Introduction: The prevalence of hepatitis C (HCV) is high among prisoners. If untreated, a substantial number of patients progress to cirrhosis, hepatocarcinoma, or liver failure. World Health Organization aims to reduce the incidence of infection by 90% by 2030. Objective: To describe the prevalence of anti-HCV and sociodemographic and clinical aspects, related to the presence of the antibody, in the population deprived of liberty. Methods: Cross-sectional and epidemiological survey, with exploratory, observational, quantitative-analytical components. A simple random sample of 233 participants, with 95% Confidence Interval (CI) and, a 4% margin of error, was calculated for a population of 1,564 prisoners. The relationship between sociodemographic and clinical variables was evaluated, considering as outcome of the rapid test for anti-HCV results, using the associative measure Prevalence Ratio (PR) with a 95% CI. Results: 240 people participated. The prevalence of anti-HCV was 2%, and the use of injectable drugs (PR 14.75; PRIC95% 2.09-104.28), being born in the decades of 1951 to 1980 (PR 9.28; PRIC95% 1.06-81.57) and be co-infected with hepatitis B virus (PR 10.75; PRIC95% 1.66-69.65) were the aspects that presented a relevant prevalence ratio for the presence of the virus, which could be generalized to the population. Conclusion: This is a population that is difficult to access, the study is relevant because it contributes to preventive measures of public health in the prison system. Moreover, it shows the need to implement measures to prevent and contain the spread of HCV, aiming at the elimination of hepatitis C in this population.
Abstract Background: HIV-infected children have a higher risk of presenting infections, including the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The inactivated HAV vaccine is immunogenic in immunocompetent hosts; however, there are insufficient studies on the duration of seroprotection in HIV-infected children. Methods: An analytical cohort study was conducted. HIV-1-infected children who received the inactivated HAV vaccine (2 doses) were included. Blood samples were taken for antibody measurement, the first one 28 days after the second dose and another 7 years after the vaccination schedule. Information on viral load, immunological category, weight, height, and response to antiretroviral treatment from diagnosis to the last assessment was obtained. Results: 19 patients were included, with a mean age of 12.6 years (SD ± 2.29). 58% were male. 80% of the patients presented protective immunoglobulin G antibodies against HAV 7-year post-vaccination. The antibody concentration was found to be between 13 and 80 mIU/mL (median of 80 mIU/mL). 52% showed some degree of immunosuppression. There was no statistically significant relationship between the presence of seroprotection and viral load, treatment failure, immunological category, and malnutrition. Twelve patients presented with antiretroviral treatment failure, and in 33% of them, the antibodies did not offer satisfactory seroprotection. Conclusion: 7-year post-vaccination, 80% of HIV-infected children maintain seroprotection titers against HAV.
Resumen Introducción: Los niños infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) tienen mayor riesgo de presentar infecciones, incluyendo hepatitis por virus A (VHA). La vacuna inactivada contra el VHA es inmunógena en el huésped inmunocompetente. No hay estudios suficientes sobre el tiempo de seroprotección en niños infectados por el VIH. Método: Estudio de cohorte, analítico. Se incluyeron niños con infección por VIH-1 que recibieron la vacuna inactivada contra el VHA (dos dosis). Se les tomaron muestras sanguíneas para medición de anticuerpos, una 28 días después de la segunda dosis y otra 7 años después del esquema de vacunación. Se obtuvo información de carga viral, categoría inmunológica, peso y talla, y respuesta al tratamiento antirretroviral desde el diagnóstico hasta la última valoración. Resultados: Se incluyeron 19 pacientes con una edad media de 12.6 años (± 2.29). El 58% fueron del sexo masculino. El 80% de los pacientes presentaron anticuerpos immunoglobulin G (IgG) contra el VHA protectores a los 7 años de la vacunación. La concentración de anticuerpos se encontró entre 13 y 80 mUI/ml (mediana: 80 mUI/ml). El 52% mostraron algún grado de inmunosupresión. No existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la presencia de seroprotección y la carga viral, la falla al tratamiento, la categoría inmunológica ni la desnutrición. Doce pacientes presentaron falla al tratamiento antirretroviral; en el 33% de ellos los anticuerpos no ofrecían seroprotección satisfactoria. Conclusiones: A 7 años posvacunación, el 80% de los niños con VIH mantienen títulos de seroprotección frente al VHA.
