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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021545


BACKGROUND:With the continuous improvement and progress of the magnetically controlled growing rod technology in the field of the treatment of spinal deformities,numerous studies have been put into this field,but the main research status,hot spots,and development trends are not clear enough. OBJECTIVE:Based on bibliometrics,this paper discusses the quality and quantity of articles in the field of using magnetically controlled growing rods to treat spinal deformities from different countries,aiming to clarify the global development trend of magnetically controlled growing rods and evaluate the research productivity,research trends,and research hotspots in the world. METHODS:The articles published from 1998 to 2023 were retrieved mainly based on the Web of Science database.CiteSpace 5.8 and VOSviewer 1.6.19 software were used to analyze the data and generate a visual knowledge map.The following parameters were evaluated for all studies:the total number of published papers,centrality,h index,the contribution of countries,authors,and journals,and the trend and hot spots were explored through the analysis of co-citation,highly cited literature,and literature keyword explosion. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Finally,138 articles were included.From 2009 to 2020,the number of published articles in this field gradually increased.The United States has the largest number of articles(53,37.32%),and the United States has the highest h index and centrality of articles.(2)The results of keyword analysis showed that:the top ten keywords,such as early-onset scoliosis,surgery,complications,and so on,objectively and truly reflected the current situation and hot spots of magnetically controlled growing rod in the field of spinal deformity treatment.In recent years,the research focus in this field is the treatment failure caused by risk factors such as the pull-out of the magnetically controlled growing rod,implantation failure,and rod fracture,the accurate use of the corresponding medical classification,the monitoring and treatment of complications such as quality of life and cerebral palsy.(3)The co-citation results showed that:combined with the innovative and effective research of the magnetically controlled growing rod technology,the classification application of spinal deformity and the monitoring and treatment of related complications may be the research trend in this field.(4)Many highly cited articles further emphasized the therapeutic effect of magnetically controlled growing rod technology,providing an effective new idea and technical support for the field of spinal deformity correction.(5)The results of literature keyword explosion analysis demonstrate that the risk factors,medical classification,quality of life,and cerebral palsy of the application of magnetically controlled growing rods may become the research frontier in this field.(6)It can be seen that the application of magnetically controlled growing rod technology in the classification of spinal deformities and the in-depth study of related complications are the development trend in this field,but to further understand the effectiveness and safety of magnetically controlled growing rod technology in the treatment of spinal deformities,we still need long-term follow-up evidence.The overall research level of this field has steadily improved in recent years,but there are also problems such as the small number of high-quality articles and the unbalanced development of research in various regions.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1): e50333, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1550729


Abstract Introduction: Plant functional traits are widely used to predict community productivity. However, they are rarely used to predict the performance (in terms of growth diameter, growth height, survival, and integral response index) of woody species planted in degraded soils. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between the functional traits and the performance of 25 woody species planted in disturbed soils affected by oil extraction activities in Ecuadorian Amazon. Methods: Eighteen permanent sampling plots were established and five 6-month-old seedlings of each 25 species were randomly planted in each plot (125 individuals per plot), at a distance of 4×4 m. Eight quantitative functional traits (leaf size, specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen concentration, leaf phosphorus concentration, leaf minimum unit, leaf dry matter content, stem specific density and leaf tensile strength) were determined for each species. Results: The woody species with high performance shows greater leaf size, specific leaf area and Stem Specific Density than those showing low performance. Leaf nitrogen concentration and stem specific density had a direct relationship with the integral response index. The leaf size, leaf phosphorus concentration, leaf dry matter content and leaf tensile strength showed a negative relationship with the integral response index. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that the performance of woody species o disturbed soils can be predicted satisfyingly by leaf and stem functional traits, presumably because these traits capture most of environmental and neighborhood conditions.

Resumen Introducción: Los rasgos funcionales de las plantas han sido ampliamente utilizados para predecir la productividad (en términos de crecimiento en diámetro, crecimiento en altura, sobrevivencia e índice de respuesta integral) de las comunidades vegetales. Sin embargo, rara vez han sido utilizados para predecir el desempeño de las especies leñosas plantadas en suelos degradados. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre el desempeño y los rasgos funcionales de 25 especies leñosas plantadas en suelos afectados por actividades de extracción de petróleo en la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Métodos: Se establecieron 18 parcelas permanentes de muestreo y en cada parcela se sembraron aleatoriamente cinco plántulas de 6 meses de las 25 especies (125 individuos por parcela), a una distancia de 4×4 m. Se determinaron ocho rasgos funcionales (área foliar, área foliar específica, concentración de nitrógeno foliar, concentración de fósforo foliar, unidad mínima foliar, contenido foliar de materia seca, densidad específica del fuste y fuerza tensil foliar) de cada especie. Resultados: Las especies leñosas con alto desempeño presentaron mayor área foliar, área foliar específica y densidad específica del fuste que las especies de bajo desempeño. La concentración de nitrógeno foliar y la densidad específica del fuste mostraron una relación directa. El área foliar, la concentración de fósforo foliar, el contenido de materia seca foliar y la fuerza tensil foliar presentaron una relación inversa con el Índice de Respuesta Integral. Conclusión: Se demostró que el desempeño de las especies leñosas plantadas en suelos alterados puede predecirse satisfactoriamente por rasgos funcionales de hoja y de tallo, debido posiblemente a que los rasgos influyen en el crecimiento y supervivencia de las especies, y reflejan la mayoría de las condiciones ambientales.

