Parahiatal diaphragmatic hernias are uncommon and often diagnosed incidentally on imaging, or in the emergency setting. Symptoms related to these defects can be like those of hiatus hernias (HH), however this is not always the case. We present a unique case of parahiatal diaphragmatic hernia that was characterised by severe halitosis which resolved with surgical repair.
Abstract Objective To assess the efficacy of Phyllanthus emblica extract in alleviating halitosis and reducing the inflammatory response to halitosis-related bacteria. Methodology This investigation, using Phyllanthus emblica fruit extract (PE), involved four aspects. First, we evaluated the effect on growth and aggregation of halitosis-related bacteria, including Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Solobacterium moorei, using a microdilution assay and scanning electron microscopy. Second, volatile sulfur compound (VSC) levels were measured on individuals with halitosis in randomized short-term (26 participants) and double-blind randomized long-term trials (18 participants in each group) after rinsing with PE for 3, 6, and 12 h, and 28 days. Third, we analyzed pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in TR146 cells using quantitative real-time PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Lastly, we assessed pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 mRNA expression via the same experimental methods in a three-dimensional oral mucosal epithelial model (3D OMEM). Results PE extract dose-dependently inhibited the growth of F. nucleatum (50% inhibition concentration [IC50]=0.079%), P. gingivalis (IC50=0.65%), and S. moorei (IC50=0.07%) and effectively prevented bacterial aggregation. Furthermore, VSC contents decreased significantly at 3, 6, and 12 h after rinsing with 5% PE compared with those in the control. Long-term use of mouthwash containing 5% PE for 28 days led to a significant decrease in VSC contents. PE attenuated the F. nucleatum- or P. gingivalis-stimulated mRNA expression and protein release of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 in TR146 cells. It also suppressed IL-8 and prostaglandin E2 secretion and TLR2 mRNA expression in F. nucleatum-induced OMEMs. Conclusion Our findings support the use of PE in oral care products to alleviate halitosis and it may reduce inflammation.
Objective: Halitosis is the offensive odor emanated by the oral and nasal cavities and perceived by the individual and/or by other people. Halitosis is a symptom that directly impacts on the social aspects of an individual's life and may be a sign for a systemic disorder in some cases. Material and Methods: A search was conducted on the literature in order to gather the main aspects about halitosis and make a review about the main features necessary to the clinical practice when a professional deals with a patient with halitosis. Results: The information was summarized and discussed with a focus on what clinicians should be aware of when dealing with a patient with halitosis. Conclusion: Halitosis is a prevalent symptom that affects approximately 25% of the individuals. Its classification takes into consideration the origin of the compounds producing the malodor. The diagnosis must take into consideration the various etiological possibilities before defining the treatment. The treatment must be focused on the cause and since there is a wide range of possible causes, halitosis needs a multidisciplinary approach (AU)
Objetivo: Halitose é um cheiro ofensivo expelido pela cavidade bucal e pela cavidade nasal e percebido pelo indivíduo e/ou pelas outras pessoas. A halitose é um sintoma que impacta diretamente aspectos sociais da vida de um indivíduo e pode ser um sinal de alguma desordem sistêmica em alguns casos. Material e Métodos: Uma busca foi feita na literatura para reunir os principais aspectos da halitose e conduzir uma revisão sobre as principais características necessárias à prática clínica quando um profissional lida com um paciente com a queixa de halitose. Resultados: A informação disponível foi sumarizada e discutida com foco naquilo que um clínico deve estar atento quando lida com um paciente com a queixa de halitose presente. Conclusão: A halitose é um sintoma prevalente que afeta aproximadamente 25% dos indivíduos. Sua classificação leva em consideração a origem dos compostos que produzem o mau hálito. O diagnóstico deve levar em conta as várias etiologias possíveis antes de definir um tratamento. O tratamento deve ser focado na causa e, como há uma ampla variedade de possíveis causas, a halitose é um sintoma que precisa de uma abordagem multidisciplina (AU)
Oral Hygiene , Halitosis , Hydrogen Sulfide , OdorantsABSTRACT
Se presenta un caso clínico de una paciente de 66 años de edad masculino que acude a nuestro hospital (COOSMIL), después de hacer una anamnesis donde el paciente manifiestas molestias como tos, regurgitación y mal alientos (halitosis) y se le hace exámenes complementarios y se llega a un diagnóstico de divertículo faringo-esofágico o Zenker. Esta patología no es muy frecuente, pero se presenta en ancianos por una alteración anatomo-funcional que es un debilitamiento del músculo esofágico Hay tres divertículos esofágicos de los cuales el divertículo de Zenker es el más común aunque es relativamente raro que se presente, en la mayoría de las personas en edad seniles. Después de analizar el tamaño y forma del divertículo de este paciente se toma la decisión de una intervención quirúrgica el más acertado por el tamaño que mide es la diverticulectomia este tratamiento quirúrgico actualmente se continúa realizando en esta patología y con buen pronóstico de vida del paciente. Actualmente, el paciente se encuentra en buen estado salud y su recuperación es favorable desde la operación hasta el momento.
