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J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(6): 622-626, Nov.-Dec. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582575


Abstract Objectives In the clinical routine of pediatricians, height is the most reliable indicator for assessing growth. However, there are situations where it is not possible to measure this parameter directly, making the estimation of height or length a useful alternative. The main goal of this study is to identify which segmental measure, including upper arm length (UAL), tibial length (TL), and knee-heel length (KHL), provides the stature estimate that most closely approximates directly measured height in the study participants. Methods Analytical cross-sectional study of the anthropometric and segmental measures of 248 participants, aged 0 to 14 years old, using Stevenson's and Kihara's equations to estimate indirectly measured height. Results The segmental measure that provided a measurement that deviated the least from the actual height was the KHL, followed by TL, both calculated using Stevenson's equations. Conclusion The use of segmental measures to infer a child's stature is valuable in clinical practice, particularly in bedridden and incapacitated patients. Based on the present findings, the KHL and TL segments yielded more accurate results than the UAL

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(6): 646-652, Nov.-Dec. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582576


Abstract Objective Childhood standing height has been estimated from arm span-related (heightAS) models. The authors aimed to develop and cross-validate a heightAS model in individuals with spina bifida (SB) and examine the accuracy of existing heightAS models. Methods Participants were individuals with sacral and low-lumbar SB (n = 14) and non-SB (n = 83), 7-16 years old. Arm span, age, sex, and group (SB vs. non-SB) were candidate height predictors. Sequential regression and leave-one-out cross-validation approaches were used for the model development (M1) and cross-validation (M1-M5). Existing models were: an SB-specific model from Polfuss et al. (M2) and non-SB specific models from Gauld et al. (M3), Mulu et al. (M4), and Zverev et al. (M5) studies. Results Arm span and group explained 95 % of the variance in height (R2 = 0.95; p < 0.001; SEE = 3.666 cm) and were included in the M1. Mean differences between actual and estimated height were 0.0 cm (M1), 0.4 cm (M2), and 0.5 cm (M5), all not significant (p > 0.05). However, Bland-Altman analysis revealed some variability in the predictability of the models across participants with limits of agreement ranging from 7.4 to 10.9 cm. Considerable errors were observed with M3 (mean diff: −5.58 cm, 95 % CI: −1.6, −20.2 cm), and M4 (mean diff: 10.5 cm, 95 % CI: −13.8, −27.3 cm). Conclusions Models (M1, M2 and M5) may accurately estimate standing height in groups of children with SB. However, due to the wide limits of agreement, caution is recommended when applying these models for individual height estimations.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(1): e53238, ene.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1559323


Abstract Introduction: Evidence suggests that herbivores, such as peccaries, shape vegetation structure and diversity through predation, trampling, dispersal, and rooting behavior. Objective: To evaluate the impact of peccaries (Dycotiles tajacu) on the understory vegetation of the tropical rainforest in the Nogal-La Selva Local Biological Corridor, Costa Rica, comparing a site with the absence of peccaries to another with the presence of these animals. Methodology: From June to November 2021, 20 experimental exclusions and 20 free access plots, each measuring 2 m2 were used to quantify herbivory, the number of leaf blades, damaged leaves, healthy leaves, sapling height, and fallen biomass at both sites. Results: A higher sapling density was found in the Nogal Reserve, but a lower sapling diversity, while in La Selva there was a higher sapling diversity, but a lower density of seedlings. Herbivory and sapling height in La Selva exceeded those in Nogal. The exclusion of peccaries reduced seedling damage but did not affect the dynamics of fallen biomass. Conclusion: For the design, implementation, and evaluation of the effectiveness of biological corridors, it is crucial to consider plant-animal interactions to enhance the flow of ecological processes through functional and structural connectivity, analyzed from interactions such as those presented in this paper.