Trees/growth & development , Petroleum Pollution/analysis , Amazonian Ecosystem , Ecuador
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007112


[Introduction] This study compared the effects of joint immobilization and concurrent electroacupuncture stimulation on fracture line appearance, which is indicative of differences in cortical bone structure, in the femurs of young adult rats. [Materials and Methods] Forty-two 7-week-old Wistar rats were divided into three groups: a hindlimb immobilized group (IM), a hindlimb immobilized group with concurrent electroacupuncture stimulation (IMEA), and an untreated control group (CO). IM and IMEA were immobilized for two weeks with a jacket-type immobilization device that immobilized the hip joint in extension and restricted hip joint adduction and abduction. Acupuncture needles were inserted into the femoral region during the immobilization period in the IMEA group, and continuous alternating current was used for stimulation. A low-frequency stimulator was used to generate electrical current (250 μsec, 50 Hz, 0.24 mA, 500 Ω load resistance), and stimulation was performed daily for two weeks at 10 min/day. The extracted femur was fractured from the anterior part of the diaphysis or metaphyseal end by three-point-bending under constant conditions with 10 mm between the fulcrum and a crosshead speed of 10 mm/min. [Results] IM showed significantly lower Stiffness, Deformation, and Strength values than CO. Bone morphometry parameters also showed lower values for IM. A cement line was observed between lamellar and non-lamellar bone in CO and IMEA, but was indistinct in IM. In CO and IMEA, minute bone fragments were formed in the deep diaphysis region sandwiched between the inner and outer circumferential lamellae, but no such fragments were found in IM. IMEA had less resorption than IM, and lamellar bone with a structure similar to CO was maintained. Moreover, cracks observed in CO and IMEA ran longitudinally in the vicinity of the cement line and rest line, but no such cracks were found in IM. [Discussion and Conclusion] These findings suggest that electroacupuncture mitigates bone weakening in immobilized rat femurs, and this affects the appearance of the fracture line.

Actual. osteol ; 18(2): 60-74, oct. 2022. graf, ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437640


Introducción: Los GOS son prebióticos naturales presentes en la leche materna que pue-den obtenerse enzimáticamente a partir de la lactosa de leche de vaca durante la fabricación de yogur. El producto lácteo resultante será reducido en lactosa y contendrá prebióticos y bacterias potencialmente probióticas. Sin embargo, mantendrá la baja relación Ca/Pi que aporta la leche de vaca, lo que podría alterar el remodelamiento óseo y la mineralización. Objetivo: comparar si un yogur reducido en lactosa que contiene GOS (YE) ofrece ventajas adicionales respecto de un yogur regular sin GOS (YR) sobre las absorciones (Abs) de Ca y Pi, retención y calidad ósea durante el crecimiento normal. Al destete, ratas machos fueron divididas en 3 grupos alimentados con AIN ́93-G (C), YE o YR durante 28 días. Resultados: YE mostró el mayor aumento de lactobacilos fecales; producción de ácidos grasos de cadena corta especialmente p, profundidad de las criptas colónicas y menor pH cecal. El %AbsCa y %AbsPi aumentó en el siguiente órden: YE> YR> C (p < 0,05). El contenido de Ca y Pi en fémur, la densidad y contenido mineral óseos y los parámetros biomecánicos fueron similares en YE y C, mientras que YR mostró valores significativa-mente menores (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: YE aumentó las Abs y biodisponibilidad de minerales, alcanzando la retención y calidad ósea de C. El aumento en las Abs observado en YR no logró obtener la retención y calidad ósea de C. Conclusión: YE habría contrarrestado el efecto negativo del mayor aporte de Pi de la leche de vaca y sería una buena estrategia para lograr el pico de masa ósea y calidad del hueso adecuados, especialmente en individuos intolerantes a la lactosa. (AU)

Breast milk contains an optimal calcium/phosphate (Ca/Pi) ratio and GOS. These natural prebiotics can be enzymatically produced via cow's milk lactose inyogurt manufacture. This milk product is low in lactose and contains prebiotics and potentially probiotic bacteria but maintains a low Ca/Pi ratio that could alter bone remodeling and mineralization. We evaluated if a lactose-reduced yogurt containing GOS (YE) offers additional advantages over regular yogurt without GOS (YR) on Ca and Pi absorption (Abs), bone retention and quality during normal growth. Weaning male rats were divided into 3 groups fed AIN'93-G (C), YE or YR for 28 days. Results: YE showed the highest increase in fecal lactobacilli; short-chain fatty acids production, especially propionate and butyrate; intestine crypt depth, and the lowest cecal pH. AbsCa% and AbsPi% increased in this order: YE> YR> C (p <0.05). Ca and Pi content in femur, bone density and mineral content, and biomechanical parameters were similar in YE and C, while YR showed the significantly lowest value (p < 0.05). Conclusions: YE increased mineral Abs reaching the retention and bone quality of C. Although YR increased Abs, bone retention and quality did not achieve C values. Seemingly, YE compensated for the negative effect of the higher Pi supply and would be a good strategy to achieve adequate peak bone mass and bone quality, especially in lactose intolerant individuals. (AU)

Animals , Rats , Oligosaccharides/metabolism , Osteogenesis/physiology , Calcium, Dietary/pharmacokinetics , Phosphorus, Dietary/pharmacokinetics , Intestinal Absorption/physiology , Lactose/metabolism , Magnesium/pharmacokinetics , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Yogurt/analysis , Calcium, Dietary/metabolism , Absorptiometry, Photon , Bone Density , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Phosphorus, Dietary/metabolism , beta-Galactosidase/chemical synthesis , Rats, Wistar , Lactobacillus delbrueckii/isolation & purification , Femur/anatomy & histology , Intestine, Large/anatomy & histology , Magnesium/metabolism , Nutritive Value
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 35(1): e1509, ene.-mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409037