A case of a male patient of 66 years old was referred to our hospital (COSSMIL), after making an anamnesis in which the patient manifested cough, regurgitation and bad breath (halitosis). After further examination a the diagnosis is pharyngo-esophageal diverticulum or Zenker. This condition is rare, but sometimes it happens in elders due to an anatomical and functional alteration caused by is an esophagus muscle weakening. There are three esophageal diverticula in which the Zenker diverticulum is the most common but relatively rarely to occur in elder people. Before analyzing the size and shape of the diverticulum in this patient, the decision is proceed with surgery, the most recommended solution for measuring the size of the diverticulectomy. is The surgical treatment is still being applied in this pathology, with a high probability of success. Currently, the patient is in good health and the recovery from surgery is favorable so far.
Humans , Male , AgedABSTRACT
Mouthwash is used to support brushing because it is distributed throughout the oral cavity. In this study, we examined the efficacy of a mixture of three hot water extracts (from Hordeum vulgare L, Apocynum venetum L, and Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmel) for the purpose of developing an effective mouthwash. The mixture suppressed enhanced tumor necrosis factor α and matrix metalloproteinase 3 gene expression by Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide stimulation in human gingival fibroblasts. Furthermore, human studies using a mouthwash containing the plant extracts (MW) improved gingival index and bleeding on probing in the gum, and reduced the concentration of methyl mercaptan, which causes bad breath, in the mouth. These findings suggest that continued use of MW has positive effects on gingival inflammation and halitosis, and is useful for maintaining oral health.
Abstract This study aimed to analyze the accuracy of two methods for detecting halitosis, the organoleptic assessment by a trained professional (OA) with volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) measurement via Halimeter® (Interscan Corporation) and information obtained from a close person (ICP). Methodolody Participants were patients and companions who visited a university hospital over one year period to perform digestive endoscopy. A total of 138 participants were included in the VSC test, whose 115 were also included in the ICP test. ROC curves were constructed to establish the best VSC cut-off points. Results The prevalence of halitosis was 12% (95%CI: 7% to 18%) and 9% (95%CI 3% to 14%) for the OA and ICP, respectively. At the cut-off point >80 parts per billion (ppb) VSC, the prevalence of halitosis was 18% (95%CI: 12% to 25%). At the cut-off point >65 ppb VSC, sensitivity and specificity were 94% and 76%, respectively. At the cut-off point >140 ppb, sensitivity was 47% and specificity 96%. For the ICP, sensitivity was 14% and specificity 92%. Conclusions VSC presents high sensitivity at the cut-off point of >65 ppb and high specificity at the cut-off point of >140 ppb. ICP had high specificity, but low sensitivity. The OA can express either occasional or chronic bad breath, whereas the ICP can be a potential instrument to detect chronic halitosis.
Abstract In this study, we aimed to evaluate the halitosis and pain threshold of the peri-implant soft tissues in individuals rehabilitated with implant-supported prostheses. Forty-eight subjects were divided into four groups (n = 12) according to their prosthetic rehabilitation: single-tooth fixed prosthesis, multi-tooth fixed prosthesis, overdentures, and the Brånemark protocol. Halitosis was measured using a halimeter, whereas the pain threshold was measured using Von Frey monofilaments. Measurements were taken before (t0) and 30 days after (t1) placement of healing caps, and at the time of (t2) and 30 days after (t3) prosthetic placement. Halitosis data were analyzed using the chi-square test and Bonferroni correction (p < 0.05). Two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05) were used to analyze pain threshold data. We noted an association between halitosis and time for the Brånemark protocol [X2(6) = 18.471; p = 0.005] and overdenture groups [X2(6) = 17.732; p = 0.007], and between halitosis and type of prosthesis only at t0 [X2(6) = 12.894; p = 0.045]. The interaction between time and the type of prosthesis significantly interfered with the mean pain threshold values (p = 0.001). At most time points, the majority of participants in each group had clinically unacceptable halitosis. After 30 days of using the prostheses, the overdenture group had a lower pain threshold compared to the Brånemark protocol group.
Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a halitose e o limiar de dor dos tecidos moles peri-implantares em indivíduos reabilitados com próteses implantossuportadas. Um total de 48 indivíduos foram divididos em quatro grupos (n=12), de acordo com as reabilitações: prótese fixa unitária, prótese fixa multidentária, sobredentadura e protocolo de Brånemark. A halitose foi medida com um halímetro, enquanto o limiar de dor foi medido com monofilamentos de von Frey. As medições foram feitas antes (t0) e 30 dias após (t1) a colocação das tampas de cicatrização e no momento (t2) e 30 dias após (t3) a colocação da prótese. Os dados de halitose foram analisados por meio do teste qui-quadrado e correção de Bonferroni (p < 0,05). ANOVA de duas vias e o teste de Tukey (p < 0,05) foram usados para analisar os dados do limiar de dor. Observou-se associação entre halitose e tempo para o protocolo de Brånemark [X2(6) = 18,471; p = 0,005] e grupos overdenture [X2(6) = 17,732; p = 0,007], e entre halitose e tipo de prótese apenas em t0 [X2(6) = 12,894; p = 0,045]. A interação entre o tempo e o tipo de prótese interferiu significativamente nos valores médios do limiar de dor (p = 0,001). Na maioria dos pontos de tempos, a maioria dos participantes de cada grupo apresentava halitose clinicamente inaceitável. Após 30 dias de uso das próteses, o grupo overdenture apresentou menor limiar de dor em comparação ao grupo do protocolo de Brånemark.
RESUMEN Introducción: El hábito de fumar está asociado a una gran variedad de cambios perjudiciales en la cavidad bucal, pues altera su microambiente y lo predispone para que se presenten diversas afecciones. Objetivo: Determinar la posible relación del hábito de fumar con las afecciones bucales en adolescentes. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional en adolescentes del Centro Mixto «Pepito Tey» de San Diego del Valle, Cifuentes, en el período comprendido entre septiembre de 2016 y octubre de 2018. La población de estudio, conformada por 208 adolescentes, se organizó en dos estratos: grupo estudio y grupo control. Se seleccionaron dos muestras probabilísticas por muestreo aleatorio simple (60 adolescentes en cada grupo). Resultados: Predominaron adolescentes de 12 años, fumadores leves, del sexo masculino, con inicio del hábito entre 14-15 años y práctica de este hábito de menos de 6 meses. Se asociaron al hábito de fumar: la caries dental, la enfermedad periodontal, las manchas dentales, las lesiones de la mucosa bucal y la halitosis. Conclusiones: Predominaron adolescentes fumadores masculinos de 12 años. La gran mayoría de los fumadores fueron clasificados como leves, con inicio del hábito entre los 14-15 años de edad, y con práctica desde hace menos de seis meses. Existió asociación significativa entre el hábito de fumar y las afecciones bucales (enfermedad periodontal, caries dental, mancha dental, halitosis y lesión de la mucosa bucal).
ABSTRACT Introduction: smoking is associated with a wide variety of harmful changes in the oral cavity, since it alters its microenvironment and predisposes it to the occurrence of various conditions. Objective: to determine the possible relationship between smoking and oral conditions in adolescents. Method: an observational study was carried out in adolescents from "Pepito Tey" Mixed Center, in San Diego del Valle, Cifuentes between September 2016 and October 2018. The study population, made up of 208 adolescents, was organized into two strata: study group and control ones. Two probabilistic samples were selected by simple random sampling (60 adolescents in each group). Results: 12-year-old male light smokers, who started smoking between 14 and 15 years of age and practiced this habit for less than 6 months, predominated. Dental caries, periodontal disease, dental stains, oral mucosal lesions and halitosis were associated with smoking. Conclusions: 12-year-old male adolescent smokers predominated. Most smokers were classified as light, started smoking between 14 and 15 years of age and practiced this habit for less than 6 months. There was a significant association between smoking and oral conditions (periodontal disease, dental caries, dental stains, halitosis and oral mucosal lesions).