La prevención y el control de las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) y hepatitis virales representan un desafío crucial en la agenda de la salud pública. Con el objetivo de reducir la incidencia y prevalencia de estas enfermedades, se establecen los siguientes lineamientos técnicos, delineando estrategias integrales de promoción, prevención y atención. Estos lineamientos definen las disposiciones técnicas necesarias para el control de las ITS y hepatitis virales, orientando las acciones del personal de salud en la promoción de la salud sexual, la identificación temprana de casos, el diagnóstico oportuno, el tratamiento adecuado y la atención integral de las personas afectadas a través de estrategias innovadoras y la provisión de servicios integrales de atención a la salud. Están diseñados para ser aplicados por el personal multidisciplinario en todos los establecimientos del Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud (SNIS)
The prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and viral hepatitis represent a crucial challenge on the public health agenda. With the aim of reducing the incidence and prevalence of these diseases, the following technical guidelines are established, outlining comprehensive promotion, prevention and care strategies. These guidelines define the technical provisions necessary for the control of STIs and viral hepatitis, guiding the actions of health personnel in the promotion of sexual health, early identification of cases, timely diagnosis, adequate treatment and comprehensive care of affected people through innovative strategies and the provision of comprehensive health care services. They are designed to be applied by multidisciplinary staff in all establishments of the National Integrated Health System (SNIS)
Hepatitis, Viral, Human , El SalvadorABSTRACT
Desde los años ochenta se ha explorado el tratamiento para el virus de la hepatitis C, aunque en ese entonces los medicamentos disponibles eran poco toleradas y poco eficaces. En el 2011, la introducción de antivirales de acción directa transformó significativamente el curso de la enfermedad, logrando tasas de curación superiores al 90 % en los pacientes. Este avance ha permitido prevenir complicaciones futuras con efectos adversos mínimos. La presente revisión aborda la línea de tiempo del descubrimiento de los antivirales, su mecanismo de acción, sus indicaciones y potencial impacto en la salud pública.
Since the 1980s, the treatment of hepatitis C has been explored, although at that time, the available medications were poorly tolerated and ineffective. In 2011, the introduction of direct-acting antivirals significantly transformed the course of the disease, achieving cure rates of over 90% in patients. This advance has made it possible to prevent future complications with minimal adverse effects. This review addresses the timeline of the discovery of antivirals, their mechanism of action, and their impact on medicine.
La hepatotoxicidad inducida por medicamentos es un diagnóstico de descarte. Típicamente, se presenta en pacientes que desarrollan cambios clínicos y bioquímicos compatibles con hepatitis, pero relacionados con el inicio reciente de agentes farmacológicos, y que se resuelven tras el retiro de la noxa. Su desarrollo se ha descrito con el uso de algunos antibióticos, antituberculosos, estatinas, herbolarios y antiinflamatorios no esteroideos; sin embargo, hay pocos reportes de casos con el uso de anticonceptivos orales, en los cuales el surgimiento de mecanismos idiosincráticos puede llevar a la presentación de características clínicas como ictericia y anormalidades en los exámenes de laboratorio, como la elevación de las transaminasas. Esto requiere de estudios extensos para descartar otras patologías que pueden presentarse de esta forma, lo que representa un reto clínico. En este artículo se muestra el reporte de un caso de una paciente con antecedente de uso crónico de anticonceptivos implantables y que, tras el ajuste de la terapia con el inicio de anticonceptivos orales, desarrolla un episodio de elevación marcada de transaminasas e ictericia.
Drug-induced liver injury is a rule-out diagnosis. Typically, it occurs in patients who develop clinical and biochemical changes compatible with hepatitis, but related to a history of recent onset of pharmacological agents, and resolves after withdrawal of the noxious substances. Its development has been described with the use of some antibiotics, antituberculosis agents, statins, herbal and nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs; however, there are few reports of cases with the use of oral contraceptives, in which the appearance of idiosyncratic mechanisms can lead to the presentation of clinical features such as jaundice and laboratory tests abnormalities, like transaminase elevation, requiring extensive studies to rule out other pathologies that may have this clinical presentation, wich represents a clinical challenge. We present a case report of a patient who had chronic use of implantable contraceptives and who, after adjustment of therapy with the start of oral contraceptives, developed an episode of marked elevation of transaminases and jaundice.
