de GLUT1 y GLUT3 se localizó en el testículo del ratón de laboratorio (BALB/c), la localización más alta de GLUT1 se detectó en el testículo del jerbo egipcio menor (Jaculus jaculus) y la localización inmunofluorescente de GLUT3 más alta se observó en el testículo de Erizo (Paraechinus aethiopicus). Los resultados implican que GLUT3 es el principal transportador de glucosa en los testículos estudiados, lo que está relacionado con diferencias entre especies. La diferente inmunolocalización de GLUT en los testículos examinados sugiere el uso de varios sistemas de transporte para ganar energía en diferentes especies.
Animals , Testis/metabolism , Glucose Transporter Type 1/metabolism , Glucose Transporter Type 3/metabolism , Mammals , Mice, Inbred BALB CABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To build a model based on cardiometabolic indicators that allow the identification of overweight adolescents at higher risk of subclinical atherosclerotic disease (SAD). Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 161 adolescents with a body mass index ≥ + 1 z-Score, aged 10 to 19 years. Carotid intima-media complex thickness (IMT) was evaluated using ultrasound to assess subclinical atherosclerotic disease. Cardiometabolic indicators evaluated included nutritional status, central adiposity, blood pressure, lipidic profile, glycemic profile, as well as age and sex. Data was presented using measures of central tendency and dispersion, as well as absolute and relative frequency. The relationship between IMT measurement (outcome variable) and other variables (independent variables) was assessed using Pearson or Spearman correlation, followed by multiple regression modeling with Gamma distribution to analyze predictors of IMT. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS and R software, considering a significance level of 5 %. Results: It was observed that 23.7 % had Carotid thickening, and the prevalence of abnormal fasting glucose was the lowest. Age and fasting glucose were identified as predictors of IMT increase, with IMT decreasing with age by approximately 1 % per year and increasing with glucose by around 0.24 % per mg/dL. Conclusion: The adolescent at higher risk is younger with higher fasting glycemia levels.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación y el riesgo de hipercolesterolemia en pacientes adultos prediabéticos atendidos en un centro médico del distrito de Villa El Salvador en Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico, prospectivo y transversal, con datos de historias clínicas de consultas médicas de 749 pacientes atendidos en un policlínico del distrito de Villa El Salvador, Lima, Perú. Se incluyó a pacientes adultos asintomáticos que asistieron a evaluaciones de rutina y preventivas. Se excluyó a pacientes con enfermedades endocrino-metabólicas o en tratamiento con fármacos hipoglucemiantes. Las variables de estudio fueron sexo, hipercolesterolemia y prediabetes. El análisis de asociación se realizó por medio de la prueba de chi cuadrado y el riesgo fue evaluado por medio de la oportunidad relativa; asimismo, se realizó el análisis multivariado por medio de regresión logística binaria y se consideró como punto de corte en decisión de significancia estadística el valor alfa igual a 0,05 y un nivel de confianza de 95 %. Resultados: Hubo asociación estadísticamente significativa entre prediabetes e hipercolesterolemia. Las mujeres prediabéticas tuvieron 1,66 veces más riesgo de desarrollar hipercolesterolemia que las mujeres con niveles de glucosa basal normales, mientras que los hombres con prediabetes tuvieron 2,37 veces más riesgo de tener colesterol alto que los hombres con niveles de glucemia basal normales. Conclusiones: La prediabetes se asocia con la hipercolesterolemia, lo cual aumenta su riesgo. Es justificable realizar la medición conjunta del colesterol total en ayunas junto con la medición de la glucosa basal en campañas preventivo-promocionales de salud y en consultas periódicas, así como durante el seguimiento de pacientes con factores de riesgo de diabetes, prediabetes e hipercolesterolemia, a fin de reducir las consecuencias hemodinámicas y cardiovasculares del colesterol elevado en la sangre y el agravamiento de la morbimortalidad conjunta de la hiperglucemia crónica.
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the association and risk of hypercholesterolemia among adult patients with prediabetes treated at a medical center in the district of Villa El Salvador in Lima, Peru. Materials and methods: An analytical, prospective and cross-sectional study conducted with data from medical consultation records of 749 patients treated at a polyclinic in the district of Villa El Salvador in Lima, Peru. Asymptomatic adult patients who had routine and preventive checkups were included in the research. Patients with endocrine and metabolic disorders or being treated with hypoglycemic drugs were excluded. The study variables were sex, hypercholesterolemia and prediabetes. The association analysis was performed using the chi-square test and the risk was evaluated by means of the odds ratio. In addition, the multivariate analysis was conducted through a binary logistic regression, and an alpha value of 0.05 and a confidence level of 95 % were considered as the cut-off point to determine the statistical significance. Results: There was a statistically significant association between prediabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Females with prediabetes were 1.66 times more likely to develop hypercholesterolemia than females with normal baseline glucose levels, while males with prediabetes were 2.37 times more likely to have high cholesterol than males with normal baseline blood glucose levels. Conclusions: Prediabetes is associated with hypercholesterolemia, thus increasing its risk. It is justifiable to carry out the joint measurement of fasting total cholesterol and baseline glucose in disease prevention and health promotion campaigns, regular checkups and follow-up of patients with risk factors for diabetes, prediabetes and hypercholesterolemia. This helps reduce the hemodynamic and cardiovascular consequences of high cholesterol levels and the worsening of the joint morbidity and mortality of chronic hyperglycemia.