Smoking/adverse effects , Periodontal Diseases , Tobacco Use Disorder , Adolescent , Halitosis , Mouth Mucosa/injuriesABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To determine the correlation between levels of methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the proportion of Prevotella intermedia (Pi), and matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) gene expression levels in periodontitis patients accompanied by halitosis. Material and Methods: Samples were obtained from gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) in the deepest pocket and by swabbing in the tongue coating area in patients with periodontitis presenting with halitosis (n = 23) and healthy subjects as controls (n = 7). The values of CH3SH and H2S were obtained using Oral Chroma. The proportion of Pi and MMP-8 expression levels were evaluated using PCR-RT. All the result was statistically analyzed using SPSS software. Results: The levels of CH3SH and H2S in participants with PD ≥ 6 mm showed a robust negative correlation with the proportion of P. intermedia in GCF and tongue coating. No statistically significant association was detected between CH3SH and H2S levels and MMP-8 expression levels (p>0.05). Conclusion: There is no association between CH3SH and H2S levels, the proportion of P. intermedia, and MMP-8 expression in patients with periodontitis accompanied by halitosis (AU).
Humans , Periodontitis/complications , Prevotella intermedia , Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 , Halitosis/complications , Hydrogen Sulfide , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Resumen La halitosis es considerada como una condición anómala frecuente en la salud bucal y se define como un olor desagradable que emite la cavidad oral, nariz, vías respiratorias o aparato digestivo. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de halitosis y su relación con los factores asociados como: higiene oral, caries, placa lingual, tipo de respiración, edad y sexo en niños de 5 a 12 años que asisten a la Escuela Giordano Bruno, de la Provincia de Pichincha - Ecuador. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal realizado en una población de 178 estudiantes de 5 a 12 años, la muestra fue de 122 niños seleccionados mediante un muestreo probabilístico. Se solicitó el consentimiento informado para participar en el estudio. La prevalencia de halitosis se evaluó con un monitor que detecta compuestos volátiles de sulfuro. Los factores asociados se midieron por medio del IHOS, el índice de lengua saburral de Winkel, la prueba con el espejo bucal y el índice ceo-d y CPO-D. Los datos se analizaron con la prueba de Chi cuadrado con un valor de significación de 0,05 y un Análisis de Regresión Logística Binaria. Resultados: La prevalencia de halitosis fue del 50% en los niños y se relacionó con saburralingual, higiene bucal, edad y sexo (p<0,05), pero no hubo asociación entre la halitosis, el tipo de respiración y la presencia de caries dental. Los niños que presentan saburra lingual tienen 177 veces mayor riesgo de presentar halitosis mientras que los que muestran una higiene bucal regular tienen 205 veces más riesgo de presentar halitosis. Conclusión: La prevalencia de halitosis en niños es alta y los principales factores de riesgo son la saburra lingual y la higiene bucal regular.
Abstract Halitosis is considered a frequent anomaly in oral health that is defined as an unpleasant odor that emits from the oral cavity, nose, respiratory tract or digestive system. Objective: To determine the prevalence of halitosis and its relationship with associated factors such as: oral hygiene, tooth decay, tongue plaque, type of breathing, age and sex in children aged 5 to 12 years who attend the Giordano Bruno School of the Province of Pichincha - Ecuador. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out in a population of 178 students aged 5 to 12 years, the sample consisted of 122 children selected through probability sampling. Informed consent was requested to participate in the study. The prevalence of halitosis was evaluated with a monitor that detects volatile sulfur compounds and the associated factors were measured by means of the IHOS, the Winkel coated tongue index, the oral mirror test and the ceo-d and CPO-D index. The data were analyzed with the Chi square test with a significance value of 0.05 and a Binary Logistic Regression Analysis. Results: The prevalence of halitosis was 50% in children and it was related to tongue coating, oral hygiene, age, and sex (p <0.05), there was no association between halitosis, type of respiration and the presence of dental caries. Children with tongue coating have a 177 times greater risk of halitosis, while children with regular oral hygiene have a 205 times greater risk of halitosis. Conclusion: The prevalence of halitosis in children is high and the main risk factors are tongue coating and regular oral hygiene.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Oral Hygiene , Dental Caries , Halitosis/diagnosis , EcuadorABSTRACT
Mood disorders such as stress and depression can promote alterations of several hormones Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate if symptoms of depression and stress are associated with halitosis. The hypothesis is that halitosis is associated with stress and depression symptoms. Methods: All university students' entrants in the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) were invited to participate. Self-reported halitosis was measured using a visual analog scale. Students were also asked about the presence of halitosis perceived by close individuals. The stress level was measured using a modified version of the Perceived Stress Scale and symptoms of depression were screened by Patient Health Questionnaire-2. Poisson Regression Models were performed. Results: Of a total of 2,058 students who participated in the study, only 16% of them have reported not having any degree of halitosis and 17.6% were informed of closed individuals having halitosis. After adjustments, stress and depression symptoms remained associated with halitosis selfreported. Individuals from the higher stressed quartile presented higher scores of halitosis (RR 1.37 CI95% [1.241.53]). Students who presented depressive symptoms showed higher scores of self-perceived halitosis (RR 1.20 CI95% [1.101.32]). When the association of stress and halitosis reported by close individuals was tested, symptoms of depression lost the association in the adjusted model, while individuals from the highest quartile from stress remained associated (PR 1.36 CI95% [1.021.81]). Conclusion: Halitosis was associated with stress even after control for oral health and socioeconomic variables
Humans , Male , Female , Stress, Psychological , Depression , HalitosisABSTRACT
Streptococcus salivarius K12 is a kind of bacteria that settled in the mucosal epithelium of human mouth and nasopharynx shortly after human birth. It is found that Streptococcus salivarius K12 is a probiotic beneficial to human health. Many studies have confirmed that Streptococcus salivarius K12 has bioactive effects against oral and oropharyngeal inflammation and infection, dental caries, halitosis and oral epithelial damage. This paper reviews the research progress of Streptococcus salivarius K12 in the prevention and treatment of oral and oropharyngeal diseases.