Tanto la lesión hepática inducida por drogas (DILI), así como la lesión hepática inducida por hierbas (HILI), son una preocupación creciente en la atención sanitaria contemporánea que plantea importantes desafíos clínicos debido a sus variadas etiologías, presentaciones clínicas y posibles resultados potencialmente mortales. Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 38 años con antecedentes de cálculos renales que consultó por dolor lumbar y hematuria. Al ingreso presentó ictericia, hepatomegalia, dolor a la palpación en fosa ilíaca derecha y no tenía signos de hepatopatía crónica, con pruebas de función hepática anormales, que mostraron un patrón hepatocelular asociado con hiperbilirrubinemia. Se descartó obstrucción biliar, trombosis portal, hepatitis autoinmune y viral, con panel autoinmune negativo. El paciente refirió haber consumido un remedio herbario para los cálculos renales llamado "vino rompe cálculos (chancapiedra)", que se supone contiene Phyllanthus niruri, cinco días antes del inicio de los síntomas. Una biopsia hepática reveló hepatitis aguda con infiltrado inflamatorio mixto. Debido al empeoramiento de las pruebas de función hepática y la sospecha de DILI idiosincrásico, se inició un ensayo terapéutico con corticosteroides, que resultó en una mejoría clínica y del perfil hepático. La gravedad de este caso nos recuerda la necesidad de incrementar el seguimiento por parte de las autoridades reguladoras de medicamentos, implementar campañas educativas para los pacientes e informar a la comunidad sobre productos con alertas activas.
Both drug-induced liver injury (DILI) and herb-induced liver injury (HILI) are a growing concern in contemporary healthcare that poses significant clinical challenges due to their varied etiology, clinical presentations, and potential life-threatening outcomes. We present the case of a 38-year-old male patient with a history of kidney stones who consulted for low back pain and hematuria. On admission he presented with jaundice, hepatomegaly, pain on palpation in the right iliac fossa and no signs of chronic liver disease, with abnormal liver function tests, which showed a hepatocellular pattern associated with hyperbilirubinemia. Biliary obstruction, portal thrombosis, autoimmune and viral hepatitis were ruled out, with negative autoimmune panel. The patient reported consuming an herbal remedy for kidney stones called "stone-breaking wine (chancapiedra)", presumed to contain Phyllanthus niruri, five days before the onset of symptoms. A liver biopsy revealedacute hepatitis with mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Due to worsening liver function tests and suspicion of idiosyncratic DILI, a therapeutic trial with corticosteroids was initiated, which resulted in clinical and liver profile improvement. The severity of this case reminds us of the need to increase follow-up by drug regulatory authorities, implement educational campaigns for patients, and inform the community about products with active alerts.
La hepatitis C es una enfermedad viral causada por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC), que fue identificada por primera vez en 1989 por un equipo de científicos liderado por Michael Houghton en Chiron Corporation. Esta forma de hepatitis era conocida como "hepatitis no-A no-B", ya que no se podía identificar el agente infeccioso responsable. Puede afectar a personas de diferentes géneros y orientaciones sexuales, incluidos los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH); y su transmisión ocurre a través de situaciones en las que hay un intercambio de sangre, como el uso compartido de agujas o equipo para la inyección de drogas, o durante prácticas sexuales que pueden causar microlesiones en la mucosa anal. Es importante destacar que la hepatitis C también puede transmitirse a través de otras vías, como la transfusión de sangre no segura, la exposición a instrumentos médicos contaminados, o el compartir objetos personales que puedan tener sangre infectada.
Hepatitis C is a viral disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV), which was first identified in 1989 by a team of scientists led by Michael Houghton at Chiron Corporation. This form of hepatitis was known as "non-A non-B hepatitis" as the infectious agent responsible couldn't be identified. It can affect individuals of different genders and sexual orientations, including men who have sex with men (MSM); transmission occurs through situations involving blood exchange, such as needle sharing or equipment for drug injection, or during sexual practices that may cause microlesions in the anal mucosa. It's important to note that hepatitis C can also be transmitted through other routes, such as unsafe blood transfusion, exposure to contaminated medical instruments, or sharing personal items that may have infected blood.