La cirugía de la musculatura extraocular ha sido el estándar de atención para tratamiento quirúrgico del estrabismo por más de un siglo. A pesar del gran desarrollo técnico de la cirugía de estrabismo en la actualidad, la utilización de microscopio quirúrgico, el diseño novedoso del instrumental quirúrgico, la calidad de la sutura no reabsorbible; los avances en equipamiento y fármacos anestésicos, la misma no está exenta de complicaciones quirúrgicas, además del tiempo de recuperación que necesita el paciente para reincorporarse a sus actividades sociales, han propiciado una búsqueda permanente del tratamiento farmacológico para el estrabismo. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica es analizar las distintas alternativas farmacológicas disponibles como tratamiento del estrabismo. Para su confección se consultó textos completos y artículos en idiomas español e inglés, disponible en algunas bases de datos. Concluimos que aunque se han estudiado numerosos fármacos, la toxina botulínica que es la más conocida y utilizada mundialmente, seguida de la bupivacaína. Encontramos otros como la IGF I y II (Insuline Growing Factor), capaces de generar un efecto de reforzamiento de la actividad muscular. Y otros que "debilitan" la musculatura extraocular, incluyen la mAb35-Rubicina, BMP4 (Proteína morfogénica ósea). Se continúa su investigación en la actualidad(AU)

Extraocular musculature surgery has been the standard of care for surgical treatment of strabismus for more than a century. Despite the great technical development of strabismus surgery today, the use of a surgical microscope, the novel design of surgical instruments, the quality of the non-absorbable suture; Advances in anesthetic equipment and drugs, it is not exempt from surgical complications, in addition to the recovery time that the patient needs to return to their social activities, have led to a permanent search for pharmacological treatment for strabismus. The objective of this bibliographic review is to analyze the different pharmacological alternatives available as a treatment for strabismus. For its preparation, full texts and articles in Spanish and English languages were consulted, available in some databases. We conclude that although numerous drugs have been studied, botulinum toxin, which is the best known and used worldwide, followed by bupivacaine. We find others such as IGF I and II (Insuline Growing Factor), capable of generating an effect of reinforcing muscle activity. And others that "weaken" MOE include mAb35-Rubicin, BMP4 (Bone Morphogenic Protein). His research is continuing today(AU)

Humans , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Bupivacaine/therapeutic use , Strabismus/drug therapy , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Standard of Care
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-957240


Objective:To explore the effects of probiotics on feeding intolerance and early growth and development of preterm and very low birth weight infants (VLBWI).Methods:A total of 446 patients with VLBWI were enrolled in Henan Children′s Hospital from March 20, 2019 to March 20, 2022. They were divided into breast milk group (119 cases), breast milk+probiotic group (108 cases), formula group (115 cases) and formula+probiotic group (104 cases) according to the feeding mode and whether they received early probiotic supplement or not. The feeding programs of each group were carried out according to the “2013 Clinical Application Guide of nutritional support for newborn infants” and “the feeding guidelines for VLBWI”. On this basis, the probiotic supplement group was treated with Clostridium butyricum powder at a dose of 0.25 g/twice a day for 2 weeks, nasal feeding or bottle administration. The incidence of feeding intolerance, the time of recovery of birth weight, the time of reaching total gastrointestinal feeding, and the time of hospitalization in each group were observed, and the average increment of body mass, head circumference and body length in each group at 28 days after birth were compared.Results:In breast milk group, the incidence of feeding intolerance, total gastrointestinal feeding time, and hospital stay were significantly lower than those in the formula group [40.3% vs 47.8%, (13.2±2.4) vs (14.9±1.9) d, (26.5±7.5) vs (29.8±9.6) d], besides, the average increments of early growth and developmental indexes such as body mass, head circumference, and body length at 28 days of birth were significantly lower than those in the formula group [(15.4±2.7) vs (17.7±3.7) g/d, (5.8±1.0) vs (6.2±1.0) mm/week, (6.8±0.7) vs (7.3±0.8) mm/week], however, the recovery time of birth weight in the breast milk group was significantly higher than that in the formula group [(6.2±1.2) vs (5.3±1.4) d] (all P<0.05). The incidence of feeding intolerance, the recovery time of birth weight, the total gastrointestinal feeding time and the hospital stay in the breast milk+probiotics group were significantly lower than those in the breast milk group [34.3% vs 40.3%, (5.4±1.2) vs (6.2±1.2) d, (10.4±1.9) vs (13.2±2.4) d, (22.9±5.6) vs (26.5±7.5) d], besides, the average increments of body mass, head circumference and body length at 28 days of birth was significantly higher than that in the breast milk group [(17.2±3.5) vs (15.4±2.7) g/d, (6.2±1.0) vs (5.8±1.0) mm/week, (7.2±0.8) vs (6.8±0.7) mm/week] (all P<0.05). The incidence of feeding intolerance, total gastrointestinal feeding time and hospital stay in breast milk+probiotics group were significantly lower than those in formula+probiotics group [34.3% vs 47.1%, (10.4±1.9) vs (15.3±2.0) d, (22.9±5.6) vs (30.4±8.2) d] (all P<0.05), besides, there was no significant difference in the average increments of early growth and developmental indexes between the breast milk+probiotics group and the formula+probiotics group (all P>0.05). There were no significant difference in the above indexes between the formula+probiotics group and the formula group (all P>0.05). Conclusion:Probiotics can improve the clinical outcome of feeding intolerance and promote early growth and development of breast feeding VLBWI.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928109