Introducción La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia y está asociada a mayor morbimortalidad. Debido al bajo porcentaje de compensación, se han buscado nuevas estrategias de tratamiento farmacológico, como los inhibidores del cotransportador sodio-glucosa tipo 2. Objetivo Describir la evolución de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 insulino-requirentes tratados con empagliflozina en el Hospital Peñaflor, ubicado en el sector poniente de la Región Metropolitana, Chile. El objetivo primario fue evaluar la eficacia del medicamento respecto a hemoglobina glicosilada A1c. Los objetivos secundarios fueron registrar el logro de hemoglobina glicosilada A1c igual o menor a 7,5% según análisis de supervivencia. Luego, consignar el cambio en la velocidad de filtración glomerular y en la excreción urinaria de albúmina post tratamiento. Métodos Revisión de ficha clínica de todos los pacientes tratados con empagliflozina desde noviembre de 2019 a junio de 2023. Media de seguimiento de 19 (de 16,3 a 40) meses. Para comparación entre valores de hemoglobina glicosilada A1c según rangos de seguimiento, se utilizó prueba T de Student de términos pareados o prueba de Wilcoxon. Resultados Se estudió a 58 pacientes, 15 hombres y 43 mujeres (74,1%). Edad 58,5 ± 9,2 años, rango de 35 a 75 años. Hemoglobina glicosilada A1c basal de 10,3 ± 1,6% y 8,98% ± 2,2 en un rango de seguimiento de 18 a 24 meses post tratamiento, resultando en un descenso de 1,27% (p = 0,002; intervalo de confianza 95%: 0,5 a 2,03). El efecto adverso más frecuente fue infección del tracto urinario. Conclusiones Los pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 insulino-requirentes tratados con empagliflozina en el Hospital Peñaflor lograron un mejor control glicémico con pocos efectos adversos.
Background Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a highly prevalent disease and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Due to the low percentage of adequate glycemic control, new strategies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus have been sought, including sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitorss. Objective To describe the evolution of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with insulin requirements treated with empagliflozin at the Peñaflor Hospital. The primary objective was to evaluate the efficacy of the medication regarding glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). The secondary objectives were: 1) achievement of HbA1c equal to or less than 7.5% according to survival analysis. 2) Change in glomerular filtration rate and urinary albumin excretion post treatment. Methods Review of clinical records of all patients treated with empagliflozin from November 2019 to June 2023. Average follow-up of 19 (16.3 to 40) months. To compare HbA1c values according to follow-up ranges, the paired T test or Wilcoxon test was used. Results We included 58 patients, 15 men and 43 women (74.1%), with an average age of 58.5 ± 9.2 years, ranging from 35 to 75 years. Baseline HbA1c of 10.3 ± 1.6% and 8.98% ± 2.2 in a follow-up of 18 to 24 months post-treatment, resulted in a decrease of 1.27% (p = 0.002; confidence interval 95%: 0.5 to 2.03). The most common adverse effect was urinary tract infection. Conclusions Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with insulin requirements treated with empagliflozin at the Peñaflor Hospital achieved better glycemic control with few adverse effects.