Introducción: La respuesta al tratamiento inmunosupresor en la hepatitis autoinmune influye en el curso clínico de la enfermedad y se asocia a mayor sobrevida. Objetivo: Describir la respuesta al tratamiento inmunosupresor en pacientes con hepatitis autoinmune. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, ambispectivo, en 32 enfermos con hepatitis autoinmune, los cuales recibieron tratamiento inmunosupresor con evaluación de la respuesta a los 6 meses. Las variables incluidas fueron: tipo de hepatitis autoinmune, forma de presentación, forma de debut y respuesta al tratamiento. Se utilizaron medidas descriptivas de resumen: media y desviación estándar para variables cuantitativas y porcentaje para las variables cualitativas. Para estimar la función de supervivencia se utilizó la curva de Kaplan-Meier y Log-rank para la comparación de medias. Resultados: El 71,9 % de los enfermos estaban con cirrosis en el momento del diagnóstico. Los 13 pacientes con remisión bioquímica permanecieron sin progresión en la evaluación actual. La supervivencia en los pacientes respondedores fue del 100 % y en los no respondedores de 47,5 % a los 10 años de seguimiento. Conclusiones: La respuesta al tratamiento inmunosupresor tiene un impacto positivo en la no progresión de la hepatitis autoinmune y se asoció a mayor supervivencia.
Introduction: The response to immunosuppressive treatment in autoimmune hepatitis influences the clinical course of the disease and is associated with a longer survival. Objective: Describe the response to immunosuppressive treatment in patients with autoimmune hepatitis. Method: A descriptive, longitudinal, ambispective study was carried out in 32 patients with autoimmune hepatitis, who received immunosuppressive treatment with response evaluation at 6 months. The variables included were: type of autoimmune hepatitis, form of presentation, form of onset, and response to treatment. Descriptive summary measures were used: mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables and percentage for qualitative variables. To estimate the survival function, the Kaplan-Meier curve and Log-rank were used to compare means. Results: 71.9 % of the patients were already cirrhotic at the time of diagnosis. The 13 patients with biochemical remission, remained without progression in the current evaluation. Survival in responding patients was 100 %, while in non-responders it was 47.5% at 10-year follow-up. Conclusions: The response to immunosuppressive treatment has a positive impact on the non-progression of autoimmune hepatitis and was associated with greater survival.
Resumen La hepatitis autoinmune (HAI) es una inflamación hepatocelular progresiva. En la Unidad de Hepatología y Alcoholismo del hospital se atienden aproximadamente 550 pacientes anualmente, muchos de ellos con diagnóstico de HAI. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las características clínicas, epidemiológicas y los parámetros de laboratorio de pacientes con HAI desde 2012 hasta 2018. Se incluyeron 44 pacientes: 40 con HAI tipo I y 4 seronegativos. El 91% fueron mujeres con edades entre 13 y 68 años; la forma de presentación más frecuente fue la hepatitis aguda. Se realizó biopsia en 32 pacientes; 50% mostraban características de HAI (hepatitis de interfase) y 35% presentaban cirrosis en la histología. El estudio ofrece una imagen aproximada de las particularidades de la HAI de la población atendida en este hospital. Respecto a otras poblaciones, esta comunicación muestra un mayor porcentaje de pacientes de sexo femenino, con alta preponderancia de presentación aguda y de las enfermedades autoinmunes asociadas.
Abstract Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a progressive hepatocellular inflammation. Approximately 550 patients are treated per year in the Hepatology and Alcoholism Unit of the hospital, many of them with a diagnosis of AIH. The objective was to evaluate clinical and epidemiological characteristics and laboratory parameters of patients with AIH from 2012 to 2018; 44 patients were included, 40 with type I AIH and four seronegative patients. Ninety- one per cent were women aged between 13 and 68 years old. The most frequent form of presentation (54.5%) was acute hepatitis. Thirty-two patients required biopsy; 50% showed features of AIH (interphase hepatitis) and 35% had histologic cirrhosis. The study offers an approximate image of the particularities of AIH in the population treated in this hospital. Compared to other populations, this communication shows a higher percentage of female patients, with a high preponderance of acute presentation and associated autoimmune diseases.