This study aims to explore the resource utilization of used fungus-growing materials produced in the cultivation of Gastrodia elata. To be specific, based on the production practice, this study investigated the recycling mechanism of used fungus-growing materials of G. elata by Phallus inpudicus. To screen edible fungi with wide adaptability, this study examined the allelopathic effects of Armillaria mellea secretions on P. impudicus and 6 kinds of large edible fungi and the activities of enzymes related to degradation of the used fungus-growing materials of G. elata. The results showed that P. impudicus can effectively degrade cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in used fungus-growing materials of G. elata. The cellulase activity of A. mellea was significantly higher than that of P. impudicus, and the activities of lignin peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and xylanase of P. impudicus were significantly higher than those of A. mellea, which was the important reason why A. mellea and P. impudicus used different parts and components of the used fungus-growing materials to absorb carbon sources and develop ecological niche differences. The growth of P. impudicus was significantly inhibited on the used fungus-growing materials of G. elata. The secretions of A. mellea had allelopathic effects on P. impudicus and other edible fungi, and the allelopathic effects were related to the concentration of allelopathy substances. The screening result showed that the growth and development of L. edodes and A. auricular were not significantly affected by 30% of A. mellea liquid, indicating that they had high resistance to the allelopathy of A. mellea. The results showed that the activities of extracellular lignin peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and xylanase of the two edible fungi were similar to those of P. impudicus, and the cellulase activity was higher than that of P. impudicus. This experiment can be further verified by small-scale production tests.

Agaricales , Ascomycota , Basidiomycota , Catechol Oxidase , Cellulases , Gastrodia
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216782


Aim: This article aims to review the literature available on transitional implants and elaborates on the same through a case report with a follow-up of 5 years. Material and Method: PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, and Web of Science databases were screened for literature. Articles other than those in English language were excluded. For the review, the complete texts of 49 papers were acquired, with 34 of them being included in the review. Conclusion: Transitional implant placement could be considered as an alternative to removable or fixed resin bonded dental prosthesis in adolescents with a regular follow-up. In such patients, a detailed assessment of growth pattern and a prediction of growth completion has to be done before considering implant as a treatment option.

Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): E849-E854, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-920693


Objective To study the effects of selecting different fixing segments on biomechanical characteristics of the spine during the treatment of early onset scoliosis(EOS) by growing rod technique. Methods By using finite element method, four spine models (C6-S1 segments) fixed by growing rod were established: preoperative model, T1-L4 fixed model, T2-L4 fixed model, T3-L4 fixed model. Then 7 N·m torque load and 1 rad angular displacement load were applied on superior surface of C6 segment to analyze biomechanical characteristics for adjacent structure of the fixed vertebral body. Results The whole spinal range of motion (ROM) decreased significantly after operation. When the T2-L4 segment was fixed, the spine activity was mostly restricted, the compensatory activity of adjacent vertebrae increased significantly, and the intervertebral disc stress increased significantly. Conclusions When T2 segment is selected as the upper instrumented segment, the risk of proximal junctional kyphosis and spinal degeneration is the highest, which should be avoided in clinical surgery.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-874008


Objective:In athletes who are still in the growing period, lumbar spondylolysis is mainly treated with brace therapy to enable bone fusion. During the brace period, sports activities are often discontinued. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the combination of brace therapy and early physiotherapy affects the duration of return to play in athletes with lumbar spondylolysis.Methods:Thirty-seven athletes in the growing period with unilateral spondylolysis were included in the study. They were classified into two groups:17 patients who rested during the brace period(brace group)and 20 patients who combined the brace with early physical therapy (combination group). The examined items were duration of the brace period and duration from the end of the brace therapy to return to play (return period). Both these items were compared between the brace group and the combination group. In addition, the union rate of both groups was also calculated.Results:The return period was significantly shorter in the combination group than in the brace group. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups with respect to other data.Conclusion:Since there was no significant difference in the duration of the brace period and the union rate between both groups, we believe that early physical therapy intervention does not adversely affect bone union in athletes with spondylolysis who are in the growing period. Therefore, it is considered that the combined use of brace therapy and early physical therapy can maintain flexibility and muscular strength during the brace period and can enable a smooth transit to playing after the bone union is complete.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(8): e20200903, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249547


ABSTRACT: Colombia is the fourth largest avocado producer globally and the third largest in terms of harvested area, with a 6% share of the world area. The development and promotion of this production line represents an important source of growth in agriculture for Colombia, due to the generation of rural employment, equitable development across the different regions of the country, and due to the diversity of thermal floors and the different varieties planted. Imports of this product have decreased by 96% in the last four years from 3128 tons in 2014 to 133 tons in 2017. In recent years, the projects developed in the Colombian avocado sector have been aimed at the foreign market due to the profitability and demand of the Hass variety of this fruit. In addition, there is a state effort to implement plans for regions free of quarantine pests that allow access to foreign markets. This constitutes a strategic proposal made up of a coherent set of objectives, strategies and programmes which, based on a vision of the future, seek the initial goal of doubling the area of production. That move would ensure the technological and innovative conditions for sustainable and quality production, as well as achieve full links in international markets. This review aimed to know the main developments of avocado production in Colombia, its challenges and opportunities for the next decade.

RESUMO: A Colômbia é o quarto produtor e o terceiro em termos de área colhida, com uma participação de 6% da área mundial. O desenvolvimento e a promoção desta linha produtiva representam para a Colômbia uma importante fonte de crescimento na agricultura, para a geração de emprego e desenvolvimento rural com equidade para as diferentes regiões do país, devido à diversidade de pisos térmicos e às diferentes variedades plantadas. As importações deste produto diminuíram 96% nos últimos quatro anos, passando de 3128 toneladas em 2014 para 133 toneladas em 2017. Nos últimos anos, os projetos desenvolvidos no setor de abacate colombiano têm como objetivo o mercado externo devido à lucratividade desta fruta por sua demanda com a variedade Hass. Além disso, há um esforço estatal para implementar planos para regiões livres de pragas de quarentena que permitem o acesso a mercados estrangeiros. Dessa forma, constitui uma proposta estratégica composta por um conjunto coerente de objetivos, estratégias e programas que, com base em uma visão de futuro, buscam o objetivo inicial de duplicar a área de produção, garantindo condições tecnológicas e de inovação com alcance total nos mercados internacionais. Esta revisão tem como objetivo conhecer os principais desenvolvimentos da produção de abacate na Colômbia, seus desafios e oportunidades para a próxima década.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(10): 758-775, Oct. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143410