Com a implantodontia, muitos problemas relacionados aos tratamentos reabilitadores puderem ser solucionados. Quando um paciente perde um elemento dentário, remove-se terminações nervosas que diminuem a função táctil naquela região. A halitose é um fator comum em próteses sobre implantes, devido a maior dificuldade de higienização. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a sensibilidade e halitose de 48 pacientes (n=48), em quatro grupos distintos: Grupo 1 (próteses fixas unitárias); Grupo 2 (próteses fixas múltiplas); Grupo 3 (prótese tipo overdenture); Grupo 4 (próteses fixas do tipo protocolo). A aferição da halitose nos pacientes será por meio de um halímetro (FitScan Breath Checker Tanita, Japan) e a função somatossensorial nos tecidos moles periimplantares através do teste psicofísico de sensação de toque leve (LTS) utilizando monofilamentos de von frey (Aesthesio® - Exacta). Foram realizadas as mensurações em 4 períodos distintos: no momento da colocação dos cicatrizadores (T1), 30 dias após a instalação dos cicatrizadores (T2), no momento da instalação da prótese (T3) e 30 dias após a instalação da prótese (T4). Após os dados coletados, foi realizada análise estatística e comparativa entre os grupos. Foi possível observar que a interação entre os fatores tempo, condição e tipo de prótese interferiram de forma significativa nos valores médios da sensação ao toque utilizando monofilamentos de von frey (P = 0,001). Foi possível verificar que houve associação entre o nível de halitose e o tempo de análise para o uso de prótese protocolo e para prótese overdenture. Porém, o mesmo não ocorreu para prótese unitária ou múltipla esplintada. No grupo protocolo (P = 0,002) e no grupo overdenture (P = 0,002), a contagem que apresentou achado estatisticamente significativo foi odor forte ou intenso no momento da reabertura e 30 dias após a instalação da prótese. Quanto à sensibilidade ao toque, todos os grupos obtiveram resultados significativos do aumento da sensibilidade ao toque durante e após a instalação da prótese se comparados ao inicial(AU)
With implant dentistry, many problems related to rehabilitative treatments can be solved. When a patient loses a tooth element, nerve endings that decrease tactile function in that region are removed. Halitosis is a common factor in implant prostheses, due to greater difficulty in cleaning. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity and halitosis of 48 patients (n = 48), in four distinct groups: Group 1 (unitary fixed prostheses); Group 2 (multiple fixed prostheses); Group 3 (overdenture type prosthesis); Group 4 (fixed protocol type prostheses). The measurement of halitosis in patients will be through a Halimeter (FitScan Breath Checker - Tanita, Japan) and the so-matosensory function in peri-implant soft tissues through the psychophysical test of light touch (LTS) using von frey monofilaments (Aesthesio ® - Exact). Measurements were taken in 4 different periods: at the time of placement of the healers (T1), 30 days after the installation of the healers (T2), at the time of installation of the prosthesis (T3) and 30 days after the installation of the prosthesis (T4) . After the collected data, a statistical and comparative analysis was performed between the groups. It was possible to observe that an interaction between the factors time, condition and type of prosthesis significantly interfered in the mean values of the sensation to touch using von frey monofilaments (P = 0.001). It was possible to verify that there was an association between the level of halitosis and the analysis time for the use of protocol prosthesis and for overdenture prosthesis. However, the same did not occur for single or multiple splinted prostheses. Without group protocol (P = 0.002) and without group overdenture (P = 0.002), the count that presented a statistically significant finding was strong or intense odor at the time of reopening and 30 days after prosthesis installation. As for sensitivity to touch, all groups obtained results obtained from increased sensitivity to touch during and after installation of the prosthesis compared to the initial one(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Touch , Dental Implants , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Halitosis , Dental ProsthesisABSTRACT