Resumo A hepatite autoimune (HAI) é uma inflamação hepatocelular progressiva. Na Unidade de Hepatologia e Alcoolismo do hospital, aproximadamente 550 pacientes são atendidos por ano, muitos deles com diagnóstico de HAI. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características clínicas, epidemiológicas e parâmetros laboratoriais de pacientes com HAI de 2012 a 2018. Foram incluídos 44 pacientes, 40 com HAI tipo I e quatro soronegativos. Noventa e um por cento foram mulheres com idades entre 13 e 68 anos; a forma de apresentação mais comum foi a hepatite aguda. Biópsias foram realizadas em 32 pacientes, 50% apresentando características de HAI (hepatite de interface) e 35% com cirrose na histologia. O estudo fornece uma visão aproximada das características da HAI na população atendida neste hospital. Em comparação com outras populações, esta comunicação mostra uma maior proporção de pacientes do sexo feminino, com alta incidência de apresentação aguda e das doenças autoimunes associadas.
Las enfermedades hepáticas presentan múltiples manifestaciones sistémicas, entre las cuales se destacan los hallazgos en piel, siendo los más comunes el prurito y la ictericia; así mismo, se pueden encontrar angiomas en araña, eritema palmar, xantomas, vasculitis y cambios en anexos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los principales signos y síntomas cutáneos en las enfermedades hepáticas para brindar herramientas semiológicas al clínico en su práctica diaria
Liver disease present multiple systemic manifestations, among which skin findings stand out, being the most common pruritus and jaundice. Other findings can also be manifested like spider angiomas, palmar erythema, xanthomas, vasculitis and changes in skin appendages. The objective of this article is to describe the main skin signs and symptoms of liver diseases to provide semiological tools to the physician in his daily practice.
Medicinal plants are used to cure diseases, and their replacement is frequent and affects public health. The genus Baccharis has representatives within the medicinal flora of Argentina, although the replacement of the species of this genus known under the vulgar name of "carqueja" by Baccharis spicata has been detected i n herbalists or markets of herbal products. The genotoxic safety of this species has been established in previous work of our group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiviral activity of an infusion made from B. spicata leaves against hepatitis B virus with the HepG2.2.15 cellular system and to determine cytotoxicity in HepG2.2,15, A549 and Vero cell lines. Infusion of B. spicata was active to inhibit HBV replication with an EC 50 of 22.54 µg/mL and a CC 50 of 190 µg/mL.
Las plantas medicinales son empleadas para la cura de enfermedades, y su sustituc ión es frecuente y afecta a la salud pública. El género Baccharis posee representantes dentro de la flora medicinal de Argentina, aunque se ha detectado la sustitución de las especies de dicho género conocidas bajo el nombre vulgar de "carqueja" por Baccha ris spicata en herboristerías o mercados de productos herb arios . Se ha establecido la seguridad genotóxica de esta especie en trabajos previos de nuestro grupo. Este estudio buscó evaluar la actividad antiviral de una infusión elaborada a partir de hojas de B. spicata frente al virus de la hepatitis B con el sistema celular HepG2.2.15 y determinar la citotoxicidad en las líneas celulares HepG2.2.15, A549 y Vero. La infusión de B. spicata fue activa para inhibir la replicación del virus con un EC 50 de 22.54 µg/mL y un CC 50 de 190 µg/mL.
Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Baccharis/chemistry , Hepatitis B/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents/pharmacology , Virus Replication/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Cell Line/drug effects , Hepatitis B virus/drug effects , Plant Leaves , Asteraceae , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
ObjectiveTo investigate the application value of liver/spleen CT value (CTL/S), controlled attenuation parameter (CAP), and magnetic resonance imaging-proton density fat fraction (MRI-PDFF) in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients with hepatic steatosis. MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of 213 CHB patients who underwent liver CT, CAP, and MRI-PDFF examinations in Affiliated Hospital of Yan’an University from October 2018 to December 2022. According to MRI-PDFF, the 213 patients were divided into CHB group with 111 patients (MRI-PDFF<5%) and CHB+hepatic steatosis group with 102 patients (MRI-PDFF≥5%), among whom there were 69 patients with mild hepatic steatosis and 33 patients with moderate to severe hepatic steatosis. The independent-samples t test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between groups, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of non-normally distributed continuous data between groups. The Bland-Altman plot was used to evaluate the consistency in MRI-PDFF measurement between two physicians. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to analyze the correlation between CTL/S and MRI-PDFF and between CAP and MRI-PDFF. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was calculated to investigate the value of CTL/S and CAP in the diagnosis of different degrees of hepatic steatosis, and the DeLong test was used to compare the AUCs of the two radiological examinations. ResultsMRI-PDFF had relatively high repeatability and stability in CHB patients. There is a significant negative correlation between CTL/S and MRI-PDFF (r=-0.800, P<0.001) and a significant positive correlation between CAP and MRI-PDFF (r=0.692, P<0.001). Both CTL/S and CAP had a relatively high accuracy in the diagnosis of hepatic steatosis in CHB patients, with an AUC of 0.951 and 0.902, respectively, and CTL/S had a better accuracy than CAP (P<0.05). In the diagnosis of mild and moderate-to-severe hepatic steatosis, CTL/S had an AUC of 0.921 and 0.895, respectively, and CAP had an AUC of 0.859 and 0.825, respectively, suggesting that CTL/S had a slightly higher diagnostic efficiency than CAP. ConclusionMRI-PDFF has high repeatability and stability in CHB patients, and CTL/S and CAP have a high diagnostic value for different degrees of hepatic steatosis in CHB patients.
ObjectiveTo investigate the change and potential role of Mindin protein in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) with PEG-IFNα-2b. MethodsA total of 29 CHB patients who received the treatment with PEG-IFNα-2b in The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University from January 2018 to December 2019 were enrolled, and according to their clinical outcome, they were divided into cured group with 17 patients and uncured group with 12 patients. Peripheral blood samples were collected from both groups at baseline, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks to measure blood routine indices, liver function parameters, hepatitis B markers, and Mindin protein. HBsAg, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and Mindin protein at different time points were compared between the two groups. The independent-samples t test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between two groups, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of non-normally distributed continuous data between two groups; a Spearman correlation analysis was used to investigate correlation; a multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate the influence of HBsAg and ALT on the content of Mindin protein. ResultsThe analysis of baseline data showed that there were significant differences in the levels of HBsAg, HBeAb, albumin, and albumin/globulin ratio between the cured group and the uncured group (all P<0.05). The cured group tended to have a gradual increase in the level of Mindin, and the level of Mindin at 24 weeks was significantly higher than that at baseline (P<0.05). The cured group had a significantly higher level of Mindin protein than the uncured group at 24 weeks (P=0.019). The cured group had a significantly lower level of HBsAg than the uncured group (P<0.05), with a significant change from baseline to each time point within the cured group (P<0.05). In addition, the levels of ALT and AST in the cured group tended to first increase and then decrease, and the expression levels at 12 weeks were significantly higher than those at baseline (P<0.05). At 12 weeks, there was a strong linear correlation between Mindin protein levels and ALT in the untreated group (r=0.760 8, P<0.05), and further multiple linear regression analysis also demonstrated a linear relationship between the two (b=1.571, P=0.019). ConclusionThere is a significant difference in the level of Mindin protein between the cured group and the non-cured group after 24 weeks of PEG-IFNα-2b antiviral treatment, and therefore, detecting the dynamic changes of Mindin protein can better predict the treatment outcome of CHB, which provides a reference for clinical practice.