Resumen Introducción: Existe evidencia que herbívoros, como los saínos, dan forma a la estructura y diversidad de la vegetación a través del comportamiento de depredación, pisoteo, dispersión y enraizamiento. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de los saínos (Dycotiles tajacu) en la vegetación del sotobosque del bosque tropical húmedo en el Corredor Biológico Local Nogal-La Selva, Costa Rica, en un sitio con ausencia y en otro con presencia de saínos. Métodos: De junio a noviembre de 2021 se utilizaron 20 exclusiones experimentales y 20 parcelas de acceso libre de 2 m2, se cuantifico la herbivoría, número de láminas foliares, hojas dañadas, hojas sanas, altura de brinzales y biomasa caída en ambos sitios. Resultados: Se encontró una mayor densidad de brinzales en Reserva Nogal pero una menor diversidad, contrario en La Selva donde se encontró una mayor diversidad de brinzales, pero una menor densidad de plántulas. La herbivoría y la altura de brinzales en La Selva fue mayor que en Nogal. La exclusión de los saínos disminuyó el daño a las plántulas, pero no afectó la dinámica de la biomasa caída. Conclusión: Es necesario contemplar para el diseño, implementación y evaluación de la efectividad de corredores biológicos, las interacciones planta-animal, para potencializar el flujo de procesos ecológicos mediante la conectividad funcional y estructural, analizada a partir de interacciones como las presentadas en este trabajo.

Animals , Artiodactyla , Forests , Animal Distribution , Tropical Ecosystem , Costa Rica
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240259


Background: The external ear is a highly intricate structure exhibiting considerable variability among individuals. Ear prints, two-dimensional representations of portions of the outer ear that has made contact with a specific surface, have garnered attention in recent years. Some researchers propose that characteristics of the external ear could serve as identifiers with a level of certainty akin to fingerprinting. Aims and Objectives: This study aimed to measure ear height, ear breadth, and auricular index on ear prints and to compare these parameters between the populations of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. Materials and Methods: The study involved 200 males aged 18–40 years and was conducted at the department of anatomy, MMIMSR, MMU, Mullana. Parameters measured on the ear prints included total ear height, total ear breadth, and the calculation of auricular index. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed in ear length and breadth between the two populations. Haryanvi males exhibited greater ear length and breadth compared to Himachali males. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in auricular indices, with Haryanvi males displaying higher values compared to Himachali males. Conclusion: Upon comparison of ear prints, it was noted that Haryanvi males typically possessed larger and broader ears, whereas Himachali males tended to have medium-sized ears.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(4): 406-412, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564760


Abstract Objectives: Age at menarche (MA) is a proxy for biological maturation and a parameter of socioeconomic changes. Worldwide, anticipation of menarche is associated with nutritional transition and excess weight. The objective of this study was to evaluate the MA in Amazonian students and its association with nutritional status, ethnicity, and socioeconomic level. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 1,017 students aged 6 to 17 living in the city of Manaus, Brazil. MA was analyzed by status quo and recall; its association with body mass index (BMI), race, socioeconomic status, and adult height was examined. Results: 559 (51.9%) participants had already experienced menarche. In 91.7%, menarche occurred between 10 and 14 years of age; the mean age at the onset of menarche was 11.9 years. Overweight (11.6 years) and obese (11.4 years) participants reached menarche earlier than those with normal weight (12 years) and lean (12.7 years) participants. The associations between MA and nutritional status showed that overweight and obesity are risk factors for the early occurrence of menarche. MA was not associated with socioeconomic status/parental education or race. However, excess weight was associated with earlier MA in all races and social classes. The adult height was slightly lower in girls with menarche before 12 years old (157.9 vs 159.4 cm). Conclusion: Regardless of socioeconomic level or ethnicity, excess weight was associated with earlier menarche in Amazonian students.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241369