Background Chronic excessive exposure to fluoride can cause damage to the central nervous system and a certain degree of learning and memory impairment. However, the associated mechanism is not yet clear and further exploration is needed. Objective Using 4D unlabelled quantitative proteomics techniques to explore differentially expressed proteins and their potential mechanisms of action in chronic excessive fluoride exposure induced brain injury. Methods Twenty-four SPF-grade adult SD rats, half male and half male, were selected and divided into a control group and a fluoride group by random number table method, with 12 rats in each group. Among them, the control group drank tap water (fluorine content<1 mg·L−1), the fluoride group drank sodium fluoride solution (fluorine content 10 mg·L−1), and both groups were fed with ordinary mouse feed (fluoride content<0.6 mg·kg−1). After 180 d of feeding, the SD rats were weighed, and then part of the brain tissue was sampled for pathological examination by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and Nissl staining. The rest of the brain tissue was frozen and stored at −80 ℃. Three brain tissue samples from each group were randomly selected for proteomics detection. Differentially expressed proteins were screened and subcellular localization analysis was performed, followed by Gene Ontology (GO) function analysis, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis, cluster analysis, and protein-protein interaction analysis. Finally, Western blotting was used to detect the expression levels of key proteins extracted from the brain tissue samples. Results After 180 d of feeding, the average weight of the rats in the fluoride group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). The brain tissue stained with HE showed no significant morphological changes in the cerebral cortex of the fluoride treated rats, and neuron loss, irregular arrangement of neurons, eosinophilic changes, and cell body pyknosis were observed in the hippocampus. The Nissl staining results showed that the staining of neurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats exposed to fluoride decreased (Nissl bodies decreased). The proteomics results showed that a total of 6927 proteins were identified. After screening, 206 differentially expressed proteins were obtained between the control group and the fluoride group, including 96 up-regulated proteins and 110 down-regulated proteins. The differential proteins were mainly located in cytoplasm (30.6%), nucleus (27.2%), mitochondria (13.6%), plasma membrane (13.6%), and extracellular domain (11.7%). The GO analysis results showed that differentially expressed proteins mainly participated in biological processes such as iron ion transport, regulation of dopamine neuron differentiation, and negative regulation of respiratory burst in inflammatory response, exercised molecular functions such as ferrous binding, iron oxidase activity, and cytokine activity, and were located in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane, fixed components of the membrane, chloride channel complexes, and other cellular components. The KEGG significantly enriched pathways included biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, carbon metabolism, and microbial metabolism in diverse environments. The results of differential protein-protein interaction analysis showed that the highest connectivity was found in glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (Gpi). The expression level of Gpi in the brain tissue of the rats in the fluoride group was lower than that in the control group by Western blotting (P<0.05). Conclusion Multiple differentially expressed proteins are present in the brain tissue of rats with chronic fluorosis, and their functions are related to biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, carbon metabolism, and microbial metabolism in diverse environments; Gpi may be involved in cerebral neurological damage caused by chronic overdose fluoride exposure.
Mori Folium, the dried leaves of Morus alba, is widely used in clinical practice for dispersing wind and heat, clearing the lung and moistening dryness, soothing the liver and improving vision, and cooling blood and stopping bleeding. It has been used to regulate blood glucose since ancient times, and modern studies have shown that the active components of Mori Folium for lowering blood glucose mainly include flavonoids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, and phenols. These components are mainly extracted by solvents such as water and alcohols with the assistance of ultrasound and microwave. In addition, new extraction methods are emerging, such as CO2 supercritical fluid extraction, enzymatic hydrolysis, and cloud point extraction. Mori Folium lowers blood glucose via multiple components, pathways, and targets. Specifically, it can improve glucose and lipid metabolism, protect pancreatic β cells, and alleviate insulin resistance to reduce the damage caused by hyperglycemia and restore normal physiological functions. Although a large number of studies have been carried out on diabetes, the causes and radical treatment methods remain to be explored, and diabetes is still a major disease that endangers human health and needs to be solved urgently. The articles about extraction process and mechanism of active components in Mori Folium for lowering blood glucose were retrieved from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Web of Science, and PubMed. We analyzed the applicable extraction methods for the blood glucose-lowering components such as flavonoids, polysaccharides, and alkaloids in Mori Folium, and compared the conventional and emerging methods. Furthermore, we summarized our research achievements in the extraction of active components from Mori Folium and the blood glucose-lowering effect and mechanisms. This review aims to provide theoretical support for the optimization of the extraction process, the research on the blood glucose-lowering components and mechanism, and the development of new drugs and clinical application of Mori Folium.
Tumor cells use glycolysis to provide material and energy under hypoxic conditions to meet the energy requirements for rapid growth and proliferation, namely the Warburg effect. Even under aerobic conditions, tumor cells mainly rely on glycolysis to provide energy. Therefore, glucose transporter protein 1(GLUT1), which is involved in the process of glucose metabolism, plays an important role in tumorigenesis, development and drug resistance, and is considered to be one of the important targets in the treatment of malignant tumors. In recent years, research on tumor glucose metabolism has gradually become a hot spot. It has been shown that various factors are involved in the regulation of tumor energy metabolism, among which the role of GLUT1 is the most critical. In this paper, the authors reviewed the latest research progress of GLUT1-targeted traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) active ingredient nano-delivery system in tumor therapy, aiming to reveal the feasibility and effectiveness of this system in the delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs. The GLUT1-targeted TCM active ingredient nano-delivery system can overcome the bottleneck of the traditional targeting strategy as well as the high-permeability long retention(EPR) effect. In summary, the authors believe that the GLUT1-targeted TCM active ingredient nano-delivery system provides a new strategy for targeted treatment of tumors and has a broad application prospect in tumor prevention and treatment.