The aim of this study was to investigate the main causes of death in growing-finishing pigs in southern Brazil. During a one-year period (from 2018 to 2019), two industrial pig herds (18 and 20 thousand pigs each farm) in southern Brazil were monitored along the four seasons of the year (12 days per season on each farm), in order to perform necropsies of all pigs that died in that period. The two farms had an average monthly mortality rate ranging from 0.94 to 3.93% in the evaluated months. At necropsy, tissues were collected, fixed in 10% formalin solution and processed routinely for histopathological examination. When necessary, samples were sent for bacterial culture and PCR to identify etiologic agents. A total of 601 necropsies were performed, with 94.9% of conclusive diagnoses. Infectious diseases corresponded to 64.4% of conclusive diagnosis and non-infectious diseases to 35.6%. The most prevalent causes of death were: pneumonia (33%), gastric ulcers (15.4%), circovirosis (9.9%), systemic bacterial embolism (5.4%), polyserositis (4.4%), dilated cardiomyopathy and torsion of abdominal organs (4.3% each), and bacterial pericarditis (3.4%). Regarding pneumonias (199/601), the main agents identified in these cases were Pasteurella multocida, Influenza A virus and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, mainly in associations.(AU)

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar as principais causas de morte de suínos em fase de crescimento e terminação no Sul do Brasil. Durante o período de um ano (entre 2018 e 2019), duas granjas tecnificadas de suínos no Sul do Brasil foram acompanhadas nas quatro estações (12 dias por estação em cada granja), para realização de necropsias dos suínos que morreram nesse período. As duas propriedades apresentavam mortalidade mensal média entre 0,94 e 3,93% nos meses avaliados. Na necropsia, amostras de órgãos foram colhidas, fixadas em formol 10% e processadas rotineiramente para o exame histopatológico. Quando necessário, amostras foram enviadas para o cultivo bacteriano e PCR para identificação de agentes etiológicos. Foram realizadas um total de 601 necropsias, com 94,9% de diagnósticos conclusivos. As doenças infecciosas corresponderam a 64,4% dos diagnósticos conclusivos e as não infecciosas a 35,6%. As principais causas de morte foram: pneumonias (33%), úlcera gástrica (15,4%), circovirose (9,9%), embolia bacteriana sistêmica (5,4%), polisserosite (4,4%), cardiomiopatia dilatada e torção de órgãos abdominais (4,3% cada) e pericardite bacteriana (3,4%). Com relação às pneumonias (199/601), os principais agentes associadas as lesões foram Pasteurella multocida, vírus da Influenza A e Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, principalmente associados entre si.(AU)

Animals , Pneumonia/mortality , Stomach Ulcer/mortality , Swine Diseases/mortality , Circoviridae Infections/mortality , Sus scrofa , Pasteurella multocida , Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae , Embolism/mortality
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 23(2, cont.): e2303, jul-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1129395


A maioria dos estudos sobre o uso da somatotropina bovina recombinante (rbST) foram conduzidos em países de clima temperado utilizando animais de genética Bos taurus e todo o protocolo de utilização foi pautado para tais animais e extrapolados aos mestiços (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) em ambientes tropicais. No entanto, existem características diferenciadas da curva de produção de leite e alguns aspectos fisiológicos que diferem os mestiços dos taurinos, sendo assim, estabelecer padrões específicos para uso do rbST para vacas mestiças podem melhorar a eficiência, reduzir custos e expandir o uso da tecnologia para os sistemas brasileiros. Estabelecer ajuste da dosagem, o intervalo, o melhor tempo para início e término da aplicação, avaliar o melhor retorno financeiro do uso para o sistema produtivo assim como as respostas produtivas e reprodutivas das vacas pode trazer adequação do uso da tecnologia no sistema de produção de gado mestiço leiteiro. O objetivo da revisão é identificar critérios a serem considerados para uso do rbST em vacas mestiças a fim de potencializar a estratégia do uso do mesmo. O rbST promove notório aumento da produção de leite e mais detalhes do protocolo de uso do hormônio para vacas mestiças necessita ser avaliado já que algumas características da curva de leite e capacidade produtiva são diferentes para animais cruzados.(AU)

Most studies on the use of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) were conducted in countries with temperate climates using Bos taurus animals and the entire use protocol was based on such animals and extrapolated to crossbred animals (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) in tropical environments. However, there are different characteristics in the milk production curve and some physiological aspects that differentiate the crossbred from those cattle. Therefore, the establishment of specific standards for the use of rbST for crossbred cattle can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and expand the use of technology to Brazilian systems. Establishing dosage adjustment, the interval, the best time to start and end the application, evaluating the best financial return from use on the productive system, as well as the productive and reproductive responses of the cows can help foster the adequacy of the use of technology in the production system of crossbred dairy cattle. The purpose of this review is to identify criteria to be considered for the use of rbST in crossbred cows in order to enhance the strategy of using it. The use of rbST promotes a noticeable increase in milk production; however, further details of the hormone use protocol for crossbred cows need to be evaluated since some characteristics of the milk curve are different for crossbred animals.(AU)