Objetivo: avaliar quais as possíveis causas e quais são os fatores associados ao surgimento da halitose. Métodos: foi realizada uma revisão nos bancos de dados PubMed e SciELO, utilizando os descritores e sinônimos MeSH organizados em lógica booleana: 'Halitosis' AND 'Risk Factors' OR 'Association' OR 'Etiologies', com as seguintes etapas: identificação dos artigos, triagem, elegibilidade e inclusão. Apenas artigos publicados entre os anos de 2015-2020, ensaios clínicos randomizados, estudos transversais ou de coorte foram incluídos na revisão. Foram excluídos protocolos de estudos e os artigos que não estavam nos critérios e objetivo desta revisão. Resultados: de 240 artigos encontrados, 22 foram inclusos. Desses, 50% demonstraram que a falta ou a deficiência dos hábitos de higiene oral se relacionam com a halitose. Ainda, 40,9% deles se referem à saburra lingual como um forte fator etiológico e 36,4% demonstram que a doença periodontal está diretamente associada com o mau hálito. Além disso, em relação a outras condições locais e sistêmicas, xerostomia (13,6%), doença gastrointestinal e refluxo laringofaríngeo (9,1%), rinite e diabetes (4,5%) também demonstraram associação. Considerações finais: a halitose pode estar associada com higiene bucal, saburra lingual, doença periodontal, alguns hábitos e quadros sistêmicos.(AU)
Objective: to evaluate the possible causes and what are the factors associated with the onset of halitosis. Methods: a review was performed in the PubMed and SciELO databases, using the descriptors and synonyms MeSH organized in Boolean logic: 'Halitosis' AND 'Risk Factors' OR 'Association' OR 'Etiologies', with the following steps: identification of articles, screening, eligibility and inclusion. Only articles published between 2015- 2020; randomized clinical trials; cross-sectional or cohort studies were included in the review. Study protocols and articles that were not in the criteria and objective of this review were excluded. Results: Of 240 articles found, 22 were included. Of those, 50% showed that the lack or deficiency of oral hygiene habits are related to halitosis. Furthermore, 40.9% of them refer to tongue coating as a strong etiological factor and 36.4% demonstrate that periodontal disease is directly associated with bad breath. Moreover, in relation to other local and systemic conditions, xerostomia (13.6%), gastrointestinal disease and laryngeal reflux (9.1%), rhinitis and diabetes (4.5%) also demonstrated an association. Final considerations: Halitosis may be associated with oral hygiene, lingualcoating, periodontal disease, some habits and systemic conditions.(AU)
Humans , Halitosis/etiology , Oral Hygiene , Periodontal Diseases/complications , Xerostomia/complications , Gastroesophageal Reflux/complications , Risk Factors , Diabetes ComplicationsABSTRACT
RESUMO Introdução: A halitose é um sinal da presença de mau cheiro ofensivo ao olfato humano, geralmente é provocada pela falta de higiene ou estilo de vida e afeta milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão de literatura a respeito da etiologia, diagnóstico e tratamento da halitose buscando proporcionar um maior embasamento cientifico com informações atualizadas para os profissionais da área. Métodos: O estudo caracterizou-se por uma busca de artigos na base de dados eletrônicos PubMed, Lilacs, Google Acadêmico e Scielo publicados entre 2014 e 2019, em inglês, português e espanhol. Foram consultados 52 trabalhos, destes, 28 foram selecionados após uma criteriosa filtragem. Análise e integração das informações: Diversas etiologias advindas da cavidade bucal podem provocar a halitose. Existem vários exames complementares para auxílio diagnóstico da halitose, tais como testes sialométricos, organoléptico e a análise de presença de saburra para o diagnóstico. Há diversos protocolos instituídos para o tratamento da halitose, desde procedimentos preventivos a curativos. Conclusão: No que concerne a etiologia, a halitose pode ocorrer por fatores fisiológicos ou patológicos; 90 porcento dos casos tem como origem a cavidade oral, podendo estar associada ao biofilme dentário, cárie, língua saburrosa, próteses mal adaptadas e cicatrização tecidual. O diagnóstico deve ser realizado por meio de um exame clínico criterioso. A utilização de questionários para colher informações como frequência, duração, quantidade de vezes que aparece no mesmo dia, hábitos e medicamentos utilizados ajudarão na elucidação do caso. O sucesso do tratamento depende do diagnóstico e da implementação de uma terapia relacionada com a causa-efeito e de uma abordagem multidisciplinar racional que se torna essencial para a obtenção de bons resultados, com objetivo de melhorar a saúde oral, bem como, seus efeitos individuais e sociais(AU)