Objective To investigate the effect and possible mechanism of microRNA-26a(miR-26a)on the syn-thesis of extracellular matrix(ECM)induced by high glucose(HG)in renal tubular epithelial cells(RTECs).Methods A model of diabetic kidney disease(DKD)was constructed by inducing RTECs with HG.MiR-26a was overexpressed in HG-induced RTECs,and RT-qPCR and Western blot were used to assess the effects of miR-26a on ECM synthesis and ferroptosis-related markers in HG-treated RTECs.Ferrostatin(Fer-1)was used to inhibit ferroptosis in the DKD model,and its impact on ECM synthesis was evaluated.RT-qPCR and Western blot were performed to measure ferroptosis-related markers,and fluorescence microscopy was used to observe the intensity of reactive oxygen species(ROS).Results Compared with the control group,the expression of miR-26a decreased in HG-treated cells,while the expression levels of ECM synthesis-related indexes fibronectin and collagen Ⅰ in-creased.After overexpressing miR-26a,the HG+miR-26a group showed a significant increase in miR-26a expres-sion and a decrease in fibronectin and collagen Ⅰ expression compared to the HG group.In terms of ferroptosis,the protein and mRNA expression of SLC7A11 and GPX4 significantly decreased,the expression of TFR-1 and AC-SL4 significantly increased,and the fluorescence intensity of ROS was significantly enhanced in the HG group com-pared with the control group.Inhibition of ferroptosis in the HG+Fer-1 group resulted in significant changes in fer-roptosis and ECM synthesis-related indicators expression levels compared to the HG group.Furthermore,re-expres-sion of miR-26a in the HG+miR-26a led to significant changes in ferroptosis-related indicators expression levels and decreased ROS fluorescence intensity compared to the HG group.Conclusions In HG-induced RTECs,miR-26a inhibits the occurrence of ferroptosis,thus reducing ECM synthesis.
Objective:To discuss the protective effect of gingerone on the hippocampal neuron HT22 cells after oxygen-glucose deprivation/reoxygenation(OGD/R),and to clarify the related mechanism.Methods:The HT22 cells were cultured,and the OGD/R cell injury model was established by setting the gradient of OGD/R time.The HT22 cells were divided into control group,OGD/R group,OGD/R+ 1 μmol·L-1 gingerone group,OGD/R + 10 μmol·L-1 gingerone group,OGD/R+100 μmol·L-1 gingerone group,and OGD/R+0.2%dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO)group.The viability of the cells in various groups was detected by CCK-8 assay;the survival rates of the cells in various groups were calculated to determine the optimal drug concentration of gingerone.The cells were divided into control,OGD/R group,OGD/R+ gingerone,and OGD/R+gingerone+nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2(Nrf2)inhibitor(ML385)groups.The cells in OGD/R + gingerone group were treated with gingerone for 4 h before OGD treatment for 8 h followed by reoxygenation for 8 h,and the cells in OGD/R+gingerone+ ML385 group were treated with 10 μmol·L-1 ML385 for 6 h before gingerone treatment.The viability of the cells in various groups was detected by CCK-8 assay;the expression levels of Nrf2,heme oxygenase-1(HO-1),B-cell lymphoma-2(Bcl-2),and Bcl-2-associated X protein(Bax)proteins in the cells in various groups were detected by Western blotting method;the activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD)and the level of malondialdehyde(MDA)in the cell culture supernatant in various groups were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)method.Results:Compared with control group,the survival rate of the HT22 cells was below 50%after treated with OGD for 8 h and reoxygenation for 8 h,so the HT22 cell OGD/R model was established by treated with OGD for 8 h and reoxygenation for 8 h.Compared with OGD/R group,the survival rates of the cells in OGD/R+different doses of gingerone groups were increased to various extents,and the survival rate of the cells in OGD/R+ 100 μmol·L-1 gingerone group was significantly increased(P<0.01);so 100 μmol·L-1 gingerone was used for the subsequent experiment.Compared with control group,the viability of the cells in OGD/R group was significantly decreased(P<0.01),and the expression levels of Nrf2,HO-1,and Bax proteins in the cells were significantly increased(P<0.01),while the expression level of Bcl-2 protein in the cells was significantly decreased(P<0.05),and the SOD activity in the cell culture supernatant was significantly decreased(P<0.01),and the level of MDA was significantly increased(P<0.01);compared with OGD/R group,the viability of the cells in OGD/R + gingerone group was significantly increased(P<0.01),and the expression levels of Nrf2,HO-1,and Bcl-2 proteins in the cells were significantly increased(P<0.05 or P<0.01),while the expression level of Bax protein in the cells was decreased(P<0.05),the SOD activity in the cell culture supernatant was significantly increased(P<0.01),and the level of MDA was significantly decreased(P<0.01);compared with OGD/R + gingerone group,the viability of the cells in OGD/R + gingerone + ML385 group was significantly decreased(P<0.01),and the expression levels of Nrf2,HO-1,and Bcl-2 proteins were significantly decreased(P<0.01),while the expression level of Bax protein in the cells was significantly increased(P<0.01),the SOD activity in the cell culture supernatant was significantly decreased(P<0.01),and the level of MDA was significantly increased(P<0.05).Conclusion:Gingerone alleviates the oxidative stress damage,and thereby plays an inhibiory effect on the apoptosis of the HT22 neurons by activating the Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway after OGD/R.