La mayoría de los estudios sobre el uso de somatotropina bovina recombinante (rbST) se han realizado en países de clima templado utilizando animales de genética Bos taurus y todo el protocolo de utilización se ha pautado para tales animales y extrapolados a los mestizos (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) en ambientes tropicales. Sin embargo, existen diferentes características de la curva de producción de leche y algunos aspectos fisiológicos que diferencian al mestizo de los toros, por lo tanto, establecer estándares específicos para el uso de rbST para vacas mestizas puede mejorar la eficiencia, reducir costos y expandir el uso de tecnología para Sistemas brasileños. Establecer el ajuste de dosis, el intervalo, el mejor momento para iniciar y finalizar la aplicación, evaluar el mejor retorno económico del uso para el sistema productivo, así como las respuestas productivas y reproductivas de las vacas pueden propiciar la adecuación del uso de la tecnología en el sistema de producción de ganado mestizo lechero. El propósito de la revisión es identificar los criterios que se deben considerar para el uso de rbST en vacas mestizas con el fin de mejorar la estrategia de uso. El rbST promueve un aumento notable en la producción de leche y es necesario evaluar más detalles del protocolo de uso de hormonas para vacas cruzadas, ya que algunas características de la curva de la leche son diferentes para los animales cruzados.(AU)

Animals , Female , Cattle , Cattle/physiology , Cattle/genetics , Growth Hormone , Growth Hormone/genetics , Milk , Efficiency
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 23(1): e1334, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127535


RESUMEN El lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) es una especie frutal de gran importancia para el desarrollo de la fruticultura de la región natural Andina de Colombia; sin embargo, su cultivo presenta un bajo desarrollo tecnológico, debido posiblemente, a la escasa oferta de cultivares mejorados que, respondan a los limitantes abióticos y bióticos, que se presentan en los sistemas productivos de Colombia. El objetivo fue evaluar el comportamiento agronómico del rendimiento y calidad de fruto de 50 familias de medios hermanos de lulo, formadas a partir de un esquema de selección estratificada, en cuatro localidades del departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Se utilizó el diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con tres repeticiones, cada repetición estuvo conformada por cuatro plantas, para un total de 600 unidades experimentales por municipio. Las variables evaluadas fueron rendimiento (RTO), pérdida de frutos por Neoleucinodes elegantalis, peso de fruto (PF), diámetro ecuatorial y polar, contenido de jugo (CJ), sólidos solubles totales (SST), acidez titulable (AC), índice de madurez (IM), pH, peso de pulpa más semilla (PPS) y peso de semilla (PS). Las familias de mejor comportamiento correspondieron a FMH28 y FMH22, para el municipio de Arboleda; FMH1, FMH7 y FMH25, para el municipio de San Pedro de Cartago y FMH28, FMH4, FMH36 y FMH29 para el municipio de Tangua, las cuales, presentaron rendimientos entre 6,86 a 15,81t.ha-1, un PF entre 53,80 a 90,46g y SST entre 9,11 a 11,70°Bx. Estos valores superaron a los promedios de la población evaluada en un 45,5%, para RTO; para PF, en 11,41% y, para SST. en 10,50%.

ABSTRACT The lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) is a fruit of great importance for the development of fruit growing in the natural Andean region of Colombia; however, its cultivation presents a low technological development, possibly due to the scarce supply of improved cultivars that respond to the abiotic and biotic limitations that occur in the productive systems of Colombia. The objective was to evaluate the agronomic behavior of the yield and fruit quality of 50 half-brother families of lulo formed from a stratified selection scheme, in four localities of the department of Nariño, Colombia. The design of Complete Random Blocks with three repetitions was used; each repetition was made up of four plants for a total of 600 experimental units per municipality. The evaluated variables were yield (RTO), loss of fruits by Neoleucinodes elegantalis, fruit weight (PF), equatorial and polar diameter, juice content (CJ), total soluble solids (SST), titratable acidity (AC), index of maturity (IM), pH, pulp plus seed weight (PPS) and seed weight (PS). The best-behaving families corresponded to FMH28 and FMH22 for the municipality of Arboleda, FMH1, FMH7 and FMH25 for the municipality of San Pedro de Cartago and FMH28, FMH4, FMH36 and FMH29 for the municipality of Tangua, which had returns of 6, 86 to 15.81t.ha-1, a PF between 53.80 to 90.46g and SST between 9.11 to 11.70 ° Bx. These values exceeded the averages of the population evaluated by 45.5% for RTO, for PF in 11.41% and for SST in 10.50%.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(3): 792-798, 01-05-2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146968


Research related to the use of agricultural residues as alternatives to commercial substrates has become fundamental for reducing the production costs of coffee seedlings. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of residues of pepper (Piper nigrum) powder, coffee (Coffea) husk, coconut (Cocos nucifera) fiber and pine (Pinus) bark as alternative substrates in the development of coffee (Coffea canephora) seedlings in tubes. The experiment was carried out at the Demuner Seedling Nursery, in the municipality of São Roque do Canaã, Espírito Santo, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized, with six treatments: T0- Bioplant® commercial substrate (control); and from T1 to T5, increasing proportions (%) of pepper powder and decreasing coconut fiber and pine bark (0/20/50, 10/15/45, 20/10/40, 30/5/35 and 40/0/30) and fixed proportions of coffee husk (30%). At 120 days after staking, we evaluated the plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, shoot dry mass and root dry mass. Any of the substrates containing different proportions of agricultural residues can be used as an alternative to the commercial substrate in the production of Conilon coffee seedlings since most of the growth variables evaluated did not differ from the control. Due to the high availability of pepper powder in the region, we recommended the substrate with 40% pepper powder, 30% coffee husk and 30% pine bark