Aim: This study assess the prevalence of malnutrition and underweight among school boys in Ogbia LGA, Bayelsa state. Methods: The was a cross sectional study consisting of 250 school boys within the ages of 5-10yrs selected randomly from five communities during school period. Data were obtained using weight scale balance calibrated in (kg), metre rule (m), muac tape (cm) and well-structured questionnaire. The weight for age, height for age, MUAC and BMI methods used in this study was in accordance with WHO, IAP classification. Results: This study shows a significant difference (<0.05) between the weight, height and BMI of school boys in Ogbia, Oloibiri/Otuogidi when compared with Otuabagi/otuakeme. Muac mean value for the entire age 5-10yrs in Ogbia axis was 17cm compared with Otuabagi axis of 16cm with no significant p-value observed. Carbohydrate (56.8%) dietary food was mostly consumed regularly in comparison with carbohydrate/protein (32%), protein (8%) and vegetable/vitamins (3.2%) among the children. More so 78.4% of the study population have not been deworm for the past over 3months and above. However 21.6% of the study population are deworm within 3month intervals. This study further observe 41.6% among the children as underweight falling below the 1st percentile level with just 13.2% in the median green line zone having normal weight in both communities. However 15.2% are within the 97th percentile while 1.6% are above this zone. The weight for age regarding PEM classification shows 55.89% and 0.74% children suffering from severe and very severe malnutrition in Ogbia, Oloibiri/Otuogidi though 32.37% are PEM free compared with 66.68% normal children in Otuabagi/otuakeme, however 28.07% and 1.75% are suffering from severe and very severe cases of malnutrition in the just two mention communities above. Conclusion: The combination of the entire percentages from the different communities considered in this study shows 1.2% and 43.2% prevalence rate of very severe and severe malnutrition compare with 48% PEM free among boys in Ogbalga while 44% and 16.8% are underweight and overweight/obese compared with 13.2% on the green median zone of normal weight for age. Intervention strategies that include appropriate children feeding with micronutrients should be implemented to reduce the burden of under nutrition in addition to effective regular deworming to help reduce the burden of weight deficit among children in the state.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228590


Background: Previous studies have shown that when standing height is difficult to measure, the length of other body parts may be a reliable alternative. However, there is limited information about the use of foot length (FL) and foot breadth (FB) in estimating standing height in the African population. The objective of this study was to investigate the appropriateness of foot length and foot breadth in estimating standing height of adolescents in Yenagoa.Methods: Using a multistage sampling technique, 1222 adolescents were recruited from secondary schools in the Yenagoa local government area. Height, foot length, and foot breadth were measured using standard techniques. Data was analysed and equations for prediction of standing height from foot length and foot breadth, were derived. Results: The mean standing height of the females was significantly lower than that of males (p<0.001). The mean foot length and mean foot breath for males were significantly higher than those for females. The mean foot length and mean foot breadth were found to increase across all the stages of adolescence. There was a significant positive correlation between standing height and foot length (r=0.700; p<0.001), foot breadth (r=0.543; p<0.001), and age (r=0.369; p<0.001). Multiple linear regression was used to derive equations for the estimation of FL and FB.Conclusions: This study found that FL and FB can be used in the estimation of standing height. For adolescents in Yenagoa, the equations derived are recommended for predicting the standing height of those who have difficulty standing upright.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(3): 277-282, May-June 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558330


Abstract Objective: To develop growth charts for weight-for-age, height-for-age, and body mass index (BMI)-for-age for both genders aged 2 to 18 years for Brazilian patients with Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS). Methods: This is a multicenter, retrospective, and longitudinal study, data were collected from the medical records of boys and girls with a confirmed diagnosis of WBS in three large university centers in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Growth charts stratified by gender and age in years were developed using LMSchartmaker Pro software. The LMS (Lambda Mu Sigma) method was used to model the charts. The quality of the settings was checked by worm plots. Results: The first Brazilian growth charts for weight-for-age, height-for-age, and BMI-for-age stratified by gender were constructed for WBS patients aged 2 to 18 years. Conclusion: The growth charts developed in this study can help to guide family members and to improve the health care offered by health professionals.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226837


Background: The indices of obesity (measured by Body Mass Index, waist circumference, and weight-to-height ratio) have been observed to be strongly associated with cardiovascular risk. Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of general obesity while waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) are used to measure central obesity, with the latter suggested to be the indicator for the prediction of cardiovascular risks. This study aimed to determine the advantage of WHtR for cardiovascular risk over the use of other indices of obesity.Methods: The study was a cross-sectional descriptive design carried out among 441 participants at the Metabolic Research Laboratory LTH Ogbomoso excluding pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, thyroid disease, those diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, or hyperlipidemia, those on blood-pressure, blood-glucose or lipid-lowering medications; those on weight-control medications or supplements. A structured self-administer questionnaire was distributed to obtain socio-demographic data of participants. Physical examination was done with anthropometry measurements. Fasting blood samples were obtained for blood glucose and lipid profiles. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 21.Results: The study included 441 subjects with male to female ratio of 1:1.47 mean age of 37.92�.80 and 34.72�.16 respectively. Blood pressure, pulse rate, height and other obesity indices except waist circumference were all statistically significantly higher in the males than in the females p <0.05. There was a statistically significant difference in the BMI between the sexes for all categories with the majority of female subjects having abnormal BMI and waist circumference. There was a statistically significant relationship between all the obesity indices (BMI, WHtR & WC) and the cardiovascular risk factors excluding TG and HDLC P <0.05.Conclusion: It was observed that all indices of obesity measured in this study were sensitive and significant in determining cardiovascular risk. It could be concluded that WHtR does not have a special or greater advantage over BMI and WC as all indices showed a significant association with cardiovascular risks. Also, the level of statistical significance suggested that either of these obesity indices could be used independently as a predictor of cardiovascular risk.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240485