Objective To compare the influence between self-monitoring of blood gluocose(SMBG)combined with digital diabetes management and traditional management mode on the related clinical indexes in the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).Methods A total of 100 patients with T2DM treated in the endocrinology and metabolism outpatient department of this hospital from January 2022 to June 2022 and meeting the inclusion criteria of this study were successively included.They were divided into the experimental group and control group.The experimental group was managed by SMBG combined with digital diabetes man-agement mode,while the control group adopted the traditional management mode,the outpatient clinic follow up once a month.After 6 months of follow-up,fasting blood glucose,glycosylated hemoglobin(HbA1c),low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C)and urinary microalbumin/creatinine ratio(UACR)were compared between the two groups.Results The FBG,HbA1c,LDL-C,and UACR of the experimental group decreased after intervention when compared with baseline.Compared with the control group,the FBG[8.7(7.7,9.2)mmol/L vs.10.8(8.8,12.7)mmol/L,Z=-4.660,P<0.001],HbA1c[6.3%(5.3,7.8)%vs.8.5%(7.2,10.0)%,Z=-5.130,P<0.001],LDL-C[2.6(1.8,3.1)mmol/L vs.3.3(2.6,4.0)mmol/L,Z=-4.112,P<0.001],UACR[16.1(3.5,46.5)mg/g vs.58.4(11.9,108.0)mg/g,Z=-2.220,P=0.026]for patients in the expriemental group after intervention were significantly decreased.Conclusion SMBG combined with digital diabetes management model can significantly improve the clinical indicators of patients.
Objective To investigate the effects of probiotics combined with dietary intervention on pe-ripheral blood glucose and lipid metabolism indicators,placental tissue insulin signaling pathway proteins ex-pression and pregnant outcome in the patients with gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM).Methods A total of 83 patients with GDM in this hospital from December 2021 to December 2022 were selected as the study sub-jects and divided into the probiotics group(probiotics combined with diet intervention,43 cases)and control group(simple diet intervention,40 cases)by the random number table method.The levels of peripheral blood glucose,lipid and insulin resistance related indicators before the intervention and in 8 weeks after the interven-tion were compared between the two groups.The histological changes of placenta were observed by HE stai-ning.The pathological indicators were compared between the two groups.The expression levels of insulin re-ceptor substrate-1(IRS-1),glucose transporter 4(GLUT4)and synaptosome-associated protein of 23 kDa(SNAP23)in placental tissue were detected by immunohistochemistry.The pregnant adverse outcomes were compared between the two groups,and the clinical efficacy of probiotics was evaluated.Results Compared with the control group,the levels of fasting blood glucose(FBG),fasting insulin(FINS),serum triglyceride(TG)and low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C)in 8 weeks after intervention in the probiotics group were significantly decreased(P<0.05),and the level of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C)was significantly increased(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in the incidence rates of poor villi maturation,thickening of dry villi arterioles and capillary filling in villi interstitial between the two groups(P>0.05).Compared with the control group,the expression levels of IRS-1,GLUT4 and SNAP23 in placen-tal tissue of the probiotics group were significantly increased(P<0.05).The incidence rates of neonatal hy-poglycemia and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in the probiotics group were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with simple dietary intervention,probiotics combined with dietary intervention has more advantages in improving glucose and lipid metabolism of GDM patients,moreo-ver reduces the adverse events occurrence in newborns.
Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis(euDKA)is a rare acute metabolic disorder syndrome,its characteristics include metabolic acidosis with a high anion gap,positive ketones in blood or urine,and blood glucose<13.9 mmol/L.Due to low blood sugar level,euDKA is easy to be missed or delayed treatment in clinical work,resulting in serious consequences.In recent years,many cases of euDKA have been reported,but its inducements and pathogenesis are not fully understood.This article reviews the common inducements and pathogenesis of euDKA.