ObjectiveTo investigate the serum level of HBV RNA in untreated or treatment-experienced patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and the correlation between serum HBV RNA level and the duration of antiviral therapy with nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs). MethodsA total of 300 patients with CHB who attended Department of Infectious Diseases in The First Affiliated Hospital of Shihezi University School of Medicine from February to July, 2022, were enrolled as subjects. Related clinical data were collected, and according to the duration of antiviral therapy, they were divided into untreated group with 73 patients, treatment duration ≤1 year group with 91 patients, and treatment duration >1 year group with 136 patients. Serum HBV RNA load, HBV DNA load, and HBsAg concentration were measured for all patients. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of continuous data between two groups, and the Kruskal-Wallis H test was used for comparison between multiple groups, further pairwise comparison using Bonferroni method; the chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data; a Spearman correlation analysis was used to investigate the degree of correlation between various indicators. ResultsThe positive rate of HBeAg was 18.3%, and among the patients with negative HBV DNA, the patients with positive HBV RNA accounted for 44.1% (86/195). There was a significant difference in the distribution of the serum levels of HBV RNA, HBV DNA, and HBsAg between the positive HBeAg group and the negative HBeAg group (Z=10.740, 6.300, and 7.280, all P<0.05). There was a significant difference in the distribution of DNA level between the untreated group and the treatment duration ≤1 year group (P<0.05); there was a significant difference in the distribution of HBV RNA and HBV DNA levels between the untreated group and the treatment duration >1 year group (P<0.05); there was a significant difference in the distribution of HBV RNA, HBV DNA, and HBsAg levels between the treatment duration ≤1 year group and the treatment duration >1 year group (P<0.05). The correlation analysis between the duration of antiviral therapy and the levels of HBV RNA, HBV DNA, and HBsAg showed that the duration of antiviral therapy had an extremely weak negative correlation with the levels of HBV RNA and HBsAg (r=-0.247 and -0.138, both P<0.05) and a strong negative correlation with the level of HBV DNA (r=-0.771, P<0.001). There was a low degree of correlation between the serum level of HBV RNA and the serum levels of HBV DNA and HBsAg (r=0.360 and 0.442, both P<0.001). Further stratified analysis showed that in the untreated group, there was a strong positive correlation between HBV RNA and HBV DNA (r=0.752, P<0.001) and a moderate positive correlation between HBV RNA and HBsAg (r=0.559, P<0.001); in the treatment duration ≤1 year group, there was a low degree of positive correlation between HBV RNA and HBV DNA/HBsAg (r=0.396 and r=0.388, both P<0.001); in the treatment duration >1 year group, there was a low degree of positive correlation between HBV RNA and HBsAg (r=0.352, P<0.001). ConclusionSerum HBV RNA is negatively correlated with the duration of treatment with NAs, and the correlation of HBV RNA with HBV DNA and HBsAg gradually decreases with the increase in the duration of treatment. Therefore, it can be used as a supplementary indicator for monitoring the level of virologic response in CHB patients to a certain extent, with a relatively high accuracy in reflecting the level of viral replication in untreated patients.
Hepatitis E virus infection is a common cause of acute viral hepatitis. In recent years, the incidence of hepatitis E has shown an increasing trend, which has gradually become an important cause of acute viral hepatitis worldwide. Age, sex, intensity of immunosuppression and socio-economic factors are all risk factors for hepatitis E virus infection. Liver transplant recipients require long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs for anti rejection treatment, prone to hepatitis E virus infection and at the risk of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis due to immunosuppression status. Therefore, special attention should be paid to liver transplant recipients in clinical practice. Meantime, related risk factors should be identified to assist diagnosis and take stricter preventive measures. According to literature review, the etiological characteristics of hepatitis E virus and the epidemiological characteristics, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis E virus infection in liver transplant recipients were reviewed, aiming to properly monitor, treat and prevent hepatitis E virus infection in liver transplant recipients in clinical practice, improving the prognosis of liver transplant recipients.
As a marginal organ donor, organs from hepatitis C donors have been applied in solid organ transplantation. While effectively alleviating the shortage of organs, it also faces certain challenges, such as the spread of hepatitis C virus (HCV). With the emergence and application of direct-acting antiviral agent, the cure of hepatitis C has gradually become a reality, laying the foundation for hepatitis C patients to become organ transplant donors. At present, with adjuvant treatment using antiviral drugs, certain efficacy has been achieved in solid organ transplantation from hepatitis C donors. In this article, research progress in kidney, heart, lung and liver transplantation from hepatitis C donors, the application of hepatitis C donors in solid organ transplantation and the safety and effectiveness of antiviral drugs were reviewed, and the feasibility of hepatitis C donors in solid organ transplantation was evaluated, aiming to provide reference for expanding the donor pool of organ transplantation and shortening the waiting time for organ transplantation in patients with end-stage diseases.