Abstract: Background: Physical growth pattern and nutritional status using anthropometric measures are the key inputs to understand general health condition of the population even in micro level communities like tribal communities in India. In order to find out the present condition of physical growth pattern and nutritional status in such communities in a tribal dominated state with increasing impact of globalization and modernization, this present cross-sectional study was conceptualized to assess the physical growth patterns and nutritional status by using anthropometric measures among the Apatani and the Nyishi tribal children in Arunachal Pradesh, India through a comparative way. Methods: A total of 442 children (240 boys and 202 girls) aged 5 to 15 years living in rural areas of Lower Subarnasiri (the Apatani tribe) and Kamle (the Nyishi tribe) districts of Arunachal Pradesh, India were considered for the present analysis. The international standards were used to collect height and weight and other anthropometric data to understand physical growth patterns. BMI for age percentiles were calculated and used for nutritional status categorization. Results: The results revealed that the height (cm), weight (kg), Waist Circumference (cm), Hip Circumference (cm) and Mid Upper Arm Circumference (cm) showed a gradual increase over the age in both Apatani and Nyishi children. The maximum increase of anthropometric measures was observed between 10 and 13 years of age in both the groups but Apatani children were slightly taller and heavier than the Nyishi children. Apatani children had higher percentage of overweight and obesity compared to Nyishi children i.e. 12.6% and 9.5%, respectively. It may be due to the modification of traditional dietary pattern and regular consumption of fast food. Conclusions: Therefore, the Apatani tribal children were heavier and taller compared to Nyishi counterparts. Besides, both the undernutrition as well as overnutrition problem were observed among studied children, perhaps correlated with rapid alternation from traditional food consumption towards fast food and less physical activities in their early age.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238683


This case study explores the physiological phenomenon of height decrease with aging, scientifically known as age-related height loss or shrinkage. It delves into the mechanisms underlying this process, including changes in intervertebral discs, bone density, and posture. The genesis of this inquiry is whether height decreases with age to determine the eligibility of police personnel for regularization in the service.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(2): 189-195, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558300


Abstract Objectives: The aim was to estimate the pubertal growth height of children and adolescents living in a high-altitude region of Peru using the Preece-Baines model 1 (1 PB). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in schoolchildren from the department of Puno (Peru) between 3841 and 3874 masl. The age range was between 4 and 17 years. Standing height was evaluated. 1 PB was used to infer the mathematical and biological parameters of stature. Results: Mathematical parameters estimated by the 1 PB model reflected small residual standard error (RSE) values in both sexes (0.25 in boys and 0.27 in girls). In boys, the age at which peak velocity was reached (APHV) was estimated at 13.21 ± 0.33years. While in girls it was 9.96 ± 0.26years (p < 0.05). In general, girls reached APHV (y) 3.25 years earlier than boys. On the other hand, the growth velocity of maximum height [APHV (cm/y)] of boys was higher (6.33 ± 6.06 cm/y) relative to girls (6.06 ± 0.32 cm/y). Estimated final adult height (EFAH) in boys was reached at 166.020 ± 0.99 cm and height at maximum growth velocity (HPHV) was 153.07 ± 0.67 cm, while in girls they were significantly lower (EFAH; 153.74 ± 0.44 cm and HPHV: 139.73 ± 0.84 cm). Conclusions: This study showed that girls living in Puno at a high altitude in Peru reached APHV 3 years earlier than boys and at the same time reflected slower PHV. These results suggest that pubertal growth at high altitudes is slower in both sexes and especially in girls. Thus, modeling physical growth may be an important step in understanding the onset of puberty at different latitudes.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561426