Objective To investigate the impact of ampelopsin(AMP)on oxygen glucose deprivation/reperfusion(OGD/R)induced neuronal damage and its mechanism,and to lay a foundation for the study of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage.Methods Neurons of newborn SD rats were isolated and cultured in vitro,and they were divided into 5 groups:control group(AMP 0 μmol/L),OGD/R group,low dose AMP group(OGD/R+AMP 20 μmol/L),high dose AMP group(OGD/R+AMP 30 μmol/L)and JAK2/STAT3 activator group(OGD/R+AMP 30 μmol/L+Coumermycin A1 10 μmol/L).CCK-8 method was used to de-tect the cell viability of different treatment groups,the lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)kit was used to detect the cell activity of LDH in the medium,flow cytometry was used to detect the apoptosis rate,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect the levels of interleukin-6(IL-6),interleukin-10(IL-10)and tumor necrosis factor α(TNF-α),the kit was used to detect the levels of reactive oxygen species(ROS),malondial-dehyde(MDA)and superoxide dismutase(SOD),and Western blotting was used to detect the expression of apoptosis related proteins B-cell lymphoma-2(Bcl-2),Bcl-2 associated X protein(Bax),enzymatic cleavage of cysteine containing aspartate protein hydrolase-3(C-caspase-3),tyrosine kinase 2(J AK2),phosphorylated JAK2(p-JAK2),signal transduction and transcription activating factor 3(STAT3)and phosphorylated STAT3(p-STAT3).Results Compared with the concentration of AMP of 0 μmol/L,the cell viability in con-centration of AMP of 5-30 μmol/L was not obvious different(P>0.05),when the concentration of AMP was 40 μmol/L,the cell viability decreased obviously(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,the cell viability,the levels of SOD fluorescence intensity,IL-10 and Bcl-2 in OGD/R group decreased obviously,the LDH activity,cell apoptosis rate,the levels of ROS,MDA,IL-6,TNF-α,Bax,C-caspase-3,p-JAK2/JAK2,and p-STAT3/STAT3 increased obviously(P<0.05).Compared with OGD/R group,the cell viability,the levels of SOD fluorescence intensity,IL-10 and Bcl-2 in low and high dose AMP groups increased,the LDH activity,cell apoptosis rate,the levels of ROS,MDA,IL-6,TNF-α,Bax,C-caspase-3,p-JAK2/JAK2,and p-STAT3/STAT3 decreased(P<0.05),and JAK2/STAT3 activator was able to reverse the protective effect of AMP on OGD/R induced neuronal.Conclusion AMP attenuates OGD/R induced neuronal by reducing oxidative stress and inflammatory response,and its mechanism may be related to inhibition of JAK2/STAT3 signal pathway phosphorylation.
Objective To investigate the prognostic value of echocardiography indicators combined with se-rum recombinant human arginase 1(ARG1)and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase(G6PD)in children with sepsis.Methods A total of 116 children with sepsis admitted to the hospital from May 2022 to June 2023 were enrolled in the study as the sepsis group.According to the severity of sepsis,the children were further divided into general sepsis group(52 cases),severe sepsis group(38 cases)and septic shock group(26 cases).Ac-cording to the prognosis of the children,the children with sepsis were divided into good prognosis group(84 cases)and poor prognosis group(32 cases).A total of 116 healthy children who underwent physical examina-tion in the hospital during the same period were enrolled as the control group.The left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF),left ventricular end-diastolic diameter(LVEDD),left ventricular end-diastolic volume(LV-EDV)and early diastolic mitral flow peak velocity(E)were detected by using color Doppler ultrasound.Ser-um ARG1 and G6PD levels were detected by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).The echo-cardiographic indexes and serum ARG1 and G6PD levels were compared between the sepsis group and the con-trol group,and among sepsis children with different disease severity and different prognosis.The receiver op-erating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the predictive value of echocardiographic indexes com-bined with serum ARG1 and G6PD for poor prognosis in children with sepsis.Results Compared with the control group,the sepsis group had significant reductions in LVEF,E,and G6PD(P<0.05)and significant increases in LVEDD,LVEDV,and ARG1(P<0.05).With the aggravation of sepsis,the levels of LVEF,E,and G6PD in children with sepsis gradually decreased(P<0.05),while the levels of LVEDD,LVEDV,and ARG1 gradually increased(P<0.05).Compared with the good prognosis group,the poor prognosis group had significantly lower levels of LVEF,E,and G6PD(P<0.05)and significantly higher levels of LVEDD,LV-EDV,and ARG1(P<0.05).ROC curve analysis showed that the AUC of echocardiographic indexes com-bined with serum ARG1 and G6PD in predicting poor prognosis of children with sepsis was 0.971,and the sensitivity and specificity were 84.4%and 83.2%,respectively.Conclusion The levels of LVEF,E,and G6PD in children with sepsis significantly decreases,and the levels of LVEDD,LVEDV,and ARG1 signifi-cantly increases.Echocardiographic parameters combined with serum ARG1 and G6PD have high predictive value for poor prognosis in children with sepsis.