<b>Objective</b> To investigate the long-term safety and effectiveness of withdrawal of hepatitis B immuneglobulin (HBIG) and/or nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs) to prevent hepatitis B virus (HBV) reinfection in liver transplant recipients with hepatitis B-related diseases after successful vaccination. <b>Methods</b> Baseline data of 76 liver transplant recipients undergoing hepatitis B immune reconstitution after receiving hepatitis B vaccines were retrospectively analyzed. The vaccination and response, the follow-up results of respondents with HBIG and/or NAs withdrawal, and the reinfection of HBV after withdrawal of HBIG and/or NAs were analyzed. <b>Results</b> The time interval from liver transplantation to hepatitis B vaccination was 26 (20, 40) months. The time interval from vaccination to response was 15 (8,27) months. Initially, 76 recipients withdrew HBIG, and 36 recipients withdrew HBIG and NAs. During the follow-up, 12 of 76 recipients who withdrew HBIG resumed use of HBIG, and 16 of 36 recipients who withdrew HBIG and NAs resumed use of NAs. The withdrawal time of HBIG and NAs was 135 (98,150) and 133 (34,149) months, respectively. Sixteen respondents did not receive booster, and 36 respondents received boosters on a regular basis. The time interval between the first booster and HBIG withdrawal was 44 (11,87) months. No significant differences were observed in baseline data between the respondents with and without boosters (all <i>P</i>>0.05). During the follow-up, 9 recipients were lost to follow-up, 5 were re-infected with HBV, 3 died, and 1 recipient developed graft loss and underwent secondary liver transplantation. Among 5 recipients re-infected with HBV, 4 cases had virus mutation. Significant differences were found between re-infected and uninfected patients regarding withdrawal of NAs and hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive before transplantation (both <i>P</i><0.05). <b>Conclusions</b> Long-term withdrawal of HBIG is feasible and safe for recipients with successful hepatitis B immune reconstitution after liver transplantation for hepatitis B-related diseases. Nevertheless, whether antiviral drugs can be simultaneously withdrawn remains to be validated.
With persistent breakthrough and maturity of surgical procedures and postoperative immunosuppressive therapy, the survival rate of liver transplant recipients and grafts has been significantly increased. The shortage of donor liver has become the main obstacle for clinical development of liver transplantation. How to expand the source of donor liver has become an urgent issue. Groundbreaking progresses have been made in the use of common marginal donor livers in clinical liver transplantation, such as elderly donor liver, steatosis donor liver, viral hepatitis donor liver and liver from donation after cardiac death. Nevertheless, multiple restrictions still exist regarding the use of marginal donor liver. Consequently, the definition of marginal donor liver and research progress in the application of common marginal donor livers were reviewed, and the opportunities and challenges of mariginal donoor liver were illustrated, aiming to provide reference for expanding the donor pool for clinical liver transplantation and bringing benefits to more patients with end-stage liver disease.
Objective Studies on the expression and location of zinc finger protein A20 (A20) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) in liver tissues of patients with chronic hepatitis B were conducted, and the relationship between them and liver fibrosis was determined by FibroScan. Methods Studies on A20 and CTGF in liver tissues of 160 patients with chronic hepatitis B were conducted in accordance with the stage of pathological fibrosis and inflammation of the liver, and quantitative immunohistochemistry test was conducted, and statistical analysis was conducted by FibroScan. Results The expressions of A20 and CTGF in liver tissues increased with the aggravation of liver pathological fibrosis and inflammation, and there were significant differences between each stage and the control group (P0.05). There was positive correlation between liver A20 and CTGF, r=0.796 (P<0.05). Conclusions In patients with chronic hepatitis B, A20, CTGF and FibroScan are positively correlated with the degree of liver fibrosis, and A20 and CTGF are also positively correlated with the degree of liver inflammation, which can be used as indicators to evaluate the degree of liver inflammation and fibrosis, and further guide the anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrosis treatment of patients.
Objective To analyze the application value of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in prognosis prediction of hepatitis B virus (HBV) associated liver failure. Methods A total of 135 patients with HBV-related liver failure who underwent treatment at the Infection Department of the Second People's Hospital of Yibin City from July 2020 to June 2022 were selected as the study subjects (observation group). Additionally, 100 patients who underwent physical examination in the hospital during the same period with normal indicators were selected as the control group. Serum levels of AFP and IL-6 were compared between the two groups. Factors influencing the prognosis of HBV-related liver failure were analyzed. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors affecting the prognosis of HBV-related liver failure patients. Results The levels of serum AFP and IL-6 in the control group were lower than those in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P10.0 pg/mL were risk factors affecting the prognosis of HBV-related liver failure. Conclusion Serum AFP and IL-6 can predict the prognosis of patients with HBV-related liver failure, which is worthy of clinical study.