RESUMEN Introducción: Halitosis o mal olor es ofensivo al olfato humano, generalmente es provocada por la falta de higiene o estilo de vida y afecta a miles de personas en todo el mundo. Objetivo: Llevar a cabo una revisión de la literatura sobre la etiología, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la halitosis buscando proporcionar una mayor base científica con información actualizada para los profesionales en el campo. Métodos: El estudio se caracterizó por una búsqueda de artículos en la base de datos electrónica PubMed, Lilacs, Google Scholar y SciELO publicados entre 2014 y 2019, en inglés, portugués y español. Se consultaron 52 documentos, de los cuales 28 fueron seleccionados después de un filtrado cuidadoso. Análisis e integración de las informaciones: Diversas etiologías provenientes de la cavidad bucal pueden provocar la halitosis. Existen varios exámenes complementarios para ayudar a diagnosticar la halitosis, tales como pruebas sialométricas, organolépticas y el análisis de presencia de saburra para el diagnóstico. Hay varios protocolos instituidos para el tratamiento de la halitosis, desde procedimientos preventivos a curativos. Conclusiones: En cuanto a la etiología de la halitosis puede ocurrir debido a factores fisiológicos o patológicos. Aunque el 90 por ciento de los casos se originan en la cavidad bucal y pueden estar asociados con biopelículas dentales, caries, toques de lengua, prótesis mal adaptadas y cicatrización de tejidos. El diagnóstico debe hacerse mediante un examen clínico cuidadoso. El uso de cuestionarios para recopilar información como la frecuencia, la duración, la cantidad de veces que aparece el mismo día, los hábitos y los medicamentos utilizados ayudarán a dilucidar el caso. El tratamiento exitoso depende del diagnóstico y la implementación de la terapia de causa y efecto y de un enfoque multidisciplinario racional que es esencial para obtener resultados exitosos para mejorar la salud bucal y sus efectos individuales y social(AU)
ABSTRACT Introduction: Oral halitosis or malodor is offensive to the human sense of smell. It is often the result of poor hygiene or lifestyle and affects thousands of people worldwide. Objective: Conduct a literature review about the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of halitosis with the purpose of contributing a broader scientific basis of updated information for professionals in the field. Methods: The study was characterized by a search for papers published in the electronic databases PubMed, Lilacs, Google Scholar and Scielo between 2014 and 2019 in English, Portuguese or Spanish. A total 52 papers were consulted, of which 28 were selected after careful filtering. Data analysis and integration: Halitosis may be due to a variety of oral cavity etiologies. Several complementary tests are available which help diagnose halitosis, e.g. sialometric tests, organoleptic tests and analysis of the presence of saburra for the diagnosis. Several protocols have been implemented for the treatment of halitosis. These range from preventive to healing procedures. Conclusions: The etiology of halitosis may be due to physiological or pathological factors. Although 90 percent of the cases originate in the oral cavity and may be associated with dental biofilm, caries, tongue saburra, ill-fitted prostheses or tissue scarring, diagnosis should be based on careful clinical examination. Using questionnaires to gather information such as frequency, duration, number of times it appears on the same day, habits and medications will help elucidate the case. Successful treatment depends on the diagnosis and implementation of a cause-and-effect therapy and a rational multidisciplinary approach which is essential to obtain positive outcomes and improve oral health as well as its individual and social effects(AU)
Humans , Oral Hygiene/methods , Oral Health , Halitosis/diagnosis , Halitosis/etiology , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic , Halitosis/therapyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Halitosis es la presencia de un olor desagradable que emana de la cavidad oral. La etiología de este mal olor es multifactorial, existiendo causas no orales, orales y extraorales. Los compuestos volátiles sulfurados (CVS): sulfuro de hidrógeno y metilmercaptano son los elementos prominentes del mal olor. Intraoralmente, existe una correlación significativa entre las concentraciones de CVS y bacterias periodontopatogénicas. En pacientes sin enfermedad periodontal el mal olor se origina principalmente de la cobertura del dorso de la lengua por lo que la limpieza o raspado de ésta es un método efectivo para prevenir o disminuir la halitosis. Existen múltiples opciones químicas para el abordaje del mal aliento que dependerán del origen y grado de severidad. Este artículo revisa el origen y los tratamientos tanto mecánicos como químicos que se tienen disponibles.