Pesquisas relacionadas ao uso de resíduos agrícolas como alternativas aos substratos comerciais são fundamental para reduzir os custos de produção das mudas de café. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito dos resíduos pó de pimenta (Piper nigrum), casca de café (Coffea), fibra de coco (Cocos nucifera) e casca de pinus (Pinus) como substratos alternativos no desenvolvimento de mudas de café Conilon (Coffea canephora) em tubetes. O experimento foi realizado no viveiro de produção de mudas Demuner, localizado no município de São Roque do Canaã, ES. Foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos, sendo, T0: Substrato comercial Bioplant® (testemunha); e de T1 ao T5, proporções crescentes de pó-de-pimenta e decrescentes de fibra de coco e casca de pinus (0/20/50; 10/15/45; 20/20; 20/10/40, 30/5/35 e 40/0/30) e proporções fixas de casca de café (30%). Aos 120 dias após estaqueamento avaliaram-se: altura de planta, número de folhas, diâmetro do coleto, massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e massa de matéria seca radicular. Qualquer um dos substratos contendo diferentes proporções de resíduos agrícolas pode ser uma alternativa ao substrato comercial na produção de mudas de café Conilon, já que a maioria das variáveis de crescimento avaliadas não diferiu da testemunha. Em razão da maior disponibilidade de pó-de-pimenta na região, recomenda-se o substrato contento 40% de pó-de-pimenta, 30% de casca de café e 30% de casca de pinus.

Agrochemicals , Coffea
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204854


A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Kumulur, Trichy to study the effect of different growing media (Experimental plot Soil, Soil + Sawdust (2:1) and Soil + Coirpith (2:1)) with three level of irrigation (120% ETc, 100% ETc and 75% ETc) with three replication on the yield and water use efficiency. Among the treatments Soil + Coirpith (2:1) 100% ETc (T8) was found superior to all other treatment combination in producing higher yield of marigold flower. Maximum yield was recorded with treatment T8 which was 27% higher than the treatment T2. Similarly highest water usage efficiency was recorded in T8 (948.65 kg.ha-1mm-1). Therefore the study concluded that, the soil + coirpith (2:1) at 100% ETc would be best growing media as well as optimal irrigation level for growing marigold crop under greenhouse without causing any stress in irrigation and negative effects in plant growth parameters.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(4): 254-260, Apr. 2020. graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135617


This study aimed to determine the frequency and distribution of infectious diseases diagnosed through necropsy examination and histopathological analysis in growing/finishing pigs along 12 years (2005-2016) in Southern Brazil. We evaluated 1906 anatomopathological exams of pigs at growing/finishing phases, of which the infectious diseases corresponded to 75.6% of the cases (1,441/1,906). Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infections were the most frequent, accounting for 51.3% of the cases (739/1,441) with a higher frequency from 2005 to 2007, characterizing an epidemic distribution, with a gradual decline after 2008. Infectious diseases affecting the respiratory system were the second major cause with 30.1% of the cases. Among these, necrotizing bronchiolitis caused by swine Influenza (15.1%, 218/1,441) and bacterial pneumonia (15%, 216/1,441) were the main conditions. Influenza was mostly diagnosed from 2010 to 2013, accounting for 43.1% (167/387) of the cases. After this period, both respiratory infectious diseases were endemic. Digestive system infectious diseases accounted for 10.5% of the diagnoses (151/1,441), with the following main conditions: Salmonella spp. enterocolitis (43.7%, 66/151), Lawsonia spp. proliferative enteropathy (41.7%, 63/151), and Brachyspira spp. colitis (14.6%, 22/151). The latter had a higher incidence from 2012 to 2014 with all cases detected in this period. Polyserositis and bacterial meningitis represented, respectively, 5.8% (84/1,441) and 2.3% (33/1,441) of the cases diagnosed, with a constant endemic character.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em determinar a frequência e a distribuição das doenças infecciosas diagnosticadas através de exame de necropsia e análise histopatológica em suínos nas fases de crescimento/terminação ao longo de 12 anos (2005-2016) no sul do Brasil. Foram avaliados 1906 laudos anatomopatológicos de suínos nas fases de crescimento/terminação, dos quais as doenças infecciosas corresponderam a 75,6% (1441/1906) do total. As infecções por circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2) foram as mais frequentes, contabilizando 51,3% (739/1441) dos casos, com uma alta frequência de 2005 a 2007 caracterizando uma distribuição epidêmica neste período, e um declínio gradual após o ano de 2008. A segunda principal causa incluiu as doenças infecciosas que afetam o sistema respiratório (30,1% dos casos). Dentre essas, destacaram-se a influenza suína (15,1%; 218/1441) e pneumonias bacterianas (15%; 216/1441). O diagnóstico de influenza apresentou uma frequência elevada de 2010 a 2013, totalizando 43,1% (167/387) dos casos. Após este período, ambas doenças infecciosas respiratórias exibiram caráter endêmico. As doenças infecciosas do sistema digestório totalizaram 10,5% (151/1441) dos diagnósticos, com as seguintes principais condições: enterocolite por Salmonella spp. (43,7%; 66/151), enteropatia proliferativa por Lawsonia spp. (41,7%; 63/151) e colite por Brachyspira spp. (14,6%; 22/151). A colite por Brachyspira spp. apresentou uma alta incidência de 2012 a 2014 com todos os casos detectados no período. As polisserosites e meningites bacterianas representaram 5,8% (84/1441) e 2,3% (33/1441) dos casos diagnosticados, respectivamente, com um caráter endêmico constante.(AU)

Animals , Swine Diseases/epidemiology , Communicable Diseases/pathology , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Circovirus , Circoviridae Infections/pathology , Circoviridae Infections/epidemiology , Orthomyxoviridae Infections/pathology , Orthomyxoviridae Infections/epidemiology , Alphainfluenzavirus , Sus scrofa , Enterocolitis/epidemiology , Pneumonia of Swine, Mycoplasmal
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203740