Objective:To investigate the effect of modified citrus pectin (MCP) on the glucose metabolism of rabbit articular chondrocytes.Methods:The third generation (P3) rabbit knee chondrocytes were extracted and cultured with 0 μg/ml (MCP0, control group) and 500 μg/ml of MCP (MCP500) for 3 days. Chondrocytes (P2-P7)were cultured continuously, and each generation of chondrocytes was treated with MCP0 and MCP500 medium for 3 days. Chondrocytes were treated with interleukin-1β (IL-1β) for 1 day and then treated with MCP0 and MCP500 medium for 3 days, respectively. Chondrocytes were treated with 2-deoxy-glucose (2DG) for 1 day and then treated with MCP0 and MCP500 medium for 3 days, respectively. After three days of culture, the proliferation of chondrocytes was calculated by CCK-8. Glucose uptake activity and lactate production of chondrocytes were measured by glucose and lactate detection kits. The synthesis of type Ⅱ collagen (COL2A1) in sequential chondrocytes was investigated by immunofluorescence staining. The gene expression of COL2A1, proteoglycan ( ACAN), SOX9, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α ( HIF-1α), glucose transporter-1 ( Glut-1), pyruvate kinase M2 ( PKM2), lactate dehydrogenase-A ( LDHA) and glucose transporter-1 ( Glut-3) were further detected by RT-qPCR. Results:Compared with the control group, MCP treatment could increase the glucose uptake activity and lactate production of chondrocytes, and enhance the gene expression ability of HIF-1α, Glut-1, PKM2 and ACAN. Besides, MCP treatment could stimulate chondrocyte proliferation, maintain chondrocyte phenotype, increase lactate production, and upregulate the expression of COL2A1, ACAN, SOX9, HIF-1α, Glut-1, PKM2 and LDHA. After the treatment with IL-1β, MCP treatment could increase glucose uptake activity and upregulate the expression of COL2A1, ACAN, HIF-1α and Glut-1. After treatment with 2DG, MCP treatment could increase glucose uptake activity and upregulate the expression of SOX9, HIF-1α, PKM2 and Glut-3 genes. Conclusions:MCP can enhance the glucose uptake capacity of chondrocytes and increase the level of chondrocyte glycolytic metabolism.
Objective To investigate the effects of metformin(Met)on the proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells under different glucose concentration culture conditions,and to find the potential role of miR-139-5p in the process.Methods PANC-1 cells were treated with different concentrations of metformin(0/5/10/20 mmol/L)in 25 mmol/L(high-glucose group,HG)or 5 mmol/L(normal-glucose group,NG)glucose culture,cell proliferation,apoptosis,migration and cell cycle were detected after 48 h.The expression of miR-139-5p was quantitatively detected by RT-qPCR,and the miR-139-5p mimics were transfected into PANC-1 cells to clarify the role of miR-139-5p.Results Metformin inhibited the proliferation,promoted apoptosis,and induced S phase and G2/M phase arrest of PANC-1 cells under in high glucose and normal glucose culture conditions,and its anti-proliferation and pro-apoptosis effects were more significant in the normal glucose groups.The expression of miR-139-5p was up-regu-lated by metformin treatment in normal but not in high glucose culture.Further studies showed that miR-139-5p mimics inhibited of PANC-1 cells proliferation without metformin pre-incubation and enhanced the anti-prolifera-tion effect of 5 mmol/L metformin.The pro-apoptotic effect of 10 mmol/L metformin in normal glucose culture conditions.Conclusions In normal-glucose culture conditions,metformin can inhibit proliferation,induce apop-tosis and cell cycle arrest of PANC-1 cells more significantly than in higher-glucose culture,which may be partly related to the up-regulation of miR-139-5p.
Objective To explore the expression of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2(TREM2)in high-glucose microglia and to investigate the role of TREM2 in the proliferation,migration and phagocytosis of high-glucose microglia.Methods Microglia cells were divided into control group and high-glucose treatment group(67.5 mmol/L glucose,24 h).The microglia cells were counted and the expression of Iba1 and TREM2 was de-tected.TREM2 siRNA was transfected to detect the proliferation and migration of microglia.The amyloid β-peptide(Aβ)with a fluorescent tag was added to observe the phagocytosis of Aβ by microglia.Results Compared to normal microglia,the number of microglia significantly decreased after high-glucose treatment(P<0.001),while the ex-pression of TREM2 and Iba1 markedly increased(P<0.001).High glucose and TREM2 did not affect the prolifer-ation of microglia.Compared to the normal group,the migration of microglia significantly decreased after high-glu-cose treatment(P<0.05)and TREM2 did not affect the migration ability of high-glucose microglia.Compared to the normal group,the phagocytosis of Aβ by microglia significantly decreased in the high-glucose treated group(P<0.001).Furthermore,TREM2 knockdown further decreased the phagocytosis of Aβ by high-glucose microglia(P<0.001).Conclusions The expression of TREM2 in microglia significantly increases after high-glucose treat-ment,which significantly affects phagocytosis of Aβ by microglia.