ABSTRACT Halitosis is the presence of an unpleasant smell that emanates from the oral cavity. The etiology of halitosis is multifactorial, existing non oral, oral and extraoral causes. The volatile sulphur compounds (VSC): hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan are the prominent elements of malodour. Intraorally there is a significant correlation between VSC concentrations and periodontopathogenic bacteria. In patients with no gum disease the halitosis is originated mainly in the dorsal surface of the tongue, so cleaning or brushing it is an effective method to prevent or decrease halitosis. There are multiple chemical options for the treatment of the malodour that will depend on the origin and severity of it. This article reviews the origin and mechanical and chemical treatments that are available.
Humans , Dental Devices, Home Care , Halitosis/etiology , Halitosis/drug therapy , Oral and Dental Hygiene ProductsABSTRACT
The number of patients with taste disorder and halitosis has recently increased in Japan. Some of these patients have no abnormalities identified in blood tests and no apparent dental problems, so they are diagnosed with unidentified complaints. In this paper, we report 2 patients who were diagnosed with psychogenic taste disorder and pseudohalitosis. Kampo medical examination found their symptoms to be related to qi deficiency. They were prescribed 5g of hochuekkito extract per day, and their symptoms were relieved. These results suggest that hochuekkito is effective against unidentified complaints such as psychogenic taste disorder and pseudohalitosis.
Probiotics are living bacterial cells that have significant therapeutic potential for treating human infectious diseases. There is a huge market for probiotics in the pharmaceutical sector. They have been frequently used to treat the gastrointestinal diseases and improve gut immunity. In this review, the strains currently in use for manufacturing oral probiotic formulations are discussed. The review further recommends the use of probiotics for the control of various oral health disorders, like dental caries, periodontitis, gingivitis, halitosis, burning mouth syndrome, and oral cancer. Finally, this review also explores the use of various commercial probiotic products in maintaining oral health, their market values, and government acts and regulations that are relevant to the production and marketing of probiotics. Probiotics have tremendous therapeutic potential and more in-depth research must be done on these beneficial bacteria to make them one of the leading drugs in treating oral disorders.
Abstract The present study aimed to validate (cross-culturally adapt and test psychometric properties) the Brazilian version of the Halitosis Associated Life-Quality Test (HALT). A process of translation and cross-cultural adaptation was conducted by a group of dental researchers. The first draft of the Brazilian Portuguese version was pre-tested on a sample of 33 individuals leading up to the final version of the questionnaire. The Brazilian version of the HALT (B-HALT) was applied to 100 individuals with halitosis (organoleptic score ≥ 2) and 100 individuals without halitosis (organoleptic score < 2). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed to evaluate the dimensionality of B-HALT. Cronbach's alpha (α) and interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used to measure its reliability. For convergent validity, Spearman's correlation was conducted between the B-HALT and the organoleptic scores. The discriminant validity was evaluated through the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. EFA confirmed the unidimensionality of B-HALT, which has also demonstrated excellent internal consistency (α = 0.96) and test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.93). There was a positive correlation between B-HALT and organoleptic scores (r = 0.33; p < 0.001). B-HALT was able to discriminate between the groups with and without halitosis measured by the organoleptic method (p < 0.001) and self-reported halitosis (p < 0.001). B-HALT has demonstrated to be a reliable and valid tool to evaluate the oral health-related quality of life associated to halitosis in Brazilian adults.
Humans , Quality of Life , Halitosis , Psychometrics , Brazil , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of ResultsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the accuracy of the Breath-Alert™ portable breath meter (BA) for the detection of halitosis in children and adolescents, considering the organoleptic test (OT) as the gold standard in this assessment. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 children (aged 6-12 years). OT was performed by three independent examiners on a single occasion, obtaining three scores of 0-5 points on the Rosenberg's organoleptic scale. The median of the three evaluations for each child was used for analysis. BA was used according to the manufacturer's instructions, with breath odor scored from 0-5 points. Scores ≥2 on both tests were considered indicative of halitosis. RESULTS: A total of 26 (17.3%) and 23 (15.3%) children were detected with halitosis on the OT and BA tests, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the BA scores for the detection of halitosis were 80.76% and 98.38%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values for BA were 91.3% and 96.06%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In the present study involving children, who require fast, practical examinations, BA proved to be an auxiliary tool to OT for the detection of halitosis in the practice of pediatric dentistry, demonstrating high sensitivity and specificity.