La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es una amenaza para la salud por las complicaciones derivadas de un diagnóstico tardío, donde la identificación oportuna es primordial. Con el objetivo de establecer la relación entre índice cintura talla (ICT), índice cintura cadera (ICC) y puntaje de la escala FINDRISC (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score) como determinantes del riesgo de padecer DM2 a largo plazo, se realizó este estudio predictivo transversal con adultos de 18 y 60 años atendidos en el Centro de Salud Primero de Julio del municipio de Mixco, Guatemala. Participaron 80 adultos, seleccionados por un muestreo aleatorio simple. El instrumento de recolección de datos estuvo conformado por tres secciones: información general de la persona, parámetros antropométricos y la encuesta de FINDRISC. Se generaron modelos lineales generalizados para identificar relaciones entre índice cintura talla (ICT), índice cintura cadera (ICC) y puntaje de la escala FINDRISC (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score). El 36.2% presentó riesgo de desarrollar DM2 a largo plazo; encontrándose un 21.2% en el nivel de riesgo alto y muy alto. Se comprobó que únicamente existe relación significativa entre el ICT y el puntaje de la escala de FINDRISC como determinante del riesgo de padecer DM2 a largo plazo. Se concluye que la implementación de la medición del ICT constituye una herramienta útil para identificar personas con riesgo de desarrollar DM2, siendo su aplicación sencilla, no invasiva, económica y de fácil acceso en los servicios de salud.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a health threat due to the complications derived from a late diagnosis, where timely identification is essential. This study aimed to establish the relationship between waist-height index (WHR), waist-hip index (WHR) and the FINDRISC (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score)scale as determinants of the risk of suffering from T2DM in the long term. A cross-sectional predictive study was carried out with a simple random sample of 80 adults between 18 and 60 years old treated at the Primero de Julio Health Center in Mixco, Guatemala. The data collection instrument was structured into three sections: general information, anthropometric parameters and the FINDRISC survey. Generalized linear models were generated to identify relationships between waist-height ratio (WHR), waist-hip ratio (WHR) and the FINDRISC scale score (Finish Diabetes Risk Score). The results shows that 36.2% of the participants were at risk of developing T2DM in the long term; 21.2% being at the high and very high risk level. It was found that there is only a significant relationship between the WHR and the FINDRISC scale score as a determinant of the risk of suffering from T2DM in the long term. The implementation of the waist height index measurement constitutes a useful tool to identify people at risk of developing T2DM, its application being simple, non-invasive, economical and easily accessible in health services.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 324-331, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558124


SUMMARY: This article has two aims: (a) first aim was to determine what is the most applicable and the simplest alternative for recommended BMI categories for underweight, overweight and obesity related to IOTF references, from the practical standpoint; (b) second aim was to determine the prevalence of the nutritional status in Montenegro on this representative sample of school children aged 9-13 years and compare them with peers from relevant and similar studies from both the local region and globally. A total sample of 1478 healthy children from Montenegro participated in this study divided into two sub-samples of 732 girls and 746 boys. According to the IOTF body mass index (BMI) reference values were used through ROC curve analysis to evaluate potential alternatives for estimation of the nutritional status of this sample of children. Only WHtR did not show significant age-related differences in the case of both genders. Considering the nutritional status of children from this study it has been found that boys have a considerably higher prevalence of being overweight (22.7 % vs. 16.4 %) and obese (7.5 % vs. 3.3 %) compared to girls. On the other hand, girls were more prevalent to be underweight (10.5 % vs. 7.5 %). WHtR seems like the best alternative for the estimation of obesity and being overweight due to simplicity and the equipment needed.