Objective To investigate the impact of midazolam on neuronal injury induced by oxygen glucose depri-vation/reoxygenation(OGD/R)in mice.Methods An injury model of neuronal cell line HT22 was established by OGD/R induction.HT22 cells were divided into OGD/R group,low-dose group,medium-dose group and high-dose group,midazolam+KG-501(CREB inhibitor)group and control group.ELISA was applied to detect TNF-α and IL-6 levels;Commercialy available reagent kits were applied to detect superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),and malondialdehyde(MDA)levels;MTT and Edu experiments were applied to detect cell prolifera-tion;flow cytometry was applied to detect cell apoptosis rate;RT-qPCR method was applied to detect the ex-pression levels of CREB mRNA and PGC-1α mRNA;Western blot was applied to detect the expression levels of Ki-67,Bcl-2,Bax,CREB,and PGC-1α proteins.Results Compared with the control group,the A490 value(24,48 hours),proliferation rate,SOD and CAT activity,CREB mRNA and PGC-1α mRNA expres-sion,Ki-67,Bcl-2,CREB,and PGC-1α protein level in the OGD/R group were all significantly reduced(P<0.05);The apoptosis rate,TNF-α,IL-6,MDA,and Bax protein expression were significanty increased(P<0.05).Compared with the OGD/R group,the A490 values(24,48 hours),proliferation rate,SOD,CAT activity,CREB mRNA and PGC-1α mRNA expression,and Ki-67,Bcl-2,CREB,and PGC-1α protein expression were significantly increased in low,medium,and high dose midazolam groups;The apoptosis rate,TNF-α,IL-6,MDA,and Bax protein expression were obviously reduced(P<0.05).Compared with the high-dose midazolam group,A490 value(24,48 hours),proliferation rate,activity of SOD and CAT,CREB mRNA and PGC-1α mRNA expression as well as Ki-67,Bcl-2,CREB,and PGC-1α protein expression were all sig-nificantlu reduced in the high-dose midazolam+KG-501 group while the apoptosis rate,TNF-α,IL-6,MDA,and Bax protein expression were obviously increased(P<0.05).Conclusions Midazolam might alleviate nerve cell injury potentially through the mechaninsms of promoting OGD/R-induced proliferation and reducing cell apoptosis in HT22 cells.
Objective To investigate the predictive value of new simplified insulin resistance(IR)assessment indexes in identifying subclinical left ventricular systolic function impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).Methods A total of 150 T2DM patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF≥50%)who were admitted to Department of Endocrinology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University from June 2021 to December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed.All patients underwent two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography to measure left ventricular global longitudinal strain(GLS).According to GLS value,the subjects were divided into the normal group(GLS≥18%group,n=80)and the impaired group(GLS<18%group,n=70).Some new simplified IR assessment indicators were calculated and compared between the two groups,including body mass index(BMI),TG/HDL-C ratio,triglyceride-glucose(TyG)index,TyG-BMI index,TyG-WHR and metabolic score for IR(METS-IR).Correlation between the GLS and the new simplified IR assessment indexes was analyzed.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the diagnostic efficacy of different simplified IR assessment indexes,with the area under the curve(AUC)calculated.Furthermore,according to whether the subjects were complicated with hypertension,binary logistics regression analysis was performed to explore the independent correlation between the simplified IR assessment index and GLS<18%.Results Total 150 were included with aged(54.5±13.7)years with 96(64.0%)men and 54(36.0%)women.Compared with the GLS≥18%group,the TG/HDL-C ratio,TyG index,TyG-BMI,and METS-IR of subjects in the GLS<18%group were significantly increased(P<0.05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that TG/HDL-C ratio,TyG index,TyG-BMI,TyG-WHR,and METS-IR were negatively correlated with GLS(P<0.05).ROC analysis showed that TyG index had a certain predictive value for the evaluation of GLS<18%(AUC=0.678,95%CI 0.591-0.765,P<0.001).Stratification based on hypertension and further adjusting for confounding factors,TyG index remains significantly associated with GLS<18%(OR=3.249,95%CI 1.045-10.103,P=0.042).Conclusions The novel simplified insulin resistance evaluation indexes are closely associated with left ventricular subclinical systolic dysfunction in T2DM patients with preserved ejection fraction.TyG index is an effective index to identify left ventricular subclinical dysfunction in these populations.