The integral biological testing of soil samples of four districts of the Tula region was performed. The Tula regionwas selected for the study because it was subjected to radioactive contamination in 1986 but at present, it isconsidered to be fairly safe for that matter. The districts were selected according to both the presence of industrialpollution and relative ecological safety. The use/non-use of land for crop production was also taken into account(eight sites in total, samples № 1-8). Three different bioassays were used: microorganisms Salmonellatyphimurium, cell culture of mammalian Cricetulus griseus, and invertebrates Ceriodaphnia affinis. A relativelyhigh direct mutagenic activity was detected at the sites of the Efremovsky and Shchekino districts (№ 1 and № 3respectively), where the mutagenic index was 3.3 and 3.9 respectively. Substances contained in the № 2 and № 4soil extract samples turned out to be pro-mutagens, i.e. induced mutations upon using metabolic activation. Thesoil samples, such as № 1 and № 3 also showed genotoxicity in Cricetulus griseus cells with the increase of thefrequency of chromosomal and chromatid-type aberrations by several times, compared with control. In theexperiments on Ceriodaphnia affinis, toxicity was detected in the № 1, № 3, № 5 and № 7 samples, in which thedeath rate of the crustaceans was 35-45 %, whereas, in the remaining samples, the decrease in the survival rateof the crustaceans did not exceed 15 %. Therefore, the integral bio testing enables detection not only in thepresence of ecotoxicants but also it can indicate their origin - industrial or agricultural.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829809


Objective:In athletes who are still in the growing period, lumbar spondylolysis is mainly treated with brace therapy to enable bone fusion. During the brace period, sports activities are often discontinued. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the combination of brace therapy and early physiotherapy affects the duration of return to play in athletes with lumbar spondylolysis.Methods:Thirty-seven athletes in the growing period with unilateral spondylolysis were included in the study. They were classified into two groups:17 patients who rested during the brace period (brace group) and 20 patients who combined the brace with early physical therapy (combination group). The examined items were duration of the brace period and duration from the end of the brace therapy to return to play (return period). Both these items were compared between the brace group and the combination group. In addition, the union rate of both groups was also calculated.Results:The return period was significantly shorter in the combination group than in the brace group. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups with respect to other data.Conclusion:Since there was no significant difference in the duration of the brace period and the union rate between both groups, we believe that early physical therapy intervention does not adversely affect bone union in athletes with spondylolysis who are in the growing period. Therefore, it is considered that the combined use of brace therapy and early physical therapy can maintain flexibility and muscular strength during the brace period and can enable a smooth transit to playing after the bone union is complete.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 969-974, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-820846


OBJECTIVE:To compare chemical composition types and ginsenoside content of Panax notoginseng flowers with different growing years ,and to explore the effect of growing year on the quality of P. notoginseng flowers. METHODS :Each 10 batches of biennial,triennial and quadrennial P. notoginseng flower were collected and determined by HPLC. The determination was performed on Shim-pack GIST C 18 column with mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile- 0.05% phosphoric acid solution (gradient elution )at the flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The column temperature was set at 30 ℃,and the detection wavelength was set at 203 nm. The sample size was 20 μL. Similarity Evaluation System of TCM Chromatogram Fingerprint was used to establish the fingerprint of 30 batches of samples ,identify the diagnostic components and analyze the similarity. Cluster analysis was conducted by using SPSS 22.0 software. The contents of ginsenoside Rb 1,Rb2,Rb3 and Rc in 30 batches of P. notoginseng flower with different growing years were determined by above HPLC . The quality control analysis was conducted by using SPSS 22.0 software. RESULTS:Established fingerprint showed good precision ,stability and reproducibility. There were good linear relationship (R2> 0.999),quantitative limit ,precision,stability,repeatability and accuracy of the content determination method . Six common components as ginsenoside Rb 1, Rb2, Rb3 and Rc were Δ 基金项目:云南省地方高校联合专项(No.KX182504Y) identified in P. notoginseng flower with different growing *助教,硕士。研究方向:中药资源开发 。电话:0876-2684947。 years by fingerprint ;ginsenoside Rd was identified in triennial # 通信作者 :研究员,硕士。研究方向 :中药资源开发 。电话: P. notoginseng flower. The similarities of the fingerprints 0876-8883731。 among 10 batches of biennial ,triennial and quadrennial P. 中国药房 2020年第31卷第8期 China Pharmacy 2020Vol. 31 No. 8 ·969· notoginseng flower were 0.881,0.952 and 0.945,respectively. The similarity among samples with different growing ye ars was more than 0.817. Thirty batches of P. notoginseng flower could be grouped into 4 categories,the category Ⅱ was quadrennial samples,the category Ⅲ was triennial samples ,while the categories Ⅰ and Ⅳ were mostly biennial samples and a small number of triennial and quadrennial samples. RSDs of 4 ginsenosides contents and their total contents in biennial samples were 8.90%-21.43% and total saponin contents were 11.65%-17.76%,respectively. RSDs of 4 ginsenosides contents and their total contents in triennial samples were 6.45%-14.23%,and total saponin contents were 15.74%-19.30%. RSDs of 4 ginsenosides contents and their total contents in quadrennial samples were 7.50%-18.86%,and total saponin contents were 15.92%-20.16%. The results of quality control analysis showed that biennial samples mainly distributed in the areas of Ⅱ and Ⅲ ;triennial and quadrennial samples mainly distributed in the areas of Ⅰ and Ⅱ ;the order of ginsenosides content was Ⅰ >Ⅱ >Ⅲ. CONCLUSIONS:Chemical components of P. notoginseng flower with different growing years are generally close in types but there still a re some differences ,among which the content of ginsenosides in biennial samples is lower ,fluctuates more ,and the overall quality is slightly poor ;the content of ginsenosides in triennial and quadrennial samples is higher ,fluctuates less ,and the overall quality is higher and tends to be stable.