Este artículo tiene dos objetivos: (a) el primero fue determinar cuál es la alternativa más aplicable y más sencilla para las categorías de IMC recomendadas para bajo peso, sobrepeso y obesidad relacionadas con las referencias de la IOTF, desde el punto de vista práctico; (b) el segundo objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia del estado nutricional en Montenegro en esta muestra representativa de escolares de 9 a 13 años y compararlos con pares de estudios relevantes y similares tanto de la región local como a nivel mundial. En el estudio participaron 1478 niños sanos de Montenegro divididos en dos submuestras de 732 niñas y 746 niños. De acuerdo con el índice de masa corporal (IMC) de la IOTF, se utilizaron valores de referencia mediante análisis de curvas ROC para evaluar posibles alternativas para la estimación del estado nutricional de esta muestra en niños. Sólo el ICT no mostró diferencias significativas relacionadas con la edad en el caso de ambos sexos. Teniendo en consideración el estado nutricional de los niños, se determinó que los éstos tenían una prevalencia considerablemente mayor de sobrepeso (22,7 % frente a 16,4 %) y obesidad (7,5 % frente a 3,3 %) en comparación con las niñas. Por otro lado, las niñas tenían más prevalencia de bajo peso (10,5 % frente a 7,5 %). El WHtR parece la mejor alternativa para la estimación de la obesidad y el sobrepeso por su sencillez y equipamiento necesario.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Students , Body Composition , Nutritional Status , Skinfold Thickness , Body Weight , Montenegro , Waist-Height Ratio
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 429-436, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558129


SUMMARY: The aim was to analyze the relationship between somatic maturation and physical performance in male youth soccer players belonging to a professional Mexican academy. In 121 male soccer aged 11 to 16 years from a professional academy the peak height velocity (PHV), percentage of adult height (PAS), jump capacity, sprint, intermittent speed and muscle mass were estimated. ANOVA was conducted to compare performance variables among maturity somatic categories and percentiles were calculated based on maturity offset using LMS method. Furthermore, a general linear model was employed to determine the explanatory variables for performance. Post-PHV soccer players demonstrated superior physical performance across several tests compared to Pre-PHV (p<0.001) and Circa-PHV (p<0.001) players. The smoothed percentile values of performance tests, based on somatic maturation, indicated progressive performance enhancement as individuals approached PHV (-2 to 2 years from PHV) (p<0.005). PHV was associated with jump capacity (p<0.001) and intermittent speed (p=0.007) while PAS was associated with time in sprint (p=.0004). In conclusion PHV and PAS explained better performance than chronological age, body composition characteristics, injuries, or training factors.

El objetivo fue analizar la relación entre la maduración somática y el rendimiento físico en futbolistas juveniles masculinos pertenecientes a una academia profesional mexicana. Métodos. En 121 futbolistas masculinos de 11 a 16 años de una academia profesional se estimó la velocidad máxima en altura (VPH), porcentaje de altura adulta (PAS), capacidad de salto, sprint, velocidad intermitente y masa muscular. Se realizó ANOVA para comparar variables de desempeño entre categorías somáticas de madurez y se calcularon percentiles en función de la compensación de madurez utilizando el método LMS. Además, se empleó un modelo lineal general para determinar las variables explicativas del desempeño. Los jugadores de fútbol post-PHV demostraron un rendimiento físico superior en varias pruebas en comparación con los jugadores Pre-PHV (p<0,001) y Circa-PHV (p<0,001). Los valores percentiles suavizados de las pruebas de rendimiento, basados en la maduración somática, indicaron una mejora progresiva del rendimiento a medida que los individuos se acercaban al PHV (-2 a 2 años desde el PHV) (p<0,005). PHV se asoció con la capacidad de salto (p<0,001) y velocidad intermitente (p=0,007) mientras que PAS se asoció con el tiempo en sprint (p=0,0004). En conclusión PHV y PEA explicaron un mejor rendimiento que la edad cronológica, las características de composición corporal, las lesiones o los factores de entrenamiento.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Soccer , Body Height , Physical Fitness , Anthropometry , Cross-Sectional Studies , Analysis of Variance
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241711


Background- Dry eye disease is the most frequent ophthalmologic disorder seen in routine clinical practice. The prevalence estimates for the general population vary greatly, from 5% to 50%. It is one of the major contributors to lower quality of life among the young population and may have an adverse effect on mental health. AimThe study aims to compare tear lm among digital screen users and non-users. This was a cros Material and Methods- ssectional study conducted on 150 patients who were divided into 2 groups. One group was of digital screen users and the other was of non-users. The patients were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and the study was started after getting ethical clearance. A thorough history was taken and the OSDI questionnaire was lled followed by an examination on IDRA. The values of NIBUT, Interferometry, tear meniscus height, and meibomian gland loss were calculated and analysis was done using STATA and SPSS software. In our study, we found that the tear lm in users Findings- was not as healthy as compared to non-users. In our study, we also found that out of 75 users, more than half of users were having a severe form of DED. It was seen that the values of mean NIBUT, Interferometry, and tear meniscus height were lower in the user group than in non-users and users have more meibomian gland loss in comparison to non-users. The study has a p-value of 0.001. Conclusion- The study concludes that the symptoms and signs of DED are more common among digital screen users than non-users. The main reason behind this is improper knowledge about what measures can be taken to prevent this and long continuous screen hours.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240137


