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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217636


Background: The reaction time (RT) of an organism refers to how quickly it reacts to a stimuli. The rate at which the central nervous system analyses sensory data and then executes it as a motor response is measured by RT. The human body responds to different sensory modalities in different ways and at different rates. This is critical in both routine and emergency situations. Gender, age, physical fitness, level of exhaustion, distraction, and alcohol have all been shown to influence RT. Aims and Objectives: The aims of this study were to compare the visual RT of first phase MBBS and BDS students to red and green colors. Materials and Methods: Following ethical approval, 250 first phase medical students, ranging in age from 17 to 20, were selected, and all participants provided written informed consent. Anand Agencies Pune designed an audiovisual RT gadget that was utilized to collect visual response time (VRT). The unpaired t-test was performed to assess the data statistically. Results: The individuals’ VRT for the colors Red (R) (Mean: 0.199 s) and Green (G) (Mean: 0.218 s) were statistically significant (P < 0.001). In addition, the variance of VRT in men (Mean: [R] 0.192 s, [G] 0.206 s) was significantly greater than in females (Mean: [R] 0.209 s, [G] 0.226 s; P < 0.001). The results were tallied and examined statistically. Conclusion: As a result of our research, we discovered that the VRT for green was significantly greater than that of red. This might be due to the fact that green takes longer to process than red. Males react to stimuli faster than females.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Jan; 70(1): 256-260
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224095


Purpose: To highlight the plight of individuals with congenital color vision deficiency (CVD). Methods: This is a retrospective study in which 191 electronic medical records of individuals with the diagnosis of inherited CVD, who visited the eye institute, between January 2010 and January 2021 were included. The inclusion criteria included diagnosis based on the failure in pseudoisochromatic plates (Ishihara / Hardy, Rand and Rittler (HRR) and age range between 18 and 35 years. The patient’s medical history, age, gender, type of defect, and preference for colored contact lenses was noted. Medical records were excluded if the participant had any other ocular pathology apart from congenital CVD. Results: At least 30% (57/191) of the individuals explicitly requested for color vision examination for a job?related purpose. Amongst them, the most common jobs aspired were army (~25%; [14/57]) followed by police (21%; [12/57]). There was only 2.6% (5/191) of individuals in which the type of CVD (protan/deutan) was classified. Only 5.2% of them (10/191) sought an X?Chrome contact lens trial. Conclusion: This study reported the occupational setbacks experienced by individuals with CVD. This study highlights the need to identify CVD at a younger age, thereby avoiding occupational?related setbacks later in life

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-699779


Red-green color blindness is the most common form of colour blindness.Traditional treatment options such as tinted lenses do not cure color blindness completely.With the rapid development of gene diagnostic and managing technology,gene therapy has been applied to inherited retinal diseases widely.The genetic treatment of Leber congenital amaurosis has entered clinical trail and shown the remarkable success in safety and efficacy.In recent years,gene therapy has finally reached a milestone to convert adult male squirrel monkeys with red-green color blindness to trichromats.It heralds the bright prospects of gene therapy applied in human red green color blindness.This article briefly reviewed the recent preclinical research achievements of pathogenesis and gene therapy for redgreen color blindnes.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-62814


124 cases with congenital red-green color defects were examined using hahn`s color vision test, double 15 hue test, and Nagel`s anomaloscope. In the Neitz anomaloscope test, 5 cases(4%) showed protanomaly, 1 case(1%) extreme protanomaly, 16 cases (13%) protanopia, 45 cases(36%) deuteranomaly, 52 cases(42%) deuteranopia, and 5 cases (4%) normal state. 5 cases(4%) of protan was classified by degree of color defects, 1 case with mild defect, 1 case with moderate defect, and 3 cases with severe defect by the Hahn`s color vision test. 14 cases (10.4%) of deutan eye the following:5 cases in mild, 6 cases in noderate, and 3 cases in severe defect. 105 cases (85.6%) were the unclassified type. In comparision with Hahn`s color vision test and anomaloscope, the concordance rate was 57.1%(8/14) in only mild and severe color defect of deutan. In the Double 15 hue test, 29 cases (23%) showed in 60.9%(25/41) in deutan. By the degree of color defect, 6 cases showed medium response, 23 cases strong response in protan. 4 cases showed medium, 37 cases strong response in deutan. The concordance rates are 57%(13/23) in protan and 68%(25/37) in deutan in strong response. We conclude that Neitz anomaloscope test is better method than Hahn`s color vision test and double 15 hue test in qualitative and qualntitative dignosis of cogenital red-green color defects.

Color Perception Tests , Color Perception , Color Vision