Background: Unanticipated difficult intubation or failure of intubation is a major source for anesthesia associated deaths. Hence pre-anesthetic checkup should include a detailed airway evaluation to foresee difficult endotracheal intubation. Some easy bedside tests to predict difficult airway include modified Mallampati test (MMT), ratio of height to thyromental distance (RHTMD), and upper lip bite test (ULBT). Actual difficulty of airway can be estimated using Cormack Lehane (CL) grading while performing laryngoscopy. Combination of two or more bedside clinical tests is used to identify difficult airway and act accordingly. Aims and Objectives: We aimed at identifying those airway assessment tests which best predicted difficult airway. The objectives were to determine the agreement between MMT, RHTMD, ULBT with CL grading, and also the agreement between MMT and ULBT, MMT and RHTMD. Materials and Methods: This observational research was done in 88 individuals between 18 and 75 years planned for elective procedures requiring endotracheal intubation as a part of general anesthesia. The clinical assessment tests such as ULBT, RHTMD, and MMT were done on eligible participants during pre-anesthetic check-up. In the operation theater, patient was prepared, premedicated, and induced. CL grading was used to assess the laryngoscopic view. We tried to determine the agreement between MMT, ULBT and RHTMD with CL grading. We also tried to determine the agreement between MMT and ULBT., MMT and RHTMD. Results: MMT showed moderate, RHTMD showed slight, and ULBT showed no agreement with CL grading. MMT showed highest sensitivity and RHTMD showed highest specificity. No agreement was found for ULBT and RHTMD with MMT. Conclusion: MMT and RHTMD can be used in predicting difficult airway access; out of which MMT is better than RHTMD. ULBT is not an ideal test to identify difficult endotracheal intubation. Laryngoscopic view becomes difficult with increase in weight and age.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 93-97, feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528840


SUMMARY: Height and body weight measurements are among the most important anthropometric variables when assessing a population's growth, development and body composition. This study aimed to evaluate the height and body weight variability of male entities aged 17-18 years within 35 years. This goal was realized by comparing the height and body weight of the population of the same gender and age in three different time studies. The descriptive statistical parameters and T-test for independent groups show systematic and significant differences in measured variables between three measurements in different timelines. Both in body height and body weight, from measurement to measurement, significant systematic and statistically significant differences (p<0.01) have been identified (1985: BH= 172.8cm, BW= 61.7kg; 2004: BH=176.8 cm, BW=66.9 kg; 2019: BH=178.5 cm, BW=72 kg). The results of this study prove that the change in the socio-economic status of a population over a period time of 35 years can significantly affect the growth and development of children/adolescents.

Las medidas de altura y peso corporal se encuentran entre las variables antropométricas más importantes a la hora de evaluar el crecimiento, el desarrollo y la composición corporal de una población. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la variabilidad de la altura y el peso corporal de entidades masculinas de 17 a 18 años dentro de 35 años. Este objetivo se logró comparando la altura y el peso corporal de la población del mismo sexo y edad en tres estudios temporales diferentes. Los parámetros estadísticos descriptivos y la prueba T para grupos independientes muestran diferencias sistemáticas y significativas en las variables medidas entre tres mediciones en diferentes líneas de tiempo. Tanto en la altura como en el peso corporal, de medición en medición, se han identificado diferencias significativas sistemáticas y estadísticamente significativas (p<0,01) (1985: BH= 172,8 cm, BW= 61,7 kg; 2004: BH=176,8 cm, BW=66,9 kg; 2019: BH=178,5 cm, BW=72 kg). Los resultados de este estudio demuestran que el cambio en el estatus socioeconómico de una población durante un período de 35 años puede afectar significativamente el crecimiento y desarrollo de niños/ adolescentes.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Body Height , Body Weight , Anthropometry , Socioeconomic Factors , Time Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Kosovo , Social Status
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235112


Aortic valve present between left ventricle and ascending aorta has a trifoliate structure. Defect in aortic valve results in pathology like aortic regurgitation and aortic stenosis. For management of severe aortic regurgitation and aortic stenosis, aortic valve replacement is done. To avoid interventional complications related to aortic valve we should have proper database on aortic root and aortic valve morphometry. This study was done to measure the morphometry of aortic root and aortic valve. 41 cadaveric hearts without any gross pathology were obtained from dissection hall of Anatomy department, Motilal Nehru Medical College, Prayagraj. Age and gender were not determined. All parameters were measured with the help of vernier caliper and thread. After measurement data were statistically analyzed. Mean value of following parameters were determined such as- aortic root circumference-84.72�.44 mm, cusps height of right, left and non-coronary was 11.41�14mm, 12.25�62mm and 12.30�11mm respectively, external intercommissural distance of right, left and non-coronary cups were 25.25�65mm, 23.97�69 mm and 25.36�23mm respectively, sinotubular junction circumference was-73.42�.34mm, cusps length of right, left and non-coronary were 25.02�76mm, 25.57�mm and 24.3�7 respectively, width between right and non-coronary cusp was 5.6�17 mm, between left and non- coronary cusp 5.25�4mm and ?nally between right and left coronary cusp was 5.40�91mm. Our study provides a reference data which may be useful for cardiothoracic surgeons, radiologist and in prosthesis device designing.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022066


BACKGROUND:Vertebral compression fracture is a common disease in the current orthopedic field.However,the occurrence of re-fracture in neighboring vertebrae after surgery is a problem that cannot be ignored,which has a serious impact on the normal life of patients. OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study is to establish four postoperative models with different recovery heights using computed tomography images.By using finite element analysis,we derived the stresses on the neighboring vertebrae at different recovery heights and further explored the importance of postoperative recovery of the height of the injured vertebrae. METHODS:A finite element model of the thoracolumbar spine(T11-L3)was established and validated,on the basis of which four postoperative finite element models of L1 with different recovery heights of 100%,80%,60%,and 40%were constructed,in which the cement capacity varied with the recovery height.The specific models are as follows:Model 1 was the postoperative model with normal recovery height,and the cement capacity was 8.3 mL.Model 2 was the postoperative model in which 20%of the anterior height of the L1 was removed and the posterior convexity angle became 10.41°,and the cement capacity was 6.9 mL.Model 3 was the postoperative model in which 40%of the anterior height of the L1 was removed and the posterior convexity angle became 20.17°,and the cement capacity was 4.7 mL.Model 4 was a postoperative model with 60%of the L1 anterior height removed and the posterior convexity angle changed to 28.85°,with a cement capacity of 3.6 mL.For evaluation of the postoperative model,we applied a moment of 7 Nm and an axial force of 500 N.The followings were recorded and analyzed:peak stresses in the L2 upper endplate and T12 lower endplate;peak stresses in the L2 and T12 cancellous bone. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The highest peak stresses for each condition of the L2 upper endplate,T12 lower endplate,L2 cancellous bone,and T12 cancellous bone occurred in Model 1 and Model 4.In particular,the T12 lower endplate,except for the posterior extension condition,the anterior flexion,left and right lateral bending,and left and right rotation conditions all reached their highest peak stresses in Model 4,with stresses of 50.3,33.1,44.9,34.3,and 31.9 MPa.(2)Based on the peak stresses in the adjacent vertebral endplates and cancellous bone,after excluding Model 1 and Model 4,the minimum peak stresses for most of the conditions appeared in the Model 2,and the minimum peak stresses appeared in the Model 2 in 66.6%of the cases,especially in the upper endplates of the L2 and cancellous bone except for the posterior extension condition,the minimum peak stresses all appeared on the Model 2.(3)Therefore,controlling the recovery height at about 100%and 40%of the original height was a dangerous recovery height,which had a greater impact on the neighboring vertebrae.Controlling the recovery height at about 80%of the original height may be a more ideal choice.With a recovery height of about 80%of the original height,the adjacent vertebrae are subjected to less stress,thus reducing the risk of re-fracture of the adjacent vertebrae